Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  ShoutConfig myConfig(APPID_NORMALIZE_AM, argc, argv);

  NormalizeAM NormalizeAM(myConfig.getStringValue(ARGUMENT_AUDIOFILE), myConfig.getStringValue(ARGUMENT_META_IN));
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
    void ReplSetImpl::syncThread() {
        while( 1 ) {
            // After a reconfig, we may not be in the replica set anymore, so
            // check that we are in the set (and not an arbiter) before
            // trying to sync with other replicas.
            if( ! _self ) {
                log() << "replSet warning did not receive a valid config yet, sleeping 20 seconds " << rsLog;
            if( myConfig().arbiterOnly ) {

            fassert(16113, !Lock::isLocked());

            try {
            catch(const DBException& e) {
                sethbmsg(str::stream() << "syncThread: " << e.toString());
            catch(...) {
                sethbmsg("unexpected exception in syncThread()");
                // TODO : SET NOT SECONDARY here?
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  ShoutConfig myConfig(APPID_ADAPT_AM, argc, argv);

  Adapt_AM Adapt_AM(myConfig.getStringValue(ARGUMENT_TRAINDIR),myConfig.getStringValue(ARGUMENT_AM_PHONE),
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main()
    MyConfig myConfig("test_config");
    std::cout << "Default myInt = " << myConfig.myInt << std::endl;
    myConfig.load();  // Note we could load() in the constructor but then we couldn't print the default value.
    std::cout << "Loaded myInt = " << myConfig.myInt << std::endl;
    myConfig.myInt = 40;
    return 0;
    // Try editing the json and running again.
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  ShoutConfig myConfig(APPID_MAKETRAINSET, argc, argv);

  Shout_MakeTrainSet Shout_MakeTrainSet(myConfig.getStringValue(ARGUMENT_AM_TYPE),
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
// Config Parser. Might drop this.
bool CConfig::Parse(CFile& file, CString& sErrorMsg)
	CString sLine;
	unsigned int uLineNum = 0;
	CConfig *pActiveConfig = this;
	std::stack<ConfigStackEntry> ConfigStack;
	bool bCommented = false;     // support for /**/ style comments

	if (!file.Seek(0)) {
		sErrorMsg = "Could not seek to the beginning of the config.";
		return false;

	while (file.ReadLine(sLine)) {

#define ERROR(arg) do { \
	std::stringstream stream; \
	stream << "Error on line " << uLineNum << ": " << arg; \
	sErrorMsg = stream.str(); \
	m_SubConfigs.clear(); \
	m_ConfigEntries.clear(); \
	return false; \
} while (0)

		// Remove all leading spaces and trailing line endings

		if (bCommented || sLine.Left(2) == "/*") {
			/* Does this comment end on the same line again? */
			bCommented = (sLine.Right(2) != "*/");


		if ((sLine.empty()) || (sLine[0] == '#') || (sLine.Left(2) == "//")) {

		if ((sLine.Left(1) == "<") && (sLine.Right(1) == ">")) {

			CString sTag = sLine.Token(0);
			CString sValue = sLine.Token(1, true);


			if (sTag.Left(1) == "/") {
				sTag = sTag.substr(1);

				if (!sValue.empty())
					ERROR("Malformated closing tag. Expected \"</" << sTag << ">\".");
				if (ConfigStack.empty())
					ERROR("Closing tag \"" << sTag << "\" which is not open.");

				const struct ConfigStackEntry& entry = ConfigStack.top();
				CConfig myConfig(entry.Config);
				CString sName(entry.sName);

				if (!sTag.Equals(entry.sTag))
					ERROR("Closing tag \"" << sTag << "\" which is not open.");

				// This breaks entry

				if (ConfigStack.empty())
					pActiveConfig = this;
					pActiveConfig = &ConfigStack.top().Config;

				SubConfig &conf = pActiveConfig->m_SubConfigs[sTag.AsLower()];
				SubConfig::const_iterator it = conf.find(sName);

				if (it != conf.end())
					ERROR("Duplicate entry for tag \"" << sTag << "\" name \"" << sName << "\".");

				conf[sName] = CConfigEntry(myConfig);
			} else {
				if (sValue.empty())
					ERROR("Empty block name at begin of block.");
				ConfigStack.push(ConfigStackEntry(sTag.AsLower(), sValue));
				pActiveConfig = &ConfigStack.top().Config;


		// If we have a regular line, figure out where it goes
		CString sName = sLine.Token(0, false, "=");
		CString sValue = sLine.Token(1, true, "=");

		// Only remove the first space, people might want
		// leading spaces (e.g. in the MOTD).
		if (sValue.Left(1) == " ")

		// We don't have any names with spaces, trim all
		// leading/trailing spaces.

		if (sName.empty() || sValue.empty())
			ERROR("Malformed line");

		CString sNameLower = sName.AsLower();

	if (bCommented)
		ERROR("Comment not closed at end of file.");

	if (!ConfigStack.empty()) {
		const CString& sTag = ConfigStack.top().sTag;
		ERROR("Not all tags are closed at the end of the file. Inner-most open tag is \"" << sTag << "\".");

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
    bool ReplSetImpl::forceSyncFrom(const string& host, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result) {
        lock lk(this);

        // initial sanity check
        if (iAmArbiterOnly()) {
            errmsg = "arbiters don't sync";
            return false;
        if (box.getState().primary()) {
            errmsg = "primaries don't sync";
            return false;
        if (_self != NULL && host == _self->fullName()) {
            errmsg = "I cannot sync from myself";
            return false;

        // find the member we want to sync from
        Member *newTarget = 0;
        for (Member *m = _members.head(); m; m = m->next()) {
            if (m->fullName() == host) {
                newTarget = m;

        // do some more sanity checks
        if (!newTarget) {
            // this will also catch if someone tries to sync a member from itself, as _self is not
            // included in the _members list.
            errmsg = "could not find member in replica set";
            return false;
        if (newTarget->config().arbiterOnly) {
            errmsg = "I cannot sync from an arbiter";
            return false;
        if (!newTarget->config().buildIndexes && myConfig().buildIndexes) {
            errmsg = "I cannot sync from a member who does not build indexes";
            return false;
        if (newTarget->hbinfo().authIssue) {
            errmsg = "I cannot authenticate against the requested member";
            return false;
        if (newTarget->hbinfo().health == 0) {
            errmsg = "I cannot reach the requested member";
            return false;
        if (newTarget->hbinfo().opTime.getSecs()+10 < lastOpTimeWritten.getSecs()) {
            log() << "attempting to sync from " << newTarget->fullName()
                  << ", but its latest opTime is " << newTarget->hbinfo().opTime.getSecs()
                  << " and ours is " << lastOpTimeWritten.getSecs() << " so this may not work"
                  << rsLog;
            result.append("warning", "requested member is more than 10 seconds behind us");
            // not returning false, just warning

        // record the previous member we were syncing from
        const Member *prev = replset::BackgroundSync::get()->getSyncTarget();
        if (prev) {
            result.append("prevSyncTarget", prev->fullName());

        // finally, set the new target
        _forceSyncTarget = newTarget;
        return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
    Status ReplSetImpl::forceSyncFrom(const string& host, BSONObjBuilder* result) {
        lock lk(this);

        // initial sanity check
        if (iAmArbiterOnly()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::NotSecondary, "arbiters don't sync");
        if (box.getState().primary()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::NotSecondary, "primaries don't sync");
        if (_self != NULL && host == _self->fullName()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "I cannot sync from myself");

        // find the member we want to sync from
        Member *newTarget = 0;
        for (Member *m = _members.head(); m; m = m->next()) {
            if (m->fullName() == host) {
                newTarget = m;

        // do some more sanity checks
        if (!newTarget) {
            // this will also catch if someone tries to sync a member from itself, as _self is not
            // included in the _members list.
            return Status(ErrorCodes::NodeNotFound, "could not find member in replica set");
        if (newTarget->config().arbiterOnly) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, "I cannot sync from an arbiter");
        if (!newTarget->config().buildIndexes && myConfig().buildIndexes) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions,
                          "I cannot sync from a member who does not build indexes");
        if (newTarget->hbinfo().authIssue) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::Unauthorized,
                          "not authorized to communicate with " + newTarget->fullName());
        if (newTarget->hbinfo().health == 0) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::HostUnreachable, "I cannot reach the requested member");
        if (newTarget->hbinfo().opTime.getSecs()+10 < lastOpTimeWritten.getSecs()) {
            log() << "attempting to sync from " << newTarget->fullName()
                  << ", but its latest opTime is " << newTarget->hbinfo().opTime.getSecs()
                  << " and ours is " << lastOpTimeWritten.getSecs() << " so this may not work"
                  << rsLog;
            result->append("warning", "requested member is more than 10 seconds behind us");
            // not returning false, just warning

        // record the previous member we were syncing from
        const HostAndPort prev = BackgroundSync::get()->getSyncTarget();
        if (!prev.empty()) {
            result->append("prevSyncTarget", prev.toString());

        // finally, set the new target
        _forceSyncTarget = newTarget;
        return Status::OK();
Exemplo n.º 9
    const Member* ReplSetImpl::getMemberToSyncTo() {
        lock lk(this);

        // if we have a target we've requested to sync from, use it

        if (_forceSyncTarget) {
            Member* target = _forceSyncTarget;
            _forceSyncTarget = 0;
            sethbmsg( str::stream() << "syncing to: " << target->fullName() << " by request", 0);
            return target;

        const Member* primary = box.getPrimary();

        // wait for 2N pings before choosing a sync target
        if (_cfg) {
            int needMorePings = config().members.size()*2 - HeartbeatInfo::numPings;

            if (needMorePings > 0) {
                OCCASIONALLY log() << "waiting for " << needMorePings << " pings from other members before syncing" << endl;
                return NULL;

            // If we are only allowed to sync from the primary, return that
            if (!_cfg->chainingAllowed()) {
                // Returns NULL if we cannot reach the primary
                return primary;

        // find the member with the lowest ping time that has more data than me

        // Find primary's oplog time. Reject sync candidates that are more than
        // maxSyncSourceLagSecs seconds behind.
        OpTime primaryOpTime;
        if (primary)
            primaryOpTime = primary->hbinfo().opTime;
            // choose a time that will exclude no candidates, since we don't see a primary
            primaryOpTime = OpTime(maxSyncSourceLagSecs, 0);

        if (primaryOpTime.getSecs() < static_cast<unsigned int>(maxSyncSourceLagSecs)) {
            // erh - I think this means there was just a new election
            // and we don't yet know the new primary's optime
            primaryOpTime = OpTime(maxSyncSourceLagSecs, 0);

        OpTime oldestSyncOpTime(primaryOpTime.getSecs() - maxSyncSourceLagSecs, 0);

        Member *closest = 0;
        time_t now = 0;

        // Make two attempts.  The first attempt, we ignore those nodes with
        // slave delay higher than our own.  The second attempt includes such
        // nodes, in case those are the only ones we can reach.
        // This loop attempts to set 'closest'.
        for (int attempts = 0; attempts < 2; ++attempts) {
            for (Member *m = _members.head(); m; m = m->next()) {
                if (!m->syncable())

                if (m->state() == MemberState::RS_SECONDARY) {
                    // only consider secondaries that are ahead of where we are
                    if (m->hbinfo().opTime <= lastOpTimeWritten)
                    // omit secondaries that are excessively behind, on the first attempt at least.
                    if (attempts == 0 &&
                        m->hbinfo().opTime < oldestSyncOpTime)

                // omit nodes that are more latent than anything we've already considered
                if (closest &&
                    (m->hbinfo().ping > closest->hbinfo().ping))

                if (attempts == 0 &&
                    (myConfig().slaveDelay < m->config().slaveDelay || m->config().hidden)) {
                    continue; // skip this one in the first attempt

                map<string,time_t>::iterator vetoed = _veto.find(m->fullName());
                if (vetoed != _veto.end()) {
                    // Do some veto housekeeping
                    if (now == 0) {
                        now = time(0);

                    // if this was on the veto list, check if it was vetoed in the last "while".
                    // if it was, skip.
                    if (vetoed->second >= now) {
                        if (time(0) % 5 == 0) {
                            log() << "replSet not trying to sync from " << (*vetoed).first
                                  << ", it is vetoed for " << ((*vetoed).second - now) << " more seconds" << rsLog;
                    // fall through, this is a valid candidate now
                // This candidate has passed all tests; set 'closest'
                closest = m;
            if (closest) break; // no need for second attempt

        if (!closest) {
            return NULL;

        sethbmsg( str::stream() << "syncing to: " << closest->fullName(), 0);

        return closest;
Exemplo n.º 10
    void ReplSetImpl::_fillIsMaster(BSONObjBuilder& b) {
        lock lk(this);
        const StateBox::SP sp = box.get();
        bool isp = sp.state.primary();
        b.append("setName", name());
        b.append("setVersion", version());
        b.append("ismaster", isp);
        b.append("secondary", sp.state.secondary());
            vector<string> hosts, passives, arbiters;
            _fillIsMasterHost(_self, hosts, passives, arbiters);

            for (Member *m = _members.head(); m; m = m->next()) {
                _fillIsMasterHost(m, hosts, passives, arbiters);

            if (hosts.size() > 0) {
                b.append("hosts", hosts);
            if (passives.size() > 0) {
                b.append("passives", passives);
            if (arbiters.size() > 0) {
                b.append("arbiters", arbiters);

        if (!isp) {
            const Member *m = sp.primary;
            if (m)
                b.append("primary", m->h().toString());
        else {
            b.append("primary", _self->fullName());

        if (myConfig().arbiterOnly)
            b.append("arbiterOnly", true);
        if (myConfig().priority == 0 && !myConfig().arbiterOnly)
            b.append("passive", true);
        if (myConfig().slaveDelay)
            b.append("slaveDelay", myConfig().slaveDelay);
        if (myConfig().hidden)
            b.append("hidden", true);
        if (!myConfig().buildIndexes)
            b.append("buildIndexes", false);
        if (!myConfig().tags.empty()) {
            BSONObjBuilder a;
            for (map<string,string>::const_iterator i = myConfig().tags.begin();
                    i != myConfig().tags.end();
                    i++) {
                a.append((*i).first, (*i).second);
            b.append("tags", a.done());
        b.append("me", myConfig().h.toString());
Exemplo n.º 11
bool NoSettings::Parse(NoFile& file, NoString& error)
    NoString line;
    uint lineNum = 0;
    NoSettings* activeConfig = this;
    std::stack<ConfigStackEntry> configStack;
    bool commented = false; // support for /**/ style comments

    if (!file.Seek(0)) {
        error = "Could not seek to the beginning of the config.";
        return false;

    while (file.ReadLine(line)) {

#define ERROR(arg)                                             \
    do {                                                       \
        std::stringstream stream;                              \
        stream << "Error on line " << lineNum << ": " << arg; \
        error = stream.str();                              \
        m_subConfigs.clear();                                  \
        m_entries.clear();                                     \
        return false;                                          \
    } while (0)

        // Remove all leading spaces and trailing line endings

        if (commented || line.startsWith("/*")) {
            /* Does this comment end on the same line again? */
            commented = !line.endsWith("*/");


        if (line.empty() || line.startsWith("#") || line.startsWith("//")) {

        if (line.startsWith("<") && line.endsWith(">")) {

            NoString tag = No::token(line, 0);
            NoString value = No::tokens(line, 1);


            if (tag.startsWith("/")) {
                tag = tag.substr(1);

                if (!value.empty())
                    ERROR("Malformated closing tag. Expected \"</" << tag << ">\".");
                if (configStack.empty())
                    ERROR("Closing tag \"" << tag << "\" which is not open.");

                const struct ConfigStackEntry& entry = configStack.top();
                NoSettings myConfig(entry.config);
                NoString name(entry.name);

                if (!tag.equals(entry.tag))
                    ERROR("Closing tag \"" << tag << "\" which is not open.");

                // This breaks entry

                if (configStack.empty())
                    activeConfig = this;
                    activeConfig = &configStack.top().config;

                SubConfig& conf = activeConfig->m_subConfigs[tag.toLower()];
                SubConfig::const_iterator it = conf.find(name);

                if (it != conf.end())
                    ERROR("Duplicate entry for tag \"" << tag << "\" name \"" << name << "\".");

                conf[name] = NoSettingsEntry(myConfig);
            } else {
                if (value.empty())
                    ERROR("Empty block name at begin of block.");
                configStack.push(ConfigStackEntry(tag.toLower(), value));
                activeConfig = &configStack.top().config;


        // If we have a regular line, figure out where it goes
        NoString name = No::token(line, 0, "=");
        NoString value = No::tokens(line, 1, "=");

        // Only remove the first space, people might want
        // leading spaces (e.g. in the MOTD).
        if (value.startsWith(" "))

        // We don't have any names with spaces, trim all
        // leading/trailing spaces.

        if (name.empty() || value.empty())
            ERROR("Malformed line");

        NoString sNameLower = name.toLower();

    if (commented)
        ERROR("Comment not closed at end of file.");

    if (!configStack.empty()) {
        const NoString& tag = configStack.top().tag;
        ERROR("Not all tags are closed at the end of the file. Inner-most open tag is \"" << tag << "\".");

    return true;