Exemplo n.º 1
bool UITextEditor::HandleTextInput(QKeyEvent *Event)
    if (!Event)
        return false;

    // For consistency with UIActions::GetActionFromKey, only handle KeyPress
    if (Event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease)
        return false;

    LOG(VB_GUI, LOG_DEBUG, QString("KeyPress %1 (%2)")
        .arg(Event->key(), 0, 16).arg(Event->text()));

    // Event must produce printable text and, in the case of simulated kepresses,
    // must be marked as printable. For a typical basic remote, this *should* mean
    // that only 0-9 are handled here..
    // As ever, this approach will probably need re-visiting to handle remapping
    // and remote input methods where printable/non-printable cannot be flagged
    if (Event->modifiers() == TORC_KEYEVENT_MODIFIERS)
        return false;

    QString text = Event->text();
    if (text.isEmpty())
        return false;

    QChar character = text.at(0);
    if (!character.isPrint())
        return false;

    QString newtext(m_text);
    newtext.insert(m_cursorPosition, text);
    m_cursorPosition += text.size();

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
		virtual void Render( OverlayManager* mgr, OverlayRenderer* or )
			if( !mPassword ) {
				or->DrawString( mGPosition.x + 2, mGPosition.y + 2, mText, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, mCaretPos );
			} else {
				std::string newtext( mText.length( ), '*' );
				or->DrawString( mGPosition.x + 2, mGPosition.y + 2, newtext, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, mCaretPos );
			return Overlay::Render( mgr, or );
Exemplo n.º 3
bool UITextEditor::HandleAction(int Action)
    if (Action == Torc::Left)
        if (m_cursorPosition > 0)
        return true;
    else if (Action == Torc::Right)
        if (m_cursorPosition < m_text.size())
        return true;
    else if (Action == Torc::BackSpace)
        if (m_cursorPosition > 0 && m_text.size())
            QString newtext(m_text);
            newtext.remove(m_cursorPosition - 1, 1);
        return true;

    if (m_parent)
        return m_parent->HandleAction(Action);

    return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
int worldfactory::show_worldgen_tab_confirm(WINDOW *win, WORLDPTR world)
    const int iTooltipHeight = 1;
    const int iContentHeight = FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 3 - iTooltipHeight;

    const int iOffsetX = (TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) ? (TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2 : 0;
    const int iOffsetY = (TERMY > FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) ? (TERMY - FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 2 : 0;

    const char* line_of_32_underscores = "________________________________";

    WINDOW *w_confirmation = newwin(iContentHeight, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2,
                                    iTooltipHeight + 2 + iOffsetY, 1 + iOffsetX);
    WINDOW_PTR w_confirmationptr( w_confirmation );

    unsigned namebar_y = 1;
    unsigned namebar_x = 3 + utf8_width(_("World Name:"));

    int line = 1;
    bool noname = false;
    input_context ctxt("WORLDGEN_CONFIRM_DIALOG");

    std::string worldname = world->world_name;
    do {
        mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, 2, c_white, _("World Name:"));
        mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, line_of_32_underscores);
        fold_and_print(w_confirmation, 3, 2, 76, c_ltgray,
                       _("Press <color_yellow>%s</color> to pick a random name for your world."), ctxt.get_desc("PICK_RANDOM_WORLDNAME").c_str());
        fold_and_print(w_confirmation, FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 2, 76, c_ltgray, _("\
Press <color_yellow>%s</color> when you are satisfied with the world as it is and are ready \
to continue, or <color_yellow>%s</color> to go back and review your world."), ctxt.get_desc("NEXT_TAB").c_str(), ctxt.get_desc("PREV_TAB").c_str());
        if (!noname) {
            mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, "%s", worldname.c_str());
            if (line == 1) {
                wprintz(w_confirmation, h_ltgray, "_");
        if (noname) {
            mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, line_of_32_underscores);
            noname = false;


        const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input();
        if (action == "NEXT_TAB") {
#ifndef LUA
            MOD_INFORMATION *temp = NULL;
            for (std::string &mod : world->active_mod_order) {
                temp = mman->mod_map[mod];
                if ( temp->need_lua ) {
                    popup(_("Mod '%s' requires Lua support."), temp->name.c_str());
                    return -2; // Move back to modselect tab.
            if (worldname.empty()) {
                mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, h_ltgray, _("_______NO NAME ENTERED!!!!______"));
                noname = true;
                if (!query_yn(_("Are you SURE you're finished? World name will be randomly generated."))) {
                } else {
                    world->world_name = pick_random_name();
                    if (!valid_worldname(world->world_name)) {
                    return 1;
            } else if (query_yn(_("Are you SURE you're finished?")) && valid_worldname(worldname)) {
                world->world_name = worldname;
                return 1;
            } else {
        } else if (action == "PREV_TAB") {
            world->world_name = worldname;
            return -1;
        } else if (action == "PICK_RANDOM_WORLDNAME") {
            mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, line_of_32_underscores);
            world->world_name = worldname = pick_random_name();
        } else if (action == "QUIT") {
            // Cache the current name just in case they say No to the exit query.
            world->world_name = worldname;
            return -999;
        } else if (action == "ANY_INPUT") {
            const input_event ev = ctxt.get_raw_input();
            const long ch = ev.get_first_input();
            switch (line) {
            case 1: {
                utf8_wrapper wrap(worldname);
                utf8_wrapper newtext( ev.text );
                if( ch == KEY_BACKSPACE ) {
                    if (!wrap.empty()) {
                        wrap.erase(wrap.length() - 1, 1);
                        worldname = wrap.str();
                } else if(ch == KEY_F(2)) {
                    std::string tmp = get_input_string_from_file();
                    int tmplen = utf8_width( tmp );
                    if(tmplen > 0 && tmplen + utf8_width(worldname) < 30) {
                } else if( !newtext.empty() && is_char_allowed( newtext.at( 0 ) ) ) {
                    // No empty string, no slash, no backslash, no control sequence
                    wrap.append( newtext );
                    worldname = wrap.str();
                mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, line_of_32_underscores);
                mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, "%s", worldname.c_str());
                wprintz(w_confirmation, h_ltgray, "_");
    } while (true);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
static std::string FixShaderCode(char *text, int textLength, const UniformRules &uniformsRename, bool vertexShader)
    struct ReplacePair
        ReplacePair(const char *pat, const char *rep) :
                                                      (boost::xpressive::regex_constants::ECMAScript |

        boost::xpressive::sregex pattern;
        std::string replace;

    static const ReplacePair sFixPairs[] =
        ReplacePair("\\.0+E\\+0+\\b", ".0"),
        ReplacePair("0*E\\+0+\\b", ""),
        ReplacePair("(\\d+)\\.([0-9][1-9])0*E\\+0+2\\b", "$1$2.0"),
        ReplacePair("(\\d+)\\.([1-9])0*E\\+0+1\\b", "$1$2.0"),
        ReplacePair("(\\d+)\\.0+E\\-0+1\\b", "0.$1"),
        ReplacePair("(\\d+)\\.00+E(\\+\\d+)\\b", "$1.0E$2"),
        ReplacePair("ATI_draw_buffers", "ARB_draw_buffers"),
        ReplacePair("\\:require\\n", ":enable\n"),
        ReplacePair("#version \\d+", ""),

    static const boost::xpressive::sregex structPattern(boost::xpressive::sregex::compile("\\bstruct\\s+(\\w+)\\s*{[^}]*};",
                                                                                          (boost::xpressive::regex_constants::ECMAScript |
    static const int subs[] = {1};

    std::string newtext(text, textLength);

    // Find all the struct declarations
    std::list<std::string> structsList;
    boost::xpressive::sregex_token_iterator cur(newtext.begin(), newtext.end(), structPattern, subs);
    boost::xpressive::sregex_token_iterator end;
    for(; cur != end; ++cur )

    // Remove unused struct declarations
    if (!structsList.empty())
        const std::list<std::string>::const_iterator itEnd(structsList.end());
        for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = structsList.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it)
            const std::string &structName(*it);
            boost::xpressive::sregex_iterator cur(newtext.begin(), newtext.end(),
                                                  (boost::xpressive::_b >> structName >> boost::xpressive::_b));
            boost::xpressive::sregex_iterator end;
            int count = 0;
            for(; cur != end; ++cur, ++count)
            if (1 >= count)
                const boost::xpressive::sregex removeStructPattern(boost::xpressive::sregex::compile("\\bstruct\\s+" + structName + "\\s*{[^}]*};"));
                newtext = regex_replace(newtext, removeStructPattern, std::string(""));

    // Fix numbers and GLSL 'require's
    const size_t numPairs = sizeof(sFixPairs) / sizeof(ReplacePair);
    for (size_t n = 0; n < numPairs; n++)
        newtext = regex_replace(newtext, sFixPairs[n].pattern, sFixPairs[n].replace);

    // Fix names of uniform values
    const UniformRules::const_iterator itEnd(uniformsRename.end());
    for (UniformRules::const_iterator it = uniformsRename.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it)
        newtext = regex_replace(newtext, (it->first), (it->second));

    // Fix vertex attributes
    if (vertexShader)
        struct AttributeReplaceRule
            AttributeReplaceRule(const char *src, const char *dst, const char *tn) :
                re(boost::xpressive::_b >> src >> boost::xpressive::_b),

            boost::xpressive::sregex re;
            std::string replace;
            const char *typeName;

        static const AttributeReplaceRule sAttributeReplaceRules[] =
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_Vertex",         "ATTR0",  "vec4"),
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_Normal",         "ATTR2",  "vec3"),
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_Color",          "ATTR3",  "vec4"),
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_SecondaryColor", "ATTR4",  "vec4"),
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_FogCoord",       "ATTR5",  "float"),
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord0", "ATTR8",  "vec4"),
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord1", "ATTR9",  "vec4"),
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord2", "ATTR10", "vec4"),
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord3", "ATTR11", "vec4"),
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord4", "ATTR12", "vec4"),
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord5", "ATTR13", "vec4"),
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord6", "ATTR14", "vec4"),
            AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord7", "ATTR15", "vec4")

        const size_t numRules = sizeof(sAttributeReplaceRules) / sizeof(AttributeReplaceRule);
        for (size_t n = numRules; n--; )
            const AttributeReplaceRule &rule(sAttributeReplaceRules[n]);
            if (regex_search(newtext, rule.re))
                newtext = regex_replace(newtext, rule.re, rule.replace);
                newtext = std::string("attribute ") + rule.typeName + " " + rule.replace + ";" + newtext;
Exemplo n.º 6
int worldfactory::show_worldgen_tab_confirm(WINDOW *win, WORLDPTR world)
    const int iTooltipHeight = 1;
    const int iContentHeight = FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 3 - iTooltipHeight;

    const int iOffsetX = (TERMX > FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) ? (TERMX - FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2 : 0;
    const int iOffsetY = (TERMY > FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) ? (TERMY - FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 2 : 0;

    WINDOW *w_confirmation = newwin(iContentHeight, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2,
                                    iTooltipHeight + 2 + iOffsetY, 1 + iOffsetX);

    unsigned namebar_y = 1;
    unsigned namebar_x = 3 + utf8_width(_("World Name:"));

    int line = 1;
    bool noname = false;
    input_context ctxt("WORLDGEN_CONFIRM_DIALOG");
    // Disabled because it conflicts with the "pick random world name" option,
    // feel free to enable it and change its keybinding in keybindings.json
    // ctxt.register_action("HELP_KEYBINDINGS");

    std::string worldname = world->world_name;
    do {
        mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, 2, c_white, _("World Name:"));
        mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, "______________________________");
        fold_and_print(w_confirmation, 3, 2, 76, c_ltgray,
                       _("Press <color_yellow>?</color> to pick a random name for your world."));
        fold_and_print(w_confirmation, FULL_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - 2, 2, 76, c_ltgray, _("\
Press <color_yellow>></color> when you are satisfied with the world as it is and are ready \
to continue, or <color_yellow><</color> to go back and review your world."));
        if (!noname) {
            mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, "%s", worldname.c_str());
            if (line == 1) {
                wprintz(w_confirmation, h_ltgray, "_");
        if (noname) {
            mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, "______________________________");
            noname = false;


        const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input();
        if (action == "NEXT_TAB") {
            if (worldname.empty()) {
                mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, h_ltgray, _("______NO NAME ENTERED!!!!_____"));
                noname = true;
                if (!query_yn(_("Are you SURE you're finished? World name will be randomly generated."))) {
                } else {
                    world->world_name = pick_random_name();
                    if (!valid_worldname(world->world_name)) {
                    return 1;
            } else if (query_yn(_("Are you SURE you're finished?")) && valid_worldname(worldname)) {
                world->world_name = worldname;

                return 1;
            } else {
        } else if (action == "PREV_TAB") {
            world->world_name = worldname;
            return -1;
        } else if (action == "PICK_RANDOM_WORLDNAME") {
            mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray, "______________________________");
            world->world_name = worldname = pick_random_name();
        } else if (action == "QUIT") {
            world->world_name =
                worldname; // cache the current worldname just in case they say No to the exit query
            return -999;
        } else if (action == "ANY_INPUT") {
            const input_event ev = ctxt.get_raw_input();
            const long ch = ev.get_first_input();
            switch (line) {
                case 1: {
                    utf8_wrapper wrap(worldname);
                    utf8_wrapper newtext( ev.text );
                    if( ch == KEY_BACKSPACE ) {
                        if (!wrap.empty()) {
                            wrap.erase(wrap.length() - 1, 1);
                            worldname = wrap.str();
                    } else if(ch == KEY_F(2)) {
                        std::string tmp = get_input_string_from_file();
                        int tmplen = utf8_width(tmp.c_str());
                        if(tmplen > 0 && tmplen + utf8_width(worldname.c_str()) < 30) {
                    } else if( !newtext.empty() && is_char_allowed( newtext.at( 0 ) ) ) {
                        // no emty string, no slash, no backslash, no control sequence
                        wrap.append( newtext );
                        worldname = wrap.str();
                    mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray,
                                "______________________________ ");
                    mvwprintz(w_confirmation, namebar_y, namebar_x, c_ltgray,
                                "%s", worldname.c_str());
                    wprintz(w_confirmation, h_ltgray, "_");
    } while (true);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
string search_replacepre2 (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;
  string siteUrl = Database_Config_General::getSiteURL ();
  // Get search variables from the query.
  string searchfor = request->query ["q"];
  string replacewith = request->query ["r"];
  bool casesensitive = (request->query ["c"] == "true");
  string id = request->query ["id"];
  bool searchplain = (request->query ["p"] == "true");
  // Get the Bible and passage for this identifier.
  Passage details = Passage::from_text (id);
  string bible = details.bible;
  int book = details.book;
  int chapter = details.chapter;
  string verse = details.verse;
  // Get the plain text or the USFM.
  string text;
  if (searchplain) {
    text = search_logic_get_bible_verse_text (bible, book, chapter, convert_to_int (verse));
  } else {
    text = search_logic_get_bible_verse_usfm (bible, book, chapter, convert_to_int (verse));
  // Clickable passage.
  string link = filter_passage_link_for_opening_editor_at (book, chapter, verse);
  string oldtext = filter_string_markup_words ({searchfor}, text);

  string newtext (text);
  if (casesensitive) {
    newtext = filter_string_str_replace (searchfor, replacewith, newtext);
  } else {
    vector <string> needles = filter_string_search_needles (searchfor, text);
    for (auto & needle : needles) {
      newtext = filter_string_str_replace (needle, replacewith, newtext);
  if (replacewith != "") newtext = filter_string_markup_words ({replacewith}, newtext);
  // The id sent to the browser contains bible identifier, book, chapter, and verse.
  int bibleID = request->database_bibles()->getID (bible);
  vector <string> bits = {convert_to_string (bibleID), convert_to_string (book), convert_to_string (chapter), verse};
  string s_id = filter_string_implode (bits, "_");
  // Check whether the user has write access to the book.
  string user = request->session_logic ()->currentUser ();
  bool write = access_bible_book_write (webserver_request, user, bible, book);

  // Create output.
  string output;
  output.append ("<div id=\"" + s_id + "\">\n");
  output.append ("<p>");
  if (write) output.append ("<a href=\"replace\"> ✔ </a> <a href=\"delete\"> ✗ </a> ");
  output.append (link);
  output.append ("</p>\n");
  output.append ("<p>" + oldtext + "</p>\n");
  output.append ("<p>");
  if (write) output.append (newtext);
  else output.append (locale_logic_text_no_privileges_modify_book ());
  output.append ("</p>\n");
  output.append ("</div>\n");
  // Output to browser.
  return output;