Exemplo n.º 1
bool nsMsgI18Ncheck_data_in_charset_range(const char *charset, const char16_t* inString, char **fallbackCharset)
  if (!charset || !*charset || !inString || !*inString)
    return true;

  nsresult res;
  bool result = true;
  nsCOMPtr <nsICharsetConverterManager> ccm = do_GetService(NS_CHARSETCONVERTERMANAGER_CONTRACTID, &res);

  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
    nsCOMPtr <nsIUnicodeEncoder> encoder;

    // get an unicode converter
    res = ccm->GetUnicodeEncoderRaw(charset, getter_AddRefs(encoder));
    if(NS_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
      const char16_t *originalPtr = inString;
      int32_t originalLen = NS_strlen(inString);
      const char16_t *currentSrcPtr = originalPtr;
      char localBuff[512];
      int32_t consumedLen = 0;
      int32_t srcLen;
      int32_t dstLength;

      // convert from unicode
      while (consumedLen < originalLen) {
        srcLen = originalLen - consumedLen;
        dstLength = 512;
        res = encoder->Convert(currentSrcPtr, &srcLen, localBuff, &dstLength);
        if (NS_ERROR_UENC_NOMAPPING == res) {
          result = false;
        else if (NS_FAILED(res) || (0 == dstLength))

        currentSrcPtr += srcLen;
        consumedLen = currentSrcPtr - originalPtr; // src length used so far

  // if the conversion was not successful then try fallback to other charsets
  if (!result && fallbackCharset) {
    nsCString convertedString;
    res = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode(*fallbackCharset,
      nsDependentString(inString), convertedString, false, true);
    result = (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && NS_ERROR_UENC_NOMAPPING != res);

  return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int
MimeInlineTextPlainFlowed_parse_line (const char *aLine, PRInt32 length, MimeObject *obj)
  int status;
  PRBool quoting = ( obj->options
    && ( obj->options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageQuoting ||
         obj->options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageBodyQuoting
       )           );  // see above
  PRBool plainHTML = quoting || (obj->options &&
       obj->options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageSaveAs);
       // see above

  struct MimeInlineTextPlainFlowedExData *exdata;
  exdata = MimeInlineTextPlainFlowedExDataList;
  while(exdata && (exdata->ownerobj != obj)) {
    exdata = exdata->next;

  NS_ASSERTION(exdata, "The extra data has disappeared!");

  NS_ASSERTION(length > 0, "zero length");
  if (length <= 0) return 0;

  uint32 linequotelevel = 0;
  nsCAutoString real_line(aLine, length);
  char *line = real_line.BeginWriting();
  const char *linep = real_line.BeginReading();
  // Space stuffed?
  if(' ' == *linep) {
  } else {
    // count '>':s before the first non-'>'
    while('>' == *linep) {
    // Space stuffed?
    if(' ' == *linep) {

  // Look if the last character (after stripping ending end
  // of lines and quoting stuff) is a SPACE. If it is, we are looking at a
  // flowed line. Normally we assume that the last two chars
  // are CR and LF as said in RFC822, but that doesn't seem to
  // be the case always.
  PRBool flowed = PR_FALSE;
  PRBool sigSeparator = PR_FALSE;
  PRInt32 index = length-1;
  while(index >= 0 && ('\r' == line[index] || '\n' == line[index])) {
  if (index > linep - line && ' ' == line[index])
       /* Ignore space stuffing, i.e. lines with just
          (quote marks and) a space count as empty */
    flowed = PR_TRUE;
    sigSeparator = (index - (linep - line) + 1 == 3) && !strncmp(linep, "-- ", 3);
    if (((MimeInlineTextPlainFlowed *) obj)->delSp && ! sigSeparator)
       /* If line is flowed and DelSp=yes, logically
          delete trailing space. Line consisting of
          dash dash space ("-- "), commonly used as
          signature separator, gets special handling
          (RFC 3676) */
      line[index] = '\0';

  mozITXTToHTMLConv *conv = GetTextConverter(obj->options);

  PRBool skipConversion = !conv ||
                          (obj->options && obj->options->force_user_charset);

  nsAutoString lineSource;
  nsString lineResult;

  char *mailCharset = NULL;
  nsresult rv;

  if (!skipConversion)
    // Convert only if the source string is not empty
    if (length - (linep - line) > 0)
      PRBool whattodo = obj->options->whattodo;
      if (plainHTML)
        if (quoting)
          whattodo = 0;
          whattodo = whattodo & ~mozITXTToHTMLConv::kGlyphSubstitution;
                    /* Do recognition for the case, the result is viewed in
                        Mozilla, but not GlyphSubstitution, because other UAs
                        might not be able to display the glyphs. */

      const nsDependentCSubstring& inputStr = Substring(linep, linep + (length - (linep - line)));

      // For 'SaveAs', |line| is in |mailCharset|.
      // convert |line| to UTF-16 before 'html'izing (calling ScanTXT())
      if (obj->options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageSaveAs)
        // Get the mail charset of this message.
        MimeInlineText  *inlinetext = (MimeInlineText *) obj;
        if (!inlinetext->initializeCharset)
        mailCharset = inlinetext->charset;
        if (mailCharset && *mailCharset) {
          rv = nsMsgI18NConvertToUnicode(mailCharset, PromiseFlatCString(inputStr), lineSource);
          NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, -1);
        else // this probably never happens...
          CopyUTF8toUTF16(inputStr, lineSource);
      else   // line is in UTF-8
        CopyUTF8toUTF16(inputStr, lineSource);

      // This is the main TXT to HTML conversion:
      // escaping (very important), eventually recognizing etc.
      rv = conv->ScanTXT(lineSource.get(), whattodo, getter_Copies(lineResult));
      NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, -1);
    CopyUTF8toUTF16(nsDependentCString(line, length), lineResult);
    status = NS_OK;

  nsCAutoString preface;

  /* Correct number of blockquotes */
  int32 quoteleveldiff=linequotelevel - exdata->quotelevel;
  if((quoteleveldiff != 0) && flowed && exdata->inflow) {
    // From RFC 2646 4.5
    // The receiver SHOULD handle this error by using the 'quote-depth-wins' rule,
    // which is to ignore the flowed indicator and treat the line as fixed.  That
    // is, the change in quote depth ends the paragraph.

    // We get that behaviour by just going on.
  while(quoteleveldiff>0) {
    preface += "<blockquote type=cite";
    // This is to have us observe the user pref settings for citations
    MimeInlineTextPlainFlowed *tObj = (MimeInlineTextPlainFlowed *) obj;

    nsCAutoString style;
    MimeTextBuildPrefixCSS(tObj->mQuotedSizeSetting, tObj->mQuotedStyleSetting,
                           tObj->mCitationColor, style);
    if (!plainHTML && !style.IsEmpty())
      preface += " style=\"";
      preface += style;
      preface += '"';
    preface += '>';
  while(quoteleveldiff<0) {
    preface += "</blockquote>";
  exdata->quotelevel = linequotelevel;

  nsAutoString lineResult2;

  if(flowed) {
    // Check RFC 2646 "4.3. Usenet Signature Convention": "-- "+CRLF is
    // not a flowed line
    if (sigSeparator)
      if (linequotelevel > 0 || exdata->isSig)
        preface += "--&nbsp;<br>";
      } else {
        exdata->isSig = PR_TRUE;
        preface += "<div class=\"moz-txt-sig\"><span class=\"moz-txt-tag\">"
    } else {
      Line_convert_whitespace(lineResult, PR_FALSE /* Allow wraps */,

  } else {
    // Fixed paragraph.
                            !plainHTML && !obj->options->wrap_long_lines_p
                              /* If wrap, convert all spaces but the last in
                                 a row into nbsp, otherwise all. */,
    exdata->inflow = PR_FALSE;
  } // End Fixed line

  if (!(exdata->isSig && quoting))
    status = MimeObject_write(obj, preface.get(), preface.Length(), PR_TRUE);
    if (status < 0) return status;
    nsCAutoString outString;
    if (obj->options->format_out != nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageSaveAs ||
        !mailCharset || !*mailCharset)
      CopyUTF16toUTF8(lineResult2, outString);
    { // convert back to mailCharset before writing.
      rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode(mailCharset, lineResult2, outString);
      NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, -1);
    status = MimeObject_write(obj, outString.get(), outString.Length(), PR_TRUE);
    return status;
    return NS_OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int
MimeInlineTextPlain_parse_line (char *line, PRInt32 length, MimeObject *obj)
  int status;
  PRBool quoting = ( obj->options
    && ( obj->options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageQuoting ||
         obj->options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageBodyQuoting
       )           );  // see above
  PRBool plainHTML = quoting || (obj->options &&
       obj->options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageSaveAs);
       // see above

  PRBool rawPlainText = obj->options &&
       (obj->options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageFilterSniffer
       || obj->options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageAttach);

  // this routine gets called for every line of data that comes through the
  // mime converter. It's important to make sure we are efficient with 
  // how we allocate memory in this routine. be careful if you go to add
  // more to this routine.

  NS_ASSERTION(length > 0, "zero length");
  if (length <= 0) return 0;

  mozITXTToHTMLConv *conv = GetTextConverter(obj->options);
  MimeInlineTextPlain *text = (MimeInlineTextPlain *) obj;

  PRBool skipConversion = !conv || rawPlainText ||
                          (obj->options && obj->options->force_user_charset);

  char *mailCharset = NULL;
  nsresult rv;

  // if this part has a name and it's not a message/rfc822, don't quote
  if (quoting && obj->headers && MimeHeaders_get_name(obj->headers, obj->options) 
      && PL_strcasecmp(obj->content_type, MESSAGE_RFC822))
    return 0;

  if (!skipConversion)
    nsDependentCString inputStr(line, length);
    nsAutoString lineSourceStr;

    // For 'SaveAs', |line| is in |mailCharset|.
    // convert |line| to UTF-16 before 'html'izing (calling ScanTXT())
    if (obj->options->format_out == nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageSaveAs)
    { // Get the mail charset of this message.
      MimeInlineText  *inlinetext = (MimeInlineText *) obj;
      if (!inlinetext->initializeCharset)
      mailCharset = inlinetext->charset;
      if (mailCharset && *mailCharset) {
        rv = nsMsgI18NConvertToUnicode(mailCharset, inputStr, lineSourceStr);
        NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, -1);
      else // this probably never happens ...
        CopyUTF8toUTF16(inputStr, lineSourceStr);
    else  // line is in UTF-8
      CopyUTF8toUTF16(inputStr, lineSourceStr);

    nsCAutoString prefaceResultStr;  // Quoting stuff before the real text

    // Recognize quotes
    PRUint32 oldCiteLevel = text->mCiteLevel;
    PRUint32 logicalLineStart = 0;
    rv = conv->CiteLevelTXT(lineSourceStr.get(),
                            &logicalLineStart, &(text->mCiteLevel));
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, -1);

    // Find out, which recognitions to do
    PRBool whattodo = obj->options->whattodo;
    if (plainHTML)
      if (quoting)
        whattodo = 0;  // This is done on Send. Don't do it twice.
        whattodo = whattodo & ~mozITXTToHTMLConv::kGlyphSubstitution;
                   /* Do recognition for the case, the result is viewed in
                      Mozilla, but not GlyphSubstitution, because other UAs
                      might not be able to display the glyphs. */
      if (!text->mBlockquoting)
        text->mCiteLevel = 0;

    // Write blockquote
    if (text->mCiteLevel > oldCiteLevel)
      prefaceResultStr += "</pre>";
      for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < text->mCiteLevel - oldCiteLevel; i++)
        nsCAutoString style;
        MimeTextBuildPrefixCSS(text->mQuotedSizeSetting, text->mQuotedStyleSetting,
                               text->mCitationColor, style);
        if (!plainHTML && !style.IsEmpty())
          prefaceResultStr += "<blockquote type=cite style=\"";
          prefaceResultStr += style;
          prefaceResultStr += "\">";
          prefaceResultStr += "<blockquote type=cite>";
      prefaceResultStr += "<pre wrap>";
    else if (text->mCiteLevel < oldCiteLevel)
      prefaceResultStr += "</pre>";
      for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < oldCiteLevel - text->mCiteLevel; i++)
        prefaceResultStr += "</blockquote>";
      prefaceResultStr += "<pre wrap>";
      if (text->mCiteLevel == 0)
        prefaceResultStr += "<!---->";   /* Make sure, NGLayout puts out
                                            a linebreak */

    // Write plain text quoting tags
    if (logicalLineStart != 0 && !(plainHTML && text->mBlockquoting))
      if (!plainHTML)
        prefaceResultStr += "<span class=\"moz-txt-citetags\">";

      nsAutoString citeTagsSource;
      lineSourceStr.Mid(citeTagsSource, 0, logicalLineStart);

      // Convert to HTML
      nsXPIDLString citeTagsResultUnichar;
      rv = conv->ScanTXT(citeTagsSource.get(), 0 /* no recognition */,
      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return -1;

      AppendUTF16toUTF8(citeTagsResultUnichar, prefaceResultStr);
      if (!plainHTML)
        prefaceResultStr += "</span>";

    // recognize signature
    if ((lineSourceStr.Length() >= 4)
        && lineSourceStr.First() == '-'
        && Substring(lineSourceStr, 0, 3).EqualsLiteral("-- ")
        && (lineSourceStr[3] == '\r' || lineSourceStr[3] == '\n') )
      text->mIsSig = PR_TRUE;
      if (!quoting)
        prefaceResultStr += "<div class=\"moz-txt-sig\">";

    /* This is the main TXT to HTML conversion:
       escaping (very important), eventually recognizing etc. */
    nsXPIDLString lineResultUnichar;

    rv = conv->ScanTXT(lineSourceStr.get() + logicalLineStart,
                       whattodo, getter_Copies(lineResultUnichar));
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, -1);

    if (!(text->mIsSig && quoting))
      status = MimeObject_write(obj, prefaceResultStr.get(), prefaceResultStr.Length(), PR_TRUE);
      if (status < 0) return status;
      nsCAutoString outString;
      if (obj->options->format_out != nsMimeOutput::nsMimeMessageSaveAs ||
          !mailCharset || !*mailCharset)
        CopyUTF16toUTF8(lineResultUnichar, outString);
      { // convert back to mailCharset before writing.       
        rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode(mailCharset, 
                                         lineResultUnichar, outString);
        NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, -1);

      status = MimeObject_write(obj, outString.get(), outString.Length(), PR_TRUE);
      status = NS_OK;
    status = MimeObject_write(obj, line, length, PR_TRUE);

  return status;
nsresult nsMsgSearchAdapter::EncodeImapTerm(nsIMsgSearchTerm *term,
                                            bool reallyDredd,
                                            const char16_t *srcCharset,
                                            const char16_t *destCharset,
                                            char **ppOutTerm) {

  nsresult err = NS_OK;
  bool useNot = false;
  bool useQuotes = false;
  bool ignoreValue = false;
  nsAutoCString arbitraryHeader;
  const char *whichMnemonic = nullptr;
  const char *orHeaderMnemonic = nullptr;

  *ppOutTerm = nullptr;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSearchValue> searchValue;
  nsresult rv = term->GetValue(getter_AddRefs(searchValue));


  nsMsgSearchOpValue op;

  if (op == nsMsgSearchOp::DoesntContain || op == nsMsgSearchOp::Isnt)
    useNot = true;

  nsMsgSearchAttribValue attrib;

  switch (attrib) {
    case nsMsgSearchAttrib::ToOrCC:
      orHeaderMnemonic = m_kImapCC;
      // fall through to case nsMsgSearchAttrib::To:
    case nsMsgSearchAttrib::To:
      whichMnemonic = m_kImapTo;
    case nsMsgSearchAttrib::CC:
      whichMnemonic = m_kImapCC;
    case nsMsgSearchAttrib::Sender:
      whichMnemonic = m_kImapFrom;
    case nsMsgSearchAttrib::Subject:
      whichMnemonic = m_kImapSubject;
    case nsMsgSearchAttrib::Body:
      whichMnemonic = m_kImapBody;
    case nsMsgSearchAttrib::AgeInDays:  // added for searching online for age in
                                        // days...
      // for AgeInDays, we are actually going to perform a search by date, so
      // convert the operations for age to the IMAP mnemonics that we would use
      // for date!
        // If we have a future date, the > and < are reversed.
        // e.g. ageInDays > 2 means more than 2 days old ("date before X")
        // whereas
        //      ageInDays > -2 should be more than 2 days in the future ("date
        //      after X")
        int32_t ageInDays;
        bool dateInFuture = (ageInDays < 0);
        switch (op) {
          case nsMsgSearchOp::IsGreaterThan:
            whichMnemonic = (!dateInFuture) ? m_kImapBefore : m_kImapSince;
          case nsMsgSearchOp::IsLessThan:
            whichMnemonic = (!dateInFuture) ? m_kImapSince : m_kImapBefore;
          case nsMsgSearchOp::Is:
            whichMnemonic = m_kImapSentOn;
            NS_ASSERTION(false, "invalid search operator");
            return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
    case nsMsgSearchAttrib::Size:
      switch (op) {
        case nsMsgSearchOp::IsGreaterThan:
          whichMnemonic = m_kImapSizeLarger;
        case nsMsgSearchOp::IsLessThan:
          whichMnemonic = m_kImapSizeSmaller;
          NS_ASSERTION(false, "invalid search operator");
          return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
    case nsMsgSearchAttrib::Date:
      switch (op) {
        case nsMsgSearchOp::IsBefore:
          whichMnemonic = m_kImapBefore;
        case nsMsgSearchOp::IsAfter:
          whichMnemonic = m_kImapSince;
        case nsMsgSearchOp::Isnt: /* we've already added the "Not" so just
                                     process it like it was a date is search */
        case nsMsgSearchOp::Is:
          whichMnemonic = m_kImapSentOn;
          NS_ASSERTION(false, "invalid search operator");
          return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
    case nsMsgSearchAttrib::AnyText:
      whichMnemonic = m_kImapAnyText;
    case nsMsgSearchAttrib::Keywords:
      whichMnemonic = m_kImapKeyword;
    case nsMsgSearchAttrib::MsgStatus:
      useNot = false;      // bizarrely, NOT SEEN is wrong, but UNSEEN is right.
      ignoreValue = true;  // the mnemonic is all we need
      uint32_t status;

      switch (status) {
        case nsMsgMessageFlags::Read:
          whichMnemonic =
              op == nsMsgSearchOp::Is ? m_kImapSeen : m_kImapNotSeen;
        case nsMsgMessageFlags::Replied:
          whichMnemonic =
              op == nsMsgSearchOp::Is ? m_kImapAnswered : m_kImapNotAnswered;
        case nsMsgMessageFlags::New:
          whichMnemonic = op == nsMsgSearchOp::Is ? m_kImapNew : m_kImapNotNew;
        case nsMsgMessageFlags::Marked:
          whichMnemonic =
              op == nsMsgSearchOp::Is ? m_kImapFlagged : m_kImapNotFlagged;
          NS_ASSERTION(false, "invalid search operator");
          return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
      if (attrib > nsMsgSearchAttrib::OtherHeader &&
          attrib < nsMsgSearchAttrib::kNumMsgSearchAttributes) {
        nsCString arbitraryHeaderTerm;
        if (!arbitraryHeaderTerm.IsEmpty()) {
          arbitraryHeader.AssignLiteral(" \"");
          arbitraryHeader.AppendLiteral("\" ");
          whichMnemonic = arbitraryHeader.get();
        } else
          return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      } else {
        NS_ASSERTION(false, "invalid search operator");
        return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;

  char *value = nullptr;
  char dateBuf[100];
  dateBuf[0] = '\0';

  bool valueWasAllocated = false;
  if (attrib == nsMsgSearchAttrib::Date) {
    // note that there used to be code here that encoded an RFC822 date for imap
    // searches. The IMAP RFC 2060 is misleading to the point that it looks like
    // it requires an RFC822 date but really it expects dd-mmm-yyyy, like dredd,
    // and refers to the RFC822 date only in that the dd-mmm-yyyy date will
    // match the RFC822 date within the message.

    PRTime adjustedDate;
    if (whichMnemonic == m_kImapSince) {
      // it looks like the IMAP server searches on Since includes the date in
      // question... our UI presents Is, IsGreater and IsLessThan. For the
      // IsGreater case (m_kImapSince) we need to adjust the date so we get
      // greater than and not greater than or equal to which is what the IMAP
      // server wants to search on won't work on Mac.
      adjustedDate += PR_USEC_PER_DAY;

    PRExplodedTime exploded;
    PR_ExplodeTime(adjustedDate, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &exploded);
    PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish(dateBuf, sizeof(dateBuf), "%d-%b-%Y", &exploded);
    //    strftime (dateBuf, sizeof(dateBuf), "%d-%b-%Y", localtime (/*
    //    &term->m_value.u.date */ &adjustedDate));
    value = dateBuf;
  } else {
    if (attrib == nsMsgSearchAttrib::AgeInDays) {
      // okay, take the current date, subtract off the age in days, then do an
      // appropriate Date search on the resulting day.
      int32_t ageInDays;


      PRTime now = PR_Now();
      PRTime matchDay = now - ageInDays * PR_USEC_PER_DAY;

      PRExplodedTime exploded;
      PR_ExplodeTime(matchDay, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &exploded);
      PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish(dateBuf, sizeof(dateBuf), "%d-%b-%Y", &exploded);
      //      strftime (dateBuf, sizeof(dateBuf), "%d-%b-%Y", localtime
      //      (&matchDay));
      value = dateBuf;
    } else if (attrib == nsMsgSearchAttrib::Size) {
      uint32_t sizeValue;
      nsAutoCString searchTermValue;

      // Multiply by 1024 to get into kb resolution
      sizeValue *= 1024;

      // Ensure that greater than is really greater than
      // in kb resolution.
      if (op == nsMsgSearchOp::IsGreaterThan) sizeValue += 1024;


      value = ToNewCString(searchTermValue);
      valueWasAllocated = true;
    } else

        if (IS_STRING_ATTRIBUTE(attrib)) {
      char16_t *
          convertedValue;  // = reallyDredd ? MSG_EscapeSearchUrl
                           // (term->m_value.u.string) :
                           // msg_EscapeImapSearchProtocol(term->m_value.u.string);
      nsString searchTermValue;
      // Ugly switch for Korean mail/news charsets.
      // We want to do this here because here is where
      // we know what charset we want to use.
      if (reallyDredd)
        dest_csid = INTL_DefaultNewsCharSetID(dest_csid);
        dest_csid = INTL_DefaultMailCharSetID(dest_csid);

      // do all sorts of crazy escaping
      convertedValue = reallyDredd
                           ? EscapeSearchUrl(searchTermValue.get())
                           : EscapeImapSearchProtocol(searchTermValue.get());
      useQuotes =
          ((!reallyDredd ||
            (nsDependentString(convertedValue).FindChar(char16_t(' ')) !=
             -1)) &&
           (attrib != nsMsgSearchAttrib::Keywords));
      // now convert to char* and escape quoted_specials
      nsAutoCString valueStr;
      nsresult rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode(
          nsDependentString(convertedValue), valueStr);
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
        const char *vptr = valueStr.get();
        // max escaped length is one extra character for every character in the
        // cmd.
        mozilla::UniquePtr<char[]> newValue =
            mozilla::MakeUnique<char[]>(2 * strlen(vptr) + 1);
        if (newValue) {
          char *p = newValue.get();
          while (1) {
            char ch = *vptr++;
            if (!ch) break;
            if ((useQuotes ? ch == '"' : 0) || ch == '\\') *p++ = '\\';
            *p++ = ch;
          *p = '\0';
          value = strdup(newValue.get());  // realloc down to smaller size
      } else
        value = strdup("");
      valueWasAllocated = true;

  // this should be rewritten to use nsCString
  int subLen = (value ? strlen(value) : 0) + (useNot ? strlen(m_kImapNot) : 0) +
  int len =
      strlen(whichMnemonic) + subLen + (useQuotes ? 2 : 0) +
           ? (subLen + strlen(m_kImapOr) + strlen(orHeaderMnemonic) + 2 /*""*/)
           : 0) +
      10;  // add slough for imap string literals
  char *encoding = new char[len];
  if (encoding) {
    encoding[0] = '\0';
    // Remember: if ToOrCC and useNot then the expression becomes NOT To AND Not
    // CC as opposed to (NOT TO) || (NOT CC)
    if (orHeaderMnemonic && !useNot) PL_strcat(encoding, m_kImapOr);
    if (useNot) PL_strcat(encoding, m_kImapNot);
    if (!arbitraryHeader.IsEmpty()) PL_strcat(encoding, m_kImapHeader);
    PL_strcat(encoding, whichMnemonic);
    if (!ignoreValue)
      err = EncodeImapValue(encoding, value, useQuotes, reallyDredd);

    if (orHeaderMnemonic) {
      if (useNot) PL_strcat(encoding, m_kImapNot);

      PL_strcat(encoding, m_kImapHeader);

      PL_strcat(encoding, orHeaderMnemonic);
      if (!ignoreValue)
        err = EncodeImapValue(encoding, value, useQuotes, reallyDredd);

    // kmcentee, don't let the encoding end with whitespace,
    // this throws off later url STRCMP
    if (*encoding && *(encoding + strlen(encoding) - 1) == ' ')
      *(encoding + strlen(encoding) - 1) = '\0';

  if (value && valueWasAllocated) free(value);

  *ppOutTerm = encoding;

  return err;
Exemplo n.º 5
nsAbManager::ExportDirectoryToDelimitedText(nsIAbDirectory *aDirectory, const char *aDelim, PRUint32 aDelimLen, nsILocalFile *aLocalFile)
  nsCOMPtr <nsISimpleEnumerator> cardsEnumerator;
  nsCOMPtr <nsIAbCard> card;

  nsresult rv;

  nsCOMPtr <nsIOutputStream> outputStream;
  rv = MsgNewBufferedFileOutputStream(getter_AddRefs(outputStream),
                                      PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_WRONLY | PR_TRUNCATE,

  // the desired file may be read only
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return rv;

  PRUint32 i;
  PRUint32 writeCount;
  PRUint32 length;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundleService> bundleService = do_GetService(NS_STRINGBUNDLE_CONTRACTID, &rv);

  nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> bundle;
  rv = bundleService->CreateBundle("chrome://messenger/locale/importMsgs.properties", getter_AddRefs(bundle));

  nsCString revisedName;
  nsString columnName;

    if (EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE[i].plainTextStringID != 0) {

      // We don't need to truncate the string here as getter_Copies will
      // do that for us.
      if (NS_FAILED(bundle->GetStringFromID(EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE[i].plainTextStringID, getter_Copies(columnName))))

      rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode(nsMsgI18NFileSystemCharset(),
                                       columnName, revisedName);

      rv = outputStream->Write(revisedName.get(),

      if (revisedName.Length() != writeCount)
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

        rv = outputStream->Write(aDelim, aDelimLen, &writeCount);

        if (aDelimLen != writeCount)
          return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  rv = outputStream->Write(MSG_LINEBREAK, MSG_LINEBREAK_LEN, &writeCount);
  if (MSG_LINEBREAK_LEN != writeCount)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  rv = aDirectory->GetChildCards(getter_AddRefs(cardsEnumerator));
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && cardsEnumerator) {
    nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> item;
    bool more;
    while (NS_SUCCEEDED(cardsEnumerator->HasMoreElements(&more)) && more) {
      rv = cardsEnumerator->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(item));
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
        nsCOMPtr <nsIAbCard> card = do_QueryInterface(item, &rv);

        bool isMailList;
        rv = card->GetIsMailList(&isMailList);

        if (isMailList) {
          // .tab, .txt and .csv aren't able to export mailing lists
          // use LDIF for that.
        else {
          nsString value;
          nsCString valueCStr;

          for (i = 0; i < NS_ARRAY_LENGTH(EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE); i++) {
            if (EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE[i].plainTextStringID != 0) {
              rv = card->GetPropertyAsAString(EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE[i].abPropertyName, value);
              if (NS_FAILED(rv))

              // If a string contains at least one comma, tab or double quote then
              // we need to quote the entire string. Also if double quote is part
              // of the string we need to quote the double quote(s) as well.
              nsAutoString newValue(value);
              bool needsQuotes = false;
              if(newValue.FindChar('"') != -1)
                needsQuotes = PR_TRUE;
                PRInt32 match = 0;
                PRUint32 offset = 0;
                nsString oldSubstr = NS_LITERAL_STRING("\"");
                nsString newSubstr = NS_LITERAL_STRING("\"\""); 
                while (offset < newValue.Length()) {
                    match = newValue.Find(oldSubstr, offset);
                    if (match == -1)

                    newValue.Replace(offset + match, oldSubstr.Length(), newSubstr);
                    offset += (match + newSubstr.Length());
              if (!needsQuotes && (newValue.FindChar(',') != -1 || newValue.FindChar('\x09') != -1))
                needsQuotes = PR_TRUE;

              // Make sure we quote if containing CR/LF.
              if (newValue.FindChar('\r') != -1 ||
                  newValue.FindChar('\n') != -1)
                  needsQuotes = PR_TRUE;

              if (needsQuotes)
                newValue.Insert(NS_LITERAL_STRING("\""), 0);

              rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode(nsMsgI18NFileSystemCharset(),
                                               newValue, valueCStr);

              if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
                NS_ERROR("failed to convert string to system charset.  use LDIF");
                valueCStr = "?";

              length = valueCStr.Length();
              if (length) {
                rv = outputStream->Write(valueCStr.get(), length, &writeCount);
                if (length != writeCount)
                  return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
              valueCStr = "";
            else {
              // something we don't support for the current export
              // for example, .tab doesn't export preferred html format
              continue; // go to next field

              rv = outputStream->Write(aDelim, aDelimLen, &writeCount);
              if (aDelimLen != writeCount)
                return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

          // write out the linebreak that separates the cards
          rv = outputStream->Write(MSG_LINEBREAK, MSG_LINEBREAK_LEN, &writeCount);
          if (MSG_LINEBREAK_LEN != writeCount)
            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  rv = outputStream->Flush();

  rv = outputStream->Close();
  return NS_OK;
// Test a message send????
nsresult nsEudoraCompose::SendTheMessage(nsIFile *pMailImportLocation, nsIFile **pMsg)
  nsresult rv = CreateComponents();
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED( rv))
    rv = CreateIdentity();
  if (NS_FAILED( rv))
    return( rv);

  // IMPORT_LOG0( "Outlook Compose created necessary components\n");

  nsString bodyType;
  nsString charSet;
  nsString headerVal;
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "From:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
    m_pMsgFields->SetFrom( headerVal);
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "To:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
    m_pMsgFields->SetTo( headerVal);
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Subject:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
    m_pMsgFields->SetSubject( headerVal);
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Content-type:", headerVal);
  bodyType = headerVal;
  ExtractType( bodyType);
  ExtractCharset( headerVal);
  // Use platform charset as default if the msg doesn't specify one
  // (ie, no 'charset' param in the Content-Type: header). As the last
  // resort we'll use the mail default charset.
  // (ie, no 'charset' param in the Content-Type: header) or if the
  // charset parameter fails a length sanity check.
  // As the last resort we'll use the mail default charset.
  if ( headerVal.IsEmpty() || (headerVal.Length() > kContentTypeLengthSanityCheck) )
    CopyASCIItoUTF16(nsMsgI18NFileSystemCharset(), headerVal);
    if (headerVal.IsEmpty())
    { // last resort
      if (m_defCharset.IsEmpty())
        nsString defaultCharset;
        NS_GetLocalizedUnicharPreferenceWithDefault(nsnull, "mailnews.view_default_charset",
                                                    NS_LITERAL_STRING("ISO-8859-1"), defaultCharset);
        m_defCharset = defaultCharset;
      headerVal = m_defCharset;
  m_pMsgFields->SetCharacterSet( NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(headerVal).get() );
  charSet = headerVal;
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "CC:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
    m_pMsgFields->SetCc( headerVal);
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Message-ID:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
    m_pMsgFields->SetMessageId( NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(headerVal).get() );
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Reply-To:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
    m_pMsgFields->SetReplyTo( headerVal);

  // what about all of the other headers?!?!?!?!?!?!
  char *pMimeType;
  if (!bodyType.IsEmpty())
    pMimeType = ToNewCString(bodyType);
    pMimeType = ToNewCString(m_bodyType);

  // IMPORT_LOG0( "Outlook compose calling CreateAndSendMessage\n");
  nsMsgAttachedFile *pAttach = GetLocalAttachments();

    l10n - I have the body of the message in the system charset,
    I need to "encode" it to be the charset for the message
    *UNLESS* of course, I don't know what the charset of the message
    should be?  How do I determine what the charset should
    be if it doesn't exist?


  nsString uniBody;
  NS_CopyNativeToUnicode( nsDependentCString(m_pBody), uniBody);

  nsCString body;

  rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode( NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(charSet).get(),
                                    uniBody, body);
  if (NS_FAILED( rv)) {
    // in this case, if we did not use the default compose
    // charset, then try that.
    if (!charSet.Equals( m_defCharset)) {
      rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode( NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(charSet).get(),
                                        uniBody, body);

  // See if it's a draft msg (ie, no From: or no To: AND no Cc: AND no Bcc:).
  // Eudora saves sent and draft msgs in Out folder (ie, mixed) and it does
  // store Bcc: header in the msg itself.
  nsMsgDeliverMode mode = nsIMsgSend::nsMsgDeliverNow;
  nsAutoString from, to, cc, bcc;
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetFrom(from);
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetTo(to);
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetCc(cc);
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetBcc(bcc);
  if ( from.IsEmpty() || to.IsEmpty() && cc.IsEmpty() && bcc.IsEmpty() )
    mode = nsIMsgSend::nsMsgSaveAsDraft;

  // We only get the editor interface when there's embedded content.
  // Otherwise pEditor remains NULL. That way we only import with the pseudo
  // editor when it helps.
  nsRefPtr<nsEudoraEditor>  pEudoraEditor = new nsEudoraEditor(m_pBody, pMailImportLocation);
  nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor>       pEditor;

  if (pEudoraEditor->HasEmbeddedContent())
    // There's embedded content that we need to import, so query for the editor interface
    pEudoraEditor->QueryInterface( NS_GET_IID(nsIEditor), getter_AddRefs(pEditor) );

  if (NS_FAILED( rv)) {

    rv = m_pSendProxy->CreateAndSendMessage(
                          pEditor.get(),                // pseudo editor shell when there's embedded content
                          s_pIdentity,                  // dummy identity
                          nsnull,                       // account key
                          m_pMsgFields,                 // message fields
                          PR_FALSE,                     // digest = NO
                          PR_TRUE,                      // dont_deliver = YES, make a file
                          mode,                         // mode
                          nsnull,                       // no message to replace
                          pMimeType,                    // body type
                          m_pBody,                      // body pointer
                          m_bodyLen,                    // body length
                          nsnull,                       // remote attachment data
                          pAttach,                      // local attachments
                          nsnull,                       // related part
                          nsnull,                       // parent window
                          nsnull,                       // progress listener
                          m_pListener,                  // listener
                          nsnull,                       // password
                          EmptyCString(),               // originalMsgURI
                          nsnull);                      // message compose type

  else {
    rv = m_pSendProxy->CreateAndSendMessage(
                          pEditor.get(),                // pseudo editor shell when there's embedded content
                          s_pIdentity,                  // dummy identity
                          nsnull,                       // account key
                          m_pMsgFields,                 // message fields
                          PR_FALSE,                     // digest = NO
                          PR_TRUE,                      // dont_deliver = YES, make a file
                          mode,                         // mode
                          nsnull,                       // no message to replace
                          pMimeType,                    // body type
                          body.get(),                   // body pointer
                          body.Length(),                // body length
                          nsnull,                       // remote attachment data
                          pAttach,                      // local attachments
                          nsnull,                       // related part
                          nsnull,                       // parent window
                          nsnull,                       // progress listener
                          m_pListener,                  // listener
                          nsnull,                       // password
                          EmptyCString(),               // originalMsgURI
                          nsnull);                      // message compose type


  // IMPORT_LOG0( "Returned from CreateAndSendMessage\n");

  if (pAttach)
    delete [] pAttach;

  EudoraSendListener *pListen = (EudoraSendListener *)m_pListener;
  if (NS_FAILED( rv)) {
    IMPORT_LOG1( "*** Error, CreateAndSendMessage FAILED: 0x%lx\n", rv);
    // IMPORT_LOG1( "Headers: %80s\n", m_pHeaders);
  else {
    // wait for the listener to get done!
    PRInt32 abortCnt = 0;
    PRInt32 cnt = 0;
    PRInt32 sleepCnt = 1;
    while (!pListen->m_done && (abortCnt < kHungAbortCount)) {
      PR_Sleep( sleepCnt);
      if (cnt > kHungCount) {
        sleepCnt *= 2;
        cnt = 0;

    if (abortCnt >= kHungAbortCount) {
      IMPORT_LOG0( "**** Create and send message hung\n");
      IMPORT_LOG1( "Headers: %s\n", m_pHeaders);
      IMPORT_LOG1( "Body: %s\n", m_pBody);
      rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;


  if (pMimeType)
    NS_Free( pMimeType);

  if (pListen->m_location) {
    rv = NS_OK;
  else {
    IMPORT_LOG0( "*** Error, Outlook compose unsuccessful\n");


  return( rv);
Exemplo n.º 7
// Test a message send????
nsresult nsEudoraCompose::SendTheMessage(nsIFile *pMailImportLocation, nsIFile **pMsg)
  nsresult rv = CreateComponents();
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return rv;

  // IMPORT_LOG0("Outlook Compose created necessary components\n");

  nsString bodyType;
  nsString charSet;
  nsString headerVal;
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "From:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "To:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Subject:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Content-type:", headerVal);
  bodyType = headerVal;
  // Use platform charset as default if the msg doesn't specify one
  // (ie, no 'charset' param in the Content-Type: header). As the last
  // resort we'll use the mail default charset.
  // (ie, no 'charset' param in the Content-Type: header) or if the
  // charset parameter fails a length sanity check.
  // As the last resort we'll use the mail default charset.
  if (headerVal.IsEmpty() || (headerVal.Length() > kContentTypeLengthSanityCheck))
    if (headerVal.IsEmpty())
    { // last resort
      if (m_defCharset.IsEmpty())
        nsString defaultCharset;
        NS_GetLocalizedUnicharPreferenceWithDefault(nullptr, "mailnews.view_default_charset",
                                                    NS_LITERAL_STRING("ISO-8859-1"), defaultCharset);
        m_defCharset = defaultCharset;
      headerVal = m_defCharset;
  charSet = headerVal;
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "CC:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Message-ID:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Reply-To:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())

  // what about all of the other headers?!?!?!?!?!?!
  char *pMimeType;
  if (!bodyType.IsEmpty())
    pMimeType = ToNewCString(NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(bodyType));
    pMimeType = ToNewCString(m_bodyType);

  nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> pAttach;
  nsEudoraEditor eudoraEditor(m_pBody, pMailImportLocation);
  nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> embeddedObjects;
  if (eudoraEditor.HasEmbeddedContent())

  nsString uniBody;
  NS_CopyNativeToUnicode(nsDependentCString(m_pBody), uniBody);

    l10n - I have the body of the message in the system charset,
    I need to "encode" it to be the charset for the message
    *UNLESS* of course, I don't know what the charset of the message
    should be?  How do I determine what the charset should
    be if it doesn't exist?


  nsCString body;

  rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode(NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(charSet).get(),
                                    uniBody, body);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv) && !charSet.Equals(m_defCharset)) {
    // in this case, if we did not use the default compose
    // charset, then try that.
    rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode(NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(charSet).get(),
                                     uniBody, body);

  // See if it's a draft msg (ie, no From: or no To: AND no Cc: AND no Bcc:).
  // Eudora saves sent and draft msgs in Out folder (ie, mixed) and it does
  // store Bcc: header in the msg itself.
  nsAutoString from, to, cc, bcc;
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetFrom(from);
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetTo(to);
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetCc(cc);
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetBcc(bcc);
  bool createAsDraft = from.IsEmpty() || (to.IsEmpty() && cc.IsEmpty() && bcc.IsEmpty());

  nsCOMPtr<nsIImportService> impService(do_GetService(NS_IMPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv));

  rv = impService->CreateRFC822Message(
                        s_pIdentity,                  // dummy identity
                        m_pMsgFields,                 // message fields
                        pMimeType,                    // body type
                        body,                         // body pointer
                        pAttach,                      // local attachments
                        m_pListener);                 // listener

  EudoraSendListener *pListen = (EudoraSendListener *)m_pListener;
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    IMPORT_LOG1("*** Error, CreateAndSendMessage FAILED: 0x%lx\n", rv);
    // IMPORT_LOG1("Headers: %80s\n", m_pHeaders);
  else {
    // wait for the listener to get done!
    int32_t abortCnt = 0;
    int32_t cnt = 0;
    int32_t sleepCnt = 1;
    while (!pListen->m_done && (abortCnt < kHungAbortCount)) {
      if (cnt > kHungCount) {
        sleepCnt *= 2;
        cnt = 0;

    if (abortCnt >= kHungAbortCount) {
      IMPORT_LOG0("**** Create and send message hung\n");
      IMPORT_LOG1("Headers: %s\n", m_pHeaders);
      IMPORT_LOG1("Body: %s\n", m_pBody);
      rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;


  if (pMimeType)

  if (pListen->m_location) {
    rv = NS_OK;
  else {
    IMPORT_LOG0("*** Error, Outlook compose unsuccessful\n");


  return rv;
Exemplo n.º 8
void CMapiMessage::GetBody(nsCString& dest) const
  nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode(m_mimeCharset.get(), m_body, dest);