Exemplo n.º 1
//returns number of item chosen
int DoMenu() 
	int menu_choice[25];
	newmenu_item m[25];
	int num_options = 0;

	if ( Players[Player_num].callsign[0]==0 )	{
		return 0;
	if ((Game_mode & GM_SERIAL) || (Game_mode & GM_MODEM)) {
		return 0;

	create_main_menu(m, menu_choice, &num_options);

	do {
		keyd_time_when_last_pressed = timer_get_fixed_seconds();		// .. 20 seconds from now!
		if (main_menu_choice < 0 )	main_menu_choice = 0;		
		Menu_draw_copyright = 1;
		main_menu_choice = newmenu_do2( "", NULL, num_options, m, autodemo_menu_check, main_menu_choice, Menu_pcx_name);
		if ( main_menu_choice > -1 ) do_option(menu_choice[main_menu_choice]);
		create_main_menu(m, menu_choice, &num_options);	//	may have to change, eg, maybe selected pilot and no save games.
	} while( Function_mode==FMODE_MENU );

//	if (main_menu_choice != -2)
//		do_auto_demo = 0;		// No more auto demos
	if ( Function_mode==FMODE_GAME )	
		gr_palette_fade_out( gr_palette, 32, 0 );

	return main_menu_choice;
Exemplo n.º 2
//called when the player has finished a level
PlayerFinishedLevel(int secret_flag)
	int	rval;
	int 	was_multi = 0;

	//credit the player for hostages
	Players[Player_num].hostages_rescued_total += Players[Player_num].hostages_on_board;

	if (!(Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && (secret_flag)) {
		newmenu_item	m[1];

		m[0].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT;
		m[0].text = " ";			//TXT_SECRET_EXIT;

		newmenu_do2(NULL, TXT_SECRET_EXIT, 1, m, NULL, 0, "MENU.PCX");

// -- mk mk mk -- used to be here -- mk mk mk --

	if (Game_mode & GM_NETWORK)
		if (secret_flag)
			Players[Player_num].connected = 4; // Finished and went to secret level
			Players[Player_num].connected = 2; // Finished but did not die

	last_drawn_cockpit = -1;

	if (Current_level_num == Last_level) {
		#ifdef NETWORK
		if ((Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && !(Game_mode & GM_MULTI_COOP))
			was_multi = 1;
			rval = AdvanceLevel(secret_flag);				//now go on to the next one (if one)
		{	// Note link to above else!
			rval = AdvanceLevel(secret_flag);				//now go on to the next one (if one)
			DoEndLevelScoreGlitz(0);		//give bonuses
	} else {
		#ifdef NETWORK
		if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI)
		#endif	// Note link!!
			DoEndLevelScoreGlitz(0);		//give bonuses
		rval = AdvanceLevel(secret_flag);				//now go on to the next one (if one)

	if (!was_multi && rval) {
		if (Current_mission_num == 0)
		longjmp( LeaveGame, 0 );		// Exit out of game loop
	else if (rval)
		longjmp( LeaveGame, 0 );
Exemplo n.º 3
//returns number of item chosen
int DoMenu() 
	int menu_choice[25];
	newmenu_item m[25];
	int num_options = 0;

	if ( Players[Player_num].callsign[0]==0 )	{
		return 0;
	if ((Game_mode & GM_SERIAL) || (Game_mode & GM_MODEM)) {
		return 0;

	create_main_menu(m, menu_choice, &num_options);

	do {
		keyd_time_when_last_pressed = timer_get_fixed_seconds();		// .. 20 seconds from now!
		if (main_menu_choice < 0 )	main_menu_choice = 0;		
		Menu_draw_copyright = 1;
                //added on 11/19/98 by Victor Rachels to add immediate join/start
                 if(start_net_immediately == 1){
					if ( gr_palette_faded_out )	{//fix black screen with -startnetgame
						gr_palette_fade_in( gr_palette, 32, 0 );
                    start_net_immediately = 0;
                 else if(start_net_immediately == 2)
                    start_net_immediately = 0;
                //end this section addition - VR
                   extern int Menu_Special;
                    Menu_Special = 1;
                    main_menu_choice = newmenu_do2(NULL, NULL, num_options, m, autodemo_menu_check, main_menu_choice, Menu_pcx_name);
                    if ( main_menu_choice > -1 ) do_option(menu_choice[main_menu_choice]);
		create_main_menu(m, menu_choice, &num_options);	//	may have to change, eg, maybe selected pilot and no save games.
	} while( Function_mode==FMODE_MENU );

//	if (main_menu_choice != -2)
//		do_auto_demo = 0;		// No more auto demos
	if ( Function_mode==FMODE_GAME )	
		gr_palette_fade_out( gr_palette, 32, 0 );

	return main_menu_choice;
Exemplo n.º 4
//called when the player has finished a level
void PlayerFinishedLevel(int secret_flag)
	int	rval;
	int 	was_multi = 0;

	if (Game_wind)
		window_set_visible(Game_wind, 0);

	//credit the player for hostages
	Players[Player_num].hostages_rescued_total += Players[Player_num].hostages_on_board;

	if (!(Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && (secret_flag)) {
		newmenu_item	m[1];

		m[0].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT;
		m[0].text = " ";			//TXT_SECRET_EXIT;

		newmenu_do2(NULL, TXT_SECRET_EXIT, 1, m, NULL, NULL, 0, Menu_pcx_name);

// -- mk mk mk -- used to be here -- mk mk mk --

#ifdef NETWORK
	if (Game_mode & GM_NETWORK)
		if (secret_flag)
			Players[Player_num].connected = CONNECT_FOUND_SECRET; // Finished and went to secret level
			Players[Player_num].connected = CONNECT_WAITING; // Finished but did not die
	last_drawn_cockpit = -1;

	if (Current_level_num == Last_level) {
#ifdef NETWORK
		if ((Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && !(Game_mode & GM_MULTI_COOP))
			was_multi = 1;
			rval = AdvanceLevel(secret_flag);				//now go on to the next one (if one)
		{	// Note link to above else!
			rval = AdvanceLevel(secret_flag);				//now go on to the next one (if one)
			DoEndLevelScoreGlitz(0);		//give bonuses
	} else {
#ifdef NETWORK
		if (Game_mode & GM_MULTI)
#endif	// Note link!!
			DoEndLevelScoreGlitz(0);		//give bonuses
		rval = AdvanceLevel(secret_flag);				//now go on to the next one (if one)

	if (!was_multi && rval) {
		if (Game_wind)
			window_close(Game_wind);		// Exit out of game loop
	else if (rval && Game_wind)

	if (Game_wind)
		window_set_visible(Game_wind, 1);
Exemplo n.º 5
//	-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	Does the bonus scoring.
//	Call with dead_flag = 1 if player died, but deserves some portion of bonus (only skill points), anyway.
void DoEndLevelScoreGlitz(int network)
	int level_points, skill_points, energy_points, shield_points, hostage_points;
	int	all_hostage_points;
	int	endgame_points;
	char	all_hostage_text[64];
	char	endgame_text[64];
	#define N_GLITZITEMS 9
	char				m_str[N_GLITZITEMS][30];
	newmenu_item	m[9];
	int				i,c;
	char				title[128];
	int				is_last_level;

	gr_palette_load( gr_palette );

	level_points = Players[Player_num].score-Players[Player_num].last_score;

	if (!cheats.enabled) {
		if (Difficulty_level > 1) {
			skill_points = level_points*(Difficulty_level-1)/2;
			skill_points -= skill_points % 100;
		} else
			skill_points = 0;

		shield_points = f2i(Players[Player_num].shields) * 10 * (Difficulty_level+1);
		energy_points = f2i(Players[Player_num].energy) * 5 * (Difficulty_level+1);
		hostage_points = Players[Player_num].hostages_on_board * 500 * (Difficulty_level+1);
	} else {
		skill_points = 0;
		shield_points = 0;
		energy_points = 0;
		hostage_points = 0;

	all_hostage_text[0] = 0;
	endgame_text[0] = 0;

	if (!cheats.enabled && (Players[Player_num].hostages_on_board == Players[Player_num].hostages_level)) {
		all_hostage_points = Players[Player_num].hostages_on_board * 1000 * (Difficulty_level+1);
		sprintf(all_hostage_text, "%s%i\n", TXT_FULL_RESCUE_BONUS, all_hostage_points);
	} else
		all_hostage_points = 0;

	if (!cheats.enabled && !(Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && (Players[Player_num].lives) && (Current_level_num == Last_level)) {		//player has finished the game!
		endgame_points = Players[Player_num].lives * 10000;
		sprintf(endgame_text, "%s%i\n", TXT_SHIP_BONUS, endgame_points);
	} else
		endgame_points = is_last_level = 0;

	add_bonus_points_to_score(skill_points + energy_points + shield_points + hostage_points + all_hostage_points + endgame_points);

	c = 0;
	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s%i", TXT_SHIELD_BONUS, shield_points);		// Return at start to lower menu...
	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s%i", TXT_ENERGY_BONUS, energy_points);
	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s%i", TXT_HOSTAGE_BONUS, hostage_points);
	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s%i", TXT_SKILL_BONUS, skill_points);

	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s", all_hostage_text);
	if (!(Game_mode & GM_MULTI) && (Players[Player_num].lives) && (Current_level_num == Last_level))
		sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s", endgame_text);

	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s%i\n", TXT_TOTAL_BONUS, shield_points+energy_points+hostage_points+skill_points+all_hostage_points+endgame_points);
	sprintf(m_str[c++], "%s%i", TXT_TOTAL_SCORE, Players[Player_num].score);

	for (i=0; i<c; i++) {
		m[i].type = NM_TYPE_TEXT;
		m[i].text = m_str[i];

	// m[c].type = NM_TYPE_MENU;	m[c++].text = "Ok";

	if (Current_level_num < 0)
		sprintf(title,"%s%s %d %s\n %s %s",is_last_level?"\n\n\n":"\n",TXT_SECRET_LEVEL, -Current_level_num, TXT_COMPLETE, Current_level_name, TXT_DESTROYED);
		sprintf(title,"%s%s %d %s\n%s %s",is_last_level?"\n\n\n":"\n",TXT_LEVEL, Current_level_num, TXT_COMPLETE, Current_level_name, TXT_DESTROYED);

	Assert(c <= N_GLITZITEMS);

#ifdef NETWORK
	if ( network && (Game_mode & GM_NETWORK) )
		newmenu_do2(NULL, title, c, m, multi_endlevel_poll1, NULL, 0, Menu_pcx_name);
#endif	// Note link!
		newmenu_do2(NULL, title, c, m, NULL, NULL, 0, Menu_pcx_name);