Exemplo n.º 1
/**	Example for qpOASES main function using the possibility to specify
 *	user-defined constraint product function. */
int main( )

	int i,j,jj;
	real_t d = 0.0;

	/* Setup data of first QP... */
	real_t H[7*7];
	real_t A[50*7];
	real_t g[7];
	real_t lbA[50];

	/*	    ( 1.0 0.5 |                    )
	 *	    ( 0.5 2.0 |                    )
	 *	    ( --------+------------------- )
	 *	H = (         | 1e-6               )
	 *	    (         |      1e-6          )
	 *	    (         |           ...      )
	 *	    (         |               1e-6 ) */
	for( i=0; i<7*7; ++i )
		H[i] = 0.0;
	for( i=2; i<7; ++i )
		H[i*7+i] = 1.0e-6;
	H[0] = 1.0;
	H[1] = 0.5;
	H[7] = 0.5;
	H[8] = 2.0;

	/*	    ( x.x x.x | 1.0             )
	 *	    ( x.x x.x | ...             )
	 *	    ( x.x x.x | 1.0             )
	 *	    ( x.x x.x |     1.0         )
	 *	A = ( x.x x.x |     ...         )
	 *	    ( x.x x.x |     1.0         )
	 *	    ( x.x x.x |         ...     )
	 *	    ( x.x x.x |             1.0 )
	 *	    ( x.x x.x |             ... )
	 *	    ( x.x x.x |             1.0 ) */
	for( i=0; i<50*7; ++i )
		A[i] = 0.0;
	for( i=0; i<50; ++i )
		for( j=0; j<2; ++j )
			A[i*7+j] = (real_t)rand() / (real_t)RAND_MAX;

		A[i*7 + (i/10)+2] = 1.0;

	/*	    ( -1.0 )
	 *	    ( -0.5 )
	 *	    ( ---- )
	 *	g = (      )
	 *	    (      )
	 *	    (      )
	 *	    (      ) */
	for( i=0; i<7; ++i )
		g[i] = 0.0;
	g[0] = -1.0;
	g[1] = -0.5;

	for( i=0; i<50; ++i )
		lbA[i] = 1.0;

	/* ... and setting up user-defined constraint product function. */
	MyConstraintProduct myCP( 7,50,A );

	/* Setting up QProblem object and set construct product function. */
	QProblem example( 7,50 );
	example.setConstraintProduct( &myCP );

	/* Solve first QP. */
	real_t cputime = 1.0;
	int nWSR = 100;
	example.init( H,g,A,0,0,lbA,0, nWSR,&cputime );

	/* Get and print solution of QP. */
	real_t xOpt[7], yOpt[7+50];
	example.getPrimalSolution( xOpt );
	example.getDualSolution( yOpt );

	/* Compute local linear feedback law */
	const int n_rhs = 7+7+50;
	real_t g_in[7*n_rhs];
	real_t b_in[7*n_rhs];
	real_t bA_in[50*n_rhs];
	real_t x_out[7*n_rhs];
	real_t y_out[(7+50)*n_rhs];

	int ii;
	memset (g_in, 0, sizeof (g_in));
	memset (b_in, 0, sizeof (b_in));
	memset (bA_in, 0, sizeof (bA_in));

	for ( ii = 0; ii < 7; ++ii )
		g_in[ii*7 + ii] = 1.0;
	for ( ii = 0; ii < 7; ++ii )
		b_in[(ii+7)*7 + ii] = 1.0;
	for ( ii = 0; ii < 50; ++ii )
		bA_in[(ii+14)*50 + ii] = 1.0;

	example.solveCurrentEQP ( n_rhs, g_in, b_in, b_in, bA_in, bA_in, x_out, y_out );

	/* Verify validity of local feedback law by perturbation and hot starts */
	real_t perturb = 1.0e-6;
	real_t nrm = 0.0;
	for ( ii = 0; ii < n_rhs; ++ii )
		for ( jj = 0; jj < 7; ++jj )
			g_in[ii*7 + jj] = g[jj] + g_in[ii*7+jj]*perturb;
		for ( jj = 0; jj < 50; ++jj )
			bA_in[ii*50 + jj] = lbA[jj] + bA_in[ii*50+jj]*perturb;

		nWSR = 100;
		example.hotstart( &g_in[ii*7],0,0,&bA_in[ii*50],0, nWSR, 0 );

		real_t xPer[7], yPer[7+50];
		example.getPrimalSolution( xPer );
		example.getDualSolution( yPer );

		for ( jj = 0; jj < 7; ++jj )
			d = fabs (x_out[ii*7+jj]*perturb - (xPer[jj]-xOpt[jj]) );
			if (nrm < d) nrm=d;
		for ( jj = 0; jj < 7+50; ++jj )
			d = fabs (y_out[ii*(7+50)+jj]*perturb - (yPer[jj]-yOpt[jj]) );
			if (nrm < d) nrm=d;
	printf ("Maximum perturbation over all directions: %e\n", nrm);

	/* // print feedback matrix
	for (ii = 0; ii < n_rhs; ++ii)
		printf ("x: ");
		for (jj = 0; jj < 7; ++jj )
			printf ("%8.2e ", x_out[ii*7+jj]);
		printf (" y: ");
		for (jj = 0; jj < 7+50; ++jj )
			printf ("%8.2e ", y_out[ii*(7+50)+jj]);

	return 0;
/**	Example for qpOASES main function using the possibility to specify 
 *	user-defined constraint product function. */
int main( )

	int_t nQP, nV, nC, nEC;
	real_t *H, *g, *A, *lb, *ub, *lbA, *ubA;
	real_t cputime;

	real_t xOpt[1000];
	real_t yOpt[1000];
	real_t xOptCP[1000+1000];
	real_t yOptCP[1000+1000];
	const char* path = "./cpp/data/oqp/chain80w/";
	int_t k = 10; //th problem
	if ( readOqpDimensions(	path, nQP,nV,nC,nEC ) != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN )
	readOqpData(	path, nQP,nV,nC,nEC,
	Options myOptions;
	myOptions.printLevel = PL_LOW;

	int_t nWSR = 500;
	cputime = 20.0;
	QProblem qp( nV,nC );
	qp.setOptions( myOptions );
	qp.init( H,&(g[k*nV]),A,&(lb[k*nV]),&(ub[k*nV]),&(lbA[k*nC]),&(ubA[k*nC]),nWSR,&cputime );
	qp.getPrimalSolution( xOpt );
	qp.getDualSolution( yOpt );
	printf( "cputime without constraintProduct: %.3ems\n", cputime*1000.0 );

	nWSR = 500;
	cputime = 20.0;
	MpcConstraintProduct myCP( nV,nC,2,A );
	QProblem qpCP( nV,nC );
	qpCP.setOptions( myOptions );
	qpCP.setConstraintProduct( &myCP );
	qpCP.init( H,&(g[k*nV]),A,&(lb[k*nV]),&(ub[k*nV]),&(lbA[k*nC]),&(ubA[k*nC]),nWSR,&cputime );
	qpCP.getPrimalSolution( xOptCP );
	qpCP.getDualSolution( yOptCP );
	printf( "cputime with    constraintProduct: %.3ems\n", cputime*1000.0 );
	delete[] ubA;
	delete[] lbA;
	delete[] ub;
	delete[] lb;
	delete[] A;
	delete[] g;
	delete[] H;

	for( int ii=0; ii<nV; ++ii )
		QPOASES_TEST_FOR_NEAR( xOptCP[ii],xOpt[ii] );

	for( int ii=0; ii<nV+nC; ++ii )
		QPOASES_TEST_FOR_NEAR( yOptCP[ii],yOpt[ii] );

	return 0;