Exemplo n.º 1
  void BinaryMX<ScX, ScY>::
  generate(CodeGenerator& g, const std::string& mem,
           const std::vector<int>& arg, const std::vector<int>& res) const {
    // Quick return if nothing to do
    if (nnz()==0) return;

    // Check if inplace
    bool inplace;
    switch (op_) {
    case OP_ADD:
    case OP_SUB:
    case OP_MUL:
    case OP_DIV:
      inplace = res[0]==arg[0];
      inplace = false;

    // Scalar names of arguments (start assuming all scalars)
    string r = g.workel(res[0]);
    string x = g.workel(arg[0]);
    string y = g.workel(arg[1]);

    // Codegen loop, if needed
    if (nnz()>1) {
      // Iterate over result
      g.local("rr", "real_t", "*");
      g.local("i", "int");
      g << "for (i=0, " << "rr=" << g.work(res[0], nnz());
      r = "(*rr++)";

      // Iterate over first argument?
      if (!ScX && !inplace) {
        g.local("cr", "const real_t", "*");
        g << ", cr=" << g.work(arg[0], dep(0).nnz());
        x = "(*cr++)";

      // Iterate over second argument?
      if (!ScY) {
        g.local("cs", "const real_t", "*");
        g << ", cs=" << g.work(arg[1], dep(1).nnz());
        y = "(*cs++)";

      // Close loop
      g << "; i<" << nnz() << "; ++i) ";

    // Perform operation
    g << r << " ";
    if (inplace) {
      g << casadi_math<double>::sep(op_) << "= " << y;
    } else {
      g << " = " << casadi_math<double>::print(op_, x, y);
    g << ";\n";
Exemplo n.º 2
 void DenseTranspose::generate(const std::vector<int>& arg, const std::vector<int>& res,
                               CodeGenerator& g) const {
   g.body << "  for (i=0, rr=" << g.work(res[0], nnz()) << ", "
          << "cs=" << g.work(arg[0], nnz()) << "; i<" << dep().size2() << "; ++i) "
          << "for (j=0; j<" << dep().size1() << "; ++j) "
          << "rr[i+j*" << dep().size2() << "] = *cs++;" << endl;
Exemplo n.º 3
    void after_iteration(int iteration, graphchi_context &gcontext) {
        if (gcontext.iteration % 2 == 1) {
            for (int i=0; i< (int)adjcontainer->adjs.size(); i++) {
                if (debug)
                    Rcpp::Rcerr<<"Going over user" << adjcontainer->adjs[i].vid << std::endl;
                dense_adj &user = adjcontainer->adjs[i];
                if (nnz(user.edges) == 0 || nnz(user.ratings) == 0) {
                    if (debug)
                        Rcpp::Rcerr<<"User with no edges" << std::endl;
                //assert(user.ratings.size() == N);
                ivec positions = reverse_sort_index(user.ratings, K);
                assert(positions.size() > 0);
                for (int j=0; j < positions.size(); j++) {
                    assert(positions[j] >= 0);
                    assert(positions[j] < (int)N);

                    //skip zero entries
                    if (get_val(user.ratings, positions[j])== 0) {
                        if (debug)
                            Rcpp::Rcerr<<"Found zero in position " << j << std::endl;
                    int rc = fprintf(out_file, "%u %u %lg\n", user.vid+1, positions[j]+1, get_val(user.ratings, positions[j]));//write item similarity to file
                    if (debug)
                        Rcpp::Rcerr<<"Writing rating from user" << user.vid+1 << " to item: " << positions[j] << std::endl;
                    assert(rc > 0);
            grabbed_edges = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
  void Transpose::generate(const std::vector<int>& arg, const std::vector<int>& res,
                           CodeGenerator& g) const {

    g.body << "  trans("
           << g.work(arg[0], nnz()) << ", " << g.sparsity(dep().sparsity()) << ", "
           << g.work(res[0], nnz()) << ", " << g.sparsity(sparsity()) << ", iw);" << endl;
Exemplo n.º 5
  void Assertion::generate(CodeGenerator& g, const std::string& mem,
                           const std::vector<int>& arg, const std::vector<int>& res) const {
    // Generate assertion
    g.body << "  if (" << g.workel(arg[1]) << "!=1.) {" << endl
           << "    /* " << fail_message_ << " */" << endl
           << "    return 1;" << endl
           << "  }" << endl;

    // Copy if not inplace
    if (arg[0]!=res[0]) {
      g.body << "  " << g.copy(g.work(arg[0], nnz()), nnz(), g.work(res[0], nnz())) << endl;
Exemplo n.º 6
  void BinaryMX<ScX, ScY>::evalGen(const T* const* arg, T* const* res,
                                   int* iw, T* w) {
    // Get data
    T* output0 = res[0];
    const T* input0 = arg[0];
    const T* input1 = arg[1];

    if (!ScX && !ScY) {
      casadi_math<T>::fun(op_, input0, input1, output0, nnz());
    } else if (ScX) {
      casadi_math<T>::fun(op_, *input0, input1, output0, nnz());
    } else {
      casadi_math<T>::fun(op_, input0, *input1, output0, nnz());
Exemplo n.º 7
 * This function returns a vector of length m+n with the number of nonzeros of the matrix A
 * where the first m elements corresponds to the row, while the other n to the cols.
long* number_nonzeros(struct sparsematrix* A){
	int m = A->m;
	int n = A->n;

	long* nzi = nnz(A->i,A->NrNzElts,m);
	long* nzj = nnz(A->j,A->NrNzElts,n);

	long* output = vecallocl(m+n);
	int i;
	for(i=0;i<m;i++) output[i] = nzi[i];
	for(i=0;i<n;i++) output[m+i] = nzj[i];

	return output;
Exemplo n.º 8
 // Element access
 const_reference operator()(size_type i) const {
     SIZE_CHECK(i < m_size);
     std::size_t pos = lower_bound(i);
     if (pos == nnz() || m_indices[pos] != i)
         return m_zero;
     return m_values [pos];
Exemplo n.º 9
 void Split::generate(CodeGenerator& g, const std::string& mem,
                      const std::vector<int>& arg, const std::vector<int>& res) const {
   int nx = nout();
   for (int i=0; i<nx; ++i) {
     int nz_first = offset_[i];
     int nz_last = offset_[i+1];
     int nz = nz_last-nz_first;
     if (res[i]>=0 && nz>0) { // if anything to assign
       if (nz==1) { // assign scalar
         g.body << "  " << g.workel(res[i]) << " = ";
         if (dep(0).nnz()==1) {
           // rhs is also scalar
           g.body << g.workel(arg[0]) << ";" << endl;
         } else {
           // rhs is an element in a vector
           g.body << g.work(arg[0], dep(0).nnz()) << "[" << nz_first << "];" << endl;
       } else {
         // assign vector
         std::string r = g.work(arg[0], dep(0).nnz());
         if (nz_first!=0) r = r + "+" + g.to_string(nz_first);
         g.body << "  " << g.copy(r, nz, g.work(res[i], nnz(i))) << endl;
Exemplo n.º 10
  void printLongResults(const MatrixType& matrix, IterationType& iter, const SolverOptions& options)
    const double elapsed = getTime() - startTime;
    std::cout << "Library: desola" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Matrix: " << getLeaf(options.getFile()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Matrix Size: " << num_cols(matrix) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Compiler: " << getCompiler() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Code Caching: " << getStatus(configManager.codeCachingEnabled()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Loop Fusion: " << getStatus(configManager.loopFusionEnabled()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Array Contraction: " << getStatus(configManager.arrayContractionEnabled()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Iterations: " << iter.iterations() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Liveness Analysis: " << getStatus(configManager.livenessAnalysisEnabled()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Time per Iteration: " << elapsed / iter.iterations() << " seconds" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Compile Time: " << statsCollector.getCompileTime() << " seconds" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Compile Count: " << statsCollector.getCompileCount() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Total Time: " << elapsed << " seconds" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "FLOPs: " << statsCollector.getFlops() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "High-Level Fusion: " << getStatus(configManager.highLevelFusionEnabled()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Single For-Loop Sparse Iteration: " << getStatus(configManager.singleForLoopSparseIterationEnabled()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Sparse Row Length Specialisation: " << getStatus(configManager.sparseSpecialisationEnabled()) << std::endl;

    if (options.useSparse())
      std::cout << "NNZ: " << nnz(matrix) << std::endl;

    if (configManager.livenessAnalysisEnabled())
      std::cout << std::endl << "Warning: FLOPs figure may be misleading with liveness analysis enabled." << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 11
int main(){
  V3f x(0,0,1); V3f xr(rot_x(x, 0.87)); same("x rotation", x.dot(xr), cos(0.87));
  V3f y(0,0,1); V3f yr(rot_y(y, 0.23)); same("y rotation", y.dot(yr), cos(0.23));
  V3f z(1,0,0); V3f zr(rot_z(z, 0.19)); same("z rotation", z.dot(zr), cos(0.19));

  V3f nx(3,2,5);
  V3f ny(-2,3,4);
  V3f nz(-4,4,3.8);

  V3f nnx(3,2,5);
  V3f nny(-2,3,4);
  V3f nnz(-4,4,3.8);

  ortoNormalize(nnx, nny, nnz);
  same("x unit", nnx.length(), 1.0);
  same("y unit", nny.length(), 1.0);
  same("z unit", nnz.length(), 1.0);

  V3f tmp; tmp.cross(nnx, nx);

  same("x colinear", tmp.length(), 0.0);
  tmp.cross(nnx, nny); tmp-=nnz; same("x orto", tmp.length(), 0);
  tmp.cross(nny, nnz); tmp-=nnx; same("y orto", tmp.length(), 0);
  tmp.cross(nnz, nnx); tmp-=nny; same("z orto", tmp.length(), 0);

Exemplo n.º 12
  void printShortResults(const MatrixType& matrix, IterationType& iter, const SolverOptions& options)
    const double elapsed = getTime() - startTime;
    const char d = ':';

    std::cout << d;
    std::cout << "lib=desola" << d;
    std::cout << "mat=" << getLeaf(options.getFile()) << d;
    std::cout << "mat_n=" << num_cols(matrix) << d;
    std::cout << "compiler=" << getCompiler() << d;
    std::cout << "code_cache=" << getStatus(configManager.codeCachingEnabled()) << d;
    std::cout << "fusion=" << getStatus(configManager.loopFusionEnabled()) << d;
    std::cout << "contraction=" << getStatus(configManager.arrayContractionEnabled()) << d;
    std::cout << "liveness=" << getStatus(configManager.livenessAnalysisEnabled()) << d;
    std::cout << "iterations=" << iter.iterations() << d;
    std::cout << "compile_time=" << statsCollector.getCompileTime() << d;
    std::cout << "compile_count=" << statsCollector.getCompileCount() << d;
    std::cout << "total_time=" << elapsed << d;
    std::cout << "flop=" << statsCollector.getFlops() << d;
    std::cout << "high_level_fusion=" << getStatus(configManager.highLevelFusionEnabled()) << d;
    std::cout << "single_for_loop_sparse=" << getStatus(configManager.singleForLoopSparseIterationEnabled()) << d;
    std::cout << "specialise_sparse=" << getStatus(configManager.sparseSpecialisationEnabled()) << d;

    if (options.useSparse())
      std::cout << "nnz=" << nnz(matrix) << d;

    std::cout << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 13
  void Assertion::eval(const double** arg, double** res, int* iw, double* w, int mem) const {
    if (arg[1][0]!=1) {
      casadi_error("Assertion error: " << fail_message_);

    if (arg[0]!=res[0]) {
      copy(arg[0], arg[0]+nnz(), res[0]);
int SquareMatrix::getRowEnds(int row){
	if (rowStarts[row-1]==-1)
		return -2;
	// starts[row-1+1] = starts[row]!
	while (row < N && rowStarts[row]==-1)
	return (row==N) ? nnz()-1 : rowStarts[row]-1;
Exemplo n.º 15
void SparseMatrix::print(ostream& out) const {
  out << "%triples: (" << _num_rows << "x" << _num_cols << ", nnz:" << nnz() << ")" << endl;
  for (int row=0; row<_num_rows; row++) {
    for (SparseVectorIter iter(*_rows[row]); iter.valid(); iter.next()) {
      double val;
      int col = iter.get(val);
      out << row << " " << col << " " << val << endl;
Exemplo n.º 16
 * method that returns a logical vector of length m+n
 * 1 if the row/column is split, 0 otherwise
 * input = A,B (respectively the two partitioned parts, A1 A2)
 * of size mxn
long* cut_vector(struct sparsematrix* A, struct sparsematrix* B){
	int m = A->m;
	int n = A->n;
	long* nnzAi = nnz(A->i,A->NrNzElts,m);
	long* nnzAj = nnz(A->j,A->NrNzElts,n);
	long* nnzBi = nnz(B->i,B->NrNzElts,m);
	long* nnzBj = nnz(B->j,B->NrNzElts,n);

	long* cut= vecallocl(m+n);
	int i;
	for(i=0;i<m;i++) cut[i] = nnzAi[i] && nnzBi[i];
	for(i=0;i<n;i++) cut[m+i] = nnzAj[i] && nnzBj[i];

	return cut;

Exemplo n.º 17
 void Assertion::spAdj(bvec_t** arg, bvec_t** res, int* iw, bvec_t* w, int mem) {
   bvec_t *a = arg[0];
   bvec_t *r = res[0];
   int n = nnz();
   if (a != r) {
     for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
       *a++ |= *r;
       *r++ = 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
 void clear() {
   for(std::vector<dense_adj>::iterator it=adjs.begin(); it != adjs.end(); ++it) {
     if (nnz(it->edges)) {
   if (debug)
     std::cout<<"setting pivot end to " << pivot_en << std::endl;
   pivot_st = pivot_en;
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Computes density for a directed graph.  Connection weights are ignored.
FP_T BCT_NAMESPACE::density_dir(const MATRIX_T* CIJ) {
	if (safe_mode) check_status(CIJ, SQUARE | DIRECTED, "density_dir");
	// N = size(CIJ,1);
	int N = CIJ->size1;
	// K = nnz(CIJ);
	int K = nnz(CIJ);
	// kden = K/(N^2-N);
	return (FP_T)K / (FP_T)(N * (N - 1));
Exemplo n.º 20
  void printLongResults(const MatrixType& matrix, IterationType& iter, const SolverOptions& options)
    const double elapsed = getTime() - startTime;
    std::cout << "Library: MTL" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Matrix: " << getLeaf(options.getFile()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Matrix Size: " << num_cols(matrix) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Iterations: " << iter.iterations() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Time per Iteration: " << elapsed / iter.iterations() << " seconds" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Total Time: " << elapsed << " seconds" << std::endl;

    if (options.useSparse())
      std::cout << "NNZ: " << nnz(matrix) << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 21
 void BinaryMX<ScX, ScY>::
 sp_fwd(const bvec_t** arg, bvec_t** res, int* iw, bvec_t* w, int mem) const {
   const bvec_t *a0=arg[0], *a1=arg[1];
   bvec_t *r=res[0];
   int n=nnz();
   for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
     if (ScX && ScY)
       *r++ = *a0 | *a1;
     else if (ScX && !ScY)
       *r++ = *a0 | *a1++;
     else if (!ScX && ScY)
       *r++ = *a0++ | *a1;
       *r++ = *a0++ | *a1++;
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Computes degree for an undirected graph.  Connection weights are ignored.
VECTOR_T* BCT_NAMESPACE::degrees_und(const MATRIX_T* CIJ) {
	if (safe_mode) check_status(CIJ, SQUARE | UNDIRECTED, "degrees_und");
	// CIJ = double(CIJ~=0);
	// deg = sum(CIJ);
	VECTOR_T* deg = VECTOR_ID(alloc)(CIJ->size2);

#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for shared(deg)
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)CIJ->size2; i++) {
		VECTOR_ID(const_view) CIJ_col_i = MATRIX_ID(const_column)(CIJ, i);
		VECTOR_ID(set)(deg, i, nnz(&CIJ_col_i.vector));
	return deg;
Exemplo n.º 23
 void BinaryMX<ScX, ScY>::
 sp_rev(bvec_t** arg, bvec_t** res, int* iw, bvec_t* w, int mem) const {
   bvec_t *a0=arg[0], *a1=arg[1], *r = res[0];
   int n=nnz();
   for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
     bvec_t s = *r;
     *r++ = 0;
     if (ScX)
       *a0 |= s;
       *a0++ |= s;
     if (ScY)
       *a1 |= s;
       *a1++ |= s;
  void CSparseCholeskyInterface::factorize(void* mem, const double* A) const {
    auto m = static_cast<CsparseCholMemory*>(mem);

    // Set the nonzeros of the matrix
    m->A.x = const_cast<double*>(A);

    // Make sure that all entries of the linear system are valid
    int nnz = m->nnz();
    for (int k=0; k<nnz; ++k) {
      casadi_assert_message(!isnan(A[k]), "Nonzero " << k << " is not-a-number");
      casadi_assert_message(!isinf(A[k]), "Nonzero " << k << " is infinite");

    if (m->L) cs_nfree(m->L);
    m->L = cs_chol(&m->A, m->S) ;                 // numeric Cholesky factorization
Exemplo n.º 25
  void Transpose::spFwd(const bvec_t** arg,
                        bvec_t** res, int* iw, bvec_t* w) {
    // Shortands
    const bvec_t *x = arg[0];
    bvec_t *xT = res[0];

    // Get sparsity
    int nz = nnz();
    const int* x_row = dep().row();
    const int* xT_colind = sparsity().colind();
    int xT_ncol = sparsity().size2();

    // Loop over the nonzeros of the argument
    copy(xT_colind, xT_colind+xT_ncol+1, iw);
    for (int el=0; el<nz; ++el) {
      xT[iw[*x_row++]++] = *x++;
  void CSparseCholeskyInterface::reset(void* mem, const int* sp) const {
    LinsolInternal::reset(mem, sp);
    auto m = static_cast<CsparseCholMemory*>(mem);

    m->L = 0;
    m->S = 0;
    m->A.nzmax = m->nnz();  // maximum number of entries
    m->A.m = m->nrow(); // number of columns
    m->A.n = m->ncol(); // number of rows
    m->A.p = const_cast<int*>(m->colind()); // row pointers (size n+1)
    // or row indices (size nzmax)
    m->A.i = const_cast<int*>(m->row()); // column indices, size nzmax
    m->A.x = 0; // numerical values, size nzmax
    m->A.nz = -1; // of entries in triplet matrix, -1 for compressed-row

    // Temporary
Exemplo n.º 27
  void printShortResults(const MatrixType& matrix, IterationType& iter, const SolverOptions& options)
    const double elapsed = getTime() - startTime;
    const char d = ':';

    std::cout << d;
    std::cout << "lib=mtl" << d;
    std::cout << "mat=" << getLeaf(options.getFile()) << d;
    std::cout << "mat_n=" << num_cols(matrix) << d;
    std::cout << "iterations=" << iter.iterations() << d;
    std::cout << "total_time=" << elapsed << d;

    if (options.useSparse())
      std::cout << "nnz=" << nnz(matrix) << d;

    std::cout << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 28
    static float 
    Objective (const Matrix<cxfl>& ffdbx, const Matrix<cxfl>& ffdbg, 
               const Matrix<cxfl>& ttdbx, const Matrix<cxfl>& ttdbg, 
               const Matrix<cxfl>&     x, const Matrix<cxfl>&     g, 
               const Matrix<cxfl>&  data, const float             t, 
                     float&         rmse, const CSParam&        cgp) {
        float obj;
        float nz = (float) nnz (data); 
        obj  = Obj (ffdbx, ffdbg, data, t);
        rmse = sqrt(obj/nz);
        if (cgp.tvw)
            obj += ObjTV (ttdbx, ttdbg, t, cgp);
        if (cgp.xfmw)
            obj += ObjXFM (x, g, t, cgp);
        return obj;

Exemplo n.º 29
 std::size_t lower_bound( index_type t)const {
     index_type const* begin = indices();
     index_type const* end = indices()+nnz();
     return std::lower_bound(begin, end, t)-begin;
Exemplo n.º 30
 iterator end() {
     return iterator(values(),indices(),nnz());