static ngx_int_t ngx_http_eval_parse_param(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_eval_ctx_t *ctx, ngx_str_t *param) { u_char *p, *src, *dst; ngx_str_t name; ngx_str_t value; p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(param->data, '='); if(p == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "eval: invalid param \"%V\"", param); return NGX_ERROR; } = param->data; name.len = p - param->data; = p + 1; value.len = param->len - (p - param->data) - 1; src = dst =; ngx_unescape_uri_patched(&dst, &src, value.len, NGX_UNESCAPE_URI); value.len = dst -; ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "eval param: \"%V\"=\"%V\"", &name, &value); return ngx_http_eval_set_variable_value(r, ctx, &name, &value); }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_push_stream_channels_statistics_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r) { char *pos = NULL; ngx_str_t *id = NULL; ngx_http_push_stream_channel_t *channel = NULL; ngx_http_push_stream_loc_conf_t *cf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_push_stream_module); r->keepalive = cf->keepalive; ngx_http_push_stream_set_expires(r, NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_EXPIRES_EPOCH, 0); // only accept GET method if (!(r->method & NGX_HTTP_GET)) { ngx_http_push_stream_add_response_header(r, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_HEADER_ALLOW, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_ALLOW_GET); return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED, NULL); } ngx_http_push_stream_add_response_header(r, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_HEADER_TAG, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_TAG); ngx_http_push_stream_add_response_header(r, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_HEADER_COMMIT, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_COMMIT); // get and check channel id value id = ngx_http_push_stream_get_channel_id(r, cf); if ((id == NULL) || (id == NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_TOO_LARGE_CHANNEL_ID)) { if (id == NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_TOO_LARGE_CHANNEL_ID) { return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_TOO_LARGE_CHANNEL_ID_MESSAGE); } return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } // if not specify a channel id, get info about all channels in a resumed way if (id == NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_UNSET_CHANNEL_ID) { return ngx_http_push_stream_send_response_all_channels_info_summarized(r); } if ((pos = ngx_strchr(id->data, '*')) != NULL) { ngx_str_t *aux = NULL; if (pos != (char *) id->data) { *pos = '\0'; id->len = ngx_strlen(id->data); aux = id; } return ngx_http_push_stream_send_response_all_channels_info_detailed(r, aux); } // if specify a channel id equals to ALL, get info about all channels in a detailed way if (ngx_memn2cmp(id->data,, id->len, NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_ALL_CHANNELS_INFO_ID.len) == 0) { return ngx_http_push_stream_send_response_all_channels_info_detailed(r, NULL); } // if specify a channel id != ALL, get info about specified channel if it exists // search for a existing channel with this id channel = ngx_http_push_stream_find_channel(id, r->connection->log); if (channel == NULL) { return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, NULL); } return ngx_http_push_stream_send_response_channel_info(r, channel); }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_push_stream_channels_statistics_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r) { ngx_http_push_stream_main_conf_t *mcf = ngx_http_get_module_main_conf(r, ngx_http_push_stream_module); char *pos = NULL; ngx_http_push_stream_requested_channel_t *requested_channels, *requested_channel; ngx_queue_t *q; ngx_http_push_stream_set_expires(r, NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_EXPIRES_EPOCH, 0); // only accept GET method if (!(r->method & NGX_HTTP_GET)) { ngx_http_push_stream_add_response_header(r, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_HEADER_ALLOW, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_ALLOW_GET); return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED, NULL); } ngx_http_push_stream_add_response_header(r, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_HEADER_TAG, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_TAG); ngx_http_push_stream_add_response_header(r, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_HEADER_COMMIT, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_COMMIT); //get channels ids requested_channels = ngx_http_push_stream_parse_channels_ids_from_path(r, r->pool); // if not specify a channel id, get info about all channels in a resumed way if ((requested_channels == NULL) || ngx_queue_empty(&requested_channels->queue)) { return ngx_http_push_stream_send_response_all_channels_info_summarized(r); } for (q = ngx_queue_head(&requested_channels->queue); q != ngx_queue_sentinel(&requested_channels->queue); q = ngx_queue_next(q)) { requested_channel = ngx_queue_data(q, ngx_http_push_stream_requested_channel_t, queue); // could not have a large size if ((mcf->max_channel_id_length != NGX_CONF_UNSET_UINT) && (requested_channel->id->len > mcf->max_channel_id_length)) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_WARN, r->connection->log, 0, "push stream module: channel id is larger than allowed %d", requested_channel->id->len); return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_TOO_LARGE_CHANNEL_ID_MESSAGE); } if ((pos = ngx_strchr(requested_channel->id->data, '*')) != NULL) { ngx_str_t *aux = NULL; if (pos != (char *) requested_channel->id->data) { *pos = '\0'; requested_channel->id->len = ngx_strlen(requested_channel->id->data); aux = requested_channel->id; } return ngx_http_push_stream_send_response_all_channels_info_detailed(r, aux); } // if specify a channel id equals to ALL, get info about all channels in a detailed way if (ngx_memn2cmp(requested_channel->id->data,, requested_channel->id->len, NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_ALL_CHANNELS_INFO_ID.len) == 0) { return ngx_http_push_stream_send_response_all_channels_info_detailed(r, NULL); } requested_channel->channel = ngx_http_push_stream_find_channel(requested_channel->id, r->connection->log, mcf); } // if specify a channels ids != ALL, get info about specified channels if they exists return ngx_http_push_stream_send_response_channels_info_detailed(r, requested_channels); }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_vhost_traffic_status_display_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r) { size_t len; u_char *p; ngx_int_t rc; ngx_http_vhost_traffic_status_ctx_t *ctx; ctx = ngx_http_get_module_main_conf(r, ngx_http_vhost_traffic_status_module); if (!ctx->enable) { return NGX_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } if (r->method != NGX_HTTP_GET && r->method != NGX_HTTP_HEAD) { return NGX_HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED; } len = 0; p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(r->, '/'); if (p) { p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(p + 1, '/'); len = r->uri.len - (p - r->; } /* control processing handler */ if (p && len >= sizeof("/control") - 1) { p = r-> + r->uri.len - sizeof("/control") + 1; if (ngx_strncasecmp(p, (u_char *) "/control", sizeof("/control") - 1) == 0) { rc = ngx_http_vhost_traffic_status_display_handler_control(r); goto done; } } /* default processing handler */ rc = ngx_http_vhost_traffic_status_display_handler_default(r); done: return rc; }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_tfs_parse_session_id(ngx_str_t *session_id, uint64_t *app_id) { char *first_pos; const char separator_key = '-'; first_pos = ngx_strchr(session_id->data, separator_key); if (first_pos == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } return ngx_http_tfs_atoull(session_id->data, ((u_char *)first_pos - session_id->data), (unsigned long long *) app_id); }
static void ngx_rtmp_cmd_fill_args(u_char name[NGX_RTMP_MAX_NAME], u_char args[NGX_RTMP_MAX_ARGS]) { u_char *p; p = (u_char *)ngx_strchr(name, '?'); if (p == NULL) { return; } *p++ = 0; ngx_cpystrn(args, p, NGX_RTMP_MAX_ARGS); }
static off_t ngx_http_slice_get_start(ngx_http_request_t *r) { off_t start, cutoff, cutlim; u_char *p; ngx_table_elt_t *h; if (r->headers_in.if_range) { return 0; } h = r->headers_in.range; if (h == NULL || h->value.len < 7 || ngx_strncasecmp(h->, (u_char *) "bytes=", 6) != 0) { return 0; } p = h-> + 6; if (ngx_strchr(p, ',')) { return 0; } while (*p == ' ') { p++; } if (*p == '-') { return 0; } cutoff = NGX_MAX_OFF_T_VALUE / 10; cutlim = NGX_MAX_OFF_T_VALUE % 10; start = 0; while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') { if (start >= cutoff && (start > cutoff || *p - '0' > cutlim)) { return 0; } start = start * 10 + *p++ - '0'; } return start; }
/* This funcion returns pointer to a static buffer */ static void ngx_rtmp_record_make_path(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_rtmp_record_rec_ctx_t *rctx, ngx_str_t *path) { ngx_rtmp_record_ctx_t *ctx; ngx_rtmp_record_app_conf_t *rracf; u_char *p, *l; struct tm tm; static u_char buf[NGX_TIME_T_LEN + 1]; static u_char pbuf[NGX_MAX_PATH + 1]; ctx = ngx_rtmp_get_module_ctx(s, ngx_rtmp_record_module); rracf = rctx->conf; /* create file path */ p = pbuf; l = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf) - 1; p = ngx_cpymem(p, rracf->, ngx_min(rracf->path.len, (size_t)(l - p - 1))); *p++ = '/'; p = (u_char *)ngx_escape_uri(p, ctx->name, ngx_min(ngx_strlen(ctx->name), (size_t)(l - p)), NGX_ESCAPE_URI_COMPONENT); /* append timestamp */ if (rracf->unique) { p = ngx_cpymem(p, buf, ngx_min(ngx_sprintf(buf, "-%T", rctx->timestamp) - buf, l - p)); } if (ngx_strchr(rracf->, '%')) { ngx_libc_localtime(rctx->timestamp, &tm); p += strftime((char *) p, l - p, (char *) rracf->, &tm); } else { p = ngx_cpymem(p, rracf->, ngx_min(rracf->suffix.len, (size_t)(l - p))); } *p = 0; path->data = pbuf; path->len = p - pbuf; ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_RTMP, s->connection->log, 0, "record: %V path: '%V'", &rracf->id, path); }
static char * ngx_rtmp_exec_prepare_arg(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_str_t *arg) { ngx_rtmp_core_app_conf_t *cacf; ngx_rtmp_exec_ctx_t *ctx; u_char *p, *pp; ngx_str_t result; cacf = ngx_rtmp_get_module_app_conf(s, ngx_rtmp_core_module); ctx = ngx_rtmp_get_module_ctx(s, ngx_rtmp_exec_module); /* substitute $app/${app} & $name/${name} */ ngx_str_set(&result, ""); pp = arg->data; for ( ;; ) { p = (u_char *)ngx_strchr(pp, '$'); ngx_rtmp_exec_append(&result, pp, p ? p - pp : 0); if (p == NULL) { return (char *); } pp = p + 1; if (p != arg->data && p[-1] == '\\') { goto dollar; } if (!ngx_strncmp(p + 1, "app", sizeof("app") - 1) || !ngx_strncmp(p + 1, "{app}", sizeof("{app}") - 1)) { ngx_rtmp_exec_append(&result, cacf->, cacf->name.len); pp += (p[1] == '{' ? sizeof("{app}") - 1 : sizeof("app") - 1); continue; } if (!ngx_strncmp(p + 1, "name", sizeof("name") - 1) || !ngx_strncmp(p + 1, "{name}", sizeof("{name}") - 1)) { ngx_rtmp_exec_append(&result, ctx->name, 0); pp += (p[1] == '{' ? sizeof("{name}") - 1 : sizeof("name") - 1); continue; } dollar: ngx_rtmp_exec_append(&result, (u_char *)"$", 1); } }
void ngx_debug_init() { #if (NGX_DEBUG_MALLOC) #if __FreeBSD_version >= 500014 _malloc_options = "J"; #else malloc_options = "J"; #endif ngx_debug_malloc = 1; #else char *mo; mo = getenv("MALLOC_OPTIONS"); if (mo && ngx_strchr(mo, 'J')) { ngx_debug_malloc = 1; } #endif }
static char * ngx_http_limit_req2_zone(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { u_char *p; size_t len; ssize_t size; ngx_str_t *value, name, s; ngx_int_t rate, scale; ngx_uint_t i; ngx_array_t *variables; ngx_shm_zone_t *shm_zone; ngx_http_limit_req2_ctx_t *ctx; ngx_http_limit_req2_variable_t *v; value = cf->args->elts; ctx = NULL; v = NULL; size = 0; rate = 1; scale = 1; name.len = 0; variables = ngx_array_create(cf->pool, 5, sizeof(ngx_http_limit_req2_variable_t)); if (variables == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } for (i = 1; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "zone=", 5) == 0) { = value[i].data + 5; p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(, ':'); if (p == NULL) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } name.len = p -; = p + 1; s.len = value[i].data + value[i].len -; size = ngx_parse_size(&s); if (size == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (size < (ssize_t) (8 * ngx_pagesize)) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "zone \"%V\" is too small", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "rate=", 5) == 0) { len = value[i].len; p = value[i].data + len - 3; if (ngx_strncmp(p, "r/s", 3) == 0) { scale = 1; len -= 3; } else if (ngx_strncmp(p, "r/m", 3) == 0) { scale = 60; len -= 3; } rate = ngx_atoi(value[i].data + 5, len - 5); if (rate <= NGX_ERROR) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid rate \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } if (value[i].data[0] == '$') { value[i].len--; value[i].data++; v = ngx_array_push(variables); if (v == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } v->index = ngx_http_get_variable_index(cf, &value[i]); if (v->index == NGX_ERROR) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } v->var = value[i]; continue; } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid parameter \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (name.len == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "\"%V\" must have \"zone\" parameter", &cmd->name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (variables->nelts == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "no variable is defined for %V \"%V\"", &cmd->name, &name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } ctx = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_limit_req2_ctx_t)); if (ctx == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } ctx->rate = rate * 1000 / scale; ctx->limit_vars = variables; shm_zone = ngx_shared_memory_add(cf, &name, size, &ngx_http_limit_req2_module); if (shm_zone == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (shm_zone->data) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "limit_req2_zone \"%V\" is already bound to variable \"%V\"", &value[1], &v->var); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } shm_zone->init = ngx_http_limit_req2_init_zone; shm_zone->data = ctx; return NGX_CONF_OK; }
static char * ngx_http_ip_behavior_zone(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { u_char *p; size_t len; ssize_t size; ngx_str_t *value, name, s; ngx_shm_zone_t *shm_zone; ngx_http_ip_behavior_ctx_t *ctx; ngx_uint_t i; ngx_int_t sample_base; ngx_int_t sample_cycle; ngx_int_t unit; value = cf->args->elts; ctx = NULL; size = 0; name.len = 0; sample_base = 50; sample_cycle = 5; unit = 1; for (i = 1; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "zone=", 5) == 0) { = value[i].data + 5; p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(, ':'); if (p == NULL) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[1]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } name.len = p -; = p + 1; s.len = value[i].data + value[i].len -; size = ngx_parse_size(&s); if (size == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[1]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (size < (ssize_t) (8 * ngx_pagesize)) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "zone \"%V\" is too small", &value[1]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "sample_base=", 12) == 0) { sample_base = ngx_atoi(value[i].data + 12, value[i].len - 12); if (sample_base <= 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid sample_base \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "sample_cycle=", 13) == 0) { len = value[i].len; p = value[i].data + len - 1; if (ngx_strncmp(p, "s", 1) == 0) { unit = 1; len--; } else if (ngx_strncmp(p, "m", 1) == 0) { unit = 60; len--; } else { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid sample_cycle unit \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } sample_cycle = ngx_atoi(value[i].data + 13, len - 13); if (sample_cycle <= 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid sample_cycle \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } sample_cycle = sample_cycle * 1000 * unit; continue; } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid parameter \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (name.len == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "\"%V\" must have \"zone\" parameter", &cmd->name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } ctx = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_ip_behavior_ctx_t)); if (ctx == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } shm_zone = ngx_shared_memory_add(cf, &name, size, &ngx_http_ip_behavior_module); if (shm_zone == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (shm_zone->data) { ctx = shm_zone->data; ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "%V \"%V\" is duplicated", &cmd->name, &name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } shm_zone->init = ngx_http_ip_behavior_init_zone; shm_zone->data = ctx; ctx->sample_base = sample_base; ctx->sample_cycle = sample_cycle; return NGX_CONF_OK; }
static int htoi(char* h) { char ok[] = "0123456789AaBbCcDdEeFf"; if (ngx_strchr(ok, h[0]) == NULL || ngx_strchr(ok,h[1]) == NULL) { return -1; } return h_digit(h[0])*16 + h_digit(h[1]); }
static char * ngx_http_valid_referers(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { ngx_http_referer_conf_t *rlcf = conf; u_char *p; ngx_str_t *value, uri, name; ngx_uint_t i, n; ngx_http_variable_t *var; ngx_http_server_name_t *sn; ngx_http_core_srv_conf_t *cscf; ngx_str_set(&name, "invalid_referer"); var = ngx_http_add_variable(cf, &name, NGX_HTTP_VAR_CHANGEABLE|NGX_HTTP_VAR_NOHASH); if (var == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } var->get_handler = ngx_http_referer_variable; if (rlcf->keys == NULL) { rlcf->keys = ngx_pcalloc(cf->temp_pool, sizeof(ngx_hash_keys_arrays_t)); if (rlcf->keys == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } rlcf->keys->pool = cf->pool; rlcf->keys->temp_pool = cf->pool; if (ngx_hash_keys_array_init(rlcf->keys, NGX_HASH_SMALL) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } } value = cf->args->elts; for (i = 1; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (value[i].len == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid referer \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (ngx_strcmp(value[i].data, "none") == 0) { rlcf->no_referer = 1; continue; } if (ngx_strcmp(value[i].data, "blocked") == 0) { rlcf->blocked_referer = 1; continue; } ngx_str_null(&uri); if (ngx_strcmp(value[i].data, "server_names") == 0) { cscf = ngx_http_conf_get_module_srv_conf(cf, ngx_http_core_module); sn = cscf->server_names.elts; for (n = 0; n < cscf->server_names.nelts; n++) { #if (NGX_PCRE) if (sn[n].regex) { if (ngx_http_add_regex_referer(cf, rlcf, &sn[n].name, sn[n].regex->regex) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } #endif if (ngx_http_add_referer(cf, rlcf->keys, &sn[n].name, &uri) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } } continue; } if (value[i].data[0] == '~') { if (ngx_http_add_regex_referer(cf, rlcf, &value[i], NULL) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(value[i].data, '/'); if (p) { uri.len = (value[i].data + value[i].len) - p; = p; value[i].len = p - value[i].data; } if (ngx_http_add_referer(cf, rlcf->keys, &value[i], &uri) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } } return NGX_CONF_OK; }
static char * ngx_tcp_socketfd_shm_set_slot(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { ngx_tcp_core_main_conf_t *cmcf = conf; socketfd_shm_t *socketfd_shm; ngx_str_t s, name, *value; u_char *p; ssize_t size; ngx_uint_t i; socketfd_shm = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(socketfd_shm_t)); if (cmcf->socketfd_shm == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } socketfd_shm->path = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_path_t)); if (socketfd_shm->path == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } socketfd_shm->max_socketfd_value = &cmcf->max_socketfd_value; value = cf->args->elts; socketfd_shm->path->name = value[1]; if (socketfd_shm->path->[socketfd_shm->path->name.len - 1] == '/') { socketfd_shm->path->name.len--; } if (ngx_conf_full_name(cf->cycle, &socketfd_shm->path->name, 0) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } size = 0; for (i = 2; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "keys_zone=", 10) == 0) { = value[i].data + 10; p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(, ':'); if (p) { name.len = p -; p++; s.len = value[i].data + value[i].len - p; = p; size = ngx_parse_size(&s); if (size > 8191) { continue; } } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid keys zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } } if (name.len == 0 || size == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "\"%V\" must have \"keys_zone\" parameter", &cmd->name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } socketfd_shm->path->manager = NULL; socketfd_shm->path->loader = NULL; socketfd_shm->path->data = socketfd_shm; socketfd_shm->path->conf_file = cf->conf_file->; socketfd_shm->path->line = cf->conf_file->line; if (ngx_add_path(cf, &socketfd_shm->path) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } socketfd_shm->shm_zone = ngx_shared_memory_add(cf, &name, size, cmd->post); if (socketfd_shm->shm_zone == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (socketfd_shm->shm_zone->data) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "duplicate zone \"%V\"", &name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } socketfd_shm->shm_zone->init = ngx_tcp_socketfd_shm_init; socketfd_shm->shm_zone->data = socketfd_shm; cmcf->socketfd_shm = socketfd_shm; return NGX_CONF_OK; }
static char * ngx_http_limit_req_zone(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { u_char *p; size_t len; ssize_t size; ngx_str_t *value, name, s; ngx_int_t rate, scale; ngx_uint_t i; ngx_shm_zone_t *shm_zone; ngx_http_limit_req_ctx_t *ctx; ngx_http_compile_complex_value_t ccv; #if (T_LIMIT_REQ_RATE_VAR) ngx_http_limit_req_variable_t rate_var; #endif value = cf->args->elts; ctx = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_limit_req_ctx_t)); if (ctx == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } #if (T_LIMIT_REQ) { u_char *p; size_t len; ngx_str_t v1; len = 0; for (i = 1; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (i == 1 || value[i].data[0] == '$') { len += value[i].len; } break; } p = ngx_palloc(cf->pool, len); if (p == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } v1.len = len; = p; for (i = 1; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (i == 1 || value[i].data[0] == '$') { p = ngx_cpymem(p, value[i].data, value[i].len); } break; } ngx_memzero(&ccv, sizeof(ngx_http_compile_complex_value_t)); = cf; ccv.value = &v1; ccv.complex_value = &ctx->key; if (ngx_http_compile_complex_value(&ccv) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } } #else ngx_memzero(&ccv, sizeof(ngx_http_compile_complex_value_t)); = cf; ccv.value = &value[1]; ccv.complex_value = &ctx->key; if (ngx_http_compile_complex_value(&ccv) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } #endif size = 0; rate = 1; scale = 1; name.len = 0; #if (T_LIMIT_REQ_RATE_VAR) memset(&rate_var, 0x0, sizeof(rate_var)); #endif for (i = 2; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "zone=", 5) == 0) { = value[i].data + 5; p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(, ':'); if (p == NULL) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } name.len = p -; = p + 1; s.len = value[i].data + value[i].len -; size = ngx_parse_size(&s); if (size == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (size < (ssize_t) (8 * ngx_pagesize)) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "zone \"%V\" is too small", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "rate=", 5) == 0) { #if (T_LIMIT_REQ_RATE_VAR) if (value[i].data[5] == '$') { value[i].data += 6; value[i].len -= 6; rate_var.index = ngx_http_get_variable_index(cf, &value[i]); if (rate_var.index == NGX_ERROR) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } rate_var.var = value[i]; continue; } #endif len = value[i].len; p = value[i].data + len - 3; if (ngx_strncmp(p, "r/s", 3) == 0) { scale = 1; len -= 3; } else if (ngx_strncmp(p, "r/m", 3) == 0) { scale = 60; len -= 3; } rate = ngx_atoi(value[i].data + 5, len - 5); if (rate <= 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid rate \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } #if (T_LIMIT_REQ) if (value[i].data[0] == '$') { continue; } #endif ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid parameter \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (name.len == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "\"%V\" must have \"zone\" parameter", &cmd->name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } ctx->rate = rate * 1000 / scale; #if (T_LIMIT_REQ_RATE_VAR) ctx->rate_var = rate_var; #endif shm_zone = ngx_shared_memory_add(cf, &name, size, &ngx_http_limit_req_module); if (shm_zone == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (shm_zone->data) { ctx = shm_zone->data; ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "%V \"%V\" is already bound to key \"%V\"", &cmd->name, &name, &ctx->key.value); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } shm_zone->init = ngx_http_limit_req_init_zone; shm_zone->data = ctx; return NGX_CONF_OK; }
static char * ngx_http_session_zone(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { u_char *p; size_t size; ngx_str_t *value, name, s; ngx_uint_t i; ngx_shm_zone_t *shm_zone; ngx_http_session_store_ctx_t *ctx; value = cf->args->elts; ctx = NULL; size = 0; name.len = 0; for (i = 1; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "zone=", 5) == 0) { = value[i].data + 5; p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; name.len = p -; p++; s.len = value[i].data + value[i].len - p; = p; size = ngx_parse_size(&s); if (size > 8191) { continue; } } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (value[i].data[0] == '$') { value[i].len--; value[i].data++; ctx = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_session_store_ctx_t)); if (ctx == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } ctx->index = ngx_http_get_variable_index(cf, &value[i]); if (ctx->index == NGX_ERROR) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } ctx->var = value[i]; continue; } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid parameter \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (name.len == 0 || size == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "\"%V\" must have \"zone\" parameter", &cmd->name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (ctx == NULL) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "no variable is defined for session_zone \"%V\"", &cmd->name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } shm_zone = ngx_shared_memory_add(cf, &name, size, &ngx_http_session_store_module); if (shm_zone == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } shm_zone->init = ngx_http_session_store_init_zone; shm_zone->data = ctx; return NGX_CONF_OK; }
static char * ngx_stream_limit_conn_zone(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { u_char *p; ssize_t size; ngx_str_t *value, name, s; ngx_uint_t i; ngx_shm_zone_t *shm_zone; ngx_stream_limit_conn_ctx_t *ctx; value = cf->args->elts; ctx = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_stream_limit_conn_ctx_t)); if (ctx == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } size = 0; name.len = 0; for (i = 2; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "zone=", 5) == 0) { = value[i].data + 5; p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(, ':'); if (p == NULL) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } name.len = p -; = p + 1; s.len = value[i].data + value[i].len -; size = ngx_parse_size(&s); if (size == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (size < (ssize_t) (8 * ngx_pagesize)) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "zone \"%V\" is too small", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid parameter \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (name.len == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "\"%V\" must have \"zone\" parameter", &cmd->name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } shm_zone = ngx_shared_memory_add(cf, &name, size, &ngx_stream_limit_conn_module); if (shm_zone == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (shm_zone->data) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "%V \"%V\" is already bound to key " "\"$binary_remote_addr\"", &cmd->name, &name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (ngx_strcmp(value[1].data, "$binary_remote_addr") != 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "unsupported key \"%V\", use " "$binary_remote_addr", &value[1]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } shm_zone->init = ngx_stream_limit_conn_init_zone; shm_zone->data = ctx; return NGX_CONF_OK; }
static char * ngx_http_limit_conn_zone(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "[%s:%s:%d]", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__); u_char *p; ssize_t size; ngx_str_t *value, name, s; ngx_uint_t i; ngx_shm_zone_t *shm_zone; ngx_http_limit_conn_ctx_t *ctx; value = cf->args->elts; ctx = NULL; size = 0; name.len = 0; for (i = 1; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "zone=", 5) == 0) { = value[i].data + 5; p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(, ':'); if (p == NULL) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } name.len = p -; = p + 1; s.len = value[i].data + value[i].len -; size = ngx_parse_size(&s); if (size == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (size < (ssize_t) (8 * ngx_pagesize)) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "zone \"%V\" is too small", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } if (value[i].data[0] == '$') { value[i].len--; value[i].data++; ctx = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_limit_conn_ctx_t)); if (ctx == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } ctx->index = ngx_http_get_variable_index(cf, &value[i]); if (ctx->index == NGX_ERROR) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } ctx->var = value[i]; continue; } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid parameter \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (name.len == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "\"%V\" must have \"zone\" parameter", &cmd->name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (ctx == NULL) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "no variable is defined for %V \"%V\"", &cmd->name, &name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } shm_zone = ngx_shared_memory_add(cf, &name, size, &ngx_http_limit_conn_module); if (shm_zone == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (shm_zone->data) { ctx = shm_zone->data; ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "%V \"%V\" is already bound to variable \"%V\"", &cmd->name, &name, &ctx->var); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } shm_zone->init = ngx_http_limit_conn_init_zone; shm_zone->data = ctx; return NGX_CONF_OK; }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_push_stream_publisher_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r) { ngx_http_push_stream_main_conf_t *mcf = ngx_http_get_module_main_conf(r, ngx_http_push_stream_module); ngx_http_push_stream_loc_conf_t *cf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_push_stream_module); ngx_http_push_stream_module_ctx_t *ctx; ngx_http_push_stream_requested_channel_t *requested_channels, *requested_channel; ngx_str_t vv_allowed_origins = ngx_null_string; ngx_queue_t *q; ngx_http_push_stream_set_expires(r, NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_EXPIRES_EPOCH, 0); if (cf->allowed_origins != NULL) { ngx_http_push_stream_complex_value(r, cf->allowed_origins, &vv_allowed_origins); } if (vv_allowed_origins.len > 0) { ngx_http_push_stream_add_response_header(r, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, &vv_allowed_origins); const ngx_str_t *header_value = (cf->location_type == NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_PUBLISHER_MODE_ADMIN) ? &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_ALLOW_GET_POST_PUT_DELETE_METHODS : &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_ALLOW_GET_POST_PUT_METHODS; ngx_http_push_stream_add_response_header(r, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, header_value); ngx_http_push_stream_add_response_header(r, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_ALLOWED_HEADERS); } if (r->method & NGX_HTTP_OPTIONS) { return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_OK, NULL); } // only accept GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods if enable publisher administration if ((cf->location_type == NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_PUBLISHER_MODE_ADMIN) && !(r->method & (NGX_HTTP_GET|NGX_HTTP_POST|NGX_HTTP_PUT|NGX_HTTP_DELETE))) { ngx_http_push_stream_add_response_header(r, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_HEADER_ALLOW, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_ALLOW_GET_POST_PUT_DELETE_METHODS); return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED, NULL); } // only accept GET, POST and PUT methods if NOT enable publisher administration if ((cf->location_type != NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_PUBLISHER_MODE_ADMIN) && !(r->method & (NGX_HTTP_GET|NGX_HTTP_POST|NGX_HTTP_PUT))) { ngx_http_push_stream_add_response_header(r, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_HEADER_ALLOW, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_ALLOW_GET_POST_PUT_METHODS); return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED, NULL); } if ((ctx = ngx_http_push_stream_add_request_context(r)) == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "push stream module: unable to create request context"); return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, NULL); } //get channels ids requested_channels = ngx_http_push_stream_parse_channels_ids_from_path(r, r->pool); if ((requested_channels == NULL) || ngx_queue_empty(&requested_channels->queue)) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_WARN, r->connection->log, 0, "push stream module: the push_stream_channels_path is required but is not set"); return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_NO_CHANNEL_ID_MESSAGE); } for (q = ngx_queue_head(&requested_channels->queue); q != ngx_queue_sentinel(&requested_channels->queue); q = ngx_queue_next(q)) { requested_channel = ngx_queue_data(q, ngx_http_push_stream_requested_channel_t, queue); // check if channel id isn't equals to ALL or contain wildcard if ((ngx_memn2cmp(requested_channel->id->data,, requested_channel->id->len, NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_ALL_CHANNELS_INFO_ID.len) == 0) || (ngx_strchr(requested_channel->id->data, '*') != NULL)) { return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_CHANNEL_ID_NOT_AUTHORIZED_MESSAGE); } // could not have a large size if ((mcf->max_channel_id_length != NGX_CONF_UNSET_UINT) && (requested_channel->id->len > mcf->max_channel_id_length)) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_WARN, r->connection->log, 0, "push stream module: channel id is larger than allowed %d", requested_channel->id->len); return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_TOO_LARGE_CHANNEL_ID_MESSAGE); } if (r->method & (NGX_HTTP_POST|NGX_HTTP_PUT)) { // create the channel if doesn't exist requested_channel->channel = ngx_http_push_stream_get_channel(requested_channel->id, r->connection->log, mcf); if (requested_channel->channel == NULL) { return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, NULL); } if (requested_channel->channel == NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_EXCEEDED) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "push stream module: number of channels were exceeded"); return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_EXCEEDED_MESSAGE); } } else { requested_channel->channel = ngx_http_push_stream_find_channel(requested_channel->id, r->connection->log, mcf); } if ((r->method != NGX_HTTP_GET) && (requested_channel->channel != NULL) && requested_channel->channel->for_events) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "push stream module: only internal routines can change events channel"); return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_INTERNAL_ONLY_EVENTS_CHANNEL_MESSAGE); } } ctx->requested_channels = requested_channels; if (r->method & (NGX_HTTP_POST|NGX_HTTP_PUT)) { return ngx_http_push_stream_publisher_handle_after_read_body(r, ngx_http_push_stream_publisher_body_handler); } if ((cf->location_type == NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_PUBLISHER_MODE_ADMIN) && (r->method == NGX_HTTP_DELETE)) { return ngx_http_push_stream_publisher_handle_after_read_body(r, ngx_http_push_stream_publisher_delete_handler); } return ngx_http_push_stream_send_response_channels_info_detailed(r, requested_channels); }
static ngx_int_t ngx_apikey_access_filter_handler( ngx_http_request_t *r ) { ngx_apikey_access_filter_loc_conf_t *lcf = NULL; ngx_int_t rc; u_char *last = NULL; ngx_str_t auth_header_key = ngx_string("X-AuthAPI"); ngx_str_t auth_header_value = ngx_null_string; ngx_str_t client_id = ngx_null_string; ngx_str_t issued_time = ngx_null_string; ngx_str_t client_digest = ngx_null_string; /* If the module isn't enabled..let's the request go! */ lcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_apikey_access_filter_module); if ( !lcf->enable ) { return NGX_OK; } // ngx_log_debug( NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "uri = %V", &r->uri ); /* Let's look for the request token in the cookies */ rc = ngx_http_parse_multi_header_lines(&r->headers_in.cookies, &auth_header_key, &auth_header_value); if ( rc != NGX_DECLINED ) { ngx_log_debug( NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "found auth token in cookie with value ( %s )", ); } else { /* Nothing in the cookies ? let's search the request headers */ ngx_table_elt_t *token_header = ngx_apikey_find_request_header( r,, auth_header_key.len ); if ( token_header ) { u_char *last = NULL; auth_header_value.len = ngx_strlen( token_header-> ); = ngx_pcalloc( r->pool, auth_header_value.len + 1 ); last = ngx_copy(, token_header->, auth_header_value.len ); *last = (u_char)'\0'; //ngx_str_set( &auth_token_value, token_header-> ); ngx_log_debug( NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "found auth token in header with value ( %s ) - (%d)",, auth_header_value.len ); } } /* Nothing found? Access Denied! */ if ( == NULL ) { ngx_log_debug( NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "auth token not found neither in request header or cookie" ); return NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN; } /* Let's parse plain token */ last = (u_char *)ngx_strchr(, '|' ); if ( last == NULL ) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "(%s) while parsing auth token", __func__ ); return NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN; } /* Token parsing: client_id */ client_id.len = (last -; = ngx_pcalloc( r->pool, client_id.len + 1 ); if ( == NULL ) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "(%s) failed allocating memory", __func__ ); return NGX_ERROR; } last = (u_char *)ngx_copy(,, client_id.len ); *last = (u_char)'\0'; ngx_log_debug( NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "client id: %s - (%d)",, client_id.len ); /* Token parsing: client_issued_time */ last = (u_char *)ngx_strchr( + (client_id.len + 1), (u_char)'|' ); if ( last == NULL ) { ngx_pfree( r->pool, ); ngx_pfree( r->pool, ); ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "(%s) while parsing auth token", __func__ ); return NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN; } issued_time.len = ( last - - (client_id.len + 1) ); = ngx_pcalloc( r->pool, issued_time.len + 1 ); if ( == NULL ) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "(%s) failed allocating memory", __func__ ); return NGX_ERROR; } last = ngx_copy(, + client_id.len + 1, issued_time.len ); *last = (u_char)'\0'; ngx_log_debug( NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "request time: %V", &issued_time ); /* Token parsing: digest */ client_digest.len = (auth_header_value.len - (client_id.len + 1) - (issued_time.len + 1) ); if ( client_digest.len <= 1 ) { ngx_pfree( r->pool, ); ngx_pfree( r->pool, ); ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "(%s) while parsing auth token", __func__ ); return NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN; } = ngx_pcalloc( r->pool, client_digest.len + 1 ); if ( == NULL ) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "(%s) failed allocating memory", __func__ ); return NGX_ERROR; } last = ngx_copy(, + (client_id.len + 1) + (issued_time.len + 1), client_digest.len ); *last = (u_char)'\0'; ngx_log_debug( NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "client digest: %V", &client_digest ); /* Verify the token digest */ rc = ngx_apikey_verify( r, &client_id, &issued_time, &client_digest ); return (rc != NGX_OK) ? NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN : NGX_OK; }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_push_stream_validate_channels(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_push_stream_requested_channel_t *channels_ids, ngx_int_t *status_code, ngx_str_t **explain_error_message) { ngx_http_push_stream_main_conf_t *mcf = ngx_http_push_stream_module_main_conf; ngx_http_push_stream_loc_conf_t *cf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_push_stream_module); ngx_http_push_stream_requested_channel_t *cur = channels_ids; ngx_uint_t subscribed_channels_qtd = 0; ngx_uint_t subscribed_broadcast_channels_qtd = 0; ngx_flag_t is_broadcast_channel; ngx_http_push_stream_channel_t *channel; while ((cur = (ngx_http_push_stream_requested_channel_t *) ngx_queue_next(&cur->queue)) != channels_ids) { // could not be ALL channel or contain wildcard if ((ngx_memn2cmp(cur->id->data,, cur->id->len, NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_ALL_CHANNELS_INFO_ID.len) == 0) || (ngx_strchr(cur->id->data, '*') != NULL)) { *status_code = NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN; *explain_error_message = (ngx_str_t *) &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_NO_CHANNEL_ID_NOT_AUTHORIZED_MESSAGE; return NGX_ERROR; } // could not have a large size if ((mcf->max_channel_id_length != NGX_CONF_UNSET_UINT) && (cur->id->len > mcf->max_channel_id_length)) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_WARN, r->connection->log, 0, "push stream module: channel id is larger than allowed %d", cur->id->len); *status_code = NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; *explain_error_message = (ngx_str_t *) &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_TOO_LARGE_CHANNEL_ID_MESSAGE; return NGX_ERROR; } // count subscribed channel and broadcasts subscribed_channels_qtd++; is_broadcast_channel = 0; if ((mcf->broadcast_channel_prefix.len > 0) && (ngx_strncmp(cur->id->data, mcf->, mcf->broadcast_channel_prefix.len) == 0)) { is_broadcast_channel = 1; subscribed_broadcast_channels_qtd++; } // check if channel exists when authorized_channels_only is on if (cf->authorized_channels_only && !is_broadcast_channel && (((channel = ngx_http_push_stream_find_channel(cur->id, r->connection->log)) == NULL) || (channel->stored_messages == 0))) { *status_code = NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN; *explain_error_message = (ngx_str_t *) &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_CANNOT_CREATE_CHANNELS; return NGX_ERROR; } // check if channel is full of subscribers if ((mcf->max_subscribers_per_channel != NGX_CONF_UNSET_UINT) && (((channel = ngx_http_push_stream_find_channel(cur->id, r->connection->log)) != NULL) && (channel->subscribers >= mcf->max_subscribers_per_channel))) { *status_code = NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN; *explain_error_message = (ngx_str_t *) &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_TOO_SUBSCRIBERS_PER_CHANNEL; return NGX_ERROR; } } // check if number of subscribed broadcast channels is acceptable if ((cf->broadcast_channel_max_qtd != NGX_CONF_UNSET_UINT) && (subscribed_broadcast_channels_qtd > 0) && ((subscribed_broadcast_channels_qtd > cf->broadcast_channel_max_qtd) || (subscribed_broadcast_channels_qtd == subscribed_channels_qtd))) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "push stream module: max subscribed broadcast channels exceeded"); *status_code = NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN; *explain_error_message = (ngx_str_t *) &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_TOO_MUCH_BROADCAST_CHANNELS; return NGX_ERROR; } // create the channels in advance, if doesn't exist, to ensure max number of channels in the server cur = channels_ids; while ((cur = (ngx_http_push_stream_requested_channel_t *) ngx_queue_next(&cur->queue)) != channels_ids) { channel = ngx_http_push_stream_get_channel(cur->id, r->connection->log, cf); if (channel == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, (r)->connection->log, 0, "push stream module: unable to allocate memory for new channel"); *status_code = NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; *explain_error_message = NULL; return NGX_ERROR; } if (channel == NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_EXCEEDED) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, (r)->connection->log, 0, "push stream module: number of channels were exceeded"); *status_code = NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN; *explain_error_message = (ngx_str_t *) &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_EXCEEDED_MESSAGE; return NGX_ERROR; } } return NGX_OK; }
static char * ngx_http_limit_req_zone(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { u_char *p; size_t len; ssize_t size; ngx_str_t *value, name, s; ngx_int_t rate, scale; ngx_uint_t i; ngx_shm_zone_t *shm_zone; ngx_http_limit_req_ctx_t *ctx; ngx_http_compile_complex_value_t ccv; value = cf->args->elts; ctx = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_limit_req_ctx_t)); if (ctx == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } ngx_memzero(&ccv, sizeof(ngx_http_compile_complex_value_t)); = cf; ccv.value = &value[1]; ccv.complex_value = &ctx->key; if (ngx_http_compile_complex_value(&ccv) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } size = 0; rate = 1; scale = 1; name.len = 0; for (i = 2; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "zone=", 5) == 0) { = value[i].data + 5; p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(, ':'); if (p == NULL) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } name.len = p -; = p + 1; s.len = value[i].data + value[i].len -; size = ngx_parse_size(&s); if (size == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (size < (ssize_t) (8 * ngx_pagesize)) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "zone \"%V\" is too small", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "rate=", 5) == 0) { len = value[i].len; p = value[i].data + len - 3; if (ngx_strncmp(p, "r/s", 3) == 0) { scale = 1; len -= 3; } else if (ngx_strncmp(p, "r/m", 3) == 0) { scale = 60; len -= 3; } rate = ngx_atoi(value[i].data + 5, len - 5); if (rate <= 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid rate \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid parameter \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (name.len == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "\"%V\" must have \"zone\" parameter", &cmd->name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } ctx->rate = rate * 1000 / scale; shm_zone = ngx_shared_memory_add(cf, &name, size, &ngx_http_limit_req_module); if (shm_zone == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (shm_zone->data) { ctx = shm_zone->data; ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "%V \"%V\" is already bound to key \"%V\"", &cmd->name, &name, &ctx->key.value); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } shm_zone->init = ngx_http_limit_req_init_zone; shm_zone->data = ctx; return NGX_CONF_OK; }
ngx_int_t convert_image(ngx_http_request_t *r, convert_options_t *option_info, Image **image) { ngx_uint_t i; ngx_http_gm_convert_option_t *options; ngx_http_gm_convert_option_t *option; RectangleInfo geometry; RectangleInfo geometry_info; ExceptionInfo exception; Image *resize_image = NULL; u_char *resize_geometry = NULL; u_char *need_crop_resize = NULL; Image *rotate_image = NULL; u_char *rotate_degrees = NULL; ngx_int_t degrees; ngx_int_t degrees_suffix_len = 0; dd("entering"); options = option_info->options->elts; for (i = 0; i < option_info->options->nelts; ++i) { option = &options[i]; if (option->type == NGX_HTTP_GM_RESIZE_OPTION) { dd("starting resize"); resize_geometry = ngx_http_gm_get_str_value(r, option->resize_geometry_cv, &option->resize_geometry); need_crop_resize = (u_char *)ngx_strchr(resize_geometry, 'c'); if (need_crop_resize != NULL) { *need_crop_resize = '^'; } if (resize_geometry == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "gm filter: resize image, get resize geometry failed"); return NGX_ERROR; } if (ngx_strncmp(resize_geometry, "no", 2) == 0) { continue; } (void) GetImageGeometry(*image, (char *)resize_geometry, 1, &geometry); if ((geometry.width == (*image)->columns) && (geometry.height == (*image)->rows)) continue; ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "resize image geometry: \"%s\"", resize_geometry); GetExceptionInfo(&exception); resize_image = ResizeImage(*image, geometry.width, geometry.height, (*image)->filter,(*image)->blur, &exception); if (resize_image == (Image *) NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "gm filter: resize image failed, " "arg: \"%s\" severity: \"%O\" " "reason: \"%s\", description: \"%s\"", resize_geometry, exception.severity, exception.reason, exception.description); DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); return NGX_ERROR; } DestroyImage(*image); *image = resize_image; DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); if (need_crop_resize != NULL) { GetGeometry((char *)resize_geometry, &geometry_info.x, &geometry_info.y, (unsigned long *)(&geometry_info.width), (unsigned long *)(&geometry_info.height)); if (geometry_info.width > (*image)->columns || geometry_info.height > (*image)->rows) { continue; } geometry_info.x = ((*image)->columns - geometry_info.width) / 2; geometry_info.y = ((*image)->rows - geometry_info.height) / 2; GetExceptionInfo(&exception); resize_image = CropImage(*image, &geometry_info, &exception); if (resize_image == (Image *) NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "gm filter: resize croping image failed, " "arg: \"%s\" severity: \"%O\" " "reason: \"%s\", description: \"%s\"", resize_geometry, exception.severity, exception.reason, exception.description); DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); return NGX_ERROR; } DestroyImage(*image); *image = resize_image; DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); } } else if (option->type == NGX_HTTP_GM_ROTATE_OPTION) { dd("starting rotate"); rotate_degrees = ngx_http_gm_get_str_value(r, option->rotate_degrees_cv, &option->rotate_degrees); if (rotate_degrees == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "gm filter: rotate image, get rotate degrees failed"); return NGX_ERROR; } if (ngx_strchr(rotate_degrees,'>') != (char *) NULL) { if ((*image)->columns <= (*image)->rows) continue; degrees_suffix_len = 1; } if (ngx_strchr(rotate_degrees,'<') != (char *) NULL) { if ((*image)->columns >= (*image)->rows) continue; degrees_suffix_len = 1; } degrees = 0; degrees = ngx_atoi(rotate_degrees, ngx_strlen(rotate_degrees) - degrees_suffix_len); if (degrees == 0) { continue; } ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "rotate image degrees: \"%O\"", degrees); GetExceptionInfo(&exception); rotate_image=RotateImage(*image, degrees, &exception); if (rotate_image == (Image *) NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "gm filter: rotate image failed, " "degrees: \"%s\" severity: \"%O\" " "reason: \"%s\", description: \"%s\"", option->rotate_degrees, exception.severity, exception.reason, exception.description); DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); return NGX_ERROR; } DestroyImage(*image); *image = rotate_image; DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception); } else { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "gm filter: convert command, unkonwn option"); return NGX_ERROR; } } return NGX_OK; }
static char * ngx_http_naxsi_cr_loc_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { ngx_http_dummy_loc_conf_t *alcf = conf, **bar; ngx_http_dummy_main_conf_t *main_cf; ngx_str_t *value; ngx_http_check_rule_t *rule_c; unsigned int i; u_char *var_end; if (!alcf || !cf) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); value = cf->args->elts; main_cf = ngx_http_conf_get_module_main_conf(cf, ngx_http_naxsi_module); if (!alcf->pushed) { bar = ngx_array_push(main_cf->locations); if (!bar) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); /* LCOV_EXCL_LINE */ *bar = alcf; alcf->pushed = 1; } if (ngx_strcmp(value[0].data, TOP_CHECK_RULE_T) && ngx_strcmp(value[0].data, TOP_CHECK_RULE_N)) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); /* #ifdef _debug_readconf */ /* ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, */ /* "pushing rule %d in check rules", rule.rule_id); */ /* #endif */ i = 0; if (!alcf->check_rules) alcf->check_rules = ngx_array_create(cf->pool, 2, sizeof(ngx_http_check_rule_t)); if (!alcf->check_rules) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); /* LCOV_EXCL_LINE */ rule_c = ngx_array_push(alcf->check_rules); if (!rule_c) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); /* LCOV_EXCL_LINE */ memset(rule_c, 0, sizeof(ngx_http_check_rule_t)); /* process the first word : score rule */ if (value[1].data[i] == '$') { var_end = (u_char *) ngx_strchr((value[1].data)+i, ' '); if (!var_end) { /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ ngx_http_dummy_line_conf_error(cf, value); return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */ } rule_c->sc_tag.len = var_end - value[1].data; rule_c-> = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, rule_c->sc_tag.len + 1); if (!rule_c-> return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); /* LCOV_EXCL_LINE */ memcpy(rule_c->, value[1].data, rule_c->sc_tag.len); i += rule_c->sc_tag.len + 1; } else { /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ ngx_http_dummy_line_conf_error(cf, value); return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */ } // move to next word while (value[1].data[i] && value[1].data[i] == ' ') i++; // get the comparison type if (value[1].data[i] == '>' && value[1].data[i+1] == '=') rule_c->cmp = SUP_OR_EQUAL; else if (value[1].data[i] == '>' && value[1].data[i+1] != '=') rule_c->cmp = SUP; else if (value[1].data[i] == '<' && value[1].data[i+1] == '=') rule_c->cmp = INF_OR_EQUAL; else if (value[1].data[i] == '<' && value[1].data[i+1] != '=') rule_c->cmp = INF; else { ngx_http_dummy_line_conf_error(cf, value); return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); } // move to next word while (value[1].data[i] && !(value[1].data[i] >= '0' && value[1].data[i] <= '9') && (value[1].data[i] != '-')) i++; NX_LOG_DEBUG(_debug_readconf, NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "XX-special score in checkrule:%s from (%d)", value[1].data, atoi((const char *)value[1].data+i)); // get the score rule_c->sc_score = atoi((const char *)(value[1].data+i)); /* process the second word : Action rule */ if (ngx_strstr(value[2].data, "BLOCK")) rule_c->block = 1; else if (ngx_strstr(value[2].data,"ALLOW")) rule_c->allow = 1; else if (ngx_strstr(value[2].data, "LOG")) rule_c->log = 1; else if (ngx_strstr(value[2].data, "DROP")) rule_c->drop = 1; else { /* LCOV_EXCL_START */ ngx_http_dummy_line_conf_error(cf, value); return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); /* LCOV_EXCL_STOP */ } return (NGX_CONF_OK); }
/* * Q: 怎样找到函数中创建的 ngx_http_file_cache_t? * A: 1. 可以通过path中的data字段找到此cache * 2. 通过共享内存区 字段找到 */ char * ngx_http_file_cache_set_slot(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { off_t max_size; // cache磁盘空间大小 u_char *last, *p; time_t inactive; // cache不活跃的时间 ssize_t size; // 共享内存区的大小(必须大于8k) ngx_str_t s, name, *value; // name: 共享内存区的名称 ngx_int_t loader_files; ngx_msec_t loader_sleep, loader_threshold; ngx_uint_t i, n; ngx_http_file_cache_t *cache; cache = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_file_cache_t)); if (cache == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } cache->path = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_path_t)); if (cache->path == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } inactive = 600; // 不活跃时间默认是10分钟 loader_files = 100; loader_sleep = 50; loader_threshold = 200; name.len = 0; size = 0; max_size = NGX_MAX_OFF_T_VALUE; value = cf->args->elts; // cache路径, 如果以"/"结尾将被自动去掉 cache->path->name = value[1]; if (cache->path->[cache->path->name.len - 1] == '/') { cache->path->name.len--; } // 获取cache的完整路径 if (ngx_conf_full_name(cf->cycle, &cache->path->name, 0) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } for (i = 2; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { // 设置子目录数和子目录的文件名长度 if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "levels=", 7) == 0) { p = value[i].data + 7; last = value[i].data + value[i].len; for (n = 0; n < 3 && p < last; n++) { if (*p > '0' && *p < '3') { cache->path->level[n] = *p++ - '0'; cache->path->len += cache->path->level[n] + 1; if (p == last) { break; } if (*p++ == ':' && n < 2 && p != last) { continue; } goto invalid_levels; } goto invalid_levels; } if (cache->path->len < 10 + 3) { continue; } invalid_levels: ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid \"levels\" \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } // 设置cache的共享存储区 if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "keys_zone=", 10) == 0) { = value[i].data + 10; // 共享内存区的名字 p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; name.len = p -; // 共享内存区的名字长度 p++; s.len = value[i].data + value[i].len - p; // 共享内存区的大小 = p; size = ngx_parse_size(&s); // 申请的共享内存区大小(必须大于8K) if (size > 8191) { continue; } } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid keys zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } // 设置cache不活跃的时间 if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "inactive=", 9) == 0) { s.len = value[i].len - 9; = value[i].data + 9; inactive = ngx_parse_time(&s, 1); if (inactive == (time_t) NGX_ERROR) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid inactive value \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } // 设置缓存磁盘空间大小 max_size if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "max_size=", 9) == 0) { s.len = value[i].len - 9; = value[i].data + 9; max_size = ngx_parse_offset(&s); if (max_size < 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid max_size value \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } // loader_files if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "loader_files=", 13) == 0) { loader_files = ngx_atoi(value[i].data + 13, value[i].len - 13); if (loader_files == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid loader_files value \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } // loader_sleep if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "loader_sleep=", 13) == 0) { s.len = value[i].len - 13; = value[i].data + 13; loader_sleep = ngx_parse_time(&s, 0); if (loader_sleep == (ngx_msec_t) NGX_ERROR) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid loader_sleep value \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } // loader_threshold if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "loader_threshold=", 17) == 0) { s.len = value[i].len - 17; = value[i].data + 17; loader_threshold = ngx_parse_time(&s, 0); if (loader_threshold == (ngx_msec_t) NGX_ERROR) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid loader_threshold value \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid parameter \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } // for if (name.len == 0 || size == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "\"%V\" must have \"keys_zone\" parameter", &cmd->name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } cache->path->manager = ngx_http_file_cache_manager; cache->path->loader = ngx_http_file_cache_loader; cache->path->data = cache; // 设置 ngx_http_file_cache_t 结构 cache->path->conf_file = cf->conf_file->; cache->path->line = cf->conf_file->line; cache->loader_files = loader_files; cache->loader_sleep = loader_sleep; cache->loader_threshold = loader_threshold; // 添加目录到系统管理目录表中 if (ngx_add_path(cf, &cache->path) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } // 添加共享内存到系统管理表中 cache->shm_zone = ngx_shared_memory_add(cf, &name, size, cmd->post); if (cache->shm_zone == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } /* e.g. "proxy_cache" 与 "proxy_cache_path" 这两个指令的使用是有顺序的, "proxy_cache" 指令仅初始化共享内存信息,cache->shm_zone->data字段设置为NULL, 如果data字段被设置,说明重复定义了共享内存区 */ if (cache->shm_zone->data) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "duplicate zone \"%V\"", &name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } cache->shm_zone->init = ngx_http_file_cache_init; cache->shm_zone->data = cache; cache->inactive = inactive; cache->max_size = max_size; return NGX_CONF_OK; }
char * ngx_http_file_cache_set_slot(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { off_t max_size; u_char *last, *p; time_t inactive; ssize_t size; ngx_str_t s, name, *value; ngx_uint_t i, n; ngx_http_file_cache_t *cache; cache = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_file_cache_t)); if (cache == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } cache->path = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_path_t)); if (cache->path == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } inactive = 600; name.len = 0; size = 0; max_size = NGX_MAX_OFF_T_VALUE; value = cf->args->elts; cache->path->name = value[1]; if (cache->path->[cache->path->name.len - 1] == '/') { cache->path->name.len--; } if (ngx_conf_full_name(cf->cycle, &cache->path->name, 0) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } for (i = 2; i < cf->args->nelts; i++) { if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "levels=", 7) == 0) { p = value[i].data + 7; last = value[i].data + value[i].len; for (n = 0; n < 3 && p < last; n++) { if (*p > '0' && *p < '3') { cache->path->level[n] = *p++ - '0'; cache->path->len += cache->path->level[n] + 1; if (p == last) { break; } if (*p++ == ':' && n < 2 && p != last) { continue; } goto invalid_levels; } goto invalid_levels; } if (cache->path->len < 10 + 3) { continue; } invalid_levels: ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid \"levels\" \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "keys_zone=", 10) == 0) { = value[i].data + 10; p = (u_char *) ngx_strchr(, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; name.len = p -; p++; s.len = value[i].data + value[i].len - p; = p; size = ngx_parse_size(&s); if (size > 8191) { continue; } } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid keys zone size \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "inactive=", 9) == 0) { s.len = value[i].len - 9; = value[i].data + 9; inactive = ngx_parse_time(&s, 1); if (inactive < 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid inactive value \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } if (ngx_strncmp(value[i].data, "max_size=", 9) == 0) { s.len = value[i].len - 9; = value[i].data + 9; max_size = ngx_parse_offset(&s); if (max_size < 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid max_size value \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } continue; } ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "invalid parameter \"%V\"", &value[i]); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (name.len == 0 || size == 0) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "\"%V\" must have \"keys_zone\" parameter", &cmd->name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } cache->path->manager = ngx_http_file_cache_manager; cache->path->loader = ngx_http_file_cache_loader; cache->path->data = cache; if (ngx_add_path(cf, &cache->path) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } cache->shm_zone = ngx_shared_memory_add(cf, &name, size, cmd->post); if (cache->shm_zone == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } if (cache->shm_zone->data) { ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "duplicate zone \"%V\"", &name); return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } cache->shm_zone->init = ngx_http_file_cache_init; cache->shm_zone->data = cache; cache->inactive = inactive; cache->max_size = max_size; return NGX_CONF_OK; }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_push_stream_publisher_handle_post(ngx_http_push_stream_loc_conf_t *cf, ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_str_t *id) { ngx_int_t rc; ngx_http_push_stream_channel_t *channel = NULL; // check if channel id isn't equals to ALL or contain wildcard if ((ngx_memn2cmp(id->data,, id->len, NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_ALL_CHANNELS_INFO_ID.len) == 0) || (ngx_strchr(id->data, '*') != NULL)) { return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_NO_CHANNEL_ID_NOT_AUTHORIZED_MESSAGE); } // create the channel if doesn't exist channel = ngx_http_push_stream_get_channel(id, r->connection->log, cf); if (channel == NULL) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, (r)->connection->log, 0, "push stream module: unable to allocate memory for new channel"); return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, NULL); } if (channel == NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_EXCEEDED) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, (r)->connection->log, 0, "push stream module: number of channels were exceeded"); return ngx_http_push_stream_send_only_header_response(r, NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN, &NGX_HTTP_PUSH_STREAM_NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_EXCEEDED_MESSAGE); } /* * Instruct ngx_http_read_subscriber_request_body to store the request * body entirely in a memory buffer or in a file. */ r->request_body_in_single_buf = 0; r->request_body_in_persistent_file = 1; r->request_body_in_clean_file = 0; r->request_body_file_log_level = 0; // parse the body message and return rc = ngx_http_read_client_request_body(r, ngx_http_push_stream_publisher_body_handler); if (rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) { return rc; } return NGX_DONE; }
//#define readconf_debug static char * ngx_http_dummy_read_conf(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_command_t *cmd, void *conf) { ngx_http_dummy_loc_conf_t *alcf = conf, **bar; ngx_http_dummy_main_conf_t *main_cf; ngx_str_t *value; ngx_http_rule_t rule, *rule_r; ngx_http_check_rule_t *rule_c; ngx_http_custom_rule_location_t *location; unsigned int i; u_char *var_end; #ifdef readconf_debug if (cf) { value = cf->args->elts; ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "TOP READ CONF %V %V", &(value[0]), &(value[1])); } #endif if (!alcf || !cf) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); value = cf->args->elts; main_cf = ngx_http_conf_get_module_main_conf(cf, ngx_http_naxsi_module); if (!alcf->pushed) { bar = ngx_array_push(main_cf->locations); if (!bar) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); *bar = alcf; alcf->pushed = 1; } /* store denied URL for location */ if (!ngx_strcmp(value[0].data, TOP_DENIED_URL_T) && value[1].len) { alcf->denied_url = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_str_t)); if (!alcf->denied_url) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); alcf->denied_url->data = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, value[1].len+1); if (!alcf->denied_url->data) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); memcpy(alcf->denied_url->data, value[1].data, value[1].len); alcf->denied_url->len = value[1].len; return (NGX_CONF_OK); } /* it's a flagrule, just a hack to enable/disable mod */ if (!ngx_strcmp(value[0].data, TOP_ENABLED_FLAG_T)) { alcf->enabled = 1; return (NGX_CONF_OK); } /* it's a flagrule, just a hack to enable/disable mod */ if (!ngx_strcmp(value[0].data, TOP_DISABLED_FLAG_T)) { alcf->force_disabled = 1; return (NGX_CONF_OK); } /* it's a flagrule, currently just a hack to enable/disable learning mode */ if (!ngx_strcmp(value[0].data, TOP_LEARNING_FLAG_T)) { alcf->learning = 1; return (NGX_CONF_OK); } if (!ngx_strcmp(value[0].data, TOP_BASIC_RULE_T)) { #ifdef readconf_debug ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "XX-TOP READ CONF %s", value[0].data); #endif memset(&rule, 0, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); if (ngx_http_dummy_cfg_parse_one_rule(cf, value, &rule, cf->args->nelts) != NGX_CONF_OK) { ngx_http_dummy_line_conf_error(cf, value); return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); } /* push in whitelist rules, as it have a whitelist ID array */ if (rule.wl_id) { #ifdef readconf_debug ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "pushing rule %d in whitelist rules", rule.rule_id); #endif if (alcf->whitelist_rules == NULL) { alcf->whitelist_rules = ngx_array_create(cf->pool, 2, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); if (alcf->whitelist_rules == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } } rule_r = ngx_array_push(alcf->whitelist_rules); if (!rule_r) { return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); } memcpy(rule_r, &rule, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); } /* else push in appropriate ruleset */ else { if (>headers) { #ifdef readconf_debug ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "pushing rule %d in header rules", rule.rule_id); #endif if (alcf->header_rules == NULL) { alcf->header_rules = ngx_array_create(cf->pool, 2, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); if (alcf->header_rules == NULL) return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } rule_r = ngx_array_push(alcf->header_rules); if (!rule_r) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); memcpy(rule_r, &rule, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); } /* push in body match rules (POST/PUT) */ if (>body ||>body_var) { #ifdef readconf_debug ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "pushing rule %d in body rules", rule.rule_id); #endif if (alcf->body_rules == NULL) { alcf->body_rules = ngx_array_create(cf->pool, 2, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); if (alcf->body_rules == NULL) return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } rule_r = ngx_array_push(alcf->body_rules); if (!rule_r) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); memcpy(rule_r, &rule, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); } /* push in generic rules, as it's matching the URI */ if (>url) { #ifdef readconf_debug ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "pushing rule %d in generic rules", rule.rule_id); #endif if (alcf->generic_rules == NULL) { alcf->generic_rules = ngx_array_create(cf->pool, 2, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); if (alcf->generic_rules == NULL) return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } rule_r = ngx_array_push(alcf->generic_rules); if (!rule_r) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); memcpy(rule_r, &rule, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); } /* push in GET arg rules, but we should push in POST rules too */ if (>args_var ||>args) { #ifdef readconf_debug ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "pushing rule %d in GET rules", rule.rule_id); #endif if (alcf->get_rules == NULL) { alcf->get_rules = ngx_array_create(cf->pool, 2, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); if (alcf->get_rules == NULL) return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } rule_r = ngx_array_push(alcf->get_rules); if (!rule_r) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); memcpy(rule_r, &rule, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); } /* push in custom locations. It's a rule matching a VAR_NAME or an EXACT_URI : - GET_VAR, POST_VAR, URI */ if (>custom_location) { #ifdef readconf_debug ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "pushing rule %d in custom_location rules", rule.rule_id); #endif location =>custom_locations->elts; for (i = 0; i <>custom_locations->nelts; i++) { if (location[i].args_var) { if (alcf->get_rules == NULL) { alcf->get_rules = ngx_array_create(cf->pool, 2, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); if (alcf->get_rules == NULL) return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } rule_r = ngx_array_push(alcf->get_rules); if (!rule_r) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); memcpy(rule_r, &rule, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); } if (location[i].body_var) { if (alcf->body_rules == NULL) { alcf->body_rules = ngx_array_create(cf->pool, 2, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); if (alcf->body_rules == NULL) return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } rule_r = ngx_array_push(alcf->body_rules); if (!rule_r) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); memcpy(rule_r, &rule, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); } if (location[i].headers_var) { if (alcf->header_rules == NULL) { alcf->header_rules = ngx_array_create(cf->pool, 2, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); if (alcf->header_rules == NULL) return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } rule_r = ngx_array_push(alcf->header_rules); if (!rule_r) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); memcpy(rule_r, &rule, sizeof(ngx_http_rule_t)); } } } } return (NGX_CONF_OK); } /* this should be moved in a function, plus this code is not safe. */ else if (!ngx_strcmp(value[0].data, TOP_CHECK_RULE_T)) { #ifdef readconf_debug ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "pushing rule %d in check rules", rule.rule_id); #endif i = 0; if (!alcf->check_rules) alcf->check_rules = ngx_array_create(cf->pool, 2, sizeof(ngx_http_check_rule_t)); if (!alcf->check_rules) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); rule_c = ngx_array_push(alcf->check_rules); if (!rule_c) return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); memset(rule_c, 0, sizeof(ngx_http_check_rule_t)); /* process the first word : score rule */ if (value[1].data[i] == '$') { #ifdef MDBG ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "XX-special score rule !"); #endif var_end = (u_char *) ngx_strchr((value[1].data)+i, ' '); if (!var_end) { ngx_http_dummy_line_conf_error(cf, value); return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); } rule_c-> = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, var_end - value[1].data +1); if (!rule_c-> return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); memcpy(rule_c->, value[1].data, (var_end - value[1].data)); i += (var_end - value[1].data) + 1; rule_c->sc_tag.len = (var_end - value[1].data); } else { ngx_http_dummy_line_conf_error(cf, value); return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); } // move to next word while (value[1].data[i] && value[1].data[i] == ' ') i++; // get the comparison type if (value[1].data[i] == '>' && value[1].data[i+1] == '=') rule_c->cmp = SUP_OR_EQUAL; else if (value[1].data[i] == '>' && value[1].data[i+1] != '=') rule_c->cmp = SUP; else if (value[1].data[i] == '<' && value[1].data[i+1] == '=') rule_c->cmp = INF_OR_EQUAL; else if (value[1].data[i] == '<' && value[1].data[i+1] != '=') rule_c->cmp = INF; else { ngx_http_dummy_line_conf_error(cf, value); return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); } // move to next word while (value[1].data[i] && !(value[1].data[i] >= '0' && value[1].data[i] <= '9') && (value[1].data[i] != '-')) i++; #ifdef readconf_debug ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0, "XX-special score in checkrule:%s from (%d)", value[1].data, atoi((const char *)value[1].data+i)); #endif // get the score rule_c->sc_score = atoi((const char *)(value[1].data+i)); /* process the second word : Action rule */ if (!ngx_strstr(value[2].data, "BLOCK")) rule_c->block = 1; else if (!ngx_strstr(value[2].data, "ALLOW")) rule_c->block = 1; else if (!ngx_strstr(value[2].data, "LOG")) rule_c->block = 1; else { ngx_http_dummy_line_conf_error(cf, value); return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); } return (NGX_CONF_OK); } ngx_http_dummy_line_conf_error(cf, value); return (NGX_CONF_ERROR); }
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_autoindex_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r) { u_char *last, *filename, scale; off_t length; size_t len, utf_len, allocated, root; ngx_tm_t tm; ngx_err_t err; ngx_buf_t *b; ngx_int_t rc, size; ngx_str_t path; ngx_dir_t dir; ngx_uint_t i, level, utf8; ngx_pool_t *pool; ngx_time_t *tp; ngx_chain_t out; ngx_array_t entries; ngx_http_autoindex_entry_t *entry; ngx_http_autoindex_loc_conf_t *alcf; static char *months[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; if (r->[r->uri.len - 1] != '/') { return NGX_DECLINED; } if (!(r->method & (NGX_HTTP_GET|NGX_HTTP_HEAD))) { return NGX_DECLINED; } alcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_autoindex_module); if (!alcf->enable) { return NGX_DECLINED; } /* NGX_DIR_MASK_LEN is lesser than NGX_HTTP_AUTOINDEX_PREALLOCATE */ last = ngx_http_map_uri_to_path(r, &path, &root, NGX_HTTP_AUTOINDEX_PREALLOCATE); if (last == NULL) { return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } allocated = path.len; path.len = last -; if (path.len > 1) { path.len--; }[path.len] = '\0'; ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "http autoindex: \"%s\"",; if (ngx_open_dir(&path, &dir) == NGX_ERROR) { err = ngx_errno; if (err == NGX_ENOENT || err == NGX_ENOTDIR || err == NGX_ENAMETOOLONG) { level = NGX_LOG_ERR; rc = NGX_HTTP_NOT_FOUND; } else if (err == NGX_EACCES) { level = NGX_LOG_ERR; rc = NGX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN; } else { level = NGX_LOG_CRIT; rc = NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } ngx_log_error(level, r->connection->log, err, ngx_open_dir_n " \"%s\" failed",; return rc; } #if (NGX_SUPPRESS_WARN) /* MSVC thinks 'entries' may be used without having been initialized */ ngx_memzero(&entries, sizeof(ngx_array_t)); #endif /* TODO: pool should be temporary pool */ pool = r->pool; if (ngx_array_init(&entries, pool, 40, sizeof(ngx_http_autoindex_entry_t)) != NGX_OK) { return ngx_http_autoindex_error(r, &dir, &path); } r->headers_out.status = NGX_HTTP_OK; r->headers_out.content_type_len = sizeof("text/html") - 1; ngx_str_set(&r->headers_out.content_type, "text/html"); rc = ngx_http_send_header(r); if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK || r->header_only) { if (ngx_close_dir(&dir) == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, r->connection->log, ngx_errno, ngx_close_dir_n " \"%V\" failed", &path); } return rc; } filename =; filename[path.len] = '/'; if (r->headers_out.charset.len == 5 && ngx_strncasecmp(r->, (u_char *) "utf-8", 5) == 0) { utf8 = 1; } else { utf8 = 0; } for ( ;; ) { ngx_set_errno(0); if (ngx_read_dir(&dir) == NGX_ERROR) { err = ngx_errno; if (err != NGX_ENOMOREFILES) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_CRIT, r->connection->log, err, ngx_read_dir_n " \"%V\" failed", &path); return ngx_http_autoindex_error(r, &dir, &path); } break; } ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "http autoindex file: \"%s\"", ngx_de_name(&dir)); len = ngx_de_namelen(&dir); if (ngx_de_name(&dir)[0] == '.') { continue; } if (!dir.valid_info) { /* 1 byte for '/' and 1 byte for terminating '\0' */ if (path.len + 1 + len + 1 > allocated) { allocated = path.len + 1 + len + 1 + NGX_HTTP_AUTOINDEX_PREALLOCATE; filename = ngx_pnalloc(pool, allocated); if (filename == NULL) { return ngx_http_autoindex_error(r, &dir, &path); } last = ngx_cpystrn(filename,, path.len + 1); *last++ = '/'; } ngx_cpystrn(last, ngx_de_name(&dir), len + 1); if (ngx_de_info(filename, &dir) == NGX_FILE_ERROR) { err = ngx_errno; if (err != NGX_ENOENT) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_CRIT, r->connection->log, err, ngx_de_info_n " \"%s\" failed", filename); if (err == NGX_EACCES) { continue; } return ngx_http_autoindex_error(r, &dir, &path); } if (ngx_de_link_info(filename, &dir) == NGX_FILE_ERROR) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_CRIT, r->connection->log, ngx_errno, ngx_de_link_info_n " \"%s\" failed", filename); return ngx_http_autoindex_error(r, &dir, &path); } } } entry = ngx_array_push(&entries); if (entry == NULL) { return ngx_http_autoindex_error(r, &dir, &path); } entry->name.len = len; entry-> = ngx_pnalloc(pool, len + 1); if (entry-> == NULL) { return ngx_http_autoindex_error(r, &dir, &path); } ngx_cpystrn(entry->, ngx_de_name(&dir), len + 1); entry->escape = 2 * ngx_escape_uri(NULL, ngx_de_name(&dir), len, NGX_ESCAPE_HTML); if (utf8) { entry->utf_len = ngx_utf8_length(entry->, entry->name.len); } else { entry->utf_len = len; } entry->colon = (ngx_strchr(entry->, ':') != NULL); entry->dir = ngx_de_is_dir(&dir); entry->mtime = ngx_de_mtime(&dir); entry->size = ngx_de_size(&dir); } if (ngx_close_dir(&dir) == NGX_ERROR) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ALERT, r->connection->log, ngx_errno, ngx_close_dir_n " \"%s\" failed", &path); } len = sizeof(title) - 1 + r->uri.len + sizeof(header) - 1 + r->uri.len + sizeof("</h1>") - 1 + sizeof("<hr><pre><a href=\"../\">../</a>" CRLF) - 1 + sizeof("</pre><hr>") - 1 + sizeof(tail) - 1; entry = entries.elts; for (i = 0; i < entries.nelts; i++) { len += sizeof("<a href=\"") - 1 + entry[i].name.len + entry[i].escape + 1 /* 1 is for "/" */ + sizeof("\">") - 1 + entry[i].name.len - entry[i].utf_len + entry[i].colon * 2 + NGX_HTTP_AUTOINDEX_NAME_LEN + sizeof(">") - 2 + sizeof("</a>") - 1 + sizeof(" 28-Sep-1970 12:00 ") - 1 + 20 /* the file size */ + 2; } b = ngx_create_temp_buf(r->pool, len); if (b == NULL) { return NGX_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } if (entries.nelts > 1) { ngx_qsort(entry, (size_t) entries.nelts, sizeof(ngx_http_autoindex_entry_t), ngx_http_autoindex_cmp_entries); } b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, title, sizeof(title) - 1); b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, r->, r->uri.len); b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, header, sizeof(header) - 1); b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, r->, r->uri.len); b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "</h1>", sizeof("</h1>") - 1); b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "<hr><pre><a href=\"../\">../</a>" CRLF, sizeof("<hr><pre><a href=\"../\">../</a>" CRLF) - 1); tp = ngx_timeofday(); for (i = 0; i < entries.nelts; i++) { b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "<a href=\"", sizeof("<a href=\"") - 1); if (entry[i].colon) { *b->last++ = '.'; *b->last++ = '/'; } if (entry[i].escape) { ngx_escape_uri(b->last, entry[i], entry[i].name.len, NGX_ESCAPE_HTML); b->last += entry[i].name.len + entry[i].escape; } else { b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, entry[i], entry[i].name.len); } if (entry[i].dir) { *b->last++ = '/'; } *b->last++ = '"'; *b->last++ = '>'; len = entry[i].utf_len; if (entry[i].name.len != len) { if (len > NGX_HTTP_AUTOINDEX_NAME_LEN) { utf_len = NGX_HTTP_AUTOINDEX_NAME_LEN - 3 + 1; } else { utf_len = NGX_HTTP_AUTOINDEX_NAME_LEN + 1; } b->last = ngx_utf8_cpystrn(b->last, entry[i], utf_len, entry[i].name.len + 1); last = b->last; } else { b->last = ngx_cpystrn(b->last, entry[i], NGX_HTTP_AUTOINDEX_NAME_LEN + 1); last = b->last - 3; } if (len > NGX_HTTP_AUTOINDEX_NAME_LEN) { b->last = ngx_cpymem(last, "..></a>", sizeof("..></a>") - 1); } else { if (entry[i].dir && NGX_HTTP_AUTOINDEX_NAME_LEN - len > 0) { *b->last++ = '/'; len++; } b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "</a>", sizeof("</a>") - 1); ngx_memset(b->last, ' ', NGX_HTTP_AUTOINDEX_NAME_LEN - len); b->last += NGX_HTTP_AUTOINDEX_NAME_LEN - len; } *b->last++ = ' '; ngx_gmtime(entry[i].mtime + tp->gmtoff * 60 * alcf->localtime, &tm); b->last = ngx_sprintf(b->last, "%02d-%s-%d %02d:%02d ", tm.ngx_tm_mday, months[tm.ngx_tm_mon - 1], tm.ngx_tm_year, tm.ngx_tm_hour, tm.ngx_tm_min); if (alcf->exact_size) { if (entry[i].dir) { b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, " -", sizeof(" -") - 1); } else { b->last = ngx_sprintf(b->last, "%19O", entry[i].size); } } else { if (entry[i].dir) { b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, " -", sizeof(" -") - 1); } else { length = entry[i].size; if (length > 1024 * 1024 * 1024 - 1) { size = (ngx_int_t) (length / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)); if ((length % (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) > (1024 * 1024 * 1024 / 2 - 1)) { size++; } scale = 'G'; } else if (length > 1024 * 1024 - 1) { size = (ngx_int_t) (length / (1024 * 1024)); if ((length % (1024 * 1024)) > (1024 * 1024 / 2 - 1)) { size++; } scale = 'M'; } else if (length > 9999) { size = (ngx_int_t) (length / 1024); if (length % 1024 > 511) { size++; } scale = 'K'; } else { size = (ngx_int_t) length; scale = '\0'; } if (scale) { b->last = ngx_sprintf(b->last, "%6i%c", size, scale); } else { b->last = ngx_sprintf(b->last, " %6i", size); } } } *b->last++ = CR; *b->last++ = LF; } /* TODO: free temporary pool */ b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, "</pre><hr>", sizeof("</pre><hr>") - 1); b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, tail, sizeof(tail) - 1); if (r == r->main) { b->last_buf = 1; } b->last_in_chain = 1; out.buf = b; = NULL; return ngx_http_output_filter(r, &out); }