void readSector(char* buffer, int sector){
	int relativeSector;
	int head;
	int track;
Exemplo n.º 2
void draw ()
	int i, j, k;
	int indexx, indexy, indexz;
	float xyz[4], dir[4], angvel[4], tempVec[4];
	static float oldxyz[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
	static float oldDir[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
	static float oldAngvel[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
	float angle, distance;
	float rotMat[16];
	float newQuat[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
	static float quat[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
	static int flymode = 1;
	static float flymodeChange = 20.0f;
	static int seg = 0;	/* Section of path */
	static float where = 0.0f;	/* Position on path */
	static float rollVel = 0.0f, rollAcc = 0.0f;
	int drawDepth = dDrawdepth + 2;
	static float rollChange = 0;	/* rsRandf (10.0f) + 2.0f; */

	where += (float)dSpeed * 0.05f * elapsedTime;
	if (where >= 1.0f) {
		where -= 1.0f;

	if (seg >= segments) {
		seg = 0;
		reconfigure ();

	 * Calculate position 
	xyz[0] = interpolate (path[seg][0], path[seg][3], path[seg + 1][0], path[seg + 1][3], where);
	xyz[1] = interpolate (path[seg][1], path[seg][4], path[seg + 1][1], path[seg + 1][4], where);
	xyz[2] = interpolate (path[seg][2], path[seg][5], path[seg + 1][2], path[seg + 1][5], where);

	 * Do rotation stuff 
	rsVec_subtract (xyz, oldxyz, (float *)&dir);
	rsVec_normalize ((float *)&dir);
	rsVec_cross ((float *)&angvel, dir, oldDir); /* Desired axis of rotation */

	/* Protect against mild "overflow" */
	float dot = MAX(MIN(rsVec_dot (oldDir, dir), -1.0), 1.0);
	float maxSpin = 0.25f * (float)dSpeed * elapsedTime;
	angle = MAX(MIN(acos(dot), -maxSpin), maxSpin);

	rsVec_scale ((float *)&angvel, angle); /* Desired angular velocity */
	rsVec_subtract (angvel, oldAngvel, (float *)&tempVec); /* Change in angular velocity */
	distance = rsVec_length (tempVec); /* Don't let angular velocity change too much */
	float rotationInertia = 0.007f * (float)dSpeed * elapsedTime;
	if (distance > rotationInertia * elapsedTime) {
		rsVec_scale ((float *)&tempVec, ((rotationInertia * elapsedTime) / distance));
		rsVec_add (oldAngvel, tempVec, (float *)&angvel);

	flymodeChange -= elapsedTime;

	if (flymodeChange <= 1.0f)	/* prepare to transition */
		rsVec_scale ((float *)&angvel, flymodeChange);

	if (flymodeChange <= 0.0f) {	/* transition from one fly mode to 
					 * the other? */
		flymode = rsRandi (4);
		flymodeChange = rsRandf ((float)(150 - dSpeed)) + 5.0f;

	rsVec_copy (angvel, (float *)&tempVec);	/* Recompute desired rotation */
	angle = rsVec_normalize ((float *)&tempVec);
	rsQuat_make ((float *)&newQuat, angle, tempVec[0], tempVec[1], tempVec[2]);	/* Use rotation */

	if (flymode)		/* fly normal (straight) */
		rsQuat_preMult ((float *)&quat, newQuat);
	else			/* don't fly normal (go backwards and stuff) */
		rsQuat_postMult ((float *)&quat, newQuat);

	/* Roll */
	rollChange -= elapsedTime;
	if (rollChange <= 0.0f) {
		rollAcc = rsRandf (0.02f * (float)dSpeed) - (0.01f * (float)dSpeed);
		rollChange = rsRandf (10.0f) + 2.0f;

	rollVel += rollAcc * elapsedTime;

	if (rollVel > (0.04f * (float)dSpeed) && rollAcc > 0.0f)
		rollAcc = 0.0f;

	if (rollVel < (-0.04f * (float)dSpeed) && rollAcc < 0.0f)
		rollAcc = 0.0f;

	rsQuat_make ((float *)&newQuat, rollVel * elapsedTime, oldDir[0], oldDir[1], oldDir[2]);
	rsQuat_preMult ((float *)&quat, newQuat);

	/* quat.normalize(); */
	rsQuat_toMat ((float *)&quat, (float *)&rotMat);

	 * Save old stuff 
	rsVec_copy (xyz, (float *)&oldxyz);
	oldDir[0] = -rotMat[2];
	oldDir[1] = -rotMat[6];
	oldDir[2] = -rotMat[10];
	rsVec_copy (angvel, (float *)&oldAngvel);

	 * Apply transformations 
	glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
	glLoadMatrixf (rotMat);
	glTranslatef (-xyz[0], -xyz[1], -xyz[2]);

	// Just in case display lists contain no colors
	glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

	// Environment mapping for crystal, chrome, brass, shiny, and ghostly
	if(dTexture == 2 || dTexture == 3 || dTexture == 4  || dTexture == 5 || dTexture == 6){

	 * Render everything 
	for (i = globalxyz[0] - drawDepth; i <= globalxyz[0] + drawDepth; i++) {
		for (j = globalxyz[1] - drawDepth; j <= globalxyz[1] + drawDepth; j++) {
			for (k = globalxyz[2] - drawDepth; k <= globalxyz[2] + drawDepth; k++) {
				float tpos[4];	/* transformed position */

				tempVec[0] = (float)i - xyz[0];
				tempVec[1] = (float)j - xyz[1];
				tempVec[2] = (float)k - xyz[2];

				tpos[0] = tempVec[0] * rotMat[0] + tempVec[1] * rotMat[4] + tempVec[2] * rotMat[8];	/* + rotMat[12]; */
				tpos[1] = tempVec[0] * rotMat[1] + tempVec[1] * rotMat[5] + tempVec[2] * rotMat[9];	/* + rotMat[13]; */
				tpos[2] = tempVec[0] * rotMat[2] + tempVec[1] * rotMat[6] + tempVec[2] * rotMat[10];	/* + rotMat[14]; */

				#define radius 0.9f
				/* camera_inViewVolume */
				 * check back plane 
				if (!(tpos[2] < -(theCamera.farplane + radius))) {
					 * check bottom plane 
					if (!(rsVec_dot(tpos, theCamera.cullVec[0]) < -radius)) {
						 * check top plane 
						if (!(rsVec_dot(tpos, theCamera.cullVec[1]) < -radius)) {
							 * check left plane 
							if (!(rsVec_dot(tpos, theCamera.cullVec[2]) < -radius)) {
								 * check right plane 
								if (!(rsVec_dot(tpos, theCamera.cullVec[3]) < -radius)) {
									indexx = myMod (i);
									indexy = myMod (j);
									indexz = myMod (k);

									 * draw it 
									glPushMatrix ();
									glTranslatef ((float)i, (float)j, (float)k);
									glCallList (lattice[indexx][indexy][indexz]);
									glPopMatrix ();


	glFlush ();
Exemplo n.º 3
 //  [bm, env, instp, instf] = gammatone_c(x, P_in, fs, cf, align, hrect) 
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[])
	double *x=0, *cf, *bm, *env = 0, *instp = 0, *instf = 0 ,*P_in=0, *P_out=0;
	int i, j, t, fs, nsamples, hrect, ch, Channels, align=0, intshift=0;
	double  xx=0,a, tpt, tptbw, gain, envelopecomptime=0, phasealign=0;
	double p0r, p1r, p2r, p3r, p4r, p0i, p1i, p2i, p3i, p4i;
	double a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, u0r, u0i; /*, u1r, u1i;*/
	double qcos, qsin, oldcs, coscf, sincf, oldphase, dp, dps;

	 * Check argument numbers
	if (nrhs < 4) {
		mexPrintf("??? Not enough input arguments.\n");
	if (nrhs > 6) {
		mexPrintf("??? Too many input arguments.\n");
	 * input arguments
	if (nrhs < 6) {
		hrect = 0;
	else {
		hrect = (int)mxGetScalar(IN_hrect);
	if (nrhs < 5) {
		align = 0; //default is align=off or zero
	else {
		align = (int)mxGetScalar(IN_align);

	Channels = mxGetN(IN_cf);//number of channels
	x = mxGetPr(IN_x);   /* waveform */
	i = mxGetN(IN_x);
	j = mxGetM(IN_x);
	if (i > 1 && j > 1) {
		mexPrintf("??? Input x must be a vector.\n");
	nsamples = myMax(i, j);
	fs = (int)mxGetScalar(IN_fs);   /* sampling rate */
	cf = mxGetPr(IN_cf);   /* centre frequency */
	P_in= mxGetPr ( IN_P ); 
	* output arguments
	OUT_bm = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( nsamples,Channels ,mxREAL);
	bm = mxGetPr(OUT_bm);
	if (nlhs > 1) {
		OUT_env = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
		env = mxGetPr(OUT_env);
	if ( nlhs > 2 ) {
      OUT_P = mxCreateDoubleMatrix ( 8, Channels, mxREAL );
      P_out = mxGetPr ( OUT_P );
	if (nlhs > 3) {
		OUT_instp = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
		instp = mxGetPr(OUT_instp);
	if (nlhs > 4) {
		OUT_instf = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
		instf = mxGetPr(OUT_instf);

	for (ch = 0; ch < Channels; ch++)
		 * Initialising variables

		oldphase = 0.0;
		tpt = (M_PI + M_PI) / fs;
		tptbw = tpt * erb(cf[ch]) * BW_CORRECTION;
		a = exp(-tptbw);
		if (align)
			envelopecomptime = 3/(BW_CORRECTION*2*M_PI*erb(cf[ch]));
			envelopecomptime = 0;
// 		phasealign=-2*M_PI*cf[ch]*envelopecomptime;
// 		//phasealign=mod(phasealign,2*M_PI);
// 		phasealign=fmod(phasealign,2*M_PI);
//         //phasealign=myMod(phasealign,2*M_PI);
// 		phasealign=phasealign/(2*M_PI*cf[ch]);
		/* based on integral of impulse response */
		gain = (tptbw*tptbw*tptbw*tptbw) / 3;

		/* Update filter coefficients */
		a1 = 4.0*a; a2 = -6.0*a*a; a3 = 4.0*a*a*a; a4 = -a*a*a*a; a5 = a*a;
		p0r = 0.0;
 		p1r = P_in[0+ch*8]; p2r =P_in[1+ch*8]; p3r = P_in[2+ch*8]; p4r = P_in[3+ch*8];
 	    p0i = 0.0;
 	    p1i = P_in[4+ch*8]; p2i = P_in[5+ch*8]; p3i = P_in[6+ch*8]; p4i = P_in[7+ch*8];

		 * exp(a+i*b) = exp(a)*(cos(b)+i*sin(b))
		 * q = exp(-i*tpt*cf*t) = cos(tpt*cf*t) + i*(-sin(tpt*cf*t))
		 * qcos = cos(tpt*cf*t)
		 * qsin = -sin(tpt*cf*t)
		coscf = cos(tpt * cf[ch]);
		sincf = sin(tpt * cf[ch]);
		qcos = 1; qsin = 0;   /* t=0 & q = exp(-i*tpt*t*cf)*/
		for (t = 0; t < (nsamples); t++)
			if (t>(nsamples-1))

x = [x zeros(1,intshift)];

q=exp(1i.*(-wcf.*kT)).*x; % shift down to d.c.
p=filter([1 0],[1 -4*a 6*a^2 -4*a^3 a^4],q); % filter: part 1
u=filter([1 4*a 4*a^2 0],[1 0],p); % filter: part 2
bm=gain*real(exp(1i*wcf*(kT(intshift+1:end)+phasealign)).*u(intshift+1:end)); % shift up in frequency
env = gain*abs(u(intshift+1:end));
instf=real(cf+[diff(unwrap(angle(u(intshift+1:end)))) 0]./tpt);

			/* Filter part 1 & shift down to d.c. */
			p0r = qcos*xx + a1*p1r + a2*p2r + a3*p3r + a4*p4r;
			p0i = qsin*xx + a1*p1i + a2*p2i + a3*p3i + a4*p4i;

			/* Clip coefficients to stop them from becoming too close to zero */
			if (fabs(p0r) < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER)
				p0r = 0.0F;
			if (fabs(p0i) < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER)
				p0i = 0.0F;

			/* Filter part 2 */
			u0r = p0r + a1*p1r + a5*p2r;
			u0i = p0i + a1*p1i + a5*p2i;

			/* Update filter results */
			p4r = p3r; p3r = p2r; p2r = p1r; p1r = p0r;
			p4i = p3i; p3i = p2i; p2i = p1i; p1i = p0i;

			 * Basilar membrane response
			 * 1/ shift up in frequency first: (u0r+i*u0i) * exp(i*tpt*cf*t) = (u0r+i*u0i) * (qcos + i*(-qsin))
			 * 2/ take the real part only: bm = real(exp(j*wcf*kT).*u) * gain;
			 bm = real(exp(j*wcf*kT+j*wcf*phasealign).*u) * gain; =(u0r+i*u0i) * (qcos + i*(-qsin))*(cos(phasealign)+i*sin(phasealign))
			 =(u0r+i*u0i) *(qcos*C+qsin*S +i(qcos*S-qsin*C))-->Real()=u0r * (qcos * C + qsin* S)+ u0i*(qsin*C-qcos*S)
			if (t>(intshift-1))
			//bm[t + ch*(nsamples)-ch*(intshift)] = (u0r * qcos + u0i * qsin) * gain
			bm[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] =(u0r * (qcos * cos(2*M_PI*cf[ch]*phasealign) + qsin* sin(2*M_PI*cf[ch]*phasealign))+ u0i*(qsin*cos(2*M_PI*cf[ch]*phasealign)-qcos*sin(2*M_PI*cf[ch]*phasealign)) )* gain;

			if (1 == hrect && bm[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] < 0) {
				bm[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] = 0;  /* half-wave rectifying */

			 if ( nlhs > 1 ) {

			 * Instantaneous Hilbert envelope
			 * env = abs(u) * gain;
			if (nlhs > 2) {
				env[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] = sqrt(u0r * u0r + u0i * u0i) * gain;
			 * Instantaneous phase
			 * instp = unwrap(angle(u));
			if (nlhs > 3) {
				instp[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] = atan2(u0i, u0r);
				/* unwrap it */
				dp = instp[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] - oldphase;
				if (abs(dp) > M_PI) {
					dps = myMod(dp + M_PI, 2 * M_PI) - M_PI;
					if (dps == -M_PI && dp > 0) {
						dps = M_PI;
					instp[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] = instp[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] + dps - dp;
				oldphase = instp[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)];
			 * Instantaneous frequency
			 * instf = cf + [diff(instp) 0]./tpt;
			if (nlhs > 4 && t > (intshift)) {
				instf[t - 1 + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] = cf[ch] + (instp[t + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)] - instp[t - 1 + ch*(nsamples)-(intshift)]) / tpt;
// 			/*====================================================
// 			 * The basic idea of saving computational load:
// 			 * cos(a+b) = cos(a)*cos(b) - sin(a)*sin(b)
// 			 * sin(a+b) = sin(a)*cos(b) + cos(a)*sin(b)
// 			 * qcos = cos(tpt*cf*t) = cos(tpt*cf + tpt*cf*(t-1))
// 			 * qsin = -sin(tpt*cf*t) = -sin(tpt*cf + tpt*cf*(t-1))
// 			 *====================================================
// 			 */
			 } //t>(intshift-1)
			qcos = coscf * (oldcs = qcos) + sincf * qsin;
			qsin = coscf * qsin - sincf * oldcs;
		}//samples for loop

		if (nlhs > 4) {
			//instf[(ch+1)*nsamples - 1] = cf[ch];
            instf[nsamples - 1] = cf[ch];

}//Channels for loop
} //mexFunction
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Main Function
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[])
	double *x, *cf, *bm, *env = 0, *instp = 0, *instf = 0 ,*P_in=0, *P_out=0;
	int i, j, t, fs, nsamples, hrect, ch, Channels;
	double  a, tpt, tptbw, gain;
	double p0r, p1r, p2r, p3r, p4r, p0i, p1i, p2i, p3i, p4i;
	double a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, u0r, u0i; /*, u1r, u1i;*/
	double qcos, qsin, oldcs, coscf, sincf, oldphase, dp, dps;

	 * Check argument numbers
	if (nrhs < 4) {
		mexPrintf("??? Not enough input arguments.\n");
	if (nrhs > 5) {
		mexPrintf("??? Too many input arguments.\n");
	if (nlhs > 5) {
		mexPrintf("??? Too many output arguments.\n");
	 * input arguments
	if (nrhs < 5) {
		hrect = 0;
	else {
		hrect = (int)mxGetScalar(IN_hrect);

	Channels = mxGetN(IN_cf);//number of channles
	x = mxGetPr(IN_x);   /* waveform */
	i = mxGetN(IN_x);
	j = mxGetM(IN_x);
	if (i > 1 && j > 1) {
		mexPrintf("??? Input x must be a vector.\n");
	nsamples = myMax(i, j);
	fs = (int)mxGetScalar(IN_fs);   /* sampling rate */
	cf = mxGetPr(IN_cf);   /* centre frequency */
	P_in= mxGetPr ( IN_P ); 
	* output arguments
	OUT_bm = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
	bm = mxGetPr(OUT_bm);
	if (nlhs > 1) {
		OUT_env = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
		env = mxGetPr(OUT_env);
	if ( nlhs > 2 ) {
      OUT_P = mxCreateDoubleMatrix ( 8, Channels, mxREAL );
      P_out = mxGetPr ( OUT_P );
	if (nlhs > 3) {
		OUT_instp = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
		instp = mxGetPr(OUT_instp);
	if (nlhs > 4) {
		OUT_instf = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nsamples,Channels, mxREAL);
		instf = mxGetPr(OUT_instf);

	for (ch = 0; ch < Channels; ch++)
		 * Initialising variables

		oldphase = 0.0;
		tpt = (M_PI + M_PI) / fs;
		tptbw = tpt * erb(cf[ch]) * BW_CORRECTION;
		a = exp(-tptbw);

		/* based on integral of impulse response */
		gain = (tptbw*tptbw*tptbw*tptbw) / 3;

		/* Update filter coefficients */
		a1 = 4.0*a; a2 = -6.0*a*a; a3 = 4.0*a*a*a; a4 = -a*a*a*a; a5 = a*a;
		p0r = 0.0;
 		p1r = P_in[0+ch*8]; p2r =P_in[1+ch*8]; p3r = P_in[2+ch*8]; p4r = P_in[3+ch*8];
 	    p0i = 0.0;
 	    p1i = P_in[4+ch*8]; p2i = P_in[5+ch*8]; p3i = P_in[6+ch*8]; p4i = P_in[7+ch*8];

		 * exp(a+i*b) = exp(a)*(cos(b)+i*sin(b))
		 * q = exp(-i*tpt*cf*t) = cos(tpt*cf*t) + i*(-sin(tpt*cf*t))
		 * qcos = cos(tpt*cf*t)
		 * qsin = -sin(tpt*cf*t)
		coscf = cos(tpt * cf[ch]);
		sincf = sin(tpt * cf[ch]);
		qcos = 1; qsin = 0;   /* t=0 & q = exp(-i*tpt*t*cf)*/
		for (t = 0; t < nsamples; t++)
			/* Filter part 1 & shift down to d.c. */
			p0r = qcos*x[t] + a1*p1r + a2*p2r + a3*p3r + a4*p4r;
			p0i = qsin*x[t] + a1*p1i + a2*p2i + a3*p3i + a4*p4i;

			/* Clip coefficients to stop them from becoming too close to zero */
			if (fabs(p0r) < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER)
				p0r = 0.0F;
			if (fabs(p0i) < VERY_SMALL_NUMBER)
				p0i = 0.0F;

			/* Filter part 2 */
			u0r = p0r + a1*p1r + a5*p2r;
			u0i = p0i + a1*p1i + a5*p2i;

			/* Update filter results */
			p4r = p3r; p3r = p2r; p2r = p1r; p1r = p0r;
			p4i = p3i; p3i = p2i; p2i = p1i; p1i = p0i;

			 * Basilar membrane response
			 * 1/ shift up in frequency first: (u0r+i*u0i) * exp(i*tpt*cf*t) = (u0r+i*u0i) * (qcos + i*(-qsin))
			 * 2/ take the real part only: bm = real(exp(j*wcf*kT).*u) * gain;
			bm[t + ch*(nsamples)] = (u0r * qcos + u0i * qsin) * gain;
			if (1 == hrect && bm[t + ch*(nsamples)] < 0) {
				bm[t + ch*(nsamples)] = 0;  /* half-wave rectifying */

			 if ( nlhs > 1 ) {

			 * Instantaneous Hilbert envelope
			 * env = abs(u) * gain;
			if (nlhs > 2) {
				env[t + ch*(nsamples)] = sqrt(u0r * u0r + u0i * u0i) * gain;
			 * Instantaneous phase
			 * instp = unwrap(angle(u));
			if (nlhs > 3) {
				instp[t + ch*(nsamples)] = atan2(u0i, u0r);
				/* unwrap it */
				dp = instp[t + ch*(nsamples)] - oldphase;
				if (abs(dp) > M_PI) {
					dps = myMod(dp + M_PI, 2 * M_PI) - M_PI;
					if (dps == -M_PI && dp > 0) {
						dps = M_PI;
					instp[t + ch*(nsamples)] = instp[t + ch*(nsamples)] + dps - dp;
				oldphase = instp[t + ch*(nsamples)];
			 * Instantaneous frequency
			 * instf = cf + [diff(instp) 0]./tpt;
			if (nlhs > 4 && t > 0) {
				instf[t - 1 + ch*(nsamples)] = cf[ch] + (instp[t + ch*(nsamples)] - instp[t - 1 + ch*(nsamples)]) / tpt;

			 * The basic idea of saving computational load:
			 * cos(a+b) = cos(a)*cos(b) - sin(a)*sin(b)
			 * sin(a+b) = sin(a)*cos(b) + cos(a)*sin(b)
			 * qcos = cos(tpt*cf*t) = cos(tpt*cf + tpt*cf*(t-1))
			 * qsin = -sin(tpt*cf*t) = -sin(tpt*cf + tpt*cf*(t-1))
			qcos = coscf * (oldcs = qcos) + sincf * qsin;
			qsin = coscf * qsin - sincf * oldcs;
		}//samples for loop

		if (nlhs > 4) {
			instf[nsamples - 1] = cf[ch];

}//Channels for loop
} //mexFunction