Exemplo n.º 1
void CheckMax3(Uint8 *dst, Uint8 *buff1, Uint8 *buff2, int w, int h)
    Uint8 val = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
        for(int j=0; j<w; j++)
            val = myMax(*buff1, *buff2);
            val = myMax(*dst, val);
            *dst++ = val;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: ccode10.c Projeto: 8l/rose
int main(int argc,char **argv)
	int a=5,b=5;
	int c=a+b;
	int d;
	bool even=0;
	#pragma SPIN_TARGET
		#pragma SPIN_TARGET
	for (int i=0;i<100;i++)
		#pragma SPIN_TARGET
		#pragma SPIN_TARGET
	if ((d-1)==0)
#pragma	assert(c==10);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
void cvMyOverLapping( IplImage* src1, IplImage* src2, IplImage* src3, IplImage* src4, IplImage* Index, IplImage* dst )
	uchar* idx = ( uchar* )Index->imageData;
	int widthStep1 = Index->widthStep;
	int widthStep = src1->widthStep/4;
	int baseIndex1 = -1*widthStep1;
	int baseIndex = -1*widthStep;
	int width = Index->width;
	int height = Index->height;
	float* src1Data = ( float* )src1->imageData;
	float* src2Data = ( float* )src2->imageData;
	float* src3Data = ( float* )src3->imageData;
	float* src4Data = ( float* )src4->imageData;
	float* dstData  =  ( float* )dst->imageData;
	double val1, val2, val3;
	int i, j;
	int k =0;
	uchar a = (uchar) 255;
	for( i =0; i<height; i++)
		baseIndex1 +=widthStep1;
		baseIndex +=widthStep;
		for( j = 0 ; j<width; j++ )
		{	k++;
			if(idx[ baseIndex1+j ] == a )
				val1 = src1Data[ baseIndex+j ] * src1Data[ baseIndex+j ];
				val2 = src2Data[ baseIndex+j ] * src2Data[ baseIndex+j ];
				val1 = myMax( val1, val2 );	
				val3 = src3Data[ baseIndex+j ] * src3Data[ baseIndex+j ];
				val2 = src4Data[ baseIndex+j ] * src4Data[ baseIndex+j ];
				val2 = myMax( val3, val2 );	
				val3 = sqrt(val1+val2) -1;
				dstData[ baseIndex+j ] =val3;
	//printf("%d", k);
int isBalancedNew(struct TreeNode *root)
	if(root == NULL)	return 0;

	int left = isBalancedNew(root->left);
	int right = isBalancedNew(root->right);

	if(left < 0 || right < 0 || abs(left-right) > 1)	return -1;

	return myMax(left,right)+1;
Exemplo n.º 5
void CheckMaxAll(Uint8 *dst, Uint8 *buff, int w, int h)
    Uint8 val = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<h; i++)
        for(int j=0; j<w; j++)
            val = myMax(*dst, *buff);
            *dst++ = val;
Exemplo n.º 6
BlockAnalyzer::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e )

   Analyzer::Base2D::resizeEvent( e );

   const uint oldRows = m_rows;

   //all is explained in analyze()..
   //+1 to counter -1 in maxSizes, trust me we need this!
   m_columns = myMax( uint(double(width()+1) / (WIDTH+1)), MAX_COLUMNS );
   m_rows    = uint(double(height()+1) / (HEIGHT+1));

   //this is the y-offset for drawing from the top of the widget
   m_y = (height() - (m_rows * (HEIGHT+1)) + 2) / 2;

   m_scope.resize( m_columns );

   if( m_rows != oldRows ) {
      m_barPixmap = QPixmap( WIDTH, m_rows*(HEIGHT+1) );

      for ( uint i = 0; i < FADE_SIZE; ++i )
         m_fade_bars[i] = QPixmap( WIDTH, m_rows*(HEIGHT+1) );

      m_yscale.resize( m_rows + 1 );

      const float PRE = 1, PRO = 1; //PRE and PRO allow us to restrict the range somewhat

      for( uint z = 0; z < m_rows; ++z )
         m_yscale[z] = 1 - (log10( PRE+z ) / log10( PRE+m_rows+PRO ));

      m_yscale[m_rows] = 0;

      paletteChange( palette() );
   else if( width() > e->oldSize().width() || height() > e->oldSize().height() )

   analyze( m_scope );
Exemplo n.º 7
 //  [bm, env, instp, instf] = gammatone_c(x, P_in, fs, cf, align, hrect) 
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[])
	double *x=0, *cf, *bm, *env = 0, *instp = 0, *instf = 0 ,*P_in=0, *P_out=0;
	int i, j, t, fs, nsamples, hrect, ch, Channels, align=0, intshift=0;
	double  xx=0,a, tpt, tptbw, gain, envelopecomptime=0, phasealign=0;
	double p0r, p1r, p2r, p3r, p4r, p0i, p1i, p2i, p3i, p4i;
	double a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, u0r, u0i; /*, u1r, u1i;*/
	double qcos, qsin, oldcs, coscf, sincf, oldphase, dp, dps;

	 * Check argument numbers
	if (nrhs < 4) {
		mexPrintf("??? Not enough input arguments.\n");
	if (nrhs > 6) {
		mexPrintf("??? Too many input arguments.\n");
	 * input arguments
	if (nrhs < 6) {
		hrect = 0;
	else {
		hrect = (int)mxGetScalar(IN_hrect);
	if (nrhs < 5) {
		align = 0; //default is align=off or zero
	else {
		align = (int)mxGetScalar(IN_align);

	Channels = mxGetN(IN_cf);//number of channels
	x = mxGetPr(IN_x);   /* waveform */
	i = mxGetN(IN_x);
	j = mxGetM(IN_x);
	if (i > 1 && j > 1) {
		mexPrintf("??? Input x must be a vector.\n");
	nsamples = myMax(i, j);
	fs = (int)mxGetScalar(IN_fs);   /* sampling rate */
	cf = mxGetPr(IN_cf);   /* centre frequency */
	P_in= mxGetPr ( IN_P ); 
	* output arguments
	OUT_bm = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( nsamples,Channels ,mxREAL);
	bm = mxGetPr(OUT_bm);
	if (nlhs > 1) {
		OUT_env = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
		env = mxGetPr(OUT_env);
	if ( nlhs > 2 ) {
      OUT_P = mxCreateDoubleMatrix ( 8, Channels, mxREAL );
      P_out = mxGetPr ( OUT_P );
	if (nlhs > 3) {
		OUT_instp = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
		instp = mxGetPr(OUT_instp);
	if (nlhs > 4) {
		OUT_instf = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
		instf = mxGetPr(OUT_instf);

	for (ch = 0; ch < Channels; ch++)
		 * Initialising variables

		oldphase = 0.0;
		tpt = (M_PI + M_PI) / fs;
		tptbw = tpt * erb(cf[ch]) * BW_CORRECTION;
		a = exp(-tptbw);
		if (align)
			envelopecomptime = 3/(BW_CORRECTION*2*M_PI*erb(cf[ch]));
			envelopecomptime = 0;
// 		phasealign=-2*M_PI*cf[ch]*envelopecomptime;
// 		//phasealign=mod(phasealign,2*M_PI);
// 		phasealign=fmod(phasealign,2*M_PI);
//         //phasealign=myMod(phasealign,2*M_PI);
// 		phasealign=phasealign/(2*M_PI*cf[ch]);
		/* based on integral of impulse response */
		gain = (tptbw*tptbw*tptbw*tptbw) / 3;

		/* Update filter coefficients */
		a1 = 4.0*a; a2 = -6.0*a*a; a3 = 4.0*a*a*a; a4 = -a*a*a*a; a5 = a*a;
		p0r = 0.0;
 		p1r = P_in[0+ch*8]; p2r =P_in[1+ch*8]; p3r = P_in[2+ch*8]; p4r = P_in[3+ch*8];
 	    p0i = 0.0;
 	    p1i = P_in[4+ch*8]; p2i = P_in[5+ch*8]; p3i = P_in[6+ch*8]; p4i = P_in[7+ch*8];

		 * exp(a+i*b) = exp(a)*(cos(b)+i*sin(b))
		 * q = exp(-i*tpt*cf*t) = cos(tpt*cf*t) + i*(-sin(tpt*cf*t))
		 * qcos = cos(tpt*cf*t)
		 * qsin = -sin(tpt*cf*t)
		coscf = cos(tpt * cf[ch]);
		sincf = sin(tpt * cf[ch]);
		qcos = 1; qsin = 0;   /* t=0 & q = exp(-i*tpt*t*cf)*/
		for (t = 0; t < (nsamples); t++)
			if (t>(nsamples-1))

x = [x zeros(1,intshift)];

q=exp(1i.*(-wcf.*kT)).*x; % shift down to d.c.
p=filter([1 0],[1 -4*a 6*a^2 -4*a^3 a^4],q); % filter: part 1
u=filter([1 4*a 4*a^2 0],[1 0],p); % filter: part 2
bm=gain*real(exp(1i*wcf*(kT(intshift+1:end)+phasealign)).*u(intshift+1:end)); % shift up in frequency
env = gain*abs(u(intshift+1:end));
instf=real(cf+[diff(unwrap(angle(u(intshift+1:end)))) 0]./tpt);

			/* Filter part 1 & shift down to d.c. */
			p0r = qcos*xx + a1*p1r + a2*p2r + a3*p3r + a4*p4r;
			p0i = qsin*xx + a1*p1i + a2*p2i + a3*p3i + a4*p4i;

			/* Clip coefficients to stop them from becoming too close to zero */
			if (fabs(p0r) < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER)
				p0r = 0.0F;
			if (fabs(p0i) < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER)
				p0i = 0.0F;

			/* Filter part 2 */
			u0r = p0r + a1*p1r + a5*p2r;
			u0i = p0i + a1*p1i + a5*p2i;

			/* Update filter results */
			p4r = p3r; p3r = p2r; p2r = p1r; p1r = p0r;
			p4i = p3i; p3i = p2i; p2i = p1i; p1i = p0i;

			 * Basilar membrane response
			 * 1/ shift up in frequency first: (u0r+i*u0i) * exp(i*tpt*cf*t) = (u0r+i*u0i) * (qcos + i*(-qsin))
			 * 2/ take the real part only: bm = real(exp(j*wcf*kT).*u) * gain;
			 bm = real(exp(j*wcf*kT+j*wcf*phasealign).*u) * gain; =(u0r+i*u0i) * (qcos + i*(-qsin))*(cos(phasealign)+i*sin(phasealign))
			 =(u0r+i*u0i) *(qcos*C+qsin*S +i(qcos*S-qsin*C))-->Real()=u0r * (qcos * C + qsin* S)+ u0i*(qsin*C-qcos*S)
			if (t>(intshift-1))
			//bm[t + ch*(nsamples)-ch*(intshift)] = (u0r * qcos + u0i * qsin) * gain
			bm[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] =(u0r * (qcos * cos(2*M_PI*cf[ch]*phasealign) + qsin* sin(2*M_PI*cf[ch]*phasealign))+ u0i*(qsin*cos(2*M_PI*cf[ch]*phasealign)-qcos*sin(2*M_PI*cf[ch]*phasealign)) )* gain;

			if (1 == hrect && bm[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] < 0) {
				bm[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] = 0;  /* half-wave rectifying */

			 if ( nlhs > 1 ) {

			 * Instantaneous Hilbert envelope
			 * env = abs(u) * gain;
			if (nlhs > 2) {
				env[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] = sqrt(u0r * u0r + u0i * u0i) * gain;
			 * Instantaneous phase
			 * instp = unwrap(angle(u));
			if (nlhs > 3) {
				instp[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] = atan2(u0i, u0r);
				/* unwrap it */
				dp = instp[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] - oldphase;
				if (abs(dp) > M_PI) {
					dps = myMod(dp + M_PI, 2 * M_PI) - M_PI;
					if (dps == -M_PI && dp > 0) {
						dps = M_PI;
					instp[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] = instp[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] + dps - dp;
				oldphase = instp[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)];
			 * Instantaneous frequency
			 * instf = cf + [diff(instp) 0]./tpt;
			if (nlhs > 4 && t > (intshift)) {
				instf[t - 1 + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] = cf[ch] + (instp[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] - instp[t - 1 + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)]) / tpt;
// 			/*====================================================
// 			 * The basic idea of saving computational load:
// 			 * cos(a+b) = cos(a)*cos(b) - sin(a)*sin(b)
// 			 * sin(a+b) = sin(a)*cos(b) + cos(a)*sin(b)
// 			 * qcos = cos(tpt*cf*t) = cos(tpt*cf + tpt*cf*(t-1))
// 			 * qsin = -sin(tpt*cf*t) = -sin(tpt*cf + tpt*cf*(t-1))
// 			 *====================================================
// 			 */
			 } //t>(intshift-1)
			qcos = coscf * (oldcs = qcos) + sincf * qsin;
			qsin = coscf * qsin - sincf * oldcs;
		}//samples for loop

		if (nlhs > 4) {
			//instf[(ch+1)*nsamples - 1] = cf[ch];
            instf[nsamples - 1] = cf[ch];

}//Channels for loop
} //mexFunction
Exemplo n.º 8
// parse texture model and align the vertices
void TextureModel()
	GLMgroup* group = OBJ->groups;
	float maxx, maxy, maxz;
	float minx, miny, minz;
	float dx, dy, dz;

	maxx = minx = OBJ->vertices[3];
	maxy = miny = OBJ->vertices[4];
	maxz = minz = OBJ->vertices[5];
	for(unsigned int i=2; i<=OBJ->numvertices; i++){
		GLfloat vx, vy, vz;
		vx = OBJ->vertices[i*3+0];
		vy = OBJ->vertices[i*3+1];
		vz = OBJ->vertices[i*3+2];
		if(vx > maxx) maxx = vx;  if(vx < minx) minx = vx; 
		if(vy > maxy) maxy = vy;  if(vy < miny) miny = vy; 
		if(vz > maxz) maxz = vz;  if(vz < minz) minz = vz; 
	//printf("max\n%f %f, %f %f, %f %f\n", maxx, minx, maxy, miny, maxz, minz);
	dx = maxx - minx;
	dy = maxy - miny;
	dz = maxz - minz;
	//printf("dx,dy,dz = %f %f %f\n", dx, dy, dz);
	GLfloat normalizationScale = myMax(myMax(dx, dy), dz)/2;
	OBJ->position[0] = (maxx + minx) / 2;
	OBJ->position[1] = (maxy + miny) / 2;
	OBJ->position[2] = (maxz + minz) / 2;

	int gCount = 0;
		for(unsigned int i=0; i<group->numtriangles; i++){
			// triangle index
			int triangleID = group->triangles[i];

			// the index of each vertex
			int indv1 = OBJ->triangles[triangleID].vindices[0];
			int indv2 = OBJ->triangles[triangleID].vindices[1];
			int indv3 = OBJ->triangles[triangleID].vindices[2];

			// vertices
			GLfloat vx, vy, vz;
			vx = OBJ->vertices[indv1*3];
			vy = OBJ->vertices[indv1*3+1];
			vz = OBJ->vertices[indv1*3+2];
			//printf("%f %f %f\n", vx, vy, vz);
			vertices[gCount][i*9+0] = vx;
			vertices[gCount][i*9+1] = vy;
			vertices[gCount][i*9+2] = vz;
			vx = OBJ->vertices[indv2*3];
			vy = OBJ->vertices[indv2*3+1];
			vz = OBJ->vertices[indv2*3+2];
			//printf("%f %f %f\n", vx, vy, vz);
			vertices[gCount][i*9+3] = vx;
			vertices[gCount][i*9+4] = vy;
			vertices[gCount][i*9+5] = vz;
			vx = OBJ->vertices[indv3*3];
			vy = OBJ->vertices[indv3*3+1];
			vz = OBJ->vertices[indv3*3+2];
			//printf("%f %f %f\n", vx, vy, vz);
			vertices[gCount][i*9+6] = vx;
			vertices[gCount][i*9+7] = vy;
			vertices[gCount][i*9+8] = vz;
			int indt1 = OBJ->triangles[triangleID].tindices[0]; 
			int indt2 = OBJ->triangles[triangleID].tindices[1]; 
			int indt3 = OBJ->triangles[triangleID].tindices[2];
			// TODO: texture coordinates should be aligned by yourself
			GLfloat tx, ty;
			tx = OBJ->texcoords[indt1*2];
			ty = OBJ->texcoords[indt1*2+1];
			vtextures[gCount][i*6+0] = tx;
			vtextures[gCount][i*6+1] = ty;

			tx = OBJ->texcoords[indt2*2];
			ty = OBJ->texcoords[indt2*2+1];
			vtextures[gCount][i*6+2] = tx;
			vtextures[gCount][i*6+3] = ty;

			tx = OBJ->texcoords[indt3*2];
			ty = OBJ->texcoords[indt3*2+1];
			vtextures[gCount][i*6+4] = tx;
			vtextures[gCount][i*6+5] = ty;
		group = group->next;

	// custom normalization matrix for each loaded model
	normalization_matrix = normalization_matrix * myTranslateMatrix(-OBJ->position[0], -OBJ->position[1], -OBJ->position[2]);
	normalization_matrix = normalization_matrix * myScaleMatrix(1/normalizationScale, 1/normalizationScale, 1/normalizationScale);
Exemplo n.º 9
void sendFile(int sockfd, char* fileName, struct sockaddr* cliAddr, socklen_t cliAddrLen, int cliWindow, int servWindow)
	struct sockaddr_in *destAddr;

	//bzero(&destAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
	destAddr= (struct sockaddr_in *)cliAddr;
	printf("New Client address %s:%u\n",inet_ntoa(destAddr->sin_addr), ntohs(destAddr->sin_port));

	printf("Sockfd = %d\n", sockfd);

	fd_set rset;
	int maxfdp1;

	fd_set rset_probe;
	int maxfdp1_probe;

	//Signals Initialization

	sigset_t mySignalSet;	

	if(sigemptyset(&mySignalSet) < 0)
		perror("Sigemptyset error:");

	if(sigaddset(&mySignalSet, SIGALRM), 0)
		perror("Sigaddset error");

	signal(SIGALRM, sig_alarm);

	//End signal initialization

	//Congestion Control
	struct congestion myCongestion;
	myCongestion.ssthresh = myMin(cliWindow, servWindow);
	myCongestion.maxWindowSize = myMin(cliWindow, servWindow);
	myCongestion.cliWindowSize = cliWindow;
	myCongestion.currWindowSize = 1;
	myCongestion.state = MultiplicativeIncrease;
	int congestionFlag = MultiplicativeIncrease;
	int firstPacket = 1;

	//End Congestion control


	struct itimerval value, ovalue, pvalue, zeroValue;
	int which = ITIMER_REAL;
	int tempTime, tempSec, tempMSec;

	struct iovec iovsend[2], iovrecv[2];
	struct iovec *iovsendDup;
	struct myList* packet = NULL;	

	if (rttinit == 0) {
		my_rtt_init(&rttinfo);		/* first time we're called */
		rttinit = 1;
		rtt_d_flag = 1;

	mybool flag = 1;
	mybool probe = 2;
	//int fin;
	FILE *fin;
	fin = fopen(fileName,"r");
	if(fin == NULL) {
		perror("Error opening a file:");
	//printf("Sizeof myheader = %d\n", sizeof(struct header));
	//printf("Sizeof file buffer = %d\n", FILEBUFSIZE);
	int currentTime=0;

	int countDup=0;			//For counting the duplicates Acks
	int sequenceNumber=0;		//The sequence number used while sending
	int tempClientWindow = cliWindow;
	int tempCounter=0;
	//int sequenceACK=1;		//Gives me the sequence number of the packet recently ACKed
	int firstSequence = 1;
	int firstSequenceSent=0;	//Gives me the sequence number of first packet sent
	int lastSequenceSent=0;		//Gives me the sequence number of 
	//int lastACKRecv =0;
	int receivedACK=0;		//Gives me the sequence number of the packet recently AC
	int expectedACK =0;
	int isLast = 0;

	int recvCliWindow=0;

	int sendAgain = 0;

	int readBytes =0;
	char buf[FILEBUFSIZE];
	memset(buf, 0, FILEBUFSIZE);
	char recvBuf[RECVBUFSIZE];
	memset(recvBuf, 0, RECVBUFSIZE);

	//printf("Hi I'm here \n");
	int packetSend =0;
	//int tempWindow = cliWindow;	
	int tempWindow = 1;

	int retransmitCounter = 0;
	struct timeval time_count;
	recvCliWindow = cliWindow;

	tempCounter =0;
	//tempCounter =0;
	//tempWindow = cliWindow;

	printf("Recieved Window = %d\n", recvCliWindow);

	if(sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mySignalSet, NULL) < 0)
		perror("sigprocmask block error:");

	// Persistant timer code for probe packet
	retransmitCounter = 0;
	if(recvCliWindow == 0)
		printf("---------Sending Probe Packet-------------\n");
		if(retransmitCounter > 12)
			printf("Client window size = 0 after trying for 12 times\n");
			printf("Now will terminate the server\n");
		time_count.tv_sec = 3;
		time_count.tv_usec = 0;
		memset((void *)&sendhdr, 0, sizeof(struct header));
		memset(buf, 0, FILEBUFSIZE);
		sendhdr.seq = 0;
		sendhdr.isLast = probe;
		iovsend[0].iov_base = (void*)&sendhdr;
		iovsend[0].iov_len = sizeof(struct header);
		iovsend[1].iov_base = (void*)&buf;
		iovsend[1].iov_len = sizeof(buf);

		if(writev(sockfd, iovsend, 2) < 0)
			perror("Writev failed:");

		FD_SET(sockfd, &rset_probe);

		if(select(maxfdp1_probe, &rset_probe, NULL, NULL, &time_count) < 0)
			if(errno == EINTR)
				goto check_window;
				perror("Select Error :");
		if(FD_ISSET(sockfd, &rset_probe))
			//printf("Hi I'm here");
			memset((void *)&recvhdr, 0, sizeof(struct header));
			memset(recvBuf, 0, RECVBUFSIZE);
			iovrecv[0].iov_base = (void*)&recvhdr;
			iovrecv[0].iov_len = sizeof(recvhdr);
			iovrecv[1].iov_base = recvBuf;
			iovrecv[1].iov_len = sizeof(recvBuf);
			if(readv(sockfd, iovrecv, 2) < 0)
				perror("Error while reading the ACK:");
			if(recvhdr.isLast == 3)
				recvCliWindow = recvhdr.availWindow;
				printf("Received Reply for Probe Packet : Window Size = %d\n", recvCliWindow);
			goto check_window;

		if(recvCliWindow <= 0)
			goto probe_check;


	//Persistant timer code end

	printf("Will Send packets :\n");

	if(firstPacket != 1)
		printf("Update congestion values\n");
		myCongestion.maxWindowSize = recvCliWindow;
		congestionValues(&myCongestion, myCongestion.state);
		tempWindow = myCongestion.currWindowSize;
	printf("Current Window Size = %d, ssthreshold = %d, state = %d\n", myCongestion.currWindowSize, myCongestion.ssthresh, myCongestion.state);
	firstPacket = 0;
	//currWindowSize stores the info about the packets which is to be sent
	//printf("Hi before already packets\n");
	if((getLength(head) >= myCongestion.currWindowSize) &&  recvCliWindow > 0)
		tempWindow = myCongestion.currWindowSize;
		printf("_____Packets already in Server Window_______\n");

		packet = head;

		while(tempWindow > 0)
			printf("Sending packet with sequence number = %d\n", ((struct header *)packet->iv[0].iov_base)->seq);
			iovsendDup = packet->iv;
			if(writev(sockfd, iovsendDup, 2) < 0)
				perror("Writev failed:");
			lastSequenceSent = ((struct header *)packet->iv[0].iov_base)->seq;
			packet = packet->next;
		//goto wait_timer;

	//printf("Hi after already packets\n");
	if(getLength(head) > 0 && (getLength(head) < myCongestion.currWindowSize) &&  recvCliWindow > 0)
		tempWindow = myCongestion.currWindowSize;
		packet = head;
		while(tempWindow > 0 && packet != NULL)
			printf("Sending packet with sequence number = %d\n", ((struct header *)packet->iv[0].iov_base)->seq);
			iovsendDup = packet->iv;
			if(writev(sockfd, iovsendDup, 2) < 0)
				perror("Writev failed:");
			lastSequenceSent = ((struct header *)packet->iv[0].iov_base)->seq;
			packet = packet->next;

	//printf("Hi before adding to linked list\n");
	printf("TempWindow = %d\n", tempWindow);
	//while(tempCounter < packetSend && tempCounter < 6)
	while(tempWindow > 0 && recvCliWindow > 0)
		memset((void *)&sendhdr, 0, sizeof(struct header));
		memset(buf, 0, FILEBUFSIZE);
		if((readBytes = fread(buf, FILEBUFSIZE, sizeof(char), fin)) < 0)
			perror("fread Error:");
#ifdef DEBUG1
		printf("Read buffer : %s\n", buf);
		sendhdr.seq = ++sequenceNumber;
			printf("Last packet \n");
			sendhdr.isLast = flag;
			isLast = 1;
			//sendhdr.isLast = 0;
		printf("\nSequence number : %d\n", sendhdr.seq);
		iovsend[0].iov_base = (void*)&sendhdr;
		iovsend[0].iov_len = sizeof(struct header);
		iovsend[1].iov_base = (void*)&buf;
		iovsend[1].iov_len = sizeof(buf);
		head = addToList(head, iovsend);
#ifdef DEBUG1
		printf("Sequence check = %d\n", ((struct header *)head->iv[0].iov_base)->seq);
		printf("Data check = %s\n", (char*)head->iv[1].iov_base);
		sendhdr.ts = my_rtt_ts(&rttinfo);		

		if(writev(sockfd, iovsend, 2) < 0)
			perror("Writev failed:");

		//sendhdr.ts = my_rtt_ts(&rttinfo);
		printf("Sending packet with sequence number = %d\n", sendhdr.seq);
		lastSequenceSent = sendhdr.seq;
		if(sendhdr.isLast == myTRUE)


	printf("Window contains %d to %d sequence Numbers\n", ((struct header *)head->iv[0].iov_base)->seq , lastSequenceSent);
	sendAgain = 0;
	if(sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &mySignalSet, NULL) < 0)
		perror("sigprocmask unblock error:");


	expectedACK = ((struct header *)head->iv[0].iov_base)->seq;

	if(sendAgain == 1)
		if((packet = getNode(head, expectedACK)) != NULL)
			printf("Retransmission for packet with sequence number = %d after timeout\n", expectedACK);
			iovsendDup = packet->iv;
			if(writev(sockfd, iovsendDup, 2) < 0)
				perror("Writev failed:");
		//setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &zeroValue,0);

	// Timeout for next ACK
	// if(Current Time - Previous time) < RTO, goto select and wait for the remaining time

	countDup =0;

	//currentTime = my_rtt_ts(&rttinfo);
	//tempTime = (int32_t)(rttinfo.rtt_rto - (currentTime - ((struct header *)head->iv[0].iov_base)->ts));

	tempTime = my_rtt_start(&rttinfo);
	//tempTime = ((struct header *)head->iv[0].iov_base)->ts;
        if (tempTime >= 1000) {
                tempSec = tempTime / 1000;
        tempMSec = (tempTime % 1000)*1000;

    	value.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
    	value.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
    	value.it_value.tv_sec = tempSec;
        value.it_value.tv_usec = tempMSec;

	zeroValue.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
    	zeroValue.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
    	zeroValue.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
        zeroValue.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
    	printf("\nTIMER Value: %d %d\n", (int)value.it_value.tv_sec,(int)value.it_value.tv_usec);

	setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &zeroValue,0);
    	setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &value,0);

	if (sigsetjmp(jmpbuf, 1) != 0) 
		if (my_rtt_timeout(&rttinfo) < 0) {
			printf("Network conditions pretty bad.\n");
			rttinit = 0;	/* reinit in case we're called again */
			errno = ETIMEDOUT;
#ifdef	DEBUG
		err_msg("Timeout, retransmitting\n");
		sendAgain =1;

		myCongestion.ssthresh = myMax(myCongestion.ssthresh/2, 2);
		myCongestion.currWindowSize = 1;
		myCongestion.state = MultiplicativeIncrease;
		//congestionValues(&myCongestion, MultiplicativeIncrease);
		printf("Current Window Size = %d, ssthreshold = %d, state = %d\n", myCongestion.currWindowSize, myCongestion.ssthresh, myCongestion.state);
		//goto start_sending;		

		goto wait_timer;


	FD_SET(sockfd, &rset);

	if(select(maxfdp1, &rset, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0)
		if(errno == EINTR)
			goto wait_ACK;
			perror("Select Error :");
	if(FD_ISSET(sockfd, &rset))
		memset((void *)&recvhdr, 0, sizeof(struct header));
		iovrecv[0].iov_base = (void*)&recvhdr;
		iovrecv[0].iov_len = sizeof(recvhdr);
		iovrecv[1].iov_base = recvBuf;
		iovrecv[1].iov_len = sizeof(recvBuf);
		if(readv(sockfd, iovrecv, 2) < 0)
			perror("Error while reading the ACK:");
		//expectedACK = ((struct header *)head->iv[0].iov_base)->seq;
		//printf("Expected ACK = %d\n", expectedACK);
		printf("Window Size Available  = %d\n", recvhdr.availWindow);
		if(recvhdr.isACK ==1)
			printf("Window Size Available  = %d\n", recvhdr.availWindow);
			recvCliWindow = recvhdr.availWindow;

			receivedACK = recvhdr.seq;
			printf("Received ACK for packet : %d\n", recvhdr.seq);
			packet = getNode(head, recvhdr.seq);
	                if(packet != NULL)
				if(recvhdr.ts == ((struct header*)(packet->iv[0].iov_base))->ts)
					my_rtt_stop(&rttinfo, my_rtt_ts(&rttinfo) - ((struct header*)(head->iv[0].iov_base))->ts);
					//my_rtt_stop(&rttinfo, my_rtt_ts(&rttinfo) - recvhdr.ts);
					printf("RTO updated to: %d millisec\n", rttinfo.rtt_rto);
			printf("ReceivedACK =%d ExpectedACK = %d last sequence = %d\n",receivedACK, expectedACK, lastSequenceSent);
			if(receivedACK == expectedACK)
			//printf("Length of the linked list = %d\n",getLength(head));
			//head = deleteFromList(head, receivedACK);
			head = deleteNodes(head, receivedACK);
			//printf("Length of the linked list = %d\n",getLength(head));

			if(isLast == 1)
				if(receivedACK == lastSequenceSent)
					printf("File transfer completed successfully \n");
					goto close_file;

			if(receivedACK == lastSequenceSent)
				printf("Received the required sequence number before timeout\n");
				setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &zeroValue,0);
				goto start_sending;			
			if(receivedACK < expectedACK)
				if((packet = getNode(head, receivedACK)) == NULL)
				if(countDup == 2)
					if((packet = getNode(head, receivedACK+1)) != NULL)					
						//Fast Retransmit the packet with sequence number (receivedACK+1)
						printf("Fast retransmission for packet with sequence number = %d\n", receivedACK+1);
						iovsendDup = packet->iv;
						if(writev(sockfd, iovsendDup, 2) < 0)
							perror("Writev failed:");
						setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &zeroValue,0);
						printf("Fast recovery Happened here\n");
						myCongestion.ssthresh = myMax(myCongestion.ssthresh/2, 2);
						myCongestion.currWindowSize = myCongestion.ssthresh;
						myCongestion.state = AdditiveIncrease;
						//congestionValues(&myCongestion, AdditiveIncrease);
						printf("Current Window Size = %d, ssthreshold = %d, state = %d\n", myCongestion.currWindowSize, myCongestion.ssthresh, myCongestion.state);

						goto wait_timer;
			if(receivedACK > expectedACK)
				expectedACK = receivedACK+1;
		/*printf("Timeout occured\n");
		int willRetry =0;
		if(lastACKRecv == 0)
			//Have to retransmit packet 1
			willRetry = my_rtt_timeout(&rttinfo);
			if(willRetry < 0)
				printf("Network conditions pretty bad.\n");
				rttinit = 0;					
				errno = ETIMEDOUT;
			packet = getNode(head, firstSequence);
			if(packet != NULL)
				((struct header*)(packet->iv[0].iov_base))->ts = my_rtt_ts(&rttinfo);
				printf("Retransmission of packet with seqNo = : %d\n", firstSequence);
				//writev(sockfd, packet->iv, 2);
		goto wait_ACK;
goto wait_ACK;



Exemplo n.º 10
void groupRectangles(std::vector<MyRect>& rectList, int groupThreshold, float eps)
  if( groupThreshold <= 0 || rectList.empty() )

  std::vector<int> labels;

  int nclasses = partition(rectList, labels, eps);

  std::vector<MyRect> rrects(nclasses);
  std::vector<int> rweights(nclasses);

  int i, j, nlabels = (int)labels.size();

  for( i = 0; i < nlabels; i++ )
      int cls = labels[i];
      rrects[cls].x += rectList[i].x;
      rrects[cls].y += rectList[i].y;
      rrects[cls].width += rectList[i].width;
      rrects[cls].height += rectList[i].height;
  for( i = 0; i < nclasses; i++ )
      MyRect r = rrects[i];
      float s = 1.f/rweights[i];
      rrects[i].x = myRound(r.x*s);
      rrects[i].y = myRound(r.y*s);
      rrects[i].width = myRound(r.width*s);
      rrects[i].height = myRound(r.height*s);



  for( i = 0; i < nclasses; i++ )
      MyRect r1 = rrects[i];
      int n1 = rweights[i];
      if( n1 <= groupThreshold )
      /* filter out small face rectangles inside large rectangles */
      for( j = 0; j < nclasses; j++ )
	  int n2 = rweights[j];
	   * if it is the same rectangle, 
	   * or the number of rectangles in class j is < group threshold, 
	   * do nothing 
	  if( j == i || n2 <= groupThreshold )
	  MyRect r2 = rrects[j];

	  int dx = myRound( r2.width * eps );
	  int dy = myRound( r2.height * eps );

	  if( i != j &&
	      r1.x >= r2.x - dx &&
	      r1.y >= r2.y - dy &&
	      r1.x + r1.width <= r2.x + r2.width + dx &&
	      r1.y + r1.height <= r2.y + r2.height + dy &&
	      (n2 > myMax(3, n1) || n1 < 3) )

      if( j == nclasses )
	  rectList.push_back(r1); // insert back r1

void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
	double *u1 = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
	double *u2 = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);

	float tol = (float)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
	float lambda = (float)mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);

	int maxIterations = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);

	const size_t *sizeImage = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);

	double *inputV = 0;
	double *inputY = 0;

	int typeNorm = 1;
	if (nrhs > 5)
		typeNorm = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[5]);

	if (nrhs > 6)
		inputV = mxGetPr(prhs[6]);

	if (nrhs > 7)
		inputY = mxGetPr(prhs[7]);

	int nPx = (int)(sizeImage[0] * sizeImage[1]);

	const size_t sizeY[2] = {5*nPx,1};

	// Output v1
	plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, sizeImage, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	double *Outv1 = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

	// Output v2
	plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, sizeImage, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	double *Outv2 = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);

	// Output  Y
	plhs[2] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, sizeY, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
	double *YOut = mxGetPr(plhs[2]);

	float* v1 = new float[nPx];
	float* v2 = new float[nPx];

	float* u = new float[nPx];
	float* ut = new float[nPx];
	float* sigut = new float[nPx];

	float* y11 = new float[nPx];
	float* y12 = new float[nPx];
	float* y21 = new float[nPx];
	float* y22 = new float[nPx];
	float* y5 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kty1 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kty2 = new float[nPx];

	float* Kx11 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kx12 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kx21 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kx22 = new float[nPx];
	float* Kx5 = new float[nPx];
	float tau = 1.0f / sqrt(8.0f);
	float sigma = tau;
	float dTau = 1.0f / tau;
	float dSigma = 1.0f / sigma;

	float p = 0;
	float d = 0;
	float err = 1.0;

	float ssl = 1.0f - sigma / (sigma + lambda);

	#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int j = 0; j < sizeImage[1]; ++j)
		for (int i = 0; i < sizeImage[0]; ++i)
			int tmpIndex = index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j);

			//Index for gradients

			u[tmpIndex] = (float)u1[tmpIndex];
			ut[tmpIndex] = (float)(u2[tmpIndex] - u1[tmpIndex]);
			sigut[tmpIndex] = (float)(sigma*ut[tmpIndex]);

			if (nrhs > 6)
				v1[tmpIndex] = (float)inputV[tmpIndex];
				v2[tmpIndex] = (float)inputV[nPx + tmpIndex];
				v1[tmpIndex] = 0;
				v2[tmpIndex] = 0;

			Kty1[tmpIndex] = 0; 
			Kty2[tmpIndex] = 0;

			if (nrhs > 7)
				y11[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[tmpIndex];
				y12[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[nPx + tmpIndex];
				y21[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[2 * nPx + tmpIndex];
				y22[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[3 * nPx + tmpIndex];
				y5[tmpIndex] = (float)inputY[4 * nPx + tmpIndex];
				y11[tmpIndex] = 0;
				y12[tmpIndex] = 0;
				y21[tmpIndex] = 0;
				y22[tmpIndex] = 0;
				y5[tmpIndex] = 0;

			Kx11[tmpIndex] = 0;
			Kx12[tmpIndex] = 0;
			Kx21[tmpIndex] = 0;
			Kx22[tmpIndex] = 0;
			Kx5[tmpIndex] = 0;

	int iterations = 0;

	while (err > tol && iterations <= maxIterations)

		if (iterations % 50 == 0)
				p = 0;
				d = 0;

		//primal step
		#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:p)
		for (int j = 0; j < sizeImage[1]; ++j)
			for (int i = 0; i < sizeImage[0]; ++i)
				int tmpIndex = index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j);

				float Kty1Old = Kty1[tmpIndex];
				float Kty2Old = Kty2[tmpIndex];

				//transpose equals -div
				Kty1[tmpIndex] = -(dxm(y11, sizeImage, i, j) + dym(y12, sizeImage, i, j) + dycT(y5, u, sizeImage, i, j));
				Kty2[tmpIndex] = -(dxm(y21, sizeImage, i, j) + dym(y22, sizeImage, i, j) + dxcT(y5, u, sizeImage, i, j));

				float v1Old = v1[tmpIndex];
				float v2Old = v2[tmpIndex];

				v1[tmpIndex] = v1Old - tau*Kty1[tmpIndex];
				v2[tmpIndex] = v2Old - tau*Kty2[tmpIndex];

				if (iterations % 50 == 0)
					p += myAbs((v1Old - v1[tmpIndex]) * dTau - Kty1Old + Kty1[tmpIndex])
						+ myAbs((v2Old - v2[tmpIndex]) * dTau - Kty2Old + Kty2[tmpIndex]);
		//dual step
		#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:d)
		for (int j = 0; j < sizeImage[1]; ++j)
			for (int i = 0; i < sizeImage[0]; ++i)
				int tmpIndex = index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j);

				float Kx11Old = Kx11[tmpIndex];
				float Kx12Old = Kx12[tmpIndex];
				float Kx21Old = Kx21[tmpIndex];
				float Kx22Old = Kx22[tmpIndex];
				float Kx5Old = Kx5[tmpIndex];

				Kx11[tmpIndex] = dxp(v1, sizeImage, i, j);
				Kx12[tmpIndex] = dyp(v1, sizeImage, i, j);
				Kx21[tmpIndex] = dxp(v2, sizeImage, i, j);
				Kx22[tmpIndex] = dyp(v2, sizeImage, i, j);
				Kx5[tmpIndex] = dyc(v1, u, sizeImage, i, j) + dxc(v2, u, sizeImage, i, j);

				float y11Old = y11[tmpIndex];
				float y12Old = y12[tmpIndex];
				float y21Old = y21[tmpIndex];
				float y22Old = y22[tmpIndex];
				float y5Old = y5[tmpIndex];

				y11[tmpIndex] = ssl * (y11[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx11[tmpIndex] - Kx11Old));
				y12[tmpIndex] = ssl * (y12[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx12[tmpIndex] - Kx12Old));
				y21[tmpIndex] = ssl * (y21[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx21[tmpIndex] - Kx21Old));
				y22[tmpIndex] = ssl * (y22[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx22[tmpIndex] - Kx22Old));

				y5[tmpIndex] = myMax(-1.0f, myMin(1.0f, y5[tmpIndex] + sigma*(2 * Kx5[tmpIndex] - Kx5Old) + sigut[tmpIndex]));

				if (iterations % 50 == 0)
					d += myAbs((y11Old - y11[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx11Old + Kx11[tmpIndex]) +
						myAbs((y12Old - y12[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx12Old + Kx12[tmpIndex]) +
						myAbs((y21Old - y21[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx21Old + Kx21[tmpIndex]) +
						myAbs((y22Old - y22[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx22Old + Kx22[tmpIndex]) + 
						myAbs((y5Old - y5[tmpIndex]) * dSigma - Kx5Old + Kx5[tmpIndex]);

		if (iterations % 50 == 0)
			err = (d*d + p*p) / nPx;

		if (iterations % 1000 == 0)
			mexPrintf("Iteration %d,Residual %e\n", iterations, err);

	//write output
	#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int j = 0; j < sizeImage[1]; ++j)
		for (int i = 0; i < sizeImage[0]; ++i)
			int tmpIndex = index2DtoLinear(sizeImage, i, j);

			YOut[tmpIndex] = (double)y11[tmpIndex];
			YOut[tmpIndex + nPx] = (double)y12[tmpIndex];
			YOut[tmpIndex + 2 * nPx] = (double)y21[tmpIndex];
			YOut[tmpIndex + 3 * nPx] = (double)y22[tmpIndex];
			YOut[tmpIndex + 4 * nPx] = (double)y5[tmpIndex];

			Outv1[tmpIndex] = (double) v1[tmpIndex];
			Outv2[tmpIndex] = (double) v2[tmpIndex];
Exemplo n.º 12
void *calcForce(void *arg) {
	int myID = *((int*)arg);
	double fac, fx, fy, fz;
	double dx, dy, dz, sq, dist; 
	int t = 0, i, j,a,b;

  while ( t<TimeSteps){
    /*  Loop over points calculating force between each pair.*/
    	for ( i=myID; i<BodyNum; i+=thread_num ){
        	a=myMin(i+(BodyNum+1)/2,BodyNum);  //计算任务Wia 
        	b=myMax(0,i-(BodyNum+1)/2); //计算任务Wbi 
        	for ( j=i+1; j<a; j++ ) {/*Calculate force between particle i and j according to Newton's Law*/
		     	if ( i==j ) continue;
             		dx = *(pBody+4*i+1) - *(pBody+4*j+1);
             		dy = *(pBody+4*i+2) - *(pBody+4*j+2);
             		dz = *(pBody+4*i+3) - *(pBody+4*j+3);
             		sq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
             		dist = sqrt(sq);
             		fac = (*(pBody+4*i)) * (*(pBody+4*j)) / ( dist * sq );
             		fx = fac * dx;
             		fy = fac * dy;
             		fz = fac * dz;

             		/*Add in force and opposite force to particle i and j */
              		*(pForce+3*i) = *(pForce+3*i) - fx;
              		*(pForce+3*i+1) = *(pForce+3*i+1) - fy;
              		*(pForce+3*i+2) = *(pForce+3*i+2) - fz;
              		*(pForce+3*j) = *(pForce+3*j) + fx;
              		*(pForce+3*j+1) = *(pForce+3*j+1) + fy;
              		*(pForce+3*j+2) = *(pForce+3*j+2) + fz;
         	for ( j=b; j<i; j++ ){/*Calculate force between particle i and j according to Newton's Law*/
		     	if ( i==j ) continue;
             		dx = *(pBody+4*i+1) - *(pBody+4*j+1);
             		dy = *(pBody+4*i+2) - *(pBody+4*j+2);
             		dz = *(pBody+4*i+3) - *(pBody+4*j+3);
             		sq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
             		dist = sqrt(sq);
             		fac = (*(pBody+4*i)) * (*(pBody+4*j)) / ( dist * sq );
             		fx = fac * dx;
             		fy = fac * dy;
             		fz = fac * dz;

             		/*Add in force and opposite force to particle i and j */
              		*(pForce+3*i) = *(pForce+3*i) - fx;
              		*(pForce+3*i+1) = *(pForce+3*i+1) - fy;
              		*(pForce+3*i+2) = *(pForce+3*i+2) - fz;
              		*(pForce+3*j) = *(pForce+3*j) + fx;
              		*(pForce+3*j+1) = *(pForce+3*j+1) + fy;
              		*(pForce+3*j+2) = *(pForce+3*j+2) + fz;

	//synchronization: to ensure that the computation of force on each body has been completed before updating its state
	pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex2);
	if ( progress!=thread_num){
		pthread_cond_wait( &cond, &mutex2);
	}else {
		progress = 0;
	pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex2);

    	for ( i=myID; i<BodyNum; i+=thread_num ){ 
	  	*(pBody+4*i+1) = *(pBody+4*i+1) + (*(pForce+3*i)) / (*(pBody+4*i));
	  	*(pForce+3*i) = 0;
	  	*(pBody+4*i+2) = *(pBody+4*i+2) + (*(pForce+3*i+1)) / (*(pBody+4*i));
	  	*(pForce+3*i+1) = 0;
	  	*(pBody+4*i+3) = *(pBody+4*i+3) + (*(pForce+3*i+2)) / (*(pBody+4*i));
	  	*(pForce+3*i+2) = 0;

	//synchronization: to ensure that each thread has completed the update of body states before the next step simulation
	pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex2);
	if ( progress!=thread_num){
		pthread_cond_wait( &cond, &mutex2);
	}else {
		progress = 0;
	pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex2);

int depthTree(struct TreeNode *root)
	if(root == NULL)	return 0;

	return myMax(depthTree(root->left), depthTree(root->right)) + 1;
Exemplo n.º 14
 * Main Function
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[])
	double *x, *cf, *bm, *env = 0, *instp = 0, *instf = 0 ,*P_in=0, *P_out=0;
	int i, j, t, fs, nsamples, hrect, ch, Channels;
	double  a, tpt, tptbw, gain;
	double p0r, p1r, p2r, p3r, p4r, p0i, p1i, p2i, p3i, p4i;
	double a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, u0r, u0i; /*, u1r, u1i;*/
	double qcos, qsin, oldcs, coscf, sincf, oldphase, dp, dps;

	 * Check argument numbers
	if (nrhs < 4) {
		mexPrintf("??? Not enough input arguments.\n");
	if (nrhs > 5) {
		mexPrintf("??? Too many input arguments.\n");
	if (nlhs > 5) {
		mexPrintf("??? Too many output arguments.\n");
	 * input arguments
	if (nrhs < 5) {
		hrect = 0;
	else {
		hrect = (int)mxGetScalar(IN_hrect);

	Channels = mxGetN(IN_cf);//number of channles
	x = mxGetPr(IN_x);   /* waveform */
	i = mxGetN(IN_x);
	j = mxGetM(IN_x);
	if (i > 1 && j > 1) {
		mexPrintf("??? Input x must be a vector.\n");
	nsamples = myMax(i, j);
	fs = (int)mxGetScalar(IN_fs);   /* sampling rate */
	cf = mxGetPr(IN_cf);   /* centre frequency */
	P_in= mxGetPr ( IN_P ); 
	* output arguments
	OUT_bm = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
	bm = mxGetPr(OUT_bm);
	if (nlhs > 1) {
		OUT_env = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
		env = mxGetPr(OUT_env);
	if ( nlhs > 2 ) {
      OUT_P = mxCreateDoubleMatrix ( 8, Channels, mxREAL );
      P_out = mxGetPr ( OUT_P );
	if (nlhs > 3) {
		OUT_instp = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
		instp = mxGetPr(OUT_instp);
	if (nlhs > 4) {
		OUT_instf = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
		instf = mxGetPr(OUT_instf);

	for (ch = 0; ch < Channels; ch++)
		 * Initialising variables

		oldphase = 0.0;
		tpt = (M_PI + M_PI) / fs;
		tptbw = tpt * erb(cf[ch]) * BW_CORRECTION;
		a = exp(-tptbw);

		/* based on integral of impulse response */
		gain = (tptbw*tptbw*tptbw*tptbw) / 3;

		/* Update filter coefficients */
		a1 = 4.0*a; a2 = -6.0*a*a; a3 = 4.0*a*a*a; a4 = -a*a*a*a; a5 = a*a;
		p0r = 0.0;
 		p1r = P_in[0+ch*8]; p2r =P_in[1+ch*8]; p3r = P_in[2+ch*8]; p4r = P_in[3+ch*8];
 	    p0i = 0.0;
 	    p1i = P_in[4+ch*8]; p2i = P_in[5+ch*8]; p3i = P_in[6+ch*8]; p4i = P_in[7+ch*8];

		 * exp(a+i*b) = exp(a)*(cos(b)+i*sin(b))
		 * q = exp(-i*tpt*cf*t) = cos(tpt*cf*t) + i*(-sin(tpt*cf*t))
		 * qcos = cos(tpt*cf*t)
		 * qsin = -sin(tpt*cf*t)
		coscf = cos(tpt * cf[ch]);
		sincf = sin(tpt * cf[ch]);
		qcos = 1; qsin = 0;   /* t=0 & q = exp(-i*tpt*t*cf)*/
		for (t = 0; t < nsamples; t++)
			/* Filter part 1 & shift down to d.c. */
			p0r = qcos*x[t] + a1*p1r + a2*p2r + a3*p3r + a4*p4r;
			p0i = qsin*x[t] + a1*p1i + a2*p2i + a3*p3i + a4*p4i;

			/* Clip coefficients to stop them from becoming too close to zero */
			if (fabs(p0r) < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER)
				p0r = 0.0F;
			if (fabs(p0i) < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER)
				p0i = 0.0F;

			/* Filter part 2 */
			u0r = p0r + a1*p1r + a5*p2r;
			u0i = p0i + a1*p1i + a5*p2i;

			/* Update filter results */
			p4r = p3r; p3r = p2r; p2r = p1r; p1r = p0r;
			p4i = p3i; p3i = p2i; p2i = p1i; p1i = p0i;

			 * Basilar membrane response
			 * 1/ shift up in frequency first: (u0r+i*u0i) * exp(i*tpt*cf*t) = (u0r+i*u0i) * (qcos + i*(-qsin))
			 * 2/ take the real part only: bm = real(exp(j*wcf*kT).*u) * gain;
			bm[t + ch*(nsamples)] = (u0r * qcos + u0i * qsin) * gain;
			if (1 == hrect && bm[t + ch*(nsamples)] < 0) {
				bm[t + ch*(nsamples)] = 0;  /* half-wave rectifying */

			 if ( nlhs > 1 ) {

			 * Instantaneous Hilbert envelope
			 * env = abs(u) * gain;
			if (nlhs > 2) {
				env[t + ch*(nsamples)] = sqrt(u0r * u0r + u0i * u0i) * gain;
			 * Instantaneous phase
			 * instp = unwrap(angle(u));
			if (nlhs > 3) {
				instp[t + ch*(nsamples)] = atan2(u0i, u0r);
				/* unwrap it */
				dp = instp[t + ch*(nsamples)] - oldphase;
				if (abs(dp) > M_PI) {
					dps = myMod(dp + M_PI, 2 * M_PI) - M_PI;
					if (dps == -M_PI && dp > 0) {
						dps = M_PI;
					instp[t + ch*(nsamples)] = instp[t + ch*(nsamples)] + dps - dp;
				oldphase = instp[t + ch*(nsamples)];
			 * Instantaneous frequency
			 * instf = cf + [diff(instp) 0]./tpt;
			if (nlhs > 4 && t > 0) {
				instf[t - 1 + ch*(nsamples)] = cf[ch] + (instp[t + ch*(nsamples)] - instp[t - 1 + ch*(nsamples)]) / tpt;

			 * The basic idea of saving computational load:
			 * cos(a+b) = cos(a)*cos(b) - sin(a)*sin(b)
			 * sin(a+b) = sin(a)*cos(b) + cos(a)*sin(b)
			 * qcos = cos(tpt*cf*t) = cos(tpt*cf + tpt*cf*(t-1))
			 * qsin = -sin(tpt*cf*t) = -sin(tpt*cf + tpt*cf*(t-1))
			qcos = coscf * (oldcs = qcos) + sincf * qsin;
			qsin = coscf * qsin - sincf * oldcs;
		}//samples for loop

		if (nlhs > 4) {
			instf[nsamples - 1] = cf[ch];

}//Channels for loop
} //mexFunction