Exemplo n.º 1
bool BoundingBox::intersects( std::list<Vector> vectors, BoundingBox &other){
    GLfloat rot[3];
    other.getRotation( rot);
    Matrix4f transformationMatrix;
    Matrix4f rotationMatrix;
    rotationMatrix.rotate( -rotation[0], -rotation[1], -rotation[2]);
    rotationMatrix.rotate( rot[0], rot[1], rot[2]);
    Matrix4f axis;
    GLfloat mins[3], maxes[3];
    for (int i=0; i<NUM_DIMENSIONS; i++) {
        Vector v( axis[ i * (NUM_DIMENSIONS +1) ], axis[ i * (NUM_DIMENSIONS +1) +1], axis[i* (NUM_DIMENSIONS +1) +2] );
        Matrix matrixVector = rotationMatrix * v;
        Vector newV(matrixVector);
        findExtremePoint(vectors, newV, mins + i, maxes + i);
    Vector newMin( mins[0], mins[1], mins[2]);
    Vector newMax( maxes[0], maxes[1], maxes[2]);
    Vector translate(other.getTranslation());
    transformationMatrix.rotate( rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2]);
    transformationMatrix.translate( translation.getX(), translation.getY(), translation.getZ());
    transformationMatrix.rotate( -rot[0], -rot[1], -rot[2]);
    transformationMatrix.translate( -translate.getX(), -translate.getY(), -translate.getZ());

    newMin = transformationMatrix * newMin;
    newMax = transformationMatrix * newMax;
    if ( newMax.getX() + EPSILON < other.getMin().getX() || other.getMax().getX() + EPSILON< newMin.getX() )
        return false;
    if ( newMax.getY() + EPSILON < other.getMin().getY() || other.getMax().getY() + EPSILON< newMin.getY() )
        return false;
    if ( newMax.getZ() + EPSILON < other.getMin().getZ() || other.getMax().getZ() + EPSILON< newMin.getZ() )
        return false;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool ON_Mesh::CollapseEdge( int topei )
  ON_Mesh& mesh = *this;

  const ON_MeshTopology& top = mesh.Topology();  
  const int F_count = mesh.m_F.Count();
  const int V_count = mesh.m_V.Count();
  const int topv_count = top.m_topv.Count();
  //const int tope_count = top.m_tope.Count();

  if ( topei < 0 || topei >= top.m_tope.Count() )
    return false;

  const ON_MeshTopologyEdge& tope = top.m_tope[topei];

  if (    tope.m_topf_count < 1 
       || tope.m_topvi[0] == tope.m_topvi[1] 
       || tope.m_topvi[0] < 0
       || tope.m_topvi[1] < 0
       || tope.m_topvi[0] >= topv_count
       || tope.m_topvi[1] >= topv_count )
    return false;

  const ON_MeshTopologyVertex& topv0 = top.m_topv[tope.m_topvi[0]];
  const ON_MeshTopologyVertex& topv1 = top.m_topv[tope.m_topvi[1]];
  if ( topv0.m_v_count < 1 || topv1.m_v_count < 1 )
    return false;
  if ( topv0.m_vi[0] < 0 || topv0.m_vi[0] >= V_count )
    return false;
  if ( topv1.m_vi[0] < 0 || topv1.m_vi[0] >= V_count )
    return false;
  // create a ON__MESHEDGE for each face (usually one or two) that uses the edge
  ON__MESHEDGE* me_list = (ON__MESHEDGE*)alloca(tope.m_topf_count*sizeof(me_list[0]));
  int me_list_count = 0;
  int efi;
  for ( efi = 0; efi < tope.m_topf_count; efi++ )
    int fi = tope.m_topfi[efi];
    if ( fi < 0 || fi >= F_count )
    const ON_MeshFace& f = mesh.m_F[fi];
    if ( !f.IsValid(V_count) )
    me.vi1 = f.vi[3];
    me.topvi1 = top.m_topv_map[me.vi1];
    int fvi;
    for ( fvi = 0; fvi < 4; fvi++ )
      me.vi0 = me.vi1;
      me.topvi0 = me.topvi1;
      me.vi1 = f.vi[fvi];
      me.topvi1 = top.m_topv_map[me.vi1];
      if ( me.vi0 != me.vi1 )
        if (    (me.topvi0 == tope.m_topvi[0] && me.topvi1 == tope.m_topvi[1])
             || (me.topvi0 == tope.m_topvi[1] && me.topvi1 == tope.m_topvi[0]) )
          if ( me.vi0 > me.vi1 )
            int i = me.vi0; me.vi0 = me.vi1; me.vi1 = i;
            i = me.topvi0; me.topvi0 = me.topvi1; me.topvi1 = i;
          me_list[me_list_count++] = me;

  if (me_list_count<1)
    return false;

  // Sort me_list[] so edges using same vertices are adjacent
  // to each other in the list.  This is needed so that non-manifold
  // crease edges will be properly collapsed.

  // create new vertex or vertices that edge will be
  // collapsed to.
  int mei;
  bool bHasVertexNormals = mesh.HasVertexNormals();
  bool bHasTextureCoordinates = mesh.HasTextureCoordinates();
  bool bHasFaceNormals = mesh.HasFaceNormals();
  if ( topv0.m_v_count == 1 || topv1.m_v_count == 1 )
    // a single new vertex
    ON_Line Vline(ON_origin,ON_origin);
    ON_Line Tline(ON_origin,ON_origin);
    ON_3dVector N0(0,0,0);
    ON_3dVector N1(0,0,0);
    ON_3dPoint P;
    int vi, tvi, cnt;

    int newvi = topv0.m_vi[0];

    cnt = 0;
    for ( tvi = 0; tvi < topv0.m_v_count; tvi++ )
      vi = topv0.m_vi[tvi];
      if ( vi < 0 || vi > V_count )
      if ( vi < newvi )
        newvi = vi;
      P = mesh.m_V[vi];
      Vline.from += P;
      if ( bHasVertexNormals )
        N0 += ON_3dVector(mesh.m_N[vi]);
      if ( bHasTextureCoordinates )
        P = mesh.m_T[vi];
        Tline.from += P;

    if (cnt > 1)
      double s = 1.0/((double)cnt);
      Vline.from.x *= s;
      Vline.from.y *= s;
      Vline.from.z *= s;
      Tline.from.x *= s;
      Tline.from.y *= s;
      Tline.from.z *= s;
      N0 = s*N0;

    cnt = 0;
    for ( tvi = 0; tvi < topv1.m_v_count; tvi++ )
      vi = topv1.m_vi[tvi];
      if ( vi < 0 || vi > V_count )
      if ( vi < newvi )
        newvi = vi;
      P = mesh.m_V[vi];
      Vline.to += P;
      if ( bHasVertexNormals )
        N1 += ON_3dVector(mesh.m_N[vi]);
      if ( bHasTextureCoordinates )
        P = mesh.m_T[vi];
        Tline.to += P;

    if (cnt > 1)
      double s = 1.0/((double)cnt);
      Vline.to.x *= s;
      Vline.to.y *= s;
      Vline.to.z *= s;
      Tline.to.x *= s;
      Tline.to.y *= s;
      Tline.to.z *= s;
      N1 = s*N1;

    ON_3fPoint newV(Vline.PointAt(0.5));
    ON_3fVector newN;
    ON_2fPoint newT;
    if ( bHasVertexNormals )
      ON_3dVector N = N0+N1;
      if ( !N.Unitize() )
        N = (topv0.m_v_count == 1) ? mesh.m_N[topv0.m_vi[0]] :mesh.m_N[topv1.m_vi[0]];
      newN = N;
    if ( bHasTextureCoordinates )
      newT = Tline.PointAt(0.5);
    for ( mei = 0; mei < me_list_count; mei++ )
      me_list[mei].newvi = newvi;
      me_list[mei].newV = newV;
      me_list[mei].newN = newN;
      me_list[mei].newT = newT;
    // collapsing a "crease" edge - attempt to preserve
    // the crease.
    me.vi0 = -1;
    me.vi1 = -1;
    for ( mei = 0; mei < me_list_count; mei++ )
      if ( 0 == mei && CompareMESHEDGE(&me,me_list+mei) )
        // cook up new vertex
        me_list[mei].newvi = mesh.m_V.Count();
        me = me_list[mei];
        ON_Line line;
        line.from = mesh.m_V[me.vi0];
        line.to   = mesh.m_V[me.vi1];
        me.newV = line.PointAt(0.5);
        if ( bHasVertexNormals )
          ON_3dVector N0(mesh.m_N[me.vi0]);
          ON_3dVector N1(mesh.m_N[me.vi1]);
          ON_3dVector N = N0 + N1;
          if ( !N.Unitize() )
            N = N0;
          me.newN = N;
        if ( bHasTextureCoordinates )
          line.from = mesh.m_T[me.vi0];
          line.to   = mesh.m_T[me.vi1];
          me.newT = line.PointAt(0.5);
        me.newvi = (me.vi0 < me.vi1) ? me.vi0 : me.vi1;
        me_list[mei].newvi = me.newvi;
        me_list[mei].newV = me.newV;
        me_list[mei].newN = me.newN;
        me_list[mei].newT = me.newT;

  // We are done averaging old mesh values.
  // Change values in mesh m_V[], m_N[] and m_T[] arrays.
  for ( mei = 0; mei < me_list_count; mei++ )
    mesh.m_V[me_list[mei].vi0] = me_list[mei].newV;
    mesh.m_V[me_list[mei].vi1] = me_list[mei].newV;
    if ( bHasVertexNormals )
      mesh.m_N[me_list[mei].vi0] = me_list[mei].newN;
      mesh.m_N[me_list[mei].vi1] = me_list[mei].newN;
    if ( bHasTextureCoordinates )
      mesh.m_T[me_list[mei].vi0] = me_list[mei].newT;
      mesh.m_T[me_list[mei].vi1] = me_list[mei].newT;

  // make a map of old to new
  int old2new_map_count = 0;
  ON__NEWVI* old2new_map = (ON__NEWVI*)alloca(2*me_list_count*sizeof(old2new_map[0]));

  for ( mei = 0; mei < me_list_count; mei++ )
    old2new_map[old2new_map_count].oldvi = me_list[mei].vi0;
    old2new_map[old2new_map_count].newvi = me_list[mei].newvi;
    old2new_map[old2new_map_count].oldvi = me_list[mei].vi1;
    old2new_map[old2new_map_count].newvi = me_list[mei].newvi;

  // sort old2new_map[] so we can use a fast bsearch() call
  // to update faces.

  // count faces that use the vertices that are being changed
  int bad_fi_count = 0;
  int topv_end, vei, fi, fvi23, fvi;
  ON__NEWVI nvi;

  for ( topv_end = 0; topv_end < 2; topv_end++ )
    const ON_MeshTopologyVertex& topv = (topv_end) ? topv1 : topv0;
    for ( vei = 0; vei < topv.m_tope_count; vei++ )
      topei = topv.m_topei[vei];
      if ( topei < 0 && topei >= top.m_tope.Count() )
      bad_fi_count += top.m_tope[topei].m_topf_count;
  int* bad_fi = (int*)alloca(bad_fi_count*sizeof(*bad_fi));
  bad_fi_count = 0;

  // Go through all the faces that use the vertices at the
  // ends of the edge and update the vi[] values to use the
  // new vertices.
  for ( topv_end = 0; topv_end < 2; topv_end++ )
    const ON_MeshTopologyVertex& topv = (topv_end) ? topv1 : topv0;
    for ( vei = 0; vei < topv.m_tope_count; vei++ )
      topei = topv.m_topei[vei];
      if ( topei < 0 && topei >= top.m_tope.Count() )
      const ON_MeshTopologyEdge& e = top.m_tope[topei];
      for ( efi = 0; efi < e.m_topf_count; efi++ )
        fi = e.m_topfi[efi];
        if ( fi < 0 || fi >= F_count )
        bool bChangedFace = false;
        ON_MeshFace& f = mesh.m_F[fi];
        for ( fvi = 0; fvi < 4; fvi++ )
          nvi.oldvi = f.vi[fvi];
          ON__NEWVI* p = (ON__NEWVI*)bsearch(&nvi,old2new_map,old2new_map_count,sizeof(old2new_map[0]),(QSORTCMPFUNC)CompareNEWVI);
          if ( 0 != p && p->oldvi != p->newvi)
            f.vi[fvi] = p->newvi;
            bChangedFace = true;
        if ( bChangedFace )
          if ( !f.IsValid(V_count) )
            if ( f.vi[3] == f.vi[0] )
              f.vi[0] = f.vi[1];
              f.vi[1] = f.vi[2];
              f.vi[2] = f.vi[3];
            else if ( f.vi[0] == f.vi[1] )
              fvi23 = f.vi[0];
              f.vi[0] = f.vi[2];
              f.vi[1] = f.vi[3];
              f.vi[2] = fvi23;
              f.vi[3] = fvi23;
            else if ( f.vi[1] == f.vi[2] )
              fvi23 = f.vi[1];
              f.vi[1] = f.vi[0];
              f.vi[0] = f.vi[3];
              f.vi[2] = fvi23;
              f.vi[3] = fvi23;
            if ( f.vi[0] == f.vi[1] || f.vi[1] == f.vi[2] || f.vi[2] == f.vi[0] || f.vi[2] != f.vi[3] )
              bad_fi[bad_fi_count++] = fi;
          if ( bHasFaceNormals )
            // invalid faces are removed below
            ON_3fVector a, b, n;
            a = mesh.m_V[f.vi[2]] - mesh.m_V[f.vi[0]];
            b = mesh.m_V[f.vi[3]] - mesh.m_V[f.vi[1]];
            n = ON_CrossProduct( a, b );
            mesh.m_FN[fi] = n;

  if ( bad_fi_count > 0 )
    // remove collapsed faces
    int bfi = 1;
    int dest_fi = bad_fi[0];
    for ( fi = dest_fi+1; fi < F_count && bfi < bad_fi_count; fi++ )
      if ( fi == bad_fi[bfi] )
        mesh.m_F[dest_fi++] = mesh.m_F[fi];
    while (fi<F_count)
      mesh.m_F[dest_fi++] = mesh.m_F[fi++];

    if ( bHasFaceNormals )
      bfi = 1;
      dest_fi = bad_fi[0];
      for ( fi = dest_fi+1; fi < F_count && bfi < bad_fi_count; fi++ )
        if ( fi == bad_fi[bfi] )
          mesh.m_FN[dest_fi++] = mesh.m_FN[fi];
      while (fi<F_count)
        mesh.m_FN[dest_fi++] = mesh.m_FN[fi++];


  return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void StarMCHits::FinishEvent() {
  static const Double_t pEMax = 1 - 1.e-10;
  TDataSet *m_DataSet = StarMCHits::instance()->GetHitHolder();
  if (! m_DataSet) return;
  St_g2t_event *g2t_event = new St_g2t_event("g2t_event",1);  
  g2t_event_st event;
  memset (&event, 0, sizeof(g2t_event_st));
  event.n_event            = fEventNumber;//IHEAD(2)
  event.ge_rndm[0]         =        fSeed;//IHEAD(3)
  event.ge_rndm[1]         =            0;//IHEAD(4)
  event.n_run              =            1;
  event.n_track_eg_fs      = StarVMCApplication::Instance()->GetStack()->GetNtrack();
  event.n_track_prim       = StarVMCApplication::Instance()->GetStack()->GetNprimary();
  event.prim_vertex_p      =            1;
  event.b_impact           =           99;
  event.phi_impact         =          0.5;
  Int_t NoVertex = 1;
  St_g2t_vertex  *g2t_vertex  = new St_g2t_vertex("g2t_vertex",NoVertex);
  g2t_vertex_st vertex;
  Int_t NTracks = StarVMCApplication::Instance()->GetStack()->GetNtrack();
  St_g2t_track   *g2t_track   = new St_g2t_track ("g2t_track",NTracks);
  g2t_track_st track;
  StarMCParticle  *particle = 0;   
  Int_t iv = 0;
  TLorentzVector oldV(0,0,0,0);
  TLorentzVector newV(0,0,0,0);
  TLorentzVector devV(0,0,0,0);
  for (Int_t it = 0; it <NTracks; it++) {
    memset(&track, 0, sizeof(g2t_track_st));
    particle = (StarMCParticle*) StarVMCApplication::Instance()->GetStack()->GetParticle(it);
    TParticle  *part = (TParticle *) particle->GetParticle();
    devV = newV - oldV;
    if (iv == 0 || devV.Mag() > 1.e-7) {
      if (iv > 0) g2t_vertex->AddAt(&vertex);
      memset (&vertex, 0, sizeof(g2t_vertex_st));
      vertex.id           = iv             ;// primary key 
      vertex.event_p      = 0              ;// pointer to event
      vertex.eg_label     = 0              ;// generator label (0 if GEANT)
      vertex.eg_tof       = 0              ;// vertex production time
      vertex.eg_proc      = 0              ;// event generator mechanism
      memcpy(vertex.ge_volume,"   ",4);    ;// GEANT volume name
      vertex.ge_medium    = 0              ;// GEANT Medium
      vertex.ge_tof       = 0              ;// GEANT vertex production time
      vertex.ge_proc      = 0              ;// GEANT mechanism (0 if eg)
      vertex.ge_x[0]      = newV.X()       ;// GEANT vertex coordinate
      vertex.ge_x[1]      = newV.Y()       ;
      vertex.ge_x[2]      = newV.Z()       ;
      vertex.ge_tof       = newV.T()       ;
      vertex.n_parent     = 0              ;// number of parent tracks
      vertex.parent_p     = 0              ;// first parent track
      vertex.is_itrmd     = 0              ;// flags intermediate vertex
      vertex.next_itrmd_p = 0              ;// next intermedate vertex 
      vertex.next_prim_v_p= 0              ;// next primary vertex
      oldV                = newV;
    track.id             = it+1;
    track.eg_label       = particle->GetIdGen();
    track.eg_pid         = part->GetPdgCode();
    track.ge_pid         = gMC->IdFromPDG(track.eg_pid);
    track.start_vertex_p = iv;
    track.p[0]           = part->Px();
    track.p[1]           = part->Py();
    track.p[2]           = part->Pz();
    track.ptot           = part->P();
    track.e              = part->Energy();
    track.charge         = part->GetPDG()->Charge()/3;
    Double_t   ratio     = part->Pz()/part->Energy();
    ratio                = TMath::Min(1.-1e-10,TMath::Max(-1.+1e-10, ratio));
    track.rapidity       = TMath::ATanH(ratio);
    track.pt             = part->Pt();
    ratio                = part->Pz()/part->P();
    ratio                = TMath::Min(pEMax,TMath::Max(-pEMax, ratio));
    track.eta            = TMath::ATanH(ratio);