Exemplo n.º 1
 void canny(unsigned char *readImage, unsigned char **writeImage, float gauSigma, float edgeT, float backT, char *composedFilename) {
 	float *radiansImg;
 	short int *gsmoothImage, *deltaX, *deltaY, *magnitude;
 	unsigned char *nms;
 	// FILE *fp;

 	(*writeImage) = (unsigned char *) calloc(HEIGHT*WIDTH, sizeof (unsigned char));

 	if (VERBOSE) printf("Gaussian smoothing ...\n");
 	gaussianSmooth(readImage, &gsmoothImage, gauSigma);

 	if (VERBOSE) printf("Computing the X and Y first derivaties.\n");
 	derrXY(gsmoothImage, &deltaX, &deltaY);

 	radianDir(deltaX, deltaY, &radiansImg, -1, -1);

 	if (VERBOSE) printf("Computing the magnitude of the gradient.\n");
 	magXY(deltaX, deltaY, &magnitude);

 	if (VERBOSE) printf("Doing the non-maximal suppression.\n");
 	nms = (unsigned char *) calloc(HEIGHT*WIDTH, sizeof (unsigned char));
 	nonMaxSup(magnitude, deltaX, deltaY, nms);

 	if (VERBOSE) printf("Doing hysteresis thresholding.\n");
 	applyHysteresis(magnitude, nms, edgeT, backT, *writeImage);

Exemplo n.º 2
void Objectness::predictBBoxSI(CMat &img3u, ValStructVec<float, Vec4i> &valBoxes, vecI &sz, int NUM_WIN_PSZ, bool fast)
    const int numSz = _svmSzIdxs.size();
    const int imgW = img3u.cols, imgH = img3u.rows;
    for (int ir = numSz - 1; ir >= 0; ir--) {
        int r = _svmSzIdxs[ir];
        int height = cvRound(pow(_base, r/_numT + _minT)), width = cvRound(pow(_base, r%_numT + _minT));
        if (height > imgH * _base || width > imgW * _base)

        height = min(height, imgH), width = min(width, imgW);
        Mat im3u, matchCost1f, mag1u;
        resize(img3u, im3u, Size(cvRound(_W*imgW*1.0/width), cvRound(_W*imgH*1.0/height)));
        gradientMag(im3u, mag1u);

        matchCost1f = _tigF.matchTemplate(mag1u);

        ValStructVec<float, Point> matchCost;
        nonMaxSup(matchCost1f, matchCost, _NSS, NUM_WIN_PSZ, fast);

        // Find true locations and match values
        double ratioX = width/_W, ratioY = height/_W;
        int iMax = min(matchCost.size(), NUM_WIN_PSZ);
        for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
            float mVal = matchCost(i);
            Point pnt = matchCost[i];
            Vec4i box(cvRound(pnt.x * ratioX), cvRound(pnt.y*ratioY));
            box[2] = cvRound(min(box[0] + width, imgW));
            box[3] = cvRound(min(box[1] + height, imgH));
            box[0] ++;
            box[1] ++;
            valBoxes.pushBack(mVal, box);
Exemplo n.º 3
ImageRAII canny( IplImage * image, std::pair< int, int > thresh, double sigma )
	const char * WINDOW_NAME = "Basic Canny Edge Detector";

	ImageRAII grayscale( cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( image ), image->depth, 1 ) );
	ImageRAII destination( cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( image ), image->depth, grayscale.image->nChannels ) );
	ImageRAII gaussian( cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( image ), image->depth, grayscale.image->nChannels ) );
	ImageRAII gradient_x( cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( image ), image->depth, grayscale.image->nChannels ) );
	ImageRAII gradient_y( cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( image ), image->depth, grayscale.image->nChannels ) );
	ImageRAII gradient( cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( image ), image->depth, grayscale.image->nChannels ) );
	ImageRAII orientation( cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( image ), image->depth, grayscale.image->nChannels ) );

	// convert image to grayscale
	cvCvtColor( image, grayscale.image, CV_BGR2GRAY );

	// gaussian smoothing
	cvSmooth( grayscale.image, gaussian.image, CV_GAUSSIAN, GAUSSIAN_X, GAUSSIAN_Y, sigma );
	// find edge strength
	cvSobel( gaussian.image, gradient_x.image, 1, 0, 3 );
	cvSobel( gaussian.image, gradient_y.image, 0, 1, 3 );
	// find edge orientation
	CvSize image_size = cvGetSize( gaussian.image );

	for( int i = 0; i < image_size.width; i++ )
		for( int j = 0; j < image_size.height; j++ )
			double x = cvGet2D( gradient_x.image, j, i ).val[0];
			double y = cvGet2D( gradient_y.image, j, i ).val[0];
			float angle;

			if( x == 0 )
				if( y == 0 )
					angle = 0;
					angle = 90;
				angle = cvFastArctan( y, x );

			CvScalar g;
			CvScalar a;
		   	g.val[0] = cvSqrt( pow( x, 2 ) + pow( y, 2 ) );
			a.val[0] = find_angle( angle );

			cvSet2D( destination.image, j, i, g );
			cvSet2D( orientation.image, j, i, a );

	ImageRAII suppressed_image = nonMaxSup( destination.image, orientation.image );
	ImageRAII hysteresis_image = hysteresis( suppressed_image.image, orientation.image, thresh );

	cvNamedWindow( WINDOW_NAME );
	cvShowImage( WINDOW_NAME, destination.image );
	cvMoveWindow( WINDOW_NAME, image_size.width, 0 );

	return hysteresis_image;