Exemplo n.º 1
static void startProxy(HttpQueue *q)
    HttpConn    *conn, *target;
    MprHash     *hp;

    conn = q->conn;
    rx = conn->rx;
    loc = rx->loc;
    uri = httpJoinUriPath(NULL, rx->parsedUri, loc->prefix);

    pp->target = getConnection(conn);

    - how to hook into the pipeline for the target

    if (httpConnect(pp->target, rx->method, httpUriToString(uri)) < 0) {
        for (mprGetFirstHash(rx->headers); hp; hp = mprGetNextHash(rx->headers, hp)) {
            httpSetHeader(target, hp->key, hp->data);
        httpSetHeader(target, "X-Forwarded-Host", );
        httpSetHeader(target, "Host", );
        httpSetHeader(target, "X-Forwarded-Server", );
        httpSetHeader(target, "X-Forwarded-For", );
    //  Push headers out - this may not work
Exemplo n.º 2
 *  Define params[] using query and post form data
static void defineParams(void *handle)
    MprHash     *hp;

    hp = mprGetFirstHash(formVars);
    while (hp) {
        ejsDefineWebParam(ejs, hp->key, hp->data);
        hp = mprGetNextHash(formVars, hp);
Exemplo n.º 3
 *  Define params[]
static void defineParams(void *handle)
    Ejs             *ejs;
    MaConn          *conn;
    MprHashTable    *formVars;
    MprHash         *hp;

    conn = (MaConn*) handle;
    formVars = conn->request->formVars;
    ejs = ((EjsWeb*) maGetHandlerQueueData(conn))->ejs;

    hp = mprGetFirstHash(formVars);
    while (hp) {
        ejsDefineWebParam(ejs, hp->key, hp->data);
        hp = mprGetNextHash(formVars, hp);
Exemplo n.º 4
 *  Define form variables using any query data
static void defineFormVars(void *handle)
    MprHash     *hp;
    MaConn      *conn;
    MaRequest   *req;
    Ejs         *ejs;

    conn = (MaConn*) handle;
    req = conn->request;

    ejs = ((EjsWeb*) maGetHandlerQueueData(conn))->ejs;

    hp = mprGetFirstHash(req->formVars);
    while (hp) {
        ejsDefineWebParam(ejs, hp->key, hp->data);
        hp = mprGetNextHash(req->formVars, hp);
Exemplo n.º 5
 *  Emit all headers
static void emitHeaders()
    MprHash     *hp;
    int         len;

    hp = mprGetFirstHash(responseHeaders);
    while (hp) {
        len = strlen(hp->key) + strlen(hp->data) + 4;
        if (mprGetBufSpace(headerOutput) < len) {
        mprPutStringToBuf(headerOutput, hp->key);
        mprPutStringToBuf(headerOutput, ": ");
        mprPutStringToBuf(headerOutput, hp->data);
        mprPutStringToBuf(headerOutput, "\r\n");
        hp = mprGetNextHash(responseHeaders, hp);
    mprPutStringToBuf(headerOutput, "\r\n");
    headersEmitted = 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void startCgi(MaQueue *q)
    MaRequest       *req;
    MaConn          *conn;
    MprCmd          *cmd;
    MprHash         *hp;
    cchar           *baseName;
    char            **argv, **envv, *fileName;
    int             index, argc, varCount;

    argv = 0;
    argc = 0;
    conn = q->conn;
    req = conn->request;
    if ((req->form || req->flags & MA_REQ_UPLOADING) && conn->state <= MPR_HTTP_STATE_CONTENT) {
            Delay starting the CGI process if uploading files or a form request. This enables env vars to be defined
            with file upload and form data before starting the CGI gateway.

    cmd = q->queueData = mprCreateCmd(req);
    if (conn->http->forkCallback) {
        cmd->forkCallback = conn->http->forkCallback;
        cmd->forkData = conn->http->forkData;
        Build the commmand line arguments
    argc = 1;                                   /* argv[0] == programName */
    buildArgs(conn, cmd, &argc, &argv);
    fileName = argv[0];

    baseName = mprGetPathBase(q, fileName);
    if (strncmp(baseName, "nph-", 4) == 0 || 
            (strlen(baseName) > 4 && strcmp(&baseName[strlen(baseName) - 4], "-nph") == 0)) {
            Pretend we've seen the header for Non-parsed Header CGI programs
        cmd->userFlags |= MA_CGI_SEEN_HEADER;

        Build environment variables
    varCount = mprGetHashCount(req->headers) + mprGetHashCount(req->formVars);
    envv = (char**) mprAlloc(cmd, (varCount + 1) * (int) sizeof(char*));

    index = 0;
    hp = mprGetFirstHash(req->headers);
    while (hp) {
        if (hp->data) {
            envv[index] = mprStrcat(cmd, -1, hp->key, "=", (char*) hp->data, NULL);
        hp = mprGetNextHash(req->headers, hp);
    hp = mprGetFirstHash(req->formVars);
    while (hp) {
        if (hp->data) {
            envv[index] = mprStrcat(cmd, -1, hp->key, "=", (char*) hp->data, NULL);
        hp = mprGetNextHash(req->formVars, hp);
    envv[index] = 0;
    mprAssert(index <= varCount);

    cmd->stdoutBuf = mprCreateBuf(cmd, MA_BUFSIZE, -1);
    cmd->stderrBuf = mprCreateBuf(cmd, MA_BUFSIZE, -1);
    cmd->lastActivity = mprGetTime(cmd);

    mprSetCmdDir(cmd, mprGetPathDir(q, fileName));
    mprSetCmdCallback(cmd, cgiCallback, conn);

    maSetHeader(conn, 0, "Last-Modified", req->host->currentDate);
    maPutForService(q, maCreateHeaderPacket(q), 0);

    if (mprStartCmd(cmd, argc, argv, envv, MPR_CMD_IN | MPR_CMD_OUT | MPR_CMD_ERR) < 0) {
        maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Can't run CGI process: %s, URI %s", fileName, req->url);
        This will dedicate this thread to the connection. It will also put the socket into blocking mode.
Exemplo n.º 7
static void runPhp(MaQueue *q)
    MaConn              *conn;
    MaRequest           *req;
    MaResponse          *resp;
    MprHash             *hp;
    MaPhp               *php;
    FILE                *fp;
    char                shebang[MPR_MAX_STRING];
    zend_file_handle    file_handle;


    conn = q->conn;
    req = conn->request;
    resp = conn->response;
    php = q->queueData;

    maPutForService(q, maCreateHeaderPacket(q), 0);

     *  Set the request context
    zend_first_try {
        php->var_array = 0;
        SG(server_context) = conn;
        if (req->user) {
            SG(request_info).auth_user = estrdup(req->user);
        if (req->password) {
            SG(request_info).auth_password = estrdup(req->password);
        if (req->authType && req->authDetails) {
            SG(request_info).auth_digest = estrdup(mprAsprintf(req, -1, "%s %s", req->authType, req->authDetails));
        SG(request_info).auth_password = req->password;
        SG(request_info).content_type = req->mimeType;
        SG(request_info).content_length = req->length;
        SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code = MPR_HTTP_CODE_OK;
        SG(request_info).path_translated = resp->filename;
        SG(request_info).query_string = req->parsedUri->query;
        SG(request_info).request_method = req->methodName;
        SG(request_info).request_uri = req->url;

         *  Workaround on MAC OS X where the SIGPROF is given to the wrong thread
        PG(max_input_time) = -1;
        EG(timeout_seconds) = 0;

        /* The readPostData callback may be invoked during startup */
        CG(zend_lineno) = 0;

    } zend_catch {
        mprError(q, "Can't start PHP request");
        zend_try {
        } zend_end_try();
        maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "PHP initialization failed");
    } zend_end_try();

     *  Define header variables
    zend_try {
        hp = mprGetFirstHash(req->headers);
        while (hp) {
            if (hp->data) {
                php_register_variable(hp->key, (char*) hp->data, php->var_array TSRMLS_CC);
                mprLog(q, 6, "php: header var %s = %s", hp->key, hp->data);

            hp = mprGetNextHash(req->headers, hp);
        hp = mprGetFirstHash(req->formVars);
        while (hp) {
            if (hp->data) {
                php_register_variable(hp->key, (char*) hp->data, php->var_array TSRMLS_CC);
                mprLog(q, 6, "php: form var %s = %s", hp->key, hp->data);
            hp = mprGetNextHash(req->formVars, hp);
    } zend_end_try();

     *  Execute the script file
    file_handle.filename = resp->filename;
    file_handle.free_filename = 0;
    file_handle.opened_path = 0;

    file_handle.type = ZEND_HANDLE_FILENAME;
    file_handle.type = ZEND_HANDLE_FP;
    if ((fp = fopen(resp->filename, "r")) == NULL) {
        maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,  "PHP can't open script");
        Check for shebang and skip
    file_handle.handle.fp = fp;
    shebang[0] = '\0';
    if (fgets(shebang, sizeof(shebang), file_handle.handle.fp) != 0) {
        if (shebang[0] != '#' || shebang[1] != '!') {
            fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);

    zend_try {
        php_execute_script(&file_handle TSRMLS_CC);
        if (!SG(headers_sent)) {
    } zend_catch {
        maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,  "PHP script execution failed");
    } zend_end_try();

    zend_try {
    } zend_end_try();

    maPutForService(q, maCreateEndPacket(q), 1);