Exemplo n.º 1
int	cmdUnsetEnv(	ClientData	 client_data,
	  		Tcl_Interp	*interp,
	  		int		 argc,
	  		CONST84 char	*argv[])
     **  Parameter check. The name of the variable has to be specified

    ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_START, LOC, _proc_cmdUnsetEnv, NULL);

    if( argc < 2 || argc > 3) {
	if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_USAGE, LOC, argv[0], "variable [value]",
	    return( TCL_ERROR);		/** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/

     **  Non-persist mode?

    if (g_flags & M_NONPERSIST) {
	return (TCL_OK);

     **  Unset the variable or just display what to do ...

    if( g_flags & M_DISPLAY) {
	fprintf( stderr, "%s\t ", argv[ 0]);
	while( --argc)
	    fprintf( stderr, "%s ", *++argv);
	fprintf( stderr, "\n");
    } else if( g_flags & M_REMOVE && argc == 3) {
	int save_flags = g_flags;
	/** allow an optional 3rd argument to set the env.var. to on removal **/
	g_flags = (g_flags & ~M_REMOVE) | M_LOAD;
	moduleSetenv( interp, (char *) argv[1], (char *) argv[2], 0);
	g_flags = save_flags;
    } else {
	moduleUnsetenv( interp, (char *) argv[1]);

     **  Return on success

    ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_END, LOC, _proc_cmdUnsetEnv, NULL);

    return( TCL_OK);

} /** End of 'cmdUnsetEnv' **/
Exemplo n.º 2
int	ModuleCmd_Update(	Tcl_Interp	*interp,
                        int		 count,
                        char		*module_list[])
#ifdef  BEGINENV
    char	 *buf,			/** Read buffer			     **/
             *var_ptr,		/** Pointer to a variables name	     **/
             *val_ptr,		/** Pointer to a variables value     **/
             **load_list,		/** List of loaded modules	     **/
             *tmpload,		/** LOADEDMODULES contents	     **/
             *loaded,		/** Buffer for tokenization	     **/
             *filename;		/** The name of the file, where the  **/
    /** beginning environment resides    **/
    FILE	 *file;			/** Handle to read in a file	     **/
    int		  list_count = 0,
              maxlist = 16,		/** Max. number of list entries	     **/
              buffer_size = UPD_BUFSIZE;
    /** Current size of the input buffer **/
    char	 *ptr, c;		/** Read pointers and char buffer    **/

#  if BEGINENV == 99
    if (!EMGetEnv( interp,"MODULESBEGINENV")) {
        ErrorLogger( ERR_BEGINENVX, LOC, NULL);
        return( TCL_ERROR);	/** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/
#  endif
     **  Nothing loaded so far - we're ready!

    if(!(tmpload = (char *) getenv("LOADEDMODULES"))) {
        if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_MODULE_PATH, LOC, NULL))
            goto unwind0;
            goto success0;

     **  First I'll update the environment with whatever in _MODULESBEGINENV_
    filename = EMGetEnv( interp,"_MODULESBEGINENV_");
    if(filename && *filename) {

         **  Read the begining environment
        if((file = fopen( filename, "r"))) {

            if(!(buf = stringer(NULL, buffer_size, NULL )))
                if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL))
                    goto unwind0;

            while( !feof( file)) {

                 **  Trigger on entries of the type
                 **    <variable> = <value>
                ptr = buf;
                while( !feof( file)) {
                    if((ptr-buf) >= buffer_size-10) {	/** 10 bytes safety  **/
                        null_free((void *) &buf);
                        if(!(buf = stringer(NULL,
                                            buffer_size += UPD_BUFSIZE, NULL )))
                            if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL))
                                goto unwind0;
                     **  Read a character and put it into the read buffer. Check
                     **  for the lines (CR) or a terminator character ...
                    if( '\n' == (*ptr++ = c = fgetc( file))) {
                        *ptr++ = c = '\0';

                    if( !c)

                } /** while **/

                 **  If there hasn't been a terminator so far, put it at the
                 **  end of the line. Therefor we've left a safety space at the
                 **  buffers end ;-)
                if( c)
                    *ptr++ = '\0';

                 **  Now let's evaluate the read line
                if( (var_ptr = strchr( buf, '=')) ) {
                    *var_ptr = '\0';
                    val_ptr = var_ptr+1;
                    var_ptr = buf;

                     **  Reset the environment to the values derivered from the
                     **  _MODULESBEGINENV_.
                     **  Do not change the LOADEDMODULES variable ;-)
                     **  Do not change the TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY also.
                    if( strncmp( var_ptr, "LOADEDMODULES", 12) &&
                            strncmp( var_ptr, "TCL_LIBRARY", 10 ) &&
                            strncmp( var_ptr, "TK_LIBRARY", 9 )) {
                        if( !strncmp( var_ptr, "MODULEPATH", 10))
                            moduleSetenv( interp, var_ptr, val_ptr, 1);
                            EMSetEnv( interp, var_ptr, val_ptr);
                } /** if( var_ptr) **/
            } /** while **/

             **  Close the _MODULESBEGINENV_ file anf free up the read buffer.
            null_free((void *) &buf);

            if( EOF == fclose( file))
                if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_CLOSE, LOC, filename, NULL))
                    goto unwind0;

        } else { /** if( fopen) **/

            if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_OPEN, LOC, filename,_(em_reading),NULL))
                goto unwind0;

        } /** if( fopen) **/
    } /** if( filename) **/
    null_free((void *) &filename);

     **  Allocate memory for a buffer to tokenize the list of loaded modules
     **  and a list buffer
    if(!(load_list = (char**) module_malloc( maxlist*sizeof(char**))))
        if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_ALLOC, LOC, NULL))
            goto unwind0;

    if(!(loaded = stringer(NULL, 0, tmpload, NULL)))
        if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL))
            goto unwind1;

     **  Tokenize and build the list
    if( *loaded) {

        for( load_list[ list_count++] = xstrtok( loaded, ":");
                load_list[ list_count-1];
                load_list[ list_count++] = xstrtok( NULL, ":") ) {

             **  Conditionally we have to double the space, we've allocated for
             **  the list

            if( list_count >= maxlist) {
                maxlist = maxlist<<1;

                if(!(load_list = (char**) module_realloc(
                                     (char *) load_list, maxlist*sizeof(char**))))
                    if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_ALLOC, LOC, NULL))
                        goto unwind1;

            } /** if( maxlist) **/
        } /** for **/

         **  Load all the modules in the list
        ModuleCmd_Load( interp, 1, list_count, load_list);

     **  Free up what has been allocated and return on success
    null_free((void *) &loaded);
    null_free((void *) &load_list);

    return( TCL_OK);			/** -------- EXIT (SUCCESS) -------> **/

    null_free((void *) &load_list);
    null_free((void *) &filename);
#else	/* BEGINENV */
    ErrorLogger( ERR_BEGINENV, LOC, NULL);
#endif	/* !BEGINENV */
    return( TCL_ERROR);			/** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/

} /** End of 'ModuleCmd_Update' **/
Exemplo n.º 3
int Initialize_Tcl(	Tcl_Interp	**interp,
	       		int         	  argc,
	       		char		 *argv[],
               		char		 *environ[])
    int 	Result = TCL_ERROR;
    char *	tmp;

    ErrorLogger( NO_ERR_START, LOC, _proc_Initialize_Tcl, NULL);

     **  Check the command syntax. Since this is already done
     **  Less than 3 parameters isn't valid. Invocation should be
     **   'modulecmd <shell> <command>'
    if(argc < 2) 
	if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_USAGE, LOC, argv[0], " shellname", NULL))
	    goto unwind0;

     **  Check the first parameter to modulcmd for a known shell type
     **  and set the shell properties
    if( !set_shell_properties( argv[1]))
	if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_SHELL, LOC, argv[1], NULL))
	    goto unwind0;

     **  Create a Tcl interpreter in order to proceed the command. Initialize
     **  this interpreter and set up pointers to all Tcl Module commands
     **  (InitializeModuleCommands)
#ifdef __CYGWIN__
    /* ABr, 12/10/01: from Cygwin stuff */
    Tcl_FindExecutable( argv[0] ) ;

    *interp = EM_CreateInterp();

    if( TCL_OK != (Result = InitializeModuleCommands( *interp)))
	goto unwind0;

     **  Now set up the hash-tables for shell environment modifications.
     **  For a description of these tables have a look at main.c, where
     **  they're defined.  The tables have to be allocated and thereafter
     **  initialized. Exit from the whole program in case allocation fails.
    if( ( ! ( setenvHashTable = 
	    (Tcl_HashTable*) module_malloc( sizeof(Tcl_HashTable))) ) ||
        ( ! ( unsetenvHashTable = 
	    (Tcl_HashTable*) module_malloc( sizeof(Tcl_HashTable))) ) ||
        ( ! ( aliasSetHashTable = 
	    (Tcl_HashTable*) module_malloc( sizeof(Tcl_HashTable))) ) ||
        ( ! ( aliasUnsetHashTable = 
	    (Tcl_HashTable*) module_malloc( sizeof(Tcl_HashTable))) ) ||
        ( ! ( markVariableHashTable = 
	    (Tcl_HashTable*) module_malloc( sizeof(Tcl_HashTable))) ) ||
        ( ! ( markAliasHashTable = 
	    (Tcl_HashTable*) module_malloc( sizeof(Tcl_HashTable))) ) ) {

	if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_ALLOC, LOC, NULL))
	    goto unwind0;

    Tcl_InitHashTable( setenvHashTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
    Tcl_InitHashTable( unsetenvHashTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
    Tcl_InitHashTable( aliasSetHashTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
    Tcl_InitHashTable( aliasUnsetHashTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
    Tcl_InitHashTable( markVariableHashTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS);
    Tcl_InitHashTable( markAliasHashTable, TCL_STRING_KEYS);

#  if BEGINENV == 99
     **  Check for the existence of the environment variable
     **  "MODULESBEGINENV".  This signals that for this
     **  configuration that the user wants to record the initial
     **  environment as seen for the first time by the module
     **  command into the filename given in the MODULESBEGINENV
     **  environment variable (which can have one level of
     **  variable expansion).  Whether it's the first time or not
     **  is moderated by the existence of environment variable
     **  _MODULESBEGINENV_ or not.
     **  The update command will use this information to reinitialize the
     **  environment and then reload every modulefile that has been loaded
     **  since as stored in the LOADEDMODULES environment variable in order.
    if( (tmp = xgetenv( "MODULESBEGINENV")) ) {
	/* MODULESBEGINENV is set ... use it */

	if( !getenv( "_MODULESBEGINENV_") ) {
		FILE*  file;
		if( (file = fopen(tmp, "w+")) ) {
			int i=0;
			while( environ[i]) {
				fprintf( file, "%s\n", environ[i++]);
			moduleSetenv( *interp, "_MODULESBEGINENV_", tmp, 1);
			fclose( file);
		} else
			if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_OPEN, LOC,
			    TCL_RESULT(*interp), "append", NULL))
			    goto unwind0;

		null_free((void *) &tmp);
#  else
     **  Check for the existence of the
     **  environment variable "_MODULESBEGINENV_".  If it is set, then
     **  do nothing, otherwise, Store every environment variable into
     **  ~/.modulesbeginenv.  This will be used to store the environment
     **  variables exactly as it was when Modules saw it for the very first
     **  time.
     **  The update command will use this information to reinitialize the
     **  environment and then reload every modulefile that has been loaded
     **  since as stored in the LOADEDMODULES environment variable in order.
    if( !getenv( "_MODULESBEGINENV_") ) {
	/* use .modulesbeginenv */

        FILE*  file;
        char savefile[] = "/.modulesbeginenv";
	char *buffer;

	tmp = getenv("HOME");
	if((char *) NULL == (tmp = getenv("HOME")))
	    if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_HOME, LOC, NULL))
		goto unwind0;

	if((char *) NULL == (buffer = stringer(NULL,0,tmp,savefile,NULL)))
	    if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL))
		goto unwind0;

            if( file = fopen(buffer, "w+")) {
                int i=0;
                while( environ[i]) {
                    fprintf( file, "%s\n", environ[i++]);
                moduleSetenv( *interp, "_MODULESBEGINENV_", buffer, 1);
                fclose( file);
            } else
		if( OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_OPEN, LOC,
		    TCL_RESULT(*interp), "append", NULL))
		    goto unwind0;

	    null_free((void *) &buffer);
#  endif

     **  Exit to the main program
    return( TCL_OK);			/** -------- EXIT (SUCCESS) -------> **/

    return( Result);			/** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/

} /** End of 'Initialize_Tcl' **/
Exemplo n.º 4
int	cmdSetEnv(ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc,
			  CONST84 char *argv[])
    int		 force;			/** Force removale of variables	     **/
    char	*var;			/** name of variable		     **/
    char	*val;			/** value of varibale		     **/

	force = 0; /* initialize */
	var = (char *)argv[1]; /* initialize (same as default case below) */
	val = (char *)argv[2]; /* initialize (same as default case below) */

    ErrorLogger(NO_ERR_START, LOC, _proc_cmdSetEnv, NULL);

     **  Check parameters. Usage is:  [-force] variable value

    if ((argc < 3) || (argc > 4)) {
		if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_USAGE, LOC, argv[0],
							  "[-force] variable value", NULL)) {
			return (TCL_ERROR); /** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/

     **  Get the name and value of the variable from the argument array:
    if (*argv[1] == '-') {
        if (!strncmp(argv[1], "-force", 6)) {
            force = 1;
            var = (char *)argv[2];
            val = (char *)argv[3];
        } else {
			if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_USAGE, LOC, argv[0],
								  "[-force] variable value", NULL)) {
				return (TCL_ERROR);	/** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/
    } else {
		/* default case: */
        force = 0;
        var = (char *)argv[1];
        val = (char *)argv[2];

    moduleSetenv(interp, var, val, force);

     **  This has to be done after everything has been set because the
     **  variables may be needed later in the modulefile.
    if (g_flags & M_DISPLAY) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s\t\t ", argv[0]);
		while (--argc) {
			fprintf( stderr, "%s ", *++argv);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    ErrorLogger(NO_ERR_END, LOC, _proc_cmdSetEnv, NULL);


} /** End of 'cmdSetEnv' **/
Exemplo n.º 5
int	cmdSetPath(ClientData client_data, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc,
			   CONST84 char *argv[])
    Tcl_RegExp chkexpPtr;	/** Regular expression for
							 * marker checking	 **/
    char *oldpath,			/** Old value of 'var'	     **/
		 *newpath,			/** New value of 'var'	     **/
		 *sw_marker = APP_SW_MARKER,	/** arbitrary default	     **/
		 *startp = NULL, *endp = NULL,	/** regexp match endpts	     **/
		 *qualifiedpath,	/** List of dirs which
						     * are NOT already in path   **/
		**pathlist;			/** List of dirs	     **/
    const char *delim = _colon;		/** path delimiter	     **/
    int		append = 1,			/** append or prepend	     **/
			numpaths,			/** number of dirs in path   **/
			qpathlen,			/** qualifiedpath length     **/
			arg1 = 1,			/** arg start		     **/
			x;				/** loop index		     **/
    Tcl_Obj	 *np_obj;			/** new path Tcl Obj	     **/

    ErrorLogger(NO_ERR_START, LOC, _proc_cmdSetPath, NULL);

     **  Whatis mode?
    if (g_flags & (M_WHATIS | M_HELP)) {
        goto success0;

     **   Check arguments. There should be at least 3 args:
     **     argv[0]  -  prepend/append
     **     ...
     **     argv[n-1]-  varname
     **     argv[n]  -  value
    if(argc < 3) {
		if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_USAGE, LOC, argv[0],
							  " path-variable directory", NULL)) {
			goto unwind0;

     **  Should this guy be removed from the variable(?)... If yes, then do so!
    if (g_flags & M_REMOVE) {
		return (cmdRemovePath(client_data, interp, argc, argv));   /** ----> **/

     **  prepend or append. The default is append.
    if (!(append = !!strncmp(argv[0], "pre", 3))) {
		sw_marker = PRE_SW_MARKER;

     **  Non-persist mode?

    if (g_flags & M_NONPERSIST) {
		return (TCL_OK);

     **  Display only ... ok, let us do so!
    if (g_flags & M_DISPLAY) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s\t ", argv[0]);
		while (--argc) {
			fprintf( stderr, "%s ", *++argv);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        goto success0;

     **  Check for the delimiter option
    if (*(argv[arg1]) == '-') {
		if (!strcmp(argv[arg1], "-d")) {
			delim = argv[(arg1 + 1)];
			arg1 += 2;
		} else if (!strcmp(argv[arg1], "--delim")) {
			delim = argv[(arg1 + 1)];
			arg1 += 2;
		} else if (!strncmp(argv[arg1], "--delim=", 8)) {
			delim = (argv[arg1] + 8);

     **  Get the old value of the variable. MANPATH defaults to a configure
     **  generated value.
     **  Put a \ in front of each '.' and '+'.
     **  (this is an intentional memory leak)
    oldpath = EMGetEnv(interp, argv[arg1]);

    if(!oldpath || !*oldpath) {
		null_free((void *) &oldpath);
		oldpath = ((!strcmp(argv[arg1], "MANPATH"))
				   ? stringer(NULL, 0, DEFAULTMANPATH, NULL)
				   : stringer(NULL, 0, "", NULL));

     **  Split the new path into its components directories so each
     **  directory can be checked to see whether it is already in the
     **  existing path.
    if (!(pathlist = SplitIntoList(interp, (char *)argv[(arg1 + 1)],
								   &numpaths, delim))) {
		goto unwind0;

     **  Some space for the list of paths which
     **  are not already in the existing path.
    if((char *) NULL == (qualifiedpath = stringer(NULL, 0, argv[(arg1 + 1)],
												  delim, NULL))) {
		if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) {
			goto unwind1;

    qpathlen = (int)(strlen(qualifiedpath) + 1);
    *qualifiedpath = '\0';		/** make sure null for later	     **/

    for ((x = 0); (x < numpaths); x++) {

		regex_quote(pathlist[x], buffer, PATH_BUFLEN);

		 **  Check to see if path is already in this path variable.
		 **  It could be at the
		 **     beginning ... ^path:
		 **     middle    ... :path:
		 **     end       ... :path$
		 **     only one  ... ^path$
		if ((char *)NULL == (newpath = stringer(NULL, 0, "(^", buffer, delim,
												")|(", delim, buffer, delim,
												")|(", delim, buffer, "$)|(^",
												buffer, "$)", NULL))) {
			if (OK != ErrorLogger( ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) {
				goto unwind2;

		np_obj = Tcl_NewStringObj(newpath, (int)strlen(newpath));
		chkexpPtr = Tcl_GetRegExpFromObj(interp, np_obj, TCL_REG_ADVANCED);
		null_free((void *)&newpath);

		 **  If the directory is not already in the path,
		 **  add it to the qualified path.
		if (!Tcl_RegExpExec(interp, chkexpPtr, oldpath, oldpath)) {
			if (!stringer((qualifiedpath + strlen(qualifiedpath)),
						  (int)((unsigned long)qpathlen - strlen(qualifiedpath)),
						  pathlist[x], delim, NULL)) {
				if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) {
					goto unwind2;
    }	/** End of loop that checks for
		 ** already existent path
     **  If all of the directories in the new path already exist,
     **  exit doing nothing.
    if (! *qualifiedpath) {
		goto success1;

    /* remove trailing delimiter */
    qualifiedpath[(strlen(qualifiedpath) - 1)] = '\0';

     **  Some space for our newly created path.
     **  We size at the oldpath plus the addition.
    if (!(newpath = stringer(NULL, (int)(strlen(oldpath) + strlen(qualifiedpath) + 2), NULL))) {
		if (OK != ErrorLogger(ERR_STRING, LOC, NULL)) {
			goto unwind2;
    *newpath = '\0';

     **  Easy job to do, if the old path has not been set up so far ...
    if (!strcmp(oldpath, "")) {
		strcpy(newpath, qualifiedpath);

		 **  Otherwise we have to take care on prepending vs. appending ...
		 **  If there is a append or prepend marker within the variable (see
		 **  modules_def.h) the changes are made according to this markers. Other-
		 **  wise append and prepend will be relative to the strings begin or end.
    } else {
		Tcl_Obj *sw_obj = Tcl_NewStringObj(sw_marker, (int)strlen(sw_marker));
		Tcl_RegExp markexpPtr = Tcl_GetRegExpFromObj(interp,

		strcpy(newpath, oldpath);

		if (Tcl_RegExpExec(interp, markexpPtr, oldpath, oldpath)) {
			Tcl_RegExpRange(markexpPtr, 0,
							(CONST84 char **)&startp, (CONST84 char **)&endp);

			 **  Append/Prepend marker found
			if (append) {
				char ch = *startp;
				*startp = '\0';
				strcpy(newpath, oldpath);
                 ** check that newpath has a value before adding delim
				if ((strlen(newpath) > 0) &&
					(newpath[(strlen(newpath) - 1)] != *delim)) {
					strcat(newpath, delim);
				strcat(newpath, qualifiedpath);
				if (newpath[strlen(newpath)-1] != *delim) {
					strcat(newpath, delim);
				*startp = ch;
				strcat(newpath, startp);
			} else {
                char ch = *endp;
				*endp = '\0';
				strcpy(newpath, oldpath);
				if (newpath[strlen(newpath)-1] != *delim) {
					strcat(newpath, delim);
				strcat(newpath, qualifiedpath);
				*endp = ch;
				strcat(newpath, endp);
		} else {
			 **  No marker set
			if (append) {
				strcpy(newpath, oldpath);
				if (newpath[strlen(newpath)-1] != *delim) {
					strcat(newpath, delim);
				strcat(newpath, qualifiedpath);
			} else {
				strcpy(newpath, qualifiedpath);
				if (*oldpath != *delim)	{
					strcat(newpath, delim);
				strcat(newpath, oldpath);
			} /* end "if (append)" */
		} /** end "if (marker)" **/
    } /** end "if (strcmp)" **/

     **  Now the new value to be set resides in 'newpath'. Set it up.
    moduleSetenv(interp, (char *)argv[arg1], newpath, 1);

    ErrorLogger(NO_ERR_END, LOC, _proc_cmdSetPath, NULL);

     ** Free resources
    null_free((void *)&newpath);
    null_free((void *)&oldpath);
    null_free((void *)&qualifiedpath);
    FreeList(pathlist, numpaths);
    return (TCL_OK);			/** -------- EXIT (SUCCESS) -------> **/

    null_free((void *)&qualifiedpath);
    FreeList(pathlist, numpaths);
    null_free((void *)&oldpath);
    return (TCL_ERROR);			/** -------- EXIT (FAILURE) -------> **/

} /** End of 'cmdSetPath' **/