Exemplo n.º 1
GameOver::GameOver(MainWindow* parent)
    parent_ = parent;

    scene_ = new QGraphicsScene();

    QBrush silverBrush(QColor(227,228,229));
    gameOverText = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem("GAME OVER");
    QFont myFont("Helvetica [Cronyx]",70,QFont::Bold);

    QBrush blackBrush(QColor(0,0,0));
    clickText = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem("Click File->New Game to play again!");
    QFont bFont("Helvetica [Cronyx]",30,QFont::Bold);

    counter = 0;
    timer_ = new QTimer(this);
Exemplo n.º 2
void ClsDiagItem::doFont(){

    string strFontName = iqrfe::ClsFESettings::instance().getBlockDiagramFontName();
    int iFontSize = iqrfe::ClsFESettings::instance().getBlockDiagramFontSize();

    QFont myFont(strFontName.c_str(), iFontSize, QFont::Normal);
Exemplo n.º 3
void k9MenuEdit::bFontClick() {
    if (m_menuEditor->getSelected()) {
        k9MenuButton *b=m_menuEditor->getSelected();
        QFont myFont(b->getFont());
        int result = KFontDialog::getFont( myFont );
        if ( result == KFontDialog::Accepted && m_menuEditor->getSelected() ) {
            QPtrList <k9MenuButton> *l=m_menuEditor->getSelection();
            for (b=l->first();b;b=l->next()) {
    } else {
        if (m_text) {
            QFont myFont(m_text->font());
            int result = KFontDialog::getFont( myFont );
            if ( result == KFontDialog::Accepted  )

Exemplo n.º 4
void QgsDecorationScaleBar::render( QPainter * theQPainter )
  QgsMapCanvas* canvas = QgisApp::instance()->mapCanvas();

  int myBufferSize = 1; //softcode this later

  //Get canvas dimensions
  int myCanvasHeight = theQPainter->device()->height();
  int myCanvasWidth = theQPainter->device()->width();

  //Get map units per pixel. This can be negative at times (to do with
  //projections) and that just confuses the rest of the code in this
  //function, so force to a positive number.
  double myMapUnitsPerPixelDouble = qAbs( canvas->mapUnitsPerPixel() );
  double myActualSize = mPreferredSize;

  // Exit if the canvas width is 0 or layercount is 0 or QGIS will freeze
  int myLayerCount = canvas->layerCount();
  if ( !myLayerCount || !myCanvasWidth || !myMapUnitsPerPixelDouble )

  //Large if statement which determines whether to render the scale bar
  if ( enabled() )
    // Hard coded sizes
    int myMajorTickSize = 8;
    int myTextOffsetX = 3;
    int myMargin = 20;

    QSettings settings;
    QGis::UnitType myPreferredUnits = QGis::fromLiteral( settings.value( "/qgis/measure/displayunits", QGis::toLiteral( QGis::Meters ) ).toString() );
    QGis::UnitType myMapUnits = canvas->mapUnits();

    // Adjust units meter/feet/... or vice versa
    myMapUnitsPerPixelDouble *= QGis::fromUnitToUnitFactor( myMapUnits, myPreferredUnits );
    myMapUnits = myPreferredUnits;

    //Calculate size of scale bar for preferred number of map units
    double myScaleBarWidth = mPreferredSize / myMapUnitsPerPixelDouble;

    //If scale bar is very small reset to 1/4 of the canvas wide
    if ( myScaleBarWidth < 30 )
      myScaleBarWidth = myCanvasWidth / 4; // pixels
      myActualSize = myScaleBarWidth * myMapUnitsPerPixelDouble; // map units

    //if scale bar is more than half the canvas wide keep halving until not
    while ( myScaleBarWidth > myCanvasWidth / 3 )
      myScaleBarWidth = myScaleBarWidth / 3;
    myActualSize = myScaleBarWidth * myMapUnitsPerPixelDouble;

    // Work out the exponent for the number - e.g, 1234 will give 3,
    // and .001234 will give -3
    double myPowerOf10 = floor( log10( myActualSize ) );

    // snap to integer < 10 times power of 10
    if ( mSnapping )
      double scaler = pow( 10.0, myPowerOf10 );
      myActualSize = qRound( myActualSize / scaler ) * scaler;
      myScaleBarWidth = myActualSize / myMapUnitsPerPixelDouble;

    //Get type of map units and set scale bar unit label text
    QString myScaleBarUnitLabel;
    switch ( myMapUnits )
      case QGis::Meters:
        if ( myActualSize > 1000.0 )
          myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " km" );
          myActualSize = myActualSize / 1000;
        else if ( myActualSize < 0.01 )
          myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " mm" );
          myActualSize = myActualSize * 1000;
        else if ( myActualSize < 0.1 )
          myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " cm" );
          myActualSize = myActualSize * 100;
          myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " m" );
      case QGis::Feet:
        if ( myActualSize > 5280.0 ) //5280 feet to the mile
          myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " miles" );
          // Adjust scale bar width to get even numbers
          myActualSize = myActualSize / 5000;
          myScaleBarWidth = ( myScaleBarWidth * 5280 ) / 5000;
        else if ( myActualSize == 5280.0 ) //5280 feet to the mile
          myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " mile" );
          // Adjust scale bar width to get even numbers
          myActualSize = myActualSize / 5000;
          myScaleBarWidth = ( myScaleBarWidth * 5280 ) / 5000;
        else if ( myActualSize < 1 )
          myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " inches" );
          myActualSize = myActualSize * 10;
          myScaleBarWidth = ( myScaleBarWidth * 10 ) / 12;
        else if ( myActualSize == 1.0 )
          myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " foot" );
          myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " feet" );
      case QGis::Degrees:
        if ( myActualSize == 1.0 )
          myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " degree" );
          myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " degrees" );
      case QGis::UnknownUnit:
        myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " unknown" );
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Error: not picked up map units - actual value = %1" ).arg( myMapUnits ) );

    //Set font and calculate width of unit label
    int myFontSize = 10; //we use this later for buffering
    QFont myFont( "helvetica", myFontSize );
    theQPainter->setFont( myFont );
    QFontMetrics myFontMetrics( myFont );
    double myFontWidth = myFontMetrics.width( myScaleBarUnitLabel );
    double myFontHeight = myFontMetrics.height();

    //Set the maximum label
    QString myScaleBarMaxLabel = QLocale::system().toString( myActualSize );

    //Calculate total width of scale bar and label
    double myTotalScaleBarWidth = myScaleBarWidth + myFontWidth;

    //determine the origin of scale bar depending on placement selected
    int myOriginX = myMargin;
    int myOriginY = myMargin;
    switch ( mPlacementIndex )
      case 0: // Bottom Left
        myOriginX = myMargin;
        myOriginY = myCanvasHeight - myMargin;
      case 1: // Top Left
        myOriginX = myMargin;
        myOriginY = myMargin;
      case 2: // Top Right
        myOriginX = myCanvasWidth - (( int ) myTotalScaleBarWidth ) - myMargin;
        myOriginY = myMargin;
      case 3: // Bottom Right
        myOriginX = myCanvasWidth - (( int ) myTotalScaleBarWidth ) - myMargin;
        myOriginY = myCanvasHeight - myMargin;
        QgsDebugMsg( "Unable to determine where to put scale bar so defaulting to top left" );

    //Set pen to draw with
    QPen myForegroundPen( mColor, 2 );
    QPen myBackgroundPen( Qt::white, 4 );

    //Cast myScaleBarWidth to int for drawing
    int myScaleBarWidthInt = ( int ) myScaleBarWidth;

    //Create array of vertices for scale bar depending on style
    switch ( mStyleIndex )
      case 0: // Tick Down
        QPolygon myTickDownArray( 4 );
        //draw a buffer first so bar shows up on dark images
        theQPainter->setPen( myBackgroundPen );
        myTickDownArray.putPoints( 0, 4,
                                   myOriginX                    , ( myOriginY + myMajorTickSize ) ,
                                   myOriginX                    ,  myOriginY                    ,
                                   ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ),  myOriginY                    ,
                                   ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ), ( myOriginY + myMajorTickSize )
        theQPainter->drawPolyline( myTickDownArray );
        //now draw the bar itself in user selected color
        theQPainter->setPen( myForegroundPen );
        myTickDownArray.putPoints( 0, 4,
                                   myOriginX                    , ( myOriginY + myMajorTickSize ) ,
                                   myOriginX                    ,  myOriginY                    ,
                                   ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ),  myOriginY                    ,
                                   ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ), ( myOriginY + myMajorTickSize )
        theQPainter->drawPolyline( myTickDownArray );
      case 1: // tick up
        QPolygon myTickUpArray( 4 );
        //draw a buffer first so bar shows up on dark images
        theQPainter->setPen( myBackgroundPen );
        myTickUpArray.putPoints( 0, 4,
                                 myOriginX                    ,  myOriginY                    ,
                                 myOriginX                    ,  myOriginY + myMajorTickSize  ,
                                 ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ),  myOriginY + myMajorTickSize  ,
                                 ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ),  myOriginY
        theQPainter->drawPolyline( myTickUpArray );
        //now draw the bar itself in user selected color
        theQPainter->setPen( myForegroundPen );
        myTickUpArray.putPoints( 0, 4,
                                 myOriginX                    ,  myOriginY                    ,
                                 myOriginX                    ,  myOriginY + myMajorTickSize  ,
                                 ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ),  myOriginY + myMajorTickSize  ,
                                 ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ),  myOriginY
        theQPainter->drawPolyline( myTickUpArray );
      case 2: // Bar
        QPolygon myBarArray( 2 );
        //draw a buffer first so bar shows up on dark images
        theQPainter->setPen( myBackgroundPen );
        myBarArray.putPoints( 0, 2,
                              myOriginX                    , ( myOriginY + ( myMajorTickSize / 2 ) ),
                              ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ), ( myOriginY + ( myMajorTickSize / 2 ) )
        theQPainter->drawPolyline( myBarArray );
        //now draw the bar itself in user selected color
        theQPainter->setPen( myForegroundPen );
        myBarArray.putPoints( 0, 2,
                              myOriginX                    , ( myOriginY + ( myMajorTickSize / 2 ) ),
                              ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ), ( myOriginY + ( myMajorTickSize / 2 ) )
        theQPainter->drawPolyline( myBarArray );
      case 3: // box
        // Want square corners for a box
        myBackgroundPen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
        myForegroundPen.setJoinStyle( Qt::MiterJoin );
        QPolygon myBoxArray( 5 );
        //draw a buffer first so bar shows up on dark images
        theQPainter->setPen( myBackgroundPen );
        myBoxArray.putPoints( 0, 5,
                              myOriginX                    ,  myOriginY,
                              ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ),  myOriginY,
                              ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ), ( myOriginY + myMajorTickSize ),
                              myOriginX                    , ( myOriginY + myMajorTickSize ),
                              myOriginX                    ,  myOriginY
        theQPainter->drawPolyline( myBoxArray );
        //now draw the bar itself in user selected color
        theQPainter->setPen( myForegroundPen );
        theQPainter->setBrush( QBrush( mColor, Qt::SolidPattern ) );
        int midPointX = myScaleBarWidthInt / 2 + myOriginX;
        myBoxArray.putPoints( 0, 5,
                              myOriginX                    ,  myOriginY,
                              midPointX,  myOriginY,
                              midPointX, ( myOriginY + myMajorTickSize ),
                              myOriginX                    , ( myOriginY + myMajorTickSize ),
                              myOriginX                    ,  myOriginY
        theQPainter->drawPolygon( myBoxArray );

        theQPainter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
        myBoxArray.putPoints( 0, 5,
                              midPointX                    ,  myOriginY,
                              ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ),  myOriginY,
                              ( myScaleBarWidthInt + myOriginX ), ( myOriginY + myMajorTickSize ),
                              midPointX                    , ( myOriginY + myMajorTickSize ),
                              midPointX                    ,  myOriginY
        theQPainter->drawPolygon( myBoxArray );
        QgsDebugMsg( "Unknown style" );

    //Do actual drawing of scale bar

    //Do drawing of scale bar text

    QColor myBackColor = Qt::white;
    QColor myForeColor = Qt::black;

    //Draw the minimum label buffer
    theQPainter->setPen( myBackColor );
    myFontWidth = myFontMetrics.width( "0" );
    myFontHeight = myFontMetrics.height();

    for ( int i = 0 - myBufferSize; i <= myBufferSize; i++ )
      for ( int j = 0 - myBufferSize; j <= myBufferSize; j++ )
        theQPainter->drawText( int( i + ( myOriginX - ( myFontWidth / 2 ) ) ),
                               int( j + ( myOriginY - ( myFontHeight / 4 ) ) ),
                               "0" );

    //Draw minimum label
    theQPainter->setPen( myForeColor );

      int( myOriginX - ( myFontWidth / 2 ) ),
      int( myOriginY - ( myFontHeight / 4 ) ),

    //Draw maximum label
    theQPainter->setPen( myBackColor );
    myFontWidth = myFontMetrics.width( myScaleBarMaxLabel );
    myFontHeight = myFontMetrics.height();
    //first the buffer
    for ( int i = 0 - myBufferSize; i <= myBufferSize; i++ )
      for ( int j = 0 - myBufferSize; j <= myBufferSize; j++ )
        theQPainter->drawText( int( i + ( myOriginX + myScaleBarWidthInt - ( myFontWidth / 2 ) ) ),
                               int( j + ( myOriginY - ( myFontHeight / 4 ) ) ),
                               myScaleBarMaxLabel );
    //then the text itself
    theQPainter->setPen( myForeColor );
      int( myOriginX + myScaleBarWidthInt - ( myFontWidth / 2 ) ),
      int( myOriginY - ( myFontHeight / 4 ) ),

    //Draw unit label
    theQPainter->setPen( myBackColor );
    //first the buffer
    for ( int i = 0 - myBufferSize; i <= myBufferSize; i++ )
      for ( int j = 0 - myBufferSize; j <= myBufferSize; j++ )
        theQPainter->drawText( i + ( myOriginX + myScaleBarWidthInt + myTextOffsetX ),
                               j + ( myOriginY + myMajorTickSize ),
                               myScaleBarUnitLabel );
    //then the text itself
    theQPainter->setPen( myForeColor );
      ( myOriginX + myScaleBarWidthInt + myTextOffsetX ), ( myOriginY + myMajorTickSize ),
Exemplo n.º 5
void QgsQuickPrint::renderPrintScaleBar( QPainter * thepPainter,
    QgsMapRenderer * thepMapRenderer,
    int theMaximumWidth )
  //hard coding some options for now
  bool mySnappingFlag = true;
  QColor mColor = Qt::black;
  // Hard coded sizes
  int myTextOffsetX = 0;
  int myTextOffsetY = 5;
  int myXMargin = 20;
  int myYMargin = 20;
  int myPreferredSize = theMaximumWidth - ( myXMargin * 2 );
  double myActualSize = 0;
  int myBufferSize = 1; //softcode this later
  QColor myBackColor = Qt::white; //used for text
  QColor myForeColor = Qt::black; //used for text

  //Get canvas dimensions
  //int myCanvasHeight = thepMapCanvas->height();

  //Get map units per pixel. This can be negative at times (to do with
  //projections) and that just confuses the rest of the code in this
  //function, so force to a positive number.
  double myMapUnitsPerPixelDouble = qAbs( thepMapRenderer->mapUnitsPerPixel() );
  // Exit if the canvas width is 0 or layercount is 0 or QGIS will freeze
  int myLayerCount = thepMapRenderer->layerSet().count();
  if ( !myLayerCount || !myMapUnitsPerPixelDouble ) return;

  //Calculate size of scale bar for preferred number of map units
  double myScaleBarWidth = myPreferredSize;
  myActualSize = myScaleBarWidth * myMapUnitsPerPixelDouble;

  // Work out the exponent for the number - e.g, 1234 will give 3,
  // and .001234 will give -3
  double myPowerOf10 = floor( log10( myActualSize ) );

  // snap to integer < 10 times power of 10
  if ( mySnappingFlag )
    double scaler = pow( 10.0, myPowerOf10 );
    myActualSize = round( myActualSize / scaler ) * scaler;
    myScaleBarWidth = myActualSize / myMapUnitsPerPixelDouble;

  //Get type of map units and set scale bar unit label text
  QGis::UnitType myMapUnits = thepMapRenderer->mapUnits();
  QString myScaleBarUnitLabel;
  switch ( myMapUnits )
    case QGis::Meters:
      if ( myActualSize > 1000.0 )
        myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " km" );
        myActualSize = myActualSize / 1000;
      else if ( myActualSize < 0.01 )
        myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " mm" );
        myActualSize = myActualSize * 1000;
      else if ( myActualSize < 0.1 )
        myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " cm" );
        myActualSize = myActualSize * 100;
        myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " m" );
    case QGis::Feet:
      if ( myActualSize > 5280.0 ) //5280 feet to the mile
        myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " miles" );
        myActualSize = myActualSize / 5280;
      else if ( myActualSize == 5280.0 ) //5280 feet to the mile
        myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " mile" );
        myActualSize = myActualSize / 5280;
      else if ( myActualSize < 1 )
        myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " inches" );
        myActualSize = myActualSize * 12;
      else if ( myActualSize == 1.0 )
        myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " foot" );
        myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " feet" );
    case QGis::Degrees:
      if ( myActualSize == 1.0 )
        myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " degree" );
        myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " degrees" );
    case QGis::UnknownUnit:
      myScaleBarUnitLabel = tr( " unknown" );
      QgsDebugMsg( "Error: not picked up map units - actual value = "
                   + QString::number( myMapUnits ) );

  //Set font and calculate width of unit label
  int myFontSize = 10; //we use this later for buffering
  QFont myFont( "helvetica", myFontSize );
  thepPainter->setFont( myFont );
  QFontMetrics myFontMetrics( myFont );
  double myFontWidth = myFontMetrics.width( myScaleBarUnitLabel );
  double myFontHeight = myFontMetrics.height();

  //Set the maximum label
  QString myScaleBarMaxLabel = QString::number( myActualSize );

  //Calculate total width of scale bar and label
  //we divide by 2 because the max scale label
  //will be centered over the endpoint of the scale bar
  double myTotalScaleBarWidth = myScaleBarWidth + ( myFontWidth / 2 );

  //determine the origin of scale bar (bottom right)
  //for x origin set things up so the scalebar is centered
  int myOriginX = ( theMaximumWidth - myTotalScaleBarWidth ) / 2;
  int myOriginY = myYMargin;

  //Set pen to draw with
  QPen myForegroundPen( mColor, 2 );
  QPen myBackgroundPen( Qt::white, 3 );

  //Cast myScaleBarWidth to int for drawing
  int myScaleBarWidthInt = ( int ) myScaleBarWidth;

  //now draw the bar itself in user selected color
  thepPainter->setPen( myForegroundPen );
  //make a glossygradient for the background
  QGradientStops myStops;
  myStops << QGradientStop( 0.0, QColor( "#616161" ) );
  myStops << QGradientStop( 0.5, QColor( "#505050" ) );
  myStops << QGradientStop( 0.6, QColor( "#434343" ) );
  myStops << QGradientStop( 1.0, QColor( "#656565" ) );
  //draw again with the brush in the revers direction to complete teh glossiness
  QLinearGradient myReverseGlossyBrush(
    QPointF( myOriginX, myOriginY +  myFontHeight*3 ),
    QPointF( myOriginX, myOriginY ) );
  thepPainter->setBrush( myReverseGlossyBrush );
    myOriginX + myScaleBarWidthInt,
    myOriginY + myFontHeight

  //Do drawing of scale bar text

  //Draw the minimum label buffer
  thepPainter->setPen( myBackColor );
  myFontWidth = myFontMetrics.width( "0" );

  for ( int i = 0 - myBufferSize; i <= myBufferSize; i++ )
    for ( int j = 0 - myBufferSize; j <= myBufferSize; j++ )
      thepPainter->drawText( int( i + ( myOriginX - ( myFontWidth / 2 ) ) ),
                             int( j + ( myOriginY - ( myFontHeight / 4 ) ) ) - myTextOffsetY,
                             "0" );

  //Draw minimum label
  thepPainter->setPen( myForeColor );

    int( myOriginX - ( myFontWidth / 2 ) ),
    int( myOriginY - ( myFontHeight / 4 ) ) - myTextOffsetY,

  //Draw maximum label
  thepPainter->setPen( myBackColor );
  myFontWidth = myFontMetrics.width( myScaleBarMaxLabel );
  myFontHeight = myFontMetrics.height();
  //first the buffer
  for ( int i = 0 - myBufferSize; i <= myBufferSize; i++ )
    for ( int j = 0 - myBufferSize; j <= myBufferSize; j++ )
      thepPainter->drawText( int( i + ( myOriginX + myScaleBarWidthInt - ( myFontWidth / 2 ) ) ),
                             int( j + ( myOriginY - ( myFontHeight / 4 ) ) ) - myTextOffsetY,
                             myScaleBarMaxLabel );
  //then the text itself
  thepPainter->setPen( myForeColor );
    int( myOriginX + myScaleBarWidthInt - ( myFontWidth / 2 ) ),
    int( myOriginY - ( myFontHeight / 4 ) ) - myTextOffsetY,

  //Draw unit label
  thepPainter->setPen( myBackColor );
  myFontWidth = myFontMetrics.width( myScaleBarUnitLabel );
  //first the buffer
  for ( int i = 0 - myBufferSize; i <= myBufferSize; i++ )
    for ( int j = 0 - myBufferSize; j <= myBufferSize; j++ )
      thepPainter->drawText( i + ( myOriginX + myScaleBarWidthInt + myTextOffsetX ),
                             j + myOriginY + myFontHeight + ( myFontHeight*2.5 ) + myTextOffsetY,
                             myScaleBarUnitLabel );
  //then the text itself
  thepPainter->setPen( myForeColor );
    myOriginX + myScaleBarWidthInt + myTextOffsetX,
    myOriginY + myFontHeight + ( myFontHeight*2.5 ) +  myTextOffsetY,
Exemplo n.º 6
void TesseractWidget::renderText3D(Coordinate Position,const QString &Text,int Size) {
    QFont myFont("Verdana",Size);
Exemplo n.º 7
void CSkinDialog::DrawFrame(Graphics & graphics)
    CRect rcWindow;

    Rect rc, rc1;

    // Title Left
    rc = m_bActive?m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"]:m_mapRect["TitleLeft"];
    rc1.X = 0;
    rc1.Y = 0;
    rc1.Width = rc.Width;
    rc1.Height = rc.Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Title Center
    rc = m_bActive?m_mapRect["TitleCenterActive"]:m_mapRect["TitleCenter"];
    rc1.X = m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"].Width;
    rc1.Y = 0;
    rc1.Width = rcWindow.Width()-m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"].Width-m_mapRect["TitleRightActive"].Width;
    rc1.Height = rc.Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Title Right
    rc = m_bActive?m_mapRect["TitleRightActive"]:m_mapRect["TitleRight"];
    rc1.X = rc1.GetRight();
    rc1.Y = 0;
    rc1.Width = rc.Width;
    rc1.Height = rc.Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Border Left
    rc = m_bActive?m_mapRect["BorderLeftActive"]:m_mapRect["BorderLeft"];
    rc1.X = 0;
    rc1.Y = m_mapRect["TitleLeft"].Height;
    rc1.Width = rc.Width;
    rc1.Height = rcWindow.Height()-m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"].Height-m_mapRect["BorderBotActive"].Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Border Bottom
    rc = m_bActive?m_mapRect["BorderBotActive"]:m_mapRect["BorderBot"];
    rc1.X = 0;
    rc1.Y = rcWindow.Height()-rc.Height-1;
    rc1.Width = rcWindow.Width();
    rc1.Height = rc.Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Border Right
    rc = m_bActive?m_mapRect["BorderRightActive"]:m_mapRect["BorderRight"];
    rc1.X = rcWindow.Width()-rc.Width-1;
    rc1.Y = m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"].Height;
    rc1.Width = rc.Width;
    rc1.Height = rcWindow.Height()-m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"].Height-m_mapRect["BorderBotActive"].Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Close Button
    rc = m_nButtonDown==HT_CLOSE?m_mapRect["NcBtnCloseDown"]:m_mapRect["NcBtnClose"];
    rc1.X = rcWindow.Width()-m_mapRect["NcBtnClosePos"].X;
    rc1.Y = m_mapRect["NcBtnClosePos"].Y;
    rc1.Width = rc.Width;
    rc1.Height = rc.Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Max Button
        rc = IsZoomed()?(m_nButtonDown==HT_MAX?m_mapRect["NcBtnResDown"]:m_mapRect["NcBtnRes"]):(m_nButtonDown==HT_MAX?m_mapRect["NcBtnMaxDown"]:m_mapRect["NcBtnMax"]);
        rc1.X = rcWindow.Width()-m_mapRect["NcBtnMaxPos"].X;
        rc1.Y = m_mapRect["NcBtnMaxPos"].Y;
        rc1.Width = rc.Width;
        rc1.Height = rc.Height;
        graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Min Button
        rc = m_nButtonDown==HT_MIN?m_mapRect["NcBtnMinDown"]:m_mapRect["NcBtnMin"];
        rc1.X = rcWindow.Width()-m_mapRect["NcBtnMinPos"].X;
        rc1.Y = m_mapRect["NcBtnMinPos"].Y;
        rc1.Width = rc.Width;
        rc1.Height = rc.Height;
        graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    Font myFont(L"宋体", 9);
    Color col(255,0,0,0);
    SolidBrush blackBrush(col);

    StringFormat format;

    RectF layoutRect(::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON)+m_mapRect["TitleTextStart"].X, m_mapRect["TitleTextStart"].Y, rcWindow.Width(), rcWindow.Height());

    WCHAR string[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    CString str;

    MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, string, MAX_PATH) ;

    graphics.DrawString(string,	-1, &myFont, layoutRect, &format, &blackBrush);
Exemplo n.º 8
void CSkinDialog::OnNcPaint()
    // TODO: Add your message handler code here



    RECT ClientRect;
    OffsetRect(&ClientRect, 100, 100);
    ExcludeClipRect(GetWindowDC()->GetSafeHdc(), ClientRect.left, ClientRect.top,
    	ClientRect.right, ClientRect.bottom);

    CRect rcWindow;

    Bitmap bmpBuf(rcWindow.Width(), rcWindow.Height());
    Graphics graphics(&bmpBuf);
    Graphics g(GetWindowDC()->GetSafeHdc());

    Rect rc, rc1;

    // Title Left
    rc = m_bActive?m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"]:m_mapRect["TitleLeft"];
    rc1.X = 0;
    rc1.Y = 0;
    rc1.Width = rc.Width;
    rc1.Height = rc.Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Title Center
    rc = m_bActive?m_mapRect["TitleCenterActive"]:m_mapRect["TitleCenter"];
    rc1.X = m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"].Width;
    rc1.Y = 0;
    rc1.Width = rcWindow.Width()-m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"].Width-m_mapRect["TitleRightActive"].Width;
    rc1.Height = rc.Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Title Right
    rc = m_bActive?m_mapRect["TitleRightActive"]:m_mapRect["TitleRight"];
    rc1.X = rc1.GetRight();
    rc1.Y = 0;
    rc1.Width = rc.Width;
    rc1.Height = rc.Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Border Left
    rc = m_bActive?m_mapRect["BorderLeftActive"]:m_mapRect["BorderLeft"];
    rc1.X = 0;
    rc1.Y = m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"].Height;
    rc1.Width = rc.Width;
    rc1.Height = rcWindow.Height()-m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"].Height-m_mapRect["BorderBotActive"].Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Border Bottom
    rc = m_bActive?m_mapRect["BorderBotActive"]:m_mapRect["BorderBot"];
    rc1.X = 0;
    rc1.Y = rcWindow.Height()-rc.Height-1;
    rc1.Width = rcWindow.Width();
    rc1.Height = rc.Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Border Right
    rc = m_bActive?m_mapRect["BorderRightActive"]:m_mapRect["BorderRight"];
    rc1.X = rcWindow.Width()-rc.Width-1;
    rc1.Y = m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"].Height;
    rc1.Width = rc.Width;
    rc1.Height = rcWindow.Height()-m_mapRect["TitleLeftActive"].Height-m_mapRect["BorderBotActive"].Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Close Button
    rc = m_nButtonDown==HT_CLOSE?m_mapRect["NcBtnCloseDown"]:m_mapRect["NcBtnClose"];
    rc1.X = rcWindow.Width()-m_mapRect["NcBtnClosePos"].X;
    rc1.Y = m_mapRect["NcBtnClosePos"].Y;
    rc1.Width = rc.Width;
    rc1.Height = rc.Height;
    graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Max Button
        rc = IsZoomed()?(m_nButtonDown==HT_MAX?m_mapRect["NcBtnResDown"]:m_mapRect["NcBtnRes"]):(m_nButtonDown==HT_MAX?m_mapRect["NcBtnMaxDown"]:m_mapRect["NcBtnMax"]);
        rc1.X = rcWindow.Width()-m_mapRect["NcBtnMaxPos"].X;
        rc1.Y = m_mapRect["NcBtnMaxPos"].Y;
        rc1.Width = rc.Width;
        rc1.Height = rc.Height;
        graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    // Min Button
        rc = m_nButtonDown==HT_MIN?m_mapRect["NcBtnMinDown"]:m_mapRect["NcBtnMin"];
        rc1.X = rcWindow.Width()-m_mapRect["NcBtnMinPos"].X;
        rc1.Y = m_mapRect["NcBtnMinPos"].Y;
        rc1.Width = rc.Width;
        rc1.Height = rc.Height;
        graphics.DrawImage(m_pImg, rc1, rc.GetLeft(), rc.GetTop(), rc.Width, rc.Height, UnitPixel);

    Font myFont(L"宋体", 9);
    Color col(255,0,0,0);
    SolidBrush blackBrush(col);

    StringFormat format;

    RectF layoutRect(::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON)+m_mapRect["TitleTextStart"].X, m_mapRect["TitleTextStart"].Y, rcWindow.Width(), rcWindow.Height());

    WCHAR string[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    CString str;

    MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, string, MAX_PATH) ;

    graphics.DrawString(string,	-1, &myFont, layoutRect, &format, &blackBrush);

    g.DrawImage(&bmpBuf, 0, 0);

    // Do not call CXTPDialog::OnNcPaint() for painting messages
Exemplo n.º 9
void CAngleLabel::DrawAngleLabelMark(Graphics& graph)
	CPoint pt2((int)m_ptary[1].X, (int)m_ptary[1].Y);
	CPoint pt3((int)m_ptary[2].X, (int)m_ptary[2].Y);

	float fAngle3 = 0.0f;
	float fAngle1 = CalcRotateAngle(pt2, m_ptary[0]) - 90.0f;
	float fAngle2 = CalcRotateAngle(pt3, m_ptary[0]) - 90.0f;

	if(fAngle1 > - 90 && fAngle1 <= 0)
		if(fAngle2 >= 180 && fAngle2 <= 270)
			fAngle2 -= 360;
		else if(fAngle2 - fAngle1 >= 180)
			fAngle1 += 360;
	else if(fAngle1 >= 0 && fAngle1 <= 90)
		if(fAngle2 >= 180)
			if(fAngle2 - fAngle1 >= 180)
				fAngle2 -= 360;
	else if(fAngle1 >= 90 && fAngle1 <= 180)
		if(fAngle2 >= -90 && fAngle2 <= 0)
			if(fAngle1 - fAngle2 >= 180)
				fAngle2 += 360;
	else if(fAngle1 >= 180 && fAngle1 <= 270)
		if(fAngle2 >= 0 && fAngle2 <= 90)
			if(fAngle1 - fAngle2 >= 180)
				fAngle2 += 360;
		else if(fAngle2 >= -90 && fAngle2 <= 0)
			fAngle2 += 360;

	fAngle3 = (fAngle1 + fAngle2) / 2.0f;
	PointF ptDraw;
	ptDraw.Y = m_ptary[0].Y;

	if(fabs(fAngle1 - fAngle2) <= 20)
		ptDraw.X = 100 + m_ptary[0].X;
	else if(fabs(fAngle1 - fAngle2) <= 30)
		ptDraw.X = 80 + m_ptary[0].X;
		ptDraw.X = 60 + m_ptary[0].X;

	Matrix mat;
	mat.RotateAt(fAngle3, m_ptary[0]);
	mat.TransformPoints(&ptDraw, 1);

	Pen penDraw(Color::Blue, 2);
	RectF rcf(m_ptary[0].X - 30, m_ptary[0].Y - 30, 60, 60);
	graph.DrawArc(&penDraw, rcf, fAngle1, fAngle2 - fAngle1);

	Font myFont(_T("Arial"), 12);
	SolidBrush brush(Color::Red);
	StringFormat format;

	int nAngle = CalLinesAngle();
	m_strAngle.Format(_T("%dбу"), nAngle);

	graph.DrawString(m_strAngle, m_strAngle.GetLength(), &myFont, ptDraw, &format, &brush);
Exemplo n.º 10
void __fastcall TTiffBook::FlipCurPage(int n) {
//               Переворачивает текущую страницу вверх ногами                   |
// n - номер страницы, который надо нанести. <= 0 - только убрать ном стр       |
    Gdiplus::Graphics *g32;
    TTiffImage *img = GetImagePage(GetPage());
    Gdiplus::Bitmap *fbm = img->fbm;
    Gdiplus::Rect r;
    int w = fbm->GetWidth(), h = fbm->GetHeight();

    // g = new Gdiplus::Graphics(fbm);

    Gdiplus::Bitmap *b32 = new Gdiplus::Bitmap(w, h, PixelFormat32bppARGB);
    g32 = new Gdiplus::Graphics(b32);

    Gdiplus::Matrix matr;
    matr.Rotate(180.0f);                // поворачиваем его на 270 градусов

    //r.X = 0;
    //r.Y = 0;
    //r.Width = w;
    //r.Height = h;

    //r.X = -SaveBitmapH;
    //r.Y = -30;
    //r.Width = SaveBitmapH - 30;
    //r.Height = SaveBitmapW - 30;

    r.X = -w;
    r.Y = -h;
    r.Width = w;
    r.Height = h;

    sres = g32->DrawImage(fbm, r, 0, 0, w, h, Gdiplus::UnitPixel, 0, 0, 0);


    // Удаляем черные полосы сверху и снизу
    Gdiplus::Pen whitePen2(Gdiplus::Color(255, 255, 255, 255), 2);
    g32->DrawLine(&whitePen2, 0, 0, w, 0);
    g32->DrawLine(&whitePen2, 0, h-1, w, h-1);

    // Удаляем старый номер страницы - он теперь внизу
    // Gdiplus::Pen whitePen40(Gdiplus::Color(255, 0, 0, 0), 45);   // ??? Пока черный - для отладки!
    Gdiplus::Pen whitePen40(Gdiplus::Color(255, 255, 255, 255), 45);
    g32->DrawLine(&whitePen40, 0, h - 50, 200, h - 50);

    if (n > 0) {                        // Здесь выводим номер страницы
        AnsiString snum;
        wchar_t wnum[20];
        snum.printf("%d", n);
        snum.WideChar(wnum, 20);
        Gdiplus::Font myFont(L"Arial", 40, Gdiplus::FontStyleBold);
        Gdiplus::PointF origin(w - 160, 20.0f);
        Gdiplus::SolidBrush blackBrush(Gdiplus::Color(255, 0, 0, 0));
        g32->DrawLine(&whitePen40, w - 200, 50, w, 50);
        sres = g32->DrawString(wnum, -1, &myFont, origin, &blackBrush);

    //if (npage > 0) {            // Здесь выводим номер страницы
    //    AnsiString snum;
    //    wchar_t wnum[20];
    //    snum.printf("%d", npage);
    //    snum.WideChar(wnum, 20);
    //    Gdiplus::Font myFont(L"Arial", 40, Gdiplus::FontStyleBold);
    //    Gdiplus::PointF origin(SaveBitmapW - 160, 20.0f);
    //    Gdiplus::SolidBrush blackBrush(Gdiplus::Color(255, 0, 0, 0));
    //    SaveBitmap2TiffGraphics->DrawString(wnum, -1, &myFont, origin, &blackBrush);

    // ------- строим SaveBitmap2TiffBitmap1
    UINT *pix;
    unsigned char byte, bit, *pix1;

    Gdiplus::Bitmap *b1 = new Gdiplus::Bitmap(w, h, PixelFormat1bppIndexed);
    Gdiplus::Rect BitsRect(0, 0, w, h);
    Gdiplus::BitmapData *bits = new Gdiplus::BitmapData;
    Gdiplus::BitmapData *bits1 = new Gdiplus::BitmapData;
    sres = b32->LockBits(&BitsRect, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead, PixelFormat32bppARGB, bits);
    sres = b1->LockBits(&BitsRect, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite, PixelFormat1bppIndexed, bits1);

    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
        pix = (UINT *)((int)bits->Scan0 + bits->Stride * y);
        pix1 = (unsigned char *)((int)bits1->Scan0 + bits1->Stride * y);
        byte = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++, pix++) {
            if ((*pix & 0xFF) > 0xD8) {
                bit = 1;
            else bit = 0;
            byte <<= 1; byte |= bit;
            if ((x & 7) == 7) {
                *pix1++ = byte;
                byte = 0;

    b32->UnlockBits(bits); delete bits;
    b1->UnlockBits(bits1); delete bits1;

    delete g32;
    delete b32;

    TTiffPageInfo *pi = GetPageInfo(GetPage());
    if (img->Filn.Length() == 0) {                  // Это уже временный файл!
        delete img->fbm;
        img->fbm = b1;
    } else {                                        // Надо будет заменить страницу на временный файл
        img = new TTiffImage(b1);
        pi->ImageIndex = AppendImage(img);
        pi->PageIndex = 0;

    changed = true;
Exemplo n.º 11
void __fastcall TTiffImage::DrawCenter(TCanvas *c, int xc, int yc, int w1, int h1, int PageNumber) {
//                  Рисует текущую страницу с центром (xc, yc)                  |
// Масштабирует пропроционально, в итоге будет заполнено либо w, либо h         |
    if (fbm == NULL) return;

    Gdiplus::Graphics *gra, *g32;
    Gdiplus::Bitmap *b32;
    Gdiplus::Rect r;
    int w = fbm->GetWidth(), h = fbm->GetHeight();

    b32 = new Gdiplus::Bitmap(w, h, PixelFormat32bppARGB);
    g32 = new Gdiplus::Graphics(b32);

    r.X = 0;
    r.Y = 0;
    r.Width = w;
    r.Height = h;

    sres = g32->DrawImage(fbm, r, 0, 0, w, h, Gdiplus::UnitPixel, 0, 0, 0);

    if (PageNumber != 0) {                      // Надо выводить номер страницы?
        AnsiString snum;
        wchar_t wnum[20];
        Gdiplus::Pen whitePen40(Gdiplus::Color(255, 255, 255, 255), 45);
        snum.printf("%d", PageNumber);
        snum.WideChar(wnum, 20);
        Gdiplus::Font myFont(L"Arial", 40, Gdiplus::FontStyleBold);
        Gdiplus::PointF origin(w - 160, 20.0f);
        Gdiplus::SolidBrush blackBrush(Gdiplus::Color(255, 0, 0, 0));
        g32->DrawLine(&whitePen40, w - 200, 50, w, 50);
        if (PageNumber > 0) {
            sres = g32->DrawString(wnum, -1, &myFont, origin, &blackBrush);

    w = w1; h = h1;
    gra = new Gdiplus::Graphics(c->Handle);

    //if (CanvasHandle != c->Handle) {
    //    if (CanvasHandle != NULL) delete gra;
    //    CanvasHandle = c->Handle;
    //    gra = new Gdiplus::Graphics(CanvasHandle);

    double scalex = (double)w / GetWidth();
    double scaley = (double)h / GetHeight();
    double scale = scalex < scaley ? scalex : scaley;
    w = round(GetWidth() * scale);
    h = round(GetHeight() * scale);
    xc -= w / 2;
    yc -= h / 2;

    Gdiplus::Rect dst(xc, yc, w, h);

    // gra->DrawImage(fbm, dst, 0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), Gdiplus::UnitPixel, 0, 0, 0);
    gra->DrawImage(b32, dst, 0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), Gdiplus::UnitPixel, 0, 0, 0);

    delete gra;
    delete g32;
    delete b32;

Exemplo n.º 12
static void __fastcall SaveBitmap2Tiff(Gdiplus::Bitmap *bm, int npage) {
//                  Выводит очередную страницу в файл *.tif                     |
// Если npage == 0, то не выводит номер страницы                                |
// Полагает, что если это многостраничный файл, то страница уже выбрана         |
    if (SaveBitmap2TiffState == 0) return;

    // ------------------ для начала строим образ в SaveBitmap2TiffBitmap32 (SaveBitmap2TiffGraphics)
    int x, y, w, h;

    h = bm->GetHeight();
    w = bm->GetWidth();

    Gdiplus::SolidBrush whiteBrush(Gdiplus::Color(255, 255, 255, 255));
    SaveBitmap2TiffGraphics->FillRectangle(&whiteBrush, Gdiplus::Rect(0, 0, SaveBitmapW, SaveBitmapH));

    //Gdiplus::Matrix matr;
    Gdiplus::Rect r;
    //if (w > h) {                            // Если изображение шире, чем выше
    //    matr.Rotate(270.0f);                // поворачиваем его на 270 градусов
    //    SaveBitmap2TiffGraphics->SetTransform(&matr);
    //    r.X = -SaveBitmapH;
    //    r.Y = -30;
    //    r.Width = SaveBitmapH - 30;
    //    r.Height = SaveBitmapW - 30;
    //} else {
    //    r.X = 30;
    //    r.Y = 0;
    //    r.Width = SaveBitmapW - 30;
    //    r.Height = SaveBitmapH - 30;
    r.X = 0;
    r.Y = 0;
    r.Width = SaveBitmapW;
    r.Height = SaveBitmapH;

    SaveBitmap2TiffGraphics->DrawImage(bm, r, 0, 0, w, h, Gdiplus::UnitPixel, 0, 0, 0);

    // matr.Reset();
    // SaveBitmap2TiffGraphics->SetTransform(&matr);

    if (npage != 0) {            // Здесь выводим номер страницы
        AnsiString snum;
        wchar_t wnum[20];
        Gdiplus::Pen whitePen40(Gdiplus::Color(255, 255, 255, 255), 45);
        snum.printf("%d", npage);
        snum.WideChar(wnum, 20);
        Gdiplus::Font myFont(L"Arial", 40, Gdiplus::FontStyleBold);
        Gdiplus::PointF origin(SaveBitmapW - 160, 20.0f);
        Gdiplus::SolidBrush blackBrush(Gdiplus::Color(255, 0, 0, 0));
        SaveBitmap2TiffGraphics->DrawLine(&whitePen40, SaveBitmapW - 200, 50, SaveBitmapW, 50);
        if (npage > 0) {
            SaveBitmap2TiffGraphics->DrawString(wnum, -1, &myFont, origin, &blackBrush);

    // ------- строим SaveBitmap2TiffBitmap1
    UINT *pix;
    unsigned char byte, bit, *pix1;

    w = SaveBitmapW; h = SaveBitmapH;
    Gdiplus::Rect BitsRect(0, 0, SaveBitmapW, SaveBitmapH);
    Gdiplus::BitmapData *bits = new Gdiplus::BitmapData;
    Gdiplus::BitmapData *bits1 = new Gdiplus::BitmapData;
    sres = SaveBitmap2TiffBitmap32->LockBits(&BitsRect, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead, PixelFormat32bppARGB, bits);
    sres = SaveBitmap2TiffBitmap1->LockBits(&BitsRect, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite, PixelFormat1bppIndexed, bits1);

    for (y = 0; y < SaveBitmapH; y++) {
        pix = (UINT *)((int)bits->Scan0 + bits->Stride * y);
        pix1 = (unsigned char *)((int)bits1->Scan0 + bits1->Stride * y);
        byte = 0;
        for (x = 0; x < SaveBitmapW; x++, pix++) {
            if ((*pix & 0xFF) > 0xD8) {
                bit = 1;
            else bit = 0;
            byte <<= 1; byte |= bit;
            if ((x & 7) == 7) {
                *pix1++ = byte;
                byte = 0;

    SaveBitmap2TiffBitmap32->UnlockBits(bits); delete bits;
    SaveBitmap2TiffBitmap1->UnlockBits(bits1); delete bits1;

    // ------- и наконец выводим очередную страницу SaveBitmap2TiffBitmap1
    Gdiplus::EncoderParameters encoderParameters;
    ULONG parameterValue;

    // An EncoderParameters object has an array of
    // EncoderParameter objects. In this case, there is only
    // one EncoderParameter object in the array.
    encoderParameters.Count = 1;
    // Initialize the one EncoderParameter object.
    // encoderParameters.Parameter[0].Guid = Gdiplus::EncoderSaveFlag;
    encoderParameters.Parameter[0].Guid = aEncoderSaveFlag;
    encoderParameters.Parameter[0].Type = Gdiplus::EncoderParameterValueTypeLong;
    encoderParameters.Parameter[0].NumberOfValues = 1;
    encoderParameters.Parameter[0].Value = &parameterValue;

    // Get the CLSID of the TIFF encoder.
    CLSID encoderClsid;
    GetEncoderClsid(L"image/tiff", &encoderClsid);

    if (SaveBitmap2TiffState == 1) {                    // Требуется вывести первую страницу
        parameterValue = Gdiplus::EncoderValueMultiFrame;
        sres = SaveBitmap2TiffBitmap1->Save(SaveBitmap2TiffFiln, &encoderClsid, &encoderParameters);
    } else {
        parameterValue = Gdiplus::EncoderValueFrameDimensionPage;
        sres = SaveBitmap2TiffBitmap1->SaveAdd(&encoderParameters);

    SaveBitmap2TiffState = 2;