/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ string_t * trim_all_spaces (const string_t * txt) /* Trim the input string <txt> by removing all leading and trailing * space, and by folding embedded space runs into just one each. * Return the new string with one ref; the refcount of <txt> is not changed. * * Throw an error when out of memory. */ { char * dest; const char * src; size_t dest_ix, src_ix, srclen; string_t * rc; dest = alloca(mstrsize(txt)); if (dest == NULL) errorf("Stack overflow (%zu bytes)\n", mstrsize(txt)); src = get_txt((string_t *const)txt); srclen = mstrsize(txt); src_ix = 0; dest_ix = 0; /* Blank out trailing spaces */ while (srclen > 0 && src[srclen-1] == ' ') srclen--; /* Skip leading spaces */ while (src_ix < srclen && *src == ' ') src_ix++, src++; /* Copy characters, but fold embedded spaces. */ for ( ; src_ix < srclen; src_ix++, src++, dest_ix++) { dest[dest_ix] = *src; /* If this and the next character is a space, forward * src until the last space in this run. */ if (' ' == *src) { while (src_ix+1 < srclen && ' ' == src[1]) src_ix++, src++; } } memsafe(rc = new_n_mstring(dest, dest_ix), dest_ix, "trimmed result"); return rc; } /* trim_all_spaces() */
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static INLINE hash32_t hash2 (string_t * const pName, string_t * const pProgName) /* Compute the hash from <pName> combined with <pProgName>. */ { hash32_t hash; hash = mstr_get_hash(pName); hash = hash_string_chained("\n", 1, hash); hash = hash_string_chained(get_txt(pProgName), mstrsize(pProgName), hash); return hash; } /* hash2() */
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ svalue_t * v_sl_exec (svalue_t * sp, int num_arg) /* EFUN sl_exec() * * mixed* sl_exec(string statement, ...) * * Executes the SQL statement <statement> for the current * SQLite database. The SQL statement may contain wildcards like * '?' and '?nnn', where 'nnn' is an integer. These wildcards * can be given as further parameters to sl_exec. With '?nnn' * the number of a specific parameter can be given, the first * parameter has number 1. * * If the statement returns data, sl_exec returns an array * with each row (which is itself an array of columns) as * an element. */ { svalue_t *argp; sqlite_dbs_t *db; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; const char* tail; int err, rows, cols, num; struct sl_exec_cleanup_s * rec_data; vector_t * result; argp = sp - num_arg + 1; /* First argument: the SQL query */ db = find_db (current_object); if (!db) errorf("The current object doesn't have a database open.\n"); err = sqlite3_prepare(db->db, get_txt(argp->u.str), mstrsize(argp->u.str), &stmt, &tail); if(err) { const char* msg = sqlite3_errmsg(db->db); if(stmt) sqlite3_finalize(stmt); errorf("sl_exec: %s\n", msg); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* Now bind all parameters. */ for(argp++, num=1; argp <= sp; argp++, num++) { switch(argp->type) { default: sqlite3_finalize(stmt); errorf("Bad argument %d to sl_exec(): type %s\n", num+1, typename(argp->type)); break; /* NOTREACHED */ case T_FLOAT: sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, num, READ_DOUBLE(argp)); break; case T_NUMBER: if (sizeof(argp->u.number) > 4) sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, num, argp->u.number); else sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, num, argp->u.number); break; case T_STRING: sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, num, get_txt(argp->u.str), mstrsize(argp->u.str), SQLITE_STATIC); break; } } rows = 0; cols = sqlite3_column_count(stmt); rec_data = xalloc(sizeof(*rec_data)); if(!rec_data) { sqlite3_finalize(stmt); errorf("(sl_exec) Out of memory: (%lu bytes) for cleanup structure\n", (unsigned long) sizeof(*rec_data)); } rec_data->rows = NULL; rec_data->stmt = stmt; sp = push_error_handler(sl_exec_cleanup, &(rec_data->head)); while((err = sqlite3_step(stmt)) == SQLITE_ROW) { int col; sqlite_rows_t *this_row; rows++; this_row = pxalloc(sizeof(*this_row)); if(!this_row) errorf("(sl_exec) Out of memory: (%lu bytes)\n", (unsigned long) sizeof(*this_row)); this_row->last = rec_data->rows; rec_data->rows = this_row; this_row->row = NULL; /* Because allocate_array may throw an error. */ this_row->row = allocate_array(cols); if(!this_row->row) errorf("(sl_exec) Out of memory: row vector\n"); for(col = 0; col < cols; col++) { svalue_t * entry; STORE_DOUBLE_USED; entry = this_row->row->item + col; switch(sqlite3_column_type(stmt, col)) { default: errorf( "sl_exec: Unknown type %d.\n" , sqlite3_column_type(stmt, col)); break; case SQLITE_BLOB: errorf("sl_exec: Blob columns are not supported.\n"); break; case SQLITE_INTEGER: if (sizeof(entry->u.number) >= 8) put_number(entry, sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col)); else put_number(entry, sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col)); break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: entry->type = T_FLOAT; STORE_DOUBLE(entry, sqlite3_column_double(stmt, col)); break; case SQLITE_TEXT: put_c_n_string( entry , (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, col) , sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col)); break; case SQLITE_NULL: /* All elements from this_row->row are initialized to 0. */ break; } } } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); rec_data->stmt = NULL; switch(err) { default: errorf("sl_exec: Unknown return code from sqlite3_step: %d.\n", err); break; case SQLITE_BUSY: errorf("sl_exec: Database is locked.\n"); break; case SQLITE_ERROR: errorf("sl_exec: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db->db)); break; case SQLITE_MISUSE: errorf("sl_exec: sqlite3_step was called inappropriately.\n"); break; case SQLITE_DONE: break; } if(rows) { sqlite_rows_t *this_row; result = allocate_array(rows); if(!result) errorf("(sl_exec) Out of memory: result vector\n"); this_row = rec_data->rows; while(rows--) { put_array(result->item + rows, this_row->row); this_row->row = NULL; this_row = this_row->last; } } else result = NULL; // Pop arguments and our error handler. // Our error handler gets called and cleans the row stuff. sp = pop_n_elems(num_arg + 1, sp) + 1; if(rows) put_array(sp,result); else put_number(sp, 0); return sp; } /* v_sl_exec() */
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ svalue_t * x_filter_string (svalue_t *sp, int num_arg) /* EFUN: filter() for strings. * * string filter(string arr, string fun, string|object obj, mixed extra, ...) * string filter(string arr, closure cl, mixed extra, ...) * string filter(string arr, mapping map) * * Filter the elements of <arr> through a filter defined by the other * arguments, and return an array of those elements, for which the * filter yields non-zero. * * The filter can be a function call: * * <obj>-><fun>(elem, <extra>...) * * or a mapping query: * * <map>[elem] * * <obj> can both be an object reference or a filename. If omitted, * this_object() is used (this also works if the third argument is * neither a string nor an object). */ { string_t *rc; /* Result string */ string_t *str; /* Argument string */ svalue_t *arg; /* First argument the vm stack */ mp_int slen; /* Argument string length */ char *src, *dest; /* String text work pointers */ char *flags; /* Flag array, one flag for each element of <str> * (in reverse order). */ mp_int res; /* Number of surviving elements */ res = 0; /* Locate the args on the stack, extract the string to filter * and allocate the flags vector. */ arg = sp - num_arg + 1; str = arg->u.str; slen = (mp_int)mstrsize(str); /* Every element in flags is associated by index number with an * element in the vector to filter. The filter function is evaluated * for every string character, and the associated flag is set to 0 * or 1 according to the result. * At the end, all 1-flagged elements are gathered and copied * into the result string. */ if (arg[1].type == T_MAPPING) { mp_int cnt; /* --- Filter by mapping query --- */ mapping_t *m; if (num_arg > 2) { errorf("Too many arguments to filter(array)\n"); } /* Allocate memory for the flag array. Simultaneously an error * handler is pushed onto the stack (after the arguments) for freeing * the buffer in case of runtime errors. */ flags = xalloc_with_error_handler((size_t)slen + 1); if (!flags) { errorf("Out of memory (%zu bytes) for temporary buffer in filter().\n", (size_t)slen + 1); } sp = inter_sp; m = arg[1].u.map; for (src = get_txt(str), cnt = slen; --cnt >= 0; src++) { svalue_t key; put_number(&key, *src); if (get_map_value(m, &key) == &const0) { flags[cnt] = 0; continue; } flags[cnt] = 1; res++; } } else { /* --- Filter by function call --- */ int error_index; callback_t cb; mp_int cnt; assign_eval_cost(); /* setup_efun_callback() will adopt and therefore remove the * arguments from arg+1 on to arg+num_arg from the stack and update * inter_sp. New top-of-stack will be arg. */ error_index = setup_efun_callback(&cb, arg+1, num_arg-1); if (error_index >= 0) { vefun_bad_arg(error_index+2, arg); /* NOTREACHED */ return arg; } /* push the callback structure onto the stack. */ sp = arg + 1; put_callback(sp, &cb); /* Allocate memory for the flag array. Simultaneously an error * handler is pushed onto the stack (after the arguments) for freeing * the buffer in case of runtime errors. */ inter_sp = sp; flags = xalloc_with_error_handler((size_t)slen + 1); if (!flags) { errorf("Out of memory (%"PRIdMPINT" bytes) for temporary buffer " "in filter().\n", slen + 1); } sp = inter_sp; /* Loop over all elements in p and call the filter. * w is the current element filtered. */ for (src = get_txt(str), cnt = slen; --cnt >= 0; src++) { svalue_t *v; flags[cnt] = 0; if (current_object->flags & O_DESTRUCTED) continue; /* Don't call the filter anymore, but fill the * flags array with 0es. */ if (!callback_object(&cb)) { inter_sp = sp; errorf("object used by filter(array) destructed"); } push_number(inter_sp, *src); v = apply_callback(&cb, 1); if (!v || (v->type == T_NUMBER && !v->u.number) ) continue; flags[cnt] = 1; res++; } } /* flags[] holds the filter results, res is the number of * elements to keep. Now create the result vector. */ rc = alloc_mstring(res); if (!rc) { errorf("Out of memory (%"PRIdMPINT" bytes) for result in filter().\n", slen+1); } for (src = get_txt(str), dest = get_txt(rc), flags = &flags[slen] ; res > 0 ; src++) { if (*--flags) { *dest++ = *src; res--; } } /* Cleanup. Arguments for the closure have already been removed. On the * stack are now the string, the mapping or callback structure and the * error handler. (Not using pop_n_elems() for 2 elements for saving loop * and function call overhead.) */ free_svalue(sp--); /* errorhandler, buffer and flags are freed by this. */ free_svalue(sp--); /* mapping or callback structure. */ free_mstring(str); /* string, at arg == sp */ sp->u.str = rc; /* put result here */ return sp; } /* x_filter_string() */
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ string_t * intersect_strings (const string_t * p_left, const string_t * p_right, Bool bSubtract) /* !bSubtract: Intersect string <left> with string <right> and return * a newly allocated string with all those characters which are in * both strings. * bSubtract: Subtract string <right> from string <left> and return * a newly allocated string with all those characters which are in * <left> but not in <right>. * The order of the characters returned is their order of appearance * in <left>. */ { size_t len_left, len_right, len_out; size_t ix_left, ix_right; long * pos; CBool * matches; const char * left_txt; char * left, * right, * result_txt; string_t *result; len_left = mstrsize(p_left); len_right = mstrsize(p_right); xallocate(matches, len_left+1, "intersection matches"); /* +1 so that smalloc won't complain when given an empty left string */ for (ix_left = 0; ix_left < len_left; ix_left++) matches[ix_left] = bSubtract ? MY_TRUE : MY_FALSE; /* Sort the two strings */ left = sort_string(p_left, len_left, &pos); right = sort_string(p_right, len_right, NULL); /* Intersect the two strings by mutual comparison. * Each non-matched character in left gets is pos[] set to -1. */ len_out = bSubtract ? len_left : 0; for ( ix_left = 0, ix_right = 0 ; ix_left < len_left && ix_right < len_right ; ) { if (left[ix_left] < right[ix_right]) ix_left++; else if (left[ix_left] > right[ix_right]) ix_right++; else /* left[ix_left] == right[ix_right]) */ { if (!bSubtract) { matches[pos[ix_left]] = MY_TRUE; len_out++; } else { matches[pos[ix_left]] = MY_FALSE; len_out--; } ix_left++; } } /* Create the result: copy all flagged characters */ memsafe(result = alloc_mstring(len_out), len_out, "intersection result"); left_txt = get_txt((string_t *const)p_left); result_txt = get_txt(result); for (ix_left = 0, ix_right = 0; ix_left < len_left; ix_left++) if (matches[ix_left]) result_txt[ix_right++] = left_txt[ix_left]; /* Free intermediate results */ xfree(pos); xfree(matches); xfree(left); xfree(right); return result; } /* intersect_strings() */
svalue_t * f_convert_charset (svalue_t *sp) /* EFUN convert_charset() * * string convert_charset(string str, string from_cs, string to_cs) * * Convert the string <str> from charset <from_cs> to charset <to_cs> * and return the converted string. * * The efun is only available on systems with libiconv. */ { iconv_t context; string_t *from_cs, *to_cs, *in_str, *out_str; #if HAS_ICONV_NONCONST_IN # define ICONV_IN_CAST (char**) #else # define ICONV_IN_CAST #endif const char *pIn; /* Input string pointer */ size_t in_len; /* Input length */ size_t in_left; /* Input length left */ char * out_buf; /* Output buffer */ size_t out_size; /* Size of the output buffer */ size_t out_left; /* Size left in output buffer */ char *pOut; /* Output string pointer */ in_str = sp[-2].u.str; from_cs = sp[-1].u.str; to_cs = sp->u.str; pIn = get_txt(in_str); in_len = mstrsize(in_str); in_left = in_len; /* If the input string is empty, we can return immediately * (and in fact must since the allocator will balk at allocating 0 bytes) */ if (!in_len) { sp -= 2; free_string_svalue(sp); free_string_svalue(sp+1); put_string(sp, sp[2].u.str); return sp; } /* Allocate a temporary output string */ out_size = in_len > 65536 ? (in_len + 33) : (2 * in_len); out_left = out_size; xallocate(out_buf, out_size, "iconv buffer"); pOut = out_buf; /* Open the iconv context */ context = iconv_open(get_txt(to_cs), get_txt(from_cs)); if (context == (iconv_t) -1) { xfree(out_buf); if (errno == EINVAL) errorf("convert_charset(): Conversion '%s' -> '%s' not supported.\n" , get_txt(from_cs), get_txt(to_cs) ); else errorf("convert_charset(): Error %d.\n", errno); /* NOTREACHED */ return sp; } /* Convert the string, reallocating the output buffer where necessary */ while (in_left) { size_t rc; rc = iconv(context, ICONV_IN_CAST &pIn, &in_left, &pOut, &out_left); if (rc == (size_t)-1) { if (errno == E2BIG) { /* Reallocate output buffer */ size_t newsize; char * tmp; newsize = out_size + (in_len > 128 ? in_len : 128); tmp = rexalloc(out_buf, newsize); if (!tmp) { iconv_close(context); xfree(out_buf); outofmem(newsize, "iconv buffer"); /* NOTREACHED */ return sp; } out_buf = tmp; pOut = out_buf + out_size; out_left = newsize - out_size; out_size = newsize; continue; } /* Other error: clean up */ iconv_close(context); xfree(out_buf); if (errno == EILSEQ) { errorf("convert_charset(): Invalid character sequence at " "index %td\n", (ptrdiff_t)(pIn - get_txt(in_str))); /* NOTREACHED */ return sp; } if (errno == EINVAL) { errorf("convert_charset(): Incomplete character sequence at " "index %td\n", (ptrdiff_t)(pIn - get_txt(in_str))); /* NOTREACHED */ return sp; } errorf("convert_charset(): Error %d at index %td\n" , errno, (ptrdiff_t)(pIn - get_txt(in_str)) ); /* NOTREACHED */ return sp; } /* if (rc < 0) */ } /* while (in_left) */ /* While the actual conversion is complete, the output stream may now * be in a non-base state. Add the necessary epilogue to get back * to the base state. */ while(1) { size_t rc; rc = iconv(context, NULL, NULL, &pOut, &out_left); if (rc == (size_t)-1) { if (errno == E2BIG) { /* Reallocate output buffer */ size_t newsize; char * tmp; newsize = out_size + (in_len > 128 ? in_len : 128); tmp = rexalloc(out_buf, newsize); if (!tmp) { iconv_close(context); xfree(out_buf); outofmem(newsize, "iconv buffer"); /* NOTREACHED */ return sp; } out_buf = tmp; pOut = out_buf + out_size; out_left = newsize - out_size; out_size = newsize; continue; } /* Other error: clean up */ iconv_close(context); xfree(out_buf); if (errno == EILSEQ) { errorf("convert_charset(): Invalid character sequence at " "index %td\n", (ptrdiff_t)(pIn - get_txt(in_str))); /* NOTREACHED */ return sp; } if (errno == EINVAL) { errorf("convert_charset(): Incomplete character sequence at " "index %td\n", (ptrdiff_t)(pIn - get_txt(in_str))); /* NOTREACHED */ return sp; } errorf("convert_charset(): Error %d at index %td\n" , errno, (ptrdiff_t)(pIn - get_txt(in_str)) ); /* NOTREACHED */ return sp; } /* if (rc < 0) */ /* At this point, the iconv() succeeded: we're done */ break; } /* while(1) */ iconv_close(context); /* Get the return string and prepare the return arguments */ out_str = new_n_mstring(out_buf, out_size - out_left); xfree(out_buf); if (!out_str) { outofmem(out_size - out_left, "convert_charset() result"); /* NOTREACHED */ return sp; } free_string_svalue(sp--); free_string_svalue(sp--); free_string_svalue(sp); put_string(sp, out_str); return sp; } /* f_convert_charset() */
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ svalue_t * x_map_string (svalue_t *sp, int num_arg) /* EFUN map() for strings * * string map(string arg, string func, string|object ob, mixed extra...) * string map(string arg, closure cl, mixed extra...) * string map(string arg, mapping m) * * Call the function <ob>-><func>() resp. the closure <cl> for * every element of the array/struct/mapping/string <arg>, and return a result * made up from the returned values. * * It is also possible to map every entry through a lookup <m>[element]. If * the mapping entry doesn't exist, the original value is kept, otherwise the * result of the mapping lookup. * * Since <arg> is a string, only integer return values are allowed, of which * only the lower 8 bits are considered. * * If <ob> is omitted, or neither an object nor a string, then * this_object() is used. */ { string_t *res; string_t *str; svalue_t *arg; mp_int len; char *src, *dest; inter_sp = sp; arg = sp - num_arg + 1; str = arg->u.str; len = mstrsize(str); if (arg[1].type == T_MAPPING) { /* --- Map through mapping --- */ mapping_t *m; if (num_arg > 2) { inter_sp = sp; errorf("Too many arguments to map(string)\n"); } m = arg[1].u.map; res = alloc_mstring(len); if (!res) errorf("(map_string) Out of memory: string[%"PRIdMPINT "] for result\n", len); push_string(inter_sp, res); /* In case of errors */ for (src = get_txt(str), dest = get_txt(res); --len >= 0; src++, dest++) { svalue_t key, *v; put_number(&key, *src); v = get_map_value(m, &key); if (v == &const0) *dest = *src; else { if (v->type != T_NUMBER) { errorf("(map_string) Illegal value: %s, expected string\n" , typename(v->type) ); } *dest = (v->u.number & 0xFF); } }
void fill_header_from_mapping (svalue_t *key, svalue_t *val, void *extra) { psyc_modifier_t *m = extra; char oper = 0; char *name, *value; size_t namelen, valuelen, i; uint8_t type; svalue_t vsp, *lval; psycList list; psycString *elems = NULL; if (key->type != T_STRING) { errorf("fill_header_from_mapping: key type %d not supported\n", key->type); return; // not reached } name = get_txt(key->u.str); namelen = mstrsize(key->u.str); type = psyc_getVarType2(name, namelen); if (m->num_values > 1) oper = val[1].u.number; if (!oper) oper = C_GLYPH_OPERATOR_SET; switch (val->type) { case T_STRING: value = get_txt(val->u.str); valuelen = mstrsize(val->u.str); break; case T_NUMBER: case T_OBJECT: vsp.type = val->type; switch (val->type) { case T_NUMBER: if (type == PSYC_TYPE_DATE) vsp.u.number = val->u.number - PSYC_EPOCH; else vsp.u.number = val->u.number; break; case T_OBJECT: vsp.u.ob = val->u.ob; break; } f_to_string(&vsp); // generates an mstring value = get_txt(vsp.u.str); valuelen = mstrsize(vsp.u.str); break; case T_POINTER: if (VEC_SIZE(val->u.vec)) { elems = pxalloc(sizeof(psycString) * VEC_SIZE(val->u.vec)); if (!elems) { errorf("Out of memory in fill_header_from_mapping for elems\n"); return; // not reached } for (i = 0; i < VEC_SIZE(val->u.vec); i++) { lval = &(val->u.vec->item[i]); switch (lval->type) { case T_STRING: elems[i] = (psycString){mstrsize(lval->u.str), get_txt(lval->u.str)}; break; case T_NUMBER: case T_OBJECT: vsp.type = lval->type; switch (lval->type) { case T_NUMBER: vsp.u.number = lval->u.number; break; case T_OBJECT: vsp.u.ob = lval->u.ob; break; } f_to_string(&vsp); elems[i] = (psycString){mstrsize(vsp.u.str), get_txt(vsp.u.str)}; break; default: errorf("fill_header_from_mapping: list value type %d not supported\n", lval->type); return; // not reached } } } list = psyc_newList(elems, VEC_SIZE(val->u.vec), PSYC_LIST_CHECK_LENGTH); valuelen = list.length; value = pxalloc(valuelen); if (!value) { errorf("Out of memory in fill_header_from_mapping for list value\n"); return; // not reached } psyc_renderList(&list, value, valuelen); break; default: errorf("fill_header_from_mapping: value type %d not supported\n", val->type); return; // not reached } m->header->modifiers[m->header->lines++] = psyc_newModifier2(oper, name, namelen, value, valuelen, m->flag); }
svalue_t * f_psyc_parse (svalue_t *sp) { char *buffer = NULL; svalue_t *sv; vector_t *v, *list; mapping_t *map; char oper = 0; psycString name = {0,0}, value = {0,0}, elems[MAX_LIST_SIZE], elem; psycParseListState listState; int ret, retl, type = -1, error = 0; size_t size, i; ssize_t n; time_t timmy; if (!psyc_dispatch_callback) psyc_dispatch_callback = new_tabled("psyc_dispatch"); if (!psyc_error_callback) psyc_error_callback = new_tabled("psyc_error"); assert_shadow_sent(current_object); psyc_state_t *state = O_GET_PSYC_STATE(current_object); if (!state) { state = pxalloc(sizeof(psyc_state_t)); if (!state) { errorf("Out of memory for psyc state struct.\n"); return sp; // not reached } O_GET_PSYC_STATE(current_object) = state; memset(state, 0, sizeof(psyc_state_t)); state->parser = pxalloc(sizeof(psycParseState)); if (!state->parser) { errorf("Out of memory for psyc parse state struct.\n"); return sp; // not reached } psyc_initParseState(state->parser); } v = state->packet; if (sp->type == T_POINTER) { errorf("\npsyc_parse got %ld int* bytes... not supported yet\n", VEC_SIZE(sp->u.vec)); return sp; // not reached } else if (sp->type == T_STRING) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("\npsyc_parse got a %ld bytes long string...\n", mstrsize(sp->u.str)); #endif if (state->remaining) { // there are remaining bytes from the previous call to psyc_parse, // copy them together with the newly arrived data buffer = pxalloc(state->remaining_len + mstrsize(sp->u.str)); if (!buffer) { errorf("Out of memory for psyc_parse buffer.\n"); return sp; // not reached } memcpy(buffer, state->remaining, state->remaining_len); memcpy(buffer + state->remaining_len, get_txt(sp->u.str), mstrsize(sp->u.str)); psyc_setParseBuffer2(state->parser, buffer, state->remaining_len + mstrsize(sp->u.str)); pfree(state->remaining); state->remaining = NULL; state->remaining_len = 0; } else { psyc_setParseBuffer2(state->parser, get_txt(sp->u.str), mstrsize(sp->u.str)); } } else { errorf("\npsyc_parse got type %d, not supported\n", sp->type); return sp; // not reached } do { ret = psyc_parse(state->parser, &oper, &name, &value); #ifdef DEBUG printf("#%2d %c%.*s = %.*s\n", ret, oper ? oper : ' ', (int)name.length, name.ptr, (int)value.length, value.ptr); #endif if (!state->packet) { state->packet = allocate_array(4); if (!state->packet) { errorf("Out of memory for psyc_parse array.\n"); return sp; // not reached } v = state->packet; map = allocate_mapping(0, 2); // empty mapping if (!map) { errorf("Out of memory for psyc_parse routing header.\n"); return sp; // not reached } put_mapping(&v->item[PACKET_ROUTING], map); map = allocate_mapping(0, 2); // empty mapping if (!map) { errorf("Out of memory for psyc_parse entity header.\n"); return sp; // not reached } put_mapping(&v->item[PACKET_ENTITY], map); } switch (ret) { case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_START: case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_START: // save oper, name & value in state at the start of // incomplete entity or body state->oper = oper; state->name = mstring_alloc_string(name.length); memcpy(get_txt(state->name), name.ptr, name.length); if (!state->name) { errorf("Out of memory for name.\n"); return sp; // not reached } // allocate memory for the total length of the value state->value_len = 0; state->value = mstring_alloc_string(psyc_getParseValueLength(state->parser)); if (!state->value) { errorf("Out of memory for value.\n"); return sp; // not reached } // fall thru case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_CONT: case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_CONT: case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_END: case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_END: // append value to tmp buffer in state memcpy(get_txt(state->value) + state->value_len, value.ptr, value.length); state->value_len += value.length; } if (ret == PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_END || ret == PSYC_PARSE_BODY_END) { // incomplete entity or body parsing done, // set oper/name/value to the ones saved in state oper = state->oper; name.ptr = get_txt(state->name); name.length = mstrsize(state->name); value.ptr = get_txt(state->value); value.length = mstrsize(state->value); } switch (ret) { case PSYC_PARSE_ROUTING: sv = pxalloc(sizeof(svalue_t)); // new_n_tabled fetches a reference of a probably existing // shared string put_string(sv, new_n_tabled(name.ptr, name.length)); sv = get_map_lvalue(v->item[PACKET_ROUTING].u.map, sv); put_number(&sv[1], oper); // strings are capable of containing 0 so we can do this // for binary data too. let's use a tabled string even // for values of routing variables as they repeat a lot put_string(sv, new_n_tabled(value.ptr, value.length)); break; case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_START: case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_CONT: break; case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_END: case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY: sv = pxalloc(sizeof(svalue_t)); if (ret == PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY) put_string(sv, new_n_tabled(name.ptr, name.length)); else // PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_END put_string(sv, make_tabled(state->name)); sv = get_map_lvalue(v->item[PACKET_ENTITY].u.map, sv); put_number(&sv[1], oper); type = psyc_getVarType(&name); switch (type) { case PSYC_TYPE_DATE: // number + PSYC_EPOCH if (psyc_parseDate(&value, &timmy)) put_number(sv, timmy); else error = PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_DATE; break; case PSYC_TYPE_TIME: // number if (psyc_parseTime(&value, &timmy)) put_number(sv, timmy); else error = PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_TIME; break; case PSYC_TYPE_AMOUNT: // number if (psyc_parseNumber(&value, &n)) put_number(sv, n); else error = PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_AMOUNT; break; case PSYC_TYPE_DEGREE: // first digit if (value.length && value.ptr[0] >= '0' && value.ptr[0] <= '9') put_number(sv, value.ptr[0] - '0'); else error = PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_DEGREE; break; case PSYC_TYPE_FLAG: // 0 or 1 if (value.length && value.ptr[0] >= '0' && value.ptr[0] <= '1') put_number(sv, value.ptr[0] - '0'); else error = PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_FLAG; break; case PSYC_TYPE_LIST: // array size = 0; if (value.length) { psyc_initParseListState(&listState); psyc_setParseListBuffer(&listState, value); elem = (psycString){0, 0}; do { retl = psyc_parseList(&listState, &elem); switch (retl) { case PSYC_PARSE_LIST_END: retl = 0; case PSYC_PARSE_LIST_ELEM: if (size >= MAX_LIST_SIZE) { error = PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_LIST_TOO_LARGE; break; } elems[size++] = elem; break; default: error = PSYC_PARSE_ERROR_LIST; } } while (retl > 0 && !error); } if (error) break; list = allocate_array(size); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) put_string(&list->item[i], new_n_tabled(elems[i].ptr, elems[i].length)); put_array(sv, list); break; default: // string if (ret == PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY) // is it good to put entity variable values into the // shared string table? probably yes.. but it's a guess //t_string(sv, new_n_mstring(value.ptr, value.length)); put_string(sv, new_n_tabled(value.ptr, value.length)); else // PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_END put_string(sv, state->value); } break; case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_START: case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_CONT: break; case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_END: put_string(&v->item[PACKET_METHOD], make_tabled(state->name)); put_string(&v->item[PACKET_BODY], state->value); break; case PSYC_PARSE_BODY: // new_n_tabled gets the shared string for the method put_string(&v->item[PACKET_METHOD], new_n_tabled(name.ptr, name.length)); // allocate an untabled string for the packet body put_string(&v->item[PACKET_BODY], new_n_mstring(value.ptr, value.length)); break; case PSYC_PARSE_COMPLETE: put_array(inter_sp, v); sapply(psyc_dispatch_callback, current_object, 1); state->packet = NULL; break; case PSYC_PARSE_INSUFFICIENT: // insufficient data, save remaining bytes state->remaining_len = psyc_getParseRemainingLength(state->parser); if (state->remaining_len) { state->remaining = pxalloc(state->remaining_len); memcpy(state->remaining, psyc_getParseRemainingBuffer(state->parser), state->remaining_len); } else state->remaining = NULL; ret = 0; break; default: error = ret; } switch (ret) { case PSYC_PARSE_BODY_END: case PSYC_PARSE_ENTITY_END: // reset tmp buffers in state when incomplete // entity or body parsing is finished state->oper = 0; state->name = NULL; state->value = NULL; } } while (ret && !error); if (buffer) pfree(buffer); free_svalue(sp); put_number(sp, error); return sp; } /* f_psyc_parse */
svalue_t * f_psyc_render(svalue_t *sp) { uint8_t i; vector_t *v; string_t *out; char *meth, *body; size_t mlen, blen; mapping_t *map; psycPacket packet; psycHeader headers[2]; // unless (sp->type == T_POINTER) return sp; v = sp->u.vec; if (VEC_SIZE(v) == PACKET_BODY + 1) { for (i = PACKET_ROUTING; i <= PACKET_ENTITY; i++) { headers[i].lines = 0; if (v->item[i].type == T_MAPPING) { map = v->item[i].u.map; if (!MAP_SIZE(map)) continue; headers[i].modifiers = malloc(sizeof(psycModifier) * MAP_SIZE(v->item[i].u.map)); if (!headers[i].modifiers) { errorf("Out of memory in psyc_render for modifier table.\n"); return sp; // not reached } walk_mapping(map, &fill_header_from_mapping, &(psyc_modifier_t) { &headers[i], map->num_values, i == PACKET_ROUTING ? PSYC_MODIFIER_ROUTING : PSYC_MODIFIER_CHECK_LENGTH }); } // else ... ignoring possibly invalid args } } else { errorf("Wrong number of elements (%" PRIdMPINT ") " "in array argument to psyc_render()\n", VEC_SIZE(v)); return sp; // not reached } if (v->item[PACKET_METHOD].type == T_STRING) { meth = get_txt(v->item[PACKET_METHOD].u.str); mlen = mstrsize(v->item[PACKET_METHOD].u.str); } else { meth = NULL; mlen = 0; } if (v->item[PACKET_BODY].type == T_STRING) { body = get_txt(v->item[PACKET_BODY].u.str); blen = mstrsize(v->item[PACKET_BODY].u.str); } else { body = NULL; blen = 0; } packet = psyc_newPacket2(headers[PACKET_ROUTING].modifiers, headers[PACKET_ROUTING].lines, headers[PACKET_ENTITY].modifiers, headers[PACKET_ENTITY].lines, meth, mlen, body, blen, PSYC_PACKET_CHECK_LENGTH); #ifdef DEBUG printf("rendering... packet.length = %ld\n", packet.length); #endif // alloc_mstring creates an *untabled* string suitable for tmp data memsafe(out = alloc_mstring(packet.length), packet.length, "f_psyc_render"); psyc_render(&packet, get_txt(out), packet.length); free_svalue(sp); put_string(sp, out); // stack should take care of freeing the string after use return sp; } /* f_psyc_render */