prepDataFiles(){ // TDirectory *theDr = (TDirectory*) myFile->Get("eleIDdir");///denom_pt/fit_eff_plots"); //theDr->ls(); int myIndex; TSystemDirectory dir(thePath, thePath); TSystemFile *file; TString fname; TIter next(dir.GetListOfFiles()); while ((file=(TSystemFile*)next())) { fname = file->GetName(); if (fname.BeginsWith("TnP")&& fname.Contains("mc")) { ofstream myfile; TFile *myFile = new TFile(fname); TIter nextkey(myFile->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key; while (key = (TKey*)nextkey()) { TString theTypeClasse = key->GetClassName(); TString theNomClasse = key->GetTitle(); if ( theTypeClasse == "TDirectoryFile"){ TDirectory *theDr = (TDirectory*) myFile->Get(theNomClasse); TIter nextkey2(theDr->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key2; while (key2 = (TKey*)nextkey2()) { TString theTypeClasse2 = key2->GetClassName(); TString theNomClasse2 = key2->GetTitle(); (theNomClasse2+".info"); if ( theTypeClasse == "TDirectoryFile"){ cout << "avant " << endl; TDirectory *theDr2 = (TDirectory*) myFile->Get(theNomClasse+"/"+theNomClasse2); cout << "apres " << endl; TIter nextkey3(theDr2->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key3; while (key3 = (TKey*)nextkey3()) { TString theTypeClasse3 = key3->GetClassName(); TString theNomClasse3 = key3->GetTitle(); if ((theNomClasse3.Contains("FromMC"))) { TString localClasse3 = theNomClasse3; localClasse3.ReplaceAll("__","%"); cout << "apres " << localClasse3 << endl; TObjArray* listBin = localClasse3.Tokenize('%'); TString first = ((TObjString*)listBin->At(0))->GetString(); TString second = ((TObjString*)listBin->At(2))->GetString(); myfile << first; myfile << " " << second << " "; cout << "coucou la on va récupérer le rooFitResult " << endl; RooFitResult *theResults = (RooFitResult*) myFile->Get(theNomClasse+"/"+theNomClasse2+"/"+theNomClasse3+"/fitresults"); theResults->Print(); RooArgList theParam = theResults->floatParsFinal(); int taille = theParam.getSize(); for (int m = 0 ; m < taille ; m++){ cout << "m=" << m << endl; RooAbsArg *theArg = (RooAbsArg*); RooAbsReal *theReal = (RooAbsReal*) theArg; myfile << theReal->getVal() << " " ; } myfile << "\n"; } } } myfile.close(); } } } delete myFile; } } }
void Plotter(char* name1, char* name2, char* name3, char* name4, char* titlename){ setGraphTDR(); if(name1==NULL){ printf("\nWarning: "); printf("the file "); printf(name1); printf(" does not exist \n\n"); return; } else if(name2==NULL){ printf("\nWarning: "); printf("the file "); printf(name2); printf(" does not exist \n\n"); return; } else if(name3==NULL){ printf("\nWarning: "); printf("the file "); printf(name3); printf(" does not exist \n\n"); return; } else if(name4==NULL){ printf("\nWarning: "); printf("the file "); printf(name4); printf(" does not exist \n\n"); return; } else{ TFile *f1= new TFile(name1); TFile *f2= new TFile(name2); TFile *f3= new TFile(name3); TFile *f4= new TFile(name4); } char *hName1 = new char [80]; char *hName2 = new char [80]; char *hName3 = new char [80]; char *hName4 = new char [80]; char *filesave = new char[80]; char *filesave1 = new char[80]; char *filesave2 = new char[80]; char *filesave3 = new char[80]; char *filesave4 = new char[80]; f1->cd(); TIter nextkey1( f1->GetListOfKeys() ); TKey *key1; f2->cd(); TIter nextkey2( f2->GetListOfKeys() ); TKey *key2; f3->cd(); TIter nextkey3( f3->GetListOfKeys() ); TKey *key3; f4->cd(); TIter nextkey4( f4->GetListOfKeys() ); TKey *key4; int i=0; while ((key1 = (TKey*)nextkey1())) { key2 = (TKey*)nextkey2(); key3 = (TKey*)nextkey3(); key4 = (TKey*)nextkey4(); // read object from source file TObject *obj1 = key1->ReadObj(); TH1D *h1 = (TH1D*)obj1; // read object from source file TObject *obj2 = key2->ReadObj(); TH1D *h2 = (TH1D*)obj2; // read object from source file TObject *obj3 = key3->ReadObj(); TH1D *h3 = (TH1D*)obj3; // read object from source file TObject *obj4 = key4->ReadObj(); TH1D *h4 = (TH1D*)obj4; hName1=h1->GetName(); hName2=h2->GetName(); hName3=h3->GetName(); hName4=h4->GetName(); // General Style h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6); h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6); h1->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2.); h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6); h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6); h2->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2.); h3->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6); h3->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6); h3->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2.); h4->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6); h4->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.6); h4->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2.); sprintf(filesave,"%s%s.png",h1->GetName(),titlename); std::string checkLog(obj1->GetName()); if (h1->GetEntries() != 0 || h2->GetEntries() != 0 || h3->GetEntries() != 0 || h4->GetEntries() != 0){ // Defense if (obj1->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TH1") && obj2->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TH1") && obj3->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TH1") && obj4->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TH1")){ TCanvas *togetherlog = new TCanvas("canvasSamelog","canvasSamelog"); togetherlog->cd(); if ( checkLog == "pTJet1wc" || checkLog == "pTJet2wc" || checkLog == "pfetamaxwc" || checkLog == "pfetaminwc" || checkLog == "deltaEtaJetwc" || checkLog == "deltaPhiJetswc" || checkLog == "deltaPtJetswc" || checkLog == "dijetMasswc" || checkLog == "pfetamaxwc" || checkLog == "pfetaminwc" || checkLog == "deltaEtaJetswc" || checkLog == "deltaPhiJetswc" || checkLog == "deltaPtJetswc" || checkLog == "dijetMasswc" || checkLog == "pfetamaxwc" || checkLog == "pfetaminwc" || checkLog == "deltaEtaJetswc" || checkLog == "deltaPhiJetswc" || checkLog == "deltaPtJetswc" || checkLog == "RJJwc" || checkLog == "RJJwc"|| checkLog == "trackswc") { togetherlog->SetLogy(); } setGraphTDR(); h1->SetMarkerStyle(20); h1->SetMarkerSize(1); h2->SetMarkerStyle(20); h2->SetMarkerSize(1); h2->SetMarkerColor(2); h3->SetMarkerStyle(20); h3->SetMarkerSize(1); h3->SetMarkerColor(3); h4->SetMarkerStyle(20); h4->SetMarkerSize(1); h4->SetMarkerColor(4); leg = new TLegend(0.71,0.89,0.989,0.989); leg->SetTextSize(0.020); leg->SetFillColor(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); leg->AddEntry(h1,"Pythia6 Z2","p"); leg->AddEntry(h2,"Exume","p"); leg->AddEntry(h3,"Pompty","p"); leg->AddEntry(h4,"Data 2010","p"); //h1->SetFillColor(1); //h1->Sumw2(); //h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); h1->Draw("PE"); //h1->DrawNormalized("PE"); //h2->SetFillColor(2); //h2->Sumw2(); //h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); h2->Draw("SAMEPE"); //h2->DrawNormalized("SAMEPE"); //h3->SetFillColor(3); //h3->Sumw2(); //h3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); h3->Draw("SAMEPE"); //h3->DrawNormalized("SAMEPE"); leg->Draw(); //h4->SetFillColor(3); //h4->Sumw2(); //h4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); h4->Draw("SAMEPE"); //h4->DrawNormalized("SAMEPE"); leg->Draw(); togetherlog->Update(); togetherlog->SaveAs(filesave); delete togetherlog; } if (obj1->IsA ()->InheritsFrom ("TH2") && obj2->IsA ()->InheritsFrom ("TH2") && obj3->IsA ()->InheritsFrom ("TH2") && obj4->IsA ()->InheritsFrom ("TH2")){ if ( checkLog == "ETCaloswc" || checkLog == "ETCalosJetsAtTrackerwc" ){ TCanvas *togetherLego = new TCanvas("canvasLego","canvasLego"); gStyle->SetOptStat(1); h1->SetMarkerSize(0); h2->SetMarkerSize(0); h3->SetMarkerSize(0); h4->SetMarkerSize(0); //h1->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); //h2->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); //h3->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); //h4->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("log_{10} Castor Signal [fC]"); h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("log_{10} Castor Signal [fC]"); h3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("log_{10} Castor Signal [fC]"); h4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("log_{10} Castor Signal [fC]"); togetherLego->cd(); togetherLego->SetLogy(1); //h1->SetLineColor(1); h1->SetFillColor(1); h1->Draw("LEGO1E0"); togetherLego->Update(); sprintf(filesave1,"%s%s-data2010.png",h1->GetName(),titlename); togetherLego->SaveAs(filesave1); togetherLego->cd(); togetherLego->SetLogy(1); //h2->SetLineColor(2); h2->SetFillColor(2); h2->Draw("LEGO1E0"); togetherLego->Update(); sprintf(filesave2,"%s%s-exume2010.png",h2->GetName(),titlename); togetherLego->SaveAs(filesave2); togetherLego->cd(); togetherLego->SetLogy(1); //h3->SetLineColor(3); h3->SetFillColor(3); h3->Draw("LEGO1E0"); togetherLego->Update(); sprintf(filesave3,"%s%s-pompty2010.png",h3->GetName(),titlename); togetherLego->SaveAs(filesave3); togetherLego->cd(); togetherLego->SetLogy(1); //h4->SetLineColor(3); h4->SetFillColor(4); h4->Draw("LEGO1E0"); togetherLego->Update(); sprintf(filesave4,"%s%s-pythia62010.png",h4->GetName(),titlename); togetherLego->SaveAs(filesave4); delete togetherLego; } else { TCanvas *togetherLegoAll = new TCanvas("canvasLegoAll","canvasLegoAll",1200,400); togetherLegoAll->Divide(4,1); setGraphTDR(); //setTH2(); h1->SetMarkerSize(0); h2->SetMarkerSize(0); h3->SetMarkerSize(0); h4->SetMarkerSize(0); leg2 = new TLegend(0.71,0.89,0.989,0.989); leg2->SetTextSize(0.020); leg2->SetFillColor(0); leg2->AddEntry(h1,"Pythia6 Z2","f"); leg2->AddEntry(h2,"Exume","f"); leg2->AddEntry(h3,"Pompty","f"); leg2->AddEntry(h4,"Data 2010","f"); //h1->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); //h2->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); //h3->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); //h4->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Probability"); h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("nHF^{-}"); h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("nHF^{-}"); h3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("nHF^{-}"); h4->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("nHF^{-}"); togetherLegoAll->cd(1); h1->SetFillColor(1); h1->Draw("LEGO1E0"); togetherLegoAll->cd(2); h2->SetFillColor(2); h2->Draw("LEGO1E0"); togetherLegoAll->cd(3); h3->SetFillColor(3); h3->Draw("LEGO1E0"); togetherLegoAll->cd(4); h4->SetFillColor(4); h4->Draw("LEGO1E0"); //leg2->Draw(); togetherLegoAll->Update(); togetherLegoAll->SaveAs(filesave); delete togetherLegoAll; } } i++; } // if defense } printf("\nNumber of Plots: %d\n\n",i); }
recupTheZpeak(){ // TDirectory *theDr = (TDirectory*) myFile->Get("eleIDdir");///denom_pt/fit_eff_plots"); //theDr->ls(); int myIndex; TSystemDirectory dir(thePath, thePath); TSystemFile *file; TString fname; TIter next(dir.GetListOfFiles()); while ((file=(TSystemFile*)next())) { fname = file->GetName(); if (fname.BeginsWith("TnP")) { if (fname.Contains("data")) kind = "data"; else kind = "mc"; bool pass = false; for (int p = 0 ; p< nbOfIds ; p++){ if (fname.Contains(thePlotToDraw[p])) { pass = true; theIndex = p; break; } } if (!(pass)) continue; TFile *myFile = new TFile(fname); TIter nextkey(myFile->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key; while (key = (TKey*)nextkey()) { TString theTypeClasse = key->GetClassName(); TString theNomClasse = key->GetTitle(); if ( theTypeClasse == "TDirectoryFile"){ TDirectory *theDr = (TDirectory*) myFile->Get(theNomClasse); TIter nextkey2(theDr->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key2; while (key2 = (TKey*)nextkey2()) { TString theTypeClasse2 = key2->GetClassName(); TString theNomClasse2 = key2->GetTitle(); if ( theTypeClasse == "TDirectoryFile"){ TDirectory *theDr2 = (TDirectory*) myFile->Get(theNomClasse+"/"+theNomClasse2); TIter nextkey3(theDr2->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key3; while (key3 = (TKey*)nextkey3()) { TString theTypeClasse3 = key3->GetClassName(); TString theNomClasse3 = key3->GetTitle(); if (((theNomClasse3.Contains("vpvPlusExpo"))||(theNomClasse3.Contains("higgsSF")))&&(!(theNomClasse3.Contains("all")))) { TCanvas *theCanvas = (TCanvas*) myFile->Get(theNomClasse+"/"+theNomClasse2+"/"+theNomClasse3+"/fit_canvas"); theCanvas->Print(outputDir+"/"+kind+"_"+theName[theIndex]+"__"+theNomClasse3+".png"); } } } } } } delete myFile; } } }
void recupThePlots(){ // TDirectory *theDr = (TDirectory*) myFile->Get("eleIDdir");///denom_pt/fit_eff_plots"); //theDr->ls(); cout << "coucou" << theOutFileName << endl; TFile *myOutFile = new TFile(theOutFileName,"RECREATE"); TSystemDirectory dir(thePath, thePath); TSystemFile *file; TString fname; TIter next(dir.GetListOfFiles()); while (((file=(TSystemFile*)next()))) { fname = file->GetName(); if ((fname.BeginsWith("TnP"))&&fname.Contains("data")) { cout << "--------------------"<< "\n"; cout << fname << "\n"; TFile *myFile = new TFile(fname); TIter nextkey(myFile->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key; while ((key = (TKey*)nextkey())) { // cout << key << "\n"; TString theTypeClasse = key->GetClassName(); TString theNomClasse = key->GetTitle(); cout << "theTypeClasse: "<< theTypeClasse << " , " << theNomClasse << "\n"; if ( theTypeClasse == "TDirectoryFile" ){ // cout << "we are here 1" << "\n"; TDirectory *theDr = (TDirectory*) myFile->Get(theNomClasse); TIter nextkey2(theDr->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key2; while ((key2 = (TKey*)nextkey2())) { TString theTypeClasse2 = key2->GetClassName(); TString theNomClasse2 = key2->GetTitle(); if ( theTypeClasse == "TDirectoryFile" || theTypeClasse == "TGraphAsymmErrors" ){ TDirectory *theDr2 = (TDirectory*) myFile->Get(theNomClasse+"/"+theNomClasse2+"/fit_eff_plots"); TIter nextkey3(theDr2->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key3; while ((key3 = (TKey*)nextkey3())) { TString theTypeClasse3 = key3->GetClassName(); TString theNomClasse3 = key3->GetName(); cout << "type = " << theTypeClasse3 << " nom = " << theNomClasse3 << endl; TCanvas *theCanvas = (TCanvas*) myFile->Get(theNomClasse+"/"+theNomClasse2+"/fit_eff_plots/"+theNomClasse3); TIter nextObject(theCanvas->GetListOfPrimitives()); TObject *obj; while ((obj = (TObject*)nextObject())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom("TGraphAsymmErrors")) { cout << "histo: " << obj->GetName() << endl; myOutFile->cd(); obj->Write(theNomClasse2+"_"+theNomClasse3); myFile->cd(); } if (obj->InheritsFrom("TH2F")) { cout << "the TH2F = " << obj->GetName() << endl; myOutFile->cd(); obj->Write(theNomClasse2+"_"+theNomClasse3); myFile->cd(); } } } } } } } delete myFile; } } myOutFile->Close(); }
void presyst(TString s) { TFile * fin = TFile::Open("graphs_"+ s +".root"); TList * l = fin->GetListOfKeys(); TCanvas C("C", "C", 3, 58, 1185, 658); C.Divide(3,1); TGraphAsymmErrors * gra = 0; TGraphErrors * gr = 0; //Loop for line Int_t I = 0; TKey *key3; TIter nextkey3(fin->GetListOfKeys()); while ((key3 = (TKey*) nextkey3())) { const char *classname = key3->GetClassName(); TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(classname); if (!cl) continue; if (!cl->InheritsFrom(TGraphAsymmErrors::Class())) continue; gra = (TGraphAsymmErrors*) fin->Get(key3->GetName()); + 1); gra->Draw("alp"); I++; } TKey *key; TIter nextkey(fin->GetListOfKeys()); //Loop for stat uncertainty Int_t nStat = 0; I = 0; while ((key = (TKey*) nextkey())) { const char *classname = key->GetClassName(); TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(classname); if (!cl) continue; if (cl->InheritsFrom(TGraphAsymmErrors::Class())) continue; nStat++; gr = (TGraphErrors*) fin->Get(key->GetName()); gr->SetMarkerColor(kRed); gr->SetLineWidth(2); gr->SetLineColor(kBlue); + 1); gr->Draw("p"); I++; } //Loop for syst uncertainty I = 0; TKey *key2; TIter nextkey2(fin->GetListOfKeys()); while ((key2 = (TKey*) nextkey2())) { const char *classname = key2->GetClassName(); TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(classname); if (!cl) continue; if (!cl->InheritsFrom(TGraphAsymmErrors::Class())) continue; gra = (TGraphAsymmErrors*) fin->Get(key2->GetName()); gra->SetMarkerColor(kRed); gra->SetLineWidth(2); gra->SetLineColor(kGreen); // gra->SetLineStyle(kDashed); gra->SetMarkerStyle(4); + 1); gra->Draw("p|>"); I++; } C.SaveAs(s + "_figs.gif"); }
void combinePreFullTests( string rootFullName, string rootPreTest, string rootOutputName) { // open output file TFile *_fileSave = TFile::Open( rootOutputName.c_str(), "new" ); // open existing files TFile * fileFullTest = TFile::Open( rootFullName.c_str(),"read" ); TFile * filePreTest = TFile::Open( rootPreTest.c_str(),"read" ); fileFullTest->cd(); if( ! fileFullTest ) continue; TIter nextkey( gDirectory->GetListOfKeys() ); TKey * key; cout << "Copy Subdirectory/histograms from " << fileFullTest->GetName() << endl; cout << "into the file: " << _fileSave->GetName() << endl; while( ( key = (TKey*)nextkey() ) ) { TObject * obj = key->ReadObj(); if (obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom( "TDirectory" )){ cout << "----- Subdir " << obj->GetName() << " " << obj->GetUniqueID() << endl; // create same structure _fileSave->mkdir(obj->GetName()); // loop over all histograms in subdirectory fileFullTest->cd(obj->GetName()); TIter nextkey2( gDirectory->GetListOfKeys() ); TKey * key2; string objName = obj->GetName(); if (objName.substr(0,3) == "BB2"){ cout << "for Subdirectory BB2 in file " << fileFullTest->GetName() << " do nothing" << endl; } else{ while( ( key2 = (TKey*)nextkey2() ) ) { _fileSave->cd(); TObject * obj2 = key2->ReadObj(); if( obj2->IsA()->InheritsFrom( "TH2D" )) { //cout << "2d histograms " << obj2->GetName() << endl; TH2D * h2 = (TH2D*)obj2; _fileSave->cd(obj->GetName()); h2->Write(); } else if ( obj2->IsA()->InheritsFrom( "TH1D" )) { //cout << "1d histograms " << obj2->GetName() << endl; TH1D * h1 = (TH1D*)obj2; _fileSave->cd(obj->GetName()); h1->Write(); } } } // do not save BB2 from Fulltest but from next file // here please save BB2 to final file } else{ // store Histograms which are not in a subdirectory HA and HD _fileSave->cd(); if ( obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom( "TH1D" )) { //cout << "1d histograms " << obj->GetName() << endl; TH1D * h1 = (TH1D*)obj; _fileSave->cd(); h1->Write(); } //cout << obj->GetName() << " this is a histogram " << endl; } } // Now use BB2 from Pretest and store it in the outputfile _fileSave if( ! filePreTest ) continue; filePreTest->cd(); filePreTest->cd("BB2"); cout << "copy BB2 histograms from file " << filePreTest->GetName() << " into " << _fileSave->GetName() << endl; TIter nextkey3( gDirectory->GetListOfKeys() ); TKey * key3; while( ( key3 = (TKey*)nextkey3() ) ) { TObject * obj3 = key3->ReadObj(); if( obj3->IsA()->InheritsFrom( "TH2D" )) { //cout << "2d histograms " << obj3->GetName() << endl; TH2D * h2 = (TH2D*)obj3; _fileSave->cd("BB2"); h2->Write(); } else if ( obj3->IsA()->InheritsFrom( "TH1D" )) { //cout << "1d histograms " << obj3->GetName() << endl; TH1D * h1 = (TH1D*)obj3; _fileSave->cd("BB2"); h1->Write(); } //cout << "----- " << obj3->GetName() << endl; } fileFullTest->Close(); filePreTest->Close(); _fileSave->Close(); }