int pseudo_client_shutdown(void) { pseudo_msg_t msg; pseudo_msg_t *ack; char *pseudo_path; pseudo_path = pseudo_prefix_path(NULL); if (pseudo_prefix_dir_fd == -1) { if (pseudo_path) { pseudo_prefix_dir_fd = open(pseudo_path, O_RDONLY); /* directory is missing? */ if (pseudo_prefix_dir_fd == -1 && errno == ENOENT) { pseudo_debug(1, "prefix directory doesn't exist, trying to create\n"); mkdir_p(pseudo_path); pseudo_prefix_dir_fd = open(pseudo_path, O_RDONLY); } pseudo_prefix_dir_fd = pseudo_fd(pseudo_prefix_dir_fd, COPY_FD); free(pseudo_path); } else { pseudo_diag("No prefix available to to find server.\n"); exit(1); } if (pseudo_prefix_dir_fd == -1) { pseudo_diag("Can't open prefix path (%s) for server. (%s)\n", pseudo_prefix_path(NULL), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } pseudo_path = pseudo_localstatedir_path(NULL); mkdir_p(pseudo_path); if (pseudo_localstate_dir_fd == -1) { if (pseudo_path) { pseudo_localstate_dir_fd = open(pseudo_path, O_RDONLY); /* directory is missing? */ if (pseudo_localstate_dir_fd == -1 && errno == ENOENT) { pseudo_debug(1, "local state dir doesn't exist, trying to create\n"); mkdir_p(pseudo_path); pseudo_localstate_dir_fd = open(pseudo_path, O_RDONLY); } pseudo_localstate_dir_fd = pseudo_fd(pseudo_localstate_dir_fd, COPY_FD); free(pseudo_path); } else { pseudo_diag("No prefix available to to find server.\n"); exit(1); } if (pseudo_localstate_dir_fd == -1) { pseudo_diag("Can't open local state path (%s) for server. (%s)\n", pseudo_localstatedir_path(NULL), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } if (client_connect()) { pseudo_diag("Pseudo server seems to be already offline.\n"); return 0; } memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(pseudo_msg_t)); msg.type = PSEUDO_MSG_SHUTDOWN; msg.op = OP_NONE; msg.client = getpid(); pseudo_debug(2, "sending shutdown request\n"); if (pseudo_msg_send(connect_fd, &msg, 0, NULL)) { pseudo_debug(1, "error requesting shutdown: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } ack = pseudo_msg_receive(connect_fd); if (!ack) { pseudo_diag("server did not respond to shutdown query.\n"); return 1; } if (ack->type == PSEUDO_MSG_ACK) { return 0; } pseudo_diag("Server refused shutdown. Remaining client fds: %d\n", ack->fd); pseudo_diag("Client pids: %s\n", ack->path); pseudo_diag("Server will shut down after all clients exit.\n"); return 0; }
/** * Hauptfunktion von Siedler II.5 Return to the Roots * * @param[in] argc Anzahl übergebener Argumente * @param[in] argv Array der übergebenen Argumente * * @return Exit Status, 0 bei Erfolg, > 0 bei Fehler * * @author FloSoft * @author OLiver */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if defined _WIN32 && defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER && !defined NOHWETRANS _set_se_translator(ExceptionHandler); #endif // _WIN32 && _DEBUG && !NOHWETRANS #if defined _WIN32 && defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER && !defined NOCRTDBG // Enable Memory-Leak-Detection _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF /*| _CRTDBG_CHECK_CRT_DF*/); #endif // _WIN32 && _DEBUG && !NOCRTDBG // Signal-Handler setzen #ifdef _WIN32 SetConsoleCtrlHandler(HandlerRoutine, TRUE); // set console window icon SendMessage(GetConsoleWindow(), WM_SETICON, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_SYMBOL))); // Set UTF-8 console charset SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8); #ifndef _MSC_VER signal(SIGSEGV, WinExceptionHandler); #else SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(WinExceptionHandler); #endif //AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1, WinExceptionHandler); #else struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = HandlerRoutine; sa.sa_flags = 0; //SA_RESTART would not allow to interrupt connect call; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); signal(SIGSEGV, LinExceptionHandler); #endif // _WIN32 // diverse dirs anlegen const unsigned int dir_count = 7; unsigned int dirs[dir_count] = { 94, 47, 48, 51, 85, 98, 99 }; // settingsdir muss zuerst angelegt werden (94) #ifdef _WIN32 if(IsDir(GetFilePath("~/Siedler II.5 RttR"))) MoveFileA(GetFilePath("~/Siedler II.5 RttR").c_str(), GetFilePath(FILE_PATHS[94]).c_str()); #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ if(IsDir(GetFilePath("~/.s25rttr"))) rename(GetFilePath("~/.s25rttr").c_str(), GetFilePath(FILE_PATHS[94]).c_str()); #endif for(unsigned int i = 0; i < dir_count; ++i) { std::string dir = GetFilePath(FILE_PATHS[dirs[i]]); if(mkdir_p(dir) < 0) { error("Verzeichnis %s konnte nicht erstellt werden: ", dir.c_str()); error("Das Spiel konnte nicht gestartet werden"); return 1; } } libsiedler2::setTextureFormat(libsiedler2::FORMAT_RGBA); libsiedler2::setAllocator(glAllocator); // Zufallsgenerator initialisieren (Achtung: nur für Animationens-Offsets interessant, für alles andere (spielentscheidende) wird unser Generator verwendet) srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(NULL))); // Exit-Handler initialisieren atexit(&ExitHandler); // Socketzeug initialisieren if(!Socket::Initialize()) { error("Konnte Sockets nicht initialisieren!"); return 1; } // Spiel starten if(!GAMEMANAGER.Start()) { error("Das Spiel konnte nicht gestartet werden"); return 1; } #ifndef NDEBUG if (argc > 1) { CreateServerInfo csi; csi.gamename = _("Unlimited Play"); csi.password = "******"; csi.port = 3665; csi.type = NP_LOCAL; csi.ipv6 = false; csi.use_upnp = false; printf("loading game!\n"); WindowManager::inst().Switch(new dskSelectMap(csi)); if(!GAMESERVER.TryToStart(csi, argv[1], MAPTYPE_SAVEGAME)) { if(!GAMESERVER.TryToStart(csi, argv[1], MAPTYPE_OLDMAP)) { GameWorldViewer* gwv; unsigned int error = GAMECLIENT.StartReplay(argv[1], gwv); std::string replay_errors[] = { _("Error while playing replay!"), _("Error while opening file!"), _("Invalid Replay!"), _("Error: Replay is too old!"), _("Program version is too old to play that replay!"), "", _("Temporary map file was not found!") }; if (error) { printf("ERROR: %s\n", replay_errors[error].c_str()); } else { WindowManager::inst().Switch(new dskGameLoader(gwv)); } } else { WindowManager::inst().Draw(); WindowManager::inst().Show(new iwPleaseWait); } } else { WindowManager::inst().Draw(); WindowManager::inst().Show(new iwPleaseWait); } } #endif // Hauptschleife while(GAMEMANAGER.Run()) { #ifndef _WIN32 extern bool killme; killme = false; #endif // !_WIN32 } // Spiel beenden GAMEMANAGER.Stop(); return 0; }
void pseudo_init_client(void) { char *env; pseudo_antimagic(); pseudo_new_pid(); if (connect_fd != -1) { close(connect_fd); connect_fd = -1; } /* in child processes, PSEUDO_DISABLED may have become set to * some truthy value, in which case we'd disable pseudo, * or it may have gone away, in which case we'd enable * pseudo (and cause it to reinit the defaults). */ env = getenv("PSEUDO_DISABLED"); if (!env) { env = pseudo_get_value("PSEUDO_DISABLED"); } if (env) { int actually_disabled = 1; switch (*env) { case '0': case 'f': case 'F': case 'n': case 'N': actually_disabled = 0; break; case 's': case 'S': actually_disabled = 0; pseudo_local_only = 1; break; } if (actually_disabled) { if (!pseudo_disabled) { pseudo_antimagic(); pseudo_disabled = 1; } pseudo_set_value("PSEUDO_DISABLED", "1"); } else { if (pseudo_disabled) { pseudo_magic(); pseudo_disabled = 0; pseudo_inited = 0; /* Re-read the initial values! */ } pseudo_set_value("PSEUDO_DISABLED", "0"); } } else { pseudo_set_value("PSEUDO_DISABLED", "0"); } /* Setup global items needed for pseudo to function... */ if (!pseudo_inited) { /* Ensure that all of the values are reset */ server_pid = 0; pseudo_prefix_dir_fd = -1; pseudo_localstate_dir_fd = -1; pseudo_pwd_fd = -1; pseudo_pwd_lck_fd = -1; pseudo_pwd_lck_name = NULL; pseudo_pwd = NULL; pseudo_grp_fd = -1; pseudo_grp = NULL; pseudo_cwd = NULL; pseudo_cwd_len = 0; pseudo_chroot = NULL; pseudo_passwd = NULL; pseudo_chroot_len = 0; pseudo_cwd_rel = NULL; pseudo_nosymlinkexp = 0; } if (!pseudo_disabled && !pseudo_inited) { char *pseudo_path = 0; pseudo_path = pseudo_prefix_path(NULL); if (pseudo_prefix_dir_fd == -1) { if (pseudo_path) { pseudo_prefix_dir_fd = open(pseudo_path, O_RDONLY); /* directory is missing? */ if (pseudo_prefix_dir_fd == -1 && errno == ENOENT) { pseudo_debug(1, "prefix directory doesn't exist, trying to create\n"); mkdir_p(pseudo_path); pseudo_prefix_dir_fd = open(pseudo_path, O_RDONLY); } pseudo_prefix_dir_fd = pseudo_fd(pseudo_prefix_dir_fd, MOVE_FD); } else { pseudo_diag("No prefix available to to find server.\n"); exit(1); } if (pseudo_prefix_dir_fd == -1) { pseudo_diag("Can't open prefix path (%s) for server: %s\n", pseudo_path, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } free(pseudo_path); pseudo_path = pseudo_localstatedir_path(NULL); if (pseudo_localstate_dir_fd == -1) { if (pseudo_path) { pseudo_localstate_dir_fd = open(pseudo_path, O_RDONLY); /* directory is missing? */ if (pseudo_localstate_dir_fd == -1 && errno == ENOENT) { pseudo_debug(1, "local state directory doesn't exist, trying to create\n"); mkdir_p(pseudo_path); pseudo_localstate_dir_fd = open(pseudo_path, O_RDONLY); } pseudo_localstate_dir_fd = pseudo_fd(pseudo_localstate_dir_fd, MOVE_FD); } else { pseudo_diag("No prefix available to to find server.\n"); exit(1); } if (pseudo_localstate_dir_fd == -1) { pseudo_diag("Can't open local state path (%s) for server: %s\n", pseudo_path, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } free(pseudo_path); env = pseudo_get_value("PSEUDO_NOSYMLINKEXP"); if (env) { char *endptr; /* if the environment variable is not an empty string, * parse it; "0" means turn NOSYMLINKEXP off, "1" means * turn it on (disabling the feature). An empty string * or something we can't parse means to set the flag; this * is a safe default because if you didn't want the flag * set, you normally wouldn't set the environment variable * at all. */ if (*env) { pseudo_nosymlinkexp = strtol(env, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr) pseudo_nosymlinkexp = 1; } else { pseudo_nosymlinkexp = 1; } } else { pseudo_nosymlinkexp = 0; } free(env); env = pseudo_get_value("PSEUDO_UIDS"); if (env) sscanf(env, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &pseudo_ruid, &pseudo_euid, &pseudo_suid, &pseudo_fuid); free(env); env = pseudo_get_value("PSEUDO_GIDS"); if (env) sscanf(env, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &pseudo_rgid, &pseudo_egid, &pseudo_sgid, &pseudo_fuid); free(env); env = pseudo_get_value("PSEUDO_CHROOT"); if (env) { pseudo_chroot = strdup(env); if (pseudo_chroot) { pseudo_chroot_len = strlen(pseudo_chroot); } else { pseudo_diag("can't store chroot path (%s)\n", env); } } free(env); env = pseudo_get_value("PSEUDO_PASSWD"); if (env) { pseudo_passwd = strdup(env); } free(env); pseudo_inited = 1; } if (!pseudo_disabled) pseudo_client_getcwd(); pseudo_magic(); }
static int scrub_start(int argc, char **argv, int resume) { int fdmnt; int prg_fd = -1; int fdres = -1; int ret; pid_t pid; int c; int i; int err = 0; int e_uncorrectable = 0; int e_correctable = 0; int print_raw = 0; char *path; int do_background = 1; int do_wait = 0; int do_print = 0; int do_quiet = 0; int do_record = 1; int readonly = 0; int do_stats_per_dev = 0; int ioprio_class = IOPRIO_CLASS_IDLE; int ioprio_classdata = 0; int n_start = 0; int n_skip = 0; int n_resume = 0; struct btrfs_ioctl_fs_info_args fi_args; struct btrfs_ioctl_dev_info_args *di_args = NULL; struct scrub_progress *sp = NULL; struct scrub_fs_stat fs_stat; struct timeval tv; struct sockaddr_un addr = { .sun_family = AF_UNIX, }; pthread_t *t_devs = NULL; pthread_t t_prog; struct scrub_file_record **past_scrubs = NULL; struct scrub_file_record *last_scrub = NULL; char *datafile = strdup(SCRUB_DATA_FILE); char fsid[BTRFS_UUID_UNPARSED_SIZE]; char sock_path[PATH_MAX] = ""; struct scrub_progress_cycle spc; pthread_mutex_t spc_write_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; void *terr; u64 devid; DIR *dirstream = NULL; int force = 0; int nothing_to_resume = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "BdqrRc:n:f")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'B': do_background = 0; do_wait = 1; do_print = 1; break; case 'd': do_stats_per_dev = 1; break; case 'q': do_quiet = 1; break; case 'r': readonly = 1; break; case 'R': print_raw = 1; break; case 'c': ioprio_class = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 'n': ioprio_classdata = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 'f': force = 1; break; case '?': default: usage(resume ? cmd_scrub_resume_usage : cmd_scrub_start_usage); } } /* try to catch most error cases before forking */ if (check_argc_exact(argc - optind, 1)) { usage(resume ? cmd_scrub_resume_usage : cmd_scrub_start_usage); } spc.progress = NULL; if (do_quiet && do_print) do_print = 0; if (mkdir_p(datafile)) { warning_on(!do_quiet, "cannot create scrub data file, mkdir %s failed: %s. Status recording disabled", datafile, strerror(errno)); do_record = 0; } free(datafile); path = argv[optind]; fdmnt = open_path_or_dev_mnt(path, &dirstream, !do_quiet); if (fdmnt < 0) return 1; ret = get_fs_info(path, &fi_args, &di_args); if (ret) { error_on(!do_quiet, "getting dev info for scrub failed: %s", strerror(-ret)); err = 1; goto out; } if (!fi_args.num_devices) { error_on(!do_quiet, "no devices found"); err = 1; goto out; } uuid_unparse(fi_args.fsid, fsid); fdres = scrub_open_file_r(SCRUB_DATA_FILE, fsid); if (fdres < 0 && fdres != -ENOENT) { warning_on(!do_quiet, "failed to open status file: %s", strerror(-fdres)); } else if (fdres >= 0) { past_scrubs = scrub_read_file(fdres, !do_quiet); if (IS_ERR(past_scrubs)) warning_on(!do_quiet, "failed to read status file: %s", strerror(-PTR_ERR(past_scrubs))); close(fdres); } /* * Check for stale information in the status file, ie. if it's * canceled=0, finished=0 but no scrub is running. */ if (!is_scrub_running_in_kernel(fdmnt, di_args, fi_args.num_devices)) force = 1; /* * check whether any involved device is already busy running a * scrub. This would cause damaged status messages and the state * "aborted" without the explanation that a scrub was already * running. Therefore check it first, prevent it and give some * feedback to the user if scrub is already running. * Note that if scrub is started with a block device as the * parameter, only that particular block device is checked. It * is a normal mode of operation to start scrub on multiple * single devices, there is no reason to prevent this. */ if (!force && is_scrub_running_on_fs(&fi_args, di_args, past_scrubs)) { error_on(!do_quiet, "Scrub is already running.\n" "To cancel use 'btrfs scrub cancel %s'.\n" "To see the status use 'btrfs scrub status [-d] %s'", path, path); err = 1; goto out; } t_devs = malloc(fi_args.num_devices * sizeof(*t_devs)); sp = calloc(fi_args.num_devices, sizeof(*sp)); spc.progress = calloc(fi_args.num_devices * 2, sizeof(*spc.progress)); if (!t_devs || !sp || !spc.progress) { error_on(!do_quiet, "scrub failed: %s", strerror(errno)); err = 1; goto out; } for (i = 0; i < fi_args.num_devices; ++i) { devid = di_args[i].devid; ret = pthread_mutex_init(&sp[i].progress_mutex, NULL); if (ret) { error_on(!do_quiet, "pthread_mutex_init failed: %s", strerror(ret)); err = 1; goto out; } last_scrub = last_dev_scrub(past_scrubs, devid); sp[i].scrub_args.devid = devid; sp[i].fd = fdmnt; if (resume && last_scrub && (last_scrub->stats.canceled || !last_scrub->stats.finished)) { ++n_resume; sp[i].scrub_args.start = last_scrub->p.last_physical; sp[i].resumed = last_scrub; } else if (resume) { ++n_skip; sp[i].skip = 1; sp[i].resumed = last_scrub; continue; } else { ++n_start; sp[i].scrub_args.start = 0ll; sp[i].resumed = NULL; } sp[i].skip = 0; sp[i].scrub_args.end = (u64)-1ll; sp[i].scrub_args.flags = readonly ? BTRFS_SCRUB_READONLY : 0; sp[i].ioprio_class = ioprio_class; sp[i].ioprio_classdata = ioprio_classdata; } if (!n_start && !n_resume) { if (!do_quiet) printf("scrub: nothing to resume for %s, fsid %s\n", path, fsid); nothing_to_resume = 1; goto out; } ret = prg_fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); while (ret != -1) { ret = scrub_datafile(SCRUB_PROGRESS_SOCKET_PATH, fsid, NULL, sock_path, sizeof(sock_path)); /* ignore EOVERFLOW, try using a shorter path for the socket */ addr.sun_path[sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1] = '\0'; strncpy(addr.sun_path, sock_path, sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1); ret = bind(prg_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)); if (ret != -1 || errno != EADDRINUSE) break; /* * bind failed with EADDRINUSE. so let's see if anyone answers * when we make a call to the socket ... */ ret = connect(prg_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)); if (!ret || errno != ECONNREFUSED) { /* ... yes, so scrub must be running. error out */ error("scrub already running"); close(prg_fd); prg_fd = -1; goto out; } /* * ... no, this means someone left us alone with an unused * socket in the file system. remove it and try again. */ ret = unlink(sock_path); } if (ret != -1) ret = listen(prg_fd, 100); if (ret == -1) { warning_on(!do_quiet, "failed to open the progress status socket at %s: %s. Progress cannot be queried", sock_path[0] ? sock_path : SCRUB_PROGRESS_SOCKET_PATH, strerror(errno)); if (prg_fd != -1) { close(prg_fd); prg_fd = -1; if (sock_path[0]) unlink(sock_path); } } if (do_record) { /* write all-zero progress file for a start */ ret = scrub_write_progress(&spc_write_mutex, fsid, sp, fi_args.num_devices); if (ret) { warning_on(!do_quiet, "failed to write the progress status file: %s. Status recording disabled", strerror(-ret)); do_record = 0; } } if (do_background) { pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { error_on(!do_quiet, "cannot scrub, fork failed: %s", strerror(errno)); err = 1; goto out; } if (pid) { int stat; scrub_handle_sigint_parent(); if (!do_quiet) printf("scrub %s on %s, fsid %s (pid=%d)\n", n_start ? "started" : "resumed", path, fsid, pid); if (!do_wait) { err = 0; goto out; } ret = wait(&stat); if (ret != pid) { error_on(!do_quiet, "wait failed (ret=%d): %s", ret, strerror(errno)); err = 1; goto out; } if (!WIFEXITED(stat) || WEXITSTATUS(stat)) { error_on(!do_quiet, "scrub process failed"); err = WIFEXITED(stat) ? WEXITSTATUS(stat) : -1; goto out; } err = 0; goto out; } } scrub_handle_sigint_child(fdmnt); for (i = 0; i < fi_args.num_devices; ++i) { if (sp[i].skip) { sp[i].scrub_args.progress = sp[i].resumed->p; sp[i].stats = sp[i].resumed->stats; sp[i].ret = 0; sp[i].stats.finished = 1; continue; } devid = di_args[i].devid; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); sp[i].stats.t_start = tv.tv_sec; ret = pthread_create(&t_devs[i], NULL, scrub_one_dev, &sp[i]); if (ret) { if (do_print) error("creating scrub_one_dev[%llu] thread failed: %s", devid, strerror(ret)); err = 1; goto out; } } spc.fdmnt = fdmnt; spc.prg_fd = prg_fd; spc.do_record = do_record; spc.write_mutex = &spc_write_mutex; spc.shared_progress = sp; = &fi_args; ret = pthread_create(&t_prog, NULL, scrub_progress_cycle, &spc); if (ret) { if (do_print) error("creating progress thread failed: %s", strerror(ret)); err = 1; goto out; } err = 0; for (i = 0; i < fi_args.num_devices; ++i) { if (sp[i].skip) continue; devid = di_args[i].devid; ret = pthread_join(t_devs[i], NULL); if (ret) { if (do_print) error("pthread_join failed for scrub_one_dev[%llu]: %s", devid, strerror(ret)); ++err; continue; } if (sp[i].ret) { switch (sp[i].ioctl_errno) { case ENODEV: if (do_print) warning("device %lld not present", devid); continue; case ECANCELED: ++err; break; default: if (do_print) error("scrubbing %s failed for device id %lld: ret=%d, errno=%d (%s)", path, devid, sp[i].ret, sp[i].ioctl_errno, strerror(sp[i].ioctl_errno)); ++err; continue; } } if (sp[i].scrub_args.progress.uncorrectable_errors > 0) e_uncorrectable++; if (sp[i].scrub_args.progress.corrected_errors > 0 || sp[i].scrub_args.progress.unverified_errors > 0) e_correctable++; } if (do_print) { const char *append = "done"; if (!do_stats_per_dev) init_fs_stat(&fs_stat); for (i = 0; i < fi_args.num_devices; ++i) { if (do_stats_per_dev) { print_scrub_dev(&di_args[i], &sp[i].scrub_args.progress, print_raw, sp[i].ret ? "canceled" : "done", &sp[i].stats); } else { if (sp[i].ret) append = "canceled"; add_to_fs_stat(&sp[i].scrub_args.progress, &sp[i].stats, &fs_stat); } } if (!do_stats_per_dev) { printf("scrub %s for %s\n", append, fsid); print_fs_stat(&fs_stat, print_raw); } } ret = pthread_cancel(t_prog); if (!ret) ret = pthread_join(t_prog, &terr); /* check for errors from the handling of the progress thread */ if (do_print && ret) { error("progress thread handling failed: %s", strerror(ret)); } /* check for errors returned from the progress thread itself */ if (do_print && terr && terr != PTHREAD_CANCELED) error("recording progress failed: %s", strerror(-PTR_ERR(terr))); if (do_record) { ret = scrub_write_progress(&spc_write_mutex, fsid, sp, fi_args.num_devices); if (ret && do_print) error("failed to record the result: %s", strerror(-ret)); } scrub_handle_sigint_child(-1); out: free_history(past_scrubs); free(di_args); free(t_devs); free(sp); free(spc.progress); if (prg_fd > -1) { close(prg_fd); if (sock_path[0]) unlink(sock_path); } close_file_or_dir(fdmnt, dirstream); if (err) return 1; if (nothing_to_resume) return 2; if (e_uncorrectable) { error_on(!do_quiet, "there are uncorrectable errors"); return 3; } if (e_correctable) warning_on(!do_quiet, "errors detected during scrubbing, corrected"); return 0; }
static int stdout_stream_save(StdoutStream *s) { _cleanup_free_ char *temp_path = NULL; _cleanup_fclose_ FILE *f = NULL; int r; assert(s); if (s->state != STDOUT_STREAM_RUNNING) return 0; if (!s->state_file) { struct stat st; r = fstat(s->fd, &st); if (r < 0) return log_warning_errno(errno, "Failed to stat connected stream: %m"); /* We use device and inode numbers as identifier for the stream */ if (asprintf(&s->state_file, "/run/systemd/journal/streams/%lu:%lu", (unsigned long) st.st_dev, (unsigned long) st.st_ino) < 0) return log_oom(); } mkdir_p("/run/systemd/journal/streams", 0755); r = fopen_temporary(s->state_file, &f, &temp_path); if (r < 0) goto fail; fprintf(f, "# This is private data. Do not parse\n" "PRIORITY=%i\n" "LEVEL_PREFIX=%i\n" "FORWARD_TO_SYSLOG=%i\n" "FORWARD_TO_KMSG=%i\n" "FORWARD_TO_CONSOLE=%i\n" "STREAM_ID=%s\n", s->priority, s->level_prefix, s->forward_to_syslog, s->forward_to_kmsg, s->forward_to_console, s->id_field + strlen("_STREAM_ID=")); if (!isempty(s->identifier)) { _cleanup_free_ char *escaped; escaped = cescape(s->identifier); if (!escaped) { r = -ENOMEM; goto fail; } fprintf(f, "IDENTIFIER=%s\n", escaped); } if (!isempty(s->unit_id)) { _cleanup_free_ char *escaped; escaped = cescape(s->unit_id); if (!escaped) { r = -ENOMEM; goto fail; } fprintf(f, "UNIT=%s\n", escaped); } r = fflush_and_check(f); if (r < 0) goto fail; if (rename(temp_path, s->state_file) < 0) { r = -errno; goto fail; } if (!s->fdstore && !s->in_notify_queue) { LIST_PREPEND(stdout_stream_notify_queue, s->server->stdout_streams_notify_queue, s); s->in_notify_queue = true; if (s->server->notify_event_source) { r = sd_event_source_set_enabled(s->server->notify_event_source, SD_EVENT_ON); if (r < 0) log_warning_errno(r, "Failed to enable notify event source: %m"); } } return 0; fail: (void) unlink(s->state_file); if (temp_path) (void) unlink(temp_path); return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to save stream data %s: %m", s->state_file); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"legal", no_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q'}, {"repl", no_argument, NULL, 'r'}, {"static-fns", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"elide-asserts", no_argument, NULL, 'a'}, {"cache", required_argument, NULL, 'k'}, {"eval", required_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {"theme", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"classpath", required_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"auto-cache", no_argument, NULL, 'K'}, {"init", required_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"main", required_argument, NULL, 'm'}, // development options {"javascript", no_argument, NULL, 'j'}, {"out", required_argument, NULL, 'o'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int opt, option_index; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h?lvrsak:je:t:c:o:Ki:qm:", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'h': usage(argv[0]); exit(0); case 'l': legal(); return 0; case 'v': verbose = true; break; case 'q': quiet = true; break; case 'r': repl = true; break; case 's': static_fns = true; break; case 'a': elide_asserts = true; break; case 'k': cache_path = argv[optind - 1]; break; case 'K': cache_path = ".planck_cache"; { char *path_copy = strdup(cache_path); char *dir = dirname(path_copy); if (mkdir_p(dir) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create %s: %s\n", cache_path, strerror(errno)); } free(path_copy); } break; case 'j': javascript = true; break; case 'e': num_scripts += 1; scripts = realloc(scripts, num_scripts * sizeof(struct script)); scripts[num_scripts - 1].type = "text"; scripts[num_scripts - 1].expression = true; scripts[num_scripts - 1].source = argv[optind - 1]; break; case 'i': num_scripts += 1; scripts = realloc(scripts, num_scripts * sizeof(struct script)); scripts[num_scripts - 1].type = "path"; scripts[num_scripts - 1].expression = false; scripts[num_scripts - 1].source = argv[optind - 1]; break; case 'm': main_ns_name = argv[optind - 1]; case 't': theme = argv[optind - 1]; break; case 'c': { char *classpath = argv[optind - 1]; char *source = strtok(classpath, ":"); while (source != NULL) { char *type = "src"; if (str_has_suffix(source, ".jar") == 0) { type = "jar"; } num_src_paths += 1; src_paths = realloc(src_paths, num_src_paths * sizeof(struct src_path)); src_paths[num_src_paths - 1].type = type; src_paths[num_src_paths - 1].path = strdup(source); source = strtok(NULL, ":"); } break; } case 'o': out_path = argv[optind - 1]; break; case '?': usage(argv[0]); exit(1); default: printf("unhandled argument: %c\n", opt); } } int num_rest_args = 0; char **rest_args = NULL; if (optind < argc) { num_rest_args = argc - optind; rest_args = malloc((argc - optind) * sizeof(char*)); int i = 0; while (optind < argc) { rest_args[i++] = argv[optind++]; } } if (num_scripts == 0 && main_ns_name == NULL && num_rest_args == 0) { repl = true; } if (main_ns_name != NULL && repl) { printf("Only one main-opt can be specified."); } JSGlobalContextRef ctx = JSGlobalContextCreate(NULL); global_ctx = ctx; JSStringRef nameRef = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("planck"); JSGlobalContextSetName(ctx, nameRef); evaluate_script(ctx, "var global = this;", "<init>"); register_global_function(ctx, "AMBLY_IMPORT_SCRIPT", function_import_script); bootstrap(ctx, out_path); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_CONSOLE_LOG", function_console_log); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_CONSOLE_ERROR", function_console_error); evaluate_script(ctx, "var console = {};"\ "console.log = PLANCK_CONSOLE_LOG;"\ "console.error = PLANCK_CONSOLE_ERROR;", "<init>"); evaluate_script(ctx, "var PLANCK_VERSION = \"" PLANCK_VERSION "\";", "<init>"); // require app namespaces evaluate_script(ctx, "goog.require('planck.repl');", "<init>"); // without this things won't work evaluate_script(ctx, "var window = global;", "<init>"); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_READ_FILE", function_read_file); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_LOAD", function_load); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_LOAD_DEPS_CLJS_FILES", function_load_deps_cljs_files); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_CACHE", function_cache); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_EVAL", function_eval); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_GET_TERM_SIZE", function_get_term_size); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_PRINT_FN", function_print_fn); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_PRINT_ERR_FN", function_print_err_fn); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_SET_EXIT_VALUE", function_set_exit_value); is_tty = isatty(STDIN_FILENO) == 1; register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_RAW_READ_STDIN", function_raw_read_stdin); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_RAW_WRITE_STDOUT", function_raw_write_stdout); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_RAW_FLUSH_STDOUT", function_raw_flush_stdout); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_RAW_WRITE_STDERR", function_raw_write_stderr); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_RAW_FLUSH_STDERR", function_raw_flush_stderr); register_global_function(ctx, "PLANCK_REQUEST", function_http_request); { JSValueRef arguments[num_rest_args]; for (int i = 0; i < num_rest_args; i++) { arguments[i] = c_string_to_value(ctx, rest_args[i]); } JSValueRef args_ref = JSObjectMakeArray(ctx, num_rest_args, arguments, NULL); JSValueRef global_obj = JSContextGetGlobalObject(ctx); JSStringRef prop = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("PLANCK_INITIAL_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS"); JSObjectSetProperty(ctx, JSValueToObject(ctx, global_obj, NULL), prop, args_ref, kJSPropertyAttributeNone, NULL); JSStringRelease(prop); } evaluate_script(ctx, ",PLANCK_PRINT_FN);", "<init>"); evaluate_script(ctx, ",PLANCK_PRINT_ERR_FN);", "<init>"); char *elide_script = str_concat("cljs.core._STAR_assert_STAR_ = ", elide_asserts ? "false" : "true"); evaluate_script(ctx, elide_script, "<init>"); free(elide_script); { JSValueRef arguments[4]; arguments[0] = JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, repl); arguments[1] = JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, verbose); JSValueRef cache_path_ref = NULL; if (cache_path != NULL) { JSStringRef cache_path_str = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(cache_path); cache_path_ref = JSValueMakeString(ctx, cache_path_str); } arguments[2] = cache_path_ref; arguments[3] = JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, static_fns); JSValueRef ex = NULL; JSObjectCallAsFunction(ctx, get_function(ctx, "planck.repl", "init"), JSContextGetGlobalObject(ctx), 4, arguments, &ex); debug_print_value("planck.repl/init", ctx, ex); } if (repl) { evaluate_source(ctx, "text", "(require '[planck.repl :refer-macros [apropos dir find-doc doc source pst]])", true, false, "cljs.user", "dumb"); } evaluate_script(ctx, "goog.provide('cljs.user');", "<init>"); evaluate_script(ctx, "goog.require('cljs.core');", "<init>"); evaluate_script(ctx, "cljs.core._STAR_assert_STAR_ = true;", "<init>"); // Process init arguments for (int i = 0; i < num_scripts; i++) { // TODO: exit if not successfull evaluate_source(ctx, scripts[i].type, scripts[i].source, scripts[i].expression, false, NULL, theme); } // Process main arguments if (main_ns_name != NULL) { run_main_in_ns(ctx, main_ns_name, num_rest_args, rest_args); } else if (!repl && num_rest_args > 0) { char *path = rest_args[0]; struct script script; if (strcmp(path, "-") == 0) { char *source = read_all(stdin); script.type = "text"; script.source = source; script.expression = false; } else { script.type = "path"; script.source = path; script.expression = false; } evaluate_source(ctx, script.type, script.source, script.expression, false, NULL, theme); } else if (repl) { if (!quiet) { banner(); } char *home = getenv("HOME"); char *history_path = NULL; if (home != NULL) { char history_name[] = ".planck_history"; int len = strlen(home) + strlen(history_name) + 2; history_path = malloc(len * sizeof(char)); snprintf(history_path, len, "%s/%s", home, history_name); linenoiseHistoryLoad(history_path); } if (!javascript) { linenoiseSetCompletionCallback(completion); } char *prompt = javascript ? " > " : "cljs.user=> "; char *current_ns = get_current_ns(ctx); if (!javascript) { prompt = str_concat(current_ns, "=> "); } char *line; while ((line = linenoise(prompt, "\x1b[36m", 0)) != NULL) { if (javascript) { JSValueRef res = evaluate_script(ctx, line, "<stdin>"); print_value("", ctx, res); } else { evaluate_source(ctx, "text", line, true, true, current_ns, theme); char *new_ns = get_current_ns(ctx); free(current_ns); free(prompt); current_ns = new_ns; prompt = str_concat(current_ns, "=> "); } linenoiseHistoryAdd(line); if (history_path != NULL) { linenoiseHistorySave(history_path); } free(line); } } return exit_value; }
std::string FileTransferCurl::Download(FileDownloadInfo *downloadInfo) { CURL *curl; FILE *fp; CURLcode result; std::string result_string; bool error = 0; int http_status = 0; const char *source = (downloadInfo->source).c_str(); const char *target = (downloadInfo->target).c_str(); std::string source_escaped(curl_easy_escape(curl, curl_easy_escape(curl, source, 0), 0)); std::string target_escaped(curl_easy_escape(curl, curl_easy_escape(curl, target, 0), 0)); const char *targetDir = downloadInfo->target.substr(0, downloadInfo->target.find_last_of('/')).c_str(); // Check if target directory exists with write permissions if (access(targetDir, R_OK)) { if (mkdir_p(targetDir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG)) { return buildDownloadErrorString(PERMISSIONS_ERR, source_escaped, target_escaped, http_status); } } curl = curl_easy_init(); if (!curl) { return buildDownloadErrorString(CONNECTION_ERR, source_escaped, target_escaped, http_status); } fp = fopen(target, "wb"); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, source); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, DownloadWriteCallback); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, fp); // Check domain bool blockedDomain = false; const std::string parsedDomain(parseDomain(downloadInfo->source.c_str())); const DomainVerifyMap::iterator findDomain = m_pVerifyMap->find(parsedDomain); if (findDomain != m_pVerifyMap->end()) { if (findDomain->second) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L); } else { blockedDomain = true; } } result = curl_easy_perform(curl); if (result == CURLE_SSL_CACERT) { if (!blockedDomain) { result = openDialog(curl, downloadInfo->windowGroup, parsedDomain); } } if (result == CURLE_OK) { curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_status); if (http_status >= 200 && http_status < 300) { result_string = buildDownloadSuccessString(true, false, downloadInfo->source.substr(downloadInfo->source.find_last_of('/')+1), downloadInfo->target); } else if (http_status == 404) { error = 1; result_string = buildDownloadErrorString(FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR, source_escaped, target_escaped, http_status); } else if (http_status >= 400 && http_status < 500) { error = 1; result_string = buildDownloadErrorString(INVALID_URL_ERR, source_escaped, target_escaped, http_status); } else { error = 1; result_string = buildDownloadErrorString(CONNECTION_ERR, source_escaped, target_escaped, http_status); } } else { FileTransferErrorCodes error_code; switch (result) { case CURLE_READ_ERROR: case CURLE_FILE_COULDNT_READ_FILE: error_code = FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR; break; case CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT: error_code = INVALID_URL_ERR; break; default: error_code = CONNECTION_ERR; break; } error = 1; result_string = buildDownloadErrorString(error_code, source_escaped, target_escaped, http_status); } fclose(fp); if (error) { remove(downloadInfo->target.c_str()); } curl_easy_cleanup(curl); return result_string; }
int machine_id_setup(void) { int fd, r; bool writable; struct stat st; char id[34]; /* 32 + \n + \0 */ mode_t m; m = umask(0000); /* We create this 0444, to indicate that this isn't really * something you should ever modify. Of course, since the file * will be owned by root it doesn't matter much, but maybe * people look. */ if ((fd = open("/etc/machine-id", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_CLOEXEC|O_NOCTTY, 0444)) >= 0) writable = true; else { if ((fd = open("/etc/machine-id", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC|O_NOCTTY)) < 0) { umask(m); log_error("Cannot open /etc/machine-id: %m"); return -errno; } writable = false; } umask(m); if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0) { log_error("fstat() failed: %m"); r = -errno; goto finish; } if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { if (loop_read(fd, id, 32, false) >= 32) { r = 0; goto finish; } } /* Hmm, so, the id currently stored is not useful, then let's * generate one */ if ((r = generate(id)) < 0) goto finish; if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && writable) { lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); if (loop_write(fd, id, 33, false) == 33) { r = 0; goto finish; } } close_nointr_nofail(fd); fd = -1; /* Hmm, we couldn't write it? So let's write it to * /run/systemd/machine-id as a replacement */ mkdir_p("/run/systemd", 0755); if ((r = write_one_line_file("/run/systemd/machine-id", id)) < 0) { log_error("Cannot write /run/systemd/machine-id: %s", strerror(-r)); unlink("/run/systemd/machine-id"); goto finish; } /* And now, let's mount it over */ r = mount("/run/systemd/machine-id", "/etc/machine-id", "bind", MS_BIND|MS_RDONLY, NULL) < 0 ? -errno : 0; unlink("/run/systemd/machine-id"); if (r < 0) log_error("Failed to mount /etc/machine-id: %s", strerror(-r)); else log_info("Installed transient /etc/machine-id file."); finish: if (fd >= 0) close_nointr_nofail(fd); return r; }
static void dumpPlugin_packet(u_char new_bucket, void* pluginData, HashBucket* bkt, u_short proto, u_char isFragment, u_short numPkts, u_char tos, u_short vlanId, struct ether_header *ehdr, IpAddress *src, u_short sport, IpAddress *dst, u_short dport, u_int len, u_int8_t flags, u_int8_t icmpType, u_short numMplsLabels, u_char mplsLabels[MAX_NUM_MPLS_LABELS][MPLS_LABEL_LEN], char *fingerprint, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *p, u_char *payload, int payloadLen) { if(new_bucket) { PluginInformation *info; /* The file has not yet been created */ char buf[32], buf1[32], filePath[PATH_LEN], dirPath[PATH_LEN]; time_t now = time(NULL); FILE *fd; struct tm t; char *prefix; info = (PluginInformation*)malloc(sizeof(PluginInformation)); if(info == NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Not enough memory?"); return; /* Not enough memory */ } info->pluginPtr = (void*)&dumpPlugin; pluginData = info->pluginData = malloc(sizeof(struct plugin_info)); if(info->pluginData == NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Not enough memory?"); free(info); return; /* Not enough memory */ } info->next = bkt->plugin; bkt->plugin = info; #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "dumpPlugin_create called.\n"); #endif strftime(dirPath, sizeof(dirPath), "/%G/%b/%e/%H/%M/", localtime_r(&now, &t)); if( (bkt->sport == 25) || (bkt->dport == 25)) prefix = "smtp"; else if((bkt->sport == 110) || (bkt->dport == 110)) prefix = "pop"; else if((bkt->sport == 143) || (bkt->dport == 143)) prefix = "imap"; else if((bkt->sport == 220) || (bkt->dport == 220)) prefix = "imap3"; else prefix = "data"; snprintf(filePath, sizeof(filePath), "%s/%s/%s:%d_%s:%d-%u.%s", BASE_PATH, dirPath, _intoa(bkt->src, buf, sizeof(buf)), (int)bkt->sport, _intoa(bkt->dst, buf1, sizeof(buf1)), (int)bkt->dport, (unsigned int)now, prefix); fd = fopen(filePath, "w+"); if(fd == NULL) { char fullPath[256]; /* Maybe the directory has not been created yet */ snprintf(fullPath, sizeof(fullPath), "%s/%s", BASE_PATH, dirPath); mkdir_p(fullPath); fd = fopen(filePath, "w+"); } if(fd != NULL) { struct plugin_info* infos = (struct plugin_info*)pluginData; #ifdef DEBUG traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "Saving flow into %s", filePath); #endif infos->fd = fd; infos->file_path = strdup(filePath); } } if((payload == NULL) || (payloadLen == 0)) return; /* Nothing to save */ if(pluginData != NULL) (void)fwrite(payload, payloadLen, 1, ((struct plugin_info *)pluginData)->fd); }
void mkdir_p(const std::string &dir) { mkdir_p(boost::filesystem::path(dir)); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { kumy_file_t *kumy; miniseed_file_t *mseed[KUMY_FILE_CHANNELS]; int32_t frame[KUMY_FILE_CHANNELS]; uint64_t frames, l, frames_per_file, frames_total, frame_count = 0; int i; char oname[1024], folder[1024]; uint32_t sample_rate, seconds_per_file; int percent = 0, old_percent = -1; int compression = 1, show_progress = 1; char *infile = 0; struct taia start_time; /* 1871 */ struct taia stop_time; /* 1951 */ struct taia sync_time; /* 2031 */ struct taia skew_time; /* 2111 */ struct caltime ct; struct taia tt, dt; program = argv[0]; parse_options(&argc, &argv, OPTIONS( FLAG('n', "no-compression", compression, 0), FLAG('q', "quiet", show_progress, 0), FLAG_CALLBACK('h', "help", usage) )); if (argc < 2) { usage(0, 0, 0); } infile = argv[1]; if (!(kumy = kumy_file_open(infile))) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid file: %s.\n", infile); return -1; } parse_text_date(&start_time, kumy->text_header[0].content + 1871); parse_text_date(&stop_time, kumy->text_header[0].content + 1951); parse_text_date(&sync_time, kumy->text_header[0].content + 2031); parse_text_date(&skew_time, kumy->text_header[0].content + 2111); sample_rate = 1000000 / kumy->binary_header[0].sample_interval; if (sample_rate <= 250) { seconds_per_file = 86400; } else if (sample_rate <= 500) { seconds_per_file = 43200; } else if (sample_rate <= 1000) { seconds_per_file = 21600; } else if (sample_rate <= 2000) { seconds_per_file = 10800; } else { seconds_per_file = 5400; } frames_per_file = sample_rate * seconds_per_file; frames_total = kumy->binary_header[0].num_samples; caltime_utc(&ct, &start_time.sec, 0, 0); ct.hour = 0; ct.minute = 0; ct.second = 0; caltime_tai(&ct, &tt.sec); tt.nano = tt.atto = 0; while (!taia_less(&start_time, &tt)) { tt.sec.x += seconds_per_file; } taia_sub(&dt, &tt, &start_time); frames = taia_approx(&dt) / seconds_per_file * frames_per_file; l = last('.', infile); if (l == -1 || l >= sizeof(folder)) return -1; /* Create folder. */ copy(folder, l, infile); folder[l] = 0; mkdir_p(folder); for (i = 0; i < KUMY_FILE_CHANNELS; ++i) { caltime_utc(&ct, &start_time.sec, 0, 0); snprintf(oname, sizeof(oname), "%s/%lld.%02lld.%02lld.%02lld.%02lld.%02lld.%s.seed", folder, (long long), (long long), (long long), (long long)ct.hour, (long long)ct.minute, (long long)ct.second, channel_names[i]); if (!(mseed[i] = miniseed_file_create((char*)oname))) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid file: %s.\n", oname); return -1; } miniseed_file_set_sample_rate(mseed[i], sample_rate); miniseed_file_set_start_time(mseed[i], &start_time); miniseed_file_set_info(mseed[i], "OBS", "DE", channel_names[i], "K"); miniseed_file_set_compression(mseed[i], compression); } while (kumy_file_read_int_frame(kumy, frame) >= 0) { if (frames == 0) { /* Create new files.*/ for (i = 0; i < KUMY_FILE_CHANNELS; ++i) { miniseed_file_close(mseed[i]); caltime_utc(&ct, &tt.sec, 0, 0); snprintf(oname, sizeof(oname), "%s/%lld.%02lld.%02lld.%02lld.%02lld.%02lld.%s.seed", folder, (long long), (long long), (long long), (long long)ct.hour, (long long)ct.minute, (long long)ct.second, channel_names[i]); if (!(mseed[i] = miniseed_file_create((char*)oname))) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid file: %s.\n", oname); return -1; } miniseed_file_set_sample_rate(mseed[i], sample_rate); miniseed_file_set_start_time(mseed[i], &tt); miniseed_file_set_info(mseed[i], "OBS", "DE", channel_names[i], "K"); miniseed_file_set_compression(mseed[i], compression); } frames = frames_per_file; tt.sec.x += seconds_per_file; } for (i = 0; i < KUMY_FILE_CHANNELS; ++i) { miniseed_file_write_int_frame(mseed[i], frame + i); } if (show_progress && frame_count % 10000 == 0) { percent = 100 * frame_count / frames_total; if (percent != old_percent) { progress(percent, 0); old_percent = percent; } } --frames; ++frame_count; } if (show_progress) progress(100, 1); kumy_file_close(kumy); for (i = 0; i < KUMY_FILE_CHANNELS; ++i) { miniseed_file_close(mseed[i]); } return 0; }
//void do_install(opkg_conf* conf, char* pkg_name, char* install_root_name, char* link_root_name, char** version_criteria) void do_install(opkg_conf* conf, string_map* pkgs, char* install_root_name, char* link_root_name, int is_upgrade, int overwrite_config, int overwrite_other_package_files, int force_reinstall, char* tmp_root) { string_map* package_data = initialize_string_map(1); string_map* matching_packages = initialize_string_map(1); unsigned long num_destroyed; char* install_root_path = (char*)get_string_map_element(conf->dest_names, install_root_name); char* overlay_path = NULL; // no special treatment of overlay, can be reenabled by setting this variable here if we ever need it char* test_dir = dynamic_strcat(2, (overlay_path != NULL ? overlay_path : install_root_path), "/usr/lib/opkg/info"); if(!create_dir_and_test_writable(test_dir)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Specified install destination is not writable, exiting\n"); exit(1); } free(test_dir); if(install_root_path == NULL) { printf("ERROR: No destination %s found, cannot install\n\n", install_root_name); exit(1); } char* tmp_dir = (char*)malloc(1024); if(create_tmp_dir(tmp_root == NULL ? "/tmp" : tmp_root, &tmp_dir) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not create tmp dir, exiting\n"); exit(1); } /* Determine all packages to install by first loading all package names, status & dependencies (and no other variables) */ load_all_package_data(conf, package_data, matching_packages, NULL, LOAD_MINIMAL_PKG_VARIABLES_FOR_ALL, install_root_name, 1 ); destroy_string_map(matching_packages, DESTROY_MODE_FREE_VALUES, &num_destroyed); /* determine list of all packiages we are about to install, including dependencies */ string_map* install_pkgs_map = initialize_string_map(1); char** install_pkg_list = NULL; unsigned long install_pkg_list_len = 0; char* unsatisfied_dep_err = NULL; //new string map var with all pkgs to install = pkgs, keys = version unsigned long num_pkg_names; char** pkg_names = get_string_map_keys(pkgs, &num_pkg_names); int pkg_name_index; for(pkg_name_index=0;pkg_name_index < num_pkg_names; pkg_name_index++) { char* pkg_name = pkg_names[pkg_name_index]; char** version_criteria = get_string_map_element(pkgs, pkg_name); char* install_pkg_version = NULL; int install_pkg_is_current; if(path_exists(pkg_name)) { //installing from file char* pkg_file = pkg_name; //extract control files int err = 0; char* tmp_control = dynamic_strcat(2, tmp_dir, "/tmp_ctrl"); char* tmp_control_prefix = dynamic_strcat(2, tmp_control, "/tmp."); char* tmp_control_name = dynamic_strcat(2, tmp_control_prefix, "control"); mkdir_p(tmp_control, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ); deb_extract( pkg_file, stderr, extract_control_tar_gz | extract_all_to_fs| extract_preserve_date | extract_unconditional, tmp_control_prefix, NULL, &err); if(err != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s is not a vailid package file, cannot install\n", pkg_file); rm_r(tmp_dir); exit(1); } string_map* tmp_control_pkg_data = initialize_string_map(1); matching_packages = initialize_string_map(1); load_package_data(tmp_control_name, 0, tmp_control_pkg_data, matching_packages, NULL, LOAD_ALL_PKG_VARIABLES, NULL); unsigned long num_ctrl_names; char** ctrl_name_list = get_string_map_keys(tmp_control_pkg_data, &num_ctrl_names); destroy_string_map(matching_packages, DESTROY_MODE_FREE_VALUES, &num_destroyed); err = 1; //set back to 0 when data successfully loaded if(num_ctrl_names > 0) { pkg_name = strdup(ctrl_name_list[0]); char* version = NULL; int is_current; string_map* pkg_info = get_package_current_or_latest(tmp_control_pkg_data, pkg_name, &is_current, &version); if(pkg_info != NULL) { err = 0; set_string_map_element(pkg_info, "Install-File-Location", strdup(pkg_file)); set_string_map_element(pkg_info, "Version", version); //we need to save this, since we are going to set a special version to make sure data doesn't get over-written later, also no need to free version now char* special_version = dynamic_strcat(2, version, "@@_FILE_INSTALL_VERSION_@@"); char** new_version_criteria = malloc(3*sizeof(char*)); new_version_criteria[0] = strdup("="); new_version_criteria[1] = special_version; new_version_criteria[2] = NULL; string_map* all_current_versions = get_string_map_element(package_data, pkg_name); if(all_current_versions == NULL) { all_current_versions=initialize_string_map(1); set_string_map_element(package_data, pkg_name, all_current_versions); } set_string_map_element(all_current_versions, special_version, pkg_info); set_string_map_element(all_current_versions, LATEST_VERSION_STRING, special_version); free(pkg_names[pkg_name_index]); pkg_names[pkg_name_index] = strdup(pkg_name); set_string_map_element(pkgs, pkg_name, copy_null_terminated_string_array(new_version_criteria)); } } free_null_terminated_string_array(ctrl_name_list); if(err != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s is not a vailid package file, cannot install\n", pkg_file); rm_r(tmp_dir); exit(1); } free_if_not_null(tmp_control); free_if_not_null(tmp_control_prefix); free_if_not_null(tmp_control_name); rm_r(tmp_control); } load_recursive_package_data_variables(package_data, pkg_name, 1, 0, 0); // load required-depends for package of interest only string_map* install_pkg_data = get_package_current_or_latest_matching(package_data, pkg_name, version_criteria, &install_pkg_is_current, &install_pkg_version); char* install_status = install_pkg_data == NULL ? NULL : get_string_map_element(install_pkg_data, "Status"); if(install_status != NULL) { char** old_el = set_string_map_element(install_pkgs_map, pkg_name, copy_null_terminated_string_array(version_criteria) ); if(old_el != NULL){ free_null_terminated_string_array(old_el); } string_map* install_pkg_depend_map = get_string_map_element(install_pkg_data, "Required-Depends"); if(install_pkg_depend_map != NULL) { unsigned long num_keys; char** load_detail_pkgs = get_string_map_keys(install_pkg_depend_map, &num_keys); int ldp_index; for(ldp_index=0;ldp_index < num_keys && unsatisfied_dep_err == NULL; ldp_index++) { char* dep_name = load_detail_pkgs[ldp_index]; char** dep_def= get_string_map_element(install_pkg_depend_map, dep_name); if(get_string_map_element(install_pkgs_map, dep_name) != NULL) { /* * We really should check here whether old dependency def can be reconciled with the new one, and report an error if it can't * Right now we just use the heuristic that top-level (user specified, not dependency) package defs get preference, followed * by first dependency encountered. * * Since right now versioning features aren't really being used very much other than kernel dependencies in Gargoyle/OpenWrt * I'm just leaving this comment here as a reminder that this should be addressed at some point rather than messing with it now * */ dep_def = get_string_map_element(install_pkgs_map, dep_name); } else { set_string_map_element(install_pkgs_map, dep_name, copy_null_terminated_string_array(dep_def)); } //error checking, check that dependency definition exists char* latest_version = NULL; int latest_is_current = 0; string_map* dep_info = get_package_current_or_latest_matching(package_data, dep_name, dep_def, &latest_is_current, &latest_version); //check if we have a version installed different than what is required int have_current; char* current_version = NULL; string_map* cur_info = get_package_current_or_latest(package_data, dep_name, &have_current, ¤t_version); if(have_current && (latest_is_current == 0 || dep_info == NULL)) { //should only get here if dep_def[1] is not null (version mismatch doesn't make sense if no version is specified) char* cur_status = get_string_map_element(cur_info, "Status"); if(strstr(cur_status, " hold ") != NULL) { unsatisfied_dep_err = dynamic_strcat(11, "ERROR: Dependency ", dep_name, " (", dep_def[0], " ", dep_def[1], ") of package ", pkg_name, " is installed,\n\t\tbut has incompatible version ", current_version, " and is marked as 'hold'"); } else { unsatisfied_dep_err = dynamic_strcat(10, "ERROR: Dependency ", dep_name, " (", dep_def[0], " ", dep_def[1], ") of package ", pkg_name, " is installed,\n\t\tbut has incompatible version ", current_version); } } free_if_not_null(current_version); free_if_not_null(latest_version); // check that dependency definition exists if(unsatisfied_dep_err == NULL && dep_info == NULL) { if(dep_def[1] != NULL) { unsatisfied_dep_err = dynamic_strcat(9, "ERROR: Dependency ", dep_name, " (", dep_def[0], " ", dep_def[1], ") of package ", pkg_name, " cannot be found, try updating your package lists"); } else { unsatisfied_dep_err = dynamic_strcat(5, "ERROR: Dependency ", dep_name, " of package ", pkg_name, " cannot be found, try updating your package lists"); } } } free_null_terminated_string_array(load_detail_pkgs); } } install_status = install_pkg_data == NULL ? NULL : get_string_map_element(install_pkg_data, "Status"); /* error checking before we start install */ if(install_pkg_data == NULL || install_status == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No package named %s found, try updating your package lists\n\n", pkg_name); rm_r(tmp_dir); exit(1); } if(strstr(install_status, " installed") != NULL) { if(force_reinstall) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Package %s is already installed, forcing removal and reinstallation\n\n", pkg_name); free_package_data(package_data); string_map* rm_pkg = initialize_string_map(1); set_string_map_element(rm_pkg, pkg_name, alloc_depend_def(NULL)); do_remove(conf, rm_pkg, (overwrite_config ? 0 : 1), 0, 1, 0, tmp_root); //restart install return do_install(conf, pkgs, install_root_name, link_root_name, is_upgrade, overwrite_config, overwrite_other_package_files, force_reinstall, tmp_root); } else { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Package %s is already installed, ignoring\n", pkg_name); fprintf(stderr, " Use --force-reinstall to force reinstallation\n\n"); char** old_el = remove_string_map_element(install_pkgs_map, pkg_name); if(old_el != NULL){ free_null_terminated_string_array(old_el); }; } } if(unsatisfied_dep_err != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", unsatisfied_dep_err); rm_r(tmp_dir); exit(1); } } /* load more detailed data on packages we are about to install */ free_recursive_package_vars(package_data); /* note: whacks install_pkg_depend_map */ string_map* parameters = initialize_string_map(1); matching_packages = initialize_string_map(1); set_string_map_element(parameters, "package-list", install_pkgs_map); load_all_package_data(conf, package_data, matching_packages, parameters, LOAD_MINIMAL_FOR_ALL_PKGS_ALL_FOR_MATCHING, install_root_name, 0); install_pkg_list = get_string_map_keys(matching_packages, &install_pkg_list_len); destroy_string_map(matching_packages, DESTROY_MODE_FREE_VALUES, &num_destroyed); destroy_string_map(parameters, DESTROY_MODE_IGNORE_VALUES, &num_destroyed); char* all_pkg_list_str = join_strs(", ", install_pkg_list, install_pkg_list_len, 0, 0); uint64_t combined_size = 0; int pkg_index; for(pkg_index=0; pkg_index < install_pkg_list_len; pkg_index++) { char** match_criteria = get_string_map_element(install_pkgs_map, install_pkg_list[pkg_index]); string_map* pkg = get_package_current_or_latest_matching(package_data, install_pkg_list[pkg_index], match_criteria, NULL, NULL); char* next_size_str = get_string_map_element(pkg, "Installed-Size"); uint64_t next_size = 0; if(sscanf(next_size_str, SCANFU64, &next_size) > 0) { combined_size = combined_size + next_size; } } uint64_t root_size = destination_bytes_free(conf, install_root_name); if(combined_size >= root_size ) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Not enough space in destination %s to install specified packages:\n\t%s\n\n", install_root_name, all_pkg_list_str); rm_r(tmp_dir); exit(1); } if(all_pkg_list_str != NULL) { printf("Preparing to install the following packages, which will require " SCANFU64 " bytes:\n\t%s\n\n", combined_size, all_pkg_list_str); } else { fprintf(stderr, "No packages to install.\n\n"); } /* Set status of new required packages to half-installed, set user-installed on requested package, installed time on all */ char* install_root_status_path = dynamic_strcat(2, install_root_path, "/usr/lib/opkg/status"); string_map* install_root_status = initialize_string_map(1); matching_packages = initialize_string_map(1); if(path_exists(install_root_status_path)) { load_package_data(install_root_status_path, 0, install_root_status, matching_packages, NULL, LOAD_ALL_PKG_VARIABLES, install_root_name); } destroy_string_map(matching_packages, DESTROY_MODE_FREE_VALUES, &num_destroyed); time_t now = time(NULL); char install_time[20]; sprintf(install_time, "%lu", now); for(pkg_index=0; pkg_index < install_pkg_list_len; pkg_index++) { int is_installed; char* install_version = NULL; char** match_criteria = get_string_map_element(install_pkgs_map, install_pkg_list[pkg_index]); string_map* pkg = get_package_current_or_latest_matching(package_data, install_pkg_list[pkg_index], match_criteria, &is_installed, &install_version); if(is_installed == 0) /* should never be true, but check anyway */ { char* old_status = remove_string_map_element(pkg, "Status"); free(old_status); char* status_parts[3] = { "install", "ok", "half-installed" }; status_parts[1] = get_string_map_element(pkgs, install_pkg_list[pkg_index]) != NULL ? "user" : status_parts[1]; char* new_status = dynamic_strcat(5, status_parts[0], " ", status_parts[1], " ", status_parts[2]); set_string_map_element(pkg, "Status", new_status); set_string_map_element(pkg, "Installed-Time", strdup(install_time)); set_string_map_element(pkg, "Install-Destination", strdup(install_root_name)); if(link_root_name != NULL) { set_string_map_element(pkg, "Link-Destination", strdup(link_root_name)); } add_package_data(install_root_status, &pkg, install_pkg_list[pkg_index], install_version); /* Note: we just added pkg data structure from package_data to install_root_status, Be careful on cleanup! */ } } save_package_data_as_status_file(install_root_status, install_root_status_path); string_map* install_called_pkgs = initialize_string_map(1); int err = 0; for(pkg_name_index=0;pkg_name_index < num_pkg_names; pkg_name_index++) { char* pkg_name = pkg_names[pkg_name_index]; if(get_string_map_element(install_pkgs_map, pkg_name) != NULL) { int install_pkg_is_current; char* install_pkg_version = NULL; char** version_criteria = get_string_map_element(pkgs, pkg_name); get_package_current_or_latest_matching(package_data, pkg_name, version_criteria, &install_pkg_is_current, &install_pkg_version); err = recursively_install(pkg_name, install_pkg_version, install_root_name, link_root_name, overlay_path, is_upgrade, overwrite_config, overwrite_other_package_files, tmp_dir, conf, package_data, install_called_pkgs); free_if_not_null(install_pkg_version); } } if(err) { fprintf(stderr, "An error occurred during Installation, removing partially installed packages.\n"); unsigned long num_install_called_pkgs; char** install_called_pkg_list = get_string_map_keys(install_called_pkgs, &num_install_called_pkgs); int pkg_index; for(pkg_index=0; pkg_index < num_install_called_pkgs; pkg_index++) { remove_individual_package(install_called_pkg_list[pkg_index], conf, package_data, tmp_dir, 0, 0); } free_null_terminated_string_array(install_called_pkg_list); //call remove function to do cleanup of partial install //DO NOT EXIT HERE, fixup status file below } //remove tmp dir -- need to do this whether or not there is an error rm_r(tmp_dir); free(tmp_dir); //set status of new packages to installed on success, and remove on failure for(pkg_index=0; pkg_index < install_pkg_list_len; pkg_index++) { /* no need to check version, should only be one installed version at a time... */ string_map* pkg = get_package_current_or_latest(install_root_status, install_pkg_list[pkg_index], NULL, NULL); if(pkg != NULL) { if(!err) { char* status = get_string_map_element(pkg, "Status"); if(strstr(status, " half-installed") != NULL) { char* status_parts[3] = { "install", "ok", "installed" }; status_parts[1] = get_string_map_element(pkgs, install_pkg_list[pkg_index]) != NULL ? "user" : status_parts[1]; char* new_status = dynamic_strcat(5, status_parts[0], " ", status_parts[1], " ", status_parts[2]); char* old_status = set_string_map_element(pkg, "Status", new_status); free_if_not_null(old_status); } } else { string_map* all_pkg_versions = remove_string_map_element(install_root_status, install_pkg_list[pkg_index]); free_all_package_versions(all_pkg_versions); } } } save_package_data_as_status_file(install_root_status, install_root_status_path); if(!err) { if(all_pkg_list_str != NULL) { printf("Installation of packages successful.\n\n"); } } else { printf("Finished removing partially installed packages.\n\n"); } }
int recursively_install(char* pkg_name, char* pkg_version, char* install_root_name, char* link_to_root, char* overlay_path, int is_upgrade, int overwrite_config, int overwrite_other_package_files, char* tmp_dir, opkg_conf* conf, string_map* package_data, string_map* install_called_pkgs) { int err=0; /* variables not allocated in this function, do not need to be freed */ string_map* install_pkg_data = get_package_with_version(package_data, pkg_name, pkg_version); char* src_file_path = get_string_map_element(install_pkg_data, "Install-File-Location"); char* src_id = get_string_map_element(install_pkg_data, "Source-ID"); char* pkg_filename = get_string_map_element(install_pkg_data, "Filename"); string_map* pkg_dependencies = get_string_map_element(install_pkg_data, "Required-Depends"); char* install_root_path = get_string_map_element(conf->dest_names, install_root_name); char* link_root_path = link_to_root != NULL && safe_strcmp(link_to_root, install_root_name) != 0 ? get_string_map_element(conf->dest_names, link_to_root) : NULL; char* base_url = NULL; /* variables that may need to be freed */ char* pkg_dest = NULL; string_map* files_to_link = NULL; char* info_dir = NULL; char* control_name_prefix = NULL; char* list_file_name = NULL; string_map* conf_files = NULL; string_map* copied_conf_files = NULL; int install_root_len = strlen(install_root_path); char* fs_terminated_install_root = install_root_path[install_root_len-1] == '/' ? strdup(install_root_path) : dynamic_strcat(2, install_root_path, "/"); int overlay_root_len; char* fs_terminated_overlay_root = NULL; if(overlay_path != NULL) { overlay_root_len = strlen(overlay_path); fs_terminated_overlay_root = overlay_path[overlay_root_len-1] == '/' ? strdup(overlay_path) : dynamic_strcat(2, overlay_path, "/"); } else { fs_terminated_overlay_root = strdup(fs_terminated_install_root); } int link_root_len; char* fs_terminated_link_root = NULL; if(link_root_path != NULL) { link_root_len = strlen(link_root_path); fs_terminated_link_root = link_root_path[link_root_len-1] == '/' ? strdup(link_root_path) : dynamic_strcat(2, link_root_path, "/"); } set_string_map_element(install_called_pkgs, pkg_name, strdup("D")); if(pkg_dependencies != NULL) { //recurse unsigned long num_deps; char** deps = get_string_map_keys(pkg_dependencies, &num_deps); int dep_index; for(dep_index=0; err == 0 && dep_index < num_deps ; dep_index++) { if(get_string_map_element(install_called_pkgs, deps[dep_index]) == NULL ) { char** dep_def = get_string_map_element(pkg_dependencies, deps[dep_index]); int is_current; char* matching_version; string_map* dep_pkg = get_package_current_or_latest_matching(package_data, deps[dep_index], dep_def, &is_current, &matching_version); if(dep_pkg != NULL) { char* dep_status = get_string_map_element(dep_pkg, "Status"); if(strstr(dep_status, " half-installed") != NULL) { err = recursively_install(deps[dep_index], matching_version, install_root_name, link_to_root, overlay_path, is_upgrade, overwrite_config, overwrite_other_package_files, tmp_dir, conf, package_data, install_called_pkgs); } } else { err = 1; } } } } if(install_root_path == NULL || ( src_id == NULL && install_pkg_data == NULL) || (pkg_filename == NULL && install_pkg_data == NULL) ) { //sanity check err = 1; } if(err == 0) { printf("Preparing to install package %s...\n", pkg_name); } if(err == 0 && src_file_path == NULL) { //determine source url string_map* src_lists[2] = { conf->gzip_sources, conf->plain_sources }; int src_list_index; for(src_list_index=0; src_list_index < 2 && base_url == NULL; src_list_index++) { base_url = (char*)get_string_map_element(src_lists[src_list_index], src_id); } err = base_url == NULL ? 1 : err; if(err == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could determine download URL for package %s\n", pkg_name); } } if(err == 0 && src_file_path == NULL) { //download package printf("\tDownloading...\n"); char* src_url = dynamic_strcat(3, base_url, "/", pkg_filename); pkg_dest = dynamic_strcat(3, tmp_dir, "/", pkg_name); FILE* package_file = fopen(pkg_dest, "w"); if(package_file != NULL) { err = write_url_to_stream(src_url, "gpkg", NULL, package_file, NULL); fclose(package_file); } else { err = 1; } if(err == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not download package %s\n", pkg_name); } free(src_url); } if(err == 0 && src_file_path != NULL) { pkg_dest = strdup(src_file_path); } if(err == 0 && src_file_path == NULL) { //check md5sum char* md5sum = file_md5sum_alloc(pkg_dest); char* expected_md5sum = (char*)get_string_map_element(install_pkg_data, "MD5Sum"); //printf("md5sum = %s\n", md5sum); //printf("package md5sum = %s\n", (char*)get_string_map_element(install_pkg_data, "MD5Sum")); if(md5sum == NULL || expected_md5sum == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Expected MD5Sum for %s not specified, cannot verify package\n", pkg_name); err = 1; } else if (safe_strcmp(md5sum, expected_md5sum) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: MD5Sum mismatch for %s package\n", pkg_name); fprintf(stderr, " Expected: %s\n", expected_md5sum); fprintf(stderr, " Downloaded: %s\n\n", md5sum); err = 1; } else { printf("\tDownloaded %s successfully.\n\tInstalling %s...\n", pkg_name, pkg_name); } if(md5sum != NULL) { free(md5sum); } } if(err == 0) { // Extract list file contaiing list of files to install info_dir = dynamic_strcat(2, fs_terminated_overlay_root, "usr/lib/opkg/info"); control_name_prefix = dynamic_strcat(4, info_dir, "/", pkg_name, "."); list_file_name = dynamic_strcat(4, info_dir, "/", pkg_name, ".list"); mkdir_p(info_dir, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ); FILE* list_file = fopen(list_file_name, "w"); deb_extract( pkg_dest, list_file, extract_quiet | extract_data_tar_gz | extract_list, NULL, NULL, &err); fclose(list_file); if(err) { rm_r(list_file_name); fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not extract file list from packge %s.\n", pkg_name); fprintf(stderr, " package file may be corrupt\n\n"); } } if(err == 0) { //extract control files deb_extract( pkg_dest, stderr, extract_control_tar_gz | extract_all_to_fs| extract_preserve_date | extract_unconditional, control_name_prefix, NULL, &err); if(err) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not extract control files from packge %s.\n", pkg_name); fprintf(stderr, " package file may be corrupt\n\n"); } } if(err == 0) { //check for file conflicts & correct list file to contain real root name in file paths unsigned long num_list_lines; char** list_file_lines = get_file_lines(list_file_name, &num_list_lines); char* conf_file_path = dynamic_strcat(4, info_dir, "/", pkg_name, ".conffiles"); if(path_exists(conf_file_path)) { unsigned long num_conf_lines; char** conf_file_lines = get_file_lines(conf_file_path, &num_conf_lines); int conf_line_index; conf_files = initialize_string_map(1); for(conf_line_index=0; conf_line_index < num_conf_lines; conf_line_index++) { char* adjusted_conf_path = dynamic_strcat(2, fs_terminated_install_root, conf_file_lines[conf_line_index] + 1); set_string_map_element(conf_files, adjusted_conf_path, strdup("D")); free(adjusted_conf_path); } free_null_terminated_string_array(conf_file_lines); } free(conf_file_path); FILE* list_file = fopen(list_file_name, "w"); int line_index; for(line_index=0; line_index < num_list_lines && (!err) ; line_index++) { int line_len = strlen( list_file_lines[line_index] ); if(line_len > 2) { if(list_file_lines[line_index][0] == '.' && list_file_lines[line_index][1] == '/' && list_file_lines[line_index][line_len-1] != '/') { char* adjusted_file_path = dynamic_strcat(2, fs_terminated_install_root, list_file_lines[line_index] + 2); int is_conf_file = conf_files != NULL ? (get_string_map_element(conf_files, adjusted_file_path) != NULL ? 1 : 0) : 0; if(strcmp(pkg_name, "opkg") == 0 && strcmp(list_file_lines[line_index], "./bin/opkg") == 0 && path_exists("/bin/opkg") == PATH_IS_SYMLINK) { //very special case: we're installing opkg, and here all the preliminary checks have already been passed //remove symlink placeholder to gpkg from /bin/opkg if it exists rm_r("/bin/opkg"); } err = path_exists(adjusted_file_path) && is_conf_file == 0 && overwrite_other_package_files == 0 ? 1 : 0; if(err) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: file '%s'\n", adjusted_file_path); fprintf(stderr, " from package %s already exists.\n\n", pkg_name); } else { fprintf(list_file, "%s\n", adjusted_file_path); if(link_root_path != NULL) { char* link_to_path = dynamic_strcat(2, fs_terminated_link_root, list_file_lines[line_index] + 2); files_to_link = files_to_link == NULL ? initialize_string_map(1) : files_to_link; set_string_map_element(files_to_link, adjusted_file_path, link_to_path); //don't free link_to_path, should be freed with files_to_link map } if(is_conf_file && path_exists(adjusted_file_path) && overwrite_config == 0) { char* tmp_conf_path = dynamic_strcat(2, tmp_dir, adjusted_file_path); cp(adjusted_file_path, tmp_conf_path); copied_conf_files = copied_conf_files == NULL ? initialize_string_map(1) : copied_conf_files; set_string_map_element(copied_conf_files, adjusted_file_path, tmp_conf_path); //don't free tmp_conf_path, should be freed with copied_conf_files map } } free(adjusted_file_path); } } } fclose(list_file); if(list_file_lines != NULL) { free_null_terminated_string_array(list_file_lines); } } if(err == 0) { //run preinst err = run_script_if_exists(install_root_path, link_root_path, pkg_name, "preinst", (is_upgrade ? "upgrade" : "install") ); } if(err == 0) { //extract package files deb_extract( pkg_dest, stderr, extract_data_tar_gz | extract_all_to_fs| extract_preserve_date| extract_unconditional, fs_terminated_overlay_root, NULL, &err); if(err) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not extract application files from packge %s.\n", pkg_name); fprintf(stderr, " package file may be corrupt\n\n"); } //move any conf files back if(copied_conf_files != NULL) { unsigned long num_conf_paths; char** conf_paths = get_string_map_keys(copied_conf_files, &num_conf_paths); int conf_index; for(conf_index=0; conf_index < num_conf_paths; conf_index++) { char* tmp_conf_path = get_string_map_element(copied_conf_files, conf_paths[conf_index]); cp(tmp_conf_path, conf_paths[conf_index]); } destroy_string_map(copied_conf_files, DESTROY_MODE_FREE_VALUES, &num_conf_paths); if(conf_paths != NULL ) { free_null_terminated_string_array(conf_paths); } copied_conf_files = NULL; } } if(err == 0 && files_to_link != NULL) { unsigned long num_files; char** real_files = get_string_map_keys(files_to_link, &num_files); int file_index; if(num_files > 0) { char* link_file_name = dynamic_strcat(4, info_dir, "/", pkg_name, ".linked"); FILE* link_file = fopen(link_file_name, "w"); for(file_index=0; link_file != NULL && file_index < num_files; file_index++) { char* link_path = get_string_map_element(files_to_link, real_files[file_index]); if(!path_exists(link_path)) { int sym_success; mkdir_p(link_path, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH ); rm_r(link_path); sym_success = symlink(real_files[file_index], link_path); fprintf(link_file, "%s\n", link_path); } } if(link_file != NULL) { fclose(link_file); } free(link_file_name); } destroy_string_map(files_to_link, DESTROY_MODE_FREE_VALUES, &num_files); free_null_terminated_string_array(real_files); files_to_link = NULL; } if(err == 0) { //run postinst int warn = run_script_if_exists(install_root_path, link_root_path, pkg_name, "postinst", (is_upgrade ? "upgrade" : "install") ); if(warn != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: postinstall script failed for package %s.\n", pkg_name); } } if(err == 0) { // remove downloaded package file in tmp dir & print success if(src_file_path == NULL) { rm_r(pkg_dest); } printf("\tSuccessfully installed %s.\n", pkg_name); } //cleanup unsigned long num_destroyed; free_if_not_null(pkg_dest); free_if_not_null(info_dir); free_if_not_null(control_name_prefix); free_if_not_null(list_file_name); free_if_not_null(fs_terminated_install_root); free_if_not_null(fs_terminated_overlay_root); free_if_not_null(fs_terminated_link_root); if(files_to_link != NULL) { destroy_string_map(files_to_link, DESTROY_MODE_FREE_VALUES, &num_destroyed); } if(conf_files != NULL) { destroy_string_map(conf_files, DESTROY_MODE_FREE_VALUES, &num_destroyed); } if(copied_conf_files!= NULL){ destroy_string_map(copied_conf_files, DESTROY_MODE_FREE_VALUES, &num_destroyed); } return err; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { config.verbose = false; config.quiet = false; config.repl = false; config.javascript = false; config.static_fns = false; config.elide_asserts = false; config.cache_path = NULL; config.theme = "light"; config.dumb_terminal = false; config.out_path = NULL; config.num_src_paths = 0; config.src_paths = NULL; config.num_scripts = 0; config.scripts = NULL; config.main_ns_name = NULL; struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"legal", no_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q'}, {"repl", no_argument, NULL, 'r'}, {"static-fns", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"elide-asserts", no_argument, NULL, 'a'}, {"cache", required_argument, NULL, 'k'}, {"eval", required_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {"theme", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"dumb-terminal", no_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"classpath", required_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"auto-cache", no_argument, NULL, 'K'}, {"init", required_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"main", required_argument, NULL, 'm'}, // development options {"javascript", no_argument, NULL, 'j'}, {"out", required_argument, NULL, 'o'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int opt, option_index; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h?lvrsak:je:t:dc:o:Ki:qm:", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'h': usage(argv[0]); exit(0); case 'l': legal(); return 0; case 'v': config.verbose = true; break; case 'q': config.quiet = true; break; case 'r': config.repl = true; break; case 's': config.static_fns = true; break; case 'a': config.elide_asserts = true; break; case 'k': config.cache_path = argv[optind - 1]; break; case 'K': config.cache_path = ".planck_cache"; { char *path_copy = strdup(config.cache_path); char *dir = dirname(path_copy); if (mkdir_p(dir) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create %s: %s\n", config.cache_path, strerror(errno)); } free(path_copy); } break; case 'j': config.javascript = true; break; case 'e': config.num_scripts += 1; config.scripts = realloc(config.scripts, config.num_scripts * sizeof(struct script)); config.scripts[config.num_scripts - 1].type = "text"; config.scripts[config.num_scripts - 1].expression = true; config.scripts[config.num_scripts - 1].source = argv[optind - 1]; break; case 'i': config.num_scripts += 1; config.scripts = realloc(config.scripts, config.num_scripts * sizeof(struct script)); config.scripts[config.num_scripts - 1].type = "path"; config.scripts[config.num_scripts - 1].expression = false; config.scripts[config.num_scripts - 1].source = argv[optind - 1]; break; case 'm': config.main_ns_name = argv[optind - 1]; break; case 't': config.theme = argv[optind - 1]; break; case 'd': config.dumb_terminal = true; break; case 'c': { char *classpath = argv[optind - 1]; char *source = strtok(classpath, ":"); while (source != NULL) { char *type = "src"; if (str_has_suffix(source, ".jar") == 0) { type = "jar"; } config.num_src_paths += 1; config.src_paths = realloc(config.src_paths, config.num_src_paths * sizeof(struct src_path)); config.src_paths[config.num_src_paths - 1].type = type; config.src_paths[config.num_src_paths - 1].path = strcmp(type, "jar") == 0 ? strdup(source) : ensure_trailing_slash(source); source = strtok(NULL, ":"); } break; } case 'o': config.out_path = ensure_trailing_slash(argv[optind - 1]); break; case '?': usage(argv[0]); exit(1); default: printf("unhandled argument: %c\n", opt); } } if (config.dumb_terminal) { config.theme = "dumb"; } config.num_rest_args = 0; config.rest_args = NULL; if (optind < argc) { config.num_rest_args = argc - optind; config.rest_args = malloc((argc - optind) * sizeof(char*)); int i = 0; while (optind < argc) { config.rest_args[i++] = argv[optind++]; } } if (config.num_scripts == 0 && config.main_ns_name == NULL && config.num_rest_args == 0) { config.repl = true; } if (config.main_ns_name != NULL && config.repl) { printf("Only one main-opt can be specified.\n"); exit(1); } config.is_tty = isatty(STDIN_FILENO) == 1; JSGlobalContextRef ctx = JSGlobalContextCreate(NULL); global_ctx = ctx; cljs_engine_init(ctx); // Process init arguments for (int i = 0; i < config.num_scripts; i++) { // TODO: exit if not successfull struct script script = config.scripts[i]; evaluate_source(ctx, script.type, script.source, script.expression, false, NULL, config.theme, true); } // Process main arguments if (config.main_ns_name != NULL) { run_main_in_ns(ctx, config.main_ns_name, config.num_rest_args, config.rest_args); } else if (!config.repl && config.num_rest_args > 0) { char *path = config.rest_args[0]; struct script script; if (strcmp(path, "-") == 0) { char *source = read_all(stdin); script.type = "text"; script.source = source; script.expression = false; } else { script.type = "path"; script.source = path; script.expression = false; } evaluate_source(ctx, script.type, script.source, script.expression, false, NULL, config.theme, true); } else if (config.repl) { if (!config.quiet) { banner(); } run_repl(ctx); } return exit_value; }
int main(int argc, char** args) { int c; anbool help = FALSE; char* outdir = NULL; char* cmd; int i, j, f; int inputnum; int rtn; sl* engineargs; int nbeargs; anbool fromstdin = FALSE; anbool overwrite = FALSE; anbool cont = FALSE; anbool skip_solved = FALSE; anbool makeplots = TRUE; double plotscale = 1.0; char* inbgfn = NULL; char* bgfn = NULL; char* me; anbool verbose = FALSE; int loglvl = LOG_MSG; char* outbase = NULL; anbool usecurl = TRUE; bl* opts; augment_xylist_t theallaxy; augment_xylist_t* allaxy = &theallaxy; int nmyopts; char* removeopts = "ixo\x01"; char* newfits; char* kmz = NULL; char* scamp = NULL; char* scampconfig = NULL; char* index_xyls; anbool just_augment = FALSE; anbool engine_batch = FALSE; bl* batchaxy = NULL; bl* batchsf = NULL; sl* outfiles; sl* tempfiles; // these are deleted after the outer loop over input files sl* tempfiles2; sl* tempdirs; anbool timestamp = FALSE; anbool tempaxy = FALSE; errors_print_on_exit(stderr); fits_use_error_system(); me = find_executable(args[0], NULL); engineargs = sl_new(16); append_executable(engineargs, "astrometry-engine", me); // output filenames. outfiles = sl_new(16); tempfiles = sl_new(4); tempfiles2 = sl_new(4); tempdirs = sl_new(4); rtn = 0; nmyopts = sizeof(options)/sizeof(an_option_t); opts = opts_from_array(options, nmyopts, NULL); augment_xylist_add_options(opts); // remove duplicate short options. for (i=0; i<nmyopts; i++) { an_option_t* opt1 = bl_access(opts, i); for (j=nmyopts; j<bl_size(opts); j++) { an_option_t* opt2 = bl_access(opts, j); if (opt2->shortopt == opt1->shortopt) bl_remove_index(opts, j); } } // remove unwanted augment-xylist options. for (i=0; i<strlen(removeopts); i++) { for (j=nmyopts; j<bl_size(opts); j++) { an_option_t* opt2 = bl_access(opts, j); if (opt2->shortopt == removeopts[i]) bl_remove_index(opts, j); } } // which options are left? /*{ char options[256]; memset(options, 0, 256); printf("options:\n"); for (i=0; i<bl_size(opts); i++) { an_option_t* opt = bl_access(opts, i); printf(" %c (%i) %s\n", opt->shortopt, (int)opt->shortopt, opt->name); options[(int)((opt->shortopt + 256) % 256)] = 1; } printf("Remaining short opts:\n"); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { if (!options[i]) printf(" %c (%i, 0x%x)\n", (char)i, i, i); } }*/ augment_xylist_init(allaxy); // default output filename patterns. allaxy->axyfn = "%s.axy"; allaxy->matchfn = "%s.match"; allaxy->rdlsfn = "%s.rdls"; allaxy->solvedfn = "%s.solved"; allaxy->wcsfn = "%s.wcs"; allaxy->corrfn = "%s.corr"; newfits = ""; index_xyls = "%s-indx.xyls"; while (1) { int res; c = opts_getopt(opts, argc, args); //printf("option %c (%i)\n", c, (int)c); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case '\x91': allaxy->axyfn = optarg; break; case '\x90': tempaxy = TRUE; break; case '\x88': timestamp = TRUE; break; case '\x84': plotscale = atof(optarg); break; case '\x85': inbgfn = optarg; break; case '\x87': allaxy->assume_fits_image = TRUE; break; case '(': engine_batch = TRUE; break; case '@': just_augment = TRUE; break; case 'U': index_xyls = optarg; break; case 'n': scampconfig = optarg; break; case 'i': scamp = optarg; break; case 'Z': kmz = optarg; break; case 'N': newfits = optarg; break; case 'h': help = TRUE; break; case 'v': sl_append(engineargs, "--verbose"); verbose = TRUE; allaxy->verbosity++; loglvl++; break; case 'D': outdir = optarg; break; case 'o': outbase = optarg; break; case 'b': case '\x89': sl_append(engineargs, "--config"); append_escape(engineargs, optarg); break; case 'f': fromstdin = TRUE; break; case 'O': overwrite = TRUE; break; case 'p': makeplots = FALSE; break; case 'G': usecurl = FALSE; break; case 'K': cont = TRUE; break; case 'J': skip_solved = TRUE; break; default: res = augment_xylist_parse_option(c, optarg, allaxy); if (res) { rtn = -1; goto dohelp; } } } if ((optind == argc) && !fromstdin) { printf("ERROR: You didn't specify any files to process.\n"); help = TRUE; } if (help) { dohelp: print_help(args[0], opts); exit(rtn); } bl_free(opts); // --dont-augment: advertised as just write xy file, // so quit after doing that. if (allaxy->dont_augment) { just_augment = TRUE; } log_init(loglvl); if (timestamp) log_set_timestamp(TRUE); if (kmz && starts_with(kmz, "-")) logmsg("Do you really want to save KMZ to the file named \"%s\" ??\n", kmz); if (starts_with(newfits, "-")) { logmsg("Do you really want to save the new FITS file to the file named \"%s\" ??\n", newfits); } if (engine_batch) { batchaxy = bl_new(16, sizeof(augment_xylist_t)); batchsf = bl_new(16, sizeof(solve_field_args_t)); } // Allow (some of the) default filenames to be disabled by setting them to "none". allaxy->matchfn = none_is_null(allaxy->matchfn); allaxy->rdlsfn = none_is_null(allaxy->rdlsfn); allaxy->solvedfn = none_is_null(allaxy->solvedfn); allaxy->solvedinfn = none_is_null(allaxy->solvedinfn); allaxy->wcsfn = none_is_null(allaxy->wcsfn); allaxy->corrfn = none_is_null(allaxy->corrfn); newfits = none_is_null(newfits); index_xyls = none_is_null(index_xyls); if (outdir) { if (mkdir_p(outdir)) { ERROR("Failed to create output directory %s", outdir); exit(-1); } } // number of engine args not specific to a particular file nbeargs = sl_size(engineargs); f = optind; inputnum = 0; while (1) { char* infile = NULL; anbool isxyls; char* reason; int len; char* base; char* basedir; char* basefile = NULL; char *objsfn=NULL; char *ppmfn=NULL; char* downloadfn = NULL; char* suffix = NULL; sl* cmdline; anbool ctrlc; anbool isurl; augment_xylist_t theaxy; augment_xylist_t* axy = &theaxy; int j; solve_field_args_t thesf; solve_field_args_t* sf = &thesf; anbool want_pnm = FALSE; // reset augment-xylist args. memcpy(axy, allaxy, sizeof(augment_xylist_t)); memset(sf, 0, sizeof(solve_field_args_t)); if (fromstdin) { char fnbuf[1024]; if (!fgets(fnbuf, sizeof(fnbuf), stdin)) { if (ferror(stdin)) SYSERROR("Failed to read a filename from stdin"); break; } len = strlen(fnbuf); if (fnbuf[len-1] == '\n') fnbuf[len-1] = '\0'; infile = fnbuf; logmsg("Reading input file \"%s\"...\n", infile); } else { if (f == argc) break; infile = args[f]; f++; logmsg("Reading input file %i of %i: \"%s\"...\n", f - optind, argc - optind, infile); } inputnum++; cmdline = sl_new(16); if (!engine_batch) { // Remove arguments that might have been added in previous trips through this loop sl_remove_from(engineargs, nbeargs); } // Choose the base path/filename for output files. if (outbase) asprintf_safe(&basefile, outbase, inputnum, infile); else basefile = basename_safe(infile); //logverb("Base filename: %s\n", basefile); isurl = (!file_exists(infile) && (starts_with(infile, "http://") || starts_with(infile, "ftp://"))); if (outdir) basedir = strdup(outdir); else { if (isurl) basedir = strdup("."); else basedir = dirname_safe(infile); } //logverb("Base directory: %s\n", basedir); asprintf_safe(&base, "%s/%s", basedir, basefile); //logverb("Base name for output files: %s\n", base); // trim .gz, .bz2 // hmm, we drop the suffix in this case... len = strlen(base); if (ends_with(base, ".gz")) base[len-3] = '\0'; else if (ends_with(base, ".bz2")) base[len-4] = '\0'; len = strlen(base); // trim .xx / .xxx / .xxxx if (len >= 5) { for (j=3; j<=5; j++) { if (base[len - j] == '/') break; if (base[len - j] == '.') { base[len - j] = '\0'; suffix = base + len - j + 1; break; } } } logverb("Base: \"%s\", basefile \"%s\", basedir \"%s\", suffix \"%s\"\n", base, basefile, basedir, suffix); if (tempaxy) { axy->axyfn = create_temp_file("axy", axy->tempdir); sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles2, axy->axyfn); } else axy->axyfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->axyfn, base); if (axy->matchfn) axy->matchfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->matchfn, base); if (axy->rdlsfn) axy->rdlsfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->rdlsfn, base); if (axy->solvedfn) axy->solvedfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->solvedfn, base); if (axy->wcsfn) axy->wcsfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->wcsfn, base); if (axy->corrfn) axy->corrfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->corrfn, base); if (axy->cancelfn) axy->cancelfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->cancelfn, base); if (axy->keepxylsfn) axy->keepxylsfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->keepxylsfn, base); if (axy->pnmfn) axy->pnmfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->pnmfn, base); if (newfits) sf->newfitsfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, newfits, base); if (kmz) sf->kmzfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, kmz, base); if (index_xyls) sf->indxylsfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, index_xyls, base); if (scamp) sf->scampfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, scamp, base); if (scampconfig) sf->scampconfigfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, scampconfig, base); if (makeplots) { objsfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, "%s-objs.png", base); sf->redgreenfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, "%s-indx.png", base); sf->ngcfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, "%s-ngc.png", base); } if (isurl) { if (suffix) downloadfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, "%s.%s", base, suffix); else downloadfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, "%s", base); } if (axy->solvedinfn) asprintf_safe(&axy->solvedinfn, axy->solvedinfn, base); // Do %s replacement on --verify-wcs entries... if (sl_size(axy->verifywcs)) { sl* newlist = sl_new(4); for (j=0; j<sl_size(axy->verifywcs); j++) sl_appendf(newlist, sl_get(axy->verifywcs, j), base); axy->verifywcs = newlist; } // ... and plot-bg if (inbgfn) asprintf_safe(&bgfn, inbgfn, base); if (axy->solvedinfn && axy->solvedfn && streq(axy->solvedfn, axy->solvedinfn)) { // solved input and output files are the same: don't delete the input! sl_remove_string(outfiles, axy->solvedfn); free(axy->solvedfn); axy->solvedfn = axy->solvedinfn; } free(basedir); free(basefile); if (skip_solved) { char* tocheck[] = { axy->solvedinfn, axy->solvedfn }; for (j=0; j<sizeof(tocheck)/sizeof(char*); j++) { if (!tocheck[j]) continue; logverb("Checking for solved file %s\n", tocheck[j]); if (file_exists(tocheck[j])) { logmsg("Solved file exists: %s; skipping this input file.\n", tocheck[j]); goto nextfile; } else { logverb("File \"%s\" does not exist.\n", tocheck[j]); } } } // Check for overlap between input and output filenames for (i = 0; i < sl_size(outfiles); i++) { char* fn = sl_get(outfiles, i); if (streq(fn, infile)) { logmsg("Output filename \"%s\" is the same as your input file.\n" "Refusing to continue.\n" "You can either choose a different output filename, or\n" "rename your input file to have a different extension.\n", fn); goto nextfile; } } // Check for (and possibly delete) existing output filenames. for (i = 0; i < sl_size(outfiles); i++) { char* fn = sl_get(outfiles, i); if (!file_exists(fn)) continue; if (cont) { } else if (overwrite) { if (unlink(fn)) { SYSERROR("Failed to delete an already-existing output file \"%s\"", fn); exit(-1); } } else { logmsg("Output file already exists: \"%s\".\n" "Use the --overwrite flag to overwrite existing files,\n" " or the --continue flag to not overwrite existing files but still try solving.\n", fn); logmsg("Continuing to next input file.\n"); goto nextfile; } } // if we're making "redgreen" plot, we need: if (sf->redgreenfn) { // -- index xylist if (!sf->indxylsfn) { sf->indxylsfn = create_temp_file("indxyls", axy->tempdir); sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, sf->indxylsfn); } // -- match file. if (!axy->matchfn) { axy->matchfn = create_temp_file("match", axy->tempdir); sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, axy->matchfn); } } // if index xyls file is needed, we need: if (sf->indxylsfn) { // -- wcs if (!axy->wcsfn) { axy->wcsfn = create_temp_file("wcs", axy->tempdir); sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, axy->wcsfn); } // -- rdls if (!axy->rdlsfn) { axy->rdlsfn = create_temp_file("rdls", axy->tempdir); sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, axy->rdlsfn); } } // Download URL... if (isurl) { sl_append(cmdline, usecurl ? "curl" : "wget"); if (!verbose) sl_append(cmdline, usecurl ? "--silent" : "--quiet"); sl_append(cmdline, usecurl ? "--output" : "-O"); append_escape(cmdline, downloadfn); append_escape(cmdline, infile); cmd = sl_implode(cmdline, " "); logmsg("Downloading...\n"); if (run_command(cmd, &ctrlc)) { ERROR("%s command %s", sl_get(cmdline, 0), (ctrlc ? "was cancelled" : "failed")); exit(-1); } sl_remove_all(cmdline); free(cmd); infile = downloadfn; } if (makeplots) want_pnm = TRUE; if (axy->assume_fits_image) { axy->imagefn = infile; if (axy->pnmfn) want_pnm = TRUE; } else { logverb("Checking if file \"%s\" ext %i is xylist or image: ", infile, axy->extension); fflush(NULL); reason = NULL; isxyls = xylist_is_file_xylist(infile, axy->extension, axy->xcol, axy->ycol, &reason); logverb(isxyls ? "xyls\n" : "image\n"); if (!isxyls) logverb(" (not xyls because: %s)\n", reason); free(reason); fflush(NULL); if (isxyls) axy->xylsfn = infile; else { axy->imagefn = infile; want_pnm = TRUE; } } if (want_pnm && !axy->pnmfn) { ppmfn = create_temp_file("ppm", axy->tempdir); sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, ppmfn); axy->pnmfn = ppmfn; axy->force_ppm = TRUE; } axy->keep_fitsimg = (newfits || scamp); if (augment_xylist(axy, me)) { ERROR("augment-xylist failed"); exit(-1); } if (just_augment) goto nextfile; if (makeplots) { // Check that the plotting executables were built... char* exec = find_executable("plotxy", me); free(exec); if (!exec) { logmsg("Couldn't find \"plotxy\" executable - maybe you didn't build the plotting programs?\n"); logmsg("Disabling plots.\n"); makeplots = FALSE; } } if (makeplots) { // source extraction overlay if (plot_source_overlay(axy, me, objsfn, plotscale, bgfn)) makeplots = FALSE; } append_escape(engineargs, axy->axyfn); if (file_readable(axy->wcsfn)) axy->wcs_last_mod = file_get_last_modified_time(axy->wcsfn); else axy->wcs_last_mod = 0; if (!engine_batch) { run_engine(engineargs); after_solved(axy, sf, makeplots, me, verbose, axy->tempdir, tempdirs, tempfiles, plotscale, bgfn); } else { bl_append(batchaxy, axy); bl_append(batchsf, sf ); } fflush(NULL); // clean up and move on to the next file. nextfile: free(base); sl_free2(cmdline); if (!engine_batch) { free(axy->fitsimgfn); free(axy->solvedinfn); free(bgfn); // erm. if (axy->verifywcs != allaxy->verifywcs) sl_free2(axy->verifywcs); sl_remove_all(outfiles); if (!axy->no_delete_temp) delete_temp_files(tempfiles, tempdirs); } errors_print_stack(stdout); errors_clear_stack(); logmsg("\n"); } if (engine_batch) { run_engine(engineargs); for (i=0; i<bl_size(batchaxy); i++) { augment_xylist_t* axy = bl_access(batchaxy, i); solve_field_args_t* sf = bl_access(batchsf, i); after_solved(axy, sf, makeplots, me, verbose, axy->tempdir, tempdirs, tempfiles, plotscale, bgfn); errors_print_stack(stdout); errors_clear_stack(); logmsg("\n"); free(axy->fitsimgfn); free(axy->solvedinfn); // erm. if (axy->verifywcs != allaxy->verifywcs) sl_free2(axy->verifywcs); } if (!allaxy->no_delete_temp) delete_temp_files(tempfiles, tempdirs); bl_free(batchaxy); bl_free(batchsf); } if (!allaxy->no_delete_temp) delete_temp_files(tempfiles2, NULL); sl_free2(outfiles); sl_free2(tempfiles); sl_free2(tempfiles2); sl_free2(tempdirs); sl_free2(engineargs); free(me); augment_xylist_free_contents(allaxy); return 0; }
static LIST_IT_CALLBK(_posting_write) { LIST_OBJ(struct subpath, p, ln); P_CAST(id, CP_ID, pa_extra); char path[MAX_DIR_NAME_LEN]; FILE *fh; struct posting_head hd = {0, 0}; BOOL wr_flag = 0; /* make directory first */ sprintf(path, "col/%s", p->dir); mkdir_p(path); /* wirte posting header */ // sprintf(path, "col/%s/head.bin", p->dir); // // if(!file_exists(path)) { // /* the file does not exist currently. */ // fh = fopen(path, "w"); // // if (fh) { // hd.max = *id; // hd.min = *id; // // fwrite(&hd, sizeof(struct posting_head), 1, fh); // fclose(fh); // } // } else { // fh = fopen(path, "r+"); // if (fh) { // fread(&hd, sizeof(struct posting_head), 1, fh); // // if (hd.max < *id) { // hd.max = *id; // wr_flag = 1; // } // // if (*id < hd.min) { // hd.min = *id; // wr_flag = 1; // } // // if (wr_flag) { // /* overwrite by new numbers */ // rewind(fh); // fwrite(&hd, sizeof(struct posting_head), 1, fh); // } // // fclose(fh); // } // } /* wirte posting file */ sprintf(path, "col/%s/posting.bin", p->dir); fh = fopen(path, "a"); if (fh) { struct posting_item it; = *id; it.brw = p->brw; fwrite(&it, sizeof(struct posting_item), 1, fh); fclose(fh); } LIST_GO_OVER; }