Exemplo n.º 1
int stopOnError(F_ARGS){


  int randomId = myRandom48(_restarter.getNumDbNodes());
  int nodeId = _restarter.getDbNodeId(randomId);
  do {
    g_info << _restart->m_name << ": node = " << nodeId 
	   << endl;
    CHECK(_restarter.waitClusterStarted(300) == 0,
	  "waitClusterStarted failed");
    int val = DumpStateOrd::NdbcntrTestStopOnError;
    CHECK(_restarter.dumpStateOneNode(nodeId, &val, 1) == 0,
	  "failed to set NdbcntrTestStopOnError");
    CHECK(_restarter.waitClusterStarted(300) == 0,
	  "waitClusterStarted failed");
  } while (false);
  return NDBT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
int getRandomNodeId(NdbRestarter& _restarter) {
  int randomId = myRandom48(_restarter.getNumDbNodes());
  int nodeId = _restarter.getDbNodeId(randomId);

  return nodeId;
Exemplo n.º 3
extern "C" void* NdbThreadFuncUpdate(void* pArg)
    myRandom48Init((long int)NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond());
    unsigned nSucc = 0;
    unsigned nFail = 0;
    Ndb* pNdb = NULL ;
    pNdb = new Ndb("TEST_DB");
    VerifyMethodInt(pNdb, init());
    VerifyMethodInt(pNdb, waitUntilReady());

    while(NdbMutex_Trylock(g_pNdbMutex)) {
        Uint32 nWarehouse = myRandom48(g_nWarehouseCount);
        NdbConnection* pNdbConnection = NULL ;
        VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbConnection, pNdb, startTransaction());
        CHK_TR(pNdbConnection) ; // epaulsa
        NdbOperation* pNdbOperationW = NULL ;
        VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbOperationW, pNdbConnection, getNdbOperation(c_szWarehouse));
        VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationW, interpretedUpdateTuple());
        VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationW, equal(c_szWarehouseNumber, nWarehouse));
        VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationW, incValue(c_szWarehouseCount, Uint32(1)));
        Uint32 nWarehouseSum = 0;
        for(Uint32 nDistrict=0; nDistrict<g_nDistrictPerWarehouse; ++nDistrict) {
            NdbOperation* pNdbOperationD = NULL ;
            VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbOperationD, pNdbConnection, getNdbOperation(c_szDistrict));
            VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationD, interpretedUpdateTuple());
            VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationD, equal(c_szDistrictWarehouseNumber, nWarehouse));
            VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationD, equal(c_szDistrictNumber, nDistrict));
            VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationD, incValue(c_szDistrictCount, Uint32(1)));
            Uint32 nDistrictSum = myRandom48(100);
            nWarehouseSum += nDistrictSum;
            VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationD, setValue(c_szDistrictSum, nDistrictSum));
        VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationW, setValue(c_szWarehouseSum, nWarehouseSum));
        int iExec = pNdbConnection->execute(Commit);
        int iError = pNdbConnection->getNdbError().code;

        if(iExec<0 && iError!=0 && iError!=266 && iError!=626) {
            ReportMethodInt(iExec, pNdbConnection, "pNdbConnection", "execute(Commit)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        if(iExec==0) {
        } else {
        VerifyMethodVoid(pNdb, closeTransaction(pNdbConnection));
    ndbout << "update: " << nSucc << " succeeded, " << nFail << " failed " << endl;
    delete pNdb;
    pNdb = NULL ;
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 4
int restartRandomNodeInitial(F_ARGS){

  int randomId = myRandom48(_restarter.getNumDbNodes());
  int nodeId = _restarter.getDbNodeId(randomId);
  g_info << _restart->m_name << ": node = "<<nodeId << endl;

  CHECK(_restarter.restartOneDbNode(nodeId, true) == 0,
	"Could not restart node "<<nodeId);

  return NDBT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 5
int restartRandomNodeError(F_ARGS){

  int randomId = myRandom48(_restarter.getNumDbNodes());
  int nodeId = _restarter.getDbNodeId(randomId);
  ndbout << _restart->m_name << ": node = "<<nodeId << endl;

  CHECK(_restarter.insertErrorInNode(nodeId, 9999) == 0, 
	"Could not restart node "<<nodeId);

  return NDBT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 6
int twoNodeFailure(F_ARGS){

  int randomId = myRandom48(_restarter.getNumDbNodes());
  int n[2];
  n[0] = _restarter.getDbNodeId(randomId);  
  n[1] = _restarter.getRandomNodeOtherNodeGroup(n[0], rand());
  g_info << _restart->m_name << ": node = "<< n[0] << endl;

  int val2[] = { DumpStateOrd::CmvmiSetRestartOnErrorInsert, 1 };
  CHECK(_restarter.dumpStateOneNode(n[0], val2, 2) == 0,
        "Failed to dump");
  CHECK(_restarter.dumpStateOneNode(n[1], val2, 2) == 0,
        "Failed to dump");
  CHECK(_restarter.insertErrorInNode(n[0], 9999) == 0,
	"Could not restart node "<< n[0]);

    // Create random value, max 3 secs
  int max = 3000;
  int ms = (myRandom48(max)) + 1;   
  g_info << "Waiting for " << ms << "(" << max 
	 << ") ms " << endl;

  g_info << _restart->m_name << ": node = "<< n[1] << endl;
  CHECK(_restarter.insertErrorInNode(n[1], 9999) == 0,
	"Could not restart node "<< n[1]);

  CHECK(_restarter.waitNodesNoStart(n, 2) == 0,
        "Failed to wait nostart");

  _restarter.startNodes(n, 2);
  return NDBT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 7
main(int argc, const char** argv) {
    int verbose = 1;
    int optind = 0;

    struct getargs args[1+P_MAX] = {
        { "verbose", 'v', arg_flag, &verbose, "Print verbose status", "verbose" }
    const int num_args = 1 + P_MAX;
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i<P_MAX; i++) {
        args[i+1].long_name = g_paramters[i].name;
        args[i+1].short_name = * g_paramters[i].name;
        args[i+1].type = arg_integer;
        args[i+1].value = &g_paramters[i].value;
        BaseString tmp;
        tmp.assfmt("min: %d max: %d", g_paramters[i].min, g_paramters[i].max);
        args[i+1].help = strdup(tmp.c_str());
        args[i+1].arg_help = 0;

    if(getarg(args, num_args, argc, argv, &optind)) {
        arg_printusage(args, num_args, argv[0], "tabname1 tabname2 ...");
        return NDBT_WRONGARGS;

    memset(g_times, 0, sizeof(g_times));

    Ndb_cluster_connection con;
    if(con.connect(12, 5, 1))
        return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED);

    g_ndb = new Ndb(&con, "TEST_DB");
    if(g_ndb->init() != 0) {
        g_err << "init() failed" << endl;
        goto error;
    if(g_ndb->waitUntilReady() != 0) {
        g_err << "Wait until ready failed" << endl;
        goto error;
    for(i = optind; i<argc; i++) {
        const char * T = argv[i];
        g_info << "Testing " << T << endl;
        BaseString::snprintf(g_table, sizeof(g_table), T);
        BaseString::snprintf(g_ordered, sizeof(g_ordered), "IDX_O_%s", T);
        BaseString::snprintf(g_unique, sizeof(g_unique), "IDX_U_%s", T);
            goto error;
            goto error;
        for(int l = 0; l<g_paramters[P_LOOPS].value; l++) {
            for(int j = 0; j<P_OP_TYPES; j++) {
                g_paramters[P_OPER].value = j;
                    goto error;

    if(g_ndb) delete g_ndb;
    return NDBT_OK;
    if(g_ndb) delete g_ndb;
    return NDBT_FAILED;
Exemplo n.º 8
 NdbRestarts(const char* _addr = 0): 
Exemplo n.º 9
int restartNFDuringNR(F_ARGS safety){

  int i;
  const int sz = sizeof(NFDuringNR_codes)/sizeof(NFDuringNR_codes[0]);
  for(i = 0; i<sz && !ctx->closeToTimeout(safety); i++){
    int randomId = myRandom48(_restarter.getNumDbNodes());
    int nodeId = _restarter.getDbNodeId(randomId);
    int error = NFDuringNR_codes[i];
    g_err << _restart->m_name << ": node = " << nodeId 
	  << " error code = " << error << endl;
    CHECK(_restarter.restartOneDbNode(nodeId, false, true, true) == 0,
	  "Could not restart node "<< nodeId);
    CHECK(_restarter.waitNodesNoStart(&nodeId, 1) == 0,
	  "waitNodesNoStart failed");
    int val[] = { DumpStateOrd::CmvmiSetRestartOnErrorInsert, 1 } ;
    CHECK(_restarter.dumpStateOneNode(nodeId, val, 2) == 0,
	  "failed to set RestartOnErrorInsert");
    CHECK(_restarter.insertErrorInNode(nodeId, error) == 0,
	  "failed to set error insert");
    CHECK(_restarter.startNodes(&nodeId, 1) == 0,
	  "failed to start node");


    CHECK(_restarter.waitNodesNoStart(&nodeId, 1) == 0,
          "waitNodesNoStart failed");

    CHECK(_restarter.startNodes(&nodeId, 1) == 0,
	  "failed to start node");
    CHECK(_restarter.waitNodesStarted(&nodeId, 1) == 0,
	  "waitNodesStarted failed");

  return NDBT_OK;
  if(_restarter.getNumDbNodes() < 4)
    return NDBT_OK;

  char buf[256];
  if(NdbEnv_GetEnv("USER", buf, 256) == 0 || strcmp(buf, "ejonore") != 0)
    return NDBT_OK;
  for(i = 0; i<sz && !ctx->isTestStopped() && !ctx->closeToTimeout(safety);i++){
    const int randomId = myRandom48(_restarter.getNumDbNodes());
    int nodeId = _restarter.getDbNodeId(randomId);
    const int error = NFDuringNR_codes[i];
    const int masterNodeId = _restarter.getMasterNodeId();
    CHECK(masterNodeId > 0, "getMasterNodeId failed");
    int crashNodeId = 0;
    do {
      int rand = myRandom48(1000);
      crashNodeId = _restarter.getRandomNodeOtherNodeGroup(nodeId, rand);
    } while(crashNodeId == masterNodeId);

    CHECK(crashNodeId > 0, "getMasterNodeId failed");

    g_info << _restart->m_name << " restarting node = " << nodeId 
	   << " error code = " << error 
	   << " crash node = " << crashNodeId << endl;
    CHECK(_restarter.restartOneDbNode(nodeId, false, true, true) == 0,
	  "Could not restart node "<< nodeId);
    CHECK(_restarter.waitNodesNoStart(&nodeId, 1) == 0,
	  "waitNodesNoStart failed");
    int val[] = { DumpStateOrd::CmvmiSetRestartOnErrorInsert, 1 };
    CHECK(_restarter.dumpStateOneNode(crashNodeId, val, 2) == 0,
	  "failed to set RestartOnErrorInsert");
    CHECK(_restarter.insertErrorInNode(crashNodeId, error) == 0,
	  "failed to set error insert");
    CHECK(_restarter.startNodes(&nodeId, 1) == 0,
	  "failed to start node");

    CHECK(_restarter.waitClusterStarted() == 0,
	  "waitClusterStarted failed");
  return NDBT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 10
extern "C" void* NdbThreadFuncRead(void* pArg)
    myRandom48Init((long int)NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond());
    unsigned nSucc = 0;
    unsigned nFail = 0;
    NdbRecAttr** ppNdbRecAttrDSum = new NdbRecAttr*[g_nDistrictPerWarehouse];
    NdbRecAttr** ppNdbRecAttrDCnt = new NdbRecAttr*[g_nDistrictPerWarehouse];
    Ndb* pNdb = NULL ;
    pNdb = new Ndb("TEST_DB");
    VerifyMethodInt(pNdb, init());
    VerifyMethodInt(pNdb, waitUntilReady());

    while(NdbMutex_Trylock(g_pNdbMutex)) {
        Uint32 nWarehouse = myRandom48(g_nWarehouseCount);
        NdbConnection* pNdbConnection = NULL ;
        VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbConnection, pNdb, startTransaction());
        CHK_TR(pNdbConnection) ; // epaulsa
        NdbOperation* pNdbOperationW = NULL ;
        VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbOperationW, pNdbConnection, getNdbOperation(c_szWarehouse));
        VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationW, readTuple());
        VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationW, equal(c_szWarehouseNumber, nWarehouse));
        NdbRecAttr* pNdbRecAttrWSum;
        VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbRecAttrWSum, pNdbOperationW, getValue(c_szWarehouseSum, 0));
        NdbRecAttr* pNdbRecAttrWCnt;
        VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbRecAttrWCnt, pNdbOperationW, getValue(c_szWarehouseCount, 0));
        for(Uint32 nDistrict=0; nDistrict<g_nDistrictPerWarehouse; ++nDistrict) {
            NdbOperation* pNdbOperationD = NULL ;
            VerifyMethodPtr(pNdbOperationD, pNdbConnection, getNdbOperation(c_szDistrict));
            VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationD, readTuple());
            VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationD, equal(c_szDistrictWarehouseNumber, nWarehouse));
            VerifyMethodInt(pNdbOperationD, equal(c_szDistrictNumber, nDistrict));
            VerifyMethodPtr(ppNdbRecAttrDSum[nDistrict], pNdbOperationD, getValue(c_szDistrictSum, 0));
            VerifyMethodPtr(ppNdbRecAttrDCnt[nDistrict], pNdbOperationD, getValue(c_szDistrictCount, 0));
        int iExec = pNdbConnection->execute(Commit);
        int iError = pNdbConnection->getNdbError().code;

        if(iExec<0 && iError!=0 && iError!=266 && iError!=626) {
            ReportMethodInt(iExec, pNdbConnection, "pNdbConnection", "execute(Commit)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        if(iExec==0) {
            Uint32 nSum = 0;
            Uint32 nCnt = 0;
            for(Uint32 nDistrict=0; nDistrict<g_nDistrictPerWarehouse; ++nDistrict) {
                nSum += ppNdbRecAttrDSum[nDistrict]->u_32_value();
                nCnt += ppNdbRecAttrDCnt[nDistrict]->u_32_value();
                    || nCnt!=g_nDistrictPerWarehouse*pNdbRecAttrWCnt->u_32_value()) {
                ndbout << "INCONSISTENT!" << endl;
                ndbout << "iExec==" << iExec << endl;
                ndbout << "iError==" << iError << endl;
                ndbout << endl;
                ndbout << c_szWarehouseSum << "==" << pNdbRecAttrWSum->u_32_value() << ", ";
                ndbout << c_szWarehouseCount << "==" << pNdbRecAttrWCnt->u_32_value() << endl;
                ndbout << "nSum==" << nSum << ", nCnt=" << nCnt << endl;
                for(Uint32 nDistrict=0; nDistrict<g_nDistrictPerWarehouse; ++nDistrict) {
                    ndbout << c_szDistrictSum << "[" << nDistrict << "]==" << ppNdbRecAttrDSum[nDistrict]->u_32_value() << ", ";
                    ndbout << c_szDistrictCount << "[" << nDistrict << "]==" << ppNdbRecAttrDCnt[nDistrict]->u_32_value() << endl;
                VerifyMethodVoid(pNdb, closeTransaction(pNdbConnection));
                delete pNdb;
                pNdb = NULL ;
                delete[] ppNdbRecAttrDSum;
                ppNdbRecAttrDSum = NULL ;
                delete[] ppNdbRecAttrDCnt;
                ppNdbRecAttrDCnt = NULL ;
        } else {
        VerifyMethodVoid(pNdb, closeTransaction(pNdbConnection));
    ndbout << "read: " << nSucc << " succeeded, " << nFail << " failed " << endl;
    delete pNdb;
    pNdb = NULL ;
    delete[] ppNdbRecAttrDSum;
    ppNdbRecAttrDSum = NULL ;
    delete[] ppNdbRecAttrDCnt;
    ppNdbRecAttrDCnt = NULL ;
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 11
NdbBackup::Fail(NdbRestarter& _restarter, int *Fail_codes, const int sz, bool onMaster){

  CHECK(_restarter.waitClusterStarted() == 0,
	"waitClusterStarted failed");

  int nNodes = _restarter.getNumDbNodes();


  for(int i = 0; i<sz; i++){
    int error = Fail_codes[i];
    unsigned int backupId;

    const int masterNodeId = _restarter.getMasterNodeId();
    CHECK(masterNodeId > 0, "getMasterNodeId failed");
    int nodeId;

    nodeId = masterNodeId;
    if (!onMaster) {
      int randomId;
      while (nodeId == masterNodeId) {
	randomId = myRandom48(nNodes);
	nodeId = _restarter.getDbNodeId(randomId);

    g_err << "NdbBackup::Fail node = " << nodeId 
	   << " error code = " << error << " masterNodeId = "
	   << masterNodeId << endl;

    CHECK(_restarter.insertErrorInNode(nodeId, error) == 0,
	  "failed to set error insert");
    g_info << "error inserted"  << endl;
    g_info << "waiting some before starting backup"  << endl;

    g_info << "starting backup"  << endl;
    int r = start(backupId);
    g_info << "r = " << r
	   << " (which should fail) started with id = "  << backupId << endl;
    if (r == 0) {
      g_err << "Backup should have failed on error_insertion " << error << endl
	    << "Master = " << masterNodeId << "Node = " << nodeId << endl;
      return NDBT_FAILED;
    CHECK(_restarter.waitClusterStarted() == 0,
	  "waitClusterStarted failed");

    CHECK(_restarter.insertErrorInNode(nodeId, 10099) == 0,
	  "failed to set error insert");

    int val2[] = { 24, 2424 };
    CHECK(_restarter.dumpStateAllNodes(val2, 2) == 0,
	  "failed to check backup resources RestartOnErrorInsert");

  return NDBT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 12
NdbBackup::NF(NdbRestarter& _restarter, int *NFDuringBackup_codes, const int sz, bool onMaster){
  int nNodes = _restarter.getNumDbNodes();
    if(nNodes == 1)
      return NDBT_OK;
    int nodeId = _restarter.getMasterNodeId();

    CHECK(_restarter.restartOneDbNode(nodeId, false, true, true) == 0,
	  "Could not restart node "<< nodeId);
    CHECK(_restarter.waitNodesNoStart(&nodeId, 1) == 0,
	  "waitNodesNoStart failed");
    CHECK(_restarter.startNodes(&nodeId, 1) == 0,
	  "failed to start node");
  CHECK(_restarter.waitClusterStarted() == 0,
	"waitClusterStarted failed");

  for(int i = 0; i<sz; i++){

    int error = NFDuringBackup_codes[i];
    unsigned int backupId;

    const int masterNodeId = _restarter.getMasterNodeId();
    CHECK(masterNodeId > 0, "getMasterNodeId failed");
    int nodeId;

    nodeId = masterNodeId;
    if (!onMaster) {
      int randomId;
      while (nodeId == masterNodeId) {
	randomId = myRandom48(nNodes);
	nodeId = _restarter.getDbNodeId(randomId);

    g_err << "NdbBackup::NF node = " << nodeId 
	   << " error code = " << error << " masterNodeId = "
	   << masterNodeId << endl;

    int val[] = { DumpStateOrd::CmvmiSetRestartOnErrorInsert, 1 };
    CHECK(_restarter.dumpStateOneNode(nodeId, val, 2) == 0,
	  "failed to set RestartOnErrorInsert");
    CHECK(_restarter.insertErrorInNode(nodeId, error) == 0,
	  "failed to set error insert");
    g_info << "error inserted"  << endl;

    g_info << "starting backup"  << endl;
    int r = start(backupId);
    g_info << "r = " << r
	   << " (which should fail) started with id = "  << backupId << endl;
    if (r == 0) {
      g_err << "Backup should have failed on error_insertion " << error << endl
	    << "Master = " << masterNodeId << "Node = " << nodeId << endl;
      return NDBT_FAILED;

    CHECK(_restarter.waitNodesNoStart(&nodeId, 1) == 0,
	  "waitNodesNoStart failed");

    g_info << "number of nodes running " << _restarter.getNumDbNodes() << endl;

    if (_restarter.getNumDbNodes() != nNodes) {
      g_err << "Failure: cluster not up" << endl;
      return NDBT_FAILED;

    g_info << "starting new backup"  << endl;
    CHECK(start(backupId) == 0,
	  "failed to start backup");
    g_info << "(which should succeed) started with id = "  << backupId << endl;

    g_info << "starting node"  << endl;
    CHECK(_restarter.startNodes(&nodeId, 1) == 0,
	  "failed to start node");

    CHECK(_restarter.waitClusterStarted() == 0,
	  "waitClusterStarted failed");
    g_info << "node started"  << endl;

    int val2[] = { 24, 2424 };
    CHECK(_restarter.dumpStateAllNodes(val2, 2) == 0,
	  "failed to check backup resources RestartOnErrorInsert");
    CHECK(_restarter.insertErrorInNode(nodeId, 10099) == 0,
	  "failed to set error insert");


  return NDBT_OK;
Exemplo n.º 13
* P U B L I C   F U N C T I O N S   C O D E   S E C T I O N    *
asyncGenerator(ThreadData *data, 
	       int parallellism, 
	       int millisSendPoll,
	       int minEventSendPoll,
	       int forceSendPoll)
  ThreadData * startUp;
  GeneratorStatistics *st;
  double periodStop;
  double benchTimeStart;
  double benchTimeEnd;
  int i, j, done;

  for(i = 0; i<parallellism; i++){

  startUp = (ThreadData*)malloc(parallellism * sizeof(ThreadData));
  memcpy(startUp, data, (parallellism * sizeof(ThreadData)));
  /* warm up period */
  periodStop = userGetTime() + (double)data[0].warmUpSeconds;
  while(userGetTime() < periodStop){
    doOneTransaction(startUp, parallellism, 
		     millisSendPoll, minEventSendPoll, forceSendPoll);
  ndbout_c("Waiting for startup to finish");

   * Wait for all transactions
  done = 0;
    done = 1;
    for(i = 0; i<parallellism; i++){
      if(startUp[i].runState != Runnable){
	done = 0;
  ndbout_c("Benchmark period starts");

  /* normal benchmark period */
  benchTimeStart = userGetTime();
  periodStop = benchTimeStart + (double)data[0].testSeconds;
  while(userGetTime() < periodStop)
    doOneTransaction(data, parallellism,
		     millisSendPoll, minEventSendPoll, forceSendPoll);  

  benchTimeEnd = userGetTime();
  ndbout_c("Benchmark period done");

   * Wait for all transactions
  done = 0;
    done = 1;
    for(i = 0; i<parallellism; i++){
      if(data[i].runState != Runnable){
	done = 0;

  /* cool down period */
  periodStop = userGetTime() + (double)data[0].coolDownSeconds;
  while(userGetTime() < periodStop){
    doOneTransaction(startUp, parallellism,
		     millisSendPoll, minEventSendPoll, forceSendPoll);

  done = 0;
    done = 1;
    for(i = 0; i<parallellism; i++){
      if(startUp[i].runState != Runnable){
	done = 0;

  /* add the times for all transaction for inner loop timing */
  for(j = 0; j<parallellism; j++){
    st = &data[j].generator;
    st->outerLoopTime = benchTimeEnd - benchTimeStart;
    st->outerTps      = getTps(st->totalTransactions, st->outerLoopTime);
  /* ndbout_c("maxsize = %d\n",maxsize); */
