void * scoresDescendingSort(struct student *students, int len) { int i,j;struct student temp; if(students==NULL||len<=0) return NULL; else { for(i=0;i<len;i++) { for(j=0;j<len-i-1;j++) { if(students[j].score<students[j+1].score) { mystrcpy(temp.name,students[j].name); //while(*(temp.name)++=*(students[j].name)++); temp.score =students[j].score; //student[j].name=(char*)malloc(sizeof(student[j+1].name)+1) mystrcpy((students[j].name),(students[j+1].name)); students[j].score= students[j+1].score; mystrcpy(students[j+1].name ,temp.name); students[j+1].score = temp.score; } } } } }
EventLog::EventLog(const EventLog& other) { mystrcpy(this->name, other.name); mystrcpy(this->eventList, other.eventList); this->lastIndex = other.lastIndex; this->listCapacity = other.listCapacity; }
void insert(struct node *root, unsigned char *s) { if (!*s) return; unsigned char fc = *s; if (!root->go[fc]) { root->go[fc] = mk_node(); mystrcpy(&root->edge[fc], s); return; } unsigned char *foo = s; while (*foo && root->edge[fc][foo-s] == *foo) { ++foo; } if (!*foo) return; if (root->edge[fc][foo-s]) { struct node *bar = mk_node(); struct node *baz = mk_node(); bar->go[*foo] = baz; mystrcpy(&bar->edge[*foo], foo); bar->go[root->edge[fc][foo-s]] = root->go[fc]; mystrcpy(&bar->edge[root->edge[fc][foo-s]], root->edge[fc]+(foo-s)); int newlen = foo-s; root->edge[fc] = (unsigned char *) realloc(root->edge[fc], (newlen+1)*sizeof(unsigned char)); root->edge[fc][newlen] = 0; root->go[fc] = bar; } else { insert(root->go[fc], foo); } }
long LogOpenQuiet( char *filename, __int64 *filelen ) { char rawfileName[256]; long hnd = 0; DateFixFilename( filename, rawfileName ); // Check if we trying to open a shortcut if ( IsShortCut( rawfileName ) ){ char linkpath[256]; mystrcpy( linkpath, rawfileName ); #if DEF_WINDOWS GetShortCut( linkpath, rawfileName ); #endif } // Now see if the we want to open a short cut to a URL if ( IsURLShortCut( rawfileName ) ){ char linkpath[256]; mystrcpy( linkpath, rawfileName ); #if DEF_WINDOWS GetURLShortCut( linkpath, rawfileName ); #endif } // Check for a just a plain URL if ( IsURL( rawfileName ) ){ StatusSetID( IDS_REMOTELOG , strrchr( rawfileName,'/' ) ); hnd = (long)INetOpen( rawfileName, filelen ); return hnd; } // Check other types char format[100]; // determine if its PKZIP file and if so... dont open it, YET if ( IsFileInvalid( rawfileName, format ) ) return 0; #ifndef DEF_MAC if ( IsPKZIP( rawfileName ) ) hnd = (long)UnzipOpen( rawfileName, NULL ); else #ifdef _BZLIB_H if ( aIsBzFile( rawfileName ) ) // PLEASE DO THIS SOON FOR MAC.... at least for manual completeness, hey OSX people will love it. hnd = (long)BZ2_bzopen( rawfileName, "rb" ); else #endif #endif { hnd = (long)gzopen( rawfileName, "rb" ); } if ( filelen && hnd ) *filelen = GetFileLength( rawfileName ); return hnd; }
void test2() { char a[200]; char * b; b = mystrcpy(a, "Hello world"); printf("\"%s\"\n", a); printf("\"%s\"\n", b); b = mystrcpy(a, ""); printf("\"%s\"\n", a); printf("\"%s\"\n", b); }
Phone::Phone() { mystrcpy(this->brand, "UnknownBrand"); mystrcpy(this->model, "UnknownModel"); this->totalMemory = DEFAULT_MEMORY; this->freeMemory = DEFAULT_MEMORY; this->isTouchScreen = false; this->screenSize = DEFAULT_SCREENSIZE; this->weight = DEFAULT_WEIGHT; this->hoursBatteryLasts = DEFAULT_BATTERYLAST; this->currentBattery = DEFAULT_BATTERY; }
Phone::Phone(const Phone& other) { mystrcpy(this->brand, other.brand); mystrcpy(this->model, other.model); this->totalMemory = other.totalMemory; this->freeMemory = other.freeMemory; this->isTouchScreen = other.isTouchScreen; this->screenSize = other.screenSize; this->weight = other.weight; this->hoursBatteryLasts = other.hoursBatteryLasts; this->currentBattery = other.currentBattery; }
Phone::Phone(char* brand, char* model, int totalMemory, int freeMemory, bool isTouchScreen, double screenSize, double weight, double hoursBatteryLasts, int currentBattery) { mystrcpy(this->brand, brand); mystrcpy(this->model, model); this->totalMemory = totalMemory; this->freeMemory = freeMemory; this->isTouchScreen = isTouchScreen; this->screenSize = screenSize; this->weight = weight; this->hoursBatteryLasts = hoursBatteryLasts; this->currentBattery = currentBattery; }
int sub_image (imageptr iptr, regionptr rptr, imageptr *optr) { int nx,ny,nz, nx1,ny1,nz1, ix,iy,iz, ix0,iy0,iz0; size_t np, np1; nx = Nx(iptr); ny = Ny(iptr); nz = Nz(iptr); np = nx*ny*nz; /* grab the bounding box */ ix0 = BLC(rptr)[0]; iy0 = BLC(rptr)[1]; iz0 = BLC(rptr)[2]; nx1 = TRC(rptr)[0] - ix0; ny1 = TRC(rptr)[1] - iy0; nz1 = TRC(rptr)[2] - iz0; np1 = nx1*ny1*nz1; *optr = (imageptr ) allocate(sizeof(image)); dprintf (DLEV,"copy_image:Allocated image @ %d size=%d * %d * %d",*optr,nx1,ny1,nz1); Frame(*optr) = (real *) allocate(np1*sizeof(real)); dprintf (DLEV,"Frame allocated @ %d ",Frame(*optr)); Nx(*optr) = nx1; Ny(*optr) = ny1; Nz(*optr) = nz1; Xmin(*optr) = Xmin(iptr) + ix0*Dx(iptr); Ymin(*optr) = Ymin(iptr) + iy0*Dy(iptr); Zmin(*optr) = Zmin(iptr) + iz0*Dz(iptr); Dx(*optr) = Dx(iptr); Dy(*optr) = Dy(iptr); Dz(*optr) = Dz(iptr); Namex(*optr) = mystrcpy(Namex(iptr)); Namey(*optr) = mystrcpy(Namey(iptr)); Namez(*optr) = mystrcpy(Namez(iptr)); Xref(*optr) = Xref(iptr) + ix0; Yref(*optr) = Yref(iptr) + iy0; Zref(*optr) = Zref(iptr) + iz0; for (iz=0; iz<nz1; iz++) for (iy=0; iy<ny1; iy++) for (ix=0; ix<nx1; ix++) CubeValue(*optr,ix,iy,iz) = CubeValue(iptr,ix-ix0,iy-iy0,iz-iy0); Storage(*optr) = matdef[idef]; Axis(*optr) = Axis(iptr); set_iarray(*optr); return 1; /* succes return code */ }
static DWORD WINAPI newTreeWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static LPARAM last_item=-1; if (uMsg == WM_CHAR && wParam == (WPARAM)' ') { NotifyCurWnd(WM_TREEVIEW_KEYHACK); return 0; } #if defined(NSIS_SUPPORT_CODECALLBACKS) && defined(NSIS_CONFIG_ENHANCEDUI_SUPPORT) if (uMsg == WM_DESTROY) { last_item=-1; } if (uMsg == WM_MOUSEMOVE) { TVITEM tvItem; if (IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { tvItem.hItem = TreeHitTest(hwnd); lParam = -1; if (tvItem.hItem) { tvItem.mask = TVIF_PARAM; TreeView_GetItem(hwnd, &tvItem); lParam = tvItem.lParam; } uMsg = WM_NOTIFY_SELCHANGE; } } if (uMsg == WM_NOTIFY_SELCHANGE) { if (last_item != lParam) { last_item = lParam; mystrcpy(g_tmp, g_usrvars[0]); myitoa(g_usrvars[0], lParam); ExecuteCodeSegment(g_header->code_onMouseOverSection,NULL); mystrcpy(g_usrvars[0], g_tmp); } } #endif//NSIS_SUPPORT_CODECALLBACKS && NSIS_CONFIG_ENHANCEDUI_SUPPORT return CallWindowProc((WNDPROC)oldTreeWndProc,hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam); }
/* * The following are simple tests to help you. * You should develop more extensive tests to try and find bugs. */ int main() { const int SIZE = 100; char buffer[SIZE]; assert(mystrlen("cmpt 300") == 8); assert(mystrlen("") == 0); assert(mystrcmp("adam", "") == 1); assert(mystrcmp("", "adam") == -1); mystrcpy(buffer, "adam"); assert(mystrcmp(buffer, "adam") == 0); assert(mystrcmp(buffer, "adampie") == -1); assert(mystrcmp("applepie", "apple") == 1); assert(mystrcmp("", "") == 0); assert(mystrcmp(buffer, "ADAM") != 0); assert(mystrcmp ("I love coding", "I love coding") == 0); char *dupStr = mystrdup(buffer); assert (!mystrcmp(buffer, dupStr)); assert (buffer != dupStr); if (dupStr != NULL) free (dupStr); printf ("\nPassed VERY simple tests, remember to develop more tests.\n"); return 0; }
EventLog::EventLog(const char* name) { mystrcpy(this->name, name); eventList = new char[DEFAULT_CAP]; lastIndex = 0; listCapacity = DEFAULT_CAP; }
void test3() { char a[200]; char * b; mystrcpy(a, "Hello world"); b = mystrcat(a, ", CS240 C Programming"); b = mystrcat(a, ", This is a great course"); printf("\"%s\"\n", a); printf("\"%s\"\n", b); mystrcpy(a, ""); b = mystrcat(a, ""); b = mystrcat(b, "Hello"); printf("\"%s\"\n", a); printf("\"%s\"\n", b); }
int main(void) { char s1[LIMIT]; char s2[LIMIT]; int n; printf("Enter a string to copy: "); get(s2, LIMIT); while (s2[0] != '\0') { printf("How many characters do you want to copy? (maximum %d) ", LIMIT); scanf("%d", &n); while (getchar() != '\n') continue; if (n > LIMIT) n = LIMIT; printf("Original string: %s\n", s2); mystrcpy(s1, s2, n); printf("Copy: %s\n", s1); clear_string(s1, LIMIT); printf("Enter a string to copy (empty line to quit): "); get(s2, LIMIT); } puts("Bye"); return 0; }
static int changeFormat(char *const format_dest, char const *const format_src, size_t const format_len) { size_t i=0; int iPercent=0; mystrcpy(format_dest,format_src,format_len); /*on remplace les %z par des %l dans les chaines de format version C89*/ /*for(i=0;i<format_len-1;i++) { if ((format_dest[i]=='%')&&(format_dest[i+1]=='z')) { format_dest[i+1]='l'; } }*/ i=0; while(i<format_len-1) { if (format_dest[i]=='%') iPercent=1; if ((format_dest[i]=='z')&&(iPercent==1)) { iPercent=0; format_dest[i]='l'; } if ((format_dest[i]>='a')&&(format_dest[i]<'z')&&(iPercent==1)) { iPercent=0; } i++; } return 0; }
bool CTalkName::Add(bool _left, int _num, ...){ if (_num>0){ va_list args; va_start(args, _num); //_numが大きすぎたときの処置方法はないのか? int side = (_left? 0: 1); NowLeft = _left; for (int h=0; h<_num; h++){ char* tmp = va_arg(args, char*); for (int i=0; i<NAME_NUM; i++){ if (mystrcmp(Name[side][i], tmp)){ break; }else if (Name[side][i][0]=='\0'){ mystrcpy(Name[side][i], tmp, 32); break; }else if (i==NAME_NUM-1){ ErrorDx("Error->CTalkName::Add->Too many names :%s", __FILE__, __LINE__, tmp); va_end(args); return false; } } } va_end(args); return true; }else{
//session 1 int main(int argc, char*argv[]) { for(int i=0;i<argc;i++) { //Check my name in the argument if(mystrcmp("Chen",argv[i])==0) { //copy"Hello" to the array char hi[30]; mystrcpy(hi,"Hello, "); //put my name after hello mystrcat(hi,argv[i]); printf("%s\n",hi); } else{ printf("%s\n",argv[i]); } } //session 6 int a[10]; for(int i=0; i<10;i++) { a[i]=i*i; printf("%d\n", *(a+i)); } }
int main () { char str[40]; printf("%s",mystrcpy(str,"學c真辛苦")); //函數返回指針的地址,不成功返回NULL,成功返回地址 }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char t[100]; mystrcpy(t, argv[1]); printf("%s\n", t); return 0; }
void addNode(BinSTreeNode *rootNode, BinSTreeNode *node) { if (node == NULL) { return; } if (rootNode->str == NULL) { /* rootNode is empty! */ rootNode->str = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(mystrlen(node->str)+1)); mystrcpy(rootNode->str, node->str); setNodeAsLeft(rootNode, node->left); setNodeAsRight(rootNode, node->right); node->left = NULL; node->right = NULL; deleteNode(node); } else { /* Normal addNode() */ if (isLeft(rootNode, node)) { /* node should be left of root */ if (rootNode->left == NULL) { /* There is no left child */ setNodeAsLeft(rootNode, node); if(DEBUG) printf("Add %s <- [%s%s%s]\n", node->str, CYAN, rootNode->str, DEFAULT); } else { /* search for left edge */ addNode(rootNode->left, node); } } else { /* root <= node */ if (rootNode->right == NULL) { /* There is no right child */ setNodeAsRight(rootNode, node); if(DEBUG) printf("Add [%s%s%s] -> %s\n", CYAN, rootNode->str, DEFAULT, node->str); } else { /* search for left edge */ addNode(rootNode->right, node); } } } return; }
int main(){ char s[30] = "hello"; char * s1 = ",world"; printf("%s\n",mystrcpy(s,s1)); printf("%s\n",strcpy(s,s1)); return 0; }
int main() { t=arr1; s=arr2; printf("copiamos un string t= a otro s\n"); printf("mostramos que contienen los strings\n"); printf("primero el string origen="); int i=0; while(arr1[i]) printf("%c",arr1[i++]); printf("\n\n"); i=0; printf("luego el string destino="); while(arr2[i]) printf("%c",arr2[i++]); printf("\n\n"); mystrcpy(s,t); printf("mostramos como queda el destino="); i=0; while(arr2[i]) printf("%c",arr2[i++]); printf("\n\n"); }
static DWORD WINAPI newTreeWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static LPARAM last_item=-1; if (uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN && wParam == VK_SPACE) { SendMessage(m_curwnd,WM_TREEVIEW_KEYHACK,0,0); } #if defined(NSIS_SUPPORT_CODECALLBACKS) && defined(NSIS_CONFIG_ENHANCEDUI_SUPPORT) if (uMsg == WM_DESTROY) { last_item=-1; } if (uMsg == WM_MOUSEMOVE) { TVITEM tvItem; if (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_VISIBLE) { tvItem.hItem = TreeHitTest(hwnd); lParam = -1; if (tvItem.hItem) { tvItem.mask = TVIF_PARAM; TreeView_GetItem(hwnd, &tvItem); lParam = tvItem.lParam; } uMsg = WM_NOTIFY_SELCHANGE; } } if (uMsg == WM_NOTIFY_SELCHANGE) { if (last_item != lParam) { last_item = lParam; mystrcpy(g_tmp, g_usrvars[0]); myitoa(g_usrvars[0], lParam); ExecuteCodeSegment(g_header->code_onMouseOverSection,NULL); mystrcpy(g_usrvars[0], g_tmp); } } #endif//NSIS_SUPPORT_CODECALLBACKS && NSIS_CONFIG_ENHANCEDUI_SUPPORT return CallWindowProc((WNDPROC)oldTreeWndProc,hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam); }
void main( ) { char *a = "I am a teacher."; char b[] = "You are a student."; printf("a = %s, b=%s\n",a,b); mystrcpy(a,b); printf("a = %s, b=%s\n",a,b); }
int main(){ char* source = "abc"; char* destination=malloc((strlen(source)+1)*sizeof(char)); destination=mystrcpy(destination,source); printf("%d \n",myStrlen(destination)); printf("%s \n",myStrdup(source)); }
char * mystrdup(char * s) { char *d = malloc (mystrlen (s) + 1); if (d == NULL) return NULL; mystrcpy(d, s); return d; }
void main(){ char str[80]; mystrcpy(str,"this is a test"); printf(str); }
int main() { char dest[1024]; char src[] = "abcdef"; mystrcpy(dest, src); printf("%s\n", dest); return 0; }
EventLog& EventLog::operator=(const EventLog& other) { if(this != &other) { if(this->name) delete[] this->name; if(this->eventList) delete[] this->eventList; mystrcpy(this->name, other.name); mystrcpy(this->eventList, other.eventList); this->lastIndex = other.lastIndex; this->listCapacity = other.listCapacity; } return *this; }
int main() { char source[] = "This is the source string"; char destination[50]; printf("%s",mystrcpy(destination,source)); char *combined=concatw(source,destination); printf("%s",combined); }