Exemplo n.º 1
void TowerOfHanoi::solve(unsigned int n, Peg from, Peg to, Peg aux) {
  if (n == 1) {
    moveDisk(from, to);
  solve(n-1, from, aux, to);
  moveDisk(from, to);
  solve(n-1, aux, to, from);
Exemplo n.º 2
void hanoi( int N, Tower *source, Tower *dest,Tower  *aux ) 
    if (N > 0 )
      hanoi(N - 1, source, aux, dest);      
      hanoi(N - 1, aux, dest, source);      
Exemplo n.º 3
// Recursive resolution of the towers of hanoi
// inputs:
//   - orgPeg:  origin peg of the disks,
//   - destPeg: destination peg of the disks,
//   - tempPeg: the last peg serves as an intermediate for moving
//       disks from the origin to the destination,
//   - N: number of disks to move from the origin
void TowersOfHanoi::playNDisks(char orgPeg, char destPeg, char tempPeg, int N) {
	RawProfiling::RawProfiling theProfiling(RawProfiling::RawProfiling::TowersOfHanoi_playNDisks_chronograph);
	// we should isolate the test (N == 1) to move the only disk from the
	// origin to the destination, but we don't care about too much calls.
	if (N >= 1) {
		// Move (N - 1) disks from the origin to the temporary location
		playNDisks(orgPeg, tempPeg, destPeg, N - 1);
		// The top disk of the origin is moved to the destination
		moveDisk(orgPeg, destPeg);
		// Move the (N - 1) disks we have just put at the temporary location
		// to the destination
		playNDisks(tempPeg, destPeg, orgPeg, N - 1 );
Exemplo n.º 4
void runIt(){
    //declare the number of disks for tower of Hanoi
    int numDisks;
    printf("Enter the number of Disks: ");
    int source[numDisks], spare[numDisks], dest[numDisks];
    //initialize pegs
    for (int i = 0; i < numDisks; i++)
        source[i] = i+1;        //Smallest element is 1 and largest is N
        dest[i] = spare[i] = 0; //Empty
    //This formulaSteps counts the minimum number of steps
    //needed for tower of hanoi problem
    int steps = formulaSteps(numDisks);
    //This variable is used to check
    //the move needed from one peg to other
    int mvPegs = -1;
    //used for printMove function
    bool isEven;
    if (numDisks%2 == 0)
        isEven = true;
        isEven = false;
    //These variable will keep track of the head of the peg
    int head1 = 0, head2 = numDisks-1, head3 = numDisks - 1;
    for (int step = 1; step <= steps; step++)
        mvPegs = step%3; // Result = 1, 2, 0; 1, 2, 0 ...
        //I am using simple array; Just a small check
        if (inBound(head1, numDisks) && inBound(head2, numDisks) && inBound(head3, numDisks)){
            if (mvPegs == 1) //Peg 1 -> Peg 3 or Peg 3 -> Peg 1
                moveDisk(numDisks, & head1, & head3, source, dest);
                printMove(source, spare, dest, numDisks, isEven);
            else if (mvPegs == 2) // Peg 1 -> Peg 2 or Peg 2 -> Peg 1
                moveDisk(numDisks, & head1, & head2, source, spare);
                printMove(source, spare, dest, numDisks, isEven);
            else if (mvPegs == 0) // Peg 2 -> Peg 3 or Peg 3 -> Peg 2
                moveDisk(numDisks, & head2, & head3, spare, dest);
                printMove(source, spare, dest, numDisks, isEven);
                cout << "CODE 1111" << endl;