MNCAPI int MI2varput1(int fd, int varid, const long *mindex_ptr, const void *val_ptr) { if (MI2_ISH5OBJ(fd)) { return (hdf_varput1(fd, varid, mindex_ptr, val_ptr)); } else { return (ncvarput1(fd, varid, mindex_ptr, val_ptr)); } }
int ex_put_time (int exoid, int time_step, const void *time_value) { int varid; long start[1]; char var_name[MAX_VAR_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ /* inquire previously defined dimensions */ strcpy (var_name, VAR_WHOLE_TIME); /* inquire previously defined variable */ if ((varid = ncvarid (exoid, var_name)) < 0) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate time variable in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_time",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* store time value */ start[0] = --time_step; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, varid, start, ex_conv_array(exoid,WRITE_CONVERT,time_value,1)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store time value in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_time",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); }
int cpy_var_val(int in_id,int out_id,char *var_nm) /* int in_id: input netCDF input-file ID int out_id: input netCDF output-file ID char *var_nm: input variable name */ { /* Routine to copy the variable data from an input netCDF file * to an output netCDF file. */ int *dim_id; int idx; int nbr_dim; int var_in_id; int var_out_id; long *dim_cnt; long *dim_sz; long *dim_srt; long var_sz=1L; nc_type var_type_in, var_type_out; void *void_ptr; /* Get the var_id for the requested variable from both files. */ var_in_id=ncvarid(in_id,var_nm); var_out_id=ncvarid(out_id,var_nm); /* Get the number of dimensions for the variable. */ ncvarinq(out_id,var_out_id,(char *)NULL,&var_type_out,&nbr_dim, (int *)NULL,(int *)NULL); ncvarinq(in_id,var_in_id,(char *)NULL,&var_type_in,&nbr_dim, (int *)NULL,(int *)NULL); /* Allocate space to hold the dimension IDs */ dim_cnt = malloc(nbr_dim*sizeof(long)); dim_id=malloc(nbr_dim*sizeof(int)); dim_sz=malloc(nbr_dim*sizeof(long)); dim_srt=malloc(nbr_dim*sizeof(long)); /* Get the dimension IDs from the input file */ ncvarinq(in_id,var_in_id,(char *)NULL,(nc_type *)NULL, (int *)NULL,dim_id,(int *)NULL); /* Get the dimension sizes and names from the input file */ for(idx=0;idx<nbr_dim;idx++){ /* NB: For the unlimited dimension, ncdiminq() returns the maximum value used so far in writing data for that dimension. Thus if you read the dimension sizes from the output file, then the ncdiminq() returns dim_sz=0 for the unlimited dimension until a variable has been written with that dimension. This is the reason for always reading the input file for the dimension sizes. */ ncdiminq(in_id,dim_id[idx],(char *)NULL,dim_cnt+idx); /* Initialize the indicial offset and stride arrays */ dim_srt[idx]=0L; var_sz*=dim_cnt[idx]; } /* end loop over dim */ /* Allocate enough space to hold the variable */ void_ptr=malloc(var_sz*nctypelen(var_type_in)); /* Get the variable */ /* if variable is float or double, convert if necessary */ if(nbr_dim==0){ /* variable is a scalar */ ncvarget1(in_id,var_in_id,0L,void_ptr); if ( ( (var_type_in == NC_FLOAT) && (var_type_out == NC_FLOAT) ) || ( (var_type_in == NC_DOUBLE) && (var_type_out == NC_DOUBLE) ) ) { /* no conversion necessary */ ncvarput1(out_id,var_out_id,0L,void_ptr); } else if ( (var_type_in == NC_FLOAT) && (var_type_out == NC_DOUBLE) ) { /* convert up */ ncvarput1(out_id,var_out_id,0L, ex_conv_array (out_id, WRITE_CONVERT_UP, void_ptr, 1)); } else if ( (var_type_in == NC_DOUBLE) && (var_type_out == NC_FLOAT) ) { /* convert down */ ncvarput1(out_id,var_out_id,0L, ex_conv_array (out_id, WRITE_CONVERT_DOWN, void_ptr, 1)); } else { /* variable isn't float or double */ /* no conversion necessary */ ncvarput1(out_id,var_out_id,0L,void_ptr); } } else { /* variable is a vector */ ncvarget(in_id,var_in_id,dim_srt,dim_cnt,void_ptr); if ( ( (var_type_in == NC_FLOAT) && (var_type_out == NC_FLOAT) ) || ( (var_type_in == NC_DOUBLE) && (var_type_out == NC_DOUBLE) ) ) { /* no conversion necessary */ ncvarput(out_id,var_out_id,dim_srt,dim_cnt,void_ptr); } else if ( (var_type_in == NC_FLOAT) && (var_type_out == NC_DOUBLE) ) { /* convert up */ ncvarput(out_id,var_out_id,dim_srt,dim_cnt, ex_conv_array (out_id,WRITE_CONVERT_UP,void_ptr,var_sz)); } else if ( (var_type_in == NC_DOUBLE) && (var_type_out == NC_FLOAT) ) { /* convert down */ ncvarput(out_id,var_out_id,dim_srt,dim_cnt, ex_conv_array (out_id,WRITE_CONVERT_DOWN,void_ptr,var_sz)); } else { /* variable isn't float or double */ /* no conversion necessary */ ncvarput(out_id,var_out_id,dim_srt,dim_cnt,void_ptr); } } /* end if variable is an array */ /* Free the space that held the dimension IDs */ (void)free(dim_cnt); (void)free(dim_id); (void)free(dim_sz); (void)free(dim_srt); /* Free the space that held the variable */ (void)free(void_ptr); return(EX_NOERR); } /* end cpy_var_val() */
int ex_put_elem_block (int exoid, int elem_blk_id, const char *elem_type, int num_elem_this_blk, int num_nodes_per_elem, int num_attr) { int varid, dimid, dims[2], elem_blk_id_ndx, elem_blk_stat, strdim; long start[2], num_elem_blk; nclong ldum; int cur_num_elem_blk, nelnoddim, numelbdim, numattrdim, connid; char *cdum; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ cdum = 0; /* first check if any element blocks are specified */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, DIM_NUM_EL_BLK))) == -1 ) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: no element blocks defined in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Get number of element blocks defined for this file */ if ((ncdiminq (exoid,dimid,cdum,&num_elem_blk)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of element blocks in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Next: Make sure that this is not a duplicate element block id by searching the VAR_ID_EL_BLK array. WARNING: This must be done outside of define mode because id_lkup accesses the database to determine the position */ if ((varid = ncvarid (exoid, VAR_ID_EL_BLK)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate element block ids in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); } elem_blk_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid,VAR_ID_EL_BLK,elem_blk_id); if (exerrval != EX_LOOKUPFAIL) /* found the element block id */ { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: element block id %d already exists in file id %d", elem_blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Keep track of the total number of element blocks defined using a counter stored in a linked list keyed by exoid. NOTE: ex_get_file_item is a function that finds the number of element blocks for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_elem_blk=ex_get_file_item(exoid, &eb_ctr_list); if (cur_num_elem_blk >= num_elem_blk) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: exceeded number of element blocks (%ld) defined in file id %d", num_elem_blk,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* NOTE: ex_get_file_item is a function that finds the number of element blocks for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_elem_blk=ex_inc_file_item(exoid, &eb_ctr_list); start[0] = (long)cur_num_elem_blk; /* write out element block id to previously defined id array variable*/ ldum = (nclong)elem_blk_id; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, varid, start, &ldum) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element block id to file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } elem_blk_id_ndx = start[0]+1; /* element id index into VAR_ID_EL_BLK array*/ if (num_elem_this_blk == 0) /* Is this a NULL element block? */ elem_blk_stat = 0; /* change element block status to NULL */ else elem_blk_stat = 1; /* change element block status to TRUE */ if ((varid = ncvarid (exoid, VAR_STAT_EL_BLK)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate element block status in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } ldum = (nclong)elem_blk_stat; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, varid, start, &ldum) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element id %d status to file id %d", elem_blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (num_elem_this_blk == 0) /* Is this a NULL element block? */ { return(EX_NOERR); } /* * Check that storage required for connectivity array is less * than 2GB which is maximum size permitted by netcdf * (in large file mode). 1<<29 == max number of integer items. */ if (num_elem_this_blk * num_nodes_per_elem > (1<<29)) { exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: Size to store connectivity for element block %d exceeds 2GB in file id %d", elem_blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* put netcdf file into define mode */ if (ncredef (exoid) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg,"Error: failed to place file id %d into define mode",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* define some dimensions and variables*/ if ((numelbdim = ncdimdef (exoid, DIM_NUM_EL_IN_BLK(elem_blk_id_ndx), (long)num_elem_this_blk)) == -1) { if (ncerr == NC_ENAMEINUSE) /* duplicate entry */ { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: element block %d already defined in file id %d", elem_blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of elements/block for block %d file id %d", elem_blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ((nelnoddim = ncdimdef (exoid, DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_EL(elem_blk_id_ndx), (long)num_nodes_per_elem)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of nodes/element for block %d in file id %d", elem_blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* element attribute array */ if (num_attr > 0) { if ((numattrdim = ncdimdef (exoid, DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_BLK(elem_blk_id_ndx), (long)num_attr)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of attributes in block %d in file id %d", elem_blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } dims[0] = numelbdim; dims[1] = numattrdim; if ((ncvardef (exoid, VAR_ATTRIB(elem_blk_id_ndx), nc_flt_code(exoid), 2, dims)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define attributes for element block %d in file id %d", elem_blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* inquire previously defined dimensions */ if ((strdim = ncdimid (exoid, DIM_STR)) < 0) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get string length in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Attribute names... */ dims[0] = numattrdim; dims[1] = strdim; if (ncvardef (exoid, VAR_NAME_ATTRIB(elem_blk_id_ndx), NC_CHAR, 2, dims) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define element attribute name array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* element connectivity array */ dims[0] = numelbdim; dims[1] = nelnoddim; if ((connid = ncvardef (exoid, VAR_CONN(elem_blk_id_ndx), NC_LONG, 2, dims)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create connectivity array for block %d in file id %d", elem_blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* store element type as attribute of connectivity variable */ if ((ncattput (exoid, connid, ATT_NAME_ELB, NC_CHAR, strlen(elem_type)+1, (void*) elem_type)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element type name %s in file id %d", elem_type,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* leave define mode */ if (ncendef (exoid) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete element block definition in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: if (ncendef (exoid) == -1) /* exit define mode */ { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }
int ex_put_node_set_param (int exoid, int node_set_id, int num_nodes_in_set, int num_dist_in_set) { int dimid, varid, dims[1]; long start[1]; nclong ldum; long num_node_sets; int cur_num_node_sets, node_set_stat; char *cdum; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ cdum = 0; /* first check if any node sets are specified */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, DIM_NUM_NS))) == -1 ) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: no node sets specified in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Check for duplicate node set id entry */ ex_id_lkup(exoid,VAR_NS_IDS,node_set_id); if (exerrval != EX_LOOKUPFAIL) /* found the node set id */ { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: node set %d already defined in file id %d", node_set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return(EX_FATAL); } /* Get number of node sets initialized for this file */ if ((ncdiminq (exoid,dimid,cdum,&num_node_sets)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of node sets in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Keep track of the total number of node sets defined using a counter stored in a linked list keyed by exoid. NOTE: ex_get_file_item is used to find the number of node sets for a specific file and returns that value. */ cur_num_node_sets=ex_get_file_item(exoid, &ns_ctr_list ); if (cur_num_node_sets >= num_node_sets) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: exceeded number of node sets (%ld) specified in file id %d", num_node_sets,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* NOTE: ex_inc_file_item is used to find the number of node sets for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_node_sets=ex_inc_file_item(exoid, &ns_ctr_list ); /* write out information to previously defined variable */ /* first get id of variable */ if ((varid = ncvarid (exoid, VAR_NS_IDS)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate node set ids in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* then, write out node set id */ start[0] = cur_num_node_sets; ldum = (nclong)node_set_id; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, varid, start, &ldum) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store node set id %d in file id %d", node_set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (num_nodes_in_set == 0) /* Is this a NULL side set? */ node_set_stat = 0; /* change node set status to NULL */ else node_set_stat = 1; /* change node set status to TRUE */ if ((varid = ncvarid (exoid, VAR_NS_STAT)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate node set status in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } ldum = (nclong)node_set_stat; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, varid, start, &ldum) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store node set %d status to file id %d", node_set_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (num_nodes_in_set == 0) /* Is this a NULL side set? */ { return(EX_NOERR); } /* put netcdf file into define mode */ if (ncredef (exoid) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to put file id %d into define mode", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if ((dimid = ncdimdef (exoid, DIM_NUM_NOD_NS(cur_num_node_sets+1), (long)num_nodes_in_set)) == -1) { if (ncerr == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: node set %d size already defined in file id %d", node_set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of nodes for set %d in file id %d", node_set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; } /* create variable array in which to store the node set node list */ dims[0] = dimid; if (ncvardef(exoid, VAR_NODE_NS(cur_num_node_sets+1), NC_LONG,1,dims) == -1) { if (ncerr == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: node set %d node list already defined in file id %d", node_set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create node set %d node list in file id %d", node_set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* Create distribution factors variable if required */ if (num_dist_in_set > 0) { /* num_dist_in_set should equal num_nodes_in_set */ if (num_dist_in_set != num_nodes_in_set) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: # dist fact (%d) not equal to # nodes (%d) in node set %d file id %d", num_dist_in_set, num_nodes_in_set, node_set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } else { /* create variable for distribution factors */ if (ncvardef (exoid, VAR_FACT_NS(cur_num_node_sets+1), nc_flt_code(exoid), 1, dims) == -1) { if (ncerr == NC_ENAMEINUSE) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: node set %d dist factors already exist in file id %d", node_set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create node set %d dist factors in file id %d", node_set_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } } /* leave define mode */ if (ncendef (exoid) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: if (ncendef (exoid) == -1) /* exit define mode */ { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_set_param",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }
int ex_put_block( int exoid, int blk_type, int blk_id, const char* entry_descrip, int num_entries_this_blk, int num_nodes_per_entry, int num_edges_per_entry, int num_faces_per_entry, int num_attr_per_entry ) { int varid, dimid, dims[2], blk_id_ndx, blk_stat, strdim; long start[2], num_blk; nclong ldum; int cur_num_blk, numblkdim, numattrdim; int nnodperentdim, nedgperentdim = -1, nfacperentdim = -1; int connid, econnid, fconnid; char *cdum; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; const char* tname; const char* dnumblk; const char* vblkids; const char* vblksta; const char* vnodcon = 0; const char* vedgcon = 0; const char* vfaccon = 0; const char* vattnam = 0; const char* vblkatt = 0; const char* dneblk = 0; const char* dnape = 0; const char* dnnpe = 0; const char* dnepe = 0; const char* dnfpe = 0; struct list_item** ctr_list; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ cdum = 0; switch (blk_type) { case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: tname = "edge"; dnumblk = DIM_NUM_ED_BLK; vblkids = VAR_ID_ED_BLK; vblksta = VAR_STAT_ED_BLK; ctr_list = &ed_ctr_list; break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: tname = "face"; dnumblk = DIM_NUM_FA_BLK; vblkids = VAR_ID_FA_BLK; vblksta = VAR_STAT_FA_BLK; ctr_list = &fa_ctr_list; break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: tname = "element"; dnumblk = DIM_NUM_EL_BLK; vblkids = VAR_ID_EL_BLK; vblksta = VAR_STAT_EL_BLK; ctr_list = &eb_ctr_list; break; default: exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf( errmsg, "Error: Bad block type (%d) specified for file id %d", blk_type, exoid ); ex_err( "ex_put_block", errmsg, exerrval ); return (EX_FATAL); } /* first check if any element blocks are specified */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, dnumblk))) == -1 ) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: no element blocks defined in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Get number of element blocks defined for this file */ if ((ncdiminq (exoid,dimid,cdum,&num_blk)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of element blocks in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Next: Make sure that this is not a duplicate element block id by searching the vblkids array. WARNING: This must be done outside of define mode because id_lkup accesses the database to determine the position */ if ((varid = ncvarid (exoid, vblkids)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate element block ids in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); } blk_id_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid,vblkids,blk_id); if (exerrval != EX_LOOKUPFAIL) /* found the element block id */ { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: element block id %d already exists in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Keep track of the total number of element blocks defined using a counter stored in a linked list keyed by exoid. NOTE: ex_get_file_item is a function that finds the number of element blocks for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_blk=ex_get_file_item(exoid, ctr_list); if (cur_num_blk >= num_blk) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: exceeded number of element blocks (%ld) defined in file id %d", num_blk,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* NOTE: ex_get_file_item is a function that finds the number of element blocks for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_blk=ex_inc_file_item(exoid, ctr_list); start[0] = (long)cur_num_blk; /* write out element block id to previously defined id array variable*/ ldum = (nclong)blk_id; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, varid, start, &ldum) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element block id to file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } blk_id_ndx = start[0]+1; /* element id index into vblkids array*/ if (num_entries_this_blk == 0) /* Is this a NULL element block? */ blk_stat = 0; /* change element block status to NULL */ else blk_stat = 1; /* change element block status to TRUE */ if ((varid = ncvarid (exoid, vblksta)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate element block status in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } ldum = (nclong)blk_stat; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, varid, start, &ldum) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element id %d status to file id %d", blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (num_entries_this_blk == 0) /* Is this a NULL element block? */ { return(EX_NOERR); } /* * Check that storage required for connectivity array is less * than 2GB which is maximum size permitted by netcdf * (in large file mode). 1<<29 == max number of integer items. */ if (num_entries_this_blk * num_nodes_per_entry > (1<<29)) { exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: Size to store connectivity for element block %d exceeds 2GB in file id %d", blk_id, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* put netcdf file into define mode */ if (ncredef (exoid) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg,"Error: failed to place file id %d into define mode",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } switch (blk_type) { case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: dneblk = DIM_NUM_ED_IN_EBLK(blk_id_ndx); dnnpe = DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_ED(blk_id_ndx); dnepe = 0; dnfpe = 0; dnape = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_EBLK(blk_id_ndx); vblkatt = VAR_EATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_EATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vnodcon = VAR_EBCONN(blk_id_ndx); vedgcon = 0; vfaccon = 0; break; case EX_FACE_BLOCK: dneblk = DIM_NUM_FA_IN_FBLK(blk_id_ndx); dnnpe = DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_FA(blk_id_ndx); dnepe = 0; dnfpe = 0; dnape = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_FBLK(blk_id_ndx); vblkatt = VAR_FATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_FATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vnodcon = VAR_FBCONN(blk_id_ndx); vedgcon = 0; vfaccon = 0; break; case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: dneblk = DIM_NUM_EL_IN_BLK(blk_id_ndx); dnnpe = DIM_NUM_NOD_PER_EL(blk_id_ndx); dnepe = DIM_NUM_EDG_PER_EL(blk_id_ndx); dnfpe = DIM_NUM_FAC_PER_EL(blk_id_ndx); dnape = DIM_NUM_ATT_IN_BLK(blk_id_ndx); vblkatt = VAR_ATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vattnam = VAR_NAME_ATTRIB(blk_id_ndx); vnodcon = VAR_CONN(blk_id_ndx); vedgcon = VAR_ECONN(blk_id_ndx); vfaccon = VAR_FCONN(blk_id_ndx); break; } /* define some dimensions and variables*/ if ((numblkdim = ncdimdef (exoid,dneblk,(long)num_entries_this_blk)) == -1) { if (ncerr == NC_ENAMEINUSE) /* duplicate entry */ { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: element block %d already defined in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); } else { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of elements/block for block %d file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); } goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ((nnodperentdim = ncdimdef (exoid,dnnpe,(long)num_nodes_per_entry)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of nodes/element for block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ( dnepe && num_edges_per_entry > 0 ) { if ((nedgperentdim = ncdimdef (exoid,dnepe,(long)num_edges_per_entry)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of edges/element for block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if ( dnfpe && num_faces_per_entry > 0 ) { if ((nfacperentdim = ncdimdef (exoid,dnfpe,(long)num_faces_per_entry)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of faces/element for block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* element attribute array */ if (num_attr_per_entry > 0) { if ((numattrdim = ncdimdef (exoid, dnape, (long)num_attr_per_entry)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define number of attributes in block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = numattrdim; if ((ncvardef (exoid, vblkatt, nc_flt_code(exoid), 2, dims)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define attributes for element block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* inquire previously defined dimensions */ if ((strdim = ncdimid (exoid, DIM_STR)) < 0) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get string length in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Attribute names... */ dims[0] = numattrdim; dims[1] = strdim; if (ncvardef (exoid, vattnam, NC_CHAR, 2, dims) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define element attribute name array in file id %d",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* element connectivity array */ dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = nnodperentdim; if ((connid = ncvardef (exoid, vnodcon, NC_LONG, 2, dims)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create connectivity array for block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } /* store element type as attribute of connectivity variable */ if ((ncattput (exoid, connid, ATT_NAME_ELB, NC_CHAR, strlen(entry_descrip)+1, (void*) entry_descrip)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element type name %s in file id %d", entry_descrip,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } if ( vedgcon && num_edges_per_entry ) { dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = nedgperentdim; if ((econnid = ncvardef (exoid, vedgcon, NC_LONG, 2, dims)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create edge connectivity array for block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } if ( vfaccon && num_faces_per_entry ) { dims[0] = numblkdim; dims[1] = nfacperentdim; if ((fconnid = ncvardef (exoid, vfaccon, NC_LONG, 2, dims)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create face connectivity array for block %d in file id %d", blk_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* exit define mode and return */ } } /* leave define mode */ if (ncendef (exoid) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete element block definition in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: if (ncendef (exoid) == -1) /* exit define mode */ { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_elem_block",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int icv, cdfid, img, max, min, dimvar; static int dim[MAX_VAR_DIMS]; static struct { long len; char *name;} diminfo[] = { { 7, MIzspace }, { 9, MIyspace }, { 2, MIxspace } }; /* static struct { long len; char *name;} diminfo[]= {3, MIzspace, 4, MIyspace, 5, MIxspace}; */ static int numdims=sizeof(diminfo)/sizeof(diminfo[0]); static long coord[]={0,0,0}; static long count[]={3,4,5}; double dvalue; short int ivalue[]={ 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, 129, 131, 133, 135, 137, 139, 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 211, 213, 215, 217, 219, 221, 223, 225, 227, 229, 231, 233, 235, 237, 239, 241, 243, 245, 247, 249, 311, 313, 315, 317, 319, 321, 323, 325, 327, 329, 331, 333, 335, 337, 339, 341, 343, 345, 347, 349 }; int i, j, k; int cflag = 0; #if MINC2 if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-2")) { cflag = MI2_CREATE_V2; } #endif /* MINC2 */ icv=miicv_create(); miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_XDIM_DIR, MI_ICV_NEGATIVE); miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_YDIM_DIR, MI_ICV_NEGATIVE); miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_ZDIM_DIR, MI_ICV_NEGATIVE); miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_NUM_IMGDIMS, 3); miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DIM_SIZE+0, 5); miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DIM_SIZE+1, 4); miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DIM_SIZE+2, 3); miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DO_DIM_CONV, TRUE); miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_KEEP_ASPECT, FALSE); miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DO_NORM, TRUE); cdfid=micreate("test.mnc", NC_CLOBBER | cflag); for (i=0; i<numdims; i++) { dim[i]=ncdimdef(cdfid, diminfo[i].name, diminfo[i].len); dimvar=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, diminfo[i].name, NC_DOUBLE, 0, &dim[i]); miattputdbl(cdfid, dimvar, MIstep, 0.8); miattputdbl(cdfid, dimvar, MIstart, 22.0); } img=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimage, NC_SHORT, numdims, dim); max=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimagemax, NC_DOUBLE, 1, dim); min=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimagemin, NC_DOUBLE, 1, dim); ncendef(cdfid); for (i=0; i<diminfo[0].len; i++) { dvalue = 200; coord[0]=i; ncvarput1(cdfid, max, coord, &dvalue); dvalue = -dvalue; ncvarput1(cdfid, min, coord, &dvalue); } coord[0]=0; miicv_attach(icv, cdfid, img); miicv_inqdbl(icv, MI_ICV_ADIM_START, &dvalue); printf("adim start = %g", dvalue); miicv_inqdbl(icv, MI_ICV_ADIM_STEP, &dvalue); printf(", step = %g\n", dvalue); miicv_inqdbl(icv, MI_ICV_BDIM_START, &dvalue); printf("bdim start = %g", dvalue); miicv_inqdbl(icv, MI_ICV_BDIM_STEP, &dvalue); printf(", step = %g\n", dvalue); miicv_inqdbl(icv, MI_ICV_NORM_MAX, &dvalue); printf("norm : max = %g", dvalue); miicv_inqdbl(icv, MI_ICV_NORM_MIN, &dvalue); printf(", min = %g\n", dvalue); miicv_put(icv, coord, count, ivalue); miicv_get(icv, coord, count, ivalue); for (i=0; i<3; i++) { for (j=0; j<4; j++) { for (k=0; k<5; k++) { printf("%5d",ivalue[i*20+j*5+k]); } printf("\n"); } } miclose(cdfid); miicv_free(icv); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int icv, cdfid, img, max, min; static char *typenm[]={"short", "double"}; static char *boolnm[] = {"true", "false"}; static nc_type intypes[] = {NC_SHORT, NC_DOUBLE}; static int norms[] = {TRUE, FALSE}; static nc_type outtypes[] = {NC_SHORT, NC_DOUBLE}; static int maxpresent[] = {TRUE, FALSE}; static int valpresent[] = {TRUE, FALSE}; static int dim[MAX_VAR_DIMS]; static struct { long len; char *name;} diminfo[] = { { 3, MIzspace }, { 1, MIyspace }, { 1, MIxspace } }; static int numdims=sizeof(diminfo)/sizeof(diminfo[0]); static long coord[]={0,0,0}; static long count[]={1,1,1}; static double max_values[] = {0.4, 0.6, 0.8}; double dvalue; short int ivalue; int i, intype, inorm, outtype, imax, ival; int cflag = 0; char filename[256]; #if MINC2 if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-2")) { cflag = MI2_CREATE_V2; } #endif /* MINC2 */ snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "test_icv_range-%d.mnc", getpid()); for (intype=0; intype<MAX_IN_TYPES; intype++) { for (inorm=0; inorm<MAX_NORM; inorm++) { icv=miicv_create(); miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_TYPE, intypes[intype]); miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DO_NORM, norms[inorm]); miicv_setdbl(icv, MI_ICV_VALID_MAX, 20000.0); miicv_setdbl(icv, MI_ICV_VALID_MIN, 0.0); for (outtype=0; outtype<MAX_OUT_TYPES; outtype++) { for (imax=0; imax<MAX_MAX; imax++) { for (ival=0; ival<MAX_VAL; ival++) { printf( "in : %s, out : %s, norm : %s, imgmax : %s, valid : %s\n", typenm[intype], typenm[outtype], boolnm[inorm], boolnm[imax], boolnm[ival]); cdfid=micreate(filename, NC_CLOBBER | cflag); for (i=0; i<numdims; i++) dim[i]=ncdimdef(cdfid, diminfo[i].name, diminfo[i].len); img=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimage, outtypes[outtype], numdims, dim); if (maxpresent[imax]) { max=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimagemax, NC_DOUBLE, 1, dim); min=micreate_std_variable(cdfid, MIimagemin, NC_DOUBLE, 1, dim); } if (valpresent[ival]) { dvalue = 32000; ncattput(cdfid, img, MIvalid_max, NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dvalue); dvalue = 0; ncattput(cdfid, img, MIvalid_min, NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dvalue); } ncendef(cdfid); if (maxpresent[imax]) { for (i=0; i<3; i++) { dvalue = max_values[i]; coord[0]=i; ncvarput1(cdfid, max, coord, &dvalue); dvalue = -dvalue; ncvarput1(cdfid, min, coord, &dvalue); } coord[0]=0; } miicv_attach(icv, cdfid, img); if (intypes[intype]==NC_DOUBLE) { dvalue = 0.2; miicv_put(icv, coord, count, &dvalue); } else { ivalue = 12500; miicv_put(icv, coord, count, &ivalue); } dvalue = 0; mivarget1(cdfid, img, coord, NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, &dvalue); printf(" file value = %g\n", dvalue); if (intypes[intype]==NC_DOUBLE) { miicv_get(icv, coord, count, &dvalue); } else { miicv_get(icv, coord, count, &ivalue); dvalue=ivalue; } printf(" icv value = %g\n", dvalue); miclose(cdfid); } } } miicv_free(icv); } } unlink(filename); return 0; }
int ex_put_num_map ( int exoid, int map_type, int map_id, const int *map ) { int dimid, varid, iresult; long start[1]; nclong ldum, *lptr; long num_maps, num_entries, count[1]; int cur_num_maps; char *cdum; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; const char* tname; const char* dnumentries; const char* dnummaps; const char* vmapids; const char* vmap = 0; struct list_item** map_ctr_list; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ cdum = 0; switch ( map_type ) { case EX_NODE_MAP: tname = "node"; dnumentries = DIM_NUM_NODES; dnummaps = DIM_NUM_NM; vmapids = VAR_NM_PROP(1); map_ctr_list = &nm_ctr_list; break; case EX_EDGE_MAP: tname = "edge"; dnumentries = DIM_NUM_EDGE; dnummaps = DIM_NUM_EDM; vmapids = VAR_EDM_PROP(1); map_ctr_list = &edm_ctr_list; break; case EX_FACE_MAP: tname = "face"; dnumentries = DIM_NUM_FACE; dnummaps = DIM_NUM_FAM; vmapids = VAR_FAM_PROP(1); map_ctr_list = &fam_ctr_list; break; case EX_ELEM_MAP: tname = "element"; dnumentries = DIM_NUM_ELEM; dnummaps = DIM_NUM_EM; vmapids = VAR_EM_PROP(1); map_ctr_list = &em_ctr_list; break; default: exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf( errmsg, "Error: Bad map type (%d) specified for file id %d", map_type, exoid ); ex_err( "ex_put_num_map", errmsg, exerrval ); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Make sure the file contains entries */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, dnumentries))) == -1 ) { return (EX_NOERR); } /* first check if any maps are specified */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, dnummaps))) == -1 ) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: no %s maps specified in file id %d", tname,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_num_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Check for duplicate map id entry */ ex_id_lkup(exoid,vmapids,map_id); if (exerrval != EX_LOOKUPFAIL) /* found the map id */ { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: %s map %d already defined in file id %d", tname,map_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_num_map",errmsg,exerrval); return(EX_FATAL); } /* Get number of maps initialized for this file */ if ((ncdiminq (exoid,dimid,cdum,&num_maps)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of %s maps in file id %d", tname,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_num_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Keep track of the total number of maps defined using a counter stored in a linked list keyed by exoid. NOTE: ex_get_file_item is used to find the number of maps for a specific file and returns that value. */ cur_num_maps = ex_get_file_item(exoid, map_ctr_list ); if (cur_num_maps >= num_maps) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: exceeded number of %s maps (%ld) specified in file id %d", tname,num_maps,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_num_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* NOTE: ex_inc_file_item is used to find the number of maps for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_maps = ex_inc_file_item(exoid, map_ctr_list ); /* write out information to previously defined variable */ /* first get id of variable */ if ((varid = ncvarid (exoid, vmapids)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s map ids in file id %d", tname,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_num_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* then, write out map id */ start[0] = cur_num_maps; ldum = (nclong)map_id; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, varid, start, &ldum) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s map id %d in file id %d", tname,map_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_num_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* determine number of entries */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, dnumentries))) == -1 ) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: couldn't determine number of %s entries in file id %d", tname,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_num_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (ncdiminq (exoid, dimid, (char *) 0, &num_entries) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of %s entries in file id %d", tname,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_num_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } switch ( map_type ) { case EX_NODE_MAP: vmap = VAR_NODE_MAP(cur_num_maps+1); break; case EX_EDGE_MAP: vmap = VAR_EDGE_MAP(cur_num_maps+1); break; case EX_FACE_MAP: vmap = VAR_FACE_MAP(cur_num_maps+1); break; case EX_ELEM_MAP: vmap = VAR_ELEM_MAP(cur_num_maps+1); break; } /* locate variable array in which to store the map */ if ((varid = ncvarid(exoid,vmap)) == -1) { #if 0 exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate %s map %d in file id %d", vmap,map_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_num_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); #endif int dims[2]; ncerr = 0; if ( ncredef( exoid ) == -1 ) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to place file id %d into define mode", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_num_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } dims[0] = dimid; if ( (varid = ncvardef( exoid, vmap, NC_LONG, 1, dims )) == -1 ) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to define map %s in file id %d", vmap, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_num_map",errmsg,exerrval); } if ( ncendef( exoid ) == -1 ) { /* exit define mode */ sprintf( errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid ); ex_err( "ex_put_num_map", errmsg, exerrval ); varid = -1; /* force early exit */ } if ( varid == -1 ) /* we couldn't define variable and have prepared error message. */ return (EX_FATAL); } /* write out the map */ /* this contortion is necessary because netCDF is expecting nclongs; fortunately it's necessary only when ints and nclongs aren't the same size */ start[0] = 0; count[0] = num_entries; if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(nclong)) { iresult = ncvarput (exoid, varid, start, count, map); } else { lptr = itol (map, (int)num_entries); iresult = ncvarput (exoid, varid, start, count, lptr); free(lptr); } if (iresult == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store %s map in file id %d", tname,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_num_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); }
/*! * writes an element map; this is a vector of integers of length number * of elements */ int ex_put_partial_elem_map (int exoid, int map_id, int ent_start, int ent_count, const int *elem_map) { int dimid, varid, iresult, map_ndx, map_exists; long start[1]; nclong ldum, *lptr; long num_elem_maps, num_elem, count[1]; int cur_num_elem_maps; char *cdum; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ map_exists = 0; cdum = 0; /* Make sure the file contains elements */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, DIM_NUM_ELEM))) == -1 ) { return (EX_NOERR); } /* first check if any element maps are specified */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, DIM_NUM_EM))) == -1 ) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: no element maps specified in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_elem_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Check for duplicate element map id entry */ map_ndx = ex_id_lkup(exoid,VAR_EM_PROP(1),map_id); if (exerrval == EX_LOOKUPFAIL) { /* did not find the element map id */ map_exists = 0; /* Map is being defined */ map_ndx = -1; } else { map_exists = 1; /* A portion of this map has already been written */ } if (!map_exists) { /* Get number of element maps initialized for this file */ if ((ncdiminq (exoid,dimid,cdum,&num_elem_maps)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of element maps in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_elem_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Keep track of the total number of element maps defined using a counter stored in a linked list keyed by exoid. NOTE: ex_get_file_item is used to find the number of element maps for a specific file and returns that value. */ cur_num_elem_maps = ex_get_file_item(exoid, &em_ctr_list ); if (cur_num_elem_maps >= num_elem_maps) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: exceeded number of element maps (%ld) specified in file id %d", num_elem_maps,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_elem_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* NOTE: ex_inc_file_item is used to find the number of element maps for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_elem_maps = ex_inc_file_item(exoid, &em_ctr_list ); } else { cur_num_elem_maps = map_ndx-1; } /* determine number of elements */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, DIM_NUM_ELEM))) == -1 ) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: couldn't determine number of elements in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_elem_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (ncdiminq (exoid, dimid, (char *) 0, &num_elem) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of elements in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_elem_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Check input parameters for a valid range of numbers */ if (ent_start <= 0 || ent_start > num_elem) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: start count is invalid in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_elem_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (ent_count < 0) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: Invalid count value in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_elem_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (ent_start+ent_count-1 > num_elem) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: start+count-1 is larger than element count in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_elem_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* write out information to previously defined variable */ /* first get id of variable */ if ((varid = ncvarid (exoid, VAR_EM_PROP(1))) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate element map ids in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_elem_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* then, write out element map id */ if (!map_exists) { start[0] = cur_num_elem_maps; ldum = (nclong)map_id; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, varid, start, &ldum) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element map id %d in file id %d", map_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_elem_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } /* locate variable array in which to store the element map */ if ((varid = ncvarid(exoid,VAR_ELEM_MAP(cur_num_elem_maps+1))) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate element map %d in file id %d", map_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_elem_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* write out the element map */ /* this contortion is necessary because netCDF is expecting nclongs; fortunately it's necessary only when ints and nclongs aren't the same size */ start[0] = ent_start-1; count[0] = ent_count; if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(nclong)) { iresult = ncvarput (exoid, varid, start, count, elem_map); } else { lptr = itol (elem_map, (int)ent_count); iresult = ncvarput (exoid, varid, start, count, lptr); free(lptr); } if (iresult == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store element map in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_partial_elem_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); }
int main() { /* create example.cdf */ int ncid; /* netCDF id */ /* dimension ids */ int lat_dim, lon_dim, frtime_dim, timelen_dim; /* variable ids */ int P_id, lat_id, lon_id, frtime_id, reftime_id, scalarv_id; /* variable shapes */ int dims[3]; /* containers for scalar attributes */ float float_val; double double_val; /* attribute vectors */ float P_valid_range[2]; /* enter define mode */ ncid = nccreate("", NC_CLOBBER); /* define dimensions */ lat_dim = ncdimdef(ncid, "lat", 4L); lon_dim = ncdimdef(ncid, "lon", 3L); frtime_dim = ncdimdef(ncid, "frtime", NC_UNLIMITED); timelen_dim = ncdimdef(ncid, "timelen", 20L); /* define variables and assign attributes */ dims[0] = frtime_dim; dims[1] = lat_dim; dims[2] = lon_dim; P_id = ncvardef (ncid, "P", NC_FLOAT, 3, dims); ncattput (ncid, P_id, "long_name", NC_CHAR, 24, (void *)"pressure at maximum wind"); ncattput (ncid, P_id, "units", NC_CHAR, 12, (void *)"hectopascals"); P_valid_range[0] = 0; P_valid_range[1] = 1500; ncattput (ncid, P_id, "valid_range", NC_FLOAT, 2, (void *) P_valid_range); float_val = -9999; ncattput (ncid, P_id, "_FillValue", NC_FLOAT, 1, (void *) &float_val); dims[0] = lat_dim; lat_id = ncvardef (ncid, "lat", NC_FLOAT, 1, dims); ncattput (ncid, lat_id, "long_name", NC_CHAR, 8, (void *)"latitude"); ncattput (ncid, lat_id, "units", NC_CHAR, 13, (void *)"degrees_north"); dims[0] = lon_dim; lon_id = ncvardef (ncid, "lon", NC_FLOAT, 1, dims); ncattput (ncid, lon_id, "long_name", NC_CHAR, 9, (void *)"longitude"); ncattput (ncid, lon_id, "units", NC_CHAR, 12, (void *)"degrees_east"); dims[0] = frtime_dim; frtime_id = ncvardef (ncid, "frtime", NC_LONG, 1, dims); ncattput (ncid, frtime_id, "long_name", NC_CHAR, 13, (void *)"forecast time"); ncattput (ncid, frtime_id, "units", NC_CHAR, 5, (void *)"hours"); dims[0] = timelen_dim; reftime_id = ncvardef (ncid, "reftime", NC_CHAR, 1, dims); ncattput (ncid, reftime_id, "long_name", NC_CHAR, 14, (void *)"reference time"); ncattput (ncid, reftime_id, "units", NC_CHAR, 9, (void *)"text_time"); scalarv_id = ncvardef (ncid, "scalarv", NC_LONG, 0, 0); double_val = 1; ncattput (ncid, scalarv_id, "scalar_att", NC_DOUBLE, 1, (void *) &double_val); /* Global attributes */ ncattput (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "history", NC_CHAR, 41, (void *)"created by Unidata LDM from NPS broadcast"); ncattput (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "title", NC_CHAR, 48, (void *)"NMC Global Product Set: Pressure at Maximum Wind"); /* leave define mode */ ncendef (ncid); { /* store lat */ static long lat_start[] = {0}; static long lat_edges[] = {4}; static float lat[] = {-90, -87.5, -85, -82.5}; ncvarput(ncid, lat_id, lat_start, lat_edges, (void *)lat); } { /* store lon */ static long lon_start[] = {0}; static long lon_edges[] = {3}; static float lon[] = {-180, -175, -170}; ncvarput(ncid, lon_id, lon_start, lon_edges, (void *)lon); } { /* store frtime */ static long frtime_start[] = {0}; static long frtime_edges[] = {1}; static long frtime[] = {12}; ncvarput(ncid, frtime_id, frtime_start, frtime_edges, (void *)frtime); } { /* store frtime */ static long frtime_start[] = {1}; static long frtime_edges[] = {1}; static long frtime[] = {18}; ncvarput(ncid, frtime_id, frtime_start, frtime_edges, (void *)frtime); } { /* store reftime */ static long reftime_start[] = {0}; static long reftime_edges[] = {20}; static char reftime[] = {"1992 03 04 12:00"}; ncvarput(ncid, reftime_id, reftime_start, reftime_edges, (void *)reftime); } { /* store P */ static long P_start[] = {0, 0, 0}; static long P_edges[] = {2, 4, 3}; static float P[2][4][3] = { {{950, 951, 952}, {953, 954, 955}, {956, 957, 958}, {959, 960, 961}}, {{962, 963, 964}, {965, 966, 967}, {968, 969, 970}, {971, 972, 973}} }; ncvarput(ncid, P_id, P_start, P_edges, (void *)&P[0][0][0]); } { /* store scalarv */ static long scalarv = {-2147483647}; ncvarput1(ncid, scalarv_id, (long *)0, (void *)&scalarv); } ncclose (ncid); return 0; }
int ex_put_node_map (int exoid, int map_id, const int *node_map) { int dimid, varid, iresult; long start[1]; nclong ldum, *lptr; long num_node_maps, num_nodes, count[1]; int cur_num_node_maps; char *cdum; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ cdum = 0; /* Return if node nodes stored in this file */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, DIM_NUM_NODES))) == -1 ) { return (EX_NOERR); } /* first check if any node maps are specified */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, DIM_NUM_NM))) == -1 ) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: no node maps specified in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Check for duplicate node map id entry */ ex_id_lkup(exoid,VAR_NM_PROP(1),map_id); if (exerrval != EX_LOOKUPFAIL) /* found the node map id */ { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: node map %d already defined in file id %d", map_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_map",errmsg,exerrval); return(EX_FATAL); } /* Get number of node maps initialized for this file */ if ((ncdiminq (exoid,dimid,cdum,&num_node_maps)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of node maps in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* Keep track of the total number of node maps defined using a counter stored in a linked list keyed by exoid. NOTE: ex_get_file_item is used to find the number of node maps for a specific file and returns that value. */ cur_num_node_maps = ex_get_file_item(exoid, &nm_ctr_list ); if (cur_num_node_maps >= num_node_maps) { exerrval = EX_FATAL; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: exceeded number of node maps (%ld) specified in file id %d", num_node_maps,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* NOTE: ex_inc_file_item is used to find the number of node maps for a specific file and returns that value incremented. */ cur_num_node_maps = ex_inc_file_item(exoid, &nm_ctr_list ); /* write out information to previously defined variable */ /* first get id of variable */ if ((varid = ncvarid (exoid, VAR_NM_PROP(1))) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate node map ids in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* then, write out node map id */ start[0] = cur_num_node_maps; ldum = (nclong)map_id; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, varid, start, &ldum) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store node map id %d in file id %d", map_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* determine number of nodes */ if ((dimid = (ncdimid (exoid, DIM_NUM_NODES))) == -1 ) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: couldn't determine number of nodes in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (ncdiminq (exoid, dimid, (char *) 0, &num_nodes) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get number of nodes in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* find variable array in which to store the node map */ if ((varid = ncvarid(exoid,VAR_NODE_MAP(cur_num_node_maps+1))) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate node map %d in file id %d", map_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_map",errmsg,exerrval); return(EX_FATAL); } /* write out the node map */ /* this contortion is necessary because netCDF is expecting nclongs; fortunately it's necessary only when ints and nclongs aren't the same size */ start[0] = 0; count[0] = num_nodes; if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(nclong)) { iresult = ncvarput (exoid, varid, start, count, node_map); } else { lptr = itol (node_map, (int)num_nodes); iresult = ncvarput (exoid, varid, start, count, lptr); free(lptr); } if (iresult == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store node map in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_node_map",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); }
int ex_put_prop (int exoid, int obj_type, int obj_id, const char *prop_name, int value) { int found = FALSE; int num_props, i, dimid, propid, dims[1]; long start[1]; nclong ldum; char name[MAX_VAR_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char obj_stype[MAX_VAR_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char obj_vtype[MAX_VAR_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char tmpstr[MAX_VAR_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char dim_name[MAX_VAR_NAME_LENGTH+1]; char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH]; exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */ /* check if property has already been created */ num_props = ex_get_num_props(exoid, obj_type); switch (obj_type) { case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: strcpy (obj_vtype, VAR_ID_EL_BLK); strcpy (obj_stype, "element block"); break; case EX_NODE_SET: strcpy (obj_vtype, VAR_NS_IDS); strcpy (obj_stype, "node set"); break; case EX_SIDE_SET: strcpy (obj_vtype, VAR_SS_IDS); strcpy (obj_stype, "side set"); break; case EX_ELEM_MAP: strcpy (obj_vtype, VAR_EM_PROP(1)); strcpy (obj_stype, "element map"); break; case EX_NODE_MAP: strcpy (obj_vtype, VAR_NM_PROP(1)); strcpy (obj_stype, "node map"); break; default: exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: object type %d not supported; file id %d", obj_type, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); return(EX_FATAL); } if (num_props > 1) /* any properties other than the default 1? */ { for (i=1; i<=num_props; i++) { switch (obj_type) { case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: strcpy (name, VAR_EB_PROP(i)); break; case EX_NODE_SET: strcpy (name, VAR_NS_PROP(i)); break; case EX_SIDE_SET: strcpy (name, VAR_SS_PROP(i)); break; case EX_ELEM_MAP: strcpy (name, VAR_EM_PROP(i)); break; case EX_NODE_MAP: strcpy (name, VAR_NM_PROP(i)); break; default: exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: object type %d not supported; file id %d", obj_type, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); return(EX_FATAL); } if ((propid = ncvarid (exoid, name)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get property array id in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* compare stored attribute name with passed property name */ if ((ncattget (exoid, propid, ATT_PROP_NAME, tmpstr)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to get property name in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } if (strcmp(tmpstr, prop_name) == 0) { found = TRUE; break; } } } /* if property array has not been created, create it */ if (!found) { /* put netcdf file into define mode */ if (ncredef (exoid) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg,"Error: failed to place file id %d into define mode",exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } /* create a variable with a name xx_prop#, where # is the new number */ /* of the property */ switch (obj_type){ case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: strcpy (name, VAR_EB_PROP(num_props+1)); strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_EL_BLK); break; case EX_NODE_SET: strcpy (name, VAR_NS_PROP(num_props+1)); strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_NS); break; case EX_SIDE_SET: strcpy (name, VAR_SS_PROP(num_props+1)); strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_SS); break; case EX_ELEM_MAP: strcpy (name, VAR_EM_PROP(num_props+1)); strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_EM); break; case EX_NODE_MAP: strcpy (name, VAR_NM_PROP(num_props+1)); strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_NM); break; default: exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: object type %d not supported; file id %d", obj_type, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* Exit define mode and return */ } /* inquire id of previously defined dimension (number of objects) */ if ((dimid = ncdimid (exoid, dim_name)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to locate number of objects in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg, exerrval); goto error_ret; /* Exit define mode and return */ } dims[0] = dimid; ncsetfill(exoid, NC_FILL); /* fill with zeros per routine spec */ if ((propid = ncvardef (exoid, name, NC_LONG, 1, dims)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to create property array variable in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* Exit define mode and return */ } ncsetfill(exoid, NC_NOFILL); /* default: nofill */ /* store property name as attribute of property array variable */ if ((ncattput (exoid, propid, ATT_PROP_NAME, NC_CHAR, strlen(prop_name)+1, prop_name)) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store property name %s in file id %d", prop_name,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); goto error_ret; /* Exit define mode and return */ } /* leave define mode */ if (ncendef (exoid) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to leave define mode in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } /* find index into property array using obj_id; put value in property */ /* array at proper index; ex_id_lkup returns an index that is 1-based,*/ /* but netcdf expects 0-based arrays so subtract 1 */ /* special case: property name ID - check for duplicate ID assignment */ if (strcmp("ID",prop_name) == 0) { start[0] = ex_id_lkup (exoid, obj_vtype, value); if (exerrval != EX_LOOKUPFAIL) /* found the id */ { exerrval = EX_BADPARAM; sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: attempt to assign duplicate %s ID %d in file id %d", obj_stype, value, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_WARN); } } start[0] = ex_id_lkup (exoid, obj_vtype, obj_id); if (exerrval != 0) { if (exerrval == EX_NULLENTITY) { sprintf(errmsg, "Warning: no properties allowed for NULL %s id %d in file id %d", obj_stype, obj_id,exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,EX_MSG); return (EX_WARN); } else { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to find value %d in %s property array in file id %d", obj_id, obj_stype, exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } } start[0] = start[0] - 1; ldum = (nclong)value; if (ncvarput1 (exoid, propid, start, &ldum) == -1) { exerrval = ncerr; sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to store property value in file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); return (EX_FATAL); } return (EX_NOERR); /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */ error_ret: ncsetfill(exoid, NC_NOFILL); /* default: nofill */ if (ncendef (exoid) == -1) /* exit define mode */ { sprintf(errmsg, "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid); ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg,exerrval); } return (EX_FATAL); }
void mexFunction ( INT nlhs, Matrix * plhs[], INT nrhs, const Matrix * prhs[] ) { char * opname; OPCODE opcode; Matrix * mat; int status; char * path; int cmode; int mode; int cdfid; int ndims; int nvars; int natts; int recdim; char * name; long length; int dimid; nc_type datatype; int * dim; int varid; long * coords; VOIDP value; long * start; long * count; int * intcount; long * stride; long * imap; long recnum; int nrecvars; int * recvarids; long * recsizes; VOIDPP datap; /* pointers for record access. */ int len; int incdf; int invar; int outcdf; int outvar; int attnum; char * attname; char * newname; int fillmode; int i; int m; int n; char * p; char buffer[MAX_BUFFER]; DOUBLE * pr; DOUBLE addoffset; DOUBLE scalefactor; int autoscale; /* do auto-scaling if this flag is non-zero. */ /* Disable the NC_FATAL option from ncopts. */ if (ncopts & NC_FATAL) { ncopts -= NC_FATAL; } /* Display usage if less than one input argument. */ if (nrhs < 1) { Usage(); return; } /* Convert the operation name to its opcode. */ opname = Mat2Str(prhs[0]); for (i = 0; i < strlen(opname); i++) { opname[i] = (char) tolower((int) opname[i]); } p = opname; if (strncmp(p, "nc", 2) == 0) { /* Trim away "nc". */ p += 2; } i = 0; opcode = NONE; while (ops[i].opcode != NONE) { if (!strcmp(p, ops[i].opname)) { opcode = ops[i].opcode; if (ops[i].nrhs > nrhs) { mexPrintf("MEXCDF: opname = %s\n", opname); mexErrMsgTxt("MEXCDF: Too few input arguments.\n"); } else if (0 && ops[i].nlhs > nlhs) { /* Disabled. */ mexPrintf("MEXCDF: opname = %s\n", opname); mexErrMsgTxt("MEXCDF: Too few output arguments.\n"); } break; } else { i++; } } if (opcode == NONE) { mexPrintf("MEXCDF: opname = %s\n", opname); mexErrMsgTxt("MEXCDF: No such operation.\n"); } Free((VOIDPP) & opname); /* Extract the cdfid by number. */ switch (opcode) { case USAGE: case CREATE: case OPEN: case TYPELEN: case SETOPTS: case ERR: case PARAMETER: break; default: cdfid = Scalar2Int(prhs[1]); break; } /* Extract the dimid by number or name. */ switch (opcode) { case DIMINQ: case DIMRENAME: if (mxIsNumeric(prhs[2])) { dimid = Scalar2Int(prhs[2]); } else { name = Mat2Str(prhs[2]); dimid = ncdimid(cdfid, name); Free((VOIDPP) & name); } break; default: break; } /* Extract the varid by number or name. */ switch (opcode) { case VARINQ: case VARPUT1: case VARGET1: case VARPUT: case VARGET: case VARPUTG: case VARGETG: case VARRENAME: case VARCOPY: case ATTPUT: case ATTINQ: case ATTGET: case ATTCOPY: case ATTNAME: case ATTRENAME: case ATTDEL: if (mxIsNumeric(prhs[2])) { varid = Scalar2Int(prhs[2]); } else { name = Mat2Str(prhs[2]); varid = ncvarid(cdfid, name); Free((VOIDPP) & name); if (varid == -1) { varid = Parameter(prhs[2]); } } break; default: break; } /* Extract the attname by name or number. */ switch (opcode) { case ATTPUT: case ATTINQ: case ATTGET: case ATTCOPY: case ATTRENAME: case ATTDEL: if (mxIsNumeric(prhs[3])) { attnum = Scalar2Int(prhs[3]); attname = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); status = ncattname(cdfid, varid, attnum, attname); } else { attname = Mat2Str(prhs[3]); } break; default: break; } /* Extract the "add_offset" and "scale_factor" attributes. */ switch (opcode) { case VARPUT1: case VARGET1: case VARPUT: case VARGET: case VARPUTG: case VARGETG: addoffset = Add_Offset(cdfid, varid); scalefactor = Scale_Factor(cdfid, varid); if (scalefactor == 0.0) { scalefactor = 1.0; } break; default: break; } /* Perform the NetCDF operation. */ switch (opcode) { case USAGE: Usage(); break; case CREATE: path = Mat2Str(prhs[1]); if (nrhs > 2) { cmode = Parameter(prhs[2]); } else { cmode = NC_NOCLOBBER; /* Default. */ } cdfid = nccreate(path, cmode); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(cdfid); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((cdfid >= 0) ? 0 : -1); Free((VOIDPP) & path); break; case OPEN: path = Mat2Str(prhs[1]); if (nrhs > 2) { mode = Parameter(prhs[2]); } else { mode = NC_NOWRITE; /* Default. */ } cdfid = ncopen(path, mode); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(cdfid); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((cdfid >= 0) ? 0 : -1); Free((VOIDPP) & path); break; case REDEF: status = ncredef(cdfid); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; case ENDEF: status = ncendef(cdfid); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; case CLOSE: status = ncclose(cdfid); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; case INQUIRE: status = ncinquire(cdfid, & ndims, & nvars, & natts, & recdim); if (nlhs > 1) { plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(ndims); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(nvars); plhs[2] = Int2Scalar(natts); plhs[3] = Int2Scalar(recdim); plhs[4] = Int2Scalar(status); } else { /* Default to 1 x 5 row vector. */ plhs[0] = mxCreateFull(1, 5, REAL); pr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); if (status == 0) { pr[0] = (DOUBLE) ndims; pr[1] = (DOUBLE) nvars; pr[2] = (DOUBLE) natts; pr[3] = (DOUBLE) recdim; } pr[4] = (DOUBLE) status; } break; case SYNC: status = ncsync(cdfid); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; case ABORT: status = ncabort(cdfid); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; case DIMDEF: name = Mat2Str(prhs[2]); length = Parameter(prhs[3]); dimid = ncdimdef(cdfid, name, length); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(dimid); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((dimid >= 0) ? 0 : dimid); Free((VOIDPP) & name); break; case DIMID: name = Mat2Str(prhs[2]); dimid = ncdimid(cdfid, name); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(dimid); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((dimid >= 0) ? 0 : dimid); Free((VOIDPP) & name); break; case DIMINQ: name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); status = ncdiminq(cdfid, dimid, name, & length); plhs[0] = Str2Mat(name); plhs[1] = Long2Scalar(length); plhs[2] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & name); break; case DIMRENAME: name = Mat2Str(prhs[3]); status = ncdimrename(cdfid, dimid, name); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & name); break; case VARDEF: name = Mat2Str(prhs[2]); datatype = (nc_type) Parameter(prhs[3]); ndims = Scalar2Int(prhs[4]); if (ndims == -1) { ndims = Count(prhs[5]); } dim = Mat2Int(prhs[5]); varid = ncvardef(cdfid, name, datatype, ndims, dim); Free((VOIDPP) & name); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(varid); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((varid >= 0) ? 0 : varid); break; case VARID: name = Mat2Str(prhs[2]); varid = ncvarid(cdfid, name); Free((VOIDPP) & name); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(varid); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((varid >= 0) ? 0 : varid); break; case VARINQ: name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); plhs[0] = Str2Mat(name); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(datatype); plhs[2] = Int2Scalar(ndims); plhs[3] = Int2Mat(dim, 1, ndims); plhs[4] = Int2Scalar(natts); plhs[5] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); break; case VARPUT1: coords = Mat2Long(prhs[3]); name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { mat = SetNum(prhs[4]); } else { mat = prhs[4]; } if (mat == NULL) { mat = prhs[4]; } pr = mxGetPr(mat); autoscale = (nrhs > 5 && Scalar2Int(prhs[5]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } status = Convert(opcode, datatype, 1, buffer, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); status = ncvarput1(cdfid, varid, coords, buffer); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & coords); break; case VARGET1: coords = Mat2Long(prhs[3]); autoscale = (nrhs > 4 && Scalar2Int(prhs[4]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); mat = Int2Scalar(0); pr = mxGetPr(mat); status = ncvarget1(cdfid, varid, coords, buffer); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, 1, buffer, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { plhs[0] = SetStr(mat); } else { plhs[0] = mat; } if (plhs[0] == NULL) { /* prhs[0] = mat; */ plhs[0] = mat; /* ZYDECO 24Jan2000 */ } plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & coords); break; case VARPUT: start = Mat2Long(prhs[3]); count = Mat2Long(prhs[4]); autoscale = (nrhs > 6 && Scalar2Int(prhs[6]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { mat = SetNum(prhs[5]); } else { mat = prhs[5]; } if (mat == NULL) { mat = prhs[5]; } pr = mxGetPr(mat); for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (count[i] == -1) { status = ncdiminq(cdfid, dim[i], name, & count[i]); count[i] -= start[i]; } } Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); len = 0; if (ndims > 0) { len = 1; for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { len *= count[i]; } } value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc(len, nctypelen(datatype)); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, len, value, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); status = ncvarput(cdfid, varid, start, count, value); Free((VOIDPP) & value); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & start); Free((VOIDPP) & count); break; case VARGET: start = Mat2Long(prhs[3]); count = Mat2Long(prhs[4]); intcount = Mat2Int(prhs[4]); autoscale = (nrhs > 5 && Scalar2Int(prhs[5]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (count[i] == -1) { status = ncdiminq(cdfid, dim[i], name, & count[i]); count[i] -= start[i]; } } Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); m = 0; n = 0; if (ndims > 0) { m = count[0]; n = count[0]; for (i = 1; i < ndims; i++) { n *= count[i]; if (count[i] > 1) { m = count[i]; } } n /= m; } len = m * n; if (ndims < 2) { m = 1; n = len; } for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { intcount[i] = count[ndims-i-1]; /* Reverse order. */ } if (MEXCDF_4 || ndims < 2) { mat = mxCreateFull(m, n, mxREAL); /* mxCreateDoubleMatrix */ } # if MEXCDF_5 else { mat = mxCreateNumericArray(ndims, intcount, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); } # endif pr = mxGetPr(mat); value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc(len, nctypelen(datatype)); status = ncvarget(cdfid, varid, start, count, value); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, len, value, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); Free((VOIDPP) & value); if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { plhs[0] = SetStr(mat); } else { plhs[0] = mat; } if (plhs[0] == NULL) { plhs[0] = mat; } plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & intcount); Free((VOIDPP) & count); Free((VOIDPP) & start); break; case VARPUTG: name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); if (nrhs > 7) { if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { mat = SetStr(prhs[7]); } else { mat = prhs[7]; } if (mat == NULL) { mat = prhs[7]; } } else { if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { mat = SetStr(prhs[6]); } else { mat = prhs[6]; } if (mat == NULL) { mat = prhs[6]; } } pr = mxGetPr(mat); start = Mat2Long(prhs[3]); count = Mat2Long(prhs[4]); stride = Mat2Long(prhs[5]); imap = NULL; for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (count[i] == -1) { status = ncdiminq(cdfid, dim[i], name, & count[i]); count[i] -= start[i]; } } Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); len = 0; if (ndims > 0) { len = 1; for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { len *= count[i]; } } autoscale = (nrhs > 8 && Scalar2Int(prhs[8]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc(len, nctypelen(datatype)); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, len, value, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); status = ncvarputg(cdfid, varid, start, count, stride, imap, value); Free((VOIDPP) & value); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & stride); Free((VOIDPP) & count); Free((VOIDPP) & start); break; case VARGETG: start = Mat2Long(prhs[3]); count = Mat2Long(prhs[4]); intcount = Mat2Int(prhs[4]); stride = Mat2Long(prhs[5]); imap = NULL; autoscale = (nrhs > 7 && Scalar2Int(prhs[7]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } name = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); dim = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_DIMS, sizeof(int)); status = ncvarinq(cdfid, varid, name, & datatype, & ndims, dim, & natts); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (count[i] == -1) { status = ncdiminq(cdfid, dim[i], name, & count[i]); count[i] -= start[i]; } } Free((VOIDPP) & name); Free((VOIDPP) & dim); m = 0; n = 0; if (ndims > 0) { m = count[0]; n = count[0]; for (i = 1; i < ndims; i++) { n *= count[i]; if (count[i] > 1) { m = count[i]; } } n /= m; } len = m * n; if (ndims < 2) { m = 1; n = len; } for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { intcount[i] = count[ndims-i-1]; /* Reverse order. */ } if (MEXCDF_4 || ndims < 2) { mat = mxCreateFull(m, n, mxREAL); /* mxCreateDoubleMatrix */ } # if MEXCDF_5 else { mat = mxCreateNumericArray(ndims, intcount, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); } # endif pr = mxGetPr(mat); value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc(len, nctypelen(datatype)); status = ncvargetg(cdfid, varid, start, count, stride, imap, value); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, len, value, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); Free((VOIDPP) & value); if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { plhs[0] = SetStr(mat); } else { plhs[0] = mat; } if (plhs[0] == NULL) { /* prhs[0] = mat; */ plhs[0] = mat; /* ZYDECO 24Jan2000 */ } plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & stride); Free((VOIDPP) & intcount); Free((VOIDPP) & count); Free((VOIDPP) & start); break; case VARRENAME: name = Mat2Str(prhs[3]); status = ncvarrename(cdfid, varid, name); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & name); break; case VARCOPY: incdf = cdfid; invar = varid; outcdf = Scalar2Int(prhs[3]); outvar = -1; /* outvar = ncvarcopy(incdf, invar, outcdf); */ plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(outvar); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((outvar >= 0) ? 0 : outvar); break; case ATTPUT: datatype = (nc_type) Parameter(prhs[4]); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { mat = SetNum(prhs[6]); } else { mat = prhs[6]; } if (mat == NULL) { mat = prhs[6]; } len = Scalar2Int(prhs[5]); if (len == -1) { len = Count(mat); } pr = mxGetPr(mat); value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc(len, nctypelen(datatype)); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, len, value, (DOUBLE) 1.0, (DOUBLE) 0.0, pr); status = ncattput(cdfid, varid, attname, datatype, len, value); if (value != NULL) { Free((VOIDPP) & value); } plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); break; case ATTINQ: status = ncattinq(cdfid, varid, attname, & datatype, & len); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar((int) datatype); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(len); plhs[2] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); break; case ATTGET: status = ncattinq(cdfid, varid, attname, & datatype, & len); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc(len, nctypelen(datatype)); status = ncattget(cdfid, varid, attname, value); mat = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, len, mxREAL); pr = mxGetPr(mat); status = Convert(opcode, datatype, len, value, (DOUBLE) 1.0, (DOUBLE) 0.0, pr); if (value != NULL) { Free((VOIDPP) & value); } if (datatype == NC_CHAR) { plhs[0] = SetStr(mat); } else { plhs[0] = mat; } if (plhs[0] == NULL) { /* prhs[4] = mat; */ plhs[0] = mat; /* ZYDECO 24Jan2000 */ } plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); break; case ATTCOPY: incdf = cdfid; invar = varid; outcdf = Scalar2Int(prhs[4]); if (mxIsNumeric(prhs[5])) { outvar = Scalar2Int(prhs[2]); } else { name = Mat2Str(prhs[5]); outvar = ncvarid(cdfid, name); Free((VOIDPP) & name); } status = ncattcopy(incdf, invar, attname, outcdf, outvar); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); break; case ATTNAME: attnum = Scalar2Int(prhs[3]); attname = (char *) mxCalloc(MAX_NC_NAME, sizeof(char)); status = ncattname(cdfid, varid, attnum, attname); plhs[0] = Str2Mat(attname); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); break; case ATTRENAME: newname = Mat2Str(prhs[4]); status = ncattrename(cdfid, varid, attname, newname); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); Free((VOIDPP) & newname); break; case ATTDEL: status = ncattdel(cdfid, varid, attname); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free((VOIDPP) & attname); break; case RECPUT: recnum = Scalar2Long(prhs[2]); pr = mxGetPr(prhs[3]); autoscale = (nrhs > 4 && Scalar2Int(prhs[4]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } recvarids = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(int)); recsizes = (long *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(long)); datap = (VOIDPP) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(VOIDP)); status = ncrecinq(cdfid, & nrecvars, recvarids, recsizes); if (status == -1) { plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } length = 0; n = 0; for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { ncvarinq(cdfid, recvarids[i], NULL, & datatype, NULL, NULL, NULL); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); length += recsizes[i]; n += (recsizes[i] / nctypelen(datatype)); } if (Count(prhs[3]) < n) { status = -1; plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } if ((value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc((int) length, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { status = -1; plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } length = 0; p = value; for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { datap[i] = p; p += recsizes[i]; } p = (char *) value; pr = mxGetPr(prhs[3]); for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { ncvarinq(cdfid, recvarids[i], NULL, & datatype, NULL, NULL, NULL); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); length = recsizes[i] / nctypelen(datatype); if (autoscale) { addoffset = Add_Offset(cdfid, recvarids[i]); scalefactor = Scale_Factor(cdfid, recvarids[i]); if (scalefactor == 0.0) { scalefactor = 1.0; } } Convert(opcode, datatype, length, (VOIDP) p, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); pr += length; p += recsizes[i]; } status = ncrecput(cdfid, recnum, datap); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); Free ((VOIDPP) & value); Free ((VOIDPP) & datap); Free ((VOIDPP) & recsizes); Free ((VOIDPP) & recvarids); break; case RECGET: recnum = Scalar2Long(prhs[2]); autoscale = (nrhs > 3 && Scalar2Int(prhs[3]) != 0); if (!autoscale) { scalefactor = 1.0; addoffset = 0.0; } recvarids = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(int)); recsizes = (long *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(long)); datap = (VOIDPP) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(VOIDP)); status = ncrecinq(cdfid, & nrecvars, recvarids, recsizes); if (status == -1) { Free ((VOIDPP) & recsizes); Free ((VOIDPP) & recvarids); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } if (nrecvars == 0) { Free ((VOIDPP) & recsizes); Free ((VOIDPP) & recvarids); plhs[0] = mxCreateFull(0, 0, REAL); break; } length = 0; n = 0; for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { ncvarinq(cdfid, recvarids[i], NULL, & datatype, NULL, NULL, NULL); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); length += recsizes[i]; n += (recsizes[i] / nctypelen(datatype)); } if ((value = (VOIDP) mxCalloc((int) length, sizeof(char))) == NULL) { status = -1; plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } if (value == NULL) { status = -1; plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } length = 0; p = value; for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { datap[i] = p; p += recsizes[i]; } if ((status = ncrecget(cdfid, recnum, datap)) == -1) { plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } m = 1; plhs[0] = mxCreateFull(m, n, REAL); if (plhs[0] == NULL) { status = -1; plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } pr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); p = (char *) value; for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { status = ncvarinq(cdfid, recvarids[i], NULL, & datatype, NULL, NULL, NULL); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); if (status == -1) { plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); break; } length = recsizes[i] / nctypelen(datatype); if (autoscale) { addoffset = Add_Offset(cdfid, recvarids[i]); scalefactor = Scale_Factor(cdfid, recvarids[i]); if (scalefactor == 0.0) { scalefactor = 1.0; } } Convert(opcode, datatype, length, (VOIDP) p, scalefactor, addoffset, pr); pr += length; p += recsizes[i]; } plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(status); Free ((VOIDPP) & value); Free ((VOIDPP) & datap); Free ((VOIDPP) & recsizes); Free ((VOIDPP) & recvarids); break; case RECINQ: recvarids = (int *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(int)); recsizes = (long *) mxCalloc(MAX_VAR_DIMS, sizeof(long)); status = ncrecinq(cdfid, & nrecvars, recvarids, recsizes); if (status != -1) { for (i = 0; i < nrecvars; i++) { ncvarinq(cdfid, recvarids[i], NULL, & datatype, NULL, NULL, NULL); datatype = RepairBadDataType(datatype); recsizes[i] /= nctypelen(datatype); } m = 1; n = nrecvars; plhs[0] = Int2Mat(recvarids, m, n); plhs[1] = Long2Mat(recsizes, m, n); } plhs[2] = Int2Scalar(status); Free ((VOIDPP) & recsizes); Free ((VOIDPP) & recvarids); break; case TYPELEN: datatype = (nc_type) Parameter(prhs[1]); len = nctypelen(datatype); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(len); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar((len >= 0) ? 0 : 1); break; case SETFILL: fillmode = Scalar2Int(prhs[1]); status = ncsetfill(cdfid, fillmode); plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(status); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(0); break; case SETOPTS: plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(ncopts); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(0); ncopts = Scalar2Int(prhs[1]); break; case ERR: plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(ncerr); ncerr = 0; plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(0); break; case PARAMETER: if (nrhs > 1) { plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(Parameter(prhs[1])); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(0); } else { i = 0; while (strcmp(parms[i].name, "NONE") != 0) { mexPrintf("%12d %s\n", parms[i].code, parms[i].name); i++; } plhs[0] = Int2Scalar(0); plhs[1] = Int2Scalar(-1); } break; default: break; } return; }