Exemplo n.º 1
static void hxtMessageGeneral ( int messageLevel,
                                  const char* func,
                                  const char* file,
                                  const char* line,
                                  const char* encodingIssueString,
                                  const char* alternativeString,
                                  const char *fmt, va_list args){
  HXTMessage msg;

  char str[4096];
    int err = vsnprintf(str, sizeof(str), fmt, args);

      msg.string = str;
      msg.string = encodingIssueString;
    msg.string = alternativeString;

  msg.func = func;
  msg.file = file;
  msg.line = line;
  msg.level = messageLevel;

  msg.threadId = omp_get_thread_num();
  msg.numThreads = omp_get_num_threads();

  // #pragma omp critical
Exemplo n.º 2
boolean MySensor::process() {
	uint8_t pipe;
	boolean available = RF24::available(&pipe);

	if (!available || pipe>6)
		return false;

	uint8_t len = RF24::getDynamicPayloadSize();
	RF24::read(&msg, len);
	RF24::writeAckPayload(pipe,&pipe, 1 );

	// Add string termination, good if we later would want to print it.
	msg.data[mGetLength(msg)] = '\0';
	debug(PSTR("read: %d-%d-%d s=%d,c=%d,t=%d,pt=%d,l=%d:%s\n"),
				msg.sender, msg.last, msg.destination,  msg.sensor, mGetCommand(msg), msg.type, mGetPayloadType(msg), mGetLength(msg), msg.getString(convBuf));

	if(!(mGetVersion(msg) == PROTOCOL_VERSION)) {
		debug(PSTR("version mismatch\n"));
		return false;

	uint8_t command = mGetCommand(msg);
	uint8_t type = msg.type;
	uint8_t sender = msg.sender;
	uint8_t last = msg.last;
	uint8_t destination = msg.destination;

	if (repeaterMode && command == C_INTERNAL && type == I_FIND_PARENT) {
		// Relaying nodes should always answer ping messages
		// Wait a random delay of 0-2 seconds to minimize collision
		// between ping ack messages from other relaying nodes
		delay(millis() & 0x3ff);
		sendWrite(sender, build(msg, nc.nodeId, sender, NODE_SENSOR_ID, C_INTERNAL, I_FIND_PARENT_RESPONSE, false).set(nc.distance), true);
		return false;
	} else if (destination == nc.nodeId) {
		// Check if sender requests an ack back.
		if (mGetRequestAck(msg)) {
			// Copy message
			ack = msg;
			mSetRequestAck(ack,false); // Reply without ack flag (otherwise we would end up in an eternal loop)
			ack.sender = nc.nodeId;
			ack.destination = msg.sender;

		// This message is addressed to this node
		if (repeaterMode && last != nc.parentNodeId) {
			// Message is from one of the child nodes. Add it to routing table.
			addChildRoute(sender, last);

		if (command == C_INTERNAL) {
			if (type == I_FIND_PARENT_RESPONSE && !isGateway) {
				// We've received a reply to a FIND_PARENT message. Check if the distance is
				// shorter than we already have.
				uint8_t distance = msg.getByte();
				if (distance<nc.distance-1) {
					// Found a neighbor closer to GW than previously found
					nc.distance = distance + 1;
					nc.parentNodeId = msg.sender;
					eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_PARENT_NODE_ID_ADDRESS, nc.parentNodeId);
					eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_DISTANCE_ADDRESS, nc.distance);
					debug(PSTR("new parent=%d, d=%d\n"), nc.parentNodeId, nc.distance);
				return false;
			} else if (sender == GATEWAY_ADDRESS) {
				bool isMetric;

				if (type == I_REBOOT) {
					for (;;);
				} else if (type == I_ID_RESPONSE) {
					if (nc.nodeId == AUTO) {
						nc.nodeId = msg.getByte();
						// Write id to EEPROM
						if (nc.nodeId == AUTO) {
							// sensor net gateway will return max id if all sensor id are taken
							while (1); // Wait here. Nothing else we can do...
						} else {
							RF24::openReadingPipe(CURRENT_NODE_PIPE, TO_ADDR(nc.nodeId));
							eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_NODE_ID_ADDRESS, nc.nodeId);
						debug(PSTR("id=%d\n"), nc.nodeId);
				} else if (type == I_CONFIG) {
					// Pick up configuration from controller (currently only metric/imperial)
					// and store it in eeprom if changed
					isMetric = msg.getByte() == 'M' ;
					if (cc.isMetric != isMetric) {
						cc.isMetric = isMetric;
						eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_ADDRESS, isMetric);
						//eeprom_write_block((const void*)&cc, (uint8_t*)EEPROM_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_ADDRESS, sizeof(ControllerConfig));
				} else if (type == I_CHILDREN) {
					if (repeaterMode && msg.getByte() == 'C') {
						// Clears child relay data for this node
						for (uint8_t i=0;i< sizeof(childNodeTable); i++) {
						sendRoute(build(msg, nc.nodeId, GATEWAY_ADDRESS, NODE_SENSOR_ID, C_INTERNAL, I_CHILDREN,false).set(""));
				} else if (type == I_TIME) {
					if (timeCallback != NULL) {
						// Deliver time to callback
				return false;
		// Call incoming message callback if available
		if (msgCallback != NULL) {
		// Return true if message was addressed for this node...
		return true;
	} else if (repeaterMode && pipe == CURRENT_NODE_PIPE) {
		// We should try to relay this message to another node

		uint8_t route = getChildRoute(msg.destination);
		if (route>0 && route<255) {
			// This message should be forwarded to a child node. If we send message
			// to this nodes pipe then all children will receive it because the are
			// all listening to this nodes pipe.
			//    +----B
			//  -A
			//    +----C------D
			//  We're node C, Message comes from A and has destination D
			// lookup route in table and send message there
			sendWrite(route, msg);
		} else  {
			// A message comes from a child node and we have no
			// route for it.
			//    +----B
			//  -A
			//    +----C------D    <-- Message comes from D
			//     We're node C
			// Message should be passed to node A (this nodes relay)

			// This message should be routed back towards sensor net gateway
			sendWrite(nc.parentNodeId, msg);
			// Add this child to our "routing table" if it not already exist
			addChildRoute(sender, last);
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
void TUIOMsgListener::ProcessMessage(const osc::ReceivedMessage &m, const IpEndpointName &remoteEndpoint) {
    try {
        const char *addr = m.AddressPattern();
        std::cout << "TUIOMsgListener: Received message "
            << addr << std::endl;
        const int prefixLen = strlen(tuioAddressPrefix);
        if (strncmp(addr, tuioAddressPrefix, prefixLen) == 0 && strlen(addr) > prefixLen + 1) {
            TUIOMsg *msg = new TUIOMsg;
            const char *type = (addr + prefixLen + 1);
            osc::ReceivedMessage::const_iterator arg = m.ArgumentsBegin();
            const unsigned long numArgs = m.ArgumentCount();

            if (strcmp(type, "2Dobj") == 0) {
                msg->type = kTUIOMsgTypeObj;
            } else if (strcmp(type, "2Dcur") == 0) {
                msg->type = kTUIOMsgTypeCur;
            } else if (strcmp(type, "2Dblb") == 0) {
                msg->type = kTUIOMsgTypeBlb;
            } else {
                std::cerr << "TUIOMsgListener: unknown TUIO message type "
                    << type << std::endl;
            const char *cmd = (arg++)->AsString();

            if (strcmp(cmd, "source") == 0) {
                msg->cmd = kTUIOMsgCmdSrc;
            } else if (strcmp(cmd, "alive") == 0) {
                msg->cmd = kTUIOMsgCmdAlive;
            } else if (strcmp(cmd, "set") == 0) {
                msg->cmd = kTUIOMsgCmdSet;
            } else if (strcmp(cmd, "fseq") == 0) {
                msg->cmd = kTUIOMsgCmdFSeq;
            } else {
                std::cerr << "TUIOMsgListener: unknown TUIO message command "
                    << cmd << std::endl;
            switch (msg->cmd) {
                case kTUIOMsgCmdSrc: {
                    const char *srcAddr = (arg++)->AsString();
                    const int addrLen = strlen(srcAddr + 1);
                    msg->data.source.addr = new char[addrLen];
                    strncpy(msg->data.source.addr, srcAddr, addrLen);

                case kTUIOMsgCmdAlive: {
                    msg->data.alive.numSessIds = numArgs - 1;
                    if (msg->data.alive.numSessIds > 0) {
                        msg->data.alive.sessIds = new int[msg->data.alive.numSessIds];
                        for (int i = 0; i < msg->data.alive.numSessIds; i++) {
                            msg->data.alive.sessIds[i] = (arg++)->AsInt32();
                    } else {
                        msg->data.alive.sessIds = NULL;
                case kTUIOMsgCmdSet: {
                    msg->data.set.sessId = (arg++)->AsInt32();
                    switch (msg->type) {
                        case kTUIOMsgTypeObj:
                            msg->data.set.classId = (arg++)->AsInt32();
                            msg->data.set.pos.x = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.pos.y = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.angle = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.size.x = 0.0f;
                            msg->data.set.size.y = 0.0f;
                            msg->data.set.area = 0.0f;
                            msg->data.set.vel.x = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.vel.y = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.angleVel = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.motAccel = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.rotAccel = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                        case kTUIOMsgTypeCur:
                            msg->data.set.classId = 0;
                            msg->data.set.pos.x = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.pos.y = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.angle = 0.0f;
                            msg->data.set.size.x = 0.0f;
                            msg->data.set.size.y = 0.0f;
                            msg->data.set.area = 0.0f;
                            msg->data.set.vel.x = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.vel.y = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.angleVel = 0.0f;
                            msg->data.set.motAccel = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.rotAccel = 0.0f;
                        case kTUIOMsgTypeBlb:
                            msg->data.set.classId = 0;
                            msg->data.set.pos.x = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.pos.y = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.angle = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.size.x = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.size.y = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.area = 0.0f;
                            msg->data.set.vel.x = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.vel.y = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.angleVel = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.motAccel = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                            msg->data.set.rotAccel = (arg++)->AsFloat();
                case kTUIOMsgCmdFSeq: {
                    msg->data.fseq.frameId = (arg++)->AsInt32();
            if (msgCallback) {
        } else {
            std::cerr << "TUIOMsgListener: Address prefix " << addr << " did not match to "
                << tuioAddressPrefix << std::endl;
    } catch( osc::Exception& e ){
        // any parsing errors such as unexpected argument types, or
        // missing arguments get thrown as exceptions.
        std::cerr << "TUIOMsgListener: error while parsing message "
            << m.AddressPattern() << ": " << e.what() << "\n";