void DeprecatedPaintLayerPainter::paintChildren(unsigned childrenToVisit, GraphicsContext* context, const DeprecatedPaintLayerPaintingInfo& paintingInfo, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags)
    if (!m_paintLayer.hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())

    LayerListMutationDetector mutationChecker(m_paintLayer.stackingNode());

    IntSize scrollOffsetAccumulation = paintingInfo.scrollOffsetAccumulation;
    if (m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->hasOverflowClip())
        scrollOffsetAccumulation += m_paintLayer.layoutBox()->scrolledContentOffset();

    DeprecatedPaintLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*m_paintLayer.stackingNode(), childrenToVisit);
    while (DeprecatedPaintLayerStackingNode* child = iterator.next()) {
        DeprecatedPaintLayerPainter childPainter(*child->layer());
        // If this Layer should paint into its own backing or a grouped backing, that will be done via CompositedDeprecatedPaintLayerMapping::paintContents()
        // and CompositedDeprecatedPaintLayerMapping::doPaintTask().
        if (!childPainter.shouldPaintLayerInSoftwareMode(paintingInfo.globalPaintFlags(), paintFlags))

        DeprecatedPaintLayerPaintingInfo childPaintingInfo = paintingInfo;
        childPaintingInfo.scrollOffsetAccumulation = scrollOffsetAccumulation;
        // Rare case: accumulate scroll offset of non-stacking-context ancestors up to m_paintLayer.
        for (DeprecatedPaintLayer* parentLayer = child->layer()->parent(); parentLayer != &m_paintLayer; parentLayer = parentLayer->parent()) {
            if (parentLayer->layoutObject()->hasOverflowClip())
                childPaintingInfo.scrollOffsetAccumulation += parentLayer->layoutBox()->scrolledContentOffset();

        childPainter.paintLayer(context, childPaintingInfo, paintFlags);
void GraphicsLayerTreeBuilder::rebuild(PaintLayer& layer, AncestorInfo info)
    // Make the layer compositing if necessary, and set up clipping and content layers.
    // Note that we can only do work here that is independent of whether the descendant layers
    // have been processed. computeCompositingRequirements() will already have done the paint invalidation if necessary.


    const bool hasCompositedLayerMapping = layer.hasCompositedLayerMapping();
    CompositedLayerMapping* currentCompositedLayerMapping = layer.compositedLayerMapping();

    // If this layer has a compositedLayerMapping, then that is where we place subsequent children GraphicsLayers.
    // Otherwise children continue to append to the child list of the enclosing layer.
    GraphicsLayerVector layerChildren;
    AncestorInfo infoForChildren(info);
    if (hasCompositedLayerMapping) {
        infoForChildren.childLayersOfEnclosingCompositedLayer = &layerChildren;
        infoForChildren.enclosingCompositedLayer = &layer;

    LayerListMutationDetector mutationChecker(layer.stackingNode());

    if (layer.stackingNode()->isStackingContext()) {
        PaintLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*layer.stackingNode(), NegativeZOrderChildren);
        while (PaintLayerStackingNode* curNode = iterator.next())
            rebuild(*curNode->layer(), infoForChildren);

        // If a negative z-order child is compositing, we get a foreground layer which needs to get parented.
        if (hasCompositedLayerMapping && currentCompositedLayerMapping->foregroundLayer())

    PaintLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*layer.stackingNode(), NormalFlowChildren | PositiveZOrderChildren);
    while (PaintLayerStackingNode* curNode = iterator.next())
        rebuild(*curNode->layer(), infoForChildren);

    if (hasCompositedLayerMapping) {
        bool parented = false;
        if (layer.layoutObject()->isLayoutPart())
            parented = PaintLayerCompositor::attachFrameContentLayersToIframeLayer(toLayoutPart(layer.layoutObject()));

        if (!parented)

        if (shouldAppendLayer(layer))

    if (layer.scrollParent()
        && layer.scrollParent()->hasCompositedLayerMapping()
        && layer.scrollParent()->compositedLayerMapping()->needsToReparentOverflowControls()
        && layer.scrollParent()->getScrollableArea()->topmostScrollChild() == &layer)
Exemplo n.º 3
void GraphicsLayerTreeBuilder::rebuild(RenderLayer& layer, GraphicsLayerVector& childLayersOfEnclosingLayer)
    // Make the layer compositing if necessary, and set up clipping and content layers.
    // Note that we can only do work here that is independent of whether the descendant layers
    // have been processed. computeCompositingRequirements() will already have done the repaint if necessary.


    const bool hasCompositedLayerMapping = layer.hasCompositedLayerMapping();
    CompositedLayerMappingPtr currentCompositedLayerMapping = layer.compositedLayerMapping();

    // If this layer has a compositedLayerMapping, then that is where we place subsequent children GraphicsLayers.
    // Otherwise children continue to append to the child list of the enclosing layer.
    GraphicsLayerVector layerChildren;
    GraphicsLayerVector& childList = hasCompositedLayerMapping ? layerChildren : childLayersOfEnclosingLayer;

    LayerListMutationDetector mutationChecker(layer.stackingNode());

    if (layer.stackingNode()->isStackingContext()) {
        RenderLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*layer.stackingNode(), NegativeZOrderChildren);
        while (RenderLayerStackingNode* curNode = iterator.next())
            rebuild(*curNode->layer(), childList);

        // If a negative z-order child is compositing, we get a foreground layer which needs to get parented.
        if (hasCompositedLayerMapping && currentCompositedLayerMapping->foregroundLayer())

    RenderLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*layer.stackingNode(), NormalFlowChildren | PositiveZOrderChildren);
    while (RenderLayerStackingNode* curNode = iterator.next())
        rebuild(*curNode->layer(), childList);

    if (hasCompositedLayerMapping) {
        bool parented = false;
        if (layer.renderer()->isRenderPart())
            parented = RenderLayerCompositor::parentFrameContentLayers(toRenderPart(layer.renderer()));

        if (!parented)

        // If the layer has a clipping layer the overflow controls layers will be siblings of the clipping layer.
        // Otherwise, the overflow control layers are normal children.
        if (!currentCompositedLayerMapping->hasClippingLayer() && !currentCompositedLayerMapping->hasScrollingLayer()) {
            if (GraphicsLayer* overflowControlLayer = currentCompositedLayerMapping->layerForHorizontalScrollbar()) {

            if (GraphicsLayer* overflowControlLayer = currentCompositedLayerMapping->layerForVerticalScrollbar()) {

            if (GraphicsLayer* overflowControlLayer = currentCompositedLayerMapping->layerForScrollCorner()) {

        if (shouldAppendLayer(layer))
void CompositingRequirementsUpdater::updateRecursive(PaintLayer* ancestorLayer, PaintLayer* layer, OverlapMap& overlapMap, RecursionData& currentRecursionData,
    bool& descendantHas3DTransform, Vector<PaintLayer*>& unclippedDescendants, IntRect& absoluteDescendantBoundingBox)
    PaintLayerCompositor* compositor = m_layoutView.compositor();


    CompositingReasons reasonsToComposite = CompositingReasonNone;
    CompositingReasons directReasons = m_compositingReasonFinder.directReasons(layer);

    // Video is special. It's the only PaintLayer type that can both have
    // PaintLayer children and whose children can't use its backing to render
    // into. These children (the controls) always need to be promoted into their
    // own layers to draw on top of the accelerated video.
    if (currentRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor && currentRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor->layoutObject()->isVideo())
        directReasons |= CompositingReasonVideoOverlay;

    if (currentRecursionData.m_hasCompositedScrollingAncestor && layer->layoutObject()->styleRef().hasViewportConstrainedPosition())
        directReasons |= CompositingReasonPositionFixed;

    bool canBeComposited = compositor->canBeComposited(layer);
    if (canBeComposited) {
        reasonsToComposite |= directReasons;

        if (layer->isRootLayer() && compositor->rootShouldAlwaysComposite())
            reasonsToComposite |= CompositingReasonRoot;

        if (reasonsToComposite && layer->scrollsOverflow() && !layer->needsCompositedScrolling()) {
            // We will only set needsCompositedScrolling if we don't care about
            // the LCD text hit, we may be able to switch to the compositor
            // driven path if we're alread composited for other reasons and are
            // therefore using grayscale AA.
            // FIXME: it should also be possible to promote if the layer can
            // still use LCD text when promoted, but detecting when the
            // compositor can do this is tricky. Currently, the layer must be
            // both opaque and may only have an integer translation as its
            // transform. Both opacity and screen space transform are inherited
            // properties, so this cannot be determined from local information.
            if (layer->needsCompositedScrolling())
                reasonsToComposite |= CompositingReasonOverflowScrollingTouch;

    if ((reasonsToComposite & CompositingReasonOverflowScrollingTouch) && !layer->isRootLayer())
        currentRecursionData.m_hasCompositedScrollingAncestor = true;

    // Next, accumulate reasons related to overlap.
    // If overlap testing is used, this reason will be overridden. If overlap testing is not
    // used, we must assume we overlap if there is anything composited behind us in paint-order.
    CompositingReasons overlapCompositingReason = currentRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing ? CompositingReasonAssumedOverlap : CompositingReasonNone;

    if (currentRecursionData.m_hasCompositedScrollingAncestor) {
        Vector<size_t> unclippedDescendantsToRemove;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < unclippedDescendants.size(); i++) {
            PaintLayer* unclippedDescendant = unclippedDescendants.at(i);
            // If we've reached the containing block of one of the unclipped
            // descendants, that element is no longer relevant to whether or not we
            // should opt in. Unfortunately we can't easily remove from the list
            // while we're iterating, so we have to store it for later removal.
            if (unclippedDescendant->layoutObject()->containingBlock() == layer->layoutObject()) {
            if (layer->scrollsWithRespectTo(unclippedDescendant))
                reasonsToComposite |= CompositingReasonAssumedOverlap;

        // Remove irrelevant unclipped descendants in reverse order so our stored
        // indices remain valid.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < unclippedDescendantsToRemove.size(); i++)
            unclippedDescendants.remove(unclippedDescendantsToRemove.at(unclippedDescendantsToRemove.size() - i - 1));

        if (reasonsToComposite & CompositingReasonOutOfFlowClipping)

    const IntRect& absBounds = layer->clippedAbsoluteBoundingBox();
    absoluteDescendantBoundingBox = absBounds;

    if (currentRecursionData.m_testingOverlap && !requiresCompositingOrSquashing(directReasons))
        overlapCompositingReason = overlapMap.overlapsLayers(absBounds) ? CompositingReasonOverlap : CompositingReasonNone;

    reasonsToComposite |= overlapCompositingReason;

    // The children of this layer don't need to composite, unless there is
    // a compositing layer among them, so start by inheriting the compositing
    // ancestor with m_subtreeIsCompositing set to false.
    RecursionData childRecursionData = currentRecursionData;
    childRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing = false;

    bool willBeCompositedOrSquashed = canBeComposited && requiresCompositingOrSquashing(reasonsToComposite);
    if (willBeCompositedOrSquashed) {
        // This layer now acts as the ancestor for kids.
        childRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor = layer;

        // Here we know that all children and the layer's own contents can blindly paint into
        // this layer's backing, until a descendant is composited. So, we don't need to check
        // for overlap with anything behind this layer.
        // This layer is going to be composited, so children can safely ignore the fact that there's an
        // animation running behind this layer, meaning they can rely on the overlap map testing again.
        childRecursionData.m_testingOverlap = true;

    LayerListMutationDetector mutationChecker(layer->stackingNode());

    bool anyDescendantHas3DTransform = false;
    bool willHaveForegroundLayer = false;

    if (layer->stackingNode()->isStackingContext()) {
        PaintLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*layer->stackingNode(), NegativeZOrderChildren);
        while (PaintLayerStackingNode* curNode = iterator.next()) {
            IntRect absoluteChildDescendantBoundingBox;
            updateRecursive(layer, curNode->layer(), overlapMap, childRecursionData, anyDescendantHas3DTransform, unclippedDescendants, absoluteChildDescendantBoundingBox);

            // If we have to make a layer for this child, make one now so we can have a contents layer
            // (since we need to ensure that the -ve z-order child renders underneath our contents).
            if (childRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing) {
                reasonsToComposite |= CompositingReasonNegativeZIndexChildren;

                if (!willBeCompositedOrSquashed) {
                    // make layer compositing
                    childRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor = layer;
                    willBeCompositedOrSquashed = true;
                    willHaveForegroundLayer = true;

                    // FIXME: temporary solution for the first negative z-index composited child:
                    //        re-compute the absBounds for the child so that we can add the
                    //        negative z-index child's bounds to the new overlap context.
                    overlapMap.add(curNode->layer(), curNode->layer()->clippedAbsoluteBoundingBox());

    if (willHaveForegroundLayer) {
        // A foreground layer effectively is a new backing for all subsequent children, so
        // we don't need to test for overlap with anything behind this. So, we can finish
        // the previous context that was accumulating rects for the negative z-index
        // children, and start with a fresh new empty context.
        // This layer is going to be composited, so children can safely ignore the fact that there's an
        // animation running behind this layer, meaning they can rely on the overlap map testing again
        childRecursionData.m_testingOverlap = true;

    PaintLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*layer->stackingNode(), NormalFlowChildren | PositiveZOrderChildren);
    while (PaintLayerStackingNode* curNode = iterator.next()) {
        IntRect absoluteChildDescendantBoundingBox;
        updateRecursive(layer, curNode->layer(), overlapMap, childRecursionData, anyDescendantHas3DTransform, unclippedDescendants, absoluteChildDescendantBoundingBox);

    // Now that the subtree has been traversed, we can check for compositing reasons that depended on the state of the subtree.

    if (layer->stackingNode()->isStackingContext()) {
    } else {
        currentRecursionData.m_hasUnisolatedCompositedBlendingDescendant = childRecursionData.m_hasUnisolatedCompositedBlendingDescendant;

    // Subsequent layers in the parent's stacking context may also need to composite.
    if (childRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing)
        currentRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing = true;

    // Set the flag to say that this SC has compositing children.

    if (layer->isRootLayer()) {
        // The root layer needs to be composited if anything else in the tree is composited.
        // Otherwise, we can disable compositing entirely.
        if (childRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing || requiresCompositingOrSquashing(reasonsToComposite) || compositor->rootShouldAlwaysComposite()) {
            reasonsToComposite |= CompositingReasonRoot;
            currentRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing = true;
        } else {
            reasonsToComposite = CompositingReasonNone;
    } else {
        // All layers (even ones that aren't being composited) need to get added to
        // the overlap map. Layers that are not separately composited will paint into their
        // compositing ancestor's backing, and so are still considered for overlap.
        if (childRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor && !childRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor->isRootLayer())
            overlapMap.add(layer, absBounds);

        // Now check for reasons to become composited that depend on the state of descendant layers.
        CompositingReasons subtreeCompositingReasons = subtreeReasonsForCompositing(layer, childRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing, anyDescendantHas3DTransform);
        reasonsToComposite |= subtreeCompositingReasons;
        if (!willBeCompositedOrSquashed && canBeComposited && requiresCompositingOrSquashing(subtreeCompositingReasons)) {
            childRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor = layer;
            // FIXME: this context push is effectively a no-op but needs to exist for
            // now, because the code is designed to push overlap information to the
            // second-from-top context of the stack.
            overlapMap.add(layer, absoluteDescendantBoundingBox);
            willBeCompositedOrSquashed = true;

        if (willBeCompositedOrSquashed)
            reasonsToComposite |= layer->potentialCompositingReasonsFromStyle() & CompositingReasonInlineTransform;

        // If the original layer is composited, the reflection needs to be, too.
        if (layer->reflectionInfo()) {
            // FIXME: Shouldn't we call computeCompositingRequirements to handle a reflection overlapping with another layoutObject?
            PaintLayer* reflectionLayer = layer->reflectionInfo()->reflectionLayer();
            CompositingReasons reflectionCompositingReason = willBeCompositedOrSquashed ? CompositingReasonReflectionOfCompositedParent : CompositingReasonNone;
            reflectionLayer->setCompositingReasons(reflectionCompositingReason, CompositingReasonReflectionOfCompositedParent);

        if (willBeCompositedOrSquashed && layer->layoutObject()->style()->hasBlendMode())
            currentRecursionData.m_hasUnisolatedCompositedBlendingDescendant = true;

        // Tell the parent it has compositing descendants.
        if (willBeCompositedOrSquashed)
            currentRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing = true;

        // Turn overlap testing off for later layers if it's already off, or if we have an animating transform.
        // Note that if the layer clips its descendants, there's no reason to propagate the child animation to the parent layers. That's because
        // we know for sure the animation is contained inside the clipping rectangle, which is already added to the overlap map.
        bool isCompositedClippingLayer = canBeComposited && (reasonsToComposite & CompositingReasonClipsCompositingDescendants);
        bool isCompositedWithInlineTransform = reasonsToComposite & CompositingReasonInlineTransform;
        if ((!childRecursionData.m_testingOverlap && !isCompositedClippingLayer) || layer->layoutObject()->style()->hasCurrentTransformAnimation() || isCompositedWithInlineTransform)
            currentRecursionData.m_testingOverlap = false;

        if (childRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor == layer)

        descendantHas3DTransform |= anyDescendantHas3DTransform || layer->has3DTransform();

    // At this point we have finished collecting all reasons to composite this layer.
Exemplo n.º 5
PaintLayerPainter::PaintResult PaintLayerPainter::paintChildren(unsigned childrenToVisit, GraphicsContext* context, const PaintLayerPaintingInfo& paintingInfo, PaintLayerFlags paintFlags)
    PaintResult result = FullyPainted;
    if (!m_paintLayer.hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())
        return result;

    LayerListMutationDetector mutationChecker(m_paintLayer.stackingNode());

    PaintLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*m_paintLayer.stackingNode(), childrenToVisit);
    PaintLayerStackingNode* child = iterator.next();
    if (!child)
        return result;

    DisplayItem::Type subsequenceType;
    if (childrenToVisit == NegativeZOrderChildren) {
        subsequenceType = DisplayItem::SubsequenceNegativeZOrder;
    } else {
        ASSERT(childrenToVisit == (NormalFlowChildren | PositiveZOrderChildren));
        subsequenceType = DisplayItem::SubsequenceNormalFlowAndPositiveZOrder;

    Optional<SubsequenceRecorder> subsequenceRecorder;
    if (!paintingInfo.disableSubsequenceCache
        && !(paintingInfo.globalPaintFlags() & GlobalPaintFlattenCompositingLayers)
        && !(paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingReflection)
        && !(paintFlags & PaintLayerPaintingRootBackgroundOnly)) {
        if (!m_paintLayer.needsRepaint()
            && paintingInfo.scrollOffsetAccumulation == m_paintLayer.previousScrollOffsetAccumulationForPainting()
            && SubsequenceRecorder::useCachedSubsequenceIfPossible(*context, m_paintLayer, subsequenceType))
            return result;
        subsequenceRecorder.emplace(*context, m_paintLayer, subsequenceType);

    IntSize scrollOffsetAccumulationForChildren = paintingInfo.scrollOffsetAccumulation;
    if (m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->hasOverflowClip())
        scrollOffsetAccumulationForChildren += m_paintLayer.layoutBox()->scrolledContentOffset();

    bool disableChildSubsequenceCache = !RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled()
        && (m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->hasOverflowClip() || m_paintLayer.layoutObject()->hasClip());

    for (; child; child = iterator.next()) {
        PaintLayerPainter childPainter(*child->layer());
        // If this Layer should paint into its own backing or a grouped backing, that will be done via CompositedLayerMapping::paintContents()
        // and CompositedLayerMapping::doPaintTask().
        if (!childPainter.shouldPaintLayerInSoftwareMode(paintingInfo.globalPaintFlags(), paintFlags))

        PaintLayerPaintingInfo childPaintingInfo = paintingInfo;
        childPaintingInfo.disableSubsequenceCache = disableChildSubsequenceCache;
        childPaintingInfo.scrollOffsetAccumulation = scrollOffsetAccumulationForChildren;
        // Rare case: accumulate scroll offset of non-stacking-context ancestors up to m_paintLayer.
        for (PaintLayer* parentLayer = child->layer()->parent(); parentLayer != &m_paintLayer; parentLayer = parentLayer->parent()) {
            if (parentLayer->layoutObject()->hasOverflowClip())
                childPaintingInfo.scrollOffsetAccumulation += parentLayer->layoutBox()->scrolledContentOffset();

        if (childPainter.paintLayer(context, childPaintingInfo, paintFlags) == MaybeNotFullyPainted)
            result = MaybeNotFullyPainted;

    // Set subsequence not cacheable if the bounding box of this layer and descendants is not fully contained
    // by paintRect, because later paintRect changes may expose new contents which will need repainting.
    if (result == MaybeNotFullyPainted && subsequenceRecorder)

    return result;