Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: mlt_frame.c Projeto: rayl/MLT
mlt_frame mlt_frame_init( mlt_service service )
	// Allocate a frame
	mlt_frame this = calloc( sizeof( struct mlt_frame_s ), 1 );

	if ( this != NULL )
		mlt_profile profile = mlt_service_profile( service );

		// Initialise the properties
		mlt_properties properties = &this->parent;
		mlt_properties_init( properties, this );

		// Set default properties on the frame
		mlt_properties_set_position( properties, "_position", 0.0 );
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "image", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
		mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "width", profile? profile->width : 720 );
		mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "height", profile? profile->height : 576 );
		mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "normalised_width", profile? profile->width : 720 );
		mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "normalised_height", profile? profile->height : 576 );
		mlt_properties_set_double( properties, "aspect_ratio", mlt_profile_sar( NULL ) );
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "audio", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "alpha", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );

		// Construct stacks for frames and methods
		this->stack_image = mlt_deque_init( );
		this->stack_audio = mlt_deque_init( );
		this->stack_service = mlt_deque_init( );

	return this;
Exemplo n.º 2
int mlt_service_init( mlt_service self, void *child )
	int error = 0;

	// Initialise everything to NULL
	memset( self, 0, sizeof( struct mlt_service_s ) );

	// Assign the child
	self->child = child;

	// Generate local space
	self->local = calloc( 1, sizeof( mlt_service_base ) );

	// Associate the methods
	self->get_frame = service_get_frame;

	// Initialise the properties
	error = mlt_properties_init( &self->parent, self );
	if ( error == 0 )
		self->parent.close = ( mlt_destructor )mlt_service_close;
		self->parent.close_object = self;

		mlt_events_init( &self->parent );
		mlt_events_register( &self->parent, "service-changed", NULL );
		mlt_events_register( &self->parent, "property-changed", ( mlt_transmitter )mlt_service_property_changed );
		pthread_mutex_init( &( ( mlt_service_base * )self->local )->mutex, NULL );

	return error;
Exemplo n.º 3
mlt_repository mlt_repository_init( const char *directory )
	// Safety check
	if ( directory == NULL || strcmp( directory, "" ) == 0 )
		return NULL;

	// Construct the repository
	mlt_repository self = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct mlt_repository_s ));
	mlt_properties_init( &self->parent, self );
	self->consumers = mlt_properties_new();
	self->filters = mlt_properties_new();
	self->producers = mlt_properties_new();
	self->transitions = mlt_properties_new();

	// Get the directory list
	mlt_properties dir = mlt_properties_new();
	int count = mlt_properties_dir_list( dir, directory, NULL, 0 );
	int i;

	// Iterate over files
	for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		int flags = RTLD_NOW;
		const char *object_name = mlt_properties_get_value( dir, i);

		// Very temporary hack to allow the quicktime plugins to work
		// TODO: extend repository to allow this to be used on a case by case basis
		if ( strstr( object_name, "libmltkino" ) )
			flags |= RTLD_GLOBAL;

		// Open the shared object
		void *object = dlopen( object_name, flags );
		if ( object != NULL )
			// Get the registration function
			mlt_repository_callback symbol_ptr = dlsym( object, "mlt_register" );

			// Call the registration function
			if ( symbol_ptr != NULL )
				symbol_ptr( self );

				// Register the object file for closure
				mlt_properties_set_data( &self->parent, object_name, object, 0, ( mlt_destructor )dlclose, NULL );
				dlclose( object );
		else if ( strstr( object_name, "libmlt" ) )
			mlt_log( NULL, MLT_LOG_WARNING, "%s: failed to dlopen %s\n  (%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, object_name, dlerror() );

	mlt_properties_close( dir );

	return self;
Exemplo n.º 4
mlt_parser mlt_parser_new( )
	mlt_parser self = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct mlt_parser_s ) );
	if ( self != NULL && mlt_properties_init( &self->parent, self ) == 0 )
		self->on_invalid = on_invalid;
		self->on_unknown = on_unknown;
		self->on_start_producer = on_start_producer;
		self->on_end_producer = on_end_producer;
		self->on_start_playlist = on_start_playlist;
		self->on_end_playlist = on_end_playlist;
		self->on_start_tractor = on_start_tractor;
		self->on_end_tractor = on_end_tractor;
		self->on_start_multitrack = on_start_multitrack;
		self->on_end_multitrack = on_end_multitrack;
		self->on_start_track = on_start_track;
		self->on_end_track = on_end_track;
		self->on_start_filter = on_start_filter;
		self->on_end_filter = on_end_filter;
		self->on_start_transition = on_start_transition;
		self->on_end_transition = on_end_transition;
	return self;