Exemplo n.º 1
 * exec_command
 *      Execute 'command' with 'arg' as its argument.
 *      if !arg command is started with no arguments
 *      Before we call execl we need to close all the file handles
 *      that the fork inherited from the parent in order not to pass
 *      the open handles on to the shell
static void exec_command(struct context *cnt, char *command, char *filename, int filetype)
    char stamp[PATH_MAX];
    mystrftime(cnt, stamp, sizeof(stamp), command, &cnt->current_image->timestamp_tm, filename, filetype, 0);

    if (!fork()) {
        int i;

        /* Detach from parent */

         * Close any file descriptor except console because we will
         * like to see error messages
        for (i = getdtablesize(); i > 2; --i)

        execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", stamp, " &", NULL);

        /* if above function succeeds the program never reach here */
        MOTION_LOG(ALR, TYPE_EVENTS, SHOW_ERRNO, "%s: Unable to start external command '%s'",


    MOTION_LOG(DBG, TYPE_EVENTS, NO_ERRNO, "%s: Executing external command '%s'",
Exemplo n.º 2
/* save preview_shot */
void preview_save(struct context *cnt)
    int use_jpegpath;
    int basename_len;
#endif /* HAVE_FFMPEG */
    const char *jpegpath;
    char previewname[PATH_MAX];
    char filename[PATH_MAX];
    struct image_data *saved_current_image;

    if (cnt->imgs.preview_image.diffs) {
        /* Save current global context */
        saved_current_image = cnt->current_image;
        /* Set global context to the image we are processing */
        cnt->current_image = &cnt->imgs.preview_image;

        /* Use filename of movie i.o. jpeg_filename when set to 'preview' */
        use_jpegpath = strcmp(cnt->conf.jpegpath, "preview");
        if (cnt->ffmpeg_new && !use_jpegpath) {
            /* Replace avi/mpg with jpg/ppm and keep the rest of the filename */
            basename_len = strlen(cnt->newfilename) - 3;
            strncpy(previewname, cnt->newfilename, basename_len);
            previewname[basename_len] = '\0';
            strcat(previewname, imageext(cnt));
            put_picture(cnt, previewname, cnt->imgs.preview_image.image , FTYPE_IMAGE);
        } else
#endif /* HAVE_FFMPEG */
            /* Save best preview-shot also when no movies are recorded or jpegpath
             * is used. Filename has to be generated - nothing available to reuse! */
            //printf("preview_shot: different filename or picture only!\n");

            /* conf.jpegpath would normally be defined but if someone deleted it by control interface
             * it is better to revert to the default than fail */
            if (cnt->conf.jpegpath)
                jpegpath = cnt->conf.jpegpath;
                jpegpath = (char *)DEF_JPEGPATH;
            mystrftime(cnt, filename, sizeof(filename), jpegpath, &cnt->imgs.preview_image.timestamp_tm, NULL, 0);
            snprintf(previewname, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s.%s", cnt->conf.filepath, filename, imageext(cnt));

            put_picture(cnt, previewname, cnt->imgs.preview_image.image, FTYPE_IMAGE);

        /* restore global context values */
        cnt->current_image = saved_current_image;