Exemplo n.º 1
ms_bitarray msSearchDiskTree(char *filename, rectObj aoi, int debug)
  SHPTreeHandle disktree;
  ms_bitarray status=NULL;

  disktree = msSHPDiskTreeOpen (filename, debug);
  if(!disktree) {

    /* only set this error IF debugging is turned on, gets annoying otherwise */
    if(debug) msSetError(MS_NOTFOUND, "Unable to open spatial index for %s. In most cases you can safely ignore this message, otherwise check file names and permissions.", "msSearchDiskTree()", filename);


  status = msAllocBitArray(disktree->nShapes);
  if(!status) {
    msSetError(MS_MEMERR, NULL, "msSearchDiskTree()");
    msSHPDiskTreeClose( disktree );

  searchDiskTreeNode(disktree, aoi, status);

  msSHPDiskTreeClose( disktree );
Exemplo n.º 2
char *msSearchDiskTree(const TCHAR *filename, rectObj aoi, int debug)
    SHPTreeHandle	disktree;
    char *status=NULL;

    disktree = msSHPDiskTreeOpen (filename, debug);
    if(!disktree) {

        // only set this error IF debugging is turned on, gets annoying otherwise
        if(debug) msSetError(MS_IOERR, "Unable to open spatial index for %ls. In most cases you can safely ignore this message, otherwise check file names and permissions.", "msSearchDiskTree()", filename);


    status = msAllocBitArray(disktree->nShapes);
    if(!status) {
        msSetError(MS_MEMERR, NULL, "msSearchDiskTree()");
        msSHPDiskTreeClose( disktree );

    searchDiskTreeNode(disktree, aoi, status);

    msSHPDiskTreeClose( disktree );
Exemplo n.º 3
int msWriteTree(treeObj *tree, char *filename, int B_order)
  char    signature[3] = "SQT";
  char    version = 1;
  char    reserved[3] = {0,0,0};
  SHPTreeHandle disktree;
  int   i;
  char    mtBigEndian;
  char    pabyBuf[32];
  char    *pszBasename, *pszFullname;

  disktree = (SHPTreeHandle) malloc(sizeof(SHPTreeInfo));
  MS_CHECK_ALLOC(disktree, sizeof(SHPTreeInfo), MS_FALSE);

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*  Compute the base (layer) name.  If there is any extension     */
  /*  on the passed in filename we will strip it off.         */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  pszBasename = (char *) msSmallMalloc(strlen(filename)+5);
  strcpy( pszBasename, filename );
  for( i = strlen(pszBasename)-1;
       i > 0 && pszBasename[i] != '.' && pszBasename[i] != '/'
       && pszBasename[i] != '\\';
       i-- ) {}

  if( pszBasename[i] == '.' )
    pszBasename[i] = '\0';

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*  Open the .shp and .shx files.  Note that files pulled from      */
  /*  a PC to Unix with upper case filenames won't work!        */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  pszFullname = (char *) msSmallMalloc(strlen(pszBasename) + 5);
  sprintf( pszFullname, "%s%s", pszBasename, MS_INDEX_EXTENSION);
  disktree->fp = fopen(pszFullname, "wb");

  msFree(pszBasename); /* not needed */

  if(!disktree->fp) {
    msSetError(MS_IOERR, NULL, "msWriteTree()");

  /* for efficiency, trim the tree */

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*  Establish the byte order on this machine.         */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  i = 1;
  if( *((uchar *) &i) == 1 )
    mtBigEndian = MS_FALSE;
    mtBigEndian = MS_TRUE;

  if( !(mtBigEndian ^ ( B_order == MS_LSB_ORDER || B_order == MS_NEW_LSB_ORDER )) )
    disktree->needswap = 1;
    disktree->needswap = 0;

  if( B_order == MS_NATIVE_ORDER )
    disktree->needswap = 0;

  /* write the header */
  if ( B_order > 0 ) {
    memcpy( pabyBuf, &signature, 3 );
    memcpy (&disktree->signature, &signature, 3);
    pabyBuf[3] = B_order;

    memcpy( pabyBuf+4, &version, 1);
    memcpy( pabyBuf+5, &reserved, 3);

    memcpy( &disktree->version, &version, 1);
    memcpy( &disktree->flags, &reserved, 3);

    fwrite( pabyBuf, 8, 1, disktree->fp );

  memcpy( pabyBuf, &tree->numshapes, 4 );
  if( disktree->needswap ) SwapWord( 4, pabyBuf );

  memcpy( pabyBuf+4, &tree->maxdepth, 4 );
  if( disktree->needswap ) SwapWord( 4, pabyBuf+4 );

  i = fwrite( pabyBuf, 8, 1, disktree->fp );
  if( !i ) {
    fprintf (stderr, "unable to write to index file ... exiting \n");
    msSHPDiskTreeClose( disktree );
    return (MS_FALSE);

  writeTreeNode(disktree, tree->root);

  msSHPDiskTreeClose( disktree );

Exemplo n.º 4
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    SHPTreeHandle	qix;

    int		i, j;
    rectObj	rect;

    int		pos;
    ms_bitarray bitmap = NULL;

    char	mBigEndian;
    treeNodeObj *node = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Display a usage message.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( argc <= 1 )
	printf( "shptreetst shapefile {minx miny maxx maxy}\n" );
	exit( 1 );

    i = 1;
    if( *((unsigned char *) &i) == 1 )
      mBigEndian = 0;
      mBigEndian = 1;

    qix = msSHPDiskTreeOpen (AddFileSuffix(argv[1],".qix"), 0 /* no debug*/);
    if( qix == NULL )
      printf("unable to open index file %s \n", argv[1]);

    printf ("This %s %s index supports a shapefile with %d shapes, %d depth \n",
	(qix->version ? "new": "old"), (qix->LSB_order? "LSB": "MSB"), (int) qix->nShapes, (int) qix->nDepth);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	Skim over the list of shapes, printing all the vertices.	*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    pos = ftell (qix->fp);
    j = 0;

    while( pos && j < 20)
      j ++;
/*      fprintf (stderr,"box %d, at %d pos \n", j, (int) ftell(qix));

      node = readTreeNode (qix);
      if (node )
        fprintf (stdout,"shapes %d, node %d, %f,%f,%f,%f \n",(int) node->numshapes,node->numsubnodes,node->rect.minx, node->rect.miny, node->rect.maxx, node->rect.maxy);

      { pos = 0; }

    printf ("read entire file now at quad box rec %d file pos %ld\n", j, ftell (qix->fp));

    j = qix->nShapes;
    msSHPDiskTreeClose (qix);

    if( argc >= 5 )
      rect.minx = atof (argv[2]);
      rect.miny = atof (argv[3]);
      rect.maxx = atof (argv[4]);
      rect.maxy = atof (argv[5]);
      printf ("using last read box as a search \n");
      rect.minx =  node->rect.minx;
      rect.miny =  node->rect.miny;
      rect.maxx =  node->rect.maxx;
      rect.maxy =  node->rect.maxy;

    bitmap = msSearchDiskTree( argv[1], rect, 0 /* no debug*/ );

    if ( bitmap )
      printf ("result of rectangle search was \n");
      for ( i=0; i<j; i++)
        if ( msGetBit(bitmap,i) )
          printf(" %d,",i);

Exemplo n.º 5
int main( int argc, char ** argv )

    SHPHandle	hSHP;
    DBFHandle   hDBF;
    SHPTreeHandle	qix;

    int		i;
    char	*myfile = NULL;

    treeNodeObj *node;

    shapeObj	shape;
    lineObj	line[3];
    pointObj	pts[6];
    SHPObject	*shape;
    double	X[6], Y[6];
    int		result;
    char	mBigEndian;

    int		this_rec, factor;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Display a usage message.                                        */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( argc <= 2 )
        printf( "shptreevis shapefile new_shapefile \n" );
        exit( 1 );

    i = 1;
    if( *((unsigned char *) &i) == 1 )
        mBigEndian = 0;
        mBigEndian = 1;

    qix = msSHPDiskTreeOpen (AddFileSuffix(argv[1],".qix"), 0 /* no debug*/);
    if( qix == NULL )
        printf("unable to open index file %s \n", argv[1]);

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Open the passed shapefile.                                      */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    myfile = AddFileSuffix(argv[2],".shp");

    hSHP = msSHPCreate ( myfile, SHPT_POLYGON );
    hDBF = msDBFCreate (  AddFileSuffix(argv[2],".dbf") );
    hSHP = SHPCreate ( myfile, SHPT_POLYGON );
    hDBF = DBFCreate (  AddFileSuffix(argv[2],".dbf") );

    if ( (!hSHP) || (!hDBF) )
        printf ("create error for %s    ... exiting \n", myfile);
        exit (-1);

    /* add fields to dbf */
    msDBFAddField ( hDBF, "ITEMS", FTInteger, 15,0 );
    msDBFAddField ( hDBF, "SUBNODES", FTInteger, 15,0 );
    msDBFAddField ( hDBF, "FACTOR", FTInteger, 15,0 );
    DBFAddField ( hDBF, "ITEMS", FTInteger, 15,0 );
    DBFAddField ( hDBF, "SUBNODES", FTInteger, 15,0 );
    DBFAddField ( hDBF, "FACTOR", FTInteger, 15,0 );

    SHPClose ( hSHP );
    hSHP = SHPOpen ( myfile, "r+b" );

    DBFClose (hDBF);
    hDBF = DBFOpen ( myfile, "r+b");

    printf ("This %s %s index supports a shapefile with %d shapes, %d depth \n",
            (qix->version ? "new": "old"), (qix->LSB_order? "LSB": "MSB"), (int) qix->nShapes, (int) qix->nDepth);

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*	Skim over the list of shapes, printing all the vertices.	*/
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    while( 1 )
        node = readTreeNode (qix);
        if (node )

            this_rec = hDBF->nRecords;

            msDBFWriteIntegerAttribute( hDBF, this_rec, 0, node->numshapes);
            msDBFWriteIntegerAttribute( hDBF, this_rec, 1, node->numsubnodes);
            DBFWriteIntegerAttribute( hDBF, this_rec, 0, node->numshapes);
            DBFWriteIntegerAttribute( hDBF, this_rec, 1, node->numsubnodes);
            factor = node->numshapes + node->numsubnodes;

            shape.numlines = 1;
            shape.type = SHPT_POLYGON;

            pts[0].x = node->rect.minx;
            pts[0].y = node->rect.miny;
            pts[1].x = node->rect.maxx;
            pts[1].y = node->rect.miny;
            pts[2].x = node->rect.maxx;
            pts[2].y = node->rect.maxy;
            pts[3].x = node->rect.minx;
            pts[3].y = node->rect.maxy;
            pts[4].x = node->rect.minx;
            pts[4].y = node->rect.miny;

            line[0].numpoints = 5;
            line[0].point = &pts[0];
            shape.line = &line[0];
            shape.bounds = node->rect;

            result = msSHPWriteShape ( hSHP, &shape );
            if ( result < 0 )
                printf ("unable to write shape \n");
                exit (0);

            X[0] = node->rect.minx;
            X[1] = node->rect.maxx;
            X[2] = node->rect.maxx;
            X[3] = node->rect.minx;
            X[4] = node->rect.minx;

            Y[0] = node->rect.miny;
            Y[1] = node->rect.miny;
            Y[2] = node->rect.maxy;
            Y[3] = node->rect.maxy;
            Y[4] = node->rect.miny;

            shape = SHPCreateSimpleObject( SHPT_POLYGON, 5, X, Y, NULL);
            SHPWriteObject(hSHP, -1, shape);
            SHPDestroyObject ( shape );

    msSHPClose( hSHP );
    msDBFClose( hDBF );
    SHPClose( hSHP );
    DBFClose( hDBF );

    msSHPDiskTreeClose (qix);
