Exemplo n.º 1
void maketrace(float *trace,int nt,float ft,float dt,
	float xs,float xg,float **mig,float **migi,float aperx,
  	int nx,float fx,float dx,int nz,float fz,float dz,
	int mzmax,int ls,float angmax,float v0,float fmax,Wavelet *w,
	float **tb,float **pb,float **sigb,float **cosb,int nr,float **tsum,
	int nxt,float fxt,float dxt,int nzt,float fzt,float dzt)
Make one synthetic seismogram 
**mig		migration section 
**migi		integrated migration section 
nt		number of time samples in seismic trace
ft		first time sample of seismic trace
dt		time sampleing interval in seismic trace
xs,xg		lateral coordinates of source and geophone 
aperx		lateral aperature in migration
nx,fx,dx,nz,fz,dz	dimension parameters of migration region
mzmax		number of depth samples in triangle filter
ls		=1 for line source; =0 for point source
w		wavelet to convolve with trace
angmax		migration angle aperature from vertical 	 
tb,pb,sigb,cosb		reference traveltime, lateral slowness, sigma 
		and cosine of emergent angle
nr		number of lateral samples in reference quantities
tsum		sum of residual traveltimes from shot and receiver
nxt,fxt,dxt,nzt,fzt,dzt		dimension parameters of traveltime table

trace		array[nt] containing synthetic seismogram
	int nxf,nxe,nxtf,nxte,ix,iz,iz0,izt0,nzp,jrs,jrg,jz,jt,jx,mz,iz1;
	float xm,x,dis,rxz,ar,srs,srg,srs0,srg0,sigp,z0,rdz,ampd,
	float *zpt,**ampt,**ampti,**zmt,*amp,*ampi,*zm,*tzt,*work1;
	int lhd=LHD,nhd=NHD;
	static float hd[NHD];
	static int madehd=0;

	/* if half-derivative filter not yet made, make it */
	if (!madehd) {
		madehd = 1;
	/* zero trace */
	for (jt=0; jt<nt; ++jt)
		trace[jt] = 0.0;

	zmt = ealloc2float(nzt,nxt);
	ampt = ealloc2float(nzt,nxt);
	ampti = ealloc2float(nzt,nxt);
	amp = ealloc1float(nzt);
	ampi = ealloc1float(nzt);
	zm = ealloc1float(nzt);
	tzt = ealloc1float(nzt);
	zpt = ealloc1float(nxt);
	work1 = ealloc1float(nt);

	z0 = (fz-fzt)/dzt;
	pmin = 1.0/(2.0*dx*fmax);
	rdz = dz/dzt;

	xm = 0.5*(xs+xg);
	rxz = (angmax==90)?0.0:1.0/tan(angmax*PI/180.);
	nxtf = (xm-aperx-fxt)/dxt;
	if(nxtf<0) nxtf = 0;
	nxte = (xm+aperx-fxt)/dxt+1.0;
	if(nxte>=nxt) nxte = nxt-1;

	/* compute amplitudes 	*/
	for(ix=nxtf; ix<=nxte; ++ix){
		x = fxt+ix*dxt;
		dis = (xm>=x)?xm-x:x-xm;
		izt0 = ((dis-dxt)*rxz-fzt)/dzt-1;
		if(izt0<0) izt0 = 0;
		if(izt0>=nzt) izt0 = nzt-1;

		ar = (xs>=x)?(xs-x)/dx:(x-xs)/dx;
		jrs = (int)ar;
		if(jrs>nr-2) jrs = nr-2;
		srs = ar-jrs;
		srs0 = 1.0-srs;
		ar = (xg>=x)?(xg-x)/dx:(x-xg)/dx;
		jrg = (int)ar;
		if(jrg>nr-2) jrg = nr-2;
		srg = ar-jrg;
		srg0 = 1.0-srg;
		sigp = ((xs-x)*(xg-x)>0)?1.0:-1.0;
		zpt[ix] = fzt+(nzt-1)*dzt;

		for(iz=izt0; iz<nzt; ++iz){
			sigs = srs0*sigb[jrs][iz]+srs*sigb[jrs+1][iz]; 
			sigg = srg0*sigb[jrg][iz]+srg*sigb[jrg+1][iz]; 
			coss = srs0*cosb[jrs][iz]+srs*cosb[jrs+1][iz]; 
			cosg = srg0*cosb[jrg][iz]+srg*cosb[jrg+1][iz]; 
			ampd = v0*dx*(coss+cosg)*dz;
			if(ampd<0.0) ampd = -ampd;
			    ampt[ix][iz] = ampd/sqrt(v0*sigs*sigg);
			    ampt[ix][iz] = ampd/sqrt(sigs*sigg*(sigs+sigg));

			pd = srs0*pb[jrs][iz]+srs*pb[jrs+1][iz]+sigp 
			if(pd<0.0) pd = -pd;
			if(pd<0.0) pd = -pd;
			temp = 0.5*pd*v0*dx/dz;
			if(temp<1) temp = 1.0;
			if(temp>mzmax) temp = mzmax;
			ampti[ix][iz] = ampt[ix][iz]/(temp*temp);
			zmt[ix][iz] = temp;
			if(pd<pmin && zpt[ix]>fzt+(nzt-1.1)*dzt) 
				zpt[ix] = fzt+iz*dzt;

	nxf = (xm-aperx-fx)/dx+0.5;
	if(nxf<0) nxf = 0;
	nxe = (xm+aperx-fx)/dx+0.5;
	if(nxe>=nx) nxe = nx-1;
	/* interpolate amplitudes */
	for(ix=nxf; ix<=nxe; ++ix){
		x = fx+ix*dx;
		dis = (xm>=x)?xm-x:x-xm;
		izt0 = (dis*rxz-fzt)/dzt-1;
		if(izt0<0) izt0 = 0;
		if(izt0>=nzt) izt0 = nzt-1;
		iz0 = (dis*rxz-fz)/dz;
		if(iz0<0) iz0 = 0;
		if(iz0>=nz) iz0 = nz-1;

		ax = (x-fxt)/dxt;
		jx = (int)ax;
		ax = ax-jx;
		if(ax<=0.01) ax = 0.;
		if(ax>=0.99) ax = 1.0;
		ax0 = 1.0-ax;
		if(jx>nxte-1) jx = nxte-1;
		if(jx<nxtf) jx = nxtf;

		ar = (xs>=x)?(xs-x)/dx:(x-xs)/dx;
		jrs = (int)ar;
		if(jrs>=nr-1) jrs = nr-2;
		srs = ar-jrs;
		srs0 = 1.0-srs;
		ar = (xg>=x)?(xg-x)/dx:(x-xg)/dx;
		jrg = (int)ar;
		if(jrg>=nr-1) jrg = nr-2;
		srg = ar-jrg;
		srg0 = 1.0-srg;

		for(iz=izt0; iz<nzt; ++iz){
		    tzt[iz] = ax0*tsum[jx][iz]+ax*tsum[jx+1][iz]

		    amp[iz] = ax0*ampt[jx][iz]+ax*ampt[jx+1][iz];
		    ampi[iz] = ax0*ampti[jx][iz]+ax*ampti[jx+1][iz];
		    zm[iz] = ax0*zmt[jx][iz]+ax*zmt[jx+1][iz];

		nzp = (ax0*zpt[jx]+ax*zpt[jx+1]-fz)/dz+1.5;
		if(nzp<iz0) nzp = iz0;
		if(nzp>nz) nzp = nz;

		/* interpolate along depth if operater aliasing 	*/
		for(iz=iz0; iz<nzp; ++iz) {
			az = z0+iz*rdz;
			jz = (int)az;
			if(jz>=nzt-1) jz = nzt-2;
			sz = az-jz;
			sz0 = 1.0-sz;
			td = sz0*tzt[jz]+sz*tzt[jz+1];
			at = (td-ft)*odt;
			jt = (int)at;
			if(jt > 0 && jt < nt-1){
			    ampd = sz0*ampi[jz]+sz*ampi[jz+1];
			    mz = (int)(0.5+sz0*zm[jz]+sz*zm[jz+1]);
			    res = at-jt;
			    iz1 = iz+mzmax;
 			    temp = (-migi[ix][iz1-mz]+2.0*migi[ix][iz1]
			    trace[jt] += (1.0-res)*temp;
			    trace[jt+1] += res*temp;

		/* interpolate along depth if not operater aliasing 	*/
		for(iz=nzp; iz<nz; ++iz) {
			az = z0+iz*rdz;
			jz = (int)az;
			if(jz>=nzt-1) jz = nzt-2;
			sz = az-jz;
			sz0 = 1.0-sz;
			td = sz0*tzt[jz]+sz*tzt[jz+1];
			at = (td-ft)*odt;
			jt = (int)at;
			if(jt > 0 && jt < nt-1){
			    ampd = sz0*amp[jz]+sz*amp[jz+1];
			    res = at-jt;
			    temp = mig[ix][iz]*ampd;
			    trace[jt] += (1.0-res)*temp;
			    trace[jt+1] += res*temp;
	/* apply half-derivative filter to trace */

	/* convolve wavelet with trace */
	/* free workspace */
Exemplo n.º 2
static void makeone (float **ts, float **as, float **sgs, 
	float **tg, float **ag, float **sgg, float ex, float ez, float dx, 
	float dz, float fx, float vs0, float vg0, int ls, Wavelet *w,
	int nr, Reflector *r, int nt, float dt, float ft, float *trace)
Make one synthetic seismogram 
**v		array[nx][nz] containing velocities 
nz		number of z samples
dz		z sampling interval
nx		number of x samples
dx		x sampling interval
fx		first x sample
ls		=1 for line source amplitudes; =0 for point source
w		wavelet to convolve with trace
xs		x coordinate of source
xg		x coordinate of receiver group
nr		number of reflectors
r		array[nr] of reflectors
nt		number of time samples
dt		time sampling interval
ft		first time sample

trace		array[nt] containing synthetic seismogram
	int it,ir,is,ns,ix,iz;
	float ar,ds,xd,zd,cd,sd,xi,zi,ci,cr,time,amp,sx,sz,
	ReflectorSegment *rs;
	int lhd=LHD,nhd=NHD;
	static float hd[NHD];
	static int madehd=0;

	/* if half-derivative filter not yet made, make it */
	if (!madehd) {
		madehd = 1;
	/* zero trace */
	for (it=0; it<nt; ++it)
		trace[it] = 0.0;
	/* loop over reflectors */
	for (ir=0; ir<nr; ++ir) {

		/* amplitude, number of segments, segment length */
		ar = r[ir].a;
		ns = r[ir].ns;
		ds = r[ir].ds;
		rs = r[ir].rs;
		/* loop over diffracting segments */
		for (is=0; is<ns; ++is) {
			/* diffractor midpoint, unit-normal, and length */
			xd = rs[is].x;
			zd = rs[is].z;
			cd = rs[is].c;
			sd = rs[is].s;
			/* check range of reflector */
			if(xd<fx || xd>=ex || zd>=ez)
			/* determine sample indices */
			xi = (xd-fx)/dx;
			ix = xi;
			zi = zd/dz;
			iz = zi;
			/* bilinear interpolation */
			sx = xi-ix;
			sz = zi-iz;
			tsd = (1.0-sz)*((1.0-sx)*ts[ix][iz] + 
						sx*ts[ix+1][iz]) +
					sz*((1.0-sx)*ts[ix][iz+1] +
			asd = (1.0-sz)*((1.0-sx)*as[ix][iz] + 
						sx*as[ix+1][iz]) +
					sz*((1.0-sx)*as[ix][iz+1] +
			sgsd = (1.0-sz)*((1.0-sx)*sgs[ix][iz] + 
						sx*sgs[ix+1][iz]) +
					sz*((1.0-sx)*sgs[ix][iz+1] +
			tgd = (1.0-sz)*((1.0-sx)*tg[ix][iz] + 
						sx*tg[ix+1][iz]) +
					sz*((1.0-sx)*tg[ix][iz+1] +
			agd = (1.0-sz)*((1.0-sx)*ag[ix][iz] + 
						sx*ag[ix+1][iz]) +
					sz*((1.0-sx)*ag[ix][iz+1] +
			sggd = (1.0-sz)*((1.0-sx)*sgg[ix][iz] + 
						sx*sgg[ix+1][iz]) +
					sz*((1.0-sx)*sgg[ix][iz+1] +
			/* cosines of incidence and reflection angles */
			ci = cd*cos(asd)+sd*sin(asd);
			cr = cd*cos(agd)+sd*sin(agd);

			/* two-way time and amplitude */
			time = tsd+tgd;

			if (ls)
			     amp = sqrt(vs0*vg0/(sgsd*sggd));
			     amp = sqrt(vs0*vg0/(sgsd*sggd*(sgsd+sggd)));
			amp *= ABS(ci+cr)*ar*ds;
			/* add sinc wavelet to trace */
	/* allocate workspace */
	temp = ealloc1float(nt);
	/* apply half-derivative filter to trace */

	/* convolve wavelet with trace */
	/* free workspace */
Exemplo n.º 3
static void makeone (float v00, float dvdx, float dvdz, 
	int ls, int er, int ob, int sp, Wavelet *w, float gamma,
	float xs, float zs, float xg, float zg,
	int nr, Reflector *r, int nt, float dt, float ft, float *trace)
Make one synthetic seismogram for linear velocity v(x,z) = v00+dvdx*x+dvdz*z
v00		velocity v at (x=0,z=0)
dvdx		derivative dv/dx of velocity v with respect to x
dvdz		derivative dv/dz of velocity v with respect to z
ls		=1 for line source amplitudes; =0 for point source
er		=1 for exploding, =0 for normal reflector amplitudes
ob		=1 to include cos obliquity factors; =0 to omit
sp		=1 to account for amplitude spreading
w		wavelet to convolve with trace
xs		x coordinate of source
zs		z coordinate of source
xg		x coordinate of receiver group
zg		z coordinate of receiver group
nr		number of reflectors
r		array[nr] of reflectors
nt		number of time samples
dt		time sampling interval
ft		first time sample

trace		array[nt] containing synthetic seismogram
	int it,ir,is,ns;
	float ar,ds,xd,zd,cd,sd,vs,vg,vd,cs,ss,ts,qs,cg,sg,tg,qg,
	ReflectorSegment *rs;
	int lhd=LHD,nhd=NHD;
	static float hd[NHD];
	static int madehd=0;

	/* constant depending on gamma and v00*/
	tos = 2.0/(1.0+1.0/gamma);
	/* if half-derivative filter not yet made, make it */
	if (!madehd) {
		madehd = 1;

	/* zero trace */
	for (it=0; it<nt; ++it)
		trace[it] = 0.0;
	/* velocities at source and receiver */
	vs = v00+dvdx*xs+dvdz*zs;
	vg = (v00+dvdx*xg+dvdz*zg)*gamma;

	/* loop over reflectors */
	for (ir=0; ir<nr; ++ir) {

		/* amplitude, number of segments, segment length */
		ar = r[ir].a;
		ns = r[ir].ns;
		ds = r[ir].ds;
		rs = r[ir].rs;
		/* loop over diffracting segments */
		for (is=0; is<ns; ++is) {
			/* diffractor midpoint, unit-normal, and length */
			xd = rs[is].x;
			zd = rs[is].z;
			cd = rs[is].c;
			sd = rs[is].s;
			/* velocity at diffractor */
			vd = (v00+dvdx*xd+dvdz*zd)*tos;

			/* ray from shot to diffractor */

			/* ray from receiver to diffractor */

			/* cosines of incidence and reflection angles */
			if (ob) {
				ci = cd*cs+sd*ss;
				cr = cd*cg+sd*sg;
			} else {
				ci = 1.0;
				cr = 1.0;

			/* if either cosine is negative, skip diffractor */
			if (ci<0.0 || cr<0.0) continue;

			/* two-way time and amplitude */
			time = ts+tg;
			if (sp) {
				if (er) {
					amp = sqrt(vg*vd/qg);
				} else {
					if (ls)
					   	amp = sqrt((vs*vd*vd*vg)/
						amp = sqrt((vs*vd*vd*vg)/
				amp *= (ci+cr)*ar*ds;
			} else 
				amp = 1.0/sqrt(time);
			/* add sinc wavelet to trace */
	/* allocate workspace */
	temp = ealloc1float(nt);
	/* apply half-derivative filter to trace */

	/* convolve wavelet with trace */
	/* free workspace */