Exemplo n.º 1
void mp_set_pcm_codec(struct sh_stream *sh, bool sign, bool is_float, int bits,
                      bool is_be)
    // This uses libavcodec pcm codec names, e.g. "pcm_u16le".
    char codec[64] = "pcm_";
    if (is_float) {
        mp_snprintf_cat(codec, sizeof(codec), "f");
    } else {
        mp_snprintf_cat(codec, sizeof(codec), sign ? "s" : "u");
    mp_snprintf_cat(codec, sizeof(codec), "%d", bits);
    if (bits != 8)
        mp_snprintf_cat(codec, sizeof(codec), is_be ? "be" : "le");
    sh->codec = talloc_strdup(sh->audio, codec);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void dump_decoder_info(struct lavc_ctx *s,
                              GUID *device_guids, UINT n_guids)
    struct priv *p = s->hwdec_priv;
    MP_VERBOSE(p, "%u decoder devices:\n", (unsigned)n_guids);
    for (UINT i = 0; i < n_guids; i++) {
        GUID *guid = &device_guids[i];
        char *description = d3d_decoder_guid_to_desc(guid);

        D3DFORMAT *formats = NULL;
        UINT     n_formats = 0;
        HRESULT hr = IDirectXVideoDecoderService_GetDecoderRenderTargets(
            p->decoder_service, guid, &n_formats, &formats);
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            MP_ERR(p, "Failed to get render targets for decoder %s:%s\n",
                   description, mp_HRESULT_to_str(hr));

        char fmts[256] = {0};
        for (UINT j = 0; j < n_formats; j++) {
            mp_snprintf_cat(fmts, sizeof(fmts),
                            " %s", mp_tag_str(formats[j]));

        MP_VERBOSE(p, "%s %s\n", description, fmts);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void list_features(int set, struct mp_log *log, int msgl, bool invert)
    char b[1024] = {0};
    for (const struct feature *f = &features[0]; f->id; f++) {
        if (invert == !(f->id & set))
            mp_snprintf_cat(b, sizeof(b), " [%s]", f->name);
    mp_msg(log, msgl, "%s\n", b);
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: d3d11va.c Projeto: DZW314/mpv
static void dump_decoder_info(struct lavc_ctx *s, const GUID *guid)
    struct priv *p = s->hwdec_priv;
    char fmts[256] = {0};
    for (int i = 0; i < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(d3d11_formats); i++) {
        const struct d3d_decoded_format *format = &d3d11_formats[i];
        if (d3d11_format_supported(s, guid, format))
            mp_snprintf_cat(fmts, sizeof(fmts), " %s", format->name);
    MP_VERBOSE(p, "%s %s\n", d3d_decoder_guid_to_desc(guid), fmts);
Exemplo n.º 5
static char *audio_config_to_str_buf(char *buf, size_t buf_sz, int rate,
                                     int format, struct mp_chmap channels)
    char ch[128];
    mp_chmap_to_str_buf(ch, sizeof(ch), &channels);
    char *hr_ch = mp_chmap_to_str_hr(&channels);
    if (strcmp(hr_ch, ch) != 0)
        mp_snprintf_cat(ch, sizeof(ch), " (%s)", hr_ch);
    snprintf(buf, buf_sz, "%dHz %s %dch %s", rate,
             ch, channels.num, af_fmt_to_str(format));
    return buf;
Exemplo n.º 6
static int dxva2_create_decoder(struct lavc_ctx *s, int w, int h,
                                enum AVCodecID codec_id, int profile)
    DXVA2Context *ctx = s->hwdec_priv;
    struct dxva_context *dxva_ctx = s->avctx->hwaccel_context;
    GUID *guid_list = NULL;
    unsigned guid_count = 0, i, j;
    GUID device_guid = GUID_NULL;
    D3DFORMAT target_format = 0;
    DXVA2_VideoDesc desc = { 0 };
    DXVA2_ConfigPictureDecode config;
    HRESULT hr;
    int surface_alignment;
    int ret;

    hr = IDirectXVideoDecoderService_GetDecoderDeviceGuids(ctx->decoder_service, &guid_count, &guid_list);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        MP_ERR(ctx, "Failed to retrieve decoder device GUIDs\n");
        goto fail;

    // dump all decoder info
    MP_VERBOSE(ctx, "%d decoder devices:\n", (int)guid_count);
    for (j = 0; j < guid_count; j++) {
        GUID *guid = &guid_list[j];

        const char *name = "<unknown>";
        for (i = 0; dxva2_modes[i].guid; i++) {
            if (IsEqualGUID(dxva2_modes[i].guid, guid))
                name = dxva2_modes[i].name;

        D3DFORMAT *target_list = NULL;
        unsigned target_count = 0;
        hr = IDirectXVideoDecoderService_GetDecoderRenderTargets(ctx->decoder_service, guid, &target_count, &target_list);
        if (FAILED(hr))
        char fmts[256] = {0};
        for (i = 0; i < target_count; i++)
            mp_snprintf_cat(fmts, sizeof(fmts), " %s", mp_tag_str(target_list[i]));
        MP_VERBOSE(ctx, "%s %s %s\n", mp_GUID_to_str(guid), name, fmts);

    // find a suitable decoder
    for (i = 0; dxva2_modes[i].guid; i++) {
        D3DFORMAT *target_list = NULL;
        unsigned target_count = 0;
        const dxva2_mode *mode = &dxva2_modes[i];
        if (mode->codec != codec_id)

        for (j = 0; j < guid_count; j++) {
            if (IsEqualGUID(mode->guid, &guid_list[j]))
        if (j == guid_count)

        hr = IDirectXVideoDecoderService_GetDecoderRenderTargets(ctx->decoder_service, mode->guid, &target_count, &target_list);
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
        for (j = 0; j < target_count; j++) {
            const D3DFORMAT format = target_list[j];
            if (format == MKTAG('N','V','1','2')) {
                target_format = format;
        if (target_format) {
            device_guid = *mode->guid;

    if (IsEqualGUID(&device_guid, &GUID_NULL)) {
        MP_ERR(ctx, "No decoder device for codec found\n");
        goto fail;

    desc.SampleWidth  = w;
    desc.SampleHeight = h;
    desc.Format       = target_format;

    ret = dxva2_get_decoder_configuration(s, codec_id, &device_guid, &desc, &config);
    if (ret < 0) {
        goto fail;

    /* decoding MPEG-2 requires additional alignment on some Intel GPUs,
       but it causes issues for H.264 on certain AMD GPUs..... */
    if (codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO)
        surface_alignment = 32;
    /* the HEVC DXVA2 spec asks for 128 pixel aligned surfaces to ensure
       all coding features have enough room to work with */
    else if  (codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC)
        surface_alignment = 128;
        surface_alignment = 16;

    /* 4 base work surfaces */
    ctx->num_surfaces = 4 + ADDTIONAL_SURFACES;

    /* add surfaces based on number of possible refs */
    if (codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_H264 || codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC)
        ctx->num_surfaces += 16;
        ctx->num_surfaces += 2;

    ctx->surfaces      = av_mallocz(ctx->num_surfaces * sizeof(*ctx->surfaces));
    ctx->surface_infos = av_mallocz(ctx->num_surfaces * sizeof(*ctx->surface_infos));

    if (!ctx->surfaces || !ctx->surface_infos) {
        MP_ERR(ctx, "Unable to allocate surface arrays\n");
        goto fail;

    hr = IDirectXVideoDecoderService_CreateSurface(ctx->decoder_service,
                                                   FFALIGN(w, surface_alignment),
                                                   FFALIGN(h, surface_alignment),
                                                   ctx->num_surfaces - 1,
                                                   target_format, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, 0,
                                                   ctx->surfaces, NULL);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        MP_ERR(ctx, "Failed to create %d video surfaces\n", ctx->num_surfaces);
        goto fail;

    hr = IDirectXVideoDecoderService_CreateVideoDecoder(ctx->decoder_service, &device_guid,
                                                        &desc, &config, ctx->surfaces,
                                                        ctx->num_surfaces, &ctx->decoder);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        MP_ERR(ctx, "Failed to create DXVA2 video decoder\n");
        goto fail;

    ctx->decoder_guid   = device_guid;
    ctx->decoder_config = config;

    dxva_ctx->cfg           = &ctx->decoder_config;
    dxva_ctx->decoder       = ctx->decoder;
    dxva_ctx->surface       = ctx->surfaces;
    dxva_ctx->surface_count = ctx->num_surfaces;

    if (IsEqualGUID(&ctx->decoder_guid, &DXVADDI_Intel_ModeH264_E))
        dxva_ctx->workaround |= FF_DXVA2_WORKAROUND_INTEL_CLEARVIDEO;

    return 0;
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: ra.c Projeto: wiiaboo/mpv
struct ra_layout ra_renderpass_input_layout(struct ra_renderpass_input *input)
    size_t el_size = ra_vartype_size(input->type);
    if (!el_size)
        return (struct ra_layout){0};

    // host data is always tightly packed
    return (struct ra_layout) {
        .align  = 1,
        .stride = el_size * input->dim_v,
        .size   = el_size * input->dim_v * input->dim_m,

static struct ra_renderpass_input *dup_inputs(void *ta_parent,
            const struct ra_renderpass_input *inputs, int num_inputs)
    struct ra_renderpass_input *res =
        talloc_memdup(ta_parent, (void *)inputs, num_inputs * sizeof(inputs[0]));
    for (int n = 0; n < num_inputs; n++)
        res[n].name = talloc_strdup(res, res[n].name);
    return res;

// Return a newly allocated deep-copy of params.
struct ra_renderpass_params *ra_renderpass_params_copy(void *ta_parent,
        const struct ra_renderpass_params *params)
    struct ra_renderpass_params *res = talloc_ptrtype(ta_parent, res);
    *res = *params;
    res->inputs = dup_inputs(res, res->inputs, res->num_inputs);
    res->vertex_attribs =
        dup_inputs(res, res->vertex_attribs, res->num_vertex_attribs);
    res->cached_program = bstrdup(res, res->cached_program);
    res->vertex_shader = talloc_strdup(res, res->vertex_shader);
    res->frag_shader = talloc_strdup(res, res->frag_shader);
    res->compute_shader = talloc_strdup(res, res->compute_shader);
    return res;

struct glsl_fmt {
    enum ra_ctype ctype;
    int num_components;
    int component_depth[4];
    const char *glsl_format;

// List taken from the GLSL specification, sans snorm and sint formats
static const struct glsl_fmt ra_glsl_fmts[] = {
    {RA_CTYPE_FLOAT, 1, {16},             "r16f"},
    {RA_CTYPE_FLOAT, 1, {32},             "r32f"},
    {RA_CTYPE_FLOAT, 2, {16, 16},         "rg16f"},
    {RA_CTYPE_FLOAT, 2, {32, 32},         "rg32f"},
    {RA_CTYPE_FLOAT, 4, {16, 16, 16, 16}, "rgba16f"},
    {RA_CTYPE_FLOAT, 4, {32, 32, 32, 32}, "rgba32f"},
    {RA_CTYPE_FLOAT, 3, {11, 11, 10},     "r11f_g11f_b10f"},

    {RA_CTYPE_UNORM, 1, {8},              "r8"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UNORM, 1, {16},             "r16"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UNORM, 2, {8,  8},          "rg8"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UNORM, 2, {16, 16},         "rg16"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UNORM, 4, {8,  8,  8,  8},  "rgba8"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UNORM, 4, {16, 16, 16, 16}, "rgba16"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UNORM, 4, {10, 10, 10,  2}, "rgb10_a2"},

    {RA_CTYPE_UINT,  1, {8},              "r8ui"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UINT,  1, {16},             "r16ui"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UINT,  1, {32},             "r32ui"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UINT,  2, {8,  8},          "rg8ui"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UINT,  2, {16, 16},         "rg16ui"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UINT,  2, {32, 32},         "rg32ui"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UINT,  4, {8,  8,  8,  8},  "rgba8ui"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UINT,  4, {16, 16, 16, 16}, "rgba16ui"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UINT,  4, {32, 32, 32, 32}, "rgba32ui"},
    {RA_CTYPE_UINT,  4, {10, 10, 10,  2}, "rgb10_a2ui"},

const char *ra_fmt_glsl_format(const struct ra_format *fmt)
    for (int n = 0; n < MP_ARRAY_SIZE(ra_glsl_fmts); n++) {
        const struct glsl_fmt *gfmt = &ra_glsl_fmts[n];

        if (fmt->ctype != gfmt->ctype)
        if (fmt->num_components != gfmt->num_components)

        for (int i = 0; i < fmt->num_components; i++) {
            if (fmt->component_depth[i] != gfmt->component_depth[i])
                goto next_fmt;

        return gfmt->glsl_format;

next_fmt: ; // equivalent to `continue`

    return NULL;

// Return whether this is a tightly packed format with no external padding and
// with the same bit size/depth in all components, and the shader returns
// components in the same order as in memory.
static bool ra_format_is_regular(const struct ra_format *fmt)
    if (!fmt->pixel_size || !fmt->num_components || !fmt->ordered)
        return false;
    for (int n = 1; n < fmt->num_components; n++) {
        if (fmt->component_size[n] != fmt->component_size[0] ||
            fmt->component_depth[n] != fmt->component_depth[0])
            return false;
    if (fmt->component_size[0] * fmt->num_components != fmt->pixel_size * 8)
        return false;
    return true;

// Return a regular filterable format using RA_CTYPE_UNORM.
const struct ra_format *ra_find_unorm_format(struct ra *ra,
                                             int bytes_per_component,
                                             int n_components)
    for (int n = 0; n < ra->num_formats; n++) {
        const struct ra_format *fmt = ra->formats[n];
        if (fmt->ctype == RA_CTYPE_UNORM && fmt->num_components == n_components &&
            fmt->pixel_size == bytes_per_component * n_components &&
            fmt->component_depth[0] == bytes_per_component * 8 &&
            fmt->linear_filter && ra_format_is_regular(fmt))
            return fmt;
    return NULL;

// Return a regular format using RA_CTYPE_UINT.
const struct ra_format *ra_find_uint_format(struct ra *ra,
                                            int bytes_per_component,
                                            int n_components)
    for (int n = 0; n < ra->num_formats; n++) {
        const struct ra_format *fmt = ra->formats[n];
        if (fmt->ctype == RA_CTYPE_UINT && fmt->num_components == n_components &&
            fmt->pixel_size == bytes_per_component * n_components &&
            fmt->component_depth[0] == bytes_per_component * 8 &&
            return fmt;
    return NULL;

// Find a float format of any precision that matches the C type of the same
// size for upload.
// May drop bits from the mantissa (such as selecting float16 even if
// bytes_per_component == 32); prefers possibly faster formats first.
static const struct ra_format *ra_find_float_format(struct ra *ra,
                                                    int bytes_per_component,
                                                    int n_components)
    // Assumes ra_format are ordered by performance.
    // The >=16 check is to avoid catching fringe formats.
    for (int n = 0; n < ra->num_formats; n++) {
        const struct ra_format *fmt = ra->formats[n];
        if (fmt->ctype == RA_CTYPE_FLOAT && fmt->num_components == n_components &&
            fmt->pixel_size == bytes_per_component * n_components &&
            fmt->component_depth[0] >= 16 &&
            fmt->linear_filter && ra_format_is_regular(fmt))
            return fmt;
    return NULL;

// Return a filterable regular format that uses at least float16 internally, and
// uses a normal C float for transfer on the CPU side. (This is just so we don't
// need 32->16 bit conversion on CPU, which would be messy.)
const struct ra_format *ra_find_float16_format(struct ra *ra, int n_components)
    return ra_find_float_format(ra, sizeof(float), n_components);

const struct ra_format *ra_find_named_format(struct ra *ra, const char *name)
    for (int n = 0; n < ra->num_formats; n++) {
        const struct ra_format *fmt = ra->formats[n];
        if (strcmp(fmt->name, name) == 0)
            return fmt;
    return NULL;

// Like ra_find_unorm_format(), but if no fixed point format is available,
// return an unsigned integer format.
static const struct ra_format *find_plane_format(struct ra *ra, int bytes,
                                                 int n_channels,
                                                 enum mp_component_type ctype)
    switch (ctype) {
        const struct ra_format *f = ra_find_unorm_format(ra, bytes, n_channels);
        if (f)
            return f;
        return ra_find_uint_format(ra, bytes, n_channels);
        return ra_find_float_format(ra, bytes, n_channels);
    default: return NULL;

// Put a mapping of imgfmt to texture formats into *out. Basically it selects
// the correct texture formats needed to represent an imgfmt in a shader, with
// textures using the same memory organization as on the CPU.
// Each plane is represented by a texture, and each texture has a RGBA
// component order. out->components describes the meaning of them.
// May return integer formats for >8 bit formats, if the driver has no
// normalized 16 bit formats.
// Returns false (and *out is not touched) if no format found.
bool ra_get_imgfmt_desc(struct ra *ra, int imgfmt, struct ra_imgfmt_desc *out)
    struct ra_imgfmt_desc res = {0};

    struct mp_regular_imgfmt regfmt;
    if (mp_get_regular_imgfmt(&regfmt, imgfmt)) {
        enum ra_ctype ctype = RA_CTYPE_UNKNOWN;
        res.num_planes = regfmt.num_planes;
        res.component_bits = regfmt.component_size * 8;
        res.component_pad = regfmt.component_pad;
        for (int n = 0; n < regfmt.num_planes; n++) {
            struct mp_regular_imgfmt_plane *plane = &regfmt.planes[n];
            res.planes[n] = find_plane_format(ra, regfmt.component_size,
            if (!res.planes[n])
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < plane->num_components; i++)
                res.components[n][i] = plane->components[i];
            // Dropping LSBs when shifting will lead to dropped MSBs.
            if (res.component_bits > res.planes[n]->component_depth[0] &&
                res.component_pad < 0)
                return false;
            // Renderer restriction, but actually an unwanted corner case.
            if (ctype != RA_CTYPE_UNKNOWN && ctype != res.planes[n]->ctype)
                return false;
            ctype = res.planes[n]->ctype;
        res.chroma_w = regfmt.chroma_w;
        res.chroma_h = regfmt.chroma_h;
        goto supported;

    for (int n = 0; n < ra->num_formats; n++) {
        if (imgfmt && ra->formats[n]->special_imgfmt == imgfmt) {
            res = *ra->formats[n]->special_imgfmt_desc;
            goto supported;

    // Unsupported format
    return false;


    *out = res;
    return true;

void ra_dump_tex_formats(struct ra *ra, int msgl)
    if (!mp_msg_test(ra->log, msgl))
    MP_MSG(ra, msgl, "Texture formats:\n");
    MP_MSG(ra, msgl, "  NAME       COMP*TYPE SIZE        DEPTH PER COMP.\n");
    for (int n = 0; n < ra->num_formats; n++) {
        const struct ra_format *fmt = ra->formats[n];
        const char *ctype = "unknown";
        switch (fmt->ctype) {
        case RA_CTYPE_UNORM:    ctype = "unorm";    break;
        case RA_CTYPE_UINT:     ctype = "uint ";    break;
        case RA_CTYPE_FLOAT:    ctype = "float";    break;
        char cl[40] = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < fmt->num_components; i++) {
            mp_snprintf_cat(cl, sizeof(cl), "%s%d", i ? " " : "",
            if (fmt->component_size[i] != fmt->component_depth[i])
                mp_snprintf_cat(cl, sizeof(cl), "/%d", fmt->component_depth[i]);
        MP_MSG(ra, msgl, "  %-10s %d*%s %3dB %s %s %s {%s}\n", fmt->name,
               fmt->num_components, ctype, fmt->pixel_size,
               fmt->luminance_alpha ? "LA" : "  ",
               fmt->linear_filter ? "LF" : "  ",
               fmt->renderable ? "CR" : "  ", cl);
    MP_MSG(ra, msgl, " LA = LUMINANCE_ALPHA hack format\n");
    MP_MSG(ra, msgl, " LF = linear filterable\n");
    MP_MSG(ra, msgl, " CR = can be used for render targets\n");

void ra_dump_imgfmt_desc(struct ra *ra, const struct ra_imgfmt_desc *desc,
                         int msgl)
    char pl[80] = "";
    char pf[80] = "";
    for (int n = 0; n < desc->num_planes; n++) {
        if (n > 0) {
            mp_snprintf_cat(pl, sizeof(pl), "/");
            mp_snprintf_cat(pf, sizeof(pf), "/");
        char t[5] = {0};
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            t[i] = "_rgba"[desc->components[n][i]];
        for (int i = 3; i > 0 && t[i] == '_'; i--)
            t[i] = '\0';
        mp_snprintf_cat(pl, sizeof(pl), "%s", t);
        mp_snprintf_cat(pf, sizeof(pf), "%s", desc->planes[n]->name);
    MP_MSG(ra, msgl, "%d planes %dx%d %d/%d [%s] (%s)\n",
           desc->num_planes, desc->chroma_w, desc->chroma_h,
           desc->component_bits, desc->component_pad, pf, pl);

void ra_dump_img_formats(struct ra *ra, int msgl)
    if (!mp_msg_test(ra->log, msgl))
    MP_MSG(ra, msgl, "Image formats:\n");
    for (int imgfmt = IMGFMT_START; imgfmt < IMGFMT_END; imgfmt++) {
        const char *name = mp_imgfmt_to_name(imgfmt);
        if (strcmp(name, "unknown") == 0)
        MP_MSG(ra, msgl, "  %s", name);
        struct ra_imgfmt_desc desc;
        if (ra_get_imgfmt_desc(ra, imgfmt, &desc)) {
            MP_MSG(ra, msgl, " => ");
            ra_dump_imgfmt_desc(ra, &desc, msgl);
        } else {
            MP_MSG(ra, msgl, "\n");