Exemplo n.º 1
server_pool_idx(struct server_pool *pool, uint8_t *key, uint32_t keylen)
    uint32_t hash, idx;

    ASSERT(array_n(&pool->server) != 0);
    ASSERT(key != NULL);

     * If hash_tag: is configured for this server pool, we use the part of
     * the key within the hash tag as an input to the distributor. Otherwise
     * we use the full key
    if (!string_empty(&pool->hash_tag)) {
        struct string *tag = &pool->hash_tag;
        uint8_t *tag_start, *tag_end;

        tag_start = nc_strchr(key, key + keylen, tag->data[0]);
        if (tag_start != NULL) {
            tag_end = nc_strchr(tag_start + 1, key + keylen, tag->data[1]);
            if ((tag_end != NULL) && (tag_end - tag_start > 1)) {
                key = tag_start + 1;
                keylen = (uint32_t)(tag_end - key);

    switch (pool->dist_type) {
    case DIST_KETAMA:
        hash = server_pool_hash(pool, key, keylen);
        idx = ketama_dispatch(pool->continuum, pool->ncontinuum, hash);

    case DIST_MODULA:
        hash = server_pool_hash(pool, key, keylen);
        idx = modula_dispatch(pool->continuum, pool->ncontinuum, hash);

    case DIST_RANDOM:
        idx = random_dispatch(pool->continuum, pool->ncontinuum, 0);

        return 0;
    ASSERT(idx < array_n(&pool->server));
    return idx;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
req_forward(struct context *ctx, struct conn *c_conn, struct msg *msg)
    rstatus_t status;
    struct conn *s_conn;
    struct server_pool *pool;
    uint8_t *key;
    uint32_t keylen;

    ASSERT(c_conn->client && !c_conn->proxy);

    /* enqueue message (request) into client outq, if response is expected */
    if (!msg->noreply) {
        c_conn->enqueue_outq(ctx, c_conn, msg);

    pool = c_conn->owner;
    key = NULL;
    keylen = 0;

     * If hash_tag: is configured for this server pool, we use the part of
     * the key within the hash tag as an input to the distributor. Otherwise
     * we use the full key
    if (!string_empty(&pool->hash_tag)) {
        struct string *tag = &pool->hash_tag;
        uint8_t *tag_start, *tag_end;

        tag_start = nc_strchr(msg->key_start, msg->key_end, tag->data[0]);
        if (tag_start != NULL) {
            tag_end = nc_strchr(tag_start + 1, msg->key_end, tag->data[1]);
            if (tag_end != NULL) {
                key = tag_start + 1;
                keylen = (uint32_t)(tag_end - key);

    if (keylen == 0) {
        key = msg->key_start;
        keylen = (uint32_t)(msg->key_end - msg->key_start);

    s_conn = server_pool_conn(ctx, c_conn->owner, key, keylen);
    if (s_conn == NULL) {
        req_forward_error(ctx, c_conn, msg);
    ASSERT(!s_conn->client && !s_conn->proxy);

    /* enqueue the message (request) into server inq */
    status = event_add_out_with_conn(ctx, s_conn, msg);
    if (status != NC_OK) {
        req_forward_error(ctx, c_conn, msg);
        s_conn->err = errno;

    req_forward_stats(ctx, s_conn->owner, msg);

    log_debug(LOG_VERB, "forward from c %d to s %d req %"PRIu64" len %"PRIu32
              " type %d with key '%.*s'", c_conn->sd, s_conn->sd, msg->id,
              msg->mlen, msg->type, keylen, key);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void
rsp_forward(struct context *ctx, struct conn *s_conn, struct msg *msg)
    rstatus_t status;
    struct msg *pmsg;
    struct conn *c_conn;

    ASSERT(!s_conn->client && !s_conn->proxy);

    /* response from server implies that server is ok and heartbeating */
    server_ok(ctx, s_conn);

    /* dequeue peer message (request) from server */
    pmsg = TAILQ_FIRST(&s_conn->omsg_q);
    ASSERT(pmsg != NULL && pmsg->peer == NULL);
    ASSERT(pmsg->request && !pmsg->done);

    s_conn->dequeue_outq(ctx, s_conn, pmsg);
    pmsg->done = 1;

    /* establish msg <-> pmsg (response <-> request) link */
    pmsg->peer = msg;
    msg->peer = pmsg;

#if 1 //shenzheng 2015-6-25 replace server
		log_debug(LOG_DEBUG, "msg->error : %d", msg->error);
		struct server_pool *sp;
		struct conf_server *cs;
		struct server *ser_curr, *ser_new;
		struct conf_pool *cp;
		struct string host;
		struct stats_pool *stp;
		struct stats_server *sts;
		uint32_t p_idx, s_idx;
		uint8_t *p, *q, *last;
		int k = 0;

		ser_new = s_conn->owner;

		ASSERT(pmsg->server == ser_new);

		ASSERT(pmsg->conf_version_curr == ctx->conf_version);
		while(msg->error == 0 && k < 1)
			sp = ser_new->owner;
			p_idx = sp->idx;
			cp = array_get(&(ctx->cf->pool), p_idx);

			s_idx = ser_new->idx;
			ser_curr = array_get(&sp->server, s_idx);
			cs = array_get(&cp->server, s_idx);
			ASSERT(ser_curr->idx == ser_new->idx);
			ASSERT(ser_curr->owner == ser_new->owner);
			ASSERT(ser_curr->weight == ser_new->weight);
			ASSERT(ser_curr->name_null == ser_new->name_null);
			p = ser_new->pname.data;
			last = ser_new->pname.data + ser_new->pname.len;
			q = nc_strchr(p, last, ':');
			if(q == NULL || q >= last || q <= ser_new->pname.data)
				log_debug(LOG_DEBUG, "new server address(%s) error", ser_new->pname.data);
			string_copy(&host, ser_new->pname.data, (uint32_t)(q - ser_new->pname.data));
			log_debug(LOG_DEBUG, "new server host : %.*s", host.len, host.data);
			log_debug(LOG_DEBUG, "new server port : %d", ser_new->port);
			status = nc_resolve(&host, ser_new->port, &cs->info);
		    if (status != NC_OK) 
				log_debug(LOG_DEBUG, "resolve new server address error(%d)", status);
			k ++;
			while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&ser_curr->s_conn_q)) {
				struct conn *conn;

				ASSERT(ser_curr->ns_conn_q > 0);		
				conn = TAILQ_FIRST(&ser_curr->s_conn_q);
				status = event_del_conn(ctx->evb, conn);
				if (status < 0) {
					log_warn("event del conn s %d failed, ignored: %s",
				         conn->sd, strerror(errno));

				conn->close(ctx, conn);
			log_debug(LOG_DEBUG, "ser_curr->pname : %.*s", ser_curr->pname.len, ser_curr->pname.data);
			log_debug(LOG_DEBUG, "ser_new->pname : %.*s", ser_new->pname.len, ser_new->pname.data);
			status = conf_write_back_yaml(ctx, &ser_curr->pname, &ser_new->pname);
			if(status != NC_OK)
				log_warn("warning: conf file write back error, but replace_server %.*s %.*s success.", 
					ser_curr->pname.len, ser_curr->pname.data,
					ser_new->pname.len, ser_new->pname.data);
			cs->pname = ser_new->pname;
			ser_curr->pname = cs->pname;
				cs->name = ser_new->name;
				ser_curr->name = cs->name;

				stp = array_get(&ctx->stats->current, p_idx);
				sts = array_get(&stp->server, s_idx);
				sts->name = ser_curr->name;

				stp = array_get(&ctx->stats->shadow, p_idx);
				sts = array_get(&stp->server, s_idx);
				sts->name = ser_curr->name;

				stp = array_get(&ctx->stats->sum, p_idx);
				sts = array_get(&stp->server, s_idx);
				sts->name = ser_curr->name;
			ser_curr->port = ser_new->port;			
			ser_curr->family = cs->info.family;
		    ser_curr->addrlen = cs->info.addrlen;
		    ser_curr->addr = (struct sockaddr *)&cs->info.addr;
			ser_curr->next_retry = 0;
			ser_curr->failure_count = 0;

			while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&ser_new->s_conn_q)) {
				struct conn *conn;

				ASSERT(ser_new->ns_conn_q > 0);		
				conn = TAILQ_FIRST(&ser_new->s_conn_q);

				ASSERT(conn->replace_server == 1);
				conn->replace_server = 0;
				conn->conf_version_curr = -1;
				conn->ctx = NULL;
				conn->ref(conn, ser_curr);
#endif //shenzheng 2015-6-25 replace server


    c_conn = pmsg->owner;
    ASSERT(c_conn->client && !c_conn->proxy);

    if (req_done(c_conn, TAILQ_FIRST(&c_conn->omsg_q))) {
        status = event_add_out(ctx->evb, c_conn);
        if (status != NC_OK) {
            c_conn->err = errno;

    rsp_forward_stats(ctx, s_conn->owner, msg);