Exemplo n.º 1
static const char *test_base64(void) {
  const char *cases[] = {"test", "longer string"};
  unsigned long i;
  char enc[8192];
  char dec[8192];

  for (i = 0; i < sizeof(cases)/sizeof(cases[0]); i++) {
    ns_base64_encode((unsigned char *)cases[i], strlen(cases[i]), enc);
    ns_base64_decode((unsigned char *)enc, strlen(enc), dec);

    ASSERT(strcmp(cases[i], dec) == 0);
  return NULL;
void dlgVscpInterfaceSettings::OnButtonVscpSetConfigurationClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    CDllWrapper dll;
    CCanalConfObj conf;
    foundMetods meth;
    wxString strDrvInfo;
    wxString path = m_PathToDriver->GetValue();

    if ( 0 == path.Length() ) {
        wxMessageBox( _( "Must have a valid path to the driver." ) );

    // Check that the file exists
    if ( !( ::wxFileExists( path ) ) ) {
        wxMessageBox( _( "The path does not point to a valid file." ) );

    if ( CANAL_ERROR_SUCCESS != dll.loadGetDriverInfo( path, strDrvInfo, &meth ) ) {
        wxMessageBox( _( "Sorry! This driver does not appears to have a stored description of how it should be configurated. Ask the driver maker to include one!" ) );

    char buf[ 256000 ];
    wxCharBuffer wxbuf = strDrvInfo.ToUTF8();

    int baselen = strlen( wxbuf.data() );
    int len = ns_base64_decode( (const unsigned char *)wxbuf.data(), baselen, buf );
    if ( len != baselen ) {
        wxMessageBox( _( "The configurationd ata was either in the wrong form (should have been base64 encoded xml) or it was absent." ) );

    // OK we have valid data - Parse it
    wxString driverinfo = wxString::FromUTF8( buf );
    if ( !conf.parseDriverInfo( driverinfo ) ) {
        wxMessageBox( _( "Failed to parse the configuration data." ) );

    // Start the wizard
    wxString resultConfString;
    wxString str = m_DriverConfigurationString->GetValue();
    uint32_t resultFlags = 0;
    if ( !conf.runWizard( this,
                            vscp_readStringValue( m_DriverFlags->GetValue() ),
                            &resultFlags ) ) {
        wxMessageBox( _( "Failed to run configuration wizard." ) );

    m_DriverConfigurationString->SetValue( resultConfString );
    wxString strWrk = wxString::Format( _( "%lu" ), resultFlags );
    m_DriverFlags->SetValue( strWrk );
