int nextServer(int64& seed, std::vector<Server*>& v, int oldIndex) { CERR("oldindex: " << oldIndex); CERR("v.size(): " << v.size()); typedef std::vector<Server*>::iterator iter; if(!(oldIndex >= 0 && unsigned(oldIndex) < v.size()) /* || !v[oldIndex]->isReachable()*/){ CERR("!("<< oldIndex << " >= 0 && " << unsigned(oldIndex) << " < " << v.size() << ") ||"); if(oldIndex >= 0 && unsigned(oldIndex) < v.size()){ CERR(" ! (v[" << oldIndex << "]->isReachable() : " << v[oldIndex]->isReachable() << ")"); } //start searching from first group CERR("oldindex: " << oldIndex << ", will set to -1"); oldIndex = -1; } sort(v.begin(), v.end(), ServerGroupLess()); Server cmp("dummy", 12); //dummy server if(oldIndex >= 0){ //set dummy's group to be the last used group. cmp.setGroup(v[oldIndex]->group()); CERR(" " <<; } int lastGroup = v.back()->group(); //group with highest number. CERR("lastgroup: " << lastGroup); std::pair<iter,iter> range; //find group to use while( <= lastGroup){ //find range of reachables with same group as dummy. range = equal_range(v.begin(), v.end(), &cmp, ServerGroupLess()); if(range.first != range.second) { //range is not empty CERR("range.first != range.second"); CERR("more servers in list"); #define REACHABLE(iter) ((iter != v.end()) ? ((*iter)->isReachable()) : false) #define HOST(iter) ((iter != v.end()) ? ((*iter)->getHostAndPort()) : "END") #define GROUP(iter) ((iter != v.end()) ? ((*iter)->group()) : -1) #define SERVER(iter) CERR(#iter << " : " << distance(v.begin(), iter) << " "<<\ HOST(iter) << " - " GROUP(iter) << " " <<\ REACHABLE(iter)) #define SERVER_RANGE(b,e) for(iter a_ = b; a_ != e; ++a_){SERVER(a_);} SERVER(v.begin()); SERVER(range.first); SERVER(range.second); SERVER((v.end() - 1)); SERVER_RANGE(v.begin(), v.end()); CERR("begin -> first : " << distance(v.begin(), range.first)); CERR("first -> second : " << distance(range.first, range.second)); CERR("second -> end : " << distance(range.second, v.end())); iter nextgroup = find_if(range.second - 1, v.end(), not1(bind2nd(mem_fun(&Server::isGroup),; SERVER(nextgroup); CERR("second -> nextgroup : "<<distance(range.second, nextgroup)); if(distance(range.second, nextgroup) < SWITCH_GROUP_THRESHOLD){ CERR("unreachables has not passed THRESHOLD"); break; } #undef SERVER_RANGE #undef SERVER #undef HOST #undef REACHABLE } //range is empty or has too many unreachables, increase group by //one and try again. cmp.setGroup( + 1); CERR(" " <<; } //size of range, int num = distance(range.first, range.second); CERR("num: " << num); //index of first server in selected group int startIdx = distance(v.begin(), range.first); CERR("startIdx: " << startIdx); if( > lastGroup){ //out of servers, sorry CERR("returning " << v.size() << ", which is illegal"); return v.size(); } else if(oldIndex >= 0 && v[oldIndex]->isReachable()){ //step one step in this group. CERR("returning " << startIdx+(oldIndex+1)%num << ", oldIndex + 1"); return startIdx + (oldIndex + 1) % num; } else { //srand is called in NavServerCom. It seems to be important to //call srand and rand in the same thread context. #ifndef __SYMBIAN32__ //random index in this group. int ret = startIdx + (rand() / (RAND_MAX / num + 1)); #else int ret = startIdx + (Math::Rand(seed) / (KMaxTInt / num + 1)); #endif CERR("returning " << ret << ", a random value"); return ret; } }
inline string &Settings::rtrim(string &s) { s.erase(find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))).base(), s.end()); return s; }
// Remove trailing whitespace void Macro::value_rtrim() { // Took me three hours to arrive at value.erase((find_if(value.rbegin(), value.rend(), not1(mem_fun_ref(&Ptoken::is_space)))).base(), value.end()); }
string string_ltrim( const string &str ) { string s = str; s.erase(s.begin(), find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace)))); return s; }
bool CustomCodeGenerator::Generate(const FileDescriptor* file, const string& parameter, compiler::GeneratorContext* generator_context, string* error) const { string outfilename = file->name().substr(0, file->name().size() - strlen(".proto")); string outheaderfilename = outfilename + (".pb.rpc.h"); string outsrcfilename = outfilename + (""); string includefilename = outfilename + ".pb.h"; string::size_type slastpos = 0; string::size_type spos; vector<string> ns; string spacket = file->package(); do { spos = spacket.find(".", slastpos); ns.push_back(spacket.substr(slastpos, spos - slastpos)); slastpos = spos + 1; } while (spos != string::npos); string identifier; for (size_t i=0; i<ns.size(); ++i) identifier += ns[i] + "_"; identifier += outfilename; identifier.erase(remove_if(identifier.begin(), identifier.end(), not1(ptr_fun(::is_identifier))), identifier.end()); identifier += "_rpc"; scoped_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> outputh(generator_context->Open(outheaderfilename)); scoped_ptr<io::ZeroCopyOutputStream> outputcc(generator_context->Open(outsrcfilename)); io::Printer printer(outputh.get(), '$'); io::Printer ccprinter(outputcc.get(), '$'); printer.Print( "// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!\n" "// source: $filename$\n" "\n" "#ifndef PROTOBUF_$filename_identifier$__INCLUDED\n" "#define PROTOBUF_$filename_identifier$__INCLUDED\n" "\n" "\n", "filename", file->name(), "filename_identifier", identifier); printer.Print("#include \"$header$\"\n" "#include <string>\n" "#include <memory>\n", "header", includefilename); printer.Print("\n"); ccprinter.Print( "// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!\n" "// source: $filename$\n" "\n", "filename", file->name()); ccprinter.Print("#include \"$header$\"\n" "#include <boost/pool/singleton_pool.hpp>\n", "header", outheaderfilename); ccprinter.Print("\n"); for (size_t i=0; i<ns.size(); ++i) { printer.Print("namespace $part$ {\n", "part", ns[i]); ccprinter.Print("namespace $part$ {\n", "part", ns[i]); } printer.Print("\n\n"); ccprinter.Print("\n\n"); const EnumDescriptor* emu_cmdids = NULL; for (int i=0; i< file->enum_type_count(); ++i) { if (file->enum_type(i)->name() == "CmdIDs") emu_cmdids = file->enum_type(i); } for (int i = 0; i < file->service_count(); ++i) { for (int j=0; j < file->service(i)->method_count(); ++j) { const MethodDescriptor* m = file->service(i)->method(j); printer.Print( "class $RPCNAME$\n" "{\n" "public:\n", "RPCNAME", m->name()); printer.Indent(); printer.Print( "typedef $REQNAME$ RequestType;\n" "typedef $RESPNAME$ ResponseType;\n" "\n", "REQNAME", m->input_type()->name(), "RESPNAME", m->output_type()->name()); string cmdid; if (emu_cmdids) { const EnumValueDescriptor* ev = emu_cmdids->FindValueByName("CmdID_" + m->name()); if (ev) cmdid = ev->name(); } printer.Print( "static const ::std::string& ns() { return ns_; }\n" "static const ::std::string& name() { return name_; }\n" "static const ::std::string& full_name() { return full_name_; }\n" "static bool has_cmd_id() { return $HAS_CMDID$; }\n" "static uint32_t cmd_id() { return $CMDID$; }\n" "\n" "static RequestType& request();\n" "static ResponseType& response();\n" "\n", "HAS_CMDID", cmdid.empty() ? "false" : "true", "CMDID", cmdid.empty() ? "0U" : cmdid ); printer.Outdent(); printer.Print("private:\n"); printer.Indent(); printer.Print("static ::std::string ns_;\n" "static ::std::string name_;\n" "static ::std::string full_name_;\n"); printer.Outdent(); printer.Print("};\n\n\n"); ccprinter.Print( "// $RPCNAME$\n" "::std::string $RPCNAME$::ns_ = \"$SERVICENAME$\";\n" "::std::string $RPCNAME$::name_ = \"$RPCNAME$\";\n" "::std::string $RPCNAME$::full_name_ = \"$SERVICENAME$.$RPCNAME$\";\n", "SERVICENAME", m->service()->name(), "RPCNAME", m->name()); ccprinter.Print("\n\n"); } } if (!ns.empty()) { for (size_t i=0; i<ns.size(); ++i) { printer.Print("} // namespace $part$\n", "part", ns[ns.size()-i-1]); ccprinter.Print("} // namespace $part$\n", "part", ns[ns.size()-i-1]); } } printer.Print("\n#endif // PROTOBUF_$filename_identifier$__INCLUDED\n", "filename_identifier", identifier); return true; }
wstring StringUtilities::RightTrim(wstring str) { str.erase(find_if(str.rbegin(), str.rend(), not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::isspace))).base(), str.end()); return str; }
const wchar_t* ctype<wchar_t>::do_scan_not(mask m, const wchar_t* low, const wchar_t* high) const { return find_if(low, high, not1(_Ctype_w_is_mask(m, ctype<char>::classic_table()))); }
const wchar_t* ctype_byname<wchar_t> ::do_scan_not(ctype_base::mask m, const wchar_t* low, const wchar_t* high) const { return find_if(low, high, not1(_Ctype_byname_w_is_mask(m, _M_ctype))); }
// trim from start (in place) void ltrim(string &s) { s.erase(s.begin(), find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace)))); }
void Shop::browse_fullscreen(squadst& customers, int& buyer) const { unsigned page = 0; std::vector<ShopOption*> available_options = options_; available_options.erase (remove_if (available_options.begin(), available_options.end(), not1 (mem_fun (&ShopOption::display))), available_options.end()); do { erase(); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); move(0,0); addstr("What will "); addstr(customers.squad[buyer]->name); addstr(" buy?"); move(1,0); addstr("----PRODUCT NAME-----------------------PRICE------------------------------------"); int yline = 2; //Write wares and prices for(unsigned p = page * 19; p < available_options.size () && p < page * 19 + 19; p++) { if (available_options[p]->is_available()) set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); else set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK,1); move(yline,0); addch('A' + yline - 2); addstr(" - "); addstr(available_options[p]->get_description_fullscreen().c_str()); ++yline; } set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); move(22,0); addstr("Press a Letter to select an option"); //allow customize "option"? -XML move(23,0); addpagestr(); move(24,0); addstr(("Enter - " + std::string(customers.squad[buyer]->name) + " " + exit_).c_str()); refresh(); int c = getch(); translategetch(c); //PAGE UP if ((c == interface_pgup || c == KEY_UP || c == KEY_LEFT) && page > 0) page--; //PAGE DOWN if ((c == interface_pgdn || c == KEY_DOWN || c == KEY_RIGHT) && (page + 1) * 19 < available_options.size()) page++; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 's') { int p = page * 19 + static_cast<int>(c-'a'); if (p < (int)available_options.size() && available_options[p]->is_available()) available_options[p]->choose(customers, buyer); break; } if (c == 10) break; } while (true); }
// // trim from start static inline string& ltrim(string& s) { s.erase(s.begin(), find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace)))); return s; }
void Shop::browse_halfscreen(squadst& customers, int& buyer) const { unsigned page = 0; const unsigned max_entries_per_page = 20; std::vector<ShopOption*> available_options = options_; available_options.erase (remove_if (available_options.begin(), available_options.end(), not1 (mem_fun (&ShopOption::display))), available_options.end()); int partysize = 0; for (int p = 0; p < 6; ++p) { if(customers.squad[p] != NULL) { partysize++; } } do { erase(); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); locheader(); printparty(); move(8,45); addstr("Buyer: "); addstr(customers.squad[buyer]->name); //Write wares and prices int yline = 10; int column = 1; int taken_letters = 0; for (unsigned p = page * (max_entries_per_page - 1); p < available_options.size() && p < page * (max_entries_per_page - 1) + max_entries_per_page; ++p) { if (available_options[p]->is_available()) set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); else set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK,1); if (column == 1) move(yline,1); else move(yline,40); if (available_options[p]->letter_defined_) addch(available_options[p]->showletter()); else { // Find an available letter to use for this ware. bool done = false; while (taken_letters < 27 && !done) { done = true; if ('a' + taken_letters == 'b' || // Letters used by the shop UI are disallowed. 'a' + taken_letters == 'e' || ('a' + taken_letters == 's' && allow_selling_) || ('a' + taken_letters == 'm' && sell_masks_)) { ++taken_letters; done = false; continue; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < available_options.size(); ++i) { if (available_options[i]->letter_defined_ && 'a' + taken_letters == available_options[i]->letter_) { ++taken_letters; done = false; break; } } } available_options[p]->letter_ = 'a' + taken_letters; addch('A' + taken_letters); ++taken_letters; } addstr(" - "); addstr(available_options[p]->get_description_halfscreen().c_str()); if (column == 1) column = 2; else { ++yline; column = 1; } } if (sell_masks_) { move(yline,1+(column-1)*39); if (ledger.get_funds() >= 15) set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); else set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr("M - Buy a Mask ($15)"); } if (column == 2) ++yline; set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); move(yline,1); addstr("E - Look over Equipment"); ++yline; if (allow_selling_) { move(yline,1); if (location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot.size() > 0) set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); else set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr("S - Sell something"); ++yline; } ++yline; if (party_status != -1) set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); else set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK,1); move(yline,1); addstr("0 - Show the squad's Liberal status"); if (partysize > 0 && (party_status == -1 || partysize > 1)) set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); else set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK,1); move(yline++,40); addstr("# - Check the status of a squad Liberal"); if (partysize >= 2) set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); else set_color(COLOR_BLACK,COLOR_BLACK,1); move(yline,1); addstr("B - Choose a buyer"); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); move(yline,40); addstr("Enter - "); addstr(exit_.c_str()); int c = getch(); translategetch(c); for (unsigned i = 0; i < available_options.size(); ++i) { if (c == available_options[i]->letter_) { available_options[i]->choose(customers, buyer); break; } } if(c == 'e' && customers.squad[0]->base != -1) equip(location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot, -1); else if (c == 's' && allow_selling_ && location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot.size() > 0) sell_loot(customers); else if (c == 'm' && sell_masks_ && ledger.get_funds() >= 15) { maskselect(*customers.squad[buyer]); } else if (c == 'b') choose_buyer(customers, buyer); else if (c == '0') party_status=-1; else if ( c >= '1' && c <= '6') { if (customers.squad[c-'1'] != NULL) { if (party_status == c - '1') fullstatus(party_status); else party_status = c - '1'; } } else if (c == 10) break; } while (true); }
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // trim from end string &rtrim(string &s) { s.erase(find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))).base(), s.end()); return s; }
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function name: ltrim() // Purpose: trim whitespace from the start of the string // Inputs: // - szBuffer: string to trim // Output: reference to the newly trimmed string // Notes: // string <rim(string &szBuffer) { szBuffer.erase(szBuffer.begin(), find_if(szBuffer.begin(), szBuffer.end(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace)))); return szBuffer; }
void utility::string_utility::LeftTrim(std::string& s) { s.erase(s.begin(), find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::isspace)))); }
// trim from end (in place) void rtrim(string &s) { s.erase(find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), not1(ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))).base(), s.end()); }
void utility::string_utility::RightTrim(std::string& s) { s.erase(find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::isspace))).base(), s.end()); }
wstring StringUtilities::LeftTrim(wstring str) { str.erase(str.begin(), find_if(str.begin(), str.end(), not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::isspace)))); return str; }