Exemplo n.º 1
static int
noit_console_config_nocheck(noit_console_closure_t ncct,
                            int argc, char **argv,
                            noit_console_state_t *state, void *closure) {
  int i, cnt;
  const char *err = "internal error";
  noit_conf_t_userdata_t *info;
  xmlXPathObjectPtr pobj = NULL;
  xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctxt = NULL;
  char xpath[1024];
  uuid_t checkid;

  noit_conf_xml_xpath(NULL, &xpath_ctxt);
  if(argc < 1) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "requires one argument\n");
    return -1;

  info = noit_console_userdata_get(ncct, NOIT_CONF_T_USERDATA);
  if(noit_console_mkcheck_xpath(xpath, sizeof(xpath), info, argv[0])) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "could not find check '%s'\n", argv[0]);
    return -1;
  pobj = xmlXPathEval((xmlChar *)xpath, xpath_ctxt);
  if(!pobj || pobj->type != XPATH_NODESET ||
     xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pobj->nodesetval)) {
    err = "no checks found";
    goto bad;
  cnt = xmlXPathNodeSetGetLength(pobj->nodesetval);
  for(i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
    xmlNodePtr node;
    char *uuid_conf;
    node = (noit_conf_section_t)xmlXPathNodeSetItem(pobj->nodesetval, i);
    uuid_conf = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar *)"uuid");
    if(!uuid_conf || uuid_parse(uuid_conf, checkid)) {
      nc_printf(ncct, "%s has invalid or missing UUID!\n",
                (char *)xmlGetNodePath(node) + strlen("/noit"));
    else {
      if(argc > 1) {
        int j;
          xmlUnsetProp(node, (xmlChar *)argv[j]);
      } else {
        nc_printf(ncct, "descheduling %s\n", uuid_conf);
  if(argc > 1) {
  nc_printf(ncct, "rebuilding causal map...\n");
  if(pobj) xmlXPathFreeObject(pobj);
  return 0;
  if(pobj) xmlXPathFreeObject(pobj);
  nc_printf(ncct, "%s\n", err);
  return -1;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int
noit_console_show_check(noit_console_closure_t ncct,
                        int argc, char **argv,
                        noit_console_state_t *state, void *closure) {
  int i, cnt;
  noit_conf_t_userdata_t *info;
  char xpath[1024];
  xmlXPathObjectPtr pobj = NULL;
  xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctxt = NULL;

  noit_conf_xml_xpath(NULL, &xpath_ctxt);
  if(argc > 1) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "requires zero or one arguments\n");
    return -1;

  info = noit_console_userdata_get(ncct, NOIT_CONF_T_USERDATA);
  /* We many not be in conf-t mode -- that's fine */
  if(noit_console_mkcheck_xpath(xpath, sizeof(xpath), info,
                                argc ? argv[0] : NULL)) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "could not find check '%s'\n", argv[0]);
    return -1;

  pobj = xmlXPathEval((xmlChar *)xpath, xpath_ctxt);
  if(!pobj || pobj->type != XPATH_NODESET ||
     xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pobj->nodesetval)) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "no checks found\n");
    goto out;
  cnt = xmlXPathNodeSetGetLength(pobj->nodesetval);
  if(info && cnt != 1) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "Ambiguous check specified\n");
    goto out;
  for(i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
    noit_hash_iter iter = NOIT_HASH_ITER_ZERO;
    const char *k;
    int klen;
    void *data;
    uuid_t checkid;
    noit_check_t *check;
    noit_hash_table *config;
    xmlNodePtr node, anode, mnode = NULL;
    char *uuid_conf;
    char *module, *value;

    node = (noit_conf_section_t)xmlXPathNodeSetItem(pobj->nodesetval, i);
    uuid_conf = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar *)"uuid");
    if(!uuid_conf || uuid_parse(uuid_conf, checkid)) {
      nc_printf(ncct, "%s has invalid or missing UUID!\n",
                (char *)xmlGetNodePath(node) + strlen("/noit"));
    nc_printf(ncct, "==== %s ====\n", uuid_conf);

#define MYATTR(a,n,b) _noit_conf_get_string(node, &(n), "@" #a, &(b))
#define INHERIT(a,n,b) \
  _noit_conf_get_string(node, &(n), "ancestor-or-self::node()/@" #a, &(b))
#define SHOW_ATTR(a) do { \
  anode = NULL; \
  value = NULL; \
  INHERIT(a, anode, value); \
  nc_attr_show(ncct, #a, node, anode, value); \
} while(0)

    if(!INHERIT(module, mnode, module)) module = NULL;
    if(MYATTR(name, anode, value))
      nc_printf(ncct, " name: %s\n", value);
      nc_printf(ncct, " name: %s [from module]\n", module ? module : "[undef]");
    nc_attr_show(ncct, "module", node, mnode, module);
    /* Print out all the config settings */
    config = noit_conf_get_hash(node, "config");
    while(noit_hash_next(config, &iter, &k, &klen, &data)) {
      nc_printf(ncct, " config::%s: %s\n", k, (const char *)data);
    noit_hash_destroy(config, free, free);

    check = noit_poller_lookup(checkid);
    if(!check) {
      nc_printf(ncct, " ERROR: not in running system\n");
    else {
      int idx = 0;
      nc_printf(ncct, " currently: ");
      if(NOIT_CHECK_RUNNING(check)) nc_printf(ncct, "%srunning", idx++?",":"");
      if(NOIT_CHECK_KILLED(check)) nc_printf(ncct, "%skilled", idx++?",":"");
      if(!NOIT_CHECK_CONFIGURED(check)) nc_printf(ncct, "%sunconfig", idx++?",":"");
      if(NOIT_CHECK_DISABLED(check)) nc_printf(ncct, "%sdisabled", idx++?",":"");
      if(!idx) nc_printf(ncct, "idle");
      nc_write(ncct, "\n", 1);
      if(check->stats.current.whence.tv_sec == 0) {
        nc_printf(ncct, " last run: never\n");
      else {
        stats_t *c = &check->stats.current;
        struct timeval now, diff;
        gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
        sub_timeval(now, c->whence, &diff);
        nc_printf(ncct, " last run: %0.3f seconds ago\n",
                  diff.tv_sec + (diff.tv_usec / 1000000.0));
        nc_printf(ncct, " availability/state: %s/%s\n",
        nc_printf(ncct, " status: %s\n", c->status ? c->status : "[[null]]");
        nc_printf(ncct, " metrics:\n");
        memset(&iter, 0, sizeof(iter));
        while(noit_hash_next(&c->metrics, &iter, &k, &klen, &data)) {
          char buff[256];
          noit_boolean filtered;
          noit_stats_snprint_metric(buff, sizeof(buff), (metric_t *)data);
          filtered = !noit_apply_filterset(check->filterset, check, (metric_t *)data);
          nc_printf(ncct, "  %c%s\n", filtered ? '*' : ' ', buff);
  if(pobj) xmlXPathFreeObject(pobj);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int
noit_console_check(noit_console_closure_t ncct,
                   int argc, char **argv,
                   noit_console_state_t *state, void *closure) {
  int cnt;
  noit_conf_t_userdata_t *info;
  char xpath[1024], newuuid_str[37];
  char *uuid_conf, *wanted;
  uuid_t checkid;
  xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctxt = NULL;
  xmlXPathObjectPtr pobj = NULL;
  xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
  noit_boolean creating_new = noit_false;

  if(closure) {
    char *fake_argv[1] = { ".." };
    noit_console_state_pop(ncct, 0, argv, NULL, NULL);
    noit_console_config_cd(ncct, 1, fake_argv, NULL, NULL);

  noit_conf_xml_xpath(NULL, &xpath_ctxt);
  if(argc < 1) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "requires at least one argument\n");
    return -1;
  if(argc % 2 == 0) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "wrong number of arguments\n");
    return -1;

  info = noit_console_userdata_get(ncct, NOIT_CONF_T_USERDATA);
  wanted = strcmp(argv[0], "new") ? argv[0] : NULL;
  if(info && !wanted) {
    /* We are creating a new node */
    uuid_t out;
    creating_new = noit_true;
    if(strncmp(info->path, "/checks/", strlen("/checks/")) &&
       strcmp(info->path, "/checks")) {
      nc_printf(ncct, "New checks must be under /checks/\n");
      return -1;
    if(noit_conf_mkcheck_under(info->path, argc - 1, argv + 1, out)) {
      nc_printf(ncct, "Error creating new check\n");
      return -1;
    newuuid_str[0] = '\0';
    uuid_unparse_lower(out, newuuid_str);
    wanted = newuuid_str;
  /* We many not be in conf-t mode -- that's fine */
  if(noit_console_mkcheck_xpath(xpath, sizeof(xpath), info, wanted)) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "could not find check '%s'\n", wanted);
    return -1;

  pobj = xmlXPathEval((xmlChar *)xpath, xpath_ctxt);
  if(!pobj || pobj->type != XPATH_NODESET ||
     xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pobj->nodesetval)) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "no checks found for '%s'\n", wanted);
    goto out;
  cnt = xmlXPathNodeSetGetLength(pobj->nodesetval);
  if(info && cnt != 1) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "Ambiguous check specified\n");
    goto out;
  node = (noit_conf_section_t)xmlXPathNodeSetItem(pobj->nodesetval, 0);
  uuid_conf = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar *)"uuid");
  if(!uuid_conf || uuid_parse(uuid_conf, checkid)) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "%s has invalid or missing UUID!\n",
              (char *)xmlGetNodePath(node) + strlen("/noit"));
    goto out;
  if(argc > 1 && !creating_new)
    if(noit_config_check_update_attrs(node, argc - 1, argv + 1))
      nc_printf(ncct, "Partially successful, error setting some attributes\n");

  if(info) {
    if(info->path) free(info->path);
    info->path = strdup((char *)xmlGetNodePath(node) + strlen("/noit"));
    uuid_copy(info->current_check, checkid);
    if(argc > 1) refresh_subchecks(ncct, info);
    if(state) {
      noit_console_state_push_state(ncct, state);
    goto out;
  if(pobj) xmlXPathFreeObject(pobj);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int
noit_console_watch_check(noit_console_closure_t ncct,
                         int argc, char **argv,
                         noit_console_state_t *state, void *closure) {
  int i, cnt;
  int adding = (int)(vpsized_int)closure;
  int period = 0;
  char xpath[1024];
  xmlXPathObjectPtr pobj = NULL;
  xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctxt = NULL;

  noit_conf_xml_xpath(NULL, &xpath_ctxt);
  if(argc < 1 || argc > 2) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "requires one or two arguments\n");
    return -1;
  /* An alternate period */
  if(argc == 2) period = atoi(argv[1]);

  if(noit_console_mkcheck_xpath(xpath, sizeof(xpath), NULL,
                                argc ? argv[0] : NULL)) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "ERROR: could not find check '%s'\n", argv[0]);
    return -1;

  pobj = xmlXPathEval((xmlChar *)xpath, xpath_ctxt);
  if(!pobj || pobj->type != XPATH_NODESET ||
     xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pobj->nodesetval)) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "no checks found\n");
    goto out;
  cnt = xmlXPathNodeSetGetLength(pobj->nodesetval);
  for(i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
    uuid_t checkid;
    noit_check_t *check;
    xmlNodePtr node;
    char *uuid_conf;

    node = (noit_conf_section_t)xmlXPathNodeSetItem(pobj->nodesetval, i);
    uuid_conf = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar *)"uuid");
    if(!uuid_conf || uuid_parse(uuid_conf, checkid)) {
      nc_printf(ncct, "%s has invalid or missing UUID!\n",
                (char *)xmlGetNodePath(node) + strlen("/noit"));
    if(period == 0) {
      check = noit_poller_lookup(checkid);
      if(!check) continue;
      if(adding) noit_check_transient_add_feed(check, ncct->feed_path);
      else noit_check_transient_remove_feed(check, ncct->feed_path);
    else {
      if(adding) {
        check = noit_check_watch(checkid, period);
        /* This check must be watched from the console */
        noit_check_transient_add_feed(check, ncct->feed_path);
        /* Note the check */
        /* kick it off, if it isn't running already */
        if(!NOIT_CHECK_LIVE(check)) noit_check_activate(check);
      else {
        check = noit_check_get_watch(checkid, period);
        if(check) noit_check_transient_remove_feed(check, ncct->feed_path);
  if(pobj) xmlXPathFreeObject(pobj);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
static int
noit_console_show_check(mtev_console_closure_t ncct,
                        int argc, char **argv,
                        mtev_console_state_t *state, void *closure) {
  int i, cnt;
  mtev_conf_t_userdata_t *info;
  char xpath[1024];
  xmlXPathObjectPtr pobj = NULL;
  xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctxt = NULL;

  mtev_conf_xml_xpath(NULL, &xpath_ctxt);
  if(argc > 1) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "requires zero or one arguments\n");
    return -1;

  info = mtev_console_userdata_get(ncct, MTEV_CONF_T_USERDATA);
  /* We many not be in conf-t mode -- that's fine */
  if(noit_console_mkcheck_xpath(xpath, sizeof(xpath), info,
                                argc ? argv[0] : NULL)) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "could not find check '%s'\n", argv[0]);
    return -1;

  pobj = xmlXPathEval((xmlChar *)xpath, xpath_ctxt);
  if(!pobj || pobj->type != XPATH_NODESET ||
     xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(pobj->nodesetval)) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "no checks found\n");
    goto out;
  cnt = xmlXPathNodeSetGetLength(pobj->nodesetval);
  if(info && cnt != 1) {
    nc_printf(ncct, "Ambiguous check specified\n");
    goto out;
  for(i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
    mtev_hash_iter iter = MTEV_HASH_ITER_ZERO;
    const char *k;
    int klen;
    void *data;
    uuid_t checkid;
    noit_check_t *check;
    mtev_hash_table *config;
    xmlNodePtr node, anode, mnode = NULL;
    char *uuid_conf;
    char *module, *value;

    node = (mtev_conf_section_t)xmlXPathNodeSetItem(pobj->nodesetval, i);
    uuid_conf = (char *)xmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar *)"uuid");
    if(!uuid_conf || uuid_parse(uuid_conf, checkid)) {
      nc_printf(ncct, "%s has invalid or missing UUID!\n",
                (char *)xmlGetNodePath(node) + strlen("/noit"));
    nc_printf(ncct, "==== %s ====\n", uuid_conf);

#define MYATTR(a,n,b) _mtev_conf_get_string(node, &(n), "@" #a, &(b))
#define INHERIT(a,n,b) \
  _mtev_conf_get_string(node, &(n), "ancestor-or-self::node()/@" #a, &(b))
#define SHOW_ATTR(a) do { \
  anode = NULL; \
  value = NULL; \
  INHERIT(a, anode, value); \
  nc_attr_show(ncct, #a, node, anode, value); \
  if(value != NULL) free(value); \
} while(0)

    if(!INHERIT(module, mnode, module)) module = NULL;
    if(MYATTR(name, anode, value)) {
      nc_printf(ncct, " name: %s\n", value);
      nc_printf(ncct, " name: %s [from module]\n", module ? module : "[undef]");
    nc_attr_show(ncct, "module", node, mnode, module);
    if(module) free(module);
    /* Print out all the config settings */
    config = mtev_conf_get_hash(node, "config");
    while(mtev_hash_next(config, &iter, &k, &klen, &data)) {
      nc_printf(ncct, " config::%s: %s\n", k, (const char *)data);
    mtev_hash_destroy(config, free, free);

    check = noit_poller_lookup(checkid);
    if(!check) {
      nc_printf(ncct, " ERROR: not in running system\n");
    else {
      int idx = 0;
      stats_t *c;
      struct timeval *whence;
      mtev_hash_table *metrics;
      nc_printf(ncct, " target_ip: %s\n", check->target_ip);
      nc_printf(ncct, " currently: %08x ", check->flags);
      if(NOIT_CHECK_RUNNING(check)) { nc_printf(ncct, "running"); idx++; }
      if(NOIT_CHECK_KILLED(check)) nc_printf(ncct, "%skilled", idx++?",":"");
      if(!NOIT_CHECK_CONFIGURED(check)) nc_printf(ncct, "%sunconfig", idx++?",":"");
      if(NOIT_CHECK_DISABLED(check)) nc_printf(ncct, "%sdisabled", idx++?",":"");
      if(!idx) nc_printf(ncct, "idle");
      nc_write(ncct, "\n", 1);
      if (check->fire_event != NULL) {
        struct timeval now, diff;
        mtev_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
        sub_timeval(check->fire_event->whence, now, &diff);
        nc_printf(ncct, " next run: %0.3f seconds\n",
                diff.tv_sec + (diff.tv_usec / 1000000.0));
      else {
        nc_printf(ncct, " next run: unscheduled\n");

      c = noit_check_get_stats_current(check);
      whence = noit_check_stats_whence(c, NULL);
      if(whence->tv_sec == 0) {
        nc_printf(ncct, " last run: never\n");
      else {
        const char *status;
        struct timeval now, *then, diff;
        mtev_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
        then = noit_check_stats_whence(c, NULL);
        sub_timeval(now, *then, &diff);
        nc_printf(ncct, " last run: %0.3f seconds ago\n",
                  diff.tv_sec + (diff.tv_usec / 1000000.0));
        nc_printf(ncct, " availability/state: %s/%s\n",
                  noit_check_available_string(noit_check_stats_available(c, NULL)),
                  noit_check_state_string(noit_check_stats_state(c, NULL)));
        status = noit_check_stats_status(c, NULL);
        nc_printf(ncct, " status: %s\n", status);
        nc_printf(ncct, " feeds: %d\n", check->feeds ? check->feeds->size : 0);

      c = noit_check_get_stats_inprogress(check);
      metrics = noit_check_stats_metrics(c);
      if(mtev_hash_size(metrics) > 0) {
        nc_printf(ncct, " metrics (inprogress):\n");
        nc_print_stat_metrics(ncct, check, c);
      c = noit_check_get_stats_current(check);
      metrics = noit_check_stats_metrics(c);
      if(mtev_hash_size(metrics)) {
        nc_printf(ncct, " metrics (current):\n");
        nc_print_stat_metrics(ncct, check, c);
      c = noit_check_get_stats_previous(check);
      metrics = noit_check_stats_metrics(c);
      if(mtev_hash_size(metrics) > 0) {
        nc_printf(ncct, " metrics (previous):\n");
        nc_print_stat_metrics(ncct, check, c);
  if(pobj) xmlXPathFreeObject(pobj);
  return 0;