void SceneViewWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent* e) { if (isActiveWindow()) { clearFocus(); } emit mouseLeft(); }
void RatioLayoutedFrame::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * mouseEvent) { if(mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { emit mouseLeft(mouseEvent->x(), mouseEvent->y()); } QFrame::mousePressEvent(mouseEvent); }
void AbstractMargin::leaveEvent( QEvent* event ) { QWidget::leaveEvent( event ); const int line = -1; if ( line == d->line ) { return; } if ( d->line != -1 ) { emit mouseLeft( d->line ); } d->line = line; }
std::queue<Event> SFMLInputBackend::fetchEvents() { sf::Event event; std::queue<Event> result; while (mWindow.pollEvent(event)) { if(event.type == sf::Event::Closed) result.push(closed()); else if(event.type == sf::Event::Resized) result.push(resized(event)); else if(event.type == sf::Event::LostFocus) result.push(lostFocus()); else if(event.type == sf::Event::GainedFocus) result.push(gainedFocus()); else if(event.type == sf::Event::TextEntered) result.push(textEntered(event)); else if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) result.push(keyPressed(event)); else if(event.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased) result.push(keyReleased(event)); else if(event.type == sf::Event::MouseWheelMoved) result.push(mouseWheelMoved(event)); else if(event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed) result.push(mouseButtonPressed(event)); else if(event.type == sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased) result.push(mouseButtonReleased(event)); else if(event.type == sf::Event::MouseMoved) result.push(mouseMoved(event)); else if(event.type == sf::Event::MouseEntered) result.push(mouseEntered()); else if(event.type == sf::Event::MouseLeft) result.push(mouseLeft()); else if(event.type == sf::Event::JoystickButtonPressed) result.push(gamepadButtonPressed(event)); else if(event.type == sf::Event::JoystickButtonReleased) result.push(gamepadButtonReleased(event)); else if(event.type == sf::Event::JoystickMoved) result.push(gamepadMoved(event)); else if(event.type == sf::Event::JoystickConnected) result.push(gamepadConnected(event)); else if(event.type == sf::Event::JoystickDisconnected) result.push(gamepadDisconnected(event)); } return result; }
void iMouse(int button, int state, int mx, int my) { mouseX = mx; mouseY = my; upArrow=0; downArrow=0; //set arrow flags off if(button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN) { mouseLeft(); //mouse left button function } if(button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN) { menuflag = 0; fOpen = 0; fsave = 0; //sets off the flags } }
bool GUIListGadget::update() { updateScrollBars(&HorzScroll_, &VertScroll_); if (hasFocus() && GlbGUIMngr->MouseWheel_) VertScroll_.scroll(-GlbGUIMngr->MouseWheel_ * 30); if (!checkDefaultUpdate()) return false; if (isEnabled_ && mouseOver(Rect_) && !foreignUsage()) { if (mouseLeft()) { focus(); GUIListColumn* Column; bool isEdgePick; if (pickColumn(Column, isEdgePick)) { FocusedColumn_ = Column; if (isEdgePick) useFocus(USAGE_RESIZE_COLUMN); else ; // !TODO! } } } dim::point2di Pos(getItemsStartPos()); for (std::list<GUIListItem*>::iterator it = ItemList_.begin(); it != ItemList_.end(); ++it) updateItem(*it, Pos); if (usage(USAGE_RESIZE_COLUMN) && FocusedColumn_) FocusedColumn_->setColumnSize(GlbGUIMngr->CursorPos_.X - FocusedColumnPosHorz_); updateChildren(); return true; }
void AbstractMargin::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* event ) { QWidget::mouseMoveEvent( event ); const int line = d->lineAt( event->pos() ); if ( line == d->line ) { return; } if ( d->line != -1 ) { emit mouseLeft( d->line ); } d->line = line; if ( d->line != -1 ) { emit mouseEntered( d->line ); } }
bool GUIScrollbarGadget::update() { if (hasFocus() && GlbGUIMngr->MouseWheel_) scroll(-GlbGUIMngr->MouseWheel_ * 30); if (!checkDefaultUpdate()) return false; if (isEnabled_ && mouseOver(Rect_) && !foreignUsage()) { if (mouseLeft()) { focus(); CursorPosBias_ = GlbGUIMngr->CursorPos_ - dim::point2di(Rect_.Left, Rect_.Top + 1) - dim::point2di(BarPos_); dim::rect2di BarRect, ButtonARect, ButtonBRect, PageARect, PageBRect; getButtonRects(BarRect, ButtonARect, ButtonBRect, PageARect, PageBRect); if (mouseOver(BarRect)) useFocus(USAGE_DRAG); else if (mouseOver(ButtonARect)) useFocus(USAGE_FORWARDS); else if (mouseOver(ButtonBRect)) useFocus(USAGE_BACKWARDS); else if (mouseOver(PageARect)) scroll(-PageSize_); else if (mouseOver(PageBRect)) scroll(PageSize_); } } if (usage(USAGE_DRAG)) updateDrag(); else if (usage(USAGE_FORWARDS)) scroll(-3); else if (usage(USAGE_BACKWARDS)) scroll(3); return true; }
bool MyScene::event(QEvent* event) { switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::Leave: emit mouseLeft(); break; case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove: x = (int)(static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*>(event)->scenePos().x()); y = (int)(static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*>(event)->scenePos().y()); emit mouseMoved(); break; case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress: emit mousePressed();; break; case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease: emit mouseReleased(); break; default: return false; } return false; }
VolumeButton::VolumeButton(ILxQtPanelPlugin *plugin, QWidget* parent): QToolButton(parent), mPlugin(plugin), m_panel(plugin->panel()), m_showOnClick(true), m_muteOnMiddleClick(true) { // initial icon for button. It will be replaced after devices scan. // In the worst case - no soundcard/pulse - is found it remains // in the button but at least the button is not blank ("invisible") handleStockIconChanged("dialog-error"); m_volumePopup = new VolumePopup(); m_popupHideTimer.setInterval(1000); connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleVolumeSlider())); connect(&m_popupHideTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(hideVolumeSlider())); connect(m_volumePopup, SIGNAL(mouseEntered()), &m_popupHideTimer, SLOT(stop())); connect(m_volumePopup, SIGNAL(mouseLeft()), &m_popupHideTimer, SLOT(start())); connect(m_volumePopup, SIGNAL(launchMixer()), this, SLOT(handleMixerLaunch())); connect(m_volumePopup, SIGNAL(stockIconChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(handleStockIconChanged(QString))); }
void GUIListGadget::updateItem(GUIListItem* Item, dim::point2di &Pos) { if (!Item || !Item->getVisible()) return; dim::rect2di Rect( Rect_.Left, Pos.Y, Rect_.Right, Pos.Y + Item->getItemSize() ); if (VertScroll_.getVisible()) Rect.Right -= SCROLLBAR_SIZE; if (HorzScroll_.getVisible() && Rect.Bottom > Rect_.Bottom - SCROLLBAR_SIZE) Rect.Bottom = Rect_.Bottom - SCROLLBAR_SIZE; Pos.Y += Item->getItemSize(); /* Update current item */ if (mouseOver(Rect)) { Item->isPicked_ = true; if (mouseLeft()) { SelectedItem_ = Item; SGUIEvent Event; { Event.Object = EVENT_GADGET; Event.Type = EVENT_ACTIVATE; Event.Gadget = this; Event.SubData = Item; } sendEvent(Event); } } }
void ClickableImage::leaveEvent(QEvent* eve) { emit mouseLeft(this); }
void Column::leaveEvent(QEvent *) { emit mouseLeft(m_number); }
void VolumePopup::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) { // qDebug("leaveEvent"); emit mouseLeft(); }
void GLWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent * /*event*/) { emit mouseLeft(this); }
MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget * parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { setupUi(this); version = "2015-08-28"; inimage = false; x1drag = false; x2drag = false; y1drag = false; y2drag = false; image = QImage(); pixmap = scene.addPixmap(QPixmap()); pixmap->setZValue(0); QPen pen; pen.setColor(QColor(255,255,0)); pen.setStyle(Qt::DashLine); // limit lines x1line = scene.addLine(QLineF(), pen); x1line->setZValue(1); x2line = scene.addLine(QLineF(), pen); x2line->setZValue(1); y1line = scene.addLine(QLineF(), pen); y1line->setZValue(1); y2line = scene.addLine(QLineF(), pen); y2line->setZValue(1); pen.setColor(QColor(255,0,0)); pen.setStyle(Qt::SolidLine); // projections, beam profile, centroid xprojection = scene.addPath(QPainterPath(), pen); xprojection->setZValue(2); yprojection = scene.addPath(QPainterPath(), pen); yprojection->setZValue(2); ellipse = scene.addEllipse(0,0,0,0, pen); ellipse->setZValue(2); centerAline = scene.addLine(QLineF(), pen); centerAline->setZValue(2); centerBline = scene.addLine(QLineF(), pen); centerBline->setZValue(2); QObject::connect(&scene, SIGNAL(mouseMoved()), this, SLOT(mouseMovedOnScene())); QObject::connect(&scene, SIGNAL(mousePressed()), this, SLOT(mousePressedOnScene())); QObject::connect(&scene, SIGNAL(mouseReleased()), this, SLOT(mouseReleasedOnScene())); QObject::connect(&scene, SIGNAL(mouseLeft()), this, SLOT(mouseLeftScene())); graphicsView->setScene(&scene); graphicsView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); X1SpinBox->setRange(0, MAX_HEIGHT-1); X2SpinBox->setRange(0, MAX_HEIGHT-1); Y1SpinBox->setRange(0, MAX_WIDTH-1); Y2SpinBox->setRange(0, MAX_WIDTH-1); scaleLabel->setScaledContents(true); AllocateMemory(); dataloaded = false; refloaded = false; RestoreSession(); LoadRef(reffile); LoadData(datafile); // Scale image scale = QImage(20, 256, QImage::Format_Indexed8); SetColorTable(); for(int i=0; i<20; i++) for(int j=0; j<=255; j++) scale.setPixel(i, j, 255-j); scaleLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(scale)); graphicsView->scale(pow(2,zoom/2), pow(2,zoom/2)); InitializeShortcuts(); UpdateVisibility(); }
void LEDButton::leaveEvent(QEvent *) { emit mouseLeft(); }
void ContactAvatarWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent* /*_event*/) { emit mouseLeft(); update(); }
void Thumbwheel::leaveEvent(QEvent *) { emit mouseLeft(); }