Exemplo n.º 1
 * Simulates a multilevel feedback queue cpu scheduling algorithm
 * TODO Update the file parsing to be smarter and provide documentation
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    const int FIELD_LENGTH = 1024; //Default string allocation
    char line[FIELD_LENGTH]; //Buffer for line reading of master file
    char* sub_out; //Output of substring checks for certain fields
    int read_T1 = 0; //0 if T1 hasnt been read yet
    int read_T2 = 0; //0 if T2 hasnt been read yet
    int T1, T2; //Time Quantums
    int processCount = 0; //Number of processes read from the file
    int processCompleted = 0; //Counter for number of process completed
    Queue* futureProcesses = new_queue(0); //Queue of all the processes that havent technically been submitted yet
    Queue* completed = new_queue(-1); //Queue of all completed processes, for output of averaging at the end

    int i;
    //Open the file passed in as the only argument to the program
    FILE* master_file = fopen(argv[1], "rt");
    if (master_file == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", argv[1]);

    //Open output file for logging functions of the simulator
    FILE* out_file = fopen("cpu_output.txt", "w");
    fprintf(out_file, "############################################################\n");
    fprintf(out_file, "Logging for Multi-Level Queue Scheduling Simulation Started!\n");
    fprintf(out_file, "############################################################\n\n");

    //Read in the file and create necessary process objects
    if (master_file != NULL) {
        //Read line by line to get T1 and T2
        while (fgets(line, FIELD_LENGTH, master_file) != NULL) {
            if (strcmp(line, "\n") == 0) {
                //SKIP NEW LINES IN THE FILE
            } else {
                //Change the line to all lowercase

                //Read in TQ#1 and TQ#2
                if (!read_T1) {
                    sub_out = strstr(line, "time quantum 1:");
                    if (sub_out != NULL) {
                        read_T1 = 1;
                        T1 = get_num(sub_out);
                } else if (!read_T2) {
                    sub_out = strstr(line, "time quantum 2:");
                    if (sub_out != NULL) {
                        read_T2 = 1;
                        T2 = get_num(sub_out);
        //Initialize a CPU
        CPU* cpu = new_cpu(T1, T2);

        //Read in the rest of the file and create all processes and their associated bursts
        while (fgets(line, FIELD_LENGTH, master_file) != NULL) {
            if (strcmp(line, "\n") == 0) {
                //SKIP NEW LINES IN THE FILE
            } else {
                //Change the line to all lowercase
                Process* end = get_end(futureProcesses);

                //Get the process id and create a new process for it
                sub_out = strstr(line, "process id:");
                if (sub_out != NULL) {
                    int id = get_num(sub_out);
                    Process* process = new_process(id);
                    if (end != NULL) {
                        end->next = process;
                    } else {
                        futureProcesses->processes = process;

                //Get the arrival time of the most recently created process
                sub_out = strstr(line, "arrival time:");
                if (sub_out != NULL) {
                    int arrival = get_num(sub_out);
                    end->arrival_time = arrival;

                //Create a cpu burst of the recently created process
                sub_out = strstr(line, "cpu burst:");
                if (sub_out != NULL) {
                    int length = get_num(sub_out);
                    Burst* cpu_burst = new_cpu_burst(length);
                    Burst* burst_end = get_last_burst(end);
                    if (burst_end != NULL) {
                        burst_end->next_burst = cpu_burst;
                    } else {
                        end->bursts = cpu_burst;

                //Create a i/o burst for the recently created process
                sub_out = strstr(line, "i/o burst:");
                if (sub_out != NULL) {
                    int length = get_num(sub_out);
                    Burst* io_burst = new_io_burst(length);
                    Burst* burst_end = get_last_burst(end);
                    if (burst_end != NULL) {
                        burst_end->next_burst = io_burst;
                    } else {
                        end->bursts = io_burst;

                //Set the device id for the recently created i/o burst
                sub_out = strstr(line, "i/o device id:");
                if (sub_out != NULL) {
                    int id = get_num(sub_out);
                    Burst* burst_end = get_last_burst(end);
                    if (burst_end != NULL) {
                        burst_end->device_num = id;
                    } else {
                        end->bursts->device_num = id;

        //Handle if no processes are read in
        if (processCount == 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Zero processes were read in.\nThis could be correct or an error in the format of the input file.\nPlease verify that the input file is formatted correctly. \n");

        //Run the simulation of the cpu until all processes have been completed
        while (processCompleted < processCount) {

            //Go through the list of processes that havent arrived yet
            Process* tempProc = futureProcesses->processes;
            Process* lastTemp = NULL;
            while (tempProc != NULL) {
                if (tempProc->arrival_time == cpu->time) {
                    //Create a copy of the process to move to the cpu
                    Process* moved = copy_process(tempProc);
                    fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d Arrived\n", cpu->time, moved->id);

                    if (moved->bursts->type == 1) { //Initial burst is cpu
                        printf("NEW PROCESS CPU FIRST\n");
                        fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tInitial burst of Process#%d is a CPU burst\n", cpu->time, moved->id);
                        if (cpu->idle == 1) { //If nothing is running on the cpu
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tCPU was found to be idle, running process on CPU\n", cpu->time);
                            moved->state = 1;
                            cpu->current_process = moved;
                            cpu->idle = 0;
                            cpu->queue = 1;
                            printQueues(out_file, cpu);
                        } else { //If cpu is occupied put new process in Q1
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tCPU was found to be busy, putting process in Q1\n", cpu->time);
                            Process* end = get_end(cpu->Q1);
                            moved->state = 2;
                            if (end != NULL) { //If Stuff is already in Q1
                                end->next = moved;
                            } else { //If nothing is in Q1
                                cpu->Q1->processes = moved;
                                cpu->Q1->isEmpty = 0;
                            printQueues(out_file, cpu);
                    } else { //Initial burst is I/O
                        printf("NEW PROCESS I/O FIRST\n");
                        Burst* i_burst = moved->bursts;
                        int device = i_burst->device_num;
                        IODevice* devQ;
                        switch (device) {
                            case 1: //Next burst is on D1
                                devQ = cpu->D1;
                            case 2: //Next burst is on D2
                                devQ = cpu->D2;
                            case 3: //Next burst is on D3
                                devQ = cpu->D3;
                            case 4: //Next burst is on D4
                                devQ = cpu->D4;
                            case 5: //Next burst is on D5
                                devQ = cpu->D5;
                        //Move the process to the correct i/o device
                        fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tInitial burst of Process#%d is a I/O burst on device %d\n", cpu->time, cpu->current_process->id, devQ->id);
                        Process* io_end = get_io_proc_end(devQ);
                        if (io_end != NULL) {
                            io_end->next = moved;
                        } else {
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d running on I/O Device Queue %d\n", cpu->time, cpu->current_process->id, devQ->id);
                            devQ->processes = moved;
                        printQueues(out_file, cpu);

                    //Remove the process from futureProcesses
                    if (lastTemp != NULL) { //This wasnt the first 
                        lastTemp->next = tempProc->next;
                        tempProc = lastTemp->next;
                    } else { //Process was the first or only in future list
                        futureProcesses->processes = tempProc->next;
                        tempProc = futureProcesses->processes;
                } else { //Times not equal get next process in list
                    lastTemp = tempProc;
                    tempProc = tempProc->next;

            //Increment running process time on cpu and decrement its remaining time
            //If remaining time is 0, if last burst move process to completed otherwise move it to correct i/o queue
            if (cpu->idle == 0) {
                printf("CPU NOT IDLE\n");
                Burst* burst = get_next_incomplete_burst(cpu->current_process);
                if (burst != NULL) {
                    printf("NEXT BURST IS NOT NULL\n");
                    if (burst->time_remaining == 0) { //Burst is complete
                        printf("BURST COMPLETE\n");
                        burst->completed = 1;
                        fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tCPU burst of Process#%d completed\n", cpu->time, cpu->current_process->id);
                        if (burst->next_burst != NULL) {
                            printf("MORE BURSTS\n");
                            int device = burst->next_burst->device_num;
                            IODevice* devQ;
                            switch (device) {
                                case 1: //Next burst is on D1
                                    devQ = cpu->D1;
                                case 2: //Next burst is on D2
                                    devQ = cpu->D2;
                                case 3: //Next burst is on D3
                                    devQ = cpu->D3;
                                case 4: //Next burst is on D4
                                    devQ = cpu->D4;
                                case 5: //Next burst is on D5
                                    devQ = cpu->D5;
                            //Move the process to the correct i/o device
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d moved to I/O Device Queue %d\n", cpu->time, cpu->current_process->id, devQ->id);
                            Process* io_end = get_io_proc_end(devQ);
                            cpu->current_process->next = NULL;
                            if (io_end != NULL) {
                                io_end->next = cpu->current_process;
                            } else {
                                fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d running on I/O Device Queue %d\n", cpu->time, cpu->current_process->id, devQ->id);
                                devQ->processes = cpu->current_process;
                        } else {
                            printf("PROCESS COMPLETE\n");
                            cpu->current_process->state = 0;
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d completed. Time waiting for CPU: %d Time waiting for I/O: %d Total completion time: %d\n", cpu->time, cpu->current_process->id, cpu->current_process->waiting_cpu, cpu->current_process->waiting_io, (cpu->time - cpu->current_process->arrival_time));
                            cpu->current_process->completion_t = cpu->time;
                            Process* end = get_end(completed);
                            if (end != NULL) { //If there are already processes in completed
                                end->next = cpu->current_process;
                            } else { //If this is the first process in completed
                                completed->processes = cpu->current_process;
                        //Cpu is empty
                        cpu->current_process = NULL;
                        cpu->idle = 1;
                        cpu->queue = 0;
                        printQueues(out_file, cpu);

            //Increase cpu wait time for all processes in all 3 queues
            Process* pq1 = get_end(cpu->Q1);
            while (pq1 != NULL) {
                printf("INCREMENTING Q1 WAIT TIMES\n");
                pq1 = pq1->next;
            Process* q2 = get_end(cpu->Q2);
            while (q2 != NULL) {
                printf("INCREMENTING Q2 WAIT TIMES\n");
                q2 = q2->next;
            Process* pq3 = get_end(cpu->Q3);
            while (pq3 != NULL) {
                printf("INCREMENTING Q3 WAIT TIMES\n");
                pq3 = pq3->next;

            //For the first process in each device queue decrement time remaining
            //If remaining time is 0, if last burst move process to completed otherwise move it to Q1
            //Increment waiting time of process moved to front of device queue
            Process* pd1 = cpu->D1->processes;
            Process* pd2 = cpu->D2->processes;
            Process* pd3 = cpu->D3->processes;
            Process* pd4 = cpu->D4->processes;
            Process* pd5 = cpu->D5->processes;

            if (pd1 != NULL) { //Handle running process in device 1
                printf("PROCESS IN D1\n");
                Burst* bd1 = get_next_incomplete_burst(pd1);
                if (bd1 != NULL) {
                    printf("D1 PROCESS BURST EXISTS\n");
                    if (bd1->time_remaining == 0) {
                        printf("BURST IN D1 FINISHED\n");
                        bd1->completed = 1;
                        fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tI/O burst of Process#%d completed on device %d\n", cpu->time, pd1->id, bd1->device_num);
                        cpu->D1->processes = pd1->next;
                        if (cpu->D1->processes != NULL) {
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tI/O burst of Process#%d running on device %d\n", cpu->time, pd1->next->id, bd1->device_num);
                        if (bd1->next_burst != NULL) {
                            printf("MOVING PROCESS FROM D1 to Q1\n");
                            Process* end_q = get_end(cpu->Q1);
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tMoving Process#%d to Q1\n", cpu->time, pd1->id);
                            pd1->next = NULL;
                            if (end_q != NULL) {
                                end_q->next = pd1;
                            } else {
                                cpu->Q1->processes = pd1;
                                cpu->Q1->isEmpty = 0;
                            printQueues(out_file, cpu);
                        } else {
                            printf("PROCESS COMPLETED IN D1\n");
                            pd1->state = 0;
                            Process* end_completed = get_end(completed);
                            pd1->completion_t = cpu->time;
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d completed. Time waiting for CPU: %d Time waiting for I/O: %d Total completion time: %d\n", cpu->time, pd1->id, pd1->waiting_cpu, pd1->waiting_io, (cpu->time - pd1->arrival_time));
                            if (end_completed != NULL) {
                                end_completed->next = pd1;
                            } else {
                                completed->processes = pd1;
                                completed->isEmpty = 0;
                            printQueues(out_file, cpu);
            if (pd2 != NULL) { //Handle running process in device 2
                printf("PROCESS IN D2\n");
                Burst* bd2 = get_next_incomplete_burst(pd2);
                if (bd2 != NULL) {
                    printf("D2 PROCESS BURST EXISTS\n");
                    if (bd2->time_remaining == 0) {
                        printf("BURST IN D2 FINISHED\n");
                        bd2->completed = 1;
                        fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tI/O burst of Process#%d completed on device %d\n", cpu->time, pd2->id, bd2->device_num);
                        cpu->D2->processes = pd2->next;
                        if (cpu->D1->processes != NULL) {
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tI/O burst of Process#%d running on device %d\n", cpu->time, pd2->next->id, bd2->device_num);
                        if (bd2->next_burst != NULL) {
                            printf("MOVING PROCESS FROM D2 to Q1\n");
                            Process* end_q = get_end(cpu->Q1);
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tMoving Process#%d to Q1\n", cpu->time, pd2->id);
                            pd2->next = NULL;
                            if (end_q != NULL) {
                                end_q->next = pd2;
                            } else {
                                cpu->Q1->processes = pd2;
                                cpu->Q1->isEmpty = 0;
                            printQueues(out_file, cpu);
                        } else {
                            printf("PROCESS COMPLETED IN D2\n");
                            pd2->state = 0;
                            Process* end_completed = get_end(completed);
                            pd2->completion_t = cpu->time;
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d completed. Time waiting for CPU: %d Time waiting for I/O: %d Total completion time: %d\n", cpu->time, pd2->id, pd2->waiting_cpu, pd2->waiting_io, (cpu->time - pd2->arrival_time));
                            if (end_completed != NULL) {
                                end_completed->next = pd2;
                            } else {
                                completed->processes = pd2;
                                completed->isEmpty = 0;
                            printQueues(out_file, cpu);
            if (pd3 != NULL) { //Handle running process in device 3
                printf("PROCESS IN D3\n");
                Burst* bd3 = get_next_incomplete_burst(pd3);
                if (bd3 != NULL) {
                    printf("D3 PROCESS BURST EXISTS\n");
                    if (bd3->time_remaining == 0) {
                        printf("BURST IN D3 FINISHED\n");
                        bd3->completed = 1;
                        fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tI/O burst of Process#%d completed on device %d\n", cpu->time, pd3->id, bd3->device_num);
                        cpu->D3->processes = pd3->next;
                        if (cpu->D1->processes != NULL) {
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tI/O burst of Process#%d running on device %d\n", cpu->time, pd3->next->id, bd3->device_num);
                        if (bd3->next_burst != NULL) {
                            printf("MOVING PROCESS FROM D3 to Q1\n");
                            Process* end_q = get_end(cpu->Q1);
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tMoving Process#%d to Q1\n", cpu->time, pd3->id);
                            pd3->next = NULL;
                            if (end_q != NULL) {
                                end_q->next = pd3;
                            } else {
                                cpu->Q1->processes = pd3;
                                cpu->Q1->isEmpty = 0;
                            printQueues(out_file, cpu);
                        } else {
                            printf("PROCESS COMPLETED IN D3\n");
                            pd3->state = 0;
                            Process* end_completed = get_end(completed);
                            pd3->completion_t = cpu->time;
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d completed. Time waiting for CPU: %d Time waiting for I/O: %d Total completion time: %d\n", cpu->time, pd3->id, pd3->waiting_cpu, pd3->waiting_io, (cpu->time - pd3->arrival_time));
                            if (end_completed != NULL) {
                                end_completed->next = pd3;
                            } else {
                                completed->processes = pd3;
                                completed->isEmpty = 0;
                            printQueues(out_file, cpu);
            if (pd4 != NULL) {//Handle running process in device 4
                printf("PROCESS IN D4\n");
                Burst* bd4 = get_next_incomplete_burst(pd4);
                if (bd4 != NULL) {
                    printf("D4 PROCESS BURST EXISTS\n");
                    if (bd4->time_remaining == 0) {
                        printf("BURST IN D4 FINISHED\n");
                        bd4->completed = 1;
                        fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tI/O burst of Process#%d completed on device %d\n", cpu->time, pd4->id, bd4->device_num);
                        cpu->D4->processes = pd4->next;
                        if (cpu->D1->processes != NULL) {
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tI/O burst of Process#%d running on device %d\n", cpu->time, pd4->next->id, bd4->device_num);
                        if (bd4->next_burst != NULL) {
                            printf("MOVING PROCESS FROM D4 to Q1\n");
                            Process* end_q = get_end(cpu->Q1);
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tMoving Process#%d to Q1\n", cpu->time, pd4->id);
                            pd4->next = NULL;
                            if (end_q != NULL) {
                                end_q->next = pd4;
                            } else {
                                cpu->Q1->processes = pd4;
                                cpu->Q1->isEmpty = 0;
                            printQueues(out_file, cpu);
                        } else {
                            printf("PROCESS COMPLETED IN D4\n");
                            pd4->state = 0;
                            Process* end_completed = get_end(completed);
                            pd4->completion_t = cpu->time;
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d completed. Time waiting for CPU: %d Time waiting for I/O: %d Total completion time: %d\n", cpu->time, pd4->id, pd4->waiting_cpu, pd4->waiting_io, (cpu->time - pd4->arrival_time));
                            if (end_completed != NULL) {
                                end_completed->next = pd4;
                            } else {
                                completed->processes = pd4;
                                completed->isEmpty = 0;
                            printQueues(out_file, cpu);
            if (pd5 != NULL) {//Handle running process in device 5
                printf("PROCESS IN D5\n");
                Burst* bd5 = get_next_incomplete_burst(pd5);
                if (bd5 != NULL) {
                    printf("D5 PROCESS BURST EXISTS\n");
                    if (bd5->time_remaining == 0) {
                        printf("BURST IN D5 FINISHED\n");
                        bd5->completed = 1;
                        fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tI/O burst of Process#%d completed on device %d\n", cpu->time, pd5->id, bd5->device_num);
                        cpu->D5->processes = pd5->next;
                        if (cpu->D1->processes != NULL) {
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tI/O burst of Process#%d running on device %d\n", cpu->time, pd5->next->id, bd5->device_num);
                        if (bd5->next_burst != NULL) {
                            printf("MOVING PROCESS FROM D5 to Q1\n");
                            Process* end_q = get_end(cpu->Q1);
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tMoving Process#%d to Q1\n", cpu->time, pd5->id);
                            pd5->next = NULL;
                            if (end_q != NULL) {
                                end_q->next = pd5;
                            } else {
                                cpu->Q1->processes = pd5;
                                cpu->Q1->isEmpty = 0;
                            printQueues(out_file, cpu);
                        } else {
                            printf("PROCESS COMPLETED IN D5\n");
                            pd5->state = 0;
                            Process* end_completed = get_end(completed);
                            pd5->completion_t = cpu->time;
                            fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d completed. Time waiting for CPU: %d Time waiting for I/O: %d Total completion time: %d\n", cpu->time, pd5->id, pd5->waiting_cpu, pd5->waiting_io, (cpu->time - pd5->arrival_time));
                            if (end_completed != NULL) {
                                end_completed->next = pd5;
                            } else {
                                completed->processes = pd5;
                                completed->isEmpty = 0;
                            printQueues(out_file, cpu);

            //Increment the io waiting time for all processes in device queues after the first process in each
            pd1 = cpu->D1->processes;
            pd2 = cpu->D2->processes;
            pd3 = cpu->D3->processes;
            pd4 = cpu->D4->processes;
            pd5 = cpu->D5->processes;
            if (pd1 != NULL) { //Handle device 1
                pd1 = pd1->next;
                while (pd1 != NULL) {
                    printf("Incrementing device 1 waiting\n");
                    pd1 = pd1->next;
            if (pd2 != NULL) { //Handle device 2
                pd2 = pd2->next;
                while (pd2 != NULL) {
                    printf("Incrementing device 2 waiting\n");
                    pd2 = pd2->next;
            if (pd3 != NULL) { //Handle device 3
                pd3 = pd3->next;
                while (pd3 != NULL) {
                    printf("Incrementing device 3 waiting\n");
                    pd3 = pd3->next;
            if (pd4 != NULL) { //Handle device 4
                pd4 = pd4->next;
                while (pd4 != NULL) {
                    printf("Incrementing device 4 waiting\n");
                    pd4 = pd4->next;
            if (pd5 != NULL) { //Handle device 5
                pd5 = pd5->next;
                while (pd5 != NULL) {
                    printf("Incrementing device 5 waiting\n");
                    pd5 = pd5->next;

            //If cpu is running in Q3
            //Check for other processes with shorter remaining times
            //If there is one move running process to end of Q3
            //Check if Q1 and Q2 are empty, if either isnt free up the cpu and put the running process back into Q3 
            if (cpu->queue == 3 && cpu->current_process != NULL) {
                printf("CPU is in Q3\n");
                if (cpu->Q1->processes != NULL || cpu->Q2->processes != NULL || shortest(cpu->current_process, cpu->Q3) == 0) {
                    printf("PROCESS IN Q3 IS BEING PREEMTED\n");
                    Process* end_que = get_end(cpu->Q3);
                    cpu->current_process->state = 2;
                    fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d has been moved back into Q3 due to there being a shorter process in Q3 to run or there are processes in Q2 or Q1 that need to be run\n", cpu->time, cpu->current_process->id);

                    if (end_que != NULL) {
                        end_que->next = cpu->current_process;
                    } else {
                        cpu->Q3->processes = cpu->current_process;
                        cpu->Q3->isEmpty = 0;
                    cpu->current_process = NULL;
                    cpu->idle = 1;
                    cpu->queue = 0;
                    printQueues(out_file, cpu);
                } else {
                    printf("NOTHING IN Q3 PREMTED\n");

            //If cpu is running in Q2
            //If the current process time on cpu > TQ2
            //Move process to Q3 and set cpu to idle
            //If Q1 isnt empty move running process back into Q2, but dont reset its time on the cpu
            if (cpu->queue == 2) {
                printf("CPU is in Q2\n");
                if (get_next_incomplete_burst(cpu->current_process) != NULL && get_next_incomplete_burst(cpu->current_process)->time_active > cpu->TQ2) {
                    //Time ran out for the process move it to Q3
                    printf("TIME RAN OUT FOR PROCESS IN Q2\n");
                    fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d moved to Q3 for not being able to complete within the Time Quantum of Q2\n", cpu->time, cpu->current_process->id);
                    Process* end_q3 = get_end(cpu->Q3);
                    cpu->current_process->state = 2;
                    if (end_q3 != NULL) {
                        end_q3->next = cpu->current_process;
                    } else {
                        cpu->Q3->processes = cpu->current_process;
                        cpu->Q3->isEmpty = 0;
                    cpu->current_process = NULL;
                    cpu->idle = 1;
                    cpu->queue = 0;
                    printQueues(out_file, cpu);
                } else if (cpu->Q1->isEmpty == 0) {
                    //Preempt the process since there are processes in Q1
                    printf("PREMETING PROCESS IN Q2 FOR ONE IN Q1\n");
                    fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d moved back into Q2 because there are processes in Q1 that need to be run\n", cpu->time, cpu->current_process->id);
                    Process* end_q2 = get_end(cpu->Q2);
                    cpu->current_process->state = 2;
                    if (end_q2 != NULL) {
                        end_q2->next = cpu->current_process;
                    } else {
                        cpu->Q2->processes = cpu->current_process;
                        cpu->Q2->isEmpty = 0;
                    cpu->current_process = NULL;
                    cpu->idle = 1;
                    cpu->queue = 0;
                    printQueues(out_file, cpu);
                } else {
                    printf("NOTHING MOVED OFF CPU FROM Q2\n");

            //If the cpu is running in Q1
            //If the current process time on cpu > TQ1
            //Move the process to Q2 and set cpu to idle
            if (cpu->queue == 1) {
                printf("CPU is in Q1\n");
                if (get_next_incomplete_burst(cpu->current_process) != NULL && get_next_incomplete_burst(cpu->current_process)->time_active > cpu->TQ1) {
                    //Time ran out for the process move it to Q2
                    printf("TIME RAN OUT FOR PROCESS IN Q1\n");
                    fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tProcess#%d moved to Q2 because it could not complete within the Time Quantum of Q1\n", cpu->time, cpu->current_process->id);
                    Process* end_q2 = get_end(cpu->Q2);
                    get_next_incomplete_burst(cpu->current_process)->time_active = 0;
                    cpu->current_process->state = 2;
                    if (end_q2 != NULL) {
                        end_q2->next = cpu->current_process;
                    } else {
                        cpu->Q2->processes = cpu->current_process;
                        cpu->Q2->isEmpty = 0;
                    cpu->current_process = NULL;
                    cpu->idle = 1;
                    cpu->queue = 0;
                    printQueues(out_file, cpu);
                } else {
                    printf("NOTHING REMOVED FOR TIME FROM Q1\n");

            //If Q1 has stuff in it and the cpu is free
            //Put the first thing from Q1 onto the cpu
            if (cpu->Q1->processes != NULL && cpu->idle == 1) {
                printf("Q1 not empty and CPU idle\n");
                Process* q1_popped = cpu->Q1->processes;
                fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tMoving Process#%d from Q1 onto the CPU\n", cpu->time, q1_popped->id);
                cpu->Q1->processes = q1_popped->next;
                q1_popped->next = NULL;
                if (cpu->Q1->processes == NULL) {
                    cpu->Q1->isEmpty = 1;
                cpu->current_process = q1_popped;
                cpu->queue = 1;
                cpu->idle = 0;
                q1_popped->state = 1;
                printQueues(out_file, cpu);
            }//Else If Q2 has stuff in it and the cpu is free
                //Put the first thing from Q2 onto the cpu
            else if (cpu->Q2->processes != NULL && cpu->idle == 1) {
                printf("Q2 not empty and CPU idle\n");
                Process* q2_popped = cpu->Q2->processes;
                fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tMoving Process#%d from Q2 onto the CPU\n", cpu->time, q2_popped->id);
                cpu->Q2->processes = q2_popped->next;
                q2_popped->next = NULL;
                if (cpu->Q2->processes == NULL) {
                    cpu->Q2->isEmpty = 1;
                cpu->current_process = q2_popped;
                cpu->queue = 2;
                cpu->idle = 0;
                q2_popped->state = 1;
                printQueues(out_file, cpu);
            }//Else If Q3 has stuff in it and the cpu is free
                //Put the lowest time remaining onto the cpu
            else if (cpu->Q3->processes != NULL && cpu->idle == 1) {
                printf("Q3 not empty and CPU idle\n");
                //FIX THIS
                //Process* shortest = get_shortest_remaining(cpu->Q3);
                Process* shortest = cpu->Q3->processes;
                cpu->Q3->processes = shortest->next;
                fprintf(out_file, "Time: %-5d\tMoving Process#%d from Q3 onto the CPU\n", cpu->time, shortest->id);
                cpu->current_process = shortest;
                cpu->queue = 3;
                cpu->idle = 0;
                shortest->state = 1;
                if (cpu->Q3->processes == NULL) {
                    cpu->Q3->isEmpty = 1;
                printQueues(out_file, cpu);

            printf("TIME: %d\n", cpu->time);

        //Write final average data to the output file
        //Average waiting time
        //Average turnaround time
        int waiting_sum = 0;
        int total_sum = 0;
        Process* itr = completed->processes;
        while (itr != NULL) {
            waiting_sum += itr->waiting_cpu;
            total_sum += (itr->completion_t - itr->arrival_time);
            itr = itr->next;
        fprintf(out_file, "\n\nAverage waiting time: %d\nAverage turnaround time: %d\n", waiting_sum / processCompleted, total_sum / processCompleted);

        fprintf(out_file, "\n\n############################################################\n");
        fprintf(out_file, "Logging for Multi-Level Queue Scheduling Simulation Ended!\n");
        fprintf(out_file, "############################################################\n");
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
//---------------------------------------------- <CPU>
//Agrega un nuevo cpu a la lista general de control
void nucleo_nuevo_cpu(int cpu_socket){
	t_CPU* cpu = new_cpu(cpu_socket);
	log_trace(nucleo_logger, "COMUNICACION: nuevo cpu conectado  %d", cpu_socket);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void handle_one_cpu(unsigned int number, char *vendor, int family, int model)
	char filename[1024];
	ifstream file;
	unsigned int package_number = 0;
	unsigned int core_number = 0;
	class abstract_cpu *package, *core, *cpu;

	sprintf(filename, "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%i/topology/core_id", number);
	file.open(filename, ios::in);
	if (file) {
		file >> core_number;

	sprintf(filename, "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%i/topology/physical_package_id", number);
	file.open(filename, ios::in);
	if (file) {
		file >> package_number;
		if (package_number == (unsigned int) -1)
			package_number = 0;

	if (system_level.children.size() <= package_number)
		system_level.children.resize(package_number + 1, NULL);

	if (!system_level.children[package_number]) {
		system_level.children[package_number] = new_package(package_number, number, vendor, family, model);

	package = system_level.children[package_number];
	package->parent = &system_level;

	if (package->children.size() <= core_number)
		package->children.resize(core_number + 1, NULL);

	if (!package->children[core_number]) {
		package->children[core_number] = new_core(core_number, number, vendor, family, model);

	core = package->children[core_number];
	core->parent = package;

	if (core->children.size() <= number)
		core->children.resize(number + 1, NULL);
	if (!core->children[number]) {
		core->children[number] = new_cpu(number, vendor, family, model);

	cpu = core->children[number];
	cpu->parent = core;

	if (number >= all_cpus.size())
		all_cpus.resize(number + 1, NULL);
	all_cpus[number] = cpu;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int datasize = 10;
	int debug = 0;
	int usestdin = 0;
	int o;
	extern int optind;

	while ((o = getopt(argc, argv, "ds")) != -1) {
		switch (o) {
		case 'd':
			debug = 1;
		case 's':
			usestdin = 1;

	if (optind >= argc) {
	char *input = argv[optind];

	FILE *f;
	struct stat st;
	if ((f = fopen(input, "rb")) == NULL) {
	if (fstat(fileno(f), &st) < 0) {

	uint8_t *code;
	if ((code = malloc(st.st_size)) == NULL) {
	if ((fread(code, 1, st.st_size, f)) != st.st_size) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: error reading input file\n", argv[0]);

	struct cpu *cpu = new_cpu(datasize);
	if (cpu == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error: can't create CPU\n");

	cpu->debug = debug;
	cpu->exception = exception;
	if (usestdin) {
		cpu->inbox = stdinbox;
	} else {
		cpu->inbox = inbox;
	cpu->outbox = outbox;

	if (load_code(cpu, code, st.st_size) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error: can't load code\n");

	cpu->data[9] = 0;


	printf("Executed %d instructions\n", cpu->clock);