Exemplo n.º 1
  Performs an HTTP POST operation to the path at the address / port specified.
  A buffer with the data to be POSTed is passed in, and up to maxresponse bytes of the response
  from the server are written back into the same buffer.
  @param hostname The name of the host to connect to.
  @param path The path on the server to post to.
  @param port The port to connect on - standard http port is 80
  @param data The buffer to write from, and then read the response back into
  @param data_length The number of bytes to write from \b data
  @param maxresponse How many bytes of the response to read back into \b data
  @param headers (optional) An array of strings to be sent as headers - last element in the array must be 0.
  @return The number of bytes written, or -1 on failure.

  \b Example
  // we'll post a test message to www.makingthings.com/post/path
  int bufLength = 100;
  char myBuffer[bufLength];
  int datalength = siprintf(myBuffer, "A test message to post"); // load the buffer with some data to send
  webclientPost("www.makingthings.com", "/post/path", 80, myBuffer, datalength, bufLength, 0);
int webclientPost(const char* hostname, const char* path, int port, char* data, int data_length, int maxresponse, const char* headers[])
    int s = tcpOpen(networkGetHostByName(hostname), port);
    if (s > -1) {
        int len = sniprintf(webclientBuf, WEBCLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE,
                            "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n%s%s%s",
                            path, data_length,
                            (hostname != NULL) ? "Host: " : "",
                            (hostname != NULL) ? hostname : "",
                            (hostname != NULL) ? "\r\n" : "");
        tcpWrite(s, webclientBuf, len);

        if (headers != NULL) {
            for ( ; *headers != 0; headers++) {
                tcpWrite(s, *headers, strlen(*headers));
                tcpWrite(s, "\r\n", 2);
        tcpWrite(s, "\r\n", 2); // all done with headers

        // send the body...just check our last write here...
        if (tcpWrite(s, data, data_length) <= 0) {
            return -1;

        // read back the response
        len = webclientReadResponse(s, data, maxresponse);
        return len;
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 2
  Performs an HTTP GET operation to the path at the address / port specified.

  The data returned from the web server (up to maxresponse bytes) is written into the given buffer.

  @param hostname The name of the host to connect to.
  @param path The path on the server to connect to.
  @param port The port to connect on - standard http port is 80
  @param response The buffer read the response back into.
  @param maxresponse An integer specifying the size of the response buffer.
  @param headers (optional) An array of strings to be sent as headers - last element in the array must be 0.
  @return the number of bytes received, or < 0 on error.

  \b Example
  #define BUF_LENGTH 100
  char myBuffer[BUF_LENGTH];
  int justGot = webclientGet("www.makingthings.com", "/test/path", 80, myBuffer, BUF_LENGTH, 0);
  Now we should have the results of the HTTP GET from \b www.makingthings.com/test/path in \b myBuffer.
int webclientGet(const char* hostname, const char* path, int port, char* response, int maxresponse, const char* headers[])
    int s = tcpOpen(networkGetHostByName(hostname), port);
    if (s > -1) {
        // construct the GET request
        int len = sniprintf(webclientBuf, WEBCLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n%s%s%s",
                            (hostname != NULL) ? "Host: " : "",
                            (hostname != NULL) ? hostname : "",
                            (hostname != NULL) ? "\r\n" : ""  );
        tcpWrite(s, webclientBuf, len);

        if (headers != NULL) {
            for ( ; *headers != 0; headers++) {
                tcpWrite(s, *headers, strlen(*headers));
                tcpWrite(s, "\r\n", 2);

        if (tcpWrite(s, "\r\n", 2 ) < 0) { // all done with headers...just check our last write here...
            return -1;

        // read the data into the given buffer until there's none left, or the passed in buffer is full
        len = webclientReadResponse(s, response, maxresponse);
        return len;
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Connect this connection/socket
void clientRequestConnect(JsNetwork *net, JsVar *httpClientReqVar) {
    // Have we already connected? If so, don't go further
    if (jsvGetIntegerAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(httpClientReqVar, HTTP_NAME_SOCKET, 0))>0)

    SocketType socketType = socketGetType(httpClientReqVar);

    JsVar *options = jsvObjectGetChild(httpClientReqVar, HTTP_NAME_OPTIONS_VAR, false);
    unsigned short port = (unsigned short)jsvGetIntegerAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "port", 0));

    char hostName[128];
    JsVar *hostNameVar = jsvObjectGetChild(options, "host", 0);
    if (jsvIsUndefined(hostNameVar))
        strncpy(hostName, "localhost", sizeof(hostName));
        jsvGetString(hostNameVar, hostName, sizeof(hostName));

    uint32_t host_addr = 0;
    networkGetHostByName(net, hostName, &host_addr);

    if(!host_addr) {
        jsError("Unable to locate host\n");
        // As this is already in the list of connections, an error will be thrown on idle anyway
        jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(httpClientReqVar, HTTP_NAME_CLOSENOW, jsvNewFromBool(true));

    NetCreateFlags flags = NCF_NORMAL;
#ifdef USE_TLS
    if (socketType & ST_TLS) {
        flags |= NCF_TLS;
        if (port==0) port = 443;

    if (port==0) port = 80;

    int sckt =  netCreateSocket(net, host_addr, port, flags, options);
    if (sckt<0) {
        jsError("Unable to create socket\n");
        // As this is already in the list of connections, an error will be thrown on idle anyway
        jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(httpClientReqVar, HTTP_NAME_CLOSENOW, jsvNewFromBool(true));
    } else {
        jsvObjectSetChildAndUnLock(httpClientReqVar, HTTP_NAME_SOCKET, jsvNewFromInteger(sckt+1));


Exemplo n.º 4
// Connect this connection/socket
void clientRequestConnect(JsNetwork *net, JsVar *httpClientReqVar) {
    SocketType socketType = socketGetType(httpClientReqVar);
    clientRequestWrite(httpClientReqVar, 0); // force sendData to be made

    JsVar *options = jsvObjectGetChild(httpClientReqVar, HTTP_NAME_OPTIONS_VAR, false);
    unsigned short port = (unsigned short)jsvGetIntegerAndUnLock(jsvObjectGetChild(options, "port", 0));
    if (port==0) port=80;

    char hostName[128];
    JsVar *hostNameVar = jsvObjectGetChild(options, "host", 0);
    if (jsvIsUndefined(hostNameVar))
        strncpy(hostName, "localhost", sizeof(hostName));
        jsvGetString(hostNameVar, hostName, sizeof(hostName));

    uint32_t host_addr = 0;
    networkGetHostByName(net, hostName, &host_addr);

    if(!host_addr) {
        jsError("Unable to locate host");
        jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(httpClientReqVar, HTTP_NAME_CLOSENOW, jsvNewFromBool(true)));

    int sckt =  net->createsocket(net, host_addr, port);
    if (sckt<0) {
        jsError("Unable to create socket\n");
        jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(httpClientReqVar, HTTP_NAME_CLOSENOW, jsvNewFromBool(true)));
    } else {
        jsvUnLock(jsvObjectSetChild(httpClientReqVar, HTTP_NAME_SOCKET, jsvNewFromInteger(sckt+1)));

        // For HTTP we get the connection callback when we've got a header back
        // Otherwise we just call back on success
        if (socketType != ST_HTTP) {
            jsiQueueObjectCallbacks(httpClientReqVar, HTTP_NAME_ON_CONNECT, &httpClientReqVar, 1);

