Exemplo n.º 1
static void motTextKeyPressEvent(Widget w, Ihandle *ih, XKeyEvent *evt, Boolean *cont)
  Widget spinbox;

  *cont = True;
  iupmotKeyPressEvent(w, ih, (XEvent*)evt, cont);
  if (*cont == False)

  if (evt->state & ControlMask && !(state & Mod1Mask || state & Mod5Mask))   /* Ctrl but NOT Alt */
    KeySym motcode = iupmotKeycodeToKeysym(evt);
    if (motcode == XK_c || motcode == XK_x || motcode == XK_v || motcode == XK_a)
      ih->data->disable_callbacks = -1; /* let callbacks be processed in motTextSetClipboardAttrib */

      if (motcode == XK_c)
        motTextSetClipboardAttrib(ih, "COPY");
      else if (motcode == XK_x)
        motTextSetClipboardAttrib(ih, "CUT");
      else if (motcode == XK_v)
        motTextSetClipboardAttrib(ih, "PASTE");
      else if (motcode == XK_a)
        XmTextSetSelection(ih->handle, 0, XmTextGetLastPosition(ih->handle), CurrentTime);

      ih->data->disable_callbacks = 0;

      *cont = False; 

  spinbox = (Widget)iupAttribGet(ih, "_IUP_EXTRAPARENT");
  if (spinbox && XmIsSpinBox(spinbox))
    KeySym motcode = iupmotKeycodeToKeysym(evt);
    if (motcode == XK_Left || motcode == XK_Right)
      /* avoid spin increment using Left/Right arrows, 
         but must manually handle the new cursor position */
      XmTextPosition caret_pos = XmTextGetInsertionPosition(ih->handle);
      XmTextSetInsertionPosition(ih->handle, (motcode == XK_Left)? caret_pos-1: caret_pos+1);
      *cont = False; 
Exemplo n.º 2
static void motTextKeyPressEvent(Widget w, Ihandle *ih, XKeyEvent *evt, Boolean *cont)
  Widget spinbox;

  *cont = True;
  iupmotKeyPressEvent(w, ih, (XEvent*)evt, cont);
  if (*cont == False)

  if (evt->state & ControlMask)   /* Ctrl */
    KeySym motcode = XKeycodeToKeysym(iupmot_display, evt->keycode, 0);
    if (motcode == XK_c)
      motTextSetClipboardAttrib(ih, "COPY");
    else if (motcode == XK_x)
      motTextSetClipboardAttrib(ih, "CUT");
    else if (motcode == XK_v)
      motTextSetClipboardAttrib(ih, "PASTE");
    else if (motcode == XK_a)
      XmTextSetSelection(ih->handle, 0, XmTextGetLastPosition(ih->handle), CurrentTime);

  spinbox = (Widget)iupAttribGet(ih, "_IUP_EXTRAPARENT");
  if (spinbox && XmIsSpinBox(spinbox))
    KeySym motcode = XKeycodeToKeysym(iupmot_display, evt->keycode, 0);
    if (motcode == XK_Left || motcode == XK_Right)
      /* avoid spin increment using Left/Right arrows, 
         but must manually handle the new cursor position */
      XmTextPosition caret_pos = XmTextGetInsertionPosition(ih->handle);
      XmTextSetInsertionPosition(ih->handle, (motcode == XK_Left)? caret_pos-1: caret_pos+1);
      *cont = False; 