Exemplo n.º 1
as_proxy_send_ops_response(cf_node dst, msg *m, cf_dyn_buf *db)
	uint32_t tid;
	msg_get_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_TID, &tid);

#ifdef DEBUG
	cf_debug(AS_PROXY, "proxy send response: message %p bytearray %p tid %d", m, result_code, tid);


	msg_set_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_OP, PROXY_OP_RESPONSE);
	msg_set_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_TID, tid);

	uint8_t *msgp = db->buf;
	size_t msg_sz = db->used_sz;

	if (db->is_stack) {
		msg_set_buf(m, PROXY_FIELD_AS_PROTO, msgp, msg_sz, MSG_SET_COPY);
	else {
		msg_set_buf(m, PROXY_FIELD_AS_PROTO, msgp, msg_sz, MSG_SET_HANDOFF_MALLOC);
		db->buf = NULL; // the fabric owns the buffer now

	int rv = as_fabric_send(dst, m, AS_FABRIC_PRIORITY_MEDIUM);
	if (rv != 0) {
		cf_debug(AS_PROXY, "sending proxy response: fabric send err %d, catch you on the retry", rv);

	return 0;
} // end as_proxy_send_ops_response()
Exemplo n.º 2
// Looked up the message in the store. Time to send the response value back to
// the requester. The CF_BYTEARRAY is handed off in this case. If you want to
// keep a reference, then keep the reference yourself.
as_proxy_send_response(cf_node dst, msg *m, uint32_t result_code, uint32_t generation,
		uint32_t void_time, as_msg_op **ops, as_bin **bins, uint16_t bin_count,
		as_namespace *ns, uint64_t trid, const char *setname)
	uint32_t tid;
	msg_get_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_TID, &tid);

#ifdef DEBUG
	cf_debug(AS_PROXY, "proxy send response: message %p bytearray %p tid %d", m, result_code, tid);


	msg_set_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_OP, PROXY_OP_RESPONSE);
	msg_set_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_TID, tid);

	size_t msg_sz = 0;
	cl_msg * msgp = as_msg_make_response_msg(result_code, generation, void_time, ops,
			bins, bin_count, ns, 0, &msg_sz, trid, setname);

	msg_set_buf(m, PROXY_FIELD_AS_PROTO, (byte *) msgp, msg_sz, MSG_SET_HANDOFF_MALLOC);

	int rv = as_fabric_send(dst, m, AS_FABRIC_PRIORITY_MEDIUM);
	if (rv != 0) {
		cf_debug(AS_PROXY, "sending proxy response: fabric send err %d, catch you on the retry", rv);

	return 0;
} // end as_proxy_send_response()
Exemplo n.º 3
// For LDTs only:
repl_write_ldt_make_message(msg* m, as_transaction* tr, uint8_t** p_pickled_buf,
		size_t pickled_sz, as_rec_props* p_pickled_rec_props, bool is_subrec)
	as_namespace* ns = tr->rsv.ns;

	msg_set_uint32(m, RW_FIELD_OP, RW_OP_WRITE);
	msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_NAMESPACE, (uint8_t*)ns->name, strlen(ns->name),
	msg_set_uint32(m, RW_FIELD_NS_ID, ns->id);
	msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_DIGEST, (void*)&tr->keyd, sizeof(cf_digest),
	msg_set_uint64(m, RW_FIELD_CLUSTER_KEY, tr->rsv.cluster_key);

	msg_set_uint32(m, RW_FIELD_GENERATION, tr->generation);
	msg_set_uint32(m, RW_FIELD_VOID_TIME, tr->void_time);
	msg_set_uint64(m, RW_FIELD_LAST_UPDATE_TIME, tr->last_update_time);

	// TODO - do we really get here if ldt_enabled is false?
	if (ns->ldt_enabled && ! is_subrec) {
		msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_VINFOSET, (uint8_t*)&tr->rsv.p->version_info,
				sizeof(as_partition_vinfo), MSG_SET_COPY);

		if (tr->rsv.p->current_outgoing_ldt_version != 0) {
			msg_set_uint64(m, RW_FIELD_LDT_VERSION,

	uint32_t info = pack_info_bits(tr, true);

	if (*p_pickled_buf) {
		bool is_sub;
		bool is_parent;

		as_ldt_get_property(p_pickled_rec_props, &is_parent, &is_sub);
		info |= pack_ldt_info_bits(tr, is_parent, is_sub);

		msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_RECORD, (void*)*p_pickled_buf, pickled_sz,
		*p_pickled_buf = NULL;

		if (p_pickled_rec_props && p_pickled_rec_props->p_data) {
			msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_REC_PROPS, p_pickled_rec_props->p_data,
					p_pickled_rec_props->size, MSG_SET_HANDOFF_MALLOC);
	else {
		msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_AS_MSG, (void*)tr->msgp,
				as_proto_size_get(&tr->msgp->proto), MSG_SET_COPY);

		info |= pack_ldt_info_bits(tr, false, is_subrec);

	msg_set_uint32(m, RW_FIELD_INFO, info);
Exemplo n.º 4
as_proxy_shipop(cf_node dst, write_request *wr)
	as_partition_id pid = as_partition_getid(wr->keyd);

	if (dst == 0) {
		cf_crash(AS_PROXY, "the destination should never be zero");

	// Create a fabric message, fill it out.
	msg *m = as_fabric_msg_get(M_TYPE_PROXY);
	if (!m)	{
		return -1;

	uint32_t tid = cf_atomic32_incr(&g_proxy_tid);

	msg_set_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_OP, PROXY_OP_REQUEST);
	msg_set_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_TID, tid);
	msg_set_buf(m, PROXY_FIELD_DIGEST, (void *) &wr->keyd, sizeof(cf_digest), MSG_SET_COPY);
	msg_set_buf(m, PROXY_FIELD_AS_PROTO, (void *) wr->msgp, as_proto_size_get(&wr->msgp->proto), MSG_SET_HANDOFF_MALLOC);
	msg_set_uint64(m, PROXY_FIELD_CLUSTER_KEY, as_paxos_get_cluster_key());
	msg_set_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_TIMEOUT_MS, wr->msgp->msg.transaction_ttl);
	wr->msgp = 0;

	// If it is shipped op.
	uint32_t info = 0;
	msg_set_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_INFO, info);

	cf_detail_digest(AS_PROXY, &wr->keyd, "SHIPPED_OP %s->WINNER msg %p Proxy Sent to %"PRIx64" %p tid(%d)",
			wr->proxy_msg ? "NONORIG" : "ORIG", m, dst, wr, tid);

	// Fill out a retransmit structure, insert into the retransmit hash.
	proxy_request pr;
	pr.start_time  = wr->start_time;
	pr.end_time    = (wr->end_time != 0) ? wr->end_time : pr.start_time + g_config.transaction_max_ns;
	pr.wr          = wr;
	pr.fab_msg     = m;
	pr.xmit_ms     = cf_getms() + g_config.transaction_retry_ms;
	pr.retry_interval_ms = g_config.transaction_retry_ms;
	pr.dest        = dst;
	pr.pid         = pid;
	pr.fd_h        = NULL;
	pr.batch_shared = NULL;
	pr.batch_index = 0;

	if (0 != shash_put(g_proxy_hash, &tid, &pr)) {
		cf_info(AS_PROXY, " shash_put failed, need cleanup code");
		return -1;

	// Send to the remote node.
	int rv = as_fabric_send(dst, m, AS_FABRIC_PRIORITY_MEDIUM);
	if (rv != 0) {
		cf_detail(AS_PROXY, "SHIPPED_OP ORIG [Digest %"PRIx64"] Failed with %d", *(uint64_t *)&wr->keyd, rv);

	wr->shipped_op_initiator = true;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
// Make a request to another node.
// Note: there's a cheat here. 'as_msg' is used in a raw form, and includes
// structured data (version - type - nfields - sz ...) which should be made more
// wire-protocol-friendly.
as_proxy_divert(cf_node dst, as_transaction *tr, as_namespace *ns, uint64_t cluster_key)
	cf_detail(AS_PROXY, "proxy divert");

	if (tr->msgp && (tr->msgp->msg.info1 & AS_MSG_INFO1_XDR)) {
	as_partition_id pid = as_partition_getid(tr->keyd);

	if (dst == 0) {
		// Get the list of replicas.
		dst = as_partition_getreplica_read(ns, pid);

	// Create a fabric message, fill it out.
	msg *m = as_fabric_msg_get(M_TYPE_PROXY);
	if (!m)	{
		return -1;

	uint32_t tid = cf_atomic32_incr(&g_proxy_tid);

	msg_set_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_OP, PROXY_OP_REQUEST);
	msg_set_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_TID, tid);
	msg_set_buf(m, PROXY_FIELD_DIGEST, (void *) &tr->keyd, sizeof(cf_digest), MSG_SET_COPY);
	msg_set_type msettype = tr->batch_shared ? MSG_SET_COPY : MSG_SET_HANDOFF_MALLOC;
	msg_set_buf(m, PROXY_FIELD_AS_PROTO, (void *) tr->msgp, as_proto_size_get(&tr->msgp->proto), msettype);
	msg_set_uint64(m, PROXY_FIELD_CLUSTER_KEY, cluster_key);
	msg_set_uint32(m, PROXY_FIELD_TIMEOUT_MS, tr->msgp->msg.transaction_ttl);

	tr->msgp = 0;

	cf_debug_digest(AS_PROXY, &tr->keyd, "proxy_divert: fab_msg %p dst %"PRIx64, m, dst);

	// Fill out a retransmit structure, insert into the retransmit hash.
	proxy_request pr;
	pr.start_time = tr->start_time;
	pr.end_time = (tr->end_time != 0) ? tr->end_time : pr.start_time + g_config.transaction_max_ns;
	pr.fd_h = tr->proto_fd_h;
	tr->proto_fd_h = 0;
	pr.fab_msg = m;
	pr.xmit_ms = cf_getms() + g_config.transaction_retry_ms;
	pr.retry_interval_ms = g_config.transaction_retry_ms;
	pr.dest = dst;
	pr.pid = pid;
	pr.ns = ns;
	pr.wr = NULL;
	pr.batch_shared = tr->batch_shared;
	pr.batch_index = tr->batch_index;

	if (0 != shash_put(g_proxy_hash, &tid, &pr)) {
		cf_debug(AS_PROXY, " shash_put failed, need cleanup code");
		return -1;

	// Send to the remote node.
	int rv = as_fabric_send(dst, m, AS_FABRIC_PRIORITY_MEDIUM);
	if (rv != 0) {
		cf_debug(AS_PROXY, "as_proxy_divert: returned error %d", rv);


	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
repl_write_make_message(rw_request* rw, as_transaction* tr)
	if (rw->dest_msg) {
	else if (! (rw->dest_msg = as_fabric_msg_get(M_TYPE_RW))) {
		return false;

	as_namespace* ns = tr->rsv.ns;
	msg* m = rw->dest_msg;

	msg_set_uint32(m, RW_FIELD_OP, rw->is_multiop ? RW_OP_MULTI : RW_OP_WRITE);
	msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_NAMESPACE, (uint8_t*)ns->name, strlen(ns->name),
	msg_set_uint32(m, RW_FIELD_NS_ID, ns->id);
	msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_DIGEST, (void*)&tr->keyd, sizeof(cf_digest),
	msg_set_uint64(m, RW_FIELD_CLUSTER_KEY, tr->rsv.cluster_key);
	msg_set_uint32(m, RW_FIELD_TID, rw->tid);

	msg_set_uint32(m, RW_FIELD_GENERATION, tr->generation);
	msg_set_uint32(m, RW_FIELD_VOID_TIME, tr->void_time);
	msg_set_uint64(m, RW_FIELD_LAST_UPDATE_TIME, tr->last_update_time);

	// TODO - do we really intend to send this if the record is non-LDT?
	if (ns->ldt_enabled) {
		msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_VINFOSET, (uint8_t*)&tr->rsv.p->version_info,
				sizeof(as_partition_vinfo), MSG_SET_COPY);

		if (tr->rsv.p->current_outgoing_ldt_version != 0) {
			msg_set_uint64(m, RW_FIELD_LDT_VERSION,

	if (rw->is_multiop) {
		msg_set_uint32(m, RW_FIELD_INFO, RW_INFO_LDT);
		msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_MULTIOP, (void*)rw->pickled_buf, rw->pickled_sz,

		// Make sure destructor doesn't free this.
		rw->pickled_buf = NULL;

		return true;

	uint32_t info = pack_info_bits(tr, rw->has_udf);

	if (rw->pickled_buf) {
		// Replica writes.

		bool is_sub;
		bool is_parent;

		as_ldt_get_property(&rw->pickled_rec_props, &is_parent, &is_sub);
		info |= pack_ldt_info_bits(tr, is_parent, is_sub);

		msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_RECORD, (void*)rw->pickled_buf, rw->pickled_sz,

		// Make sure destructor doesn't free this.
		rw->pickled_buf = NULL;

		if (rw->pickled_rec_props.p_data) {
			msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_REC_PROPS, rw->pickled_rec_props.p_data,
					rw->pickled_rec_props.size, MSG_SET_HANDOFF_MALLOC);

			// Make sure destructor doesn't free the data.
	else {
		// Replica deletes.

		msg_set_buf(m, RW_FIELD_AS_MSG, (void*)tr->msgp,
				as_proto_size_get(&tr->msgp->proto), MSG_SET_COPY);

		info |= pack_ldt_info_bits(tr, false, false);

	msg_set_uint32(m, RW_FIELD_INFO, info);

	return true;