Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: ints.c Projeto: ddome/arqtpe
static void
b_write(int p, const void *buff, int size)
	int i;

    for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    	myout( p , ( (byte *) buff )[i] );
Exemplo n.º 2
void stl_numeric_algo(){
    double array[] = {-2,2,4,4,5};
    double array1[] = {2,3,4,5,6};
    vector<double> a(array,array + sizeof(array)/sizeof(double));
    vector<double> b(array1,array1 + sizeof(array1)/sizeof(double));
    vector<double> result(10);

    cout<<"accumulate func: "<<accumulate(a.begin(), a.end(), 0, minus<double>())<<endl;
    cout<<"inner product func: "<<inner_product(a.begin(),a.end(),b.begin(),0.0,plus<double>(),multiplies<double>())<<endl;
    cout<<"adjacent_difference : "<<result<<endl;
    cout<<"partial_sum : "<<result<<endl;
    ostream_iterator<double> myout(cout, " ");
    copy(result.begin(), result.end(), myout);
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: main.cpp Projeto: riiko/meta
int createMETAAudit(QSqlDatabase mydb, QString auditDir)
    QSqlQuery query(mydb);
    QSqlQuery query2(mydb);
    QString sql;
    QStringList TriggerData;
    QStringList TriggerLite;

    QStringList dropMyTriggers;
    QStringList dropLiteTriggers;

    TriggerData << "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS audit_log (";
    TriggerData << "audit_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,";
    TriggerData << "audit_date TIMESTAMP NULL ,";
    TriggerData << "audit_action VARCHAR(6) NULL ,";
    TriggerData << "audit_user VARCHAR(120) NULL ,";
    TriggerData << "audit_table VARCHAR(60) NULL ,";
    TriggerData << "audit_column VARCHAR(60) NULL ,";
    TriggerData << "audit_key VARCHAR(500) NULL ,";
    TriggerData << "audit_oldvalue VARCHAR(500) NULL ,";
    TriggerData << "audit_newvalue VARCHAR(500) NULL ,";
    TriggerData << "audit_insdeldata TEXT NULL ,";
    TriggerData << "PRIMARY KEY (audit_id) )";
    TriggerData << " ENGINE = InnoDB CHARSET=utf8;";
    TriggerData << "";

    //TriggerData << "ALTER TABLE audit_log ADD COLUMN audit_insdeldata TEXT NULL;";
    //TriggerData << "ALTER TABLE audit_log CHANGE audit_updatekey audit_key varchar(500);";
    //TriggerData << "";

    TriggerLite << "BEGIN;";
    TriggerLite << "CREATE TABLE audit_log (";
    TriggerLite << "audit_id INTEGER NOT NULL,";
    TriggerLite << "audit_date VARCHAR(120) NULL ,";
    TriggerLite << "audit_action VARCHAR(6) NULL ,";
    TriggerLite << "audit_user VARCHAR(120) NULL ,";
    TriggerLite << "audit_table VARCHAR(60) NULL ,";
    TriggerLite << "audit_column VARCHAR(60) NULL ,";
    TriggerLite << "audit_key VARCHAR(500) NULL ,";
    TriggerLite << "audit_oldvalue VARCHAR(500) NULL ,";
    TriggerLite << "audit_newvalue VARCHAR(500) NULL ,";
    TriggerLite << "audit_insdeldata TEXT NULL ,";
    TriggerLite << "PRIMARY KEY (audit_id) );";
    TriggerLite << "";

    int auditIndex;
    auditIndex = 0;

    sql = "SELECT tbl_cod FROM dict_tblinfo WHERE tbl_cod NOT LIKE 'v_%'"; //Excluse views in audit
    if (query.exec(sql))
        while (query.next())
            auditIndex = auditIndex + 1;
            if (ignoreTables.indexOf(query.value(0).toString().toLower()) < 0)

                //Update trigger for MySQL-------------------------------------------------------------------

                dropMyTriggers << "DROP TRIGGER audit_" + QString::number(auditIndex) +"_update;";

                TriggerData << "delimiter $$";
                TriggerData << "CREATE TRIGGER audit_" + QString::number(auditIndex) +"_update";
                TriggerData << "AFTER UPDATE ON " + query.value(0).toString();
                TriggerData << "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN";
                TriggerData << "DECLARE ts TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();";
                TriggerData << "DECLARE us VARCHAR(120) DEFAULT USER();";
                TriggerData << "";

                QString mykeyData;
                mykeyData = "CONCAT(";

                QString myNoKeyData;

                sql = "SELECT clm_cod FROM dict_clminfo WHERE tbl_cod = '"  + query.value(0).toString() + "' AND clm_key = 1";
                if (query2.exec(sql))
                    while (query2.next())
                        mykeyData = mykeyData + "'(" + query2.value(0).toString() + ")',OLD." + query2.value(0).toString() + ",',',";
                    mykeyData = mykeyData.left(mykeyData.length()-5) + ")";

                sql = "SELECT clm_cod FROM dict_clminfo WHERE tbl_cod = '"  + query.value(0).toString() + "' ORDER BY clm_key,clm_pos DESC"; // AND clm_key = 0
                if (query2.exec(sql))
                    while (query2.next())
                        TriggerData << "IF OLD." + query2.value(0).toString() + " <> NEW." + query2.value(0).toString() + " THEN INSERT INTO audit_log(audit_date,audit_action,audit_user,audit_table,audit_column,audit_key,audit_oldvalue,audit_newvalue) VALUES (ts,'UPDATE',us,'" + query.value(0).toString() + "','" + query2.value(0).toString() + "'," + mykeyData + ",OLD." + query2.value(0).toString() + ",NEW." + query2.value(0).toString() + ");";
                        TriggerData << "END IF;";

                TriggerData << "";
                TriggerData << "END$$";
                TriggerData << "DELIMITER ;";
                TriggerData << "";

                //Insert trigger for MySQL-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                dropMyTriggers << "DROP TRIGGER audit_" + QString::number(auditIndex) +"_insert;";

                TriggerData << "delimiter $$";
                TriggerData << "CREATE TRIGGER audit_" + QString::number(auditIndex) +"_insert";
                TriggerData << "AFTER INSERT ON " + query.value(0).toString();
                TriggerData << "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN";
                TriggerData << "DECLARE ts TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();";
                TriggerData << "DECLARE us VARCHAR(120) DEFAULT USER();";
                TriggerData << "";

                //Getting the key data of the deleted record
                sql = "SELECT clm_cod FROM dict_clminfo WHERE tbl_cod = '"  + query.value(0).toString() + "' AND clm_key = 1";
                if (query2.exec(sql))
                    mykeyData = "CONCAT(";
                    while (query2.next())
                        mykeyData = mykeyData + "'(" + query2.value(0).toString() + ")',NEW." + query2.value(0).toString() + ",',',";
                mykeyData = mykeyData.left(mykeyData.length()-5) + ")";

                // Getting the non-key data of the deleted record
                // The non-key data is represented as Hexadecimal character values to avoid conflicts with controlling characters like () and ,
                sql = "SELECT clm_cod FROM dict_clminfo WHERE tbl_cod = '"  + query.value(0).toString() + "' AND clm_key = 0";
                if (query2.exec(sql))
                    myNoKeyData = "CONCAT(";
                    while (query2.next())
                        myNoKeyData = myNoKeyData + "'(" + query2.value(0).toString() + ")',ifnull(hex(cast(NEW." + query2.value(0).toString() + " as char)),''),',',";
                if (myNoKeyData != "CONCAT(")
                    myNoKeyData = myNoKeyData.left(myNoKeyData.length()-5) + ")";
                    myNoKeyData = "''";

                TriggerData << "INSERT INTO audit_log(audit_date,audit_action,audit_user,audit_table,audit_key,audit_insdeldata) VALUES (ts,'INSERT',us,'" + query.value(0).toString() + "'," + mykeyData + "," + myNoKeyData + ");";

                TriggerData << "";
                TriggerData << "END$$";
                TriggerData << "DELIMITER ;";
                TriggerData << "";

                //Delete trigger for MySQL----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                dropMyTriggers << "DROP TRIGGER audit_" + QString::number(auditIndex) +"_delete;";

                TriggerData << "delimiter $$";
                TriggerData << "CREATE TRIGGER audit_" + QString::number(auditIndex) +"_delete";
                TriggerData << "AFTER DELETE ON " + query.value(0).toString();
                TriggerData << "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN";
                TriggerData << "DECLARE ts TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP();";
                TriggerData << "DECLARE us VARCHAR(120) DEFAULT USER();";
                TriggerData << "";

                //Getting the key data of the deleted record
                sql = "SELECT clm_cod FROM dict_clminfo WHERE tbl_cod = '"  + query.value(0).toString() + "' AND clm_key = 1";
                if (query2.exec(sql))
                    mykeyData = "CONCAT(";
                    while (query2.next())
                        mykeyData = mykeyData + "'(" + query2.value(0).toString() + ")',OLD." + query2.value(0).toString() + ",',',";
                mykeyData = mykeyData.left(mykeyData.length()-5) + ")";

                // Getting the non-key data of the deleted record
                // The non-key data is represented as Hexadecimal values to avoid conflicts with controlling characters like () and ,
                sql = "SELECT clm_cod FROM dict_clminfo WHERE tbl_cod = '"  + query.value(0).toString() + "' AND clm_key = 0";
                if (query2.exec(sql))
                    myNoKeyData = "CONCAT(";
                    while (query2.next())
                        myNoKeyData = myNoKeyData + "'(" + query2.value(0).toString() + ")',ifnull(hex(cast(OLD." + query2.value(0).toString() + " as char)),''),',',";
                if (myNoKeyData != "CONCAT(")
                    myNoKeyData = myNoKeyData.left(myNoKeyData.length()-5) + ")";
                    myNoKeyData = "''";

                TriggerData << "INSERT INTO audit_log(audit_date,audit_action,audit_user,audit_table,audit_key,audit_insdeldata) VALUES (ts,'DELETE',us,'" + query.value(0).toString() + "'," + mykeyData + "," + myNoKeyData + ");";

                TriggerData << "";
                TriggerData << "END$$";
                TriggerData << "DELIMITER ;";
                TriggerData << "";


                //Update trigger for SQLite------------------------------------------------------------------

                QString litekeyData;
                QString liteNoKeyData;
                litekeyData = "(";

                sql = "SELECT clm_cod FROM dict_clminfo WHERE tbl_cod = '"  + query.value(0).toString() + "' AND clm_key = 1";
                if (query2.exec(sql))
                    while (query2.next())
                        litekeyData = litekeyData + "'(" + query2.value(0).toString() + ")' || OLD." + query2.value(0).toString() + "|| ',' ||";
                    litekeyData = litekeyData.left(litekeyData.length()-9) + ")";

                dropLiteTriggers << "DROP TRIGGER audit_" + QString::number(auditIndex) + "_update;";

                TriggerLite << "CREATE TRIGGER audit_" + QString::number(auditIndex) + "_update";
                TriggerLite << "AFTER UPDATE ON " + query.value(0).toString();
                TriggerLite << "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN";
                TriggerLite << "";
                sql = "SELECT clm_cod FROM dict_clminfo WHERE tbl_cod = '"  + query.value(0).toString() + "'  ORDER BY clm_key,clm_pos DESC"; //AND clm_key = 0;
                if (query2.exec(sql))
                    while (query2.next())
                        TriggerLite << "INSERT INTO audit_log(audit_date,audit_action,audit_user,audit_table,audit_column,audit_key,audit_oldvalue,audit_newvalue) values (hex(datetime('now','localtime')),'UPDATE','NONE','" + query.value(0).toString() + "','" + query2.value(0).toString() + "'," + litekeyData + ",OLD." + query2.value(0).toString() + ",NEW." + query2.value(0).toString() + ");";

                TriggerLite << "";
                TriggerLite << "END;";
                TriggerLite << "";

                //Insert trigger for SQLite---------------------------------------------------------------------------

                dropLiteTriggers << "DROP TRIGGER audit_" + QString::number(auditIndex) + "_insert;";

                TriggerLite << "CREATE TRIGGER audit_" + QString::number(auditIndex) + "_insert";
                TriggerLite << "AFTER INSERT ON " + query.value(0).toString();
                TriggerLite << "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN";
                TriggerLite << "";

                //Getting the key data of the deleted record
                sql = "SELECT clm_cod FROM dict_clminfo WHERE tbl_cod = '"  + query.value(0).toString() + "' AND clm_key = 1";
                if (query2.exec(sql))
                    litekeyData = "(";
                    while (query2.next())
                        litekeyData = litekeyData + "'(" + query2.value(0).toString() + ")' || NEW." + query2.value(0).toString() + "|| ',' ||";
                litekeyData = litekeyData.left(litekeyData.length()-9) + ")";

                // Getting the non-key data of the deleted record
                // The non-key data is represented as Hexadecimal values to avoid conflicts with controlling characters like () and ,
                sql = "SELECT clm_cod FROM dict_clminfo WHERE tbl_cod = '"  + query.value(0).toString() + "' AND clm_key = 0";
                if (query2.exec(sql))
                    liteNoKeyData = "(";
                    while (query2.next())
                        liteNoKeyData = liteNoKeyData + "'(" + query2.value(0).toString() + ")' || hex(NEW." + query2.value(0).toString() + ") || ',' ||";
                if (liteNoKeyData != "(")
                    liteNoKeyData = liteNoKeyData.left(liteNoKeyData.length()-9) + ")";
                    liteNoKeyData = "''";

                TriggerLite << "INSERT INTO audit_log(audit_date,audit_action,audit_user,audit_table,audit_key,audit_insdeldata) values (hex(datetime('now','localtime')),'INSERT','NONE','" + query.value(0).toString() + "'," + litekeyData + "," + liteNoKeyData + ");";

                TriggerLite << "";
                TriggerLite << "END;";
                TriggerLite << "";

                //Delete trigger for SQLite----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                dropLiteTriggers << "DROP TRIGGER audit_" + QString::number(auditIndex) + "_delete;";

                TriggerLite << "CREATE TRIGGER audit_" + QString::number(auditIndex) + "_delete";
                TriggerLite << "AFTER DELETE ON " + query.value(0).toString();
                TriggerLite << "FOR EACH ROW BEGIN";
                TriggerLite << "";

                //Getting the key data of the deleted record
                sql = "SELECT clm_cod FROM dict_clminfo WHERE tbl_cod = '"  + query.value(0).toString() + "' AND clm_key = 1";
                if (query2.exec(sql))
                    litekeyData = "(";
                    while (query2.next())
                        litekeyData = litekeyData + "'(" + query2.value(0).toString() + ")' || OLD." + query2.value(0).toString() + "|| ',' ||";
                litekeyData = litekeyData.left(litekeyData.length()-9) + ")";

                // Getting the non-key data of the deleted record
                // The non-key data is represented as Hexadecimal values to avoid conflicts with controlling characters like () and ,
                sql = "SELECT clm_cod FROM dict_clminfo WHERE tbl_cod = '"  + query.value(0).toString() + "' AND clm_key = 0";
                if (query2.exec(sql))
                    liteNoKeyData = "(";
                    while (query2.next())
                        liteNoKeyData = liteNoKeyData + "'(" + query2.value(0).toString() + ")' || hex(OLD." + query2.value(0).toString() + ") || ',' ||";
                if (liteNoKeyData != "(")
                    liteNoKeyData = liteNoKeyData.left(liteNoKeyData.length()-9) + ")";
                    liteNoKeyData = "''";

                TriggerLite << "INSERT INTO audit_log(audit_date,audit_action,audit_user,audit_table,audit_key,audit_insdeldata) values (hex(datetime('now','localtime')),'DELETE','NONE','" + query.value(0).toString() + "'," + litekeyData + "," + liteNoKeyData + ");";

                TriggerLite << "";
                TriggerLite << "END;";
                TriggerLite << "";


        TriggerLite << "CREATE TRIGGER noAuditUpdates BEFORE UPDATE ON audit_log FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT NULL) IS NULL) THEN RAISE(ABORT, 'Audit table cannot be updated') END; END;";
        TriggerLite << "";

        TriggerLite << "CREATE TRIGGER noAuditDeletes BEFORE DELETE ON audit_log FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT NULL) IS NULL) THEN RAISE(ABORT, 'Audit table cannot be deleted') END; END;";
        TriggerLite << "";

        TriggerLite << "COMMIT;";
        TriggerLite << "";

        QDir audir(auditDir);
        if (!audir.exists())
            if (!audir.mkdir(auditDir))
                log("Error creating audit dir");
                return 1;


        //Saves the MySQL create audit file
        QString fileName;
        fileName = audir.absolutePath() + "/" + "mysql_create_audit.sql";
        QFileInfo f(fileName);
        QString fp;
        fp = f.path();
        if (!fileName.isEmpty())
            QFile myfile(fileName);
            if (!myfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
                return 1;

            QTextStream myout(&myfile);
            for (int pos = 0; pos <= TriggerData.count() -1;pos++)
                myout << TriggerData[pos] << "\n";
        log("MySQL Create audit script loaded in " + fileName);

        //Saves the SQLite create audit file
        fileName = "";
        fileName = audir.absolutePath() + "/" + "sqlite_create_audit.sql";

        if (!fileName.isEmpty())
            QFile litefile(fileName);
            if (!litefile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
                return 1;

            QTextStream liteout(&litefile);
            for (int pos = 0; pos <= TriggerLite.count() -1;pos++)
                liteout << TriggerLite[pos] << "\n";
        log("SQLite Create audit script loaded in " + fileName);

        //Saves the MySQL drop audit file
        fileName = "";
        fileName = audir.absolutePath() + "/" + "mysql_drop_audit.sql";
        if (!fileName.isEmpty())
            QFile mydropfile(fileName);
            if (!mydropfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
                return 1;

            QTextStream mydropout(&mydropfile);
            for (int pos = 0; pos <= dropMyTriggers.count() -1;pos++)
                mydropout << dropMyTriggers[pos] << "\n";
        log("MySQL Drop audit script loaded in " + fileName);

        //Saves the SQlite drop audit file
        fileName = "";
        fileName = audir.absolutePath() + "/" + "sqlite_drop_audit.sql";
        if (!fileName.isEmpty())
            QFile litedropfile(fileName);
            if (!litedropfile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
                return 1;

            QTextStream litedropout(&litedropfile);
            for (int pos = 0; pos <= dropLiteTriggers.count() -1;pos++)
                litedropout << dropLiteTriggers[pos] << "\n";
        log("SQLite Drop audit script loaded in " + fileName);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

int i = 0;

ifstream myin("test.dat");
ifstream prefin("pref.dat");
ofstream myout("out.js");

if(!myin) {
	cout << "cannot open the file \n";
	return 1;

while (!myin.eof()) {
	myin >> ptr_ga[i].name >> ptr_ga[i].value ;
//	cout << ptr_ga[i].name <<","<< ptr_ga[i].value <<"\n";



if(!myout) {
	cout << "cannot open the file \n";
	return 1;

if (argc == 1) 
	char prefer [7];
	char prefname[50];
	char pref1[5];
	char pref2[7];
	char bool1[5];
	char bool2[6];

if(!prefin) {
	cout << "cannot open the file \n";
	return 1;

while (!prefin.eof()) {

	prefin >> prefer >> prefname ;
//	cout <<"This is "<< prefer << " and " << prefname << "\n";

	strcpy(pref1, "pref");
	strcpy(pref2, "config");
	strcpy(bool1, "true");
	strcpy(bool2, "false");

	if (strcmp(prefer,pref1) ==0)
//		cout << "inside the def pref \n";
		if (GetGlobal(prefname)!= NULL)
		{	if (( strcmp (GetGlobal(prefname), bool1) == 0)|| ( strcmp (GetGlobal(prefname), bool2)== 0) || (isnum (GetGlobal(prefname))))
		{	//cout << "the current value is " <<GetGlobal(prefname)<<"\n";
			myout<< "defaultPref(\"" << prefname << "\", " <<GetGlobal(prefname) <<");\n";
			myout<< "defaultPref(\"" << prefname << "\", \"" <<GetGlobal(prefname) <<"\");\n";
			cout << prefname << " is not found \n";
	else if (strcmp(prefer,pref2) ==0)
//		cout << "inside the config \n";

		if (GetGlobal(prefname)!= NULL)
		{	if (( strcmp (GetGlobal(prefname), bool1) == 0)|| ( strcmp (GetGlobal(prefname), bool2) == 0) || (isnum (GetGlobal(prefname))))
		{//cout << "the value of isnum is " << isnum <<"\n";
		//cout << "the curretn value is "<<GetGlobal(prefname)<<"\n";
		myout<< "config(\"" << prefname << "\", " <<GetGlobal(prefname) <<");\n";
			myout<< "config(\"" << prefname << "\", \"" <<GetGlobal(prefname) <<"\");\n";
			cout << prefname << " is not found \n";

