int MprWinService::install(char *displayName, char *cmd) { SC_HANDLE svc, mgr; mgr = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (! mgr) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_LOG, "Can't open service manager"); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } // // Install this app as a service // svc = OpenService(mgr, svcName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if (svc == NULL) { svc = CreateService(mgr, svcName, displayName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS | SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, SERVICE_AUTO_START, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, cmd, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, NULL); if (! svc) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_LOG, "Can't create service: 0x%x == %d", GetLastError(), GetLastError()); CloseServiceHandle(mgr); return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE; } } CloseServiceHandle(svc); CloseServiceHandle(mgr); return 0; }
int MprWinService::start() { SC_HANDLE svc, mgr; mgr = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (! mgr) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_LOG, "Can't open service manager"); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } svc = OpenService(mgr, svcName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if (! svc) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_LOG, "Can't open service"); CloseServiceHandle(mgr); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } if (! StartService(svc, 0, NULL)) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_LOG, "Can't start service: %x", GetLastError()); return MPR_ERR_CANT_INITIALIZE; } CloseServiceHandle(svc); CloseServiceHandle(mgr); return 0; }
static int makeChannel(MprCmd *cmd, int index) { MprCmdFile *file; static int tempSeed = 0; file = &cmd->files[index]; file->name = mprAsprintf(cmd, -1, "/pipe/%s_%d_%d", BLD_PRODUCT, taskIdSelf(), tempSeed++); if (pipeDevCreate(file->name, 5, MPR_BUFSIZE) < 0) { mprError(cmd, "Can't create pipes to run %s", cmd->program); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } /* * Open the server end of the pipe. MPR_CMD_STDIN is from the client's perspective. */ if (index == MPR_CMD_STDIN) { file->fd = open(file->name, O_WRONLY, 0644); } else { file->fd = open(file->name, O_RDONLY, 0644); } if (file->fd < 0) { mprError(cmd, "Can't create stdio pipes. Err %d", mprGetOsError()); return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE; } return 0; }
int maSetHttpUser(MaHttp *http, cchar *newUser) { #if BLD_UNIX_LIKE struct passwd *pp; if (allDigits(newUser)) { http->uid = atoi(newUser); if ((pp = getpwuid(http->uid)) == 0) { mprError(http, "Bad user id: %d", http->uid); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } newUser = pp->pw_name; } else { if ((pp = getpwnam(newUser)) == 0) { mprError(http, "Bad user name: %s", newUser); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } http->uid = pp->pw_uid; } #endif mprFree(http->username); http->username = mprStrdup(http, newUser); return 0; }
/* * Create a web server described by a config file. */ MaHttp *maCreateWebServer(cchar *configFile) { Mpr *mpr; MaHttp *http; MaServer *server; /* * Initialize and start the portable runtime services. */ if ((mpr = mprCreate(0, NULL, NULL)) == 0) { mprError(mpr, "Can't create the web server runtime"); return 0; } if (mprStart(mpr, 0) < 0) { mprError(mpr, "Can't start the web server runtime"); return 0; } http = maCreateHttp(mpr); if ((server = maCreateServer(http, configFile, NULL, NULL, -1)) == 0) { mprError(mpr, "Can't create the web server"); return 0; } if (maParseConfig(server, configFile) < 0) { mprError(mpr, "Can't parse the config file %s", configFile); return 0; } return http; }
int maWriteUserFile(MaServer *server, MaAuth *auth, char *path) { MprFile *file; MprHash *hp; MaUser *up; char buf[MA_MAX_PASS * 2]; char *tempFile; tempFile = mprGetTempPath(auth, NULL); if ((file = mprOpen(auth, tempFile, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_TEXT, 0444)) == 0) { mprError(server, "Can't open %s", tempFile); mprFree(tempFile); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } mprFree(tempFile); hp = mprGetNextHash(auth->users, 0); while (hp) { up = (MaUser*) hp->data; mprSprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d: %s: %s: %s\n", up->enabled, up->name, up->realm, up->password); mprWrite(file, buf, (int) strlen(buf)); hp = mprGetNextHash(auth->users, hp); } mprFree(file); unlink(path); if (rename(tempFile, path) < 0) { mprError(server, "Can't create new %s", path); return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE; } return 0; }
static int updatePassFile(char *passFile) { User *up; char tempFile[MPR_MAX_FNAME]; int fd; mprMakeTempFileName(tempFile, sizeof(tempFile), "httpPass", 1); fd = open(tempFile, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_TEXT, 0664); if (fd < 0) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Can't open %s\n", tempFile); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } up = (User*) users.getFirst(); while (up) { if (mprFprintf(fd, "%d: %s: %s: %s\n", up->getEnabled(), up->getName(), up->getRealm(), up->getPassword()) < 0) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Can't write to %s\n", tempFile); return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE; } up = (User*) users.getNext(up); } close(fd); unlink(passFile); if (rename(tempFile, passFile) < 0) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Can't rename %s to %s\n", tempFile, passFile); return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE; } return 0; }
/* * Secondary entry point when started by the service control manager. Remember * that the main program thread is blocked in the startDispatcher called from * winMain and will be used on callbacks from WinService. */ static void WINAPI serviceMain(ulong argc, char **argv) { int threadId; serviceThreadEvent = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); heartBeatEvent = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); if (serviceThreadEvent == 0 || heartBeatEvent == 0) { mprError(mpr, "Can't create wait events"); return; } threadHandle = CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) serviceThread, (void*) 0, 0, (ulong*) &threadId); if (threadHandle == 0) { mprError(mpr, "Can't create service thread"); return; } WaitForSingleObject(serviceThreadEvent, INFINITE); CloseHandle(serviceThreadEvent); /* * We are now exiting, so wakeup the heart beat thread */ exiting = 1; SetEvent(heartBeatEvent); CloseHandle(heartBeatEvent); }
int maSetHttpGroup(MaHttp *http, cchar *newGroup) { #if BLD_UNIX_LIKE struct group *gp; if (allDigits(newGroup)) { http->gid = atoi(newGroup); if ((gp = getgrgid(http->gid)) == 0) { mprError(http, "Bad group id: %d", http->gid); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } newGroup = gp->gr_name; } else { if ((gp = getgrnam(newGroup)) == 0) { mprError(http, "Bad group name: %s", newGroup); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } http->gid = gp->gr_gid; } #endif mprFree(http->groupname); http->groupname = mprStrdup(http, newGroup); return 0; }
/* Query the service. Return the service state: SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING SERVICE_PAUSED SERVICE_RUNNING SERVICE_START_PENDING SERVICE_STOP_PENDING SERVICE_STOPPED */ static uint queryService() { SC_HANDLE svc, mgr; SERVICE_STATUS status; int rc; mgr = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (! mgr) { mprError("appweb monitor", "Cannot open service manager"); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } svc = OpenService(mgr, app->serviceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if (! svc) { /* No warnings on error. Makes Monitor more useful */ CloseServiceHandle(mgr); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } rc = QueryServiceStatus(svc, &status); if (rc == 0) { mprError("appweb monitor", "Cannot start %s service: %d", app->serviceName, GetLastError()); return 0; } CloseServiceHandle(svc); CloseServiceHandle(mgr); return status.dwCurrentState; }
/* Stop the service in the current process. */ static int stopService() { SC_HANDLE svc, mgr; SERVICE_STATUS status; int rc; mgr = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (! mgr) { mprError("appweb monitor", "Cannot open service manager"); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } svc = OpenService(mgr, app->serviceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if (! svc) { mprError("appweb monitor", "Cannot open service"); CloseServiceHandle(mgr); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } rc = ControlService(svc, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &status); if (rc == 0) { mprError("appweb monitor", "Cannot stop %s service: %d", app->serviceName, GetLastError()); return MPR_ERR_CANT_INITIALIZE; } CloseServiceHandle(svc); CloseServiceHandle(mgr); return 0; }
static int startDispatcher(LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION svcMain) { SC_HANDLE mgr; char name[80]; ulong len; if (!(mgr = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS))) { mprError(mpr, "Can't open service manager"); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } /* * Is the service installed? */ len = sizeof(name); if (GetServiceDisplayName(mgr, serviceName, name, &len) == 0) { CloseServiceHandle(mgr); return MPR_ERR_CANT_READ; } /* * Register this service with the SCM. This call will block and consume the main thread if the service is * installed and the app was started by the SCM. If started manually, this routine will return 0. */ svcTable[0].lpServiceProc = svcMain; if (StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(svcTable) == 0) { mprError(mpr, "Could not start the service control dispatcher"); return MPR_ERR_CANT_INITIALIZE; } return 0; }
int MaHttp::setGroup(char *newGroup) { #if CYGWIN || LINUX || MACOSX || FREEBSD struct group *gp; if (allDigits(newGroup)) { gid = atoi(newGroup); if ((gp = getgrgid(gid)) == 0) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Bad group id: %d", gid); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } newGroup = gp->gr_name; } else { if ((gp = getgrnam(newGroup)) == 0) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Bad group name: %s", newGroup); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } gid = gp->gr_gid; } #endif if (group) { mprFree(group); } group = mprStrdup(newGroup); return 0; }
int MaHttp::setUser(char *newUser) { #if CYGWIN || LINUX || MACOSX || FREEBSD struct passwd *pp; if (allDigits(newUser)) { uid = atoi(newUser); if ((pp = getpwuid(uid)) == 0) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Bad user id: %d", uid); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } newUser = pp->pw_name; } else { if ((pp = getpwnam(newUser)) == 0) { mprError(MPR_L, MPR_USER, "Bad user name: %s", newUser); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } uid = pp->pw_uid; } #endif if (user) { mprFree(user); } user = mprStrdup(newUser); return 0; }
/* * Accept a new client connection. If multithreaded, this will come in on a worker thread dedicated to this connection. * This is called from the listen wait handler. */ int maAcceptConn(MprSocket *sock, MaServer *server, cchar *ip, int port) { MaHostAddress *address; MaHost *host; MaConn *conn; MprSocket *listenSock; MprHeap *arena; int rc; mprAssert(server); mprAssert(sock); mprAssert(ip); mprAssert(port > 0); rc = 0; listenSock = sock->listenSock; mprLog(server, 4, "New connection from %s:%d for %s:%d %s", ip, port, listenSock->ipAddr, listenSock->port, listenSock->sslSocket ? "(secure)" : ""); /* * Map the address onto a suitable host to initially serve the request initially until we can parse the Host header. */ address = (MaHostAddress*) maLookupHostAddress(server, listenSock->ipAddr, listenSock->port); if (address == 0 || (host = mprGetFirstItem(address->vhosts)) == 0) { mprError(server, "No host configured for request %s:%d", listenSock->ipAddr, listenSock->port); mprFree(sock); return 1; } arena = mprAllocHeap(host, "conn", 1, 0, NULL); if (arena == 0) { mprError(server, "Can't create connect arena object. Insufficient memory."); mprFree(sock); return 1; } conn = createConn(arena, host, sock, ip, port, address); if (conn == 0) { mprError(server, "Can't create connect object. Insufficient memory."); mprFree(sock); mprFree(arena); return 1; } conn->arena = arena; if (maAddConn(host, conn) < 0) { mprFree(sock); #if BLD_FEATURE_MULTITHREAD mprEnableSocketEvents(listenSock); #endif mprFree(arena); return 1; } mprSetSocketCallback(conn->sock, (MprSocketProc) ioEvent, conn, MPR_READABLE, MPR_NORMAL_PRIORITY); #if BLD_FEATURE_MULTITHREAD mprEnableSocketEvents(listenSock); #endif return rc; }
MAIN(simpleClient, int argc, char** argv) { Mpr *mpr; App *app; cchar *content; int code; /* Create the Multithreaded Portable Runtime */ mpr = mprCreate(argc, argv, MPR_USER_EVENTS_THREAD); if ((app = mprAllocObj(App, manageApp)) == 0) { return MPR_ERR_MEMORY; } mprAddRoot(app); mprAddStandardSignals(app); /* Start the Multithreaded Portable Runtime */ mprStart(); /* Create an Http service object */ app->http = httpCreate(mpr); /* Get a client http object to work with. We can issue multiple requests with this one object. */ app->conn = httpCreateConn(app->http, NULL, NULL); /* Get a URL */ if (httpConnect(app->conn, "GET", "") < 0) { mprError("Can't get URL"); exit(2); } /* Examine the HTTP response HTTP code. 200 is success. */ code = httpGetStatus(app->conn); if (code != 200) { mprError("Server responded with code %d\n", code); exit(1); } /* Get the actual response content */ content = httpReadString(app->conn); if (content) { mprPrintf("Server responded with: %s\n", content); } mprDestroy(MPR_EXIT_DEFAULT); return 0; }
static int writeBody(MprHttp *http, MprList *fields, MprList *files) { MprFile *file; char buf[MPR_HTTP_BUFSIZE], *path, *pair; int bytes, next, count, rc, len; rc = 0; mprSetSocketBlockingMode(http->sock, 1); if (upload) { if (mprWriteHttpUploadData(http, files, fields) < 0) { mprError(http, "Can't write upload data %s", mprGetHttpError(http)); mprSetSocketBlockingMode(http->sock, 0); return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE; } } else { if (fields) { count = mprGetListCount(fields); for (next = 0; !rc && (pair = mprGetNextItem(fields, &next)) != 0; ) { len = (int) strlen(pair); if (next < count) { len = (int) strlen(pair); if (mprWriteSocket(http->sock, pair, len) != len || mprWriteSocket(http->sock, "&", 1) != 1) { return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE; } } else { if (mprWriteSocket(http->sock, pair, len) != len) { return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE; } } } } if (files) { mprAssert(mprGetListCount(files) == 1); for (rc = next = 0; !rc && (path = mprGetNextItem(files, &next)) != 0; ) { file = mprOpen(http, path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0); if (file == 0) { mprError(http, "Can't open \"%s\"", path); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } if (verbose && upload) { mprPrintf(http, "uploading: %s\n", path); } while ((bytes = mprRead(file, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { if (mprWriteHttp(http, buf, bytes) != bytes) { mprFree(file); return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE; } } mprFree(file); } } if (mprFinalizeHttpWriting(http) < 0) { return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE; } } mprSetSocketBlockingMode(http->sock, 0); return rc; }
static int process(EjsMod *mp, cchar *output, int argc, char **argv) { Ejs *ejs; EjsModule *module; MprFile *outfile; MprList *depends; int count, i, next, moduleCount; ejs = mp->ejs; if (output) { outfile = mprOpenFile(output, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0664); } else { outfile = 0; } ejs->loaderCallback = (mp->listing) ? emListingLoadCallback : 0; mp->firstGlobal = ejsGetLength(ejs, ejs->global); /* For each module on the command line */ for (i = 0; i < argc && !mp->fatalError; i++) { moduleCount = mprGetListLength(ejs->modules); ejs->loadData = mp; if (!mprPathExists(argv[i], R_OK)) { mprError("Can't access module %s", argv[i]); return EJS_ERR; } if ((ejsLoadModule(ejs, ejsCreateStringFromAsc(ejs, argv[i]), -1, -1, EJS_LOADER_NO_INIT)) < 0) { ejs->loaderCallback = NULL; mprError("Can't load module %s\n%s", argv[i], ejsGetErrorMsg(ejs, 0)); return EJS_ERR; } if (mp->genSlots) { for (next = moduleCount; (module = mprGetNextItem(ejs->modules, &next)) != 0; ) { emCreateSlotFiles(mp, module, outfile); } } if (mp->depends) { depends = mprCreateList(-1, 0); for (next = moduleCount; (module = mprGetNextItem(ejs->modules, &next)) != 0; ) { getDepends(ejs, depends, module); } count = mprGetListLength(depends); for (next = 1; (module = mprGetNextItem(depends, &next)) != 0; ) { int version = module->version; mprPrintf("%@-%d.%d.%d%s", module->name, EJS_MAJOR(version), EJS_MINOR(version), EJS_PATCH(version), (next >= count) ? "" : " "); } printf("\n"); } } if (mp->html || mp->xml) { emCreateDoc(mp); } mprCloseFile(outfile); return 0; }
static int reportResponse(HttpConn *conn, cchar *url, MprTime elapsed) { HttpRx *rx; MprOff bytesRead; char *responseHeaders; int status; if (mprShouldAbortRequests(conn)) { return 0; } app->status = status = httpGetStatus(conn); bytesRead = httpGetContentLength(conn); if (bytesRead < 0 && conn->rx) { bytesRead = conn->rx->bytesRead; } mprLog(6, "Response status %d, elapsed %Ld", status, elapsed); if (conn->error) { app->success = 0; } if (conn->rx && bytesRead > 0) { if (!app->noout) { mprPrintf("\n"); } if (app->showHeaders) { responseHeaders = httpGetHeaders(conn); rx = conn->rx; mprPrintf("%s %d %s\n", conn->protocol, status, rx->statusMessage); if (responseHeaders) { mprPrintf("%s\n", responseHeaders); } } else if (app->showStatus) { mprPrintf("%d\n", status); } } if (status < 0) { mprError("Can't process request for \"%s\" %s", url, httpGetError(conn)); return MPR_ERR_CANT_READ; } else if (status == 0 && conn->protocol == 0) { /* Ignore */; } else if (!(200 <= status && status <= 206) && !(301 <= status && status <= 304)) { if (!app->zeroOnErrors) { app->success = 0; } if (!app->showStatus) { mprError("Can't process request for \"%s\" (%d) %s", url, status, httpGetError(conn)); return MPR_ERR_CANT_READ; } } mprLock(app->mutex); if (app->verbose && app->noout) { trace(conn, url, app->fetchCount, app->method, status, bytesRead); } mprUnlock(app->mutex); return 0; }
MAIN(simpleClient, int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { Http *http; HttpConn *conn; cchar *content; int code; /* Create the Multithreaded Portable Runtime and start it. */ mprCreate(argc, argv, 0); mprStart(); /* Get a client http object to work with. We can issue multiple requests with this one object. Add the conn as a root object so the GC won't collect it while we are using it. */ http = httpCreate(HTTP_CLIENT_SIDE); conn = httpCreateConn(http, NULL, NULL); mprAddRoot(conn); /* Open a connection to issue the GET. Then finalize the request output - this forces the request out. */ if (httpConnect(conn, "GET", "", NULL) < 0) { mprError("Can't get URL"); exit(2); } httpFinalizeOutput(conn); /* Wait for a response */ if (httpWait(conn, HTTP_STATE_PARSED, 10000) < 0) { mprError("No response"); exit(2); } /* Examine the HTTP response HTTP code. 200 is success. */ code = httpGetStatus(conn); if (code != 200) { mprError("Server responded with code %d\n", code); exit(1); } /* Get the actual response content */ content = httpReadString(conn); if (content) { mprPrintf("Server responded with: %s\n", content); } mprDestroy(MPR_EXIT_DEFAULT); return 0; }
MAIN(httpMain, int argc, char *argv[]) { MprTime start; double elapsed; if (mprCreate(argc, argv, MPR_USER_EVENTS_THREAD) == 0) { return MPR_ERR_MEMORY; } if ((app = mprAllocObj(App, manageApp)) == 0) { return MPR_ERR_MEMORY; } mprAddRoot(app); mprAddStandardSignals(); initSettings(); if (!parseArgs(argc, argv)) { showUsage(); return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS; } mprSetMaxWorkers(app->workers); #if BLD_FEATURE_SSL if (!mprLoadSsl(1)) { mprError("Can't load SSL"); exit(1); } #endif if (mprStart() < 0) { mprError("Can't start MPR for %s", mprGetAppTitle()); exit(2); } start = mprGetTime(); app->http = httpCreate(); httpEaseLimits(app->http->clientLimits); processing(); mprServiceEvents(-1, 0); if (app->benchmark) { elapsed = (double) (mprGetTime() - start); if (app->fetchCount == 0) { elapsed = 0; app->fetchCount = 1; } mprPrintf("\nRequest Count: %13d\n", app->fetchCount); mprPrintf("Time elapsed: %13.4f sec\n", elapsed / 1000.0); mprPrintf("Time per request: %13.4f sec\n", elapsed / 1000.0 / app->fetchCount); mprPrintf("Requests per second: %13.4f\n", app->fetchCount * 1.0 / (elapsed / 1000.0)); mprPrintf("Load threads: %13d\n", app->loadThreads); mprPrintf("Worker threads: %13d\n", app->workers); } if (!app->success && app->verbose) { mprError("Request failed"); } return (app->success) ? 0 : 255; }
PUBLIC int mprLoadNativeModule(MprModule *mp) { MprModuleEntry fn; MprPath info; char *at; void *handle; assert(mp); /* Search the image incase the module has been statically linked */ #ifdef RTLD_DEFAULT handle = RTLD_DEFAULT; #else #ifdef RTLD_MAIN_ONLY handle = RTLD_MAIN_ONLY; #else handle = 0; #endif #endif if (!mp->entry || !dlsym(handle, mp->entry)) { if ((at = mprSearchForModule(mp->path)) == 0) { mprError("Cannot find module \"%s\", cwd: \"%s\", search path \"%s\"", mp->path, mprGetCurrentPath(), mprGetModuleSearchPath()); return MPR_ERR_CANT_ACCESS; } mp->path = at; mprGetPathInfo(mp->path, &info); mp->modified = info.mtime; mprLog(2, "Loading native module %s", mprGetPathBase(mp->path)); if ((handle = dlopen(mp->path, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL)) == 0) { mprError("Cannot load module %s\nReason: \"%s\"", mp->path, dlerror()); return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN; } mp->handle = handle; } else if (mp->entry) { mprLog(2, "Activating native module %s", mp->name); } if (mp->entry) { if ((fn = (MprModuleEntry) dlsym(handle, mp->entry)) != 0) { if ((fn)(mp->moduleData, mp) < 0) { mprError("Initialization for module %s failed", mp->name); dlclose(handle); return MPR_ERR_CANT_INITIALIZE; } } else { mprError("Cannot load module %s\nReason: can't find function \"%s\"", mp->path, mp->entry); dlclose(handle); return MPR_ERR_CANT_READ; } } return 0; }
MAIN(testMain, int argc, char *argv[]) { Mpr *mpr; MprTestService *ts; MprTestGroup *gp; int rc; mpr = mprCreate(argc, argv, 0); #if VXWORKS || WINCE /* * These platforms pass an arg string in via the argc value. Assumes 32-bit. */ mprMakeArgv(mpr, "testMpr", (char*) argc, &argc, &argv); #endif ts = mprCreateTestService(mpr); if (ts == 0) { mprError(mpr, "Can't create test service"); exit(2); } if (mprParseTestArgs(ts, argc, argv) < 0) { mprFree(mpr); exit(3); } gp = mprAddTestGroup(ts, &master); if (gp == 0) { exit(4); } #if BLD_FEATURE_SSL && (BLD_FEATURE_MATRIXSSL || BLD_FEATURE_OPENSSL) if (!mprLoadSsl(mpr, 0)) { exit(5); } #endif /* * Need a background event thread as we use the main thread to run the tests. */ if (mprStart(mpr, 0)) { mprError(mpr, "Can't start mpr services"); exit(4); } /* * Run the tests and return zero if 100% success */ rc = mprRunTests(ts); mprReportTestResults(ts); return (rc == 0) ? 0 : 6; }
static int createEndpoints(int argc, char **argv) { cchar *endpoint; char *ip; int argind, port, secure; ip = 0; port = -1; endpoint = 0; argind = 0; if ((app->appweb = maCreateAppweb()) == 0) { mprError("Cannot create HTTP service for %s", mprGetAppName()); return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE; } if ((app->server = maCreateServer(app->appweb, "default")) == 0) { mprError("Cannot create HTTP server for %s", mprGetAppName()); return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE; } loadStaticModules(); if (argc > argind) { app->documents = sclone(argv[argind++]); mprLog(2, "Documents %s", app->documents); } if (argind == argc) { if (maParseConfig(app->server, app->configFile, 0) < 0) { return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE; } } else { while (argind < argc) { endpoint = argv[argind++]; mprParseSocketAddress(endpoint, &ip, &port, &secure, 80); if (maConfigureServer(app->server, NULL, app->home, app->documents, ip, port) < 0) { return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE; } } } if (app->workers >= 0) { mprSetMaxWorkers(app->workers); } /* Call any ESP initializers from slink.c */ appwebStaticInitialize(); #if BIT_WIN_LIKE writePort(app->server); #elif BIT_UNIX_LIKE addSignals(); #endif return 0; }
static int startProcess(MprCmd *cmd) { PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; STARTUPINFO startInfo; int err; memset(&startInfo, 0, sizeof(startInfo)); startInfo.cb = sizeof(startInfo); startInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; if (cmd->flags & MPR_CMD_SHOW) { startInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; } else { startInfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; } startInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; if (cmd->flags & MPR_CMD_IN) { if (cmd->files[MPR_CMD_STDIN].clientFd > 0) { startInfo.hStdInput = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(cmd->files[MPR_CMD_STDIN].clientFd); } } else { startInfo.hStdInput = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle((int) fileno(stdin)); } if (cmd->flags & MPR_CMD_OUT) { if (cmd->files[MPR_CMD_STDOUT].clientFd > 0) { startInfo.hStdOutput = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(cmd->files[MPR_CMD_STDOUT].clientFd); } } else { startInfo.hStdOutput = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle((int) fileno(stdout)); } if (cmd->flags & MPR_CMD_ERR) { if (cmd->files[MPR_CMD_STDERR].clientFd > 0) { startInfo.hStdError = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(cmd->files[MPR_CMD_STDERR].clientFd); } } else { startInfo.hStdError = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle((int) fileno(stderr)); } if (! CreateProcess(0, cmd->command, 0, 0, 1, 0, cmd->env, cmd->dir, &startInfo, &procInfo)) { err = mprGetOsError(); if (err == ERROR_DIRECTORY) { mprError(cmd, "Can't create process: %s, directory %s is invalid", cmd->program, cmd->dir); } else { mprError(cmd, "Can't create process: %s, %d", cmd->program, err); } return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE; } cmd->thread = procInfo.hThread; cmd->process = procInfo.hProcess; cmd->pid = procInfo.dwProcessId; return 0; }
MAIN(httpMain, int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { MprTime start; double elapsed; if (mprCreate(argc, argv, MPR_USER_EVENTS_THREAD) == 0) { return MPR_ERR_MEMORY; } if ((app = mprAllocObj(App, manageApp)) == 0) { return MPR_ERR_MEMORY; } mprAddRoot(app); mprAddStandardSignals(); initSettings(); if (parseArgs(argc, argv) < 0) { return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS; } mprSetMaxWorkers(app->workers); if (mprStart() < 0) { mprError("Cannot start MPR for %s", mprGetAppTitle()); exit(2); } start = mprGetTime(); app->http = httpCreate(HTTP_CLIENT_SIDE); httpEaseLimits(app->http->clientLimits); #if BIT_STATIC && BIT_PACK_SSL extern MprModuleEntry mprSslInit; mprNop(mprSslInit); #endif processing(); mprServiceEvents(-1, 0); if (app->benchmark) { elapsed = (double) (mprGetTime() - start); if (app->fetchCount == 0) { elapsed = 0; app->fetchCount = 1; } mprPrintf("\nRequest Count: %13d\n", app->fetchCount); mprPrintf("Time elapsed: %13.4f sec\n", elapsed / 1000.0); mprPrintf("Time per request: %13.4f sec\n", elapsed / 1000.0 / app->fetchCount); mprPrintf("Requests per second: %13.4f\n", app->fetchCount * 1.0 / (elapsed / 1000.0)); mprPrintf("Load threads: %13d\n", app->loadThreads); mprPrintf("Worker threads: %13d\n", app->workers); } if (!app->success && app->verbose) { mprError("Request failed"); } mprDestroy(MPR_EXIT_DEFAULT); return (app->success) ? 0 : 255; }
static int makeChannel(MprCmd *cmd, int index) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES clientAtt, serverAtt, *att; HANDLE readHandle, writeHandle; MprCmdFile *file; char *path; int readFd, writeFd; memset(&clientAtt, 0, sizeof(clientAtt)); clientAtt.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); clientAtt.bInheritHandle = 1; /* * Server fds are not inherited by the child */ memset(&serverAtt, 0, sizeof(serverAtt)); serverAtt.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); serverAtt.bInheritHandle = 0; file = &cmd->files[index]; path = mprGetTempPath(cmd, NULL); att = (index == MPR_CMD_STDIN) ? &clientAtt : &serverAtt; readHandle = CreateFile(path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, att, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0); if (readHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { mprError(cmd, "Can't create stdio pipes %s. Err %d\n", path, mprGetOsError()); return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE; } readFd = (int) (int64) _open_osfhandle((int*) readHandle, 0); att = (index == MPR_CMD_STDIN) ? &serverAtt: &clientAtt; writeHandle = CreateFile(path, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, att, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); writeFd = (int) _open_osfhandle((int*) writeHandle, 0); if (readFd < 0 || writeFd < 0) { mprError(cmd, "Can't create stdio pipes %s. Err %d\n", path, mprGetOsError()); return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE; } if (index == MPR_CMD_STDIN) { file->clientFd = readFd; file->fd = writeFd; file->handle = writeHandle; } else { file->clientFd = writeFd; file->fd = readFd; file->handle = readHandle; } mprFree(path); return 0; }
/* * Start the user's default browser */ static int runBrowser(char *page) { PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; STARTUPINFO startInfo; char cmdBuf[MPR_MAX_STRING]; char *path; char *pathArg; int port; port = getAppwebPort(); if (port < 0) { mprError(mpr, "Can't get Appweb listening port"); return -1; } path = getBrowserPath(MPR_MAX_STRING); if (path == 0) { mprError(mpr, "Can't get browser startup command"); return -1; } pathArg = strstr(path, "\"%1\""); if (*page == '/') { page++; } if (pathArg == 0) { mprSprintf(cmdBuf, MPR_MAX_STRING, "%s http://localhost:%d/%s", path, port, page); } else { /* * Patch out the "%1" */ *pathArg = '\0'; mprSprintf(cmdBuf, MPR_MAX_STRING, "%s \"http://localhost:%d/%s\"", path, port, page); } mprLog(mpr, 4, "Running %s\n", cmdBuf); memset(&startInfo, 0, sizeof(startInfo)); startInfo.cb = sizeof(startInfo); if (! CreateProcess(0, cmdBuf, 0, 0, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, &startInfo, &procInfo)) { mprError(mpr, "Can't create process: %s, %d", cmdBuf, mprGetOsError()); return -1; } CloseHandle(procInfo.hProcess); mprFree(path); return 0; }
MaHttp *maCreateHttp(MprCtx ctx) { MaHttp *http; http = mprAllocObjWithDestructorZeroed(ctx, MaHttp, httpDestructor); if (http == 0) { return 0; } mprGetMpr(ctx)->appwebHttpService = http; http->servers = mprCreateList(http); http->stages = mprCreateHash(http, 0); #if BLD_FEATURE_MULTITHREAD http->mutex = mprCreateLock(http); #endif initLimits(http); #if BLD_UNIX_LIKE { struct passwd *pp; struct group *gp; http->uid = getuid(); if ((pp = getpwuid(http->uid)) == 0) { mprError(http, "Can't read user credentials: %d. Check your /etc/passwd file.", http->uid); } else { http->username = mprStrdup(http, pp->pw_name); } http->gid = getgid(); if ((gp = getgrgid(http->gid)) == 0) { mprError(http, "Can't read group credentials: %d. Check your /etc/group file", http->gid); } else { http->groupname = mprStrdup(http, gp->gr_name); } } #else http->uid = http->gid = -1; #endif #if BLD_FEATURE_SEND maOpenSendConnector(http); #endif #if BLD_FEATURE_NET maOpenNetConnector(http); #endif maOpenPassHandler(http); return http; }
/* * Create an ejs application location block and alias */ static void createEjsAlias(Mpr *mpr, MaHttp *http, MaServer *server, cchar *ejsPrefix, cchar *ejsPath) { MaAlias *alias; MaHost *host; MaDir *dir, *parent; MaLocation *location; int flags; host = server->defaultHost; flags = host->location->flags & (MA_LOC_BROWSER | MA_LOC_AUTO_SESSION); alias = maCreateAlias(host, ejsPrefix, ejsPath, 0); maInsertAlias(host, alias); mprLog(http, 4, "Alias \"%s\" for \"%s\"", ejsPrefix, ejsPath); if (maLookupLocation(host, ejsPrefix)) { mprError(http, "Location block already exists for \"%s\"", ejsPrefix); return; } location = maCreateLocation(host, host->location); maSetLocationAuth(location, host->location->auth); maSetLocationPrefix(location, ejsPrefix); maAddLocation(host, location); maSetLocationFlags(location, MA_LOC_APP | flags); maSetHandler(http, host, location, "ejsHandler"); #if BLD_FEATURE_UPLOAD /* Upload configuration */ location->autoDelete = 1; if (maAddFilter(http, location, "chunkFilter", "", MA_FILTER_INCOMING) < 0) { mprError(server, "Can't add chunkFilter for ejs"); } if (maAddFilter(http, location, "uploadFilter", "", MA_FILTER_INCOMING) < 0) { mprError(server, "Can't add uploadFilter for ejs"); } #endif /* * Make sure there is a directory for the alias target */ dir = maLookupBestDir(host, ejsPath); if (dir == 0) { parent = mprGetFirstItem(host->dirs); dir = maCreateDir(host, alias->filename, parent); maInsertDir(host, dir); } }