Exemplo n.º 1
void DirectCollocationInternal::init(){
  // Initialize the base classes
  // Free parameters currently not supported
  casadi_assert_message(np_==0, "Not implemented");

  // Legendre collocation points
  double legendre_points[][6] = {

  // Radau collocation points
  double radau_points[][6] = {

  // Read options
  bool use_radau;
    use_radau = true;
  } else if(getOption("collocation_scheme")=="legendre"){
    use_radau = false;

  // Interpolation order
  deg_ = getOption("interpolation_order");

  // All collocation time points
  double* tau_root = use_radau ? radau_points[deg_] : legendre_points[deg_];

  // Size of the finite elements
  double h = tf_/nk_;

  // Coefficients of the collocation equation
  vector<vector<MX> > C(deg_+1,vector<MX>(deg_+1));

  // Coefficients of the collocation equation as DMatrix
  DMatrix C_num = DMatrix(deg_+1,deg_+1,0);

  // Coefficients of the continuity equation
  vector<MX> D(deg_+1);

  // Coefficients of the collocation equation as DMatrix
  DMatrix D_num = DMatrix(deg_+1,1,0);

  // Collocation point
  SXMatrix tau = ssym("tau");

  // For all collocation points
  for(int j=0; j<deg_+1; ++j){
    // Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
    SXMatrix L = 1;
    for(int j2=0; j2<deg_+1; ++j2){
      if(j2 != j){
        L *= (tau-tau_root[j2])/(tau_root[j]-tau_root[j2]);

    SXFunction lfcn(tau,L);

    // Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
    D[j] = lfcn.output();
    D_num(j) = lfcn.output();

    // Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
    for(int j2=0; j2<deg_+1; ++j2){
      C[j][j2] = lfcn.fwdSens();
      C_num(j,j2) = lfcn.fwdSens();

  C_num(std::vector<int>(1,0),ALL) = 0;
  C_num(0,0)   = 1;

  // All collocation time points
  vector<vector<double> > T(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
	  for(int j=0; j<=deg_; ++j){
		  T[k][j] = h*(k + tau_root[j]);

  // Total number of variables
  int nlp_nx = 0;
  nlp_nx += nk_*(deg_+1)*nx_;   // Collocated states
  nlp_nx += nk_*nu_;            // Parametrized controls
  nlp_nx += nx_;               	// Final state

  // NLP variable vector
  MX nlp_x = msym("x",nlp_nx);
  int offset = 0;

  // Get collocated states and parametrized control
  vector<vector<MX> > X(nk_+1);
  vector<MX> U(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
    // Collocated states
    for(int j=0; j<=deg_; ++j){
        // Get the expression for the state vector
        X[k][j] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)];
        offset += nx_;

    // Parametrized controls
    U[k] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nu_)];
    offset += nu_;

  // State at end time
  X[nk_][0] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)];
  offset += nx_;

  // Constraint function for the NLP
  vector<MX> nlp_g;

  // Objective function
  MX nlp_j = 0;

  // For all finite elements
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){

    // For all collocation points
    for(int j=1; j<=deg_; ++j){

        // Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
        MX xp_jk = 0;
        for(int r=0; r<=deg_; ++r){
            xp_jk += C[r][j]*X[k][r];

        // Add collocation equations to the NLP
        MX fk = ffcn_.call(daeIn("x",X[k][j],"p",U[k]))[DAE_ODE];
        nlp_g.push_back(h*fk - xp_jk);

    // Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite element
    MX xf_k = 0;
    for(int r=0; r<=deg_; ++r){
        xf_k += D[r]*X[k][r];

    // Add continuity equation to NLP
    nlp_g.push_back(X[k+1][0] - xf_k);

    // Add path constraints
      MX pk = cfcn_.call(daeIn("x",X[k+1][0],"p",U[k])).at(0);

    // Add integral objective function term
	//    [Jk] = lfcn.call([X[k+1,0], U[k]])
	//    nlp_j += Jk

  // Add end cost
  MX Jk = mfcn_.call(mayerIn("x",X[nk_][0])).at(0);
  nlp_j += Jk;

  // Objective function of the NLP
  F_ = MXFunction(nlp_x, nlp_j);

  // Nonlinear constraint function
  G_ = MXFunction(nlp_x, vertcat(nlp_g));

  // Get the NLP creator function
  NLPSolverCreator nlp_solver_creator = getOption("nlp_solver");
  // Allocate an NLP solver
  nlp_solver_ = nlp_solver_creator(F_,G_,FX(),FX());
  // Pass options
    const Dictionary& nlp_solver_options = getOption("nlp_solver_options");
  // Initialize the solver
void DirectMultipleShootingInternal::init(){
  // Initialize the base classes

  // Create an integrator instance
  integratorCreator integrator_creator = getOption("integrator");
  integrator_ = integrator_creator(ffcn_,Function());

  // Set t0 and tf
  // Path constraints present?
  bool path_constraints = nh_>0;
  // Count the total number of NLP variables
  int NV = np_ + // global parameters
           nx_*(nk_+1) + // local state
           nu_*nk_; // local control
  // Declare variable vector for the NLP
  // The structure is as follows:
  // np x 1  (parameters)
  // ------
  // nx x 1  (states at time i=0)
  // nu x 1  (controls in interval i=0)
  // ------
  // nx x 1  (states at time i=1)
  // nu x 1  (controls in interval i=1)
  // ------
  // .....
  // ------
  // nx x 1  (states at time i=nk)
  MX V = MX::sym("V",NV);

  // Global parameters
  MX P = V(Slice(0,np_));

  // offset in the variable vector
  int v_offset=np_; 
  // Disretized variables for each shooting node
  vector<MX> X(nk_+1), U(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<=nk_; ++k){ // interior nodes
    // Local state
    X[k] = V[Slice(v_offset,v_offset+nx_)];
    v_offset += nx_;
    // Variables below do not appear at the end point
    if(k==nk_) break;
    // Local control
    U[k] = V[Slice(v_offset,v_offset+nu_)];
    v_offset += nu_;
  // Make sure that the size of the variable vector is consistent with the number of variables that we have referenced

  // Input to the parallel integrator evaluation
  vector<vector<MX> > int_in(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
    int_in[k][INTEGRATOR_P] = vertcat(P,U[k]);
    int_in[k][INTEGRATOR_X0] = X[k];

  // Input to the parallel function evaluation
  vector<vector<MX> > fcn_in(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
    fcn_in[k][DAE_T] = (k*tf_)/nk_;
    fcn_in[k][DAE_P] = vertcat(P,U.at(k));
    fcn_in[k][DAE_X] = X[k];

  // Options for the parallelizer
  Dictionary paropt;
  // Transmit parallelization mode
    paropt["parallelization"] = getOption("parallelization");
  // Evaluate function in parallel
  vector<vector<MX> > pI_out = integrator_.callParallel(int_in,paropt);

  // Evaluate path constraints in parallel
  vector<vector<MX> > pC_out;
    pC_out = cfcn_.callParallel(fcn_in,paropt);
  //Constraint function
  vector<MX> gg(2*nk_);

  // Collect the outputs
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
    //append continuity constraints
    gg[2*k] = pI_out[k][INTEGRATOR_XF] - X[k+1];
    // append the path constraints
      gg[2*k+1] = pC_out[k][0];

  // Terminal constraints
  MX g = vertcat(gg);

  // Objective function
  MX f;
  if (mfcn_.getNumInputs()==1) {
    f = mfcn_(X.back()).front();
  } else {
    vector<MX> mfcn_argin(MAYER_NUM_IN); 
    mfcn_argin[MAYER_X] = X.back();
    mfcn_argin[MAYER_P] = P;
    f = mfcn_.call(mfcn_argin).front();

  // NLP
  nlp_ = MXFunction(nlpIn("x",V),nlpOut("f",f,"g",g));
  // Get the NLP creator function
  NLPSolverCreator nlp_solver_creator = getOption("nlp_solver");
  // Allocate an NLP solver
  nlp_solver_ = nlp_solver_creator(nlp_);
  // Pass user options
    const Dictionary& nlp_solver_options = getOption("nlp_solver_options");
  // Initialize the solver
void DirectSingleShootingInternal::init(){
  // Initialize the base classes

  // Create an integrator instance
  integratorCreator integrator_creator = getOption("integrator");
  integrator_ = integrator_creator(ffcn_,FX());

  // Set t0 and tf
  // Path constraints present?
  bool path_constraints = nh_>0;
  // Count the total number of NLP variables
  int NV = np_ + // global parameters
           nx_ + // initial state
           nu_*nk_; // local control
  // Declare variable vector for the NLP
  // The structure is as follows:
  // np x 1  (parameters)
  // ------
  // nx x 1  (states at time i=0)
  // ------
  // nu x 1  (controls in interval i=0)
  // .....
  // nx x 1  (controls in interval i=nk-1)
  MX V = msym("V",NV);
  int offset = 0;

  // Global parameters
  MX P = V[Slice(0,np_)];
  offset += np_;

  // Initial state
  MX X0 = V[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)];
  offset += nx_;
  // Control for each shooting interval
  vector<MX> U(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){ // interior nodes
    U[k] = V[range(offset,offset+nu_)];
    offset += nu_;
  // Make sure that the size of the variable vector is consistent with the number of variables that we have referenced

  // Current state
  MX X = X0;

  // Objective
  MX nlp_j = 0;

  // Constraints
  vector<MX> nlp_g;
  nlp_g.reserve(nk_*(path_constraints ? 2 : 1));
  // For all shooting nodes
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
    // Integrate
    vector<MX> int_out = integrator_.call(integratorIn("x0",X,"p",vertcat(P,U[k])));

    // Store expression for state trajectory
    X = int_out[INTEGRATOR_XF];
    // Add constraints on the state

    // Add path constraints
      vector<MX> cfcn_out = cfcn_.call(daeIn("x",X,"p",U[k])); // TODO: Change signature of cfcn_: remove algebraic variable, add control

  // Terminal constraints
  G_ = MXFunction(V,vertcat(nlp_g));
  // Objective function
  MX jk = mfcn_.call(mayerIn("x",X,"p",P)).at(0);
  nlp_j += jk;
  F_ = MXFunction(V,nlp_j);
  // Get the NLP creator function
  NLPSolverCreator nlp_solver_creator = getOption("nlp_solver");
  // Allocate an NLP solver
  nlp_solver_ = nlp_solver_creator(F_,G_,FX(),FX());
  // Pass options
    const Dictionary& nlp_solver_options = getOption("nlp_solver_options");
  // Initialize the solver
void DirectCollocationInternal::init(){
  // Initialize the base classes
  // Free parameters currently not supported
  casadi_assert_message(np_==0, "Not implemented");

  // Interpolation order
  deg_ = getOption("interpolation_order");

  // All collocation time points
  std::vector<double> tau_root = collocationPoints(deg_,getOption("collocation_scheme"));

  // Size of the finite elements
  double h = tf_/nk_;

  // Coefficients of the collocation equation
  vector<vector<MX> > C(deg_+1,vector<MX>(deg_+1));

  // Coefficients of the collocation equation as DMatrix
  DMatrix C_num = DMatrix::zeros(deg_+1,deg_+1);

  // Coefficients of the continuity equation
  vector<MX> D(deg_+1);

  // Coefficients of the collocation equation as DMatrix
  DMatrix D_num = DMatrix::zeros(deg_+1);

  // Collocation point
  SX tau = SX::sym("tau");

  // For all collocation points
  for(int j=0; j<deg_+1; ++j){
    // Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
    SX L = 1;
    for(int j2=0; j2<deg_+1; ++j2){
      if(j2 != j){
        L *= (tau-tau_root[j2])/(tau_root[j]-tau_root[j2]);

    SXFunction lfcn(tau,L);

    // Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
    D[j] = lfcn.output();
    D_num(j) = lfcn.output();

    // Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation
    Function tfcn = lfcn.tangent();
    for(int j2=0; j2<deg_+1; ++j2){
      C[j][j2] = tfcn.output();
      C_num(j,j2) = tfcn.output();

  C_num(std::vector<int>(1,0),ALL) = 0;
  C_num(0,0)   = 1;

  // All collocation time points
  vector<vector<double> > T(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
          for(int j=0; j<=deg_; ++j){
                  T[k][j] = h*(k + tau_root[j]);

  // Total number of variables
  int nlp_nx = 0;
  nlp_nx += nk_*(deg_+1)*nx_;   // Collocated states
  nlp_nx += nk_*nu_;            // Parametrized controls
  nlp_nx += nx_;                       // Final state

  // NLP variable vector
  MX nlp_x = MX::sym("x",nlp_nx);
  int offset = 0;

  // Get collocated states and parametrized control
  vector<vector<MX> > X(nk_+1);
  vector<MX> U(nk_);
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){
    // Collocated states
    for(int j=0; j<=deg_; ++j){
        // Get the expression for the state vector
        X[k][j] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)];
        offset += nx_;

    // Parametrized controls
    U[k] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nu_)];
    offset += nu_;

  // State at end time
  X[nk_][0] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)];
  offset += nx_;

  // Constraint function for the NLP
  vector<MX> nlp_g;

  // Objective function
  MX nlp_j = 0;

  // For all finite elements
  for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){

    // For all collocation points
    for(int j=1; j<=deg_; ++j){

        // Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
        MX xp_jk = 0;
        for(int r=0; r<=deg_; ++r){
            xp_jk += C[r][j]*X[k][r];

        // Add collocation equations to the NLP
        MX fk = ffcn_.call(daeIn("x",X[k][j],"p",U[k]))[DAE_ODE];
        nlp_g.push_back(h*fk - xp_jk);

    // Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite element
    MX xf_k = 0;
    for(int r=0; r<=deg_; ++r){
        xf_k += D[r]*X[k][r];

    // Add continuity equation to NLP
    nlp_g.push_back(X[k+1][0] - xf_k);

    // Add path constraints
      MX pk = cfcn_.call(daeIn("x",X[k+1][0],"p",U[k])).at(0);

    // Add integral objective function term
        //    [Jk] = lfcn.call([X[k+1,0], U[k]])
        //    nlp_j += Jk

  // Add end cost
  MX Jk = mfcn_.call(mayerIn("x",X[nk_][0])).at(0);
  nlp_j += Jk;

  // Objective function of the NLP
  nlp_ = MXFunction(nlpIn("x",nlp_x), nlpOut("f",nlp_j,"g",vertcat(nlp_g)));

  // Get the NLP creator function
  NLPSolverCreator nlp_solver_creator = getOption("nlp_solver");
  // Allocate an NLP solver
  nlp_solver_ = nlp_solver_creator(nlp_);
  // Pass options
    const Dictionary& nlp_solver_options = getOption("nlp_solver_options");
  // Initialize the solver