Exemplo n.º 1
	void perturb_emissions( double amount=0.2 )
		assert(amount <= 1.0); assert(amount >= 0.0);
		typedef typename Algo::probability_type P;
		typedef LogspaceDouble<P> logspace_t;

		const size_t N = num_states(*_model);
		const size_t S = num_symbols(*_model);

		for( size_t state=0; state < N; ++state)
			if( _model->is_silent(state) ) continue;
			for( size_t symbol=0; symbol<S; ++symbol )
				const P orig = logspace_t(_model->e(state, symbol), true);

				const P random = _random();

				const P perturbed =
					orig * (1-amount)
					+ random * amount;

											   perturbed); // accepts probability in real space


#ifndef NO_TESTS
#endif //NO_TESTS	
Exemplo n.º 2
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
    rng_type rng;

    trainings_data_type c = gpcxx::generate_evenly_spaced_test_data< 3 >( -5.0 , 5.0 + 0.1 , 0.4 , []( double x1 , double x2 , double x3 ) {
                        return  1.0 / ( 1.0 + pow( x1 , -4.0 ) ) + 1.0 / ( 1.0 + pow( x2 , -4.0 ) ) + 1.0 / ( 1.0 + pow( x3 , -4.0 ) ); } );
    gpcxx::normalize( c.y );

    std::ofstream fout1( "testdata.dat" );
    for( size_t i=0 ; i<c.x[0].size() ; ++i )
        fout1 << c.y[i] << " " << c.x[0][i] << " " << c.x[1][i] << " " << c.x[2][i] << "\n";
    auto eval = gpcxx::make_static_eval< value_type , symbol_type , eval_context_type >(
            fusion::make_vector( 'x' , []( eval_context_type const& t ) { return t[0]; } )
          , fusion::make_vector( 'y' , []( eval_context_type const& t ) { return t[1]; } )
          , fusion::make_vector( 'z' , []( eval_context_type const& t ) { return t[2]; } )          
          ) ,
            fusion::make_vector( 's' , []( double v ) -> double { return std::sin( v ); } )
          , fusion::make_vector( 'c' , []( double v ) -> double { return std::cos( v ); } ) 
          , fusion::make_vector( 'e' , []( double v ) -> double { return std::exp( v ); } ) 
          , fusion::make_vector( 'l' , []( double v ) -> double { return ( std::abs( v ) < 1.0e-20 ) ? log( 1.0e-20 ) : std::log( std::abs( v ) ); } ) 
          ) ,
            fusion::make_vector( '+' , std::plus< double >() )
          , fusion::make_vector( '-' , std::minus< double >() )
          , fusion::make_vector( '*' , std::multiplies< double >() ) 
          , fusion::make_vector( '/' , std::divides< double >() ) 
          ) );
    typedef decltype( eval ) eval_type;
    typedef eval_type::node_attribute_type node_attribute_type;
    typedef gpcxx::basic_tree< node_attribute_type > tree_type;
    typedef std::vector< tree_type > population_type;
    typedef gpcxx::static_pipeline< population_type , fitness_type , rng_type > evolver_type;

    size_t population_size = 1000;
    size_t generation_size = 20;
    double number_elite = 1;
    double mutation_rate = 0.0;
    double crossover_rate = 0.6;
    double reproduction_rate = 0.3;
    size_t min_tree_height = 8 , max_tree_height = 8;
    size_t tournament_size = 15;

    // generators< rng_type > gen( rng );
    auto terminal_gen = eval.get_terminal_symbol_distribution();
    auto unary_gen = eval.get_unary_symbol_distribution();
    auto binary_gen = eval.get_binary_symbol_distribution();
    gpcxx::node_generator< node_attribute_type , rng_type , 3 > node_generator {
        { 2.0 * double( terminal_gen.num_symbols() ) , 0 , terminal_gen } ,
        { double( unary_gen.num_symbols() ) , 1 , unary_gen } ,
        { double( binary_gen.num_symbols() ) , 2 , binary_gen } };

    auto tree_generator = gpcxx::make_ramp( rng , node_generator , min_tree_height , max_tree_height , 0.5 );

    evolver_type evolver( number_elite , mutation_rate , crossover_rate , reproduction_rate , rng );
    std::vector< double > fitness( population_size , 0.0 );
    std::vector< tree_type > population( population_size );

    auto fitness_f = gpcxx::regression_fitness< eval_type >( eval );
    evolver.mutation_function() = gpcxx::make_mutation(
        gpcxx::make_simple_mutation_strategy( rng , node_generator ) ,
        gpcxx::make_tournament_selector( rng , tournament_size ) );
    evolver.crossover_function() = gpcxx::make_crossover( 
        gpcxx::make_one_point_crossover_strategy( rng , max_tree_height ) ,
        gpcxx::make_tournament_selector( rng , tournament_size ) );
    evolver.reproduction_function() = gpcxx::make_reproduce( gpcxx::make_tournament_selector( rng , tournament_size ) );
    gpcxx::timer timer;

    // initialize population with random trees and evaluate fitness
    for( size_t i=0 ; i<population.size() ; ++i )
        tree_generator( population[i] );
        fitness[i] = fitness_f( population[i] , c );
    std::cout << gpcxx::indent( 0 ) << "Generation time " << timer.seconds() << std::endl;
    std::cout << gpcxx::indent( 1 ) << "Best individuals" << std::endl << gpcxx::best_individuals( population , fitness , 1 , 10 ) << std::endl;
    std::cout << gpcxx::indent( 1 ) << "Statistics : " << gpcxx::calc_population_statistics( population ) << std::endl;
    std::cout << gpcxx::indent( 1 ) << std::endl << std::endl;

    for( size_t generation=1 ; generation<=generation_size ; ++generation )
        gpcxx::timer iteration_timer;
        evolver.next_generation( population , fitness );
        double evolve_time = iteration_timer.seconds();
        std::transform( population.begin() , population.end() , fitness.begin() , [&]( tree_type const &t ) { return fitness_f( t , c ); } );
        double eval_time = iteration_timer.seconds();
        std::cout << gpcxx::indent( 0 ) << "Generation " << generation << std::endl;
        std::cout << gpcxx::indent( 1 ) << "Evolve time " << evolve_time << std::endl;
        std::cout << gpcxx::indent( 1 ) << "Eval time " << eval_time << std::endl;
        std::cout << gpcxx::indent( 1 ) << "Best individuals" << std::endl << gpcxx::best_individuals( population , fitness , 2 , 10 ) << std::endl;
        std::cout << gpcxx::indent( 1 ) << "Statistics : " << gpcxx::calc_population_statistics( population ) << std::endl << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Overall time : " << timer.seconds() << std::endl;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
std::string direct_modem<G>::description() const
   std::ostringstream sout;
   sout << "GF(" << num_symbols() << ") Modulation";
   return sout.str();
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	if(argc < 3) 
		fprintf(stderr, "usage: dyldsymboltool obj1 [obj2 ...] outfile\n");



	symbols_dylib_t dylib;
	symbolList_t*	symbols = NULL;

	uint32_t start_addr = 0;
    int i;
	for(i = 1; i < argc-1; i++)
        char line[256];
        char* command = malloc(strlen(argv[1]) + sizeof("nm -g "));
        FILE *fpipe;

        // Parse boot.sys (arg1) to get symtab
        sprintf(command, "nm -g %s", argv[i]);	// TODO: read boot.sym directly, no need for nm
        if ( !(fpipe = (FILE*)popen(command,"r")) )
        {  // If fpipe is NULL
            perror("Problems with pipe");
        while ( fgets( line, sizeof line, fpipe))
            if((strlen(line) < strlen(argv[i]) ||
               strncmp(line, argv[i], strlen(argv[i])) != 0)
                && line[0] != ' ')
                uint32_t address = 0;
                char* addr = strtok(line, " ");
                strtok(NULL, " ");
                char* name = strtok(NULL, " ");
                name[strlen(name)-1] = 0;	// remove newline
                sscanf(addr, "%x", &address);
                if(strcmp(name, VOID_SYMBOL) == 0) 
					start_addr = address;
				if(strcmp(name, START_SYMBOL) == 0)
					if(!start_addr) start_addr = address;
                else add_symbol(&symbols, name, address);
	if(start_addr == 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to locate Symbol.dylib start function\n");
        add_symbol(&symbols, START_SYMBOL, start_addr);
	/* Header command info */
	dylib.header.ncmds = 2;
	dylib.header.sizeofcmds = sizeof(dylib) - sizeof(struct mach_header);// +  dylib.symtab.nsyms * sizeof(struct nlist) + dylib.symtab.strsize;
	dylib.header.magic = MH_MAGIC;
	dylib.header.cputype = CPU_TYPE_X86;
	dylib.header.cpusubtype = /*CPUSUBTYPE_I386*/ 3;
	dylib.header.filetype = MH_DYLIB;
	/* Load Commands - dylib id */
	dylib.dylib_info.cmd = LC_ID_DYLIB;
	dylib.dylib_info.cmdsize = sizeof(struct dylib_command) + sizeof(dylib.module_name);	// todo: verify
	dylib.dylib_info.dylib.name.offset = sizeof(struct dylib_command);
	dylib.dylib_info.dylib.timestamp = 0;	// TODO: populate with time
	dylib.dylib_info.dylib.current_version = 0;			// TODO
	dylib.dylib_info.dylib.compatibility_version = 0;	// TODO
	//int offset = dylib.dylib_info.cmdsize%4 ? 4 - (dylib.dylib_info.cmdsize % 4) : 0;
	//dylib.dylib_info.cmdsize += offset;
	//dylib.header.sizeofcmds += offset;
	sprintf(dylib.module_name, "%s", DYLIB_NAME);
	/* Load Commands - Symtable */
	dylib.symtab.cmd = LC_SYMTAB;
	dylib.symtab.symoff = sizeof(dylib);	
	dylib.symtab.nsyms = num_symbols(symbols);
	dylib.symtab.stroff = sizeof(dylib) + dylib.symtab.nsyms * sizeof(struct nlist);
	dylib.symtab.strsize = string_size(symbols);
	dylib.symtab.cmdsize = sizeof(struct symtab_command);
	FILE* outfile = fopen(argv[argc-1], "w");
	fwrite(&dylib,	sizeof(dylib)	/* Sizeof header + module name */
					, 1, outfile);
	char* symtab = malloc(dylib.symtab.stroff + dylib.symtab.strsize - sizeof(dylib) + 1); // Add extra 1 for last symbol
	bzero(symtab, dylib.symtab.nsyms * sizeof(struct nlist) + dylib.symtab.strsize + 1);
	char* orig = symtab;
	//symtab += offset;
		((struct nlist*)symtab)->n_un.n_strx = symbols->pos;
		((struct nlist*)symtab)->n_type = 0xF;	// TODO: read from boot.sys
		((struct nlist*)symtab)->n_sect = 0;
		((struct nlist*)symtab)->n_desc = REFERENCE_FLAG_DEFINED;
		((struct nlist*)symtab)->n_value = (uint32_t)symbols->addr;
		symtab+= sizeof(struct nlist);
		strcpy(orig + dylib.symtab.stroff - sizeof(dylib) + symbols->pos, symbols->name);

		symbols = symbols->next;

					dylib.symtab.stroff	+					// Sizeof symbol nlists 
					dylib.symtab.strsize - sizeof(dylib) + 1	// sizeof symbol strings
					, 1, outfile);
