Exemplo n.º 1
// Eine MapInfodatei öffnen
HRESULT CMiTabDatasource::OpenFile(const char *pszNewName, bool fUpdate, bool fTestOpen)
	_ASSERTE(NULL != pszNewName);
	if (NULL == pszNewName)
		return E_POINTER;

mitab_handle hMIF = NULL;

#if defined(_READWRITE)
	if (fUpdate)
		hMIF = mitab_c_create(pszNewName, NULL, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
#endif // defined(_READWRITE)
		hMIF = mitab_c_open (pszNewName);
	if (NULL == hMIF)
		return S_FALSE;
// Extract the basename of the file.
	// Create the layer object and add layer to data source layer list.
	os_path path (pszNewName);

		m_Layers.push_back (new CMiTabLayer(path.base().c_str(), hMIF, fUpdate));

	return S_OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void ReportFile( const char * pszFilename )

    mitab_handle	dataset;
    int			feature_id, num_fields;
    dataset = mitab_c_open( pszFilename );

    if( dataset == NULL )
        printf( "mitab_c_open(%s) failed.\n%s\n",
                pszFilename, mitab_c_getlasterrormsg() );
        exit( 1 );

    num_fields = mitab_c_get_field_count(dataset);

    for( feature_id = mitab_c_next_feature_id(dataset,-1);
         feature_id != -1;
         feature_id = mitab_c_next_feature_id(dataset,feature_id) )
        mitab_feature	feature;
        int feature_type, num_parts, partno, pointno, fieldno;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read next feature object                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        feature = mitab_c_read_feature( dataset, feature_id );
        if( feature == NULL )
            printf( "Failed to read feature %d.\n%s\n",
                    feature_id, mitab_c_getlasterrormsg() );
            exit( 1 );

        feature_type = mitab_c_get_type(feature);
        num_parts = mitab_c_get_parts(feature);

        printf( "Read feature %d: type=%d, num_parts=%d.\n", 
                feature_id, feature_type, num_parts  );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Dump the feature attributes...                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for(fieldno = 0; fieldno < num_fields; fieldno++)
            printf("  %s = %s\n", 
                     mitab_c_get_field_name(dataset, fieldno),
                     mitab_c_get_field_as_string(feature, fieldno) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      ... and coordinates.                                            */
/*      In real applications, we would probably want to handle each     */
/*      object type differently but we won't do it here.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for(partno = 0; partno < num_parts; partno++)
            int num_points = mitab_c_get_vertex_count(feature, partno);

            if (num_parts > 1)
                printf(" Part no %d:\n", partno);

            for(pointno = 0; pointno < num_points; pointno++)
                double dX, dY;
                dX = mitab_c_get_vertex_x(feature, partno, pointno);
                dY = mitab_c_get_vertex_y(feature, partno, pointno);

                printf("  %.16g %.16g\n", dX, dY);
        mitab_c_destroy_feature( feature );

    mitab_c_close( dataset );