Exemplo n.º 1
static int
noit_lua_interpolate(lua_State *L) {
  noit_check_t *check;
  mtev_hash_table check_attrs_hash;
  char buff[8192];

  if(lua_gettop(L) != 1) luaL_error(L, "wrong number of arguments");
  check = lua_touserdata(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));
  if(!lua_isstring(L,1) && !lua_istable(L,1)) {
    luaL_error(L, "noit.check.interpolate(<string|table>)");

  noit_check_make_attrs(check, &check_attrs_hash);
  if(lua_isstring(L,1)) {
    const char *ns = lua_tostring(L, 1);
    noit_check_interpolate(buff, sizeof(buff), ns,
                           &check_attrs_hash, check->config);
    lua_pushstring(L, buff);
  else {
    /* We have a table */
         /* And we need a new table to return */
    lua_createtable(L, 0, 0);

    /* push a blank key to prep for lua_next calls */
    while(lua_next(L, -3)) { /* src table is -3 */
      const char *key = lua_tostring(L, -2);
      if(lua_isstring(L, -1)) {
                               const char *ns = lua_tostring(L,-1);
        noit_check_interpolate(buff, sizeof(buff), ns,
                               &check_attrs_hash, check->config);
        lua_pushstring(L, buff);
                       lua_setfield(L, -3, key); /* tgt table is -3 */
  mtev_hash_destroy(&check_attrs_hash, NULL, NULL);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int selfcheck_initiate(noit_module_t *self, noit_check_t *check,
                              noit_check_t *cause) {
  selfcheck_info_t *ci = check->closure;
  struct timeval __now;

  /* We cannot be running */
  check->flags |= NP_RUNNING;

  ci->self = self;
  ci->check = check;

  ci->timed_out = 1;
  noit_check_make_attrs(check, &ci->attrs);
  gettimeofday(&__now, NULL);
  memcpy(&check->last_fire_time, &__now, sizeof(__now));

  /* Register a handler for the worker */
  noit_check_run_full_asynch(check, selfcheck_log_size);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int postgres_initiate(noit_module_t *self, noit_check_t *check) {
  postgres_check_info_t *ci = check->closure;
  struct timeval __now;

  /* We cannot be running */
  assert(!(check->flags & NP_RUNNING));
  check->flags |= NP_RUNNING;

  ci->self = self;
  ci->check = check;

  ci->timed_out = 1;
  ci->rv = -1;
  noit_check_make_attrs(check, &ci->attrs);
  gettimeofday(&__now, NULL);
  memcpy(&check->last_fire_time, &__now, sizeof(__now));

  /* Register a handler for the worker */
  noit_check_run_full_asynch(check, postgres_drive_session);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int external_invoke(noit_module_t *self, noit_check_t *check,
                           noit_check_t *cause) {
  struct timeval when, p_int;
  external_closure_t *ecl;
  struct check_info *ci = (struct check_info *)check->closure;
  eventer_t newe;
  external_data_t *data;
  noit_hash_table check_attrs_hash = NOIT_HASH_EMPTY;
  int i, klen;
  noit_hash_iter iter = NOIT_HASH_ITER_ZERO;
  const char *name, *value;
  char interp_fmt[4096], interp_buff[4096];

  data = noit_module_get_userdata(self);

  check->flags |= NP_RUNNING;
  noitL(data->nldeb, "external_invoke(%p,%s)\n",
        self, check->target);

  /* remove a timeout if we still have one -- we should unless someone
   * has set a lower timeout than the period.
  if(ci->timeout_event) {
    ci->timeout_event = NULL;


  gettimeofday(&when, NULL);
  memcpy(&check->last_fire_time, &when, sizeof(when));

  /* Setup all our check bits */
  ci->check_no = noit_atomic_inc64(&data->check_no_seq);
  ci->check = check;
  /* We might want to extract metrics */
                        "output_extract", strlen("output_extract"),
                        &value) != 0) {
    const char *error;
    int erroffset;
    ci->matcher = pcre_compile(value, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
    if(!ci->matcher) {
      noitL(data->nlerr, "external pcre /%s/ failed @ %d: %s\n",
            value, erroffset, error);

  noit_check_make_attrs(check, &check_attrs_hash);

  /* Count the args */
  i = 1;
  while(1) {
    char argname[10];
    snprintf(argname, sizeof(argname), "arg%d", i);
    if(noit_hash_retr_str(check->config, argname, strlen(argname),
                          &value) == 0) break;
  ci->argcnt = i + 1; /* path, arg0, (i-1 more args) */
  ci->arglens = calloc(ci->argcnt, sizeof(*ci->arglens));
  ci->args = calloc(ci->argcnt, sizeof(*ci->args));

  /* Make the command */
  if(noit_hash_retr_str(check->config, "command", strlen("command"),
                        &value) == 0) {
    value = "/bin/true";
  ci->args[0] = strdup(value);
  ci->arglens[0] = strlen(ci->args[0]) + 1;

  i = 0;
  while(1) {
    char argname[10];
    snprintf(argname, sizeof(argname), "arg%d", i);
    if(noit_hash_retr_str(check->config, argname, strlen(argname),
                          &value) == 0) {
      if(i == 0) {
        /* if we don't have arg0, make it last element of path */
        char *cp = ci->args[0] + strlen(ci->args[0]);
        while(cp > ci->args[0] && *(cp-1) != '/') cp--;
        value = cp;
      else break; /* if we don't have argn, we're done */
    noit_check_interpolate(interp_buff, sizeof(interp_buff), value,
                           &check_attrs_hash, check->config);
    ci->args[i+1] = strdup(interp_buff);
    ci->arglens[i+1] = strlen(ci->args[i+1]) + 1;

  /* Make the environment */
  memset(&iter, 0, sizeof(iter));
  ci->envcnt = 0;
  while(noit_hash_next_str(check->config, &iter, &name, &klen, &value))
    if(!strncasecmp(name, "env_", 4))
  memset(&iter, 0, sizeof(iter));
  ci->envlens = calloc(ci->envcnt, sizeof(*ci->envlens));
  ci->envs = calloc(ci->envcnt, sizeof(*ci->envs));
  ci->envcnt = 0;
  while(noit_hash_next_str(check->config, &iter, &name, &klen, &value))
    if(!strncasecmp(name, "env_", 4)) {
      snprintf(interp_fmt, sizeof(interp_fmt), "%s=%s", name+4, value);
      noit_check_interpolate(interp_buff, sizeof(interp_buff), interp_fmt,
                             &check_attrs_hash, check->config);
      ci->envs[ci->envcnt] = strdup(interp_buff);
      ci->envlens[ci->envcnt] = strlen(ci->envs[ci->envcnt]) + 1;

  noit_hash_destroy(&check_attrs_hash, NULL, NULL);

                  (const char *)&ci->check_no, sizeof(ci->check_no),

  /* Setup a timeout */
  newe = eventer_alloc();
  newe->mask = EVENTER_TIMER;
  gettimeofday(&when, NULL);
  p_int.tv_sec = check->timeout / 1000;
  p_int.tv_usec = (check->timeout % 1000) * 1000;
  add_timeval(when, p_int, &newe->whence);
  ecl = calloc(1, sizeof(*ecl));
  ecl->self = self;
  ecl->check = check;
  newe->closure = ecl;
  newe->callback = external_timeout;
  ci->timeout_event = newe;

  /* Setup push */
  newe = eventer_alloc();
  newe->mask = EVENTER_ASYNCH;
  add_timeval(when, p_int, &newe->whence);
  ecl = calloc(1, sizeof(*ecl));
  ecl->self = self;
  ecl->check = check;
  newe->closure = ecl;
  newe->callback = external_enqueue;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
static int dns_check_send(noit_module_t *self, noit_check_t *check,
                          noit_check_t *cause) {
  void *vnv_pair = NULL;
  struct dns_nameval *nv_pair;
  eventer_t newe;
  struct timeval p_int, now;
  struct dns_check_info *ci = check->closure;
  const char *config_val;
  const char *rtype = NULL;
  const char *nameserver = NULL;
  int port = 0;
  const char *port_str = NULL;
  const char *want_sort = NULL;
  const char *ctype = "IN";
  const char *query = NULL;
  char interpolated_nameserver[1024];
  char interpolated_query[1024];
  noit_hash_table check_attrs_hash = NOIT_HASH_EMPTY;


  gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
  memcpy(&check->last_fire_time, &now, sizeof(now));
  ci->current.state = NP_BAD;
  ci->current.available = NP_UNAVAILABLE;
  ci->timed_out = 1;
  ci->nrr = 0;
  ci->sort = 1;

  if(!strcmp(check->name, "in-addr.arpa") ||
     (strlen(check->name) >= sizeof("::in-addr.arpa") - 1 &&
      !strcmp(check->name + strlen(check->name) - sizeof("::in-addr.arpa") + 1,
              "::in-addr.arpa"))) {
    /* in-addr.arpa defaults:
     *   nameserver to NULL
     *   rtype to PTR
     *   query to %[:inaddrarpa:target]
    nameserver = NULL;
    rtype = "PTR";
    query = "%[:inaddrarpa:target_ip]";
  else {
    nameserver = "%[target_ip]";
    rtype = "A";
    query = "%[name]";

  if(noit_hash_retr_str(check->config, "port", strlen("port"),
                        &port_str)) {
    port = atoi(port_str);

#define CONFIG_OVERRIDE(a) \
  if(noit_hash_retr_str(check->config, #a, strlen(#a), \
                        &config_val) && \
     strlen(config_val) > 0) \
    a = config_val
  if(nameserver && !strcmp(nameserver, "default")) nameserver = NULL;
  if(want_sort && strcasecmp(want_sort, "on") && strcasecmp(want_sort, "true"))
    ci->sort = 0;

  noit_check_make_attrs(check, &check_attrs_hash);

  if(nameserver) {
                           &check_attrs_hash, check->config);
    nameserver = interpolated_nameserver;
  if(query) {
                           &check_attrs_hash, check->config);
    query = interpolated_query;
  noit_hash_destroy(&check_attrs_hash, NULL, NULL);

  check->flags |= NP_RUNNING;
  noitL(nldeb, "dns_check_send(%p,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)\n",
        self, check->target, nameserver ? nameserver : "default",
        query ? query : "null", ctype, rtype);

  /* If this ci has a handle and it isn't the one we need,
   * we should release it
  if(ci->h &&
     ((ci->h->ns == NULL && nameserver != NULL) ||
      (ci->h->ns != NULL && nameserver == NULL) ||
      (ci->h->ns && strcmp(ci->h->ns, nameserver)))) {
    ci->h = NULL;
  /* use the cached one, unless we don't have one */
  if(!ci->h) ci->h = dns_ctx_alloc(nameserver, port);
  if(!ci->h) ci->error = strdup("bad nameserver");

  /* Lookup out class */
  if(!noit_hash_retrieve(&dns_ctypes, ctype, strlen(ctype),
                         &vnv_pair)) {
    if(ci->error) free(ci->error);
    ci->error = strdup("bad class");
  else {
    nv_pair = (struct dns_nameval *)vnv_pair;
    ci->query_ctype = nv_pair->val;
  /* Lookup out rr type */
  if(!noit_hash_retrieve(&dns_rtypes, rtype, strlen(rtype),
                         &vnv_pair)) {
    if(ci->error) free(ci->error);
    ci->error = strdup("bad rr type");
  else {
    nv_pair = (struct dns_nameval *)vnv_pair;
    ci->query_rtype = nv_pair->val;

  if(!ci->error) {
    /* Submit the query */
    int abs;
    if(!dns_ptodn(query, strlen(query), ci->dn, sizeof(ci->dn), &abs) ||
       !dns_submit_dn(ci->h->ctx, ci->dn, ci->query_ctype, ci->query_rtype,
                      abs | DNS_NOSRCH, NULL, dns_cb, ci)) {
      ci->error = strdup("submission error");
    else {
      dns_timeouts(ci->h->ctx, -1, now.tv_sec);

  /* we could have completed by now... if so, we've nothing to do */

  if(!__isactive_ci(ci)) return 0;

  if(ci->error) {
    /* Errors here are easy, fail and avoid scheduling a timeout */
    ci->check->flags &= ~NP_RUNNING;
    return 0;

  newe = eventer_alloc();
  newe->mask = EVENTER_TIMER;
  gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
  p_int.tv_sec = check->timeout / 1000;
  p_int.tv_usec = (check->timeout % 1000) * 1000;
  add_timeval(now, p_int, &newe->whence);
  newe->closure = ci;
  newe->callback = dns_check_timeout;
  ci->timeout_event = newe;

  return 0;