Exemplo n.º 1
pxUInt FCollide_Sphere_Sphere( pxCollideable* objA, pxCollideable* objB, pxCollisionResult &result )
	//Assert( objA->GetShape()->GetType() == pxcShapeType::PX_SHAPE_SPHERE );
	//Assert( objB->GetShape()->GetType() == pxcShapeType::PX_SHAPE_SPHERE );

	pxShape_Sphere * sphereA = (pxShape_Sphere*)objA->GetShape();
	pxShape_Sphere * sphereB = (pxShape_Sphere*)objB->GetShape();

	const pxReal margin = SMALL_NUMBER;//PX_COLLISION_MARGIN;

	// sphere centers in world space
	const pxVec3 posA = objA->GetOrigin();
	const pxVec3 posB = objB->GetOrigin();
	const pxReal radiusA = sphereA->GetRadius() + margin;
	const pxReal radiusB = sphereB->GetRadius() + margin;

	const pxVec3 axis = posA - posB;
	const pxReal distanceSq = axis.LengthSqr();

	//iff len positive, don't generate a new contact
	if( distanceSq > squaref(radiusA + radiusB) )
		return 0;

	const pxReal len = mxSqrt(distanceSq);

	//distance (negative means penetration)
	const pxReal distance = len - (sphereA->mRadius + sphereB->mRadius);

	// contact normalOnSurfaceB
	pxVec3 normalOnSurfaceB(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
	if( len > PX_EPSILON ) {
		normalOnSurfaceB = axis / len;

	//point on B (in world space)
	const pxVec3 pB = posB + radiusB * normalOnSurfaceB;

	pxContactManifold & manifold = result.manifold;

	manifold.points[0].position = pB;
	manifold.points[0].normal = normalOnSurfaceB;
	manifold.points[0].depth = distance;

	manifold.points[0].material.Set( objA->GetSurfaceInfo(), objB->GetSurfaceInfo() );

	manifold.numPoints = 1;
	result.oA = objA;
	result.oB = objB;

	return 1;
void btSphereSphereCollisionAlgorithm::processCollision (btCollisionObject* col0,btCollisionObject* col1,const btDispatcherInfo& dispatchInfo,btManifoldResult* resultOut)

	if (!m_manifoldPtr)


	btSphereShape* sphere0 = (btSphereShape*)col0->getCollisionShape();
	btSphereShape* sphere1 = (btSphereShape*)col1->getCollisionShape();

	btVector3 diff = col0->getWorldTransform().getOrigin()-  col1->getWorldTransform().getOrigin();
	btScalar len = diff.length();
	btScalar radius0 = sphere0->getRadius();
	btScalar radius1 = sphere1->getRadius();

	m_manifoldPtr->clearManifold(); //don't do this, it disables warmstarting

	///iff distance positive, don't generate a new contact
	if ( len > (radius0+radius1))
	///distance (negative means penetration)
	btScalar dist = len - (radius0+radius1);

	btVector3 normalOnSurfaceB(1,0,0);
	if (len > SIMD_EPSILON)
		normalOnSurfaceB = diff / len;

	///point on A (worldspace)
	///btVector3 pos0 = col0->getWorldTransform().getOrigin() - radius0 * normalOnSurfaceB;
	///point on B (worldspace)
	btVector3 pos1 = col1->getWorldTransform().getOrigin() + radius1* normalOnSurfaceB;

	/// report a contact. internally this will be kept persistent, and contact reduction is done


Exemplo n.º 3
void pxSphereSphereAgent::ProcessCollision(
	pxCollideable* objA, pxCollideable* objB,
	const pxProcessCollisionInput& input,
	pxProcessCollisionOutput & result
	pxShape_Sphere * shapeA = (pxShape_Sphere*)objA->GetShape();
	pxShape_Sphere * shapeB = (pxShape_Sphere*)objB->GetShape();

	const pxReal margin = PX_COLLISION_MARGIN;

	// sphere centers in world space
	const pxVec3 posA = objA->GetOrigin();
	const pxVec3 posB = objB->GetOrigin();
	const pxReal radiusA = shapeA->GetRadius() + margin;
	const pxReal radiusB = shapeB->GetRadius() + margin;

	const pxVec3 axis = posA - posB;
	const pxReal distanceSq = axis.LengthSqr();

	//iff len positive, don't generate a new contact
	if( distanceSq > squaref(radiusA + radiusB) )

	const pxReal len = mxSqrt(distanceSq);

	//distance (negative means penetration)
	const pxReal distance = len - (shapeA->GetRadius() + shapeB->GetRadius());

	// contact normalOnSurfaceB
	pxVec3 normalOnSurfaceB(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
	if( len > PX_EPSILON ) {
		normalOnSurfaceB = axis / len;

	//point on B (in world space)
	const pxVec3 pB = posB + radiusB * normalOnSurfaceB;

	manifold->points[0].position = pB;

	manifold->points[0].normalAndDepth.mVec128 = normalOnSurfaceB.mVec128;
	manifold->points[0].normalAndDepth.w = distance;

	manifold->numPoints = 1;

	manifold->oA = objA;
	manifold->oB = objB;