Exemplo n.º 1
 * use the de Casteljau algorithm to subdivide the Bezier curve divisions times,
 * then add the lines connecting the control points to the module.
void module_bezierCurve(Module *m, BezierCurve *b, int divisions){
	Line tempLine;
	Point deCast[7];
	BezierCurve tempbez;
	if(!m || !b){
		printf("Null passed to module_bezierCurve\n");
	// base case, add six lines to module
	if(divisions == 0){
		line_set(&tempLine, b->c[0], b->c[1]);
		module_line(m, &tempLine);
		line_set(&tempLine, b->c[1], b->c[2]);
		module_line(m, &tempLine);
		line_set(&tempLine, b->c[2], b->c[3]);
		module_line(m, &tempLine);
	// compute all avg points for 3 orders, down to just one point 3rd order
	deCasteljau(&(deCast[0]), &(b->c[0]));
	// left half
	bezierCurve_set(&tempbez, &(deCast[0]));
	module_bezierCurve(m, &tempbez, divisions-1);
	// right half
	bezierCurve_set(&tempbez, &(deCast[3]));
	module_bezierCurve(m, &tempbez, divisions-1);
Exemplo n.º 2
int main( int argc, char *argv[]){
  //set up the images
  Image *src; 
  Image *myImage;

  //set up the modules!!
  Module *basket;

  Module *connector;
  Module *connector1;
  Line l;
  Point pts[2];

  Module *circle;
  Module *hotAirBalloon;
  Module *teamOfBalloons; 
  Module *scene; 

  //pick the colors
  Color colors[6]; 
  Color brown;
  Color blue;
  Color green;
  Color grey; 

  //set up view stuff, and image file stuff
  Matrix vtm, gtm; 
  int rows; 
  int cols; 
  View3D view; 
  DrawState *ds;
  char filename[256];

  int i, j, k, m, n; 

  //Set the colors up
  color_set(&brown, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0);
  color_set(&blue, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0);
  color_set(&green, 0.1, 0.4, 0.0);
  color_set(&grey, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
  color_set(&colors[0], 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);//Red
  color_set(&colors[1],1.0, 0.5, 0.0);//orange
  color_set(&colors[2],1.0, 1.0, 0.1);//yellow
  color_set(&colors[3], 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);//green
  color_set(&colors[4], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);//blue
  color_set(&colors[5], 0.4, 0.0, 0.8);//purple
  //if you want to supply a background image you can, otherwise I set a default sky blue background!
    printf("you supplied an image\n");
    myImage = image_read(argv[1]);
    rows = myImage->rows;
    cols = myImage->cols;
    printf("%d %d\n", rows, cols);
    printf("We are giving your image a default size!\n");
    rows = 500;
    cols = 500;
    myImage = image_create(rows, cols); 
    for(m = 0; m< rows; m++){
      for(n = 0; n<cols; n++){
	image_setColor(myImage, m, n, blue);

  //Loop over the scene 300 times moving the scene around!! 
  for(k = 0; k<300; k++){
    //Set up the view
    point_set( &(view.vrp), 150, 100, 200, 1.0);
    vector_set( &(view.vpn), -view.vrp.val[0], -view.vrp.val[1], -view.vrp.val[2]);
    vector_set( &(view.vup), 0, 1.0, 0);
    view.d = 20; 
    view.du = 10; 
    view.dv = view.du* (float)rows/cols;
    view.f = 0; 
    view.b = 5; 
    view.screenx = rows; 
    view.screeny = cols; 

    matrix_setView3D( &vtm, &view); 
    matrix_identity( &gtm ); 

    // basket: cube (will need 1 in hot air balloon module)
    basket = module_create(); 
    module_color(basket, &brown);
    module_cube(basket, 1); 

    //connectors: lines need 4
    connector = module_create();
    point_set3D(&pts[0],1,1,1 );
    line_set(&l, pts[0], pts[1]);
    module_line(connector, &l);

    connector1 = module_create();
    point_set3D(&pts[0], 1,1 , 1);
    point_set3D(&pts[1], 0,4.2 ,1 );
    line_set(&l, pts[0], pts[1]);
    module_line(connector1, &l);

    // balloon: circles nested on top of eachother 
    circle = module_create();
    module_color(circle, &colors[0]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 0, 1);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 3);
    module_circle(circle, 1);

    module_color(circle, &colors[1]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 1);
    module_circle(circle, 2.5);

    module_color(circle, &colors[2]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 1);
    module_circle(circle, 3);

    module_color(circle, &colors[3]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 1);
    module_circle(circle, 4);

    module_color(circle, &colors[4]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 1);
    module_circle(circle, 5);

    module_color(circle, &colors[5]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 1);
    module_circle(circle, 6);

    module_color(circle, &colors[0]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1,0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 1);
    module_circle(circle, 7);

    module_color(circle, &colors[1]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 1);
    module_circle(circle, 7);

    module_color(circle, &colors[2]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0,1);
    module_circle(circle, 7);

    module_color(circle, &colors[3]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 1);
    module_circle(circle, 7);

    module_color(circle, &colors[4]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 1);
    module_circle(circle, 6);

    module_color(circle, &colors[5]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 1);
    module_circle(circle, 5);

    module_color(circle, &colors[0]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 1);
    module_circle(circle, 4);

    module_color(circle, &colors[1]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 0.5);
    module_circle(circle, 3);

    module_color(circle, &colors[2]);
    module_rotateX(circle, 1, 0);
    module_translate2D(circle, 0, 0.5);
    module_circle(circle, 2);

    //hotAirBalloon: put the above parts together
    hotAirBalloon = module_create();
    module_module(hotAirBalloon, basket);
    module_module(hotAirBalloon, connector);
    module_translate(hotAirBalloon, -2,0 ,0 );
    module_module(hotAirBalloon, connector1);
    module_translate(hotAirBalloon, 0, 0, -2);
    module_module(hotAirBalloon, connector1);
    module_translate(hotAirBalloon, 2, 0, 0);
    module_module(hotAirBalloon, connector);
    module_module(hotAirBalloon, circle);

    //make a team of balloons
    teamOfBalloons = module_create();
    module_translate(teamOfBalloons, 0,-30,-15);
    module_module(teamOfBalloons, hotAirBalloon);
    module_translate(teamOfBalloons, 0, 0+(k*0.1),15);
    module_module(teamOfBalloons, hotAirBalloon);
    module_translate(teamOfBalloons, 0, 0+(k*0.1),15);
    module_module(teamOfBalloons, hotAirBalloon);

    //make a scene of balloons
    scene = module_create(); 
    module_translate(scene, -40, 10+(k*0.1), 10);
    module_module(scene, teamOfBalloons);
    module_translate(scene, 140, 10, 55);
    module_module(scene, teamOfBalloons);
    module_translate(scene, -50, 10+(k*0.1), -40);
    module_module(scene, teamOfBalloons);
    module_translate(scene, 30, 10+(k*0.2) , -55);
    module_module(scene, teamOfBalloons);

    //set up the image
    src = image_create(rows, cols); 

    //Either draw the background image you supplied or use my default background
    for (i = 0; i<rows; i++){
      for (j = 0; j<cols; j++){
	  blue = image_getColor(myImage, i, j);
	  image_setColor(src,i, j, blue);

    //set up the draw state if you want filled polygons need to use ShadeConstant instead of ShadeFrame
    ds = drawstate_create();
    ds->shade = ShadeFrame; 

    //draw the modules!
    module_draw( scene, &vtm, &gtm, ds, NULL, src); 

    //put the files in the right place with the right name!! 
    sprintf(filename, "/export/home/vedwards/Desktop/Graphics/images/hotAirBalloons3/frame-%04d.ppm", k );
    printf("Writing image\n");
    image_write( src, filename );

  //Clean up, delete all of the modules, images, and drawState

  image_free( src );
  image_free( myImage );
Exemplo n.º 3
 * use the de Casteljau algorithm to subdivide the Bezier surface divisions times,
 * then draw either the lines connecting the control points, if solid is 0, 
 * or draw triangles connecting the surface.
void module_bezierSurface(Module *m, BezierSurface *b, int divisions, int solid){
	int i, j, k, l;
	Line tempLine;
	Point grid[7][7];
	Point controls[7];
	Point deCast[7];
	Point surfacePoints[16];
	BezierSurface tempBezSurf;
	Polygon *temptri = polygon_create();
	if(!m || !b){
		printf("Null passed to module_bezierSurface\n");
	// base case
	if(divisions == 0){
		// lines
		if(solid == 0){
					line_set(&tempLine, b->c[i][j], b->c[i][j+1]);
					module_line(m, &tempLine);
					line_set(&tempLine, b->c[j][i], b->c[j+1][i]);
					module_line(m, &tempLine);
		// triangles
		else {
			controls[0] = b->c[0][0];
			controls[1] = b->c[0][3];
			controls[2] = b->c[3][3];
			controls[3] = b->c[3][0];
			controls[4] = b->c[0][0];
			polygon_set(temptri, 3, &(controls[0]));
			module_polygon(m, temptri);
			polygon_set(temptri, 3, &(controls[2]));
			module_polygon(m, temptri);
	// divide and recurse
	else {

		// compute all avg points for 3 orders, down to just one point 3rd order
		// do for each of the four bezier curves
			deCasteljau(&(deCast[0]), &(b->c[i][0]));
				grid[2*i][j] = deCast[j];

		// now traverse the other direction, populating grid
				controls[j] = grid[2*j][i];
			deCasteljau(&(deCast[0]), &(controls[0]));
				grid[j][i] = deCast[j];

		// now make the four new bezier surfaces by subdividing across
						surfacePoints[4*k+l] = grid[k+3*i][l+3*j];
				bezierSurface_set(&tempBezSurf, &(surfacePoints[0]));
				// recursive call
				module_bezierSurface(m, &tempBezSurf, divisions-1, solid);
	// clean up
Exemplo n.º 4
// makes 3 X-wing fighters in a loose formation
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int i, j; //loop variables

  Image *src;
  Module* wall;
  Module* ray;
  Module* ray2;
  Module *scene1;
  Module* scene2;
  Polygon p;
  Line l;
  Point point[4];
  Point point2[2];
  View3D view;
  Matrix vtm, gtm;
  DrawState *ds;
  char filename[100];
  Color Flame = { { 1.0, 0.7, 0.2 } };
  Color Red =  { { 1.0, 0.2, 0.1 } };
  Color Grey =  { { 0.745, 0.745, 0.745} };
  Color Blue = {{0.117647, 0.564706, 1}};
  // Color Grey = {{1, 1, 1}};

  // set up the view
  point_set3D( &(view.vrp), 4, 4, 4 );
  vector_set( &(view.vpn), -view.vrp.val[0], -view.vrp.val[1], -view.vrp.val[2] );
  vector_set( &(view.vup), 0, 1, 0 );

  view.d = 1;
  view.du = 1.6;
  view.dv = 0.9;
  view.f = 1;
  view.b = 50;
  view.screenx = 640;
  view.screeny = 360;

  matrix_setView3D( &vtm, &view );
  matrix_identity( &gtm );

  // //wall
  wall = module_create();
  module_color(wall, &Red);
  point_set3D(&point[0], 1,1,2);
  point_set3D(&point[1], 1,0,2);
  point_set3D(&point[2], 0,0,2);
  point_set3D(&point[3], 0,1,2);
  polygon_set(&p, 4, &point[0]);
  module_polygon(wall, &p);

  ray = module_create();
  module_color(ray, &Blue);
  for(i=0; i< 5; i++){
  point_set3D(&point2[0], -1+0.01*i, -1, 1);
  point_set3D(&point2[1], 1+0.01*i, 1, 1);
  line_set(&l, point2[0], point2[1]);
  module_line(ray, &l);


  ray2 = module_create();
  module_color(ray2, &Red);
  for(i=0; i< 5; i++){
  point_set3D(&point2[0], -1+0.01*i, 1, -1);
  point_set3D(&point2[1], 1+0.01*i, -1, -1);
  line_set(&l, point2[0], point2[1]);
  // line_zBuffer(&l, 0);
  module_line(ray2, &l);

    // scene = module_create();
    // module_module(scene, wall);
    // module_module(scene, ray);
    // module_module(scene, ray2);
    // module_module(scene, wall);


for(i=0; i< 36; i++){

    scene1 = module_create();
    scene2 = module_create();
    module_rotateZ(scene1, cos(i*10 * M_PI/180), sin(i*10 * M_PI/180));
    module_scale( scene1, 3, 1, 2 );
    module_color( scene1, &Blue );
    module_cube( scene1, 1);

    module_scale(scene2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    module_cylinder(scene2, 30);
	// create the image and drawstate
	src = image_create( 360, 640 );
	ds = drawstate_create();
  drawstate_setAlpha(ds, 1);
	ds->shade = ShadeDepth;

	// draw into the scene
  // module_draw( scene1, &vtm, &gtm, ds, src );
  drawstate_setAlpha(ds, 1 );
	module_draw( scene1, &vtm, &gtm, ds, src );

	// write out the scene
	sprintf(filename, "frame_%.2d.ppm", i);
	image_write( src, filename );
	module_delete( scene1);


	//free the polygon data
	// polygon_clear( &p );

	// free the modules
	// module_delete( scene);
	// module_delete( wall );

	// free the drawstate

	// free the image
	image_free( src );
