bool teo::TechnosoftIpos::getTorqueRaw(int j, double *t) { //CD_INFO("(%d)\n",j); //-- Too verbose in controlboardwrapper2 stream. //-- Check index within range if ( j != 0 ) return false; //************************************************************* uint8_t msg_getCurrent[]={0x40,0x7E,0x20,0x00}; // Query current. Ok only 4. if(! send(0x600, 4, msg_getCurrent) ) { CD_ERROR("Could not send msg_getCurrent. %s\n", msgToStr(0x600, 4, msg_getCurrent).c_str() ); return false; } //CD_SUCCESS("Sent msg_getCurrent. %s\n", msgToStr(0x600, 4, msg_getCurrent).c_str() ); //-- Too verbose in controlboardwrapper2 stream. //* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Time::delay(DELAY); // Must delay as it will be from same driver. //* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * getTorqueReady.wait(); *t = getTorque;; //************************************************************* return true; }
bool teo::TechnosoftIpos::getEncoderTimedRaw(int j, double *encs, double *time) { //CD_INFO("(%d)\n",j); //-- Too verbose in controlboardwrapper2 stream. //-- Check index within range if ( j != 0 ) return false; if( ! iEncodersTimedRawExternal ) { //************************************************************* uint8_t msg_read[]={0x40,0x64,0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; // Query position. if( ! send( 0x600, 8, msg_read) ) { CD_ERROR("Could not send \"read encoder\". %s\n", msgToStr(0x600, 8, msg_read).c_str() ); return false; } //* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Time::delay(DELAY); // Must delay as it will be from same driver. //* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * encoderReady.wait(); *encs = encoder; *time = encoderTimestamp;; //************************************************************* } else { iEncodersTimedRawExternal->getEncoderTimedRaw(0,encs,time); } return true; }
bool teo::TechnosoftIpos::setRefTorqueRaw(int j, double t) { CD_INFO("(%d,%f)\n",j,t); //-- Check index within range if ( j!= 0 ) return false; //************************************************************* uint8_t msg_ref_torque[]={0x23,0x1C,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; // put 23 because it is a target int sendRefTorque = t * (65520.0/20.0) / (this->tr * this->k); // Page 109 of 263, supposing 10 Ipeak. //memcpy(msg_ref_torque+4,&sendRefTorque,4); // was +6 not +4, but +6 seems terrible with 4! memcpy(msg_ref_torque+6,&sendRefTorque,2); if(! send(0x600, 8, msg_ref_torque) ) { CD_ERROR("Could not send refTorque. %s\n", msgToStr(0x600, 8, msg_ref_torque).c_str() ); return false; } CD_SUCCESS("Sent refTorque. %s\n", msgToStr(0x600, 8, msg_ref_torque).c_str() ); //************************************************************* return true; }
bool teo::TechnosoftIpos::velocityMoveRaw(int j, double sp) { CD_INFO("(%d)\n",j); //-- Check index within range if ( j != 0 ) return false; //************************************************************* uint8_t msg_vel[]={0x23,0xFF,0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; // Velocity target int16_t sendVel = sp * this->tr / 22.5; // Apply tr & convert units to encoder increments memcpy(msg_vel+6,&sendVel,2); //float sendVel = sp * this->tr / 22.5; // Apply tr & convert units to encoder increments //int16_t sendVelFormated = roundf(sendVel * 65536); // 65536 = 2^16 //memcpy(msg_vel+4,&sendVelFormated,4); if( ! send(0x600, 8, msg_vel)){ CD_ERROR("Sent \"velocity target\". %s\n", msgToStr(0x600, 8, msg_vel).c_str() ); return false; } CD_SUCCESS("Sent \"velocity target\". %s\n", msgToStr(0x600, 8, msg_vel).c_str() ); //************************************************************* return true; }
char *logToStr2(struct LogEntry *entry) { char *msg = msgToStr(entry->message); char *retStr = (char *)malloc( strlen(intToStr(entry->timestamp)) + strlen(intToStr(entry->timeout)) + strlen(intToStr(entry->logID)) + strlen(msg) + 10); sprintf(retStr, "%d %d %d %s", entry->timestamp, entry->timeout, entry->logID, msg); return retStr; }