Exemplo n.º 1
void runExample(std::ostream& out)
    static const AmsNetId remoteNetId { 192, 168, 0, 231, 1, 1 };
    static const char remoteIpV4[] = "ads-server";

    // uncomment and adjust if automatic AmsNetId deduction is not working as expected
    //AdsSetLocalAddress({192, 168, 0, 1, 1, 1});

    // add local route to your EtherCAT Master
    if (AdsAddRoute(remoteNetId, remoteIpV4)) {
        out << "Adding ADS route failed, did you specify valid addresses?\n";

    // open a new ADS port
    const long port = AdsPortOpenEx();
    if (!port) {
        out << "Open ADS port failed\n";

    const AmsAddr remote { remoteNetId, AMSPORT_R0_PLC_TC3 };
    notificationExample(out, port, remote);
    notificationByNameExample(out, port, remote);
    readExample(out, port, remote);
    readByNameExample(out, port, remote);
    readStateExample(out, port, remote);

    const long closeStatus = AdsPortCloseEx(port);
    if (closeStatus) {
        out << "Close ADS port failed with: " << std::dec << closeStatus << '\n';

#ifdef _WIN32
    // WORKAROUND: On Win7 std::thread::join() called in destructors
    //             of static objects might wait forever...
Exemplo n.º 2
  tree_view=new VarTreeView(); //construct the GUI widget:
  tmodel=new VarTreeModel(); //construct the GUI widget's datamodel:
  tree_view->setModel(tmodel); //link the two together

  //=======BEGIN OF DATA-TREE CONSTRUCTION===============

  //instanciate the root:
  VarListPtr root(new VarList("root node"));

  //add a sub-node:
  VarListPtr v_list1(new VarList("a subtree"));
  root->addChild(v_list1); //let it be a child of the root

  //create a trigger-button
  VarTriggerPtr v_trigger1(new VarTrigger("trigger","click me"));
  v_list1->addChild(v_trigger1); //add it to the tree

  //create a slider bar
  VarShortPtr v_short1(new VarShort("short integer", 1, 0, 100));

  //create a variable of type double:
  VarDoublePtr v_double1(new VarDouble("my double"));
  v_list1->addChild(v_double1); //add it to the tree

  //create another variable of type double, with a default value:
  VarDoublePtr v_double2(new VarDouble("double w/ default", 20.0));
  v_list1->addChild(v_double2);  //add it to the tree

  VarDoublePtr v_double3(new VarDouble("double w/ persistent editor"));
  v_list1->addChild(v_double3); //add it to the tree

  //create another variable of type double, with a default value
  //and min/max ranges
  VarDoublePtr v_double4(new VarDouble("double with min/max", 0.5, 0.0, 1.0));
  v_list1->addChild(v_double4);  //add it to the tree

  VarListPtr v_list2(new VarList("another subtree"));

  v_list2->addChild(VarStringPtr(new VarString("a string")));

  v_list2->addChild(VarStringPtr(new VarString("string w/ default", "foobar")));

  VarListPtr v_list3(new VarList("a sub-sub tree"));

  v_list3->addChild(VarIntPtr(new VarInt("an integer")));
  v_list3->addChild(VarBoolPtr(new VarBool("a boolean")));

  VarStringEnumPtr v_string_enum(new VarStringEnum("food-selector", "French Fries"));
  v_string_enum->addItem("French Fries");
  v_string_enum->addItem("Ice Cream");


  //some example access
  printf("old value of node '%s': %f\n", v_double1->getName().c_str(), v_double1->getDouble());

  //some example mutation

  printf("new value of node '%s': %f\n", v_double1->getName().c_str(), v_double1->getDouble());

  //instead of using accessors/mutators you can also wait for user-input
  //by using QT event-handling
  //in this example we link a node to a local event function
  //Note that each vartype has two events:
  // "hasChanged()" will be triggered whenever the internal data changes,
  // no matter whether this happened programmatically or through the GUI
  // "wasEdited(VarPtr)" will be triggered only if the data was changed by the user
  // through the GUI. This is usually what you want.

  //For this event-example, first let's create a standard node:
  VarDoublePtr v_double(new VarDouble("Event Example (change my value and see console!)"));

  //now let's hook up the wasEdited event to a local function 'notificationExample'
  //which is defined further below in this file
  //we do so using QT's 'connect' function
  //qt will make sure that everytime a user changes the node, the event will fire.

  //finally an example of a subtree that's stored in a separate XML file:
  //simply use VarExternal instead of VarList and provide a filename as constructor.
  //that's it!
  VarExternalPtr v_ext(new VarExternal("other_settings.xml", "this tree has its own XML file"));
  v_ext->addChild(VarIntPtr(new VarInt("another int")));
  v_ext->addChild(VarBoolPtr(new VarBool("a bool value defaulting to true",true)));

  //=======END OF DATA-TREE CONSTRUCTION=================

  //the root is our only toplevel node
  //(you can have multiple roots if desired):

  //read settings from XML file

  //tell our gui what toplevel node(s) we want to visualize

  //optional: expand the root node:
  //Hint: you can call this on any node:

  //optional: fit columns to maximum data-width:

  //make the tree view the application's one and only widget:

  //give this window a decent size