Exemplo n.º 1
// =======================================================
int CSaveOptWindow::getValues(COptions *options)

  // get options
  options->bAskDesc = (newtCheckboxGetValue(m_checkAskDesc) == 'X');
  options->bCheckBeforeSaving = (newtCheckboxGetValue(m_checkCheckBeforeSaving) == 'X');
  options->bOverwrite = (newtCheckboxGetValue(m_checkOverwrite) == 'X');
  options->bSplitWait = (newtCheckboxGetValue(m_checkSplitWait) == 'X');
  // get compression level
  if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioCompNone) == m_radioCompNone)
    options->dwCompression = COMPRESS_NONE;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioCompNone) == m_radioCompGzip)
    options->dwCompression = COMPRESS_GZIP;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioCompNone) == m_radioCompBzip2)
    options->dwCompression = COMPRESS_BZIP2;
  // get finish level
  if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioFinishWait) == m_radioFinishWait)
    options->dwFinish = FINISH_WAIT;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioFinishWait) == m_radioFinishHalt)
    options->dwFinish = FINISH_HALT;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioFinishWait) == m_radioFinishReboot)
    options->dwFinish = FINISH_REBOOT;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioFinishWait) == m_radioFinishQuit)
    options->dwFinish = FINISH_QUIT;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioFinishWait) == m_radioFinishLast)
    options->dwFinish = FINISH_LAST;
  // get split mode
  if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioSplitAuto) == m_radioSplitAuto)
    options->qwSplitSize = 0LL;//options->dwSplitMode = SPLIT_AUTO;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioSplitAuto) == m_radioSplitSize)
      //options->dwSplitMode = SPLIT_SIZE;
      options->qwSplitSize = atoll(newtEntryGetValue(m_editSplitSize)) * 1024 * 1024;
      options->qwSplitSize = strtoll(newtEntryGetValue(m_editSplitSize), 
         NULL, 10) * 1024 * 1024;
    #error "no function to convert string to long long int"
  #endif // HAVE_STRTOLL
#endif // HAVE_ATOLL
      showDebug(1, "qwSplitSize = %llu\n", options->qwSplitSize);
  /*else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioSplitNone) == m_radioSplitAuto)
      options->dwSplitMode = SPLIT_AUTO;
      options->dwSplitSize = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
// =======================================================
void CRestoreMbrWindow::getValues(DWORD *dwCurrentMbrNb, DWORD *dwOriginalMbrNb, int *nRestoreMode)

  *dwCurrentMbrNb = (DWORD) newtListboxGetCurrent(m_list1);
  *dwOriginalMbrNb = (DWORD) newtListboxGetCurrent(m_list2);

  if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioFull) == m_radioFull)
    *nRestoreMode = MBR_RESTORE_WHOLE;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioFull) == m_radioBoot)
    *nRestoreMode = MBR_RESTORE_BOOT;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioFull) == m_radioTable)
    *nRestoreMode = MBR_RESTORE_TABLE;

Exemplo n.º 3
// =======================================================
int CRestoreOptWindow::getValues(COptions *options)

  // get options
  options->bEraseWithNull = (newtCheckboxGetValue(m_checkEraseWithNull) == 'X');
  options->bSimulateMode = (newtCheckboxGetValue(m_checkSimulateMode) == 'X');

  // get finish level
  if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioFinishWait) == m_radioFinishWait)
    options->dwFinish = FINISH_WAIT;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioFinishWait) == m_radioFinishHalt)
    options->dwFinish = FINISH_HALT;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioFinishWait) == m_radioFinishReboot)
    options->dwFinish = FINISH_REBOOT;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(m_radioFinishWait) == m_radioFinishQuit)
    options->dwFinish = FINISH_QUIT;
Exemplo n.º 4
/* for pppoe: return string thats type STATIC, DHCP or PPPOE */
int gettype(char *type)
	newtComponent selected = newtRadioGetCurrent(statictyperadio);
	if (selected == statictyperadio)
		strcpy(type, "STATIC");
	else if (selected == dhcptyperadio)
		strcpy(type, "DHCP");
	else if (selected == pppoetyperadio)
		strcpy(type, "PPPOE");
		strcpy(type, "ERROR");
	return 0;
int checkList(const char * text, int height, int width, poptContext optCon,
		int useRadio, int flags, char *** selections) {
    newtComponent form, okay, tb, subform, answer;
    newtComponent sb = NULL, cancel = NULL;
    const char * arg;
    char * end;
    int listHeight;
    int numBoxes = 0;
    int allocedBoxes = 5;
    int i;
    int numSelected;
    int rc = DLG_OKAY;
    char buf[80], format[20];
    int maxWidth = 0;
    int top;
    struct {
	const char * text;
	const char * tag;
	newtComponent comp;
    } * cbInfo = malloc(allocedBoxes * sizeof(*cbInfo));
    char * cbStates = malloc(allocedBoxes * sizeof(cbStates));

    if (!(arg = poptGetArg(optCon))) return DLG_ERROR;
    listHeight = strtoul(arg, &end, 10);
    if (*end) return DLG_ERROR;

    while ((arg = poptGetArg(optCon))) {
	if (allocedBoxes == numBoxes) {
	    allocedBoxes += 5;
	    cbInfo = realloc(cbInfo, sizeof(*cbInfo) * allocedBoxes);
	    cbStates = realloc(cbStates, sizeof(*cbStates) * allocedBoxes);

	cbInfo[numBoxes].tag = arg;
	if (!(arg = poptGetArg(optCon))) return DLG_ERROR;

	if (!(flags & FLAG_NOITEM)) {
	    cbInfo[numBoxes].text = arg;
	    if (!(arg = poptGetArg(optCon))) return DLG_ERROR;
	} else
	    cbInfo[numBoxes].text = "";

	if (!strcmp(arg, "1") || !strcasecmp(arg, "on") || 
		!strcasecmp(arg, "yes"))
	    cbStates[numBoxes] = '*';
	    cbStates[numBoxes] = ' ';

	if (wstrlen(cbInfo[numBoxes].tag,-1) > (unsigned int)maxWidth)
	    maxWidth = wstrlen(cbInfo[numBoxes].tag,-1);


    form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);

    tb = textbox(height - 3 - buttonHeight - listHeight, width - 2,
			text, flags, &top);

    if (listHeight < numBoxes) { 
	sb = newtVerticalScrollbar(width - 4, 
				   top + 1,
				   listHeight, NEWT_COLORSET_CHECKBOX,
	newtFormAddComponent(form, sb);
    subform = newtForm(sb, NULL, 0);
    newtFormSetBackground(subform, NEWT_COLORSET_CHECKBOX);

    sprintf(format, "%%-%ds  %%s", maxWidth);
    for (i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) {
	sprintf(buf, format, cbInfo[i].tag, cbInfo[i].text);

	if (useRadio)
	    cbInfo[i].comp = newtRadiobutton(4, top + 1 + i, buf,
					cbStates[i] != ' ', 
					i ? cbInfo[i - 1].comp : NULL);
	    cbInfo[i].comp = newtCheckbox(4, top + 1 + i, buf,
			      cbStates[i], NULL, cbStates + i);

	newtFormAddComponent(subform, cbInfo[i].comp);

    newtFormSetHeight(subform, listHeight);
    newtFormSetWidth(subform, width - 10);

    newtFormAddComponents(form, tb, subform, NULL);

    addButtons(height, width, form, &okay, &cancel, flags);

    answer = newtRunForm(form);
    if (answer == cancel)

    if (useRadio) {
	answer = newtRadioGetCurrent(cbInfo[0].comp);
	for (i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) 
	    if (cbInfo[i].comp == answer) {
		*selections = malloc(sizeof(char *) * 2);
		(*selections)[0] = cbInfo[i].tag;
		(*selections)[1] = NULL;
    } else {
	numSelected = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) {
	    if (cbStates[i] != ' ') numSelected++;

	*selections = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (numSelected + 1));

	numSelected = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) {
	    if (cbStates[i] != ' ') 
		(*selections)[numSelected++] = cbInfo[i].tag;

	(*selections)[numSelected] = NULL;

    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 6
// =======================================================
int CInterfaceNewt::guiInitMainWindow(char *szDevice, char *szImageFile, char *szNetworkIP, DWORD *dwServerPort, bool *bSsl)
  newtComponent formMain, btnContinue, btnExit, btnAbout;
  newtComponent labelPartition, labelImage, editPartition, editImage, btnImage;
  newtComponent widgetTemp, labelAction, radioSave, radioRestore, radioMbr;
  newtComponent checkNetwork, labelNetwork, labelPort, editNetwork, editPort, checkSsl;
  newtExitStruct event;
  char szTemp[1024];
  int nAction;
  int nRes;

  showDebug(8, "guiInitMainWindow\n");
  SNPRINTF(szTemp, "Partition Image %s", PACKAGE_VERSION);
  newtCenteredWindow(67, 20, szTemp);
  labelPartition = newtLabel(1, 0, i18n("* Partition to save/restore"));
  editPartition = newtListbox(3, 1, 7, NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL);
  labelImage = newtLabel(1, 9, i18n("* Image file to create/use"));
  editImage = newtEntry(3, 10, szImageFile, 59, NULL, NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL);
  btnImage = newtCompactButton(62, 10, "*");

  labelAction = newtLabel(1, 12, i18n("Action to be done:"));
  radioSave = newtRadiobutton(1, 13, i18n("Save partition into a new image file"), true, NULL);
  radioRestore = newtRadiobutton(1, 14, i18n("Restore partition from an image file"), false, radioSave);
  radioMbr = newtRadiobutton(1, 15, i18n("Restore an MBR from the image file"), false, radioRestore);
  checkNetwork = newtCheckbox(1, 17, i18n("Connect to server"), (!!(*szNetworkIP) ? 'X' : ' '), " X", NULL);
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
  checkSsl = newtCheckbox(5, 19, i18n("Encrypt data on the network with SSL"), (*bSsl ? 'X' : ' '), " X", NULL);
  #ifdef MUST_LOGIN
    checkSsl = newtLabel(5, 19,i18n("SSL disabled at compile time"));
    checkSsl = newtLabel(5, 19,i18n("SSL&login disabled at compile time"));
  labelNetwork = newtLabel(5, 18, i18n("IP/name of the server:"));
  editNetwork = newtEntry(28, 18, szNetworkIP, 25, NULL, 0);
  labelPort = newtLabel(54, 18, i18n("Port:"));
  SNPRINTF(szTemp, "%u", *dwServerPort);
  editPort = newtEntry(60, 18, szTemp, 6, NULL, 0);
  btnContinue = newtCompactButton(50, 12, i18n("Next (F5)"));
  btnAbout = newtCompactButton(50, 14, i18n("About"));
  btnExit = newtCompactButton(50, 16, i18n("Exit (F6)"));

  nRes = fillPartitionList(editPartition);
  if (nRes == -1)
  formMain = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0);
  newtFormAddComponents(formMain, labelPartition, labelImage, editPartition, editImage,
                        btnImage, labelAction, radioSave, radioRestore, radioMbr, checkNetwork,
			labelNetwork, editNetwork, labelPort, editPort, checkSsl, 
			btnContinue, btnAbout, btnExit, NULL);
  newtFormAddHotKey(formMain, KEY_EXIT); // Exit
  newtFormAddHotKey(formMain, KEY_OKAY); // Okay

  /*widgetTemp = */newtFormRun(formMain, &event);
  widgetTemp = newtFormGetCurrent(formMain);

  if (((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY) && (event.u.key == KEY_EXIT)) || ((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) && (widgetTemp == btnExit))) 
  //if(widgetTemp == btnExit)
    return OPERATION_EXIT;

  if ((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) && (widgetTemp == btnAbout))
      goto begin;

  if ((event.reason == event.NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT) && (widgetTemp == btnImage))
      char *fs_;
      if(fs_) {
        newtEntrySet(editImage, fs_, 1);
//        free(fs_);
      goto begin;

  if (strcmp(newtEntryGetValue(editImage), "") == 0) // if "image" field empty
      msgBoxError(i18n("The \"Image\" field is empty. Cannot continue"));
      goto begin;
  if (newtCheckboxGetValue(checkNetwork) == 'X')
      if (!(*newtEntryGetValue(editNetwork)))	
	  msgBoxError(i18n("The \"Server IP/Name\" field is empty. Cannot continue"));
	  goto begin;
      if (!atoi((char*)newtEntryGetValue(editPort)))
	  msgBoxError(i18n("The \"Server Port\" field is not a valid integer. Cannot continue"));
	  goto begin;
  // get device
  strcpy(szDevice, (char*)newtListboxGetCurrent(editPartition));
  // image file
  strcpy(szImageFile, newtEntryGetValue(editImage));
  // network
  if (newtCheckboxGetValue(checkNetwork) == 'X') // If network is activated
      strcpy(szNetworkIP, (char*)newtEntryGetValue(editNetwork));
      *dwServerPort = atoi((char*)newtEntryGetValue(editPort));
#ifdef HAVE_SSL
      *bSsl = (newtCheckboxGetValue(checkSsl) == 'X');
  else // no network
      *szNetworkIP = 0;
  nAction = 0;
  if (newtRadioGetCurrent(radioRestore) == radioSave)
      nAction = OPERATION_SAVE;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(radioRestore) == radioRestore)
      nAction = OPERATION_RESTORE;
  else if (newtRadioGetCurrent(radioRestore) == radioMbr)
      nAction = OPERATION_RESTMBR;
  return nAction;