Exemplo n.º 1
static void test_write_concern_api( void ){
  /* ATTENTION: Don't pay attention to the values themselves set with "setter" functions
     values set to every field happen to be different in order to check for sutuations
     where the getter (or setter) functions are wrongly coded and crossover set or get 
     other attributes */
  const char* wc_mode = "TEST";
  mongo_write_concern wc;
  memset( &wc, 0, sizeof( wc ));
  mongo_write_concern_set_w( &wc, 1 );
  ASSERT( mongo_write_concern_get_w( &wc ) == 1 );

  mongo_write_concern_set_wtimeout( &wc, 1000 );
  ASSERT( mongo_write_concern_get_wtimeout( &wc ) == 1000 );

  mongo_write_concern_set_j( &wc, 2 );
  ASSERT( mongo_write_concern_get_j( &wc ) == 2 );

  mongo_write_concern_set_fsync( &wc, 3 );
  ASSERT( mongo_write_concern_get_fsync( &wc ) == 3 );

  mongo_write_concern_set_mode( &wc, wc_mode );
  ASSERT( mongo_write_concern_get_mode( &wc ) == wc_mode );

  ASSERT( mongo_write_concern_get_cmd( &wc ) == NULL );
  mongo_write_concern_finish( &wc );
  ASSERT( mongo_write_concern_get_cmd( &wc ) != NULL );
  mongo_write_concern_destroy( &wc );
int test_insert_limits( const char *set_name ) {
    char version[10];
    mongo conn[1];
    mongo_write_concern wc[1];
    int i;
    char key[10];
    int res = 0;
    bson b[1], b2[1];
    bson *objs[2];

    mongo_write_concern_init( wc );
    wc->w = 1;
    mongo_write_concern_finish( wc );

    /* We'll perform the full test if we're running v2.0 or later. */
    if( mongo_get_server_version( version ) != -1 && version[0] <= '1' )
        return 0;

    mongo_replset_init( conn, set_name );
    mongo_replset_add_seed( conn, TEST_SERVER, SEED_START_PORT + 1 );
    mongo_replset_add_seed( conn, TEST_SERVER, SEED_START_PORT );
    res = mongo_replset_connect( conn );

    if( res != MONGO_OK ) {
        res = conn->err;
        return res;

    ASSERT( conn->max_bson_size > MONGO_DEFAULT_MAX_BSON_SIZE );

    bson_init( b );
    for(i=0; i<1200000; i++) {
        sprintf( key, "%d", i + 10000000 );
        bson_append_int( b, key, i );
    bson_finish( b );

    ASSERT( bson_size( b ) > conn->max_bson_size );

    ASSERT( mongo_insert( conn, "test.foo", b, wc ) == MONGO_ERROR );
    ASSERT( conn->err == MONGO_BSON_TOO_LARGE );

    mongo_clear_errors( conn );
    ASSERT( conn->err == 0 );

    bson_init( b2 );
    bson_append_int( b2, "foo", 1 );
    bson_finish( b2 );

    objs[0] = b;
    objs[1] = b2;

    ASSERT( mongo_insert_batch( conn, "test.foo", (const bson**)objs, 2, wc, 0 ) == MONGO_ERROR );
    ASSERT( conn->err == MONGO_BSON_TOO_LARGE );

    mongo_write_concern_destroy( wc );

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void test_write_concern_input( mongo *conn ) {
    mongo_write_concern wc[1], wcbad[1];
    bson b[1];

    mongo_cmd_drop_collection( conn, TEST_DB, TEST_COL, NULL );

    bson_init( b );
    bson_append_new_oid( b, "_id" );
    bson_finish( b );

    mongo_write_concern_init( wc );    
    mongo_write_concern_set_w( wc, 1 );

    /* Failure to finish write concern object. */
    ASSERT( mongo_insert( conn, TEST_NS, b, wc ) != MONGO_OK );
    ASSERT_EQUAL_STRINGS( conn->errstr,
        "Must call mongo_write_concern_finish() before using *write_concern." );

    mongo_write_concern_finish( wc );

    /* Use a bad write concern. */
    mongo_clear_errors( conn );
    mongo_write_concern_init( wcbad );    
    mongo_write_concern_set_w( wcbad, 2 );
    mongo_write_concern_finish( wcbad );
    mongo_set_write_concern( conn, wcbad );
    ASSERT( mongo_insert( conn, TEST_NS, b, NULL ) != MONGO_OK );
    ASSERT( conn->err == MONGO_WRITE_ERROR );
    ASSERT_EQUAL_STRINGS( conn->lasterrstr, "norepl" );

    /* Ensure that supplied write concern overrides default. */
    mongo_clear_errors( conn );
    ASSERT( mongo_insert( conn, TEST_NS, b, wc ) != MONGO_OK );
    ASSERT( conn->err == MONGO_WRITE_ERROR );
    ASSERT_EQUAL_STRINGS( conn->errstr, "See conn->lasterrstr for details." );
    ASSERT_EQUAL_STRINGS( conn->lasterrstr, "E11000 duplicate key error index" );
    ASSERT( conn->lasterrcode == 11000 );

    conn->write_concern = NULL;
    mongo_write_concern_destroy( wc );
    mongo_write_concern_destroy( wcbad );
    bson_destroy( b );
Exemplo n.º 4
void test_large( void )
    mongo conn[1];
    gridfs gfs[1];
    gridfile gfile[1];
    FILE *fd;
    size_t i, n;
    char *buffer = (char*)bson_malloc( LARGE );
    char *read_buf = (char*)bson_malloc( LARGE );
    gridfs_offset filesize = ( int64_t )1024 * ( int64_t )LARGE;
    mongo_write_concern wc;    
    bson lastError;
    bson lastErrorCmd;
    srand( (unsigned int) time( NULL ) );

    wc.j = 1;
    mongo_set_write_concern(conn, &wc);


    fd = fopen( "bigfile", "r" );
    if( fd ) {
      fclose( fd );
    } else {
      /* Create a very large file */
      fill_buffer_randomly( buffer, ( int64_t )LARGE );
      fd = fopen( "bigfile", "w" );
      for( i=0; i<1024; i++ ) {
        fwrite( buffer, 1, LARGE, fd );
      fclose( fd );

    /* Now read the file into GridFS */
    gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bigfile" );
    gridfs_store_file( gfs, "bigfile", "bigfile", "text/html", GRIDFILE_NOMD5 | GRIDFILE_COMPRESS);

    gridfs_find_filename( gfs, "bigfile", gfile );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), "bigfile" ) == 0 );
    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) ==  filesize );
    fd = fopen( "bigfile", "r" );

    while( ( n = fread( buffer, 1, MEDIUM, fd ) ) != 0 ) {
      ASSERT( gridfile_read_buffer( gfile, read_buf, MEDIUM ) == n );
      ASSERT( memcmp( buffer, read_buf, n ) == 0 );

    fclose( fd );
    gridfile_destroy( gfile );

    /* Read the file using the streaming interface */
    gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bigfile" );
    gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bigfile-stream" );
    gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, "bigfile-stream", "text/html", GRIDFILE_NOMD5 | GRIDFILE_COMPRESS );

    mongo_write_concern_destroy( &wc );
    wc.j = 0; /* Let's reset write concern j field to zero, we will manually call getLastError with j = 1 */
    mongo_set_write_concern(conn, &wc);

    fd = fopen( "bigfile", "r" );
    i = 0;
    while( ( n = fread( buffer, 1, READ_WRITE_BUF_SIZE, fd ) ) != 0 ) {
        ASSERT( gridfile_write_buffer( gfile, buffer, n ) == n );     
        if(i++ % 10 == 0) {
          bson_init( &lastErrorCmd );
          bson_append_int( &lastErrorCmd, "getLastError", 1);
          bson_append_int( &lastErrorCmd, "j", 1);
          bson_finish( &lastErrorCmd );

          bson_init( &lastError );
          mongo_run_command( conn, "test", &lastErrorCmd, &lastError );

          bson_destroy( &lastError );
          bson_destroy( &lastErrorCmd );

    mongo_write_concern_destroy( &wc );
    wc.j = 1; /* Let's reset write concern j field to 1 */
    mongo_set_write_concern(conn, &wc);

    fclose( fd );
    gridfile_writer_done( gfile );

    gridfs_find_filename( gfs, "bigfile-stream", gfile );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), "bigfile-stream" ) == 0 );
    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) ==  filesize );
    gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bigfile-stream" );

    gridfs_destroy( gfs );
    mongo_disconnect( conn );
    mongo_destroy( conn );

    bson_free( buffer );
    bson_free( read_buf );
    mongo_write_concern_destroy( &wc );
Exemplo n.º 5
static void test_insert( mongo *conn ) {
    mongo_write_concern wc0[1], wc1[1];
    bson b[1], b2[1], b3[1], b4[1];
    bson *objs[2];

    mongo_cmd_drop_collection( conn, TEST_DB, TEST_COL, NULL );

    mongo_write_concern_init( wc0 );    
    mongo_write_concern_set_w( wc0, 0 );
    mongo_write_concern_finish( wc0 );
    mongo_write_concern_init( wc1 );    
    mongo_write_concern_set_w( wc1, 1 );
    mongo_write_concern_finish( wc1 );

    bson_init( b4 );
    bson_append_string( b4, "foo", "bar" );
    bson_finish( b4 );

    ASSERT( mongo_insert( conn, TEST_NS, b4, wc1 ) == MONGO_OK );

    ASSERT( mongo_remove( conn, TEST_NS, bson_shared_empty( ), wc1 ) == MONGO_OK );

    bson_init( b );
    bson_append_new_oid( b, "_id" );
    bson_finish( b );

    ASSERT( mongo_insert( conn, TEST_NS, b, NULL ) == MONGO_OK );

    /* This fails but returns OK with write concern w = 0 */
    ASSERT( mongo_insert( conn, TEST_NS, b, wc0 ) == MONGO_OK ); /* no getLastError request */

    ASSERT( mongo_insert( conn, TEST_NS, b, wc1 ) == MONGO_ERROR );
    ASSERT( conn->err == MONGO_WRITE_ERROR );
    ASSERT_EQUAL_STRINGS( conn->errstr, "See conn->lasterrstr for details." );
    ASSERT_EQUAL_STRINGS( conn->lasterrstr, "E11000 duplicate key error index" );
    ASSERT( conn->lasterrcode == 11000 );
    mongo_clear_errors( conn );

    /* Still fails but returns OK with write concern w = 0 */
    ASSERT( mongo_insert( conn, TEST_NS, b, wc0 ) == MONGO_OK );

    /* But not when we set a default write concern on the conn. */
    mongo_set_write_concern( conn, wc1 );
    ASSERT( mongo_insert( conn, TEST_NS, b, NULL ) != MONGO_OK );
    ASSERT( conn->err == MONGO_WRITE_ERROR );
    ASSERT_EQUAL_STRINGS( conn->errstr, "See conn->lasterrstr for details." );
    ASSERT_EQUAL_STRINGS( conn->lasterrstr, "E11000 duplicate key error index" );
    ASSERT( conn->lasterrcode == 11000 );

    /* Now test batch insert. */
    bson_init( b2 );
    bson_append_new_oid( b2, "_id" );
    bson_finish( b2 );

    bson_init( b3 );
    bson_append_new_oid( b3, "_id" );
    bson_finish( b3 );

    objs[0] = b2;
    objs[1] = b3;

    /* Insert two new documents by insert_batch. */
    conn->write_concern = NULL;
    ASSERT( mongo_count( conn, TEST_DB, TEST_COL, bson_shared_empty( ) ) == 1 );
    ASSERT( mongo_insert_batch( conn, TEST_NS, (const bson **)objs, 2, NULL, 0 ) == MONGO_OK );
    ASSERT( mongo_count( conn, TEST_DB, TEST_COL, bson_shared_empty( ) ) == 3 );

    /* This should definitely fail if we try again with write concern. */
    mongo_clear_errors( conn );
    ASSERT( mongo_insert_batch( conn, TEST_NS, (const bson **)objs, 2, wc1, 0 ) == MONGO_ERROR );
    ASSERT( conn->err == MONGO_WRITE_ERROR );
    ASSERT_EQUAL_STRINGS( conn->errstr, "See conn->lasterrstr for details." );
    ASSERT_EQUAL_STRINGS( conn->lasterrstr, "E11000 duplicate key error index" );
    ASSERT( conn->lasterrcode == 11000 );

    /* But it will succeed without the write concern set. */
    ASSERT( mongo_insert_batch( conn, TEST_NS, (const bson **)objs, 2, NULL, 0 ) == MONGO_OK );

    bson_destroy( b );
    bson_destroy( b2 );
    bson_destroy( b3 );
    bson_destroy( b4 );
    mongo_write_concern_destroy( wc0 );
    mongo_write_concern_destroy( wc1 );
Exemplo n.º 6
/* We can test write concern for update
 * and remove by doing operations on a capped collection. */
static void test_update_and_remove( mongo *conn ) {
    mongo_write_concern wc[1];
    bson *objs[5];
    bson query[1], update[1];
    int i;

    create_capped_collection( conn );

    for( i=0; i<5; i++ ) {
        objs[i] = bson_alloc();
        bson_init( objs[i] );
        bson_append_int( objs[i], "n", i );
        bson_finish( objs[i] );

    ASSERT( mongo_insert_batch( conn, "test.wc", (const bson **)objs, 5,
        NULL, 0 ) == MONGO_OK );

    ASSERT( mongo_count( conn, "test", "wc", bson_shared_empty( ) ) == 5 );

    bson_init( query );
    bson_append_int( query, "n", 2 );
    bson_finish( query );

    ASSERT( mongo_find_one( conn, "test.wc", query, bson_shared_empty( ), NULL ) == MONGO_OK );

    bson_init( update );
        bson_append_start_object( update, "$set" );
            bson_append_string( update, "n", "a big long string" );
        bson_append_finish_object( update );
    bson_finish( update );

    /* Update will appear to succeed with no write concern specified, but doesn't. */
    ASSERT( mongo_find_one( conn, "test.wc", query, bson_shared_empty( ), NULL ) == MONGO_OK );
    ASSERT( mongo_update( conn, "test.wc", query, update, 0, NULL ) == MONGO_OK );
    ASSERT( mongo_find_one( conn, "test.wc", query, bson_shared_empty( ), NULL ) == MONGO_OK );

    /* Remove will appear to succeed with no write concern specified, but doesn't. */
    ASSERT( mongo_remove( conn, "test.wc", query, NULL ) == MONGO_OK );
    ASSERT( mongo_find_one( conn, "test.wc", query, bson_shared_empty( ), NULL ) == MONGO_OK );

    mongo_write_concern_init( wc );    
    mongo_write_concern_set_w( wc, 1 );
    mongo_write_concern_finish( wc );

    mongo_clear_errors( conn );
    ASSERT( mongo_update( conn, "test.wc", query, update, 0, wc ) == MONGO_ERROR );
    ASSERT( conn->err == MONGO_WRITE_ERROR );
    ASSERT_EQUAL_STRINGS( conn->lasterrstr, "failing update: objects in a capped ns cannot grow" );

    mongo_clear_errors( conn );
    ASSERT( mongo_remove( conn, "test.wc", query, wc ) == MONGO_ERROR );
    ASSERT( conn->err == MONGO_WRITE_ERROR );
    ASSERT_EQUAL_STRINGS( conn->lasterrstr, "can't remove from a capped collection" );

    mongo_write_concern_destroy( wc );
    bson_destroy( query );
    bson_destroy( update );
    for( i=0; i<5; i++ ) {
        bson_destroy( objs[i] );
        bson_dealloc( objs[i] );