Exemplo n.º 1
NUMBER number_add(NUMBER num1, NUMBER num2) {
	int carry, add, i;
	NUMBER res = number_new();

	if (num1.negative) {
		num1.negative = 0;
		return number_subtract(num2, num1);

	if (num2.negative) {
		num2.negative = 0;
		return number_subtract(num1, num2);

	for (i = add = carry = 0; i < num1.numbers || i < num2.numbers || carry; i++, add = 0) {
		if (num1.numbers > i)
			add += num1.number[i];
		if (num2.numbers > i)
			add += num2.number[i];
		add += carry;
		carry = 0;
		number_insert_high(&res, add % 10);
		carry = add / 10;

	return res;
Exemplo n.º 2
tm_obj tm_div( tm_obj a, tm_obj b){
	if( a.type == b.type && a.type == TM_NUM){
		return number_new( get_num(a) / get_num(b) );
	tm_raise("tm_div: can not div  @ and @", a,b );
	return obj_none;
Exemplo n.º 3
tm_obj tm_mod( tm_obj a, tm_obj b){
	if( a.type == b.type && a.type == TM_NUM){
		return number_new((long)get_num(a) %  (long)get_num(b) );
	tm_raise("tm_mod: can not mod  @ and @", a,b );
	return obj_none;
Exemplo n.º 4
static pobject mod(pobject env, pobject params)
    pobject o1 = eval(env, cons_nth(params, 1));
    pobject o2 = eval(env, cons_nth(params, 2));
    return (is_number(o1) && is_number(o2))
         ? gc_add((number_new( (int)number_value(o1) % (int)number_value(o2) )))
         : NIL;
Exemplo n.º 5
void builtin_math_init(pobject *env)
    cons_assoc_set(env, symbol_intern("*pi*"), gc_add(number_new(M_PI)), 1);

    cons_assoc_set(env, symbol_intern("+"),   gc_add(cfunc_new(plus)), 1);
    cons_assoc_set(env, symbol_intern("-"),   gc_add(cfunc_new(minus)), 1);
    cons_assoc_set(env, symbol_intern("*"),   gc_add(cfunc_new(mult)), 1);
    cons_assoc_set(env, symbol_intern("/"),   gc_add(cfunc_new(div)), 1);
    cons_assoc_set(env, symbol_intern("mod"), gc_add(cfunc_new(mod)), 1);
Exemplo n.º 6
static pobject mult(pobject env, pobject params)
    float result = 1;
    while (is_cons(params)) {
        pobject o = eval(env, cons_car(params));
        if (is_number(o))
            result *= number_value(o);
        params = cons_cdr(params);

    return gc_add(number_new(result));
Exemplo n.º 7
NUMBER number_from_string(char *str) {
	NUMBER num;
	int i;

	num = number_new();
	if (*str == '-') {
		num.negative = 1;

	for (i = 0; str[i]; i++)
		number_insert_low(&num, str[i] - 0x30);
	return num;
Exemplo n.º 8
tm_obj _load(char* fname){
	FILE* fp = fopen(fname, "rb");
	if( fp == NULL ){
		tm_raise("load: can not open file \"@\"", str_new(fname, strlen(fname)));
		return obj_none;
	long len = _get_file_rest_len(fp);
	if(len > MAX_FILE_SIZE ){
		tm_raise("load: file too big to load, size = @", number_new(len));
		return obj_none;
	tm_obj text = str_new(NULL, len);
	char* s = get_str(text);
	fread(s, len, 1, fp);
	return text;
Exemplo n.º 9
static pobject div(pobject env, pobject params)
    float result = 0;
    pobject o = eval(env, cons_car(params)); 
    if (is_number(o)) {
        result = number_value(o);
        params = cons_cdr(params);
        if (is_cons(params)) {
            while (is_cons(params)) {
                pobject o = eval(env, cons_car(params));
                if (is_number(o))
                    result /= number_value(o); /* TODO: division by zero error handling */
                params = cons_cdr(params);

    return gc_add(number_new(result));
Exemplo n.º 10
NUMBER number_subtract(NUMBER num1, NUMBER num2) {
	int borrow, sub, i, j, flip;
	NUMBER tmp, res = number_new();

	if (num2.negative) {
		num2.negative = 0;
		return number_add(num1, num2);

	if (num1.negative) {
		num1.negative = 0;
		res = number_add(num2, num1);
		res.negative = 1;
		return res;

	flip = !number_greater(num1, num2);
	if (flip) {
		tmp = num1;
		num1 = num2;
		num2 = tmp;

	for (i = sub = borrow = 0; i < num1.numbers || i < num2.numbers || borrow; i++, sub = 0) {
		if (num2.numbers > i)
			sub = num2.number[i];
		sub += borrow;
		if (num1.numbers > i) {
			num1.number[i] -= sub;
			for (j = 0; num1.number[i] < 0; j++, num1.number[i] += 10);
			number_insert_high(&res, num1.number[i]);
			borrow = j;
		} else {
			number_insert_high(&res, sub % 10);
			borrow = sub / 10;
	if (flip)
		res.negative = 1;

	return res;
Exemplo n.º 11
static pobject minus(pobject env, pobject params)
    float result = 0;
    pobject o = eval(env, cons_car(params)); 
    if (is_number(o)) {
        result = number_value(o);
        params = cons_cdr(params);
        if (is_cons(params)) {
            while (is_cons(params)) {
                pobject o = eval(env, cons_car(params));
                if (is_number(o))
                    result -= number_value(o);
                params = cons_cdr(params);
        } else {
            result = -result;

    return gc_add(number_new(result));
Exemplo n.º 12
tm_obj tm_mul( tm_obj a, tm_obj b){
	if( a.type == b.type && a.type == TM_NUM){
		return number_new( get_num(a) * get_num(b) );
	if( a.type == TM_NUM && b.type == TM_STR){
		tm_obj temp = a;
		a = b;
		b = temp;
	if( a.type == TM_STR && b.type == TM_NUM){
		if( get_str_len(a) == 0) return a;
		tm_obj str = str_new(NULL, get_int(b) * get_str_len(a) );
		char* s = get_str(str);
		int i;for(i = 0; i < get_str_len(str) ; i+= get_str_len(a)){
			memcpy( s + i , get_str(a), get_str_len(a));
		return str;
	tm_raise("tm_mul: can not mul  @ and @", a,b );
	return obj_none;
Exemplo n.º 13
tm_obj tm_and( tm_obj a, tm_obj b){
	return number_new(_tm_bool(a) && _tm_bool(b));
Exemplo n.º 14
tm_obj tm_has(tm_obj a, tm_obj b){
	return number_new( _tm_has(a, b));
Exemplo n.º 15
tm_obj tm_not_equals( tm_obj a, tm_obj b){
	return number_new(!tm_eq(a,b));
Exemplo n.º 16
tm_obj t_tm_equals(tm_obj a, tm_obj b){
	return number_new( tm_eq(a,b));
Exemplo n.º 17
tm_obj tm_or( tm_obj a, tm_obj b){
	return number_new(_tm_bool(a) || _tm_bool(b));
Exemplo n.º 18
tm_obj tm_mtime(tm_obj p){
    char const *s = get_str_arg(p, 0);
    struct stat stbuf;
    if (!stat(s,&stbuf)) { return number_new(stbuf.st_mtime); }